sports information, 202ur JIM l-lALSH KEEPS 360 huntington avenue NORTHEASTERN GOING , 02115 area code 617,437-2192

BOSTON -- "Basically, I just want to play well, and set a good example, whether I'm on the field or off."

Those were the words of Jim Walsh, senior linebacker and co-captain of the Northeastern University football team. The Chestnut Hill native is cur- rently helping his team strive toward a winning season, something that has been amiss since Walsh arrived on the Huntington Avenue campus, four years ago.

The Huskies currently have a good shot at achieving that goal. "It was tough losing the past three years. I'd never been on a losing team in my life prior to coming here. It adds extra incentive to this seaeon."

The Northeastern gridders have won four out of five going into the con- test with the Wildcats, with the only loss being a 25-24 heart-breaker to Boston University. (They also dropped a two-point squeaker to UConn) Indi- cative of the three consecutive wins was the points relinquished by the defense: an average of nine per game. Combined with an offense that dots the top of the ECAC and national Division I-AA charts, the Huskies have put together quite a balanced attack. "Jim is not overly big," states Northeastern assistant coach Ollie Wilson, "but he has above-average quickness and is tough insidei very, very strong.

We're given the leeway to him, where if he spots weaknesses on the opposing (more) - 2 - team's offense, he can free-lance out there, making his own decisions. He's a smart kid, an excellent team leader, and outstanding young man." Walsh, who captained the victorious football squad at Catholic Memorial, followed high school suit at N.U., also playing varsity and tennis at both institutions. He also prepped at The Taft School before coming to Northeastern.

The stocky linebacker intercepted nine passes in ten games last season to finish third in the nation (Div. II) in that department, and has two swipes and one fumble recoYery this year to go along with his numerous tackles. This season he has another notable achievement to his credit. Through the first seven games of the year, Walsh had averaged 36.0 yards per punt.

The tmportant factor, however, is that none, repeat, none of them had been returned. An amazing feet ••• Ahem, feat.

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