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#we were soldier #valkyrie #full metal jacket #the pianist #flags our father #downfall #kingdom of heaven #platoon #saints and soldier # #beneath hill 60 #the pacific #born on the fourth of july #the walking dead #restrepo #the thin red line #behind enemy lines terbaik

Feature Films & Television Shows 84 Charlie Mopic [PN1997 .E3648 1989] A unique look at the in reve aled through the subjective lens of a fictitious army motion picture (MoPic) cam eraman. Highly recommended for a "realistic" presentation of a reconnaissance mi ssion by a team of GIs in the Central Highlands in 1969. (95 minutes) A Bright Shining Lie [PN1997 .B744 1998] A U.S. senior military adviser is sent to Vietnam and finds himself fighting a war he cannot win alongside a corrupt an d demoralized South Vietnamese Army. Based on the Pulitizer Prize and National B ook Award winning book by Neil Sheehan, A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam. (118 minutes) View trailer Apocalypse Now [PN1997 .A66 1982] [Videodisc] 's 1979 provoc ative vision of the human "heart of darkness" revealed through the peculiar madn ess of the Vietnam War. A United States Army officer/trained assassin is sent in to the depths of a southeast Asian jungle to seek out a renegade colonel and ter minate his command during the Vietnam War. (153 minutes) [PN1997 .A66 2001] Reissue of 1979 film with restored foota ge edited out of original version. Even better (much better!) than the original; judged by some critics as the best film of 2001--even though it was made in 197 9! DVD (202 minutes) View trailer. Birdy [PN1997 .B5495 1985] To escape an irrational world, Birdy, an ex-Vietnam v eteran sits in an almost catatonic state in an Army hospital where he has come t o believe he is one of the feathered creatures of his boyhood dreams. In an effo rt to break Birdy's silence, his psychiatrist brings in Birdy's loyal, best frie nd of his youth as they attempt to reach him and bring him back to reality. Base d on the novel "Birdy" by William Wharton.(120 minutes) View trailer Born on the Fourth of July [PN1997 .B76 1990] Based on the book by veteran Ron K ovic. Film follows him from his days as a zealous teen who eagerly joins up for the Vietnam War, to his return from the war as an embittered veteran, paralyzed from mid-chest down. Chronicles his disillusionment with the country's continued involvement in Vietnam, his physical struggle and his emergence as a brave new voice for thousands of disenchanted vets. (145 minutes) View trailer Bullet in the head [PN1997 .D5395 1998] Depicts the lives of three childhood fri ends from trapped in the turmoil of the Vietnam WarTony Leung, Jacky C heung, Waise Lee. Cantonese dialogue with optional soundtrack in Mandarin and op tional subtitles in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Bahasa Malaysia and Spanish.Originally produced as a motion picture in 1 990 (126 min) Burn! [PN1997 .B8765 1990] Not about Vietnam, but meant to be a (1969) parable o f the war. As described in the library annotation: "This story of political gree d and social upheaval will take you on a journey deep into the heart of darkness of a 19th century Caribbean island, where men rise up in bitter and bloody rebe llion against the wealthy nations seeking to enslave them." Particularly interes ting for its portrayal of insurgency and counterinsurgency techniques, many of w hich seem familiar from the Vietnam War--despite the obvious differences in tech nology and ideology. Starring Marlon Brando. (113 minutes) Casualties of War [PN1997 .C37373 1990] Based on the true story of a squad of s oldiers caught in the moral quagmire of wartime Vietnam. Witness to a vile crime , Private Ericksson (Michael J. Fox) is forced to stand alone against his fellow soldiers and commanding officer Sergeant Meserve (Sean Penn). Master filmmaker Brian DePalma creates a devastating and unforgettable tale of one man's quest fo r sanity and justice amidst the chaos of war. (120 minutes) View trailer CBS playhouse presents The Final War of Olly Winter [q PS3568.I2 F5. Script of t eleplay originally aired: January 29, 1967 on CBS Writer: Ronald Ribman Director : Paul Bogart All Guest Stars: Ivan Dixon (Olly Winter), Tina Chen (Vietnamese G irl), Patrick Adiarte (Viet Cong guerilla), Kam Tong (Chief elder), Soon-Teck Oh , James Hong, Paulene Myers, Jane Betts, Sara Berner, Connie Sawyer, Richard Wil liams, Maidie Norman, Davis Roberts, Dort Clark, Rupert Crosse, Douglas Leonard Story about an African American soldier in Vietnam. It focuses on the past and p resent of a war-weary GI who, after 20 years of professional soldiering, begins a quest for life. Master Sergeant Olly Winter, winding up a long career, is serv ing as an advisor