
Vol. 14: 91–106, 2011 ENDANGERED RESEARCH Published online June 8 doi: 10.3354/esr00347 Endang Species Res


Global in longline

Orea R. J. Anderson1,*, Cleo J. Small1, John P. Croxall2, Euan K. Dunn1, Benedict J. Sullivan1, Oliver Yates3, Andrew Black1, 4

1BirdLife International Global Seabird Programme, Royal Society for the Protection of , Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, UK 2BirdLife International Global Seabird Programme, BirdLife International, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA, UK 3BirdLife International Global Seabird Programme, Casilla 145, La Serena, Chile 4Present address: Fisheries Department, Government, PO Box 598, Stanley, FIQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands

ABSTRACT: Bycatch in longline fisheries is believed to govern the adverse conservation status of many seabird species, but no comprehensive global assessment has been undertaken. We reviewed the extent of seabird bycatch in all longline fisheries for which data are available. Despite the many inadequacies and assumptions contained therein, we estimated that at least 160 000 (and potentially in excess of 320 000) are killed annually. Most frequently caught are , and , with current levels of mortality liable to be unsustainable for some species and popula- tions. Where realistic comparisons can be made, with data from the 1990s, there is evidence of sub- stantially reduced bycatch in some key fisheries. Reductions stem from decreased effort (especially in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the Southern ), and greater and more effective use of technical mitigation measures, notably in demersal fisheries. However, bycatch problems in other fisheries have also emerged. Current concerns include those with previously unidentified bycatch problems (e.g. Spanish Gran Sol demersal fleet) and those where bycatch was identified, but where persistent data gaps prevented adequate assessments of the scale of the impact (e.g. Nordic demersal fisheries). Future assessments will only achieve greater precision when mini- mum standards of data collection, reporting and analysis are implemented by fleets and the relevant regional management organisations. Those fisheries in which bycatch has been substantially reduced demonstrate that the problem of seabird bycatch could be reduced to negligible proportions by enforced implementation of appropriate best-practice mitigation devices and techniques.

KEY WORDS: Bycatch · Seabirds · Albatrosses · Global · Threats ·

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INTRODUCTION similar threats (ACAP 2009). All of these procellari- iform species are extremely wide-ranging, and their Seventeen of the 22 species of are threat- distributions overlap considerably with areas targeted ened with (IUCN 2010), with the key threat by the world’s fishing fleets (BirdLife International to most species recognised as incidental mortality 2004). Albatrosses and petrels, along with other (bycatch) associated with fisheries (Robertson & Gales seabirds, come into conflict with fisheries when they 1998). A further 7 species of ( and forage behind vessels for bait and waste. The inci- Macronectes spp.) listed under the Agreement on the dental mortality of seabirds on longlines was first Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), face reported from band recoveries in the early 1980s

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2011 · www.int-res.com 92 Endang Species Res 14: 91–106, 2011

(Morant et al. 1983, Croxall et al. 1984), resulting from 2008a, Rivera et al. 2008), only 1 attempt has been birds being caught and drowned on hooks while trying made to collate seabird bycatch data from longline to snatch bait as the lines are set (Brothers 1991). More fisheries on a global scale (Nel & Taylor 2003). Further- recently, the threat posed by trawl fisheries (whereby more, that study focused only on fisheries catching seabirds can become entangled in nets during shoot- globally threatened seabirds (i.e. those listed on the ing and hauling, or are killed by collision with warp IUCN Red List in 2000), and did not attempt to estimate cable as they forage behind the vessel) has also an overall global bycatch level. In addition, most of the become apparent (Bartle 1991, Weimerskirch et al. data available to Nel & Taylor (2003) related to years 2000, Sullivan et al. 2006). Even in comparison with prior to 2000. Considerable new data have been other seabird species, are highly K- reported since then, and several new longline fish- selected, so increases in adult mortality readily have eries, thought likely to interact with seabirds, have significant adverse impacts on a population, several commenced. All this makes a new and comprehensive times more so than the loss of young birds (Croxall & review very timely. Such a review also needs to pro- Rothery 1991, Véran et al. 2007, Igual et al. 2009). vide clear explanations of the interpretations and However, quantifying the scale of the problem is diffi- extrapolations inherent in working with sparse data cult due to the diverse and remote nature of many of provided in a wide variety of formats and with highly the world’s fisheries, the lack of systematic reporting, variable completeness and accuracy. and the nature of seabird bycatch rates themselves, The present study aims to (1) review published and which can be highly variable. Nevertheless, several unpublished seabird bycatch data for longline fisheries reviews have concluded that recent and/or current worldwide and provide a comprehensive annotated reported levels of seabird bycatch are demographi- archive of such information for future comparisons; (2) cally unsustainable for the populations involved (Crox- generate new estimates of seabird bycatch (including all et al. 1998, Tuck et al. 2001, Arnold et al. 2006, Bar- at a global scale) and compare these with previous braud et al. 2009, Thompson et al. 2009, Rivalan et al. reviews; (3) identify reasons for changes and emerging 2010). bycatch problems; (4) highlight continuing data gaps; Historically, fishermen have had mixed relationships and (5) indicate future challenges and provide recom- with seabirds. Aggregations of birds have been used to mendations for priority actions. indicate profitable fishing grounds (Crawford & Shel- ton 1978), whereas catching non-target species, like seabirds, results in time lost through removing dead METHODS birds from hooks/nets, and fish catches foregone due to bait loss; these are detrimental to fishing activities Data on seabird bycatch. We reviewed the available and their economic efficiency. There is therefore, at published and unpublished literature on seabird and least potentially, a common interest from conservation longline fishery interactions to obtain a comprehensive and fishery management perspectives alike in inventory of the most recent estimates (up to 2009) for addressing this problem. In recent years, an effective seabird bycatch from longline fisheries around the response has emerged from the increasing variety and world. All bird species caught on longlines were efficacy of technical measures designed to mitigate, included in the review. and even eliminate, incidental catches of seabirds (e.g. Where available, bycatch data from several years Brothers et al. 1999, Bull 2007, FAO 2008, BirdLife were combined in order to calculate an average num- International & ACAP 2009). Despite this, there is con- ber of seabirds caught per year in each fishery. Where siderable evidence that many fisheries do not use rec- changes in fisheries practice were obvious (e.g. imple- ommended best-practice mitigation measures (e.g. mentation of new mitigation measures), data were FAO 2008), which likely results in rates and levels of selected to reflect the current situation, as far as data bycatch which may not have changed substantially availability allowed. since the problem was first identified. In some cases, extracting relevant data was rela- Despite bycatch in fisheries being the main contribu- tively straightforward. However, in many cases, tory factor influencing the adverse conservation status assumptions, estimations and extrapolations were of many albatross and petrel species, there have been required. These are described in full in the Supple- few attempts either to estimate the full magnitude of ment (available at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/ the problem, or to indicate which data may be suffi- n014p091_supp.pdf) for each fishery examined (see ciently reliable to provide baselines for future compar- Table 1). Two important examples are as follows. isons. While several papers have reviewed seabird Firstly, for fisheries where seabird bycatch rate data bycatch rates in longline fisheries in various regions (usually expressed as birds per unit effort, BPUE) were (e.g. Brothers 1991, Dunn & Steel 2001, Bugoni et al. reported, but only for a sample of a fishery (a common Anderson et al.: Seabird bycatch in longline fisheries 93

