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^aa* UB07 ' 9 2001 MONDAY FEBRIARY 19, 2001 VOL. 78, No. 37 reeze James Madison University Dukes Clean House A Class Act The Diamond Dukes swept a dou- Acting Out provides an outlet Fairy Tale Fun for creativity as well as a sup- 435-Rlde Gets New Ride ble-header with Radford U. this 1 "Into the Woods" creates a magi- weekend, 5-3 and 14-6. Catch the port system for JMU students Marty Solomon, a.k.a. "the free cal world where storybook charac- game recap and season preview. and area youth. ride guy," will raffle his famed car ters follow a new path. Page 12 Page 16 Pag* 11 at the semesters end. Page 3 HPD Dukes make J releases history, end riot ODU's streak report Monarchs defeated, 49-48; BY K.C. GARDNER First Dominion loss since '95 staff writer BY DRI-.W WILSON ■pottananaMp.' Sonic (MM■Hun .ind concerns stiiflwriter The Dukes opened the game surrounding the I orest HilU 8-0, shutting out ODU in the riol last August remain unan- Coach Bud Childers first nine minutes until senior swered following the reseaae of described it as the "best of forwanl Hamchetou Maiga hit a brief evaluation of the incident times, the worst of times and a jump shot to put tin- I aCrj by the Hamsonburg Police the best of times." Monarchs on the board. Department. On the eve ot si\ years exact- "Wv knew coming out we On Feb. 9,1larrisonburi; Police ly since Old Dominion had to play tougli defense," c hiet D.G. Harper released a University's last CAA loss, the sophomore forward Nadlne two-page sumnui-. Dukes accomplished what Morgan said inch thick report regarding the other teams have not been able ad Dominion held JMU to circumstances involved m ihe to do: End the Lady Monarchs' just 4 points over the next seven Aug. 25 riot. The summary 1 1 3 - g a m e minutes, allow- offenxl limited information and CAA winning -6 6— — ing them to propo^-d significant eliangcs in streak, beating come Kick and JMU police autliont\ ODU 49-48. I told them they had the take | IS-I4 "We never lead with 3:07 Should |\U police patrol talk about the chance to do something that left in (he lust off campus? streak." ODU people might remember 50 h a I f. J M U The report recom mended coach Wendv regained the that JMU poUoe lake a larger I arr\ said. "We years from now. lead before role in handling illegal activlt) never haw and going into the off campus. It the n-eonimenda- never will." -Bud Childers locker rcxim tion receives approval fmm the Despite Women'. Bastard] Coach after sopho- university. JMU police authority holding JMU more guard Jess would extend to mom off-cam- to just one 99— Cichowicz hit pUS student housing areas. field goal in one of two free Harper said ( urrently, JMU the final seven muiules, the throws with 0.7 seconds ti > gi > potter's lurtocbctton is limited to Lady Monarchs could not con- "In the first half, neither of the campus and the areas of vert in the last seconds as both us had our best haUcs." Morgan said. sbmets ili.it adjom campus. beams scrambled on the floor Harper -said he would like to for tlx* ball as time ran out. Maiga's field goal to start tin- have tlh' new plan in place "I told them they had the second halt put ODL back on top. but two tree throws by before the end of the Mtneattt chain e to do something that (-•..pi,- niif-tl( rriTM-ml • ■ •■' i\n I hi numtxT ol |\H police tiom now,' Childers said. "Ton The Lady Monachs' freshman involved would depend OH their do not get that chance very guard Mynah Spence connect- resource! IMi police may ed with a jumper, but junior patrol with I larrisonburg olti- often v>u have the opportunity man hont MK\ a halt to do some- guard Allvson Keener '• tWO cers or o\\ their own. depending thing that w ill In e v\ ith you tin1 nee IIHOUS ,it the omei end on Ox- arrangement BBtsfrUahCQ rest nt your Ufa It is something allowed JMU to maintain the between the two departments these piavers wanted lead, Harper is Making the \l\ h.ii ajoaa ott to the Old A3-pointerbv keener alone, approval ol the Harrisonburg Dominion team," Childers said. M itli a jump shot by senior lot C itv C OUndl On the rivommen- Alter the ball game, tlicv (Hi see MONARCHS, iw^ 17 Sophomore forward Nadlne Morgan had a game high 16 points and 13 rebounds In the played some tremendous mfOUCB,page4 Dukes stunning 49-48 upset of Old Dominion. Race still 'Rules' Author discusses racism in America BY ANNA CULBRETH contributing writer A discussion about race rela- tions in modern-day Amelia \\ as presented to a near-full \\ ilson Hall audience Thursday by M) acclaimed autlior and HKKt (.