in Vietnam. When his platoon is ambushed by the Viet Cong, Oll y, the only survivor, sets out on the long trek back to safety. Along the way he picks up company, a young Vietnamese girl, her dog, and an orphaned baby. The g irl doesn't understand English, but Olly talks to her--and himself about the war s he's seen, his family, and the life he plans to lead 'If I get out of here ali ve.' Nominated for 5 Emmys. China beach [PN1997 .C464376 1990]. Series premiere of the multiple award winnin g television program about the nurses, entertainers and volunteers who served al ongsideAmerican troops in Vietnam atthe China Beach recreational facility near t he U.S. base at Da Nan. Videocassetterelease of the 1988 television series premi er.e (97 min.) Coming Home [ PN1997 .C654 992] [Videodisc] A poignant love story set against th e social upheaval of the Vietnam war. Set in 1968, the story concerns a woman wh o, while her husband is serving in Vietnam, falls in love with a paraplegic whil e performing volunteer work at a San Diego veterans hospital. 1978. (128 minutes ) View trailer [PN1997 .D437 1997] Tracks a group of steelworker pals from a Pe nnsylvania blast furnace to the hunting grounds of the Alleghenies to the lethal cauldron of Vietnam. It is a drama of friendship and courage and of what happen s to these qualities under stress. Starring Robert De Niro, John Cazale, John Sa vage, Meryl Streep, Christopher Walken.Winner of 5 Academy Awards in 1978, inclu ding Best Picture.(183 Minutes) View trailer D?ên Biên Ph?u [ DS553.3.D5 D53 2004] Depicts one of history's pivotal battles, trig gering 20 years of American involvement in Vietnam. In French. Spectacular music al score by George Delarue.Originally produced for French television in 1992. (1 25 min.) Forrest Gump [PN1997 .F595 2001] (also in 1995) The story follows the life of lo w I.Q. Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) and his meeting with the love of his life Jenny. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950's through the 1970's including a meeting with Elvis Presley, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, fighting in Vie tnam, etc. The problem is, he doesn't realize the significance of his actions. F orrest comes to embody a generation. View trailer Full Metal Jacket [PN1997 .F844 1991] [Videodisc] 1987 Vietnam war drama which b egins with a depiction of the brutality of Marine Corps training and then shifts to Vietnam, focusing mainly on a group of Marines responding to the Tet Offensi ve of 1968. (117 minutes) View trailer Gardens of Stone [PN1997 .G3165 1998] The elite Old Guard, made up of decorated veterans of Army service, tends Arlington National Cemetery; when a young soldie r is assigned to the unit temporarily while training for a tour in Vietnam, two of the Guards help to prepare him for the environment of war, amid protest, unce rtainty and violence at home.View trailer Go Tell the Spartans [ PN1997 .G5571 11992] Story about a hard-boiled major (Bur t Lancaster) in command of a grubby Vietnam outpost in 1964. The war was still a 'conflict' and American soldiers were merely 'advisors.' Although the action co ncentrates on a single, obscure incident, the film illuminates the entire era. B ased on the novel Incident at Muc Wa, by Daniel Ford. (114 minutes) Good Morning, Vietnam [ PN1997 .G62637 1987] Imported by the Army for an early m orning radio show in Vietnam, disc jockey Adrian Cronauer (Robin Williams) blast s the formerly staid, sanitized airwaves with a constant barrage of rapid-fire h umor and the hottest hits from back home. The G.I.'s love him, but the brass is up in arms. (121 mins.) View trailer The Green Berets [PN1997 .G7436 1990] The story of the Green Berets, the elite S pecial Forces, during the war in Vietnam. Starring John Wayne The Green Berets i s an exciting war film that was lambasted by critics who at the time of its rele ase opposed the war in Vietnam. Wayne's role is similar to his part in The Longe st Day (1963), but it was evident to the worldwide public that the same bravado that flew well in World War II crash-landed in 1968 in the wake of a very differ ent war and political time. Wayne plays the hard-nosed rough-and-ready Colonel M ike Kirby who heads a courageous bunch of tough-as-nails Green Berets determined to capture an important enemy general. They are accompanied by a skeptical repo rter who soon becomes a gung-ho red-white-and-blue patriot as the Colonel and th e others lecture and show him why they must defeat the "commies." Interestingly, despite the massive anti-war sentiments of the times, the film grossed over $11 million at the box-office and is especially notable for the fine battle scenes. The film also features the hit song "Ballad of the Green Berets," sung by Sgt. Barry Sadler. ~ Dan Pavlides, All Movie Guide.