event), these were scaled up to the level of the whole poral coverage of observer effort = Poor; low rela- fishery using the relevant ratio of fishing effort. This tive spatial or temporal coverage of observer effort assumes that bycatch rates are homogeneous across = Medium; high relative spatial and temporal cov- the areas and times in question. Secondly, for several erage of observer effort = Good); (iii) the extent of key fishing fleets, no data are available on seabird spatial and/or temporal variability in the bycatch bycatch. In those cases where bycatch rates were rates across the fishery, where known (i.e. high spa- available from an analogous fishery (in terms of fishing tial and temporal variability = Poor; high spatial or method, target species and geographical area), and temporal variability = Medium; low spatial and data were available on the magnitude and distribution temporal variability = Good). Given that sources did of effort of the fishery in question, an extrapolation was not always report on all of these sub-categories, the made on this basis. overall score for ‘Accuracy’ was based on the sub- In order to provide some indication of the accuracy of category into which the majority of variables (i) to the estimate of average number of birds killed in each (iii) fell. If only 2 sub-categories were reported on fishery, a range around this figure was derived for as and their scores differed, an informed opinion was many fisheries as possible. Some sources included esti- taken as to which category was most representative mates of standard deviation or confidence limits of the data source as a whole. around mean seabird bycatch rates. However, many Comparison with previous reviews. Results were did not or could not provide such estimates, and upper compared with the review by Nel & Taylor (2003). and lower ranges were more commonly available. Since that study focused only on fisheries catching Where range values were not provided in the source, threatened seabird species (predominantly albatrosses these were calculated based on the upper and lower and petrels), it did not cover all the fisheries discussed BPUE rates reported and the range in fishing effort in our review. across years (lower estimate = lowest BPUE × lowest Data verification. Data were split by country and/or total fishing effort; upper estimate = highest BPUE × region and sent to relevant seabird and fishery experts highest total fishing effort). Where the required input for review (see ‘Acknowledgements’). variables were not available, no range was estimated. For estimating seabird bycatch associated with illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, data were RESULTS taken from the review by the Marine Resources and Assessment Group (MRAG 2005). The results of the review of seabird bycatch in long- Data reliability. We devised a measure to indicate line fisheries are shown in Table 1. Data were collected how reliably the estimated values may reflect the true on 68 fisheries, and cover those operating in exclusive total seabird bycatch in each fishery. A scoring system economic zones (EEZs) as well as the high . was developed to account for the 3 main sources of Extrapolated data are indicated in Table 1 in square error observed to occur within the datasets, each of brackets. Full notes on how each estimate was derived which was scored as ‘Poor’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Good’. The are provided in the Supplement. In relation to the data final classification of reliability was based on the low- reliability score, 15 estimates were scored as having a est ranking in any of the 3 categories. ‘Good’ level of reliability, 23 were scored as ‘Medium’, (1) Age of bycatch data: 1986–1994 = Poor, 1995–1999 = and 30 were scored as ‘Poor’ (see Table S1 in the Medium, 2000–2009 = Good. Supplement). (2) Source of bycatch data: all bycatch data derived The sum of the estimated average number of from another fishery = Poor; bycatch data partially seabirds killed in the 68 longline fisheries in Table 1 derived from another fishery = Medium; all data equals ca. 160 000 seabirds killed globally each year in derived directly from the fishery in question = fisheries for which data are available. The 10 fleets Good. with the highest levels of seabird bycatch are shown in (3) Accuracy: this reflects several different variables as Fig. 1 and include the Spanish fleet in the Gran follows: (i) the level of observer coverage from Sol area, the Japanese pelagic fleet in the North which a bycatch estimate was calculated (<5% = Pacific, the Namibian hake fleet and the Nordic dem- Poor, 5–20% = Medium, >20% = Good), where per- ersal fleets. The data reliability score for 9 of the top 10 cent coverage is ideally defined as the proportion of fleets was ‘Poor’. hooks monitored relative to fleet fishing effort, but The sum of the upper ranges of the 68 fisheries may also represent the proportion of sets or vessels equals ca. 320 000 seabirds killed per year. This value monitored; (ii) the spatial and temporal extent of is heavily influenced by the Norwegian demersal fleet the observer coverage from which a bycatch esti- (estimated average of 6514 birds caught each year, but mate was calculated (low relative spatial and tem- with an upper range of 101 380 birds yr–1). Other fleets

94 Endang Species Res 14: 91–106, 2011 Source

unpubl.) DFO (2007) DFO Canada (2007) Favero et al. (2003) Lawrence et al. (2009) Baker et al. (2007) (2007) Reliability

(Continued on next page)

period Bycatch data Bycatch

shery scale – Ind: industrial; Art: artisanal. FE period FE

for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna; IOTC: for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna; annual bycatch annual

fishing; EEZ: exclusive economic zone; HS: high seas;

d. BPUE: birds per unit effort (in birds per 1000 hooks). Range in total in Range

fish; Gf: groundfish; Gr: grouper; Gu: gurnard; Had: had- scalefish; Sh: ; Sk: skate; Sn: snapper; SBT: southern scalefish; Sh: shark; Sk: skate; Sn: snapper; SBT:


Annual total Annual

Mean BPUE Mean Observed FE Observed


–1 Range in FE in Range

sets yr 497 boats Mean FE Mean (or %, where indicated). Data in square brackets are extrapolated


Target species Target

Fishery scale Fishery

(mo) Fishery active Fishery

Feb–Mar) Fishery type Fishery

Fishing effort (FE) is given in hooks yr Location

Benguela Current,S Atlantic Eastern Australia Gr, Ln St Lawrence 20000 Grand Banks (IPHC) (excl. sub–areas listed below) 58.6 (Crozet) 58.5.1 (Kerguelen)S Chile, Pacific (excl. S Chile, Pacific 21460000

