Thompson Minor Hockey Association The Mission of the TMHA is to provide participants in our minor ice hockey program with fair and competitive hockey experience that focuses on the development of individual and team hockey skills, the practice of good sportsmanship and fair play and the opportunity to be challenged while having fun.

Thompson Minor Hockey Association Meeting – Monday, February 25, 2019 7:00pm TRCC Mary Fenske Boardroom

Called to Order: 7:05pm

Adoption of Agenda:

o Motion to approve agenda, as amended 1st Carlee Monias 2nd Jenny Long 12 in favour Unanimous Carried

Board Members Present: Matthew Steeves, Chelsea Kirkey, Dennis Rathgeber, Devin Richcoon, Shelly Ellingson, Jenny Long, Robert Bassett, Erin Murphy, Dave Johnstone, Carlee Monias, Jaime Carey, Dave Dawson, Greg Long, Jessica Smith (7:09)

Regrets: Lindsay Anderson, Luke Kempers, Adam Uhrina, Donnie Mitchell

Absent: Mandy Wamboldt, Jacques Abgrall

Delegates: None

Approval of minutes:

o Motion to approve minutes from January 28, 2019. 1st Jaime Carey 2nd Carlee Monias 12 in favour Unanimous Carried

o Motion to approve minutes from February 11, 2019. 1st Erin Murphy 2nd Jaime Carey 12 in favour Unanimous Carried

7:09 pm Jessica Smith entered the room.

Correspondence: - Matthew received correspondence regarding some social media posts. Will discuss under new business.

Director’s Reports:

President: Matthew Steeves − There are some issues that have been brought up to Matthew that will be discussed under executive.

Past President: Vacant

VP Admin: Jaime Carey − Jaime would like to create some coaching selection policies. Anyone interested in helping should contact her.

VP Tech: Greg Long − Greg will be sending some information to directors regarding provincials, different drills, suggestions from Greg. Directors can forward them to their coaches.

7:13pm Matthew Steeves and Greg Long left the room.

Secretary: Chelsea Kirkey - Nothing to report.

Treasurer: Erin Murphy − Munn Cup went smoothly. Erin is waiting on the ice and ref bills before she will know how the tournament did financially.

Registrar: Luke Kempers- Regrets

Publicity/Webmaster: Jenny Long − It is time to start planning the year end wind-ups. Jenny is looking at the first or second week of April. She will get the free skate sharpeneings.

Hockey Development: Carlee Monias - Carlee is still trying to arrange a few exhibition games, one for the Bantam AA and one for the Midget AA. She is just waiting to hear if there is any available ice.

On-Ice Officials: Donnie Mitchell- Regrets

Ice Operations: Dave Dawson − The next few weekends have tournaments running. Dave is waiting on schedules from the city to see if there is any available ice.

Equipment Manager: Adam Uhrina- Regrets

Tournament Director: Shelly Ellingson - Shelly inquired about lottery licenses. A raffle was closed and the winners drawn before the time stated on the license. This is not acceptable, there were spectators looking to buy tickets and could not. - Shelly had a hard time getting rosters and game sheets from the tournament committee for the Wayne Zahayko Memorial Tournament. She had met with the tournament coordinator and thought she had expressed the expectations for the tournament. We need to be certain that tournament coordinators know what is expected from them and what is needed to run a successful tournament.

7:23pm Matthew Steeves and Greg Long return.

Munn Cup: Mandy Wamboldt - Absent

Pre-Novice: Jacques Abgrall – Absent

Novice: Dennis Rathgeber − Nothing to report.

Atom: Devin Richcoon − Devin has ordered the jerseys for next season. − Munn Cup went well. Thompson AA won the Munn Cup, A won the , and Aeros was the McMunn and Yates Cup.

Pee-wee: Robert Bassett − Nothing to report.

Bantam: Dave Johnstone - Nothing to report.

Midget: Lindsay Anderson- Regrets

Female: Vacant

Fundraising Coordinator: Jessica Smith − Jessica has fallen behind in obtaining necessary permits, but is catching up.

New Business:

− Social Media • It was brought to Matthew’s attention there was a posting in a Thompson-centric Facebook group regarding the Midget AA playoffs. Cross Lake complained that the reffing was one-sided, they called the King Miners cheaters, said that they did not deserve the trophy, etc. There was a lot of swearing. Matthew has sent the post to Norman Hockey to deal with. • We need to be certain parents are aware of the social media policy.

Motion to move into executive session 1st Jaime Carey 2nd Jenny Long 13 in favour Unanimous Carried

Motion to move out of executive session 1st Jaime Carey 2nd Shelly Ellingson 13 in favour Unanimous Carried

Old Business:

− Policy changes • Tabled.

− Summer proposal • We still do not know when the ice will be put in for the new season. Collen Smook, mayor of Thompson suggested sending a letter to the Rec Committee. • Carlee has three potential camps that would be willing to come to Thompson if we could get the ice.

− Female Director • Tabled.

− Transition season • Dennis would like to start the transition season right after the Jack Burden Memorial Novice Tournament, which is held March 14-16. • There are 3 hours open during spring break. • Dennis would like to use ice times already allocated to novice the week following the novice tournament. He would separate the players by birth year and the 2009 born players would practice full ice, allowing them to get a feeling for offsides and icing.

o Motion to start the transition season for 2009/2010 born players on March 18, 2019 using Novice ice times. 1st Dennis Rathgeber 2nd Dave Johnstone 9 in favour 3 opposed 1 abstain Carried

− • Tabled.

− Registration • Tabled.

− Ryder Armstrong – Novice Tournament • Tabled.

− 2019/2020 season start • Tabled.

Next meeting: 7pm Monday, March 11, 2019 Mary Fenske Board Room


o Motion to adjourn at 9:12pm 1st Jaime Carey 2nd Dave Johnstone 13 in favour Unanimous Carried