(142 min) View trailer Green Dragon {PN1997 .G7437 2002] In 1975, refugee camps were set up across the deserts of the United States to house an exodus of over 100,000 Vietnamese immig rants before and immediately after the fall of Saigon. When Tai arrives at Camp Pendleton, he is confronted by a camp filled with despair. A Marine is in charge of housing the refugees until sponsors can be found to help them assimilate int o American life. Tai, who speaks English, becomes a translator for the Marines. (112 minutes) View trailer Hanoi Hilton [PN1997 .H3664 1987] A drama that details the brutal treatment of A merican P.O.W.s in Vietnamese prison camps. (126 minutes) Heaven & Earth [PN1997 .H435 1995] [Videodisc] 1993 film based on the books "Whe n heaven and earth changed places" by Le Ly Hayslip with Jay Wurts and "Child of war, woman of peace" by Le Ly Hayslip with James Hayslip. The powerful story of a man who fought, a woman who endured, and a love caught up in the explosive wa rtime upheaval in Vietnam. (140 minutes) View trailer In Country [PN1997 .I46523 1989] A reclusive war veteran and his 17-year-old nie ce struggle to heal the wounds of Vietnam, where her father died. (116 minutes) View trailer Indochine [PN1997 .I4839 1993] A beautiful and moving film that focuses on Elian e (played by Catherine Deneuve), a rubber plantation owner in French Indochina i n the 1930s and her adopted Vietnamese daughter, who falls in love with a French naval officer and gets involved in the anti-colonial struggles of the times.DV. French with English subtitles; also available in VHS format without subtitles ( PN1997 .I4839 1992). (158 minutes) View trailer The Iron triangle [ PN1997 .I6857 1991] Based on the diary of an unknown Vietcon g soldier ; videocassette release of the 1988 motion picture Beau Bridges, Haing S. Ngor, Jim Ishida, Ping Wu, Iilana B'tiste, Johnny Hallyda y, Liem Whatley. An American captain leads his men into the jungles along the Ho Chi Minh trail and meets the Viet Cong face-to-face. Told from both sides. (94 min.) Journey from the fall [PN1997.2 .V86717 2007] Based on the true stories of Vietn amese refugees who fled after the fall of Saigon, April 30, 1975, and on the Vie tnamese who stayed behind. Despite his allegiance to the toppled South Vietnames e government, Long Nguyen decides to remain in Vietnam. Imprisoned in a Communis t re-education camp, he urges his family to make the escape by boat without him. His wife, son, and mother embark on the arduous ocean voyage in the hope of rea ching the U.S. and freedom. (135 min.) The Killing Fields [ PN1997 .K545 1985] Based on the book "The Death and Life of Dith Pran" by Sydney Schanberg. Tells the true story of one man's ordeal in the hell of Cambodia during the Pol Pot years. Winner of 3 Academy Awards in 1984. (142 minutes) DVD & VHS. View trailer Path to War [PN1997 .P377447 2003] Begins immediately following his victorious e lection to the Presidency, LyndonJohnson's dreams for "The Great Society" and hi s vision for civil rights in America was devastated by the impact of theVietnam War. A war he didn't start, but which he seemed unable to end. Torn betweenthe r ecommendation of increased bombing to win and a nation torn apart by thedeaths o f young Americans overseas and the protest of those who stayed behindFeaturing.M ichael Gambon, Donald Sutherland, Bruce McGill, James Frain, FelicityHuffman,Fre dericForrest, John Aylward, Philip Baker Hall, Tom Skerritt, Alec Baldwin. Speci alfeatures: featurette plus cast and director interviews; TIME magazine specialf eatures, including LBJ slideschow; DVD-ROM features including timeline and strat egysimulator; extensive historical background articles; text interviews with dir ector & cast. (164min). View trailer Platoon [PN1997 .P527 1988] Oliver Stone's breakthrough as a director, Platoon i s a brutally realistic look at a young soldier's tour of duty in Vietnam. Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen) is a 1968 college student who quits school to volunteer f or the Army. He's shipped off to Vietnam, where he serves with a culturally dive rse group of fellow soldiers and under the two men who lead the platoon: Sgt. Ba rnes (Tom Berenger), whose facial scars are a mirror of the violence and corrupt ion of his soul, and Sgt. Elias (Willem Dafoe), who maintains a Zen-like calm in the jungle and fights with both personal and moral courage even though he no lo nger believes in the war. After a few weeks "in country," Taylor begins to see t he naivete of his views of the war, especially after a quick search for enemy tr oops devolves into a round of murder and rape. Unlike Hollywood's first wave of Vietnam movies (including The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, and Coming Home), Pla toon is a grunts-eye-view of the war, touching on moral issues but focusing on t he men who fought the battles and suffered the wounds. In this sense, it resembl es older war movies more than its Vietnam peers, as it mixes familiar elements o f onscreen battle with small realistic details: bugs, jungle rot, exhaustion, C- rations, marijuana, and counting the days before you go home. This mix of tradit ional war movie elements with a contemporary sensibility won Platoon four Oscars , including Best Picture and Best Director, and a reputation as one of the defin itive modern war movies. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide. Academy Award for Best Picture of 1986. (120 minutes) View trailer Purple Hearts [VHS available from Prof. Joseph] This tale of doomed romance set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War was the last in a string of box office d isappointments from director Sidney J. Furie before he struck gold again with Ir on Eagle (1986). Ken Wahl stars as Dr. Don Jardian, a Navy medical officer assig ned to duty in Vietnam. Jardian is no flag-waving patriot, however; the reluctan t warrior is just biding his time until he can return stateside and start a lucr ative private practice. Then he meets and falls in love with Deborah Solomon (Ch eryl Ladd), a devoted nurse who at first keeps the handsome doctor at bay, disgu sted by the avariciousness that led him to choose what Deborah considers a noble profession. Eventually, however, Deborah's selflessness inspires Don and their romance blooms despite their bloody surroundings, leading to a dangerous mission that could separate them forever~Karl Williams, All Movie Guide. From: http://m La 317e section (The 317th platoon) [Knapp Reserve PN1997 .T7597 1990] Story ab out a French/Laotian platoon during May 1954 (two months before the armistice) a s they withdraw through the jungle after the fall of Dien Bien Phu. They are slo wly annihilated by ambushes and disease. The film captures the inarticulate angu ish and solitude of each man by focusing on a veteran Alsatian sergeant (who fou ght in the German army in World War II) and a young French officer fresh from mi litary school. Their impersonal, hierarchical and sometimes hostile relationship develops into an unlikely friendship. Both the director Shoendoerffer and the p hotographer Coutard were veterans of the Indochina war. In French with English s ubtitles. Based on the novel by Pierre Schoendoerffer. Videocassette release of the 1965 French motion picture.(VHS) (94 min.) The Odd Angry Shot [VHS available from Prof. Joseph] Director Tom Jeffrey provid es a cathartic Australian answer (1979) to Michael Cimino's The Deer Hunter. Aus tralia's participation in the Vietnam War was as much of an alienating and soul- searching experience for Australians as for Americans, and Jeffrey's frank portr ayal of a group of Australian volunteers casts the war in a different light from the perspective of a Cimino or Oliver Stone. The story concerns a corp of Austr alian elite soldiers -- the Special Air Service troops (the equivalent of the Un ited States' Special Forces group) -- and the elite group's more pragmatic and h opeful attitudes -- whiling away the time in mindless diversions and cracking jo kes. Then one of their own is killed and their feelings about the war suddenly c hange. ~ Paul Brenner, All Movie Guide. From: The Quiet American [PN1997 .Q8438 2003]The mood of wry disillusion that seeps th rough the screen adaptation of Graham Greene's novel "The Quiet American" is sou nded in the movie's opening moments by the voice of Michael Caine musing dreamil y on the mystique of Saigon in the early 1950's. It is a place, declares his cha racter, Thomas Fowler, where colors and tastes seem sharper than they do elsewhe re and where even the rain has a special intensity. Fowler is a wistfully cynica l British journalist who has fled an arid marriage in England to live in Southea st Asia, where he is reporting on the Vietnamese fight for independence from Fre nch colonial rule. Fowler may be the richest character of Mr. Caine's screen car eer. Slipping into his skin with an effortless grace, this great English actor g ives a performance of astonishing understatement whose tone wavers delicately be tween irony and sadness." Stephen Holden , The New York Times. From http://movie .View trailer. Rescue Dawn [PN1997.2 .R47283 2007] Movie starring Christian Bale and Steve Zahn . It is written and directed by Werner Herzog, based on the director's acclaimed 1997 documentary, Little Dieter Needs to Fly.The film is based on the true stor y of German-born Dieter Dengler, who dreamed of being a pilot and eventually mad e his way to the United States, where he joined the Navy during