EEZ or HS or EEZ Country Canada EEZ Atlantic D Ind Hal, Ha, Sk 3–10% 0.016 500 1986–1999 M et al. in Cooper Canada EEZ Scotia Shelf, P Ind Tu, Sw 3–10% 0.032 1400 1986–1999 M et al. in Cooper ArgentinaAustralia EEZAustralia Patagonian shelf EEZ DAustralia Southern and EEZBrazil All Eastern AustraliaBrazil D EEZ P Western AustraliaCanada Ind P All All Both To, Ki SW Atlantic EEZ All Itaipava Ind EEZ Ind Gulf of [1440000] Sc, Sh Ind P Tu, Bf Tu, Bf All 6700000 P 8443782 Oct–Feb D 1500000 Ind Art Sw, Tu Do 270166 9000000 0.04 455964 Ind [0.001] 0.0248 497 boats 200000 [58] 10 [209] Gf 0.023 227– 50 788446 40717 0.229 0.15 [2061] 2009 2007 2007 [324–4878] [10000– 1999–2001 2002–2005 M 2006 2004 [Max. 9107] 5–10% 2007 M E. Frere (pers comm.), Baker & Finley (2008) [0.0072] 2001–2007 [~150] 2006 G M [~100–200] 2004 Baker & Finley (2008), Bugoni et al. (2008a) 2001–2006 M P 2001 (2007), AFMA Bugoni et al. (2008b) 2001 M Canada (2007) DFO Angola Both S Angola, P All Ind Tu, Sw, Sh, 3500000 0 [0.07] [245] 2000–2004 2004, 2006 P Petersen et al. (2007, CanadaCanadaCCAMLR EEZ British ColumbiaCCAMLR EEZ HS D British Columbia Convention Area Mar–NovCCAMLR D EEZ D Ind French EEZChile EEZ All French EEZ HalChile D IndChile Sep–Aug Ind 7515000 D EEZChile Ind NW Patagonia, Sep–Aug To EEZ Rf Ind NW Patagonia, D To EEZ 30330900 Both S Chile, Pacific D [4146000] FAO Area 87 To D 8.1% 4524240 Sep–Dec [0.0071] P 21134790 Ind Art Mar–Nov 54 Ind/Art Art [43%] [5.9%] To Ha Sw [0.017] 24.6% 0 To 72 24.6% 0.0305 4137000 1800000 2500000 1999–2002 0.0585 131 0 19570000 1999–2002 1244 17680000– M Smith & Morgan (2005) 88280 1508500 0.047 1999–2002 330632 90000 1999–2002 437 2007–2008 0.03 0 2007–2008 M [0.29] 2007–2008 2007–2008 Smith & Morgan (2005) 2007–2008 [54] 2007–2008 G [725] G CCAMLR (2008) G 0 CCAMLR (2008) 517–923 CCAMLR (2008) 2007 2002 2002 2007 2002 2006 1999, 2002 M Moreno et al. G P Moreno et al. (2006) Moreno et al. (2006) 2006 G Moreno et al. (2008) IPHC: International Pacific Commission; IATTC: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; ICCAT: International Commission Commission; ICCAT: Tuna Tropical Inter-American IPHC: International Pacific Halibut Commission; IATTC: and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. Fishery Commission; WCPFC: Western typeIndian Ocean Tuna – D: demersal; P: pelagic. Fi species: Al: ;Target Ba: bass; Bf: billfish; Bl: bluefish; Bn: bluenose; Br: bream; Co: ; Do: dolphinfish; Fin: fin dock; Ha: hake; Hal: halibut; Hp: hapuka; Ki: kingclip; Ln: linefish; Li: ling; MM: mahi mahi; Rf: rockfish; Sa: sablefish; Sc: tusk; Wf: wreckfish. Reliability tuna; Tus: toothfish; Tu: bluefin tuna; Sw: ; Ra: ray; To: – P: Poor; M: Medium; G: Goo Table 1. CurrentTable levels of seabird mortality associated with longline fisheries worldwide. IUU: illegal, unregulated unreported Anderson et al.: Seabird bycatch in longline fisheries 95

n Source

unpubl.) (2009) (2009) Løkkeborg (2003) J. Mangel et al. (unpubl.) IATTC (2006) Huang et al. (2008c) Valeiras & Caminas (2003) Moon et al. (2005) Huang et al. (2008a) Huang et al. (2008c) Reliability

(Continued on next page)


Bycatch data Bycatch

FE period FE

annual bycatch annual Range in total in Range

30650 [10000] [20000] ICES (2009)

bycatch Annual total Annual

–1 Mean BPUE Mean


Observed FE Observed Range in FE in Range 160643000 145106000 281473000

Table 1 (continued) Table

Mean FE Mean

Target species Target

Fishery scale Fishery


Fishery active Fishery

Fishery type Fishery Location

S Atlantic 3500000 EEZ predominantly Chatham Rise Salaverry E Kamchatka S Atlantic 43600000 4000000 of 20°S (IATTC waters) S Atlantic (ICCAT waters) (IOTC waters)

EEZ or HS or EEZ Country Namibia Both Benguela Current, P All Ind Tu, Sw, Sh 2900000 2500000– >30770 0.07 206 2002–2004 2004, 2006 P Petersen et al. (2007, New Zealand EEZ NE and SW P All Ind Tu, Sw 3719000 955519 0.196 715 567–883 2006–2007 2006–2007 G Abraham & Thompson New Zealand EEZ Campbell Plateau, D All IndLi, Bn, Hp, Ba, NZ Sn38164000 2344205 0.026 1122 579–1777 2006–2007 2006–2007 M Abraham & Thompso NorwayNorwayPeru Both NE Atlantic Both NE Atlantic Both D Ilo, Callao, Winter D Summer Ind P Ind Had, Tus [221613000] Had, Tus All [90518000] Art MM Sh, 760000 63250000 [126700] 0.02 0.023 [4432] [2082] [2216–8865] [1177–101380] 2007 2007 354222 1996–1999 1996–1999 0.0028 P P 190 Dunn & Steel (2001) Dunn & Steel (2001), 2002 2005–2006 P Pro Delphinus (2006), PeruRussiaRussiaSouth Africa HS Both EEZ W Bering , 12–18° S Benguela Current, Both D of Okhotsk Sea D May–Aug All D D May–Aug Ind Hal, Rf Co, Ind Ind All [69225000] Hal, Rf Co, [26219000] Ha Ind 30000000 To [2700000] 15200000– [0.092] 450000– 1100000 [6314] [1017868] 0.0075 0.011 225 [288] 107–327 2000–2006 2003–2004 2000–2006 2003–2004 M P Petersen (2008) et al. (2006) Artyukhin 2004 2004–2005 P et al. (2006) Artyukhin 2003 P & Cardenas (2003) Goya ChinaChinaChinese Taipei HS HSChinese Taipei Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean HS HSChinese Taipei Pacific Ocean P W Pacific Ocean HSFaroes P Indian Ocean P All PIceland All All PJapan All Both Ind N Atlantic IndJapan All Both IndKorea N Atlantic Ind Tu Tu HS Ind Tu D Tu Mainly south 112909000 HS D 59799000– 35285000 All HS Tu N Pacific 15602000 26103000 118206000 E Pacific Ocean P 0.0075 All 82978000– Ind 253412000 936 5348000 P All 197793000– Co, Had, Tus [0.045] Ind 153106000 6407000 P 634–1364 Co, Had, Tus 1660 AllNamibia 0.048 367000000 2002–2006 Ind All 544–2628 96070 0 2002–2006 1512 Ind M 2002–2006 SBT [0.00] 332–3763 EEZ Huang et al. (2008a) 2002–2006 Ind [0.00] Benguela Current, 2002–2006 M [0] D Tu [26361073] Huang et al. (2008b) 2002–2006 [0] 0 Tu, Sw P All 0 Huang et al. (2008c) 36345000 [0.02] [3062] [0.02] Ind Upper range [1607229] 1997–1998 [7340] Upper range [0.23] 1997–1998 2001 Ha P [6299] 2006 2007 [1163–14182] Dunn & Steel (2001) 51533 2006–2007 120000000 2002–2006 2006–2007 2008 [0.02] M P 1996 Minami et al. (2009) [727] Xu et al. (2007), P 0 & Zhu (2008) Dai P Dunn & Steel (2001), 456000 [0.145] 20200 2004–2005 14540 Upper range 2004–2005 2000–2003 P IATTC (2006), 2006 P Petersen (2008) 1994–2000 P & Myers (2001) Crowder China HS E Pacific Ocean P All Ind Tu 43289000Mediterranean 304390 EEZ Mediterranean [0.02] [866] P All Ind Tu, Al Sw, 2003 19489389 2003 P et al. (2006), Dai 0 [0.0133] [259] [40–448] 2002–2006 1999–2000 P ICCAT (2008), Korea HS Atlantic Ocean P All Ind Tu, Al 670000 0 [0.10] [67] 2002–2006 2002–2006 P ICCAT (2008), Korea HS Indian Ocean P All Ind Tu 2556115 0 [0.038] [97] 2002–2006 2002–2006 P IOTC (unpubl. data), Mediterranean EEZ Maltese waters D All Art Sh [~1460 fishers] 146 fishers 1.41 1220 2006 2006 P et al. (2008) Dimech