\HKI1 l*sh,ftpluliitH/lm well-known scholar. Michael Eric Dyaon, author of "Race Rules: Navigating the Color Speaking in honor ot lll.uk Una," spoke Thursday about racism today and In America's Nstory. History Month, Michael Eric Dyson, presently the Ida B. aiound racism, and amtront it After discussing the manites K \H\ \ M III lAS'iMff/ilN'Me'iy/wi Well's-Barnett University profes- head on, lie said. tation of racism and exploring Working to raise support and awareness, Note-oriety. above, performs at the Save Our Sports sor and professor of religious I li aaid many people consider the stHial lajuai Bjovemad by Jockapella concert last Tuesday night In Wilson Hall. studies at Del'aul Univcisitv. racism to be outdated bigotrv, hut race Dyaon pieaentad tlu-audi provided a powerful dialogue it still exists, lomttitnaa aubtty, Ln ence with a final mission about the repercussions of pteju- sonetv I le used the OJ. Simpson "One, we must relfbrate dil- due n«oted in American history murder trial as an example of An ference without hierarcln/' he Sports teams propose on the present state of the anin- even! that had an underlying said. "Two, we must not tran- Iry. Much ol lus discussion was theme of race relatu >i is scend race but rather negative based on his Nx.k "Race Rules: \uwpoints about race Three, Navigating tlw Color Line." -ii we must Ix1 race spentk with- Dvson opened his hour-long out bains nca axduaiva student fee increase speech by asking the audience Race is America's Dyson spok<' using a combi- During one ot SOS's recent irdng, ivchery, wiestling, tennis to consider the current status ot nation of academic terms and BY SARAH JONH original sin. wealth meetings, students .lis- and gymnastics, the students African Americans. Me said the contemporary speech st\ \»- senior writer 1 incorporating urban slang to cusscil tin ISSIK'S surrounding have discussed the Idea of rais- conclusion that can be reached — Michael Eric Dvson is that race still niles eodaty hold the luxnence'i attsntton. Sav« Out Sports hat been the tinanci.il problems facing ing student lees to provide author anil scholar tin- .ithUii, department sos )MU with the hinds needed to "Race is America s original "He combined pop culture struggling tor monthi to OHM sin." Dvson said, "However ... and hlslOiy In a very el(K|uent up with other options tli.it members said part ol tin rea- keep then teams 1 son IIK-S*' MEM amid tx elimi- Other learns, namely men's we are the United States ot way" junior Beth Godfa) said could convince Athietu AmiMBla Dyaon outlined the context, Dj'son noted examples to Director |efl Bourne, end ulti- nated is because the taSleth cross .ountry and brack and department doesn't have Held .ire also scheduled to sut- He said Americana try to nibted and pretext ol race in indicate the manitestalion of mately me Bond ol VbMon <*> 1 "old stvlc pieiudice lOOtBd in a enough money to adequately ler seven rosier psductions, avoid tlx issue that the Ugly Ins Amcri.a He said the .oiitcxt keep .ill ol IMI - airrvnt 27 lory of bigotry in America is still was the facts of race and new Style rhetoric." tund .ill 27 team PlopOBBd cuts |o men's nuloor varsity teams, TrttougrHHithisspn-vli. I >\S,MI Sinn- funding has become ,1 .imi outdoor brack beam will aine He MM people need to American history. Hie subtext ■sos i- .in student organiza- nah/e that realities must be ivaj the tuiKtion ol race In usiil Ivrics trom rap artist^ such tion composed ot student-ath- central Issue in the constdera- reduce tin- teams to 24 mem- bei ■ loesoi 19and 17athletes cotiftonbid in oMer to avoid American siviety. Ihe pretax) as SnOOp I*">;j; and lupac letes horn tin- eight kHUnl fee- m,n (ot keeping 01 cutting women's fencing, archery, adverse COflMauenflBS. Teople was how race is pul i»> UM and ing the possibility ol tin" awn sr SOS, page 4 must navigate through, not perjvtuales in sixiety MV RACISM, page 5 being cut from JMU athletloi gymnastics, and nuns -uini Monday, February 19, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR MONDAY, FEB. 19 Environment' by Dr Ralph Grove. 12:20 to 1:10 p.m., Hillcrest NEWS House • Science Fiction/Fantasy Guild meeting, 7 p.m.. Taylor 311 435-RIDE raffle 3 • Campus Assault ResponsE (CARE) meeting, 6:15 p.m., Taylor TUESDAY, FEB. 20 311.