96 Endang Species Res 14: 91–106, 2011 Source yan et al. (unpubl.)

(pers. comm.) Smith & Morgan (2005) Rivera et al. (2008) Rivera et al. (2008) L. Enriquez (pers. comm.) Mejuto et al. (2007a) unpubl.) Lawson (2007) IOTC (unpubl. data) Huang et al. (2008a) et al. (2009)


period Bycatch data Bycatch

1998–2005 Cortes (2005),

FE period FE

annual bycatch annual

Range in total in Range


Annual total Annual

Mean BPUE Mean Observed FE Observed

[18.1%] (unpubl.) Conservation Range in FE in Range

Table 1 (continued) Table

Mean FE Mean Target species Target Tu 100% 0.23 2005 G

(excl. Hal) Fishery scale Fishery

Ind Ha, Br [55860119] 238025 1.008 56,307 2006–2007 2006–2007 P P. Arcos (SEO/BirdLife)

(mo) –1

Fishery active Fishery

Fishery type Fishery Location

SW Ireland (Islas Malvinas) Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean (domestic fleet) (IATTC waters) (WCPFC waters) (Asian fleet) (Asian fleet) Indian Ocean 2600000 Islands,Mediterranean P and

EEZ or HS or EEZ Country South Africa EEZ Indian Ocean P Ind Tu 2846000 2846000 0.05 141 2008 2008 GR G. P. UK EEZ Falkland Islands D All Ind To 9355201 1693585 0.002 16 8–24 [8] 2005–2006 2005–2006 M Falklands UKUKUKUruguayUSA EEZUSA Both South Georgia EEZ Atlantic S Tristan da Cunha EEZ Tristan da Cunha EEZ P D Alaska D Mar–Jul EEZ All P Alaska All Ind Jan–Dec Ind Ind Ind To D Sw, Tu, Sh D Tu 1186243 Bl 16155379 [907454] Ind Ind All Gf 648000 100% 265431600 Hal 0.42 0 [498] 100% [35580316] [130–2942] [0.09] 0 0 2006 [86] 1998– 2004 M Jimenez et al. (2009) 0 [0.019] [164] 5138 [0.0071] 2005–2008 [151–177] 2008 [253] 1996–2008 1990–1998 G 1990–1998 N. Glass (pers. comm.) 2008 P et al. (2005) Cuthbert G 2006 CCAMLR (2008) 2004–2010 1998–1999 2002–2006 P M IPHC (unpubl. data), NOAA (2006) USAUSAUSA EEZUSA Both Alaska NW Atlantic,USAIUU Both Hawaii P Both D Hawaii HS All US West HS P of 30° S South Ind Ind P P Tu, Sw, Sh Sep–Jun P 8160000 Sa Ind Ind Sw, Ind Tu Ind 4375000 Sw Tu, Sw 33600000 0.027 230 1300000 139–333 21–52% 2002–2006 100% 1992–2004 M 0.004 Hata (2006) >20% [78] 125 0.04 69 2005 [4533] [2739–6326] 2001–2002 2005 2005 2001–2002 2002–2008 G P G Heery et al. (2010) MRAG (2005) 2005 (2006), Clemens G (2006), Clemens SpainSpain HS E Pacific Ocean HS P W Pacific Ocean All P All Ind Ind Sw Tu, Sw 6496008 [4415260] 2153000 1129000 0.04 0.032 [260] [141] 2002–2003 2005 1990, 1990–2005 P P Mejuto & Garcia– Mejuto et al. (2007a,b), South AfricaSouth Africa EEZ Atlantic Ocean Both Atlantic, S P P All Ind Ind Tu Sw 341000 1300000 800000– 9.8% 341000 0.23 0.103 [299] 35 [176–624] 1998–2005 1998–2005 M Petersen et al. (2007, 2008 2008 G Ryan et al. (2009) SpainSpainSpain HSSpain SW Indian Ocean HS P S Atlantic EEZSpain W Mediterranean All EEZ P Columbretes P Ind All EEZ Gran Sol, D All Tu, Sw Ind 6546607 Ind Tu, Al Sw, D 10864660 165 d yr Sw Ind Ha, Br, Sw 2580000 4100000 531916 [0.0056] 4786466 [37] 0.038 [413] [15602000] [33–989] [0.10] [88812] 2000–2008 [258] [0.425] [1743] 2000–2008 M 2006 656–2829 García–Barcelona 1998–1999 2004–2005 1998–1999 M P et al. (2006), Ariz 2002–2006 Belda & Sanchez (2001) 2002–2006 P ICCAT (2008), Anderson et al.: Seabird bycatch in longline fisheries 97

possible. However, the data available indicate that the vast majority of birds caught in longline fisheries were of the albatross (Diomedeidae), petrel and () families, along with some species of and (), and (Suli- dae) and (Phalacrocoracidae). Data indi- cate that northern Fulmarus glacialis, gravis and white-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis are among those caught in the highest numbers, notably in the Spanish (Gran Sol), Nordic, Russian and Namibian demersal fisheries. For fleets operating south of 20° S and in the North Pacific, albatrosses and Procellaria petrels form a larger proportion of the bycatch. While these species may be being caught in lower numbers, the impact on their populations may be greater, as a result of their very low reproductive rates and, in most cases, rela- tively small population sizes. For some of the - nesting petrels and shearwaters, such as the great shearwater, population trends are virtually unknown, and there may be an impact of bycatch on their popu- lations that is currently unrecognised.


Scale of global seabird bycatch in longline fisheries

This review indicates that total annual seabird bycatch in longline fisheries is likely to be in excess Fig. 1. Fishing fleets with the highest estimated average total of 160 000 birds yr–1, and could be as high as numbers of seabirds killed per year. For further details on –1 particular fleets, see the supplement at www.int-res.com/ 320 000 birds yr , based on the average and upper articles/suppl/n014p091_supp.pdf. The asterisk indicates the range estimates, respectively, of the longline fisheries maximum total seabirds caught per year. Spain: Gran Sol, for which there are data. It should also be noted that Northeast Atlantic hake fishery; Japan: Commission for the the data reliability score (largely governed by levels of Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) and North observer coverage) for 9 of the top 10 fleets was ‘Poor’, Pacific estimates combined; Namibia: demersal hake fishery; Brazil: NW Atlantic pelagic fishery; Iceland: North Atlantic the exception being the Alaskan demersal groundfish groundfish fishery; Russia: Far East groundfish fishery; IUU: fleet. It is uncertain whether this would result in illegal, unregulated and unreported pelagic longline activity bycatch estimates that were typically too low or too south of 30° S; USA: Alaskan demersal fishery (excluding high. Nevertheless, the sum of the average estimates is halibut); Norway: NE Atlantic groundfish fishery; Faroes: NE Atlantic groundfish fishery very likely to be conservative, not only due to remain- ing data gaps (outlined below), but also because observed bycatch rates significantly underestimate with large ranges in estimates include the Icelandic, actual total bycatch (Gales et al. 1998, Brothers 2008). Faroese, Russian and Namibian demersal fleets. Brothers (2008) reported only 50% of all birds It was not possible to calculate a lower range of the observed caught during line setting were retrieved global estimate of seabird bycatch because of the type when the line was hauled aboard because of dead of extrapolations required by the data. For example, if birds dropping off hooks prior to hauling. a fishery reported variable bycatch rates of 0.00 to 0.44 The impact of this loss, on an annual basis, is impos- birds per 1000 hooks, the lower estimate would result sible to assess without detailed species-specific popu- in an estimate of 0 bycatch, regardless of any variation lation data. However, previous species-specific studies in fishing effort. have assessed bycatch as a threat to relatively common Sources varied considerably in terms of availability species, such as black-browed albatross Thalassarche of species-specific bycatch data, and a global estimate melanophrys and black-footed albatross Phoebastria of numbers caught by species or species group was not nigripes (Arnold et al. 2006, Véran et al. 2007). For 98 Endang Species Res 14: 91–106, 2011

already highly globally , such as the Demersal longline fleets operating in Commission Endangered Amsterdam albatross Diomedea amster- for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living damensis and the Critically Endangered Tristan alba- Resources (CCAMLR) waters. Seabird bycatch in the tross D. dabbenena, the impact of bycatch has been CCAMLR region has decreased substantially in recent highlighted as a driving factor in population declines years, predominantly due to a decrease in IUU demer- (Wanless et al. 2009, Rivalan et al. 2010). Greater sal longline activity, which has in turn stemmed from understanding of species-specific impacts is vital. As increased enforcement and international policing of an example, the Uruguayan pelagic longline fishery the region. The drop in IUU longline activity has led to catches many fewer birds than the Spanish Gran Sol a reduction in bycatch of ca. 67 000 birds yr–1 since the fishery. However, albatrosses make up >80% of all early 2000s. Meanwhile, bycatch in the regulated fish- seabird bycatch in Uruguay (Jimenez et al. 2009). eries has also been substantially reduced, due to the Many of these birds are wandering albatrosses D. exu- implementation of a comprehensive suite of mitigation lans from South Georgia, and these losses alone are measures, including closed seasons (Croxall 2008). sufficient to account for much of the continuing (and New Zealand demersal ling fleet, South Africa recently increased) pattern of decline seen in South licensed Asian pelagic tuna fleet and the US Alaskan Georgia populations in recent demersal groundfish and Hawaiian pelagic tuna and decades (Croxall et al. 1998, Tuck et al. 2001, Poncet et swordfish fleet. These countries have implemented al. 2006, Phillips et al. 2010). FAO National Plans of Action (NPoA-Seabirds) (Anon. 2001, 2004, 2008), which require the use of seabird bycatch mitigation measures backed up by observer Comparisons with previous estimates programs. Comparisons with previous figures for the fleets of these 3 countries indicate a reduction in esti- Full details of comparisons with previous estimates mated bycatch of ca. 4000, 17 000 and 15 000 birds yr–1, from Nel & Taylor (2003) are provided in Table S2 in respectively. the Supplement, and key elements are summarised in Japanese distant water southern bluefin tuna Thun- Table 2. The comparison highlights changes that have nus maccoyi fleet. The latest estimates point to a occurred in some fisheries between the mid-1990s and potential reduction in total seabird bycatch of ca. mid-2000s. Where there have been decreases in total 11 000 birds yr–1 since estimates from the late 1990s numbers of birds caught since Nel & Taylor (2003), the and early 2000s. This stems from (1) a reduction in causative factors can be categorised as follows (these reported fishing effort from 43 million to 26 million categories are also used in Table 2): hooks yr–1 and (2) a reduction in reported average (1) Greater or more effective use of mitigation mea- bycatch rates from to 0.37 to 0.23 birds per 1000 hooks. sures; However, the uncertainty surrounding the new (2) Changes in fishing practices, particularly using bycatch estimate remains high, with an upper range of gear or methods less likely to catch seabirds; ca. 14 182 birds yr–1 (Minami et al. 2009). (3) Reduction in fishing effort within a particular fleet; Uruguayan pelagic industrial fleet for tuna, sword- (4) Collapse of a particular fishery as a result of over- fish and . The total fishing effort for this fleet fishing of target species; appears to have declined considerably since the previ- (5) New data available with various and/or unidentifi- ous estimate (20 million hooks previously, 1.2 million able causative factors for decrease in bycatch (e.g. hooks currently). The drop in estimated bycatch from varying sample sizes, locations, methodologies). ca. 6000 to ca. 500 birds yr–1 reflects this reduction in Where there have been increases in total numbers effort. The upper range on this estimate remains at ca. of birds caught by a fishery, the causative factors 3000 birds yr–1. can be categorised as follows (categories used in Brazilian demersal hake and pelagic tuna and Table 2): swordfish fleets. The collapse of the demersal hake (6) No entry for the fishery in Nel & Taylor (2003) fishery has led to a reduction of ca. 4000 birds killed because of an unknown bycatch problem, but new each year. In the tuna fishery, the estimated number of data now available; birds killed per year has also reduced by ca. 4000, in (7) No estimate for the fishery in Nel & Taylor (2003) this case as a result of new data and the implementa- because of a lack of data reportage, but new data tion of mitigation measures. It should be noted that now available; seabird bycatch in the Itaipava fleets is an issue that (8) Increase in fishing effort within a particular fleet. has emerged since previous estimates, and could The main fleets for which there have been major amount to up to ca. 10 000 birds killed each year. decreases in bycatch between the 2 review periods These results suggest an overall decrease in seabird include the following. bycatch of ca. 127 500 birds killed each year in the fish- Anderson et al.: Seabird bycatch in longline fisheries 99

Table 2. Current and previous (Nel & Taylor 2003) estimates of numbers of seabirds killed per year in longline fisheries, with likely causes of change between the 2 periods. CCAMLR: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Re- sources; IUU: illegal, unregulated, unreported fishing; IATTC: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission; EEZ: exclusive eco- nomic zone; WCPFC: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; UKOT: UK Overseas Territories. Fishery type – D: dem- ersal; P: pelagic. NA: not available. HIMI: Heard and Macquarie Islands. Figures in square brackets are extrapolated from other data. Categories for ‘Reason for change’ are listed in the ‘Discussion’. For further information see Table S2 in the Supplement at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/n014p091_supp.pdf

Country Location Fishery Previous Current Reason for type estimate estimate change

Angola S Angola, Benguela current, S Atlantic P NA 245 6 Argentina Patagonian shelf D 1160 [58] 3 Australia S and E Australia D NA 10 7 Australia E Australia P NA [209] 7 Australia W Australia P NA [30] 7 Brazil SW Atlantic Ocean P 6656 [2061] 1,5 Brazil Itaipava P NA [Max. 9107] 6 Brazil SW Atlantic D 4214 0 4,5 Canada Gulf of St. Lawrence D NA [70–327] 6 Canada Atlantic D NA 500 6 Canada Scotia Shelf, Grand Banks P NA 1400 6 Canada Pacific D NA 54 7 Canada Pacific D NA 72 6 CCAMLR Convention Area (excl. sub-areas listed below) D 14050 0 1,3 CCAMLR Sub-areas 58.6 and 58.7 (Crozet & ) D 10583a 131 1,3 CCAMLR Sub-areas 58.5.1 and 58.5.2 (Kerguelen and HIMI) D 43597a 1224 1,3 Chile NW Patagonian region, S Chile, S Pacific Ocean D NA [54] 7 Chile NW Patagonian region, S Chile, S Pacific Ocean D NA 437 7 Chile S Chile, S Pacific D NA 0 7 Chile FAO Area 87 P NA 517–923 7 China E Pacific Ocean P NA [866] 6 China Indian Ocean P NA [0] 6 China W Pacific Ocean P NA [0] 6 Chinese Taipei Atlantic Ocean P NA 936 6 Chinese Taipei Pacific Ocean P 2945 1660 5 Chinese Taipei Indian Ocean P NA 1512 6 Japan Mainly south of 20ºS P [17242] [6299] 3,5 Japan North Pacific Ocean P 14540 14540 – Korea East Pacific Ocean (IATTC waters) P NA [727] 6 Korea Indian Ocean, south of 20° S P NA [97] 6 Korea Atlantic Ocean P NA [67] 6 Mediterranean Maltese waters D NA 1220 6 Mediterranean Mediterranean P NA [259] 6 Namibia Benguela current, S Atlantic D NA 20,200 6 Namibia Benguela current, S Atlantic P NA 206 6 New Zealand NE and SW EEZ predominantly P NA 715 7 New Zealand Campbell Plateau, Chatham Rise D 4958 1122 1,8 Peru Ilo, Callao, Salaverry P 3990 190 5 Peru 12–18° S Pacific Ocean D NA NA 6 Russia W Bering Sea, E Kamchatcka (Pacific) D NA [6334] 6 Russia D NA [288] 6 South Africa Benguela current, S Atlantic Ocean D NA 225 6 South Africa Indian Ocean (Asian fleet) P [17427] 141 1,3,5 South Africa Atlantic Ocean (Asian fleet) P as above 35 1,3,5 South Africa S Atlantic, Indian Ocean (Domestic fleet) P [354] [299] 1 Spain East Pacific Ocean (IATTC waters) P NA [260] 6 Spain West Pacific Ocean (WCPFC waters) P NA [141] 6 Spain SW Indian Ocean P NA [37] 6 Spain S Atlantic P NA [258] 6 Spain W Mediterranean P NA [413] 6 Spain Columbretes Islands, Mediterranean D,P NA [1743] 6 Spain Gran Sol, SW Ireland D NA 56307 6 UK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) D 40 [16] 1,3 UK South Georgia D 66a 0 1,2,3 UK Tristan da Cunha, UKOT P NA [164] 6 UK Tristan da Cunha, UKOT D NA [86] 6

(Continued on next page) 100 Endang Species Res 14: 91–106, 2011

Table 2 (continued)

Country Location Fishery Previous Current Reason for type estimate estimate change

Uruguay S Atlantic P [6000] [498] 3,5 USA Alaska (groundfish) D 16800 5138 1,5 USA Alaska (rockfish) D as above [78] 1,5 USA NW Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean P NA 230 6 USA Hawaii (tuna) P 3268 125 1,5 USA Hawaii (swordfish) P as above 69 1,5 IUU South of 30°S P NA [4533] 6 aEstimate comprised of Nel & Taylor (2003) entries for the regions regulated and unregulated (i.e. IUU fisheries) combined

eries listed above, driven both by the use of mitigation Petersen (2008) reported a potential bycatch estimate measures, changing fishing practices and reduction of of ca. 20200 birds yr–1. While the majority of this fishing effort (Table 2). All of these fisheries overlap bycatch is thought to be petrels, albatrosses contribute with albatross distributions, indicating potentially im- ca. 600 ind. yr–1 to the total, which includes the Criti- portant reductions in the numbers of albatrosses being cally Endangered . caught. However, for some species there remains the Russian Far East demersal longline fishery. Seabird possibility that part of any decrease actually reflects bycatch data from the Russian industrial demersal diminished populations available to interact with long- fleets operating in the Kamchatka region and the Sea line fisheries, following a decade or more of unsustain- of Okhotsk have only become available in recent able levels of bycatch. In other words, the proportion of years. Artyukhin et al. (2006) estimated that ca. 10 000 a population being killed as bycatch may remain the seabirds were killed in the fishery in 2003 and ca. 2745 same, despite reductions in the total numbers of birds seabirds in 2004, resulting in an annual average of ca. being killed. 6500 birds killed per year. Species caught include , slaty-backed Larus schistisagus and short-tailed shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris. No Emerging bycatch problems mitigation measures were reported in use, and bycatch rates varied considerably, both spatially and tempo- Progress made towards seabird bycatch reduction in rally. This variation may stem from low levels of the fisheries listed above is tempered by new informa- observer coverage (3% of total effort in 2003), but tion concerning significant bycatch in other fleets. could also relate to inter-annual variations in the distri- New bycatch data account for ca. 90 730 birds killed butions of seabirds and fishing effort. each year, all of which was previously unknown and/or unaccounted for in the review by Nel & Taylor (2003), and include the following. Continuing data gaps Spanish demersal longline fishery (Gran Sol, North Atlantic). The highest estimated average annual mor- Globally, there remain many longline fisheries with tality of seabirds in any fishery exists in the Spanish insufficient data to assess seabird bycatch. Major data demersal longline fishery operating on Gran Sol, gaps remain for artisanal fleets, such as those in the North-East Atlantic (ca. 56 000 birds yr–1), based on Mediterranean, West Africa and Northwest Pacific, data collected in 2006 to 2007. The majority of birds and many industrial fleets. Some of the main data caught in this fishery are great shearwaters, a gaps, for those fleets that have high spatial overlap species not currently believed to have a declining with vulnerable seabird species, are summarised global population (though few, if any, relevant data below. exist). Nevertheless, the sheer scale of the numbers North-East Atlantic demersal longline fleets. The caught is cause for concern. Further study is required large uncertainty over seabird (mainly northern ful- to verify that the bycatch rate is routinely of this mar) bycatch levels associated with Norwegian, Ice- magnitude. landic and Faroese demersal fleets in the North Namibian fleets. Seabird bycatch in Namibia did not Atlantic reflects the fact that the bycatch estimates for feature in previous reviews due to an absence of data. all 3 fisheries are based on data collected from the Nor- The limited information now available points to large wegian fleet over a decade ago. With upper range esti- numbers of birds being caught by the demersal fleet. mates of annual bycatch nearing 140 000 birds for the 3 Anderson et al.: Seabird bycatch in longline fisheries 101

fleets combined, it is essential that these fleets be ade- occur in IUU fisheries north of this latitude cannot be quately assessed for current bycatch rates, and for true discounted while such substantial data gaps remain. impacts on the relevant seabird populations in the North Atlantic to be characterised. No estimates are currently available for demersal fleets from Future challenges to improving bycatch estimates or the Barents Sea. Our review highlights 2 key issues that must be Asian distant water pelagic longline fleets. Signifi- addressed before global estimates of seabird bycatch cant uncertainty over longline-related seabird bycatch can be further improved: the lack of observer pro- continues in relation to the large Asian distant water grams in certain key fleets and/or inadequate spatial pelagic fleets. Data were available from Chinese and temporal coverage by onboard observer programs; Taipei fleets fishing in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific and the need for standardisation in seabird bycatch , but few data were available for the Japanese data collection and reporting. fleet outside those reported to the Commission for the Increasing coverage by onboard observer pro- Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT); few grams. A significant number of longline fisheries data are also available from the Korean and Chinese remain for which no, or very limited, seabird bycatch fleets (see the Supplement). data are available. Within those fleets, the number of Mediterranean fleets. Cooper et al. (2003) highlighted hauled hooks observed is frequently <1% of total fish- the lack of seabird bycatch data available for the ing effort, and such data as are collected commonly Mediterranean. The only rigorous scientific investiga- have inadequate spatial and/or temporal coverage of tions to date have come from Spanish waters in the west- the fleet. To accurately monitor rates of seabird ern Mediterranean (e.g. García-Barcelona et al. 2009). bycatch, observation of ≥20% or more of the hooks Elsewhere, there are thousands of vessels, mostly arti- may be required (Ashford 2002, Lawson 2006), though sanal, fishing within the region, yet very little is known of in many cases having representative coverage of >5% their impacts on seabirds or other vulnerable species. would be a significant improvement. Sampling strate- The limited data available indicate that several species gies must ensure that the observed hooks are spatially of shearwater, namely Balearic Puffinus mauretanicus, and temporally representative of the fishery. Yelkouan P. yelkouan and Cory’s diomedea , Data collection, analysis and reporting standards. are caught in numbers that may prove to be unsustain- Inconsistencies in the formats of data reported cur- able for the potential source populations concerned rently hamper our ability to compare seabird bycatch (Igual et al. 2009). The European Commission has re- rates between fisheries or over time. Best practice cently taken steps towards an EU Plan of Action- methods for collecting bycatch data have been elabo- Seabirds to reduce the of seabirds in rated (e.g. Dietrich et al. 2007), and establishment of longline and other fisheries, which may stimulate further agreed minimum standards for collecting and report- study of Mediterranean and other poorly documented ing bycatch data is vital to assist future assessment and fisheries within European waters, and may also recom- mitigation efforts on the catch of non-target species mend measures to curb the impact of distant water fleets (not just of seabirds), and to ensure transparency for all registered to European states. stakeholders. Based on this review, to allow compari- fleets. The Humboldt Current is son, reporting should include, at a minimum: a particularly important over-wintering ground for sev- (1) The number of hauled hooks observed per year eral species of albatross that breed in New Zealand, as within the fleet and the proportion of total fishing well as being a key part of the foraging range of the effort that this represents; Critically Endangered waved albatross Phoebastria (2) Information on the spatial and temporal distribution irrorata and of several other globally threatened of observer effort within the fishery; species of Procellaria petrels from New Zealand and (3) The number of birds observed caught (including South Georgia. Bycatch and directed take (intentional species identification and status, i.e. dead or alive) ) are known to occur in this region, but few and a bycatch rate per thousand hooks; data are available to quantify the scale of the problem (4) An estimate of total seabird bycatch along with a (Pro Delphinus 2006, Ayala et al. 2008). stated methodology as to how figures were derived. IUU fisheries bycatch. Catch rates associated with IUU activity are inherently difficult to assess. Estimates for seabird bycatch in IUU longline fisheries in this CONCLUSIONS review are only for latitudes south of 30° S (MRAG 2005). Although most threatened albatross and Procel- We estimate that at least 160 000 birds (with an laria petrel species occur south of 30° S, the potential upper range of 320 000 birds) are killed each year in that significant levels of seabird bycatch continue to global longline fisheries. However, for almost all cur- 102 Endang Species Res 14: 91–106, 2011

rent estimates, the absolute levels of seabird bycatch within the Brazilian EEZ. Some of these, such as the will be substantially higher (by as much as 50%) due to Namibian fleet, are also catching high proportions of birds killed being unobserved or under-reported. Tak- Procellaria petrels and albatrosses. Others in the ing this and other identified data gaps into account, the northern hemisphere are predominantly catching true global level is likely to be substantially higher. northern , shearwaters and gulls. For those fleets for which seabird bycatch data Furthermore, this paper takes no account of bycatch have been reported, the fisheries with the highest of seabird species (generally of very similar taxonomic levels of seabird mortality are the demersal fleets of composition) associated with trawl or gillnet fisheries, Spain, Namibia, Norway, Iceland, , Rus- now recognised as contributing substantially to the sia and Alaska, the distant water pelagic fleets of global bycatch total, particularly in certain regions. Japan and (potentially) the artisanal pelagic fleets in Previous studies have established that bycatch mor- Brazil. The data reliability score for all of the afore- tality for some seabird species (especially albatrosses mentioned fisheries was ‘Poor’ (with the exception of and some petrels) is at levels that have potentially seri- the Alaskan demersal groundfish fleet, which was ous impacts, and in some cases are clearly unsustain- ‘Medium’), indicating the need for further data as able for known or likely source populations. Numerous well as implemen tation of effective mitigation. While seabird species are already globally threatened (sensu demersal fleets have some of the highest levels of Red List Criteria of IUCN 2010), with longline interac- bycatch, many pelagic fleets are also important due tions identified as the primary cause of many popula- to the proportion of vulnerable albatrosses and Pro- tion declines. Continued bycatch mortality at current cellaria petrel species caught. Data gaps remain for a levels may well drive them to the brink of extinction. number of fleets (especially in the North Atlantic, Key recommendations emerging from this review Mediterranean and Pacific), and these urgently need follow: to be addressed. (1) All relevant fisheries should implement, to mini- As most bycatch estimates, especially at regional mum and consistent standards, systematic onboard and global scales, have considerable associated uncer- observer programs to collect and report seabird tainties, largely because of persistent fundamental bycatch information and should make such data avail- deficiencies in data collecting and reporting, we can- able to all stakeholders in a timely and comprehensive not conclusively determine whether overall levels of fashion. There is an urgent need to collect bycatch seabird bycatch have increased or decreased in recent data in those fisheries for which data are lacking or years. Nevertheless, there are a number of fisheries in current data reliability is deemed ‘Poor’ (the latter which the overall level of estimated seabird bycatch includes 9 of the top 10 fleets identified in this review has decreased significantly over the last decade. The as having the highest levels of seabird bycatch glob- single largest reported reduction is of ca. 67 000 birds ally). Regional fisheries management organisations yr–1 in CCAMLR fisheries. Major reductions have also have a key role to play in establishing such standards, been reported in USA, South Africa and New Zealand notably by implementing the new FAO Best Practice fisheries, mainly stemming from the implementation of Technical Guidelines for International Plan of Action- effective mitigation measures. Reductions are also Seabirds (FAO 2008). Independently verifiable reduc- thought to have occurred in the Japanese southern tion in seabird bycatch should become one of the indi- bluefin tuna fleet and pelagic fleets operating off cators of compliance with the UN Code of Conduct for Uruguay and Brazil, mainly due to reduced fishing Responsible Fisheries. effort and some implementation of mitigation mea- (2) Demersal fleets, particularly those in the Atlantic, sures. These fleets have historically caught large num- account for some of the highest levels of current bers of vulnerable albatross populations, indicating seabird bycatch. Considerable experience in other likely important reductions in the number of alba- demersal fisheries indicates that such bycatch can be trosses being caught. However, this may still be insuf- quickly and substantially reduced (at minimal cost to ficient to redress population declines if the proportion the fisheries concerned) to levels that pose a negligible taken from diminishing populations has not also threat to populations. The mandatory use of best-prac- decreased. tice mitigation measures for the fisheries involved, Since Nel & Taylor (2003), emerging bycatch prob- using only measures of proven efficacy, should lems have been identified in a number of fleets not urgently be implemented in these fisheries. previously documented, including the Spanish demer- (3) Seabird bycatch in a number of pelagic fleets is sal fishery on Gran Sol (North Atlantic), the Namibian particularly significant due to the proportion of demersal longline fleet, the Russian demersal longline threatened albatrosses and Procellaria petrels being fishery in Kamchatka and the Sea of Okhotsk and caught. This review has demonstrated substantial (potentially) the artisanal pelagic longline fishery reductions in bycatch in some key pelagic fisheries. Anderson et al.: Seabird bycatch in longline fisheries 103

Nevertheless, mitigation measures for - Ariz J, Delgado de Molina A, Ramos ML, Santana JC (2006) eries are less well established than those for demer- Checklist and catch rate data by hook type and bait for sal fleets: some research is underway and more bycatch species caught by Spanish experimental longline cruises in the south-western Indian Ocean during 2005. is needed to improve the design of measures such IOTC-2006-WPBy-04 as line weighting and streamers lines. Additional Arnold JM, Brault S, Croxall JP (2006) Albatross populations research is needed to facilitate uptake of mitigation in peril? A population trajectory for black-browed alba- measures in these fisheries and to monitor the effec- trosses at South Georgia. Ecol Appl 16:419–432 Artyukhin YB, Vinnikov AV, Terentiev DA (2006) Seabirds tiveness of implementation with a view to adaptive and bottom longline fishery in the Kamchatka region. management. Environmental impacts of fisheries. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, Moscow Ashford J (2002) Report of the WG-FSA inter-sessional sub- Acknowledgements. We thank E. Howgate for work on the group on sampling catches from longliners. CCAMLR initial collation and analysis of some of the data presented WG-FSA-02/52 here. Thanks also to S. Cranwell, E. Frere, K. Hackwell, B. Ayala L, Amor´os S, Céspedes C (2008) Catch and bycatch Heneman, B. Lascelles, F. Rabuffetti, I. Ramírez, G. Robert- of albatross and petrel in longline and gillnet fisheries son, B. Watkins and S. Waugh for their input to earlier drafts. in northern Peru. Final report to the Rufford Small Grants Following an initial review of the data, country-by-country for Nature Conservation. Apeco. Available at www. summaries were sent to relevant experts for verification. We ruffordsmallgrants.org/files/Progress%20Report_O.doc thank the following for their input: J. Andrade, P. Arcos, B. (Accessed 20 Nov 2009) Baker, Á. Barros, L. Bugoni, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, S. Baker GB, Finley LA (2008) National assessment report for Crofts, A. Domingo, L. Enriquez, E. Frere, S. García- reducing the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fish- Barcelona, M. Kiyota, K. Knowles, S. Løkkeborg, J. Mangel, eries (2008 assessment report). Report to Australian Gov- C. Moreno, G. Munro, T. Neves, B. Olsen, J. Pearce, S. ernment Department of , Fisheries and Petersen, I. Ramírez, K. Rivera, J. Alfaro Shigueto, SEO/ Forestry, Canberra BirdLife, G. Tuck and R. Wanless. We particularly thank the Baker GB, Double MC, Gales R, Tuck GN and others (2007) A 4 anonymous reviewers for their constructive and helpful global assessment of the impact of fisheries-related mor- comments. tality on shy and white-capped albatrosses: conservation implications. Biol Conserv 137:319–333 Barbraud C, Delord K, Marteau C, Weimerskirch H (2009) LITERATURE CITED Estimates of population size of white-chinned petrels and grey petrels at and sensitivity to fish- Abraham ER, Thompson FN (2009) Capture of protected eries. Anim Conserv 12:258–265 species in New Zealand trawl and longline fisheries, Bartle AJ (1991) Incidental capture of seabirds in the New 1998–99 to 2006–07. Draft New Zealand Aquatic Environ- Zealand and sub-Antarctic trawl fishery, 1990. Bird ment and Biodiversity Report No 24. New Zealand Conserv Int 1:351–359 Department of Conservation, Wellington Belda EJ, Sanchez A (2001) Seabird mortality on longline fish- ACAP (Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and eries in the western Mediterranean: factors affecting Petrels) (2009) Species assessments. Available at www. bycatch and proposed mitigating measures. Biol Conserv acap.aq/acap-species (accessed 20 Nov 2009) 98:357–363 AFMA (Australian Fisheries Management Authority) (2007) BirdLife International (2004) Tracking ocean wanderers: the Western tuna and billfish fishery. Six-monthly bycatch global distribution of albatrosses and petrels. Results from action plan (BAP) progress report, March 2007. AFMA, the Global Procellariiform Tracking Workshop, 1–5 Sep- Canberrra (cited in Baker & Finley 2008) Available at tember 2003, Gordon’s Bay, South Africa. BirdLife Interna- www.afma.gov.au/information/publications/fishery/baps/ tional, Cambridge docs_reports/bap_imp_rep_wtbf_200703.pdf (accessed 16 BirdLife International, ACAP (2009) Seabird bycatch mitiga- May 2008) tion factsheets. BirdLife International, Cambridge. Avail- Anon. (2001) Final United States national plan of action able at www.rspb.org.uk/ourwork/policy/marine/interna- for reducing the incidental catch of seabirds in longline tional/advocacy/mitigationfactsheets.aspx (Accessed 15 fisheries. US Department of Commerce, National Mar 2010) Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Brothers NP (1991) Albatross mortality and associated bait National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Silver Spring, loss in the Japanese longline fishery in the Southern MD. Available at www.fakr.noaa.gov/protectedresources/ Ocean. Biol Conserv 55:255–268 seabirds/npoa/npoapdf (Accessed 20 Nov 2009) Brothers NP (2008) How accurate are observer reported kills Anon. (2004) National plan of action to reduce the incidental of albatrosses on longlines? Final Report – October 2008. catch of seabirds in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Duke University and Blue Ocean Institute, Durham, NC. 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Editorial responsibility: Rory Wilson, Submitted: April 29, 2010; Accepted: March 22, 2011 Swansea, UK Proofs received from author(s): June 3, 2011