the Vietnam War era. He became a pilot and was shot down over Laos and captured. Eventually he o rganized an escape with a small band of captives. ( Rescue_Dawn) View trailer The Seige of Firebase Gloria [VHS available from Prof. Joseph] Based on the true story, this film follows the struggle of a group of brave Marines as they attem pt to defend Firebase Gloria during the Tet Offensive, even though they are grea tly outnumbered. ~ Iotis Erlewine, All Movie Guide. From: http://movies2.nytimes .com. Song of the south /дât phuong Nam [PN1997 .D378 200] The life of a young boy growing up in Vietnam during the Indochinese War. In Vietnamese and some French, with En glish subtitles. Originally broadcast by Ho Chi Minh City Television Film Studio in 1998. 6 videodiscs (660 min.) The Stunt Man [PN1997 .S7867 2001] "Vietnam veteran Cameron is on the run from t he police when he stumbles onto the set of a war movie directed by megalomaniac Eli Cross. But when the young fugitive is forced to replace a dead stunt man, he falls in love with the movie's leading lady while trying to avoid getting arres ted or killed. Is Eli trying to capture Cameron's death on film? And what happen s to a paranoid stunt man when illusion and reality change places?" View trailer Tigerland [PN1997 .T5441 2001] Just released from the base stockade, recruit Rol and Bozz joins a platoon of young soldiers preparing to ship out to Vietnam. His independence and outright defiance draw fire from his own men as well as comman ding officers. But when the platoon is sent to Tigerland, a hellish training gro und, Bozz's leadership and loyalty bring his men together, triggering extraordin ary consequences. ) View trailer Tour of duty [PN1992.77.T687 A11 2004] The complete series; three seasons; 14 di scs."As the first television drama series about the Vietnam War, Tour of Duty fo cuses on a single platoon of young U.S. soldiers through their one-year tour of combat duty in Vietnam during the late 1960's. While their own country is rocked by a massive anti-war movement, these young men find themselves thrown into com bat in Southeast Asia, where they face enemy troops they can not see and sometim es can not kill. They also face their own fears, as they struggle in a hostile e nvironment just to keep themselves and their fellow soldiers alive." (http://www Vietnam (1988). Australian TV mini-series (437 minutes) "This epic story of Aust ralias involvement in the Vietnam War is told through the history of a middle cla ss family, the Goddards, whose son Phillip (Nicholas Eadie) is conscripted to fi ght in the war and whose father, Douglas (Barry Otto), is one of the key Canberr a bureaucrats responsible for the policy of Australias involvement in the war. Ph illip has a schoolgirl younger sister, Megan (Nicole Kidman-- in her first major role!) already on the pill and opposed to the war in Indo China and a housewife mother, Evelyn (Victoria Lang), who is just starting to stand up to her authori tarian and patronising husband. The family is driven apart by the war in Vietnam , the sexual revolution and the growing independence of women in Australian soci ety. When Phillip becomes alienated from his family as a result of his experienc es as a soldier in Vietnam, the family never loses the courage to keep love aliv e, using their new found insights to begin to know each other as they never have before." ( Note: This site has lo ts more information about this series, including video clips). Region 2 DVD. May be borrowed from Prof. Joseph if you have a DVD player that will play Region 2 discs and the time to watch it! [It really is pretty good!] We Were Soldiers [PN1997 .W4317 2002 ]. Lt. Col. Hal Moore is the commander of t he First Battalion, Seventh Cavalry. As part of the Pleiku Campaign of late 1965 , Moore is assigned to action at Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley, an a rea known to be overrun by North Vietnamese troops and nicknamed "The Valley of Death." Moore soon finds himself and his men contained to an area about the size of a football field, surrounded by more than 2,000 enemy troops and engaged in the first major battle of the war. Heroism becomes the order of the day as the m en refuse to yield, in spite of heavy losses of life. Based on the book "We were soldiers once ... and young" by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (ret.) and Joseph L. G alloway, (138 min.) View trailer White Badge [PN1997 .H3926 1992] A 1994 South Korean film (English subtitles). A South Korean veteran who writes a serialized novel about the Vietnam War strugg les to keep the past at a distance when a soldier from his old unit asks for his help. In aiding his friend he is forced to confront the brutal truths of his li fe. Winner of Best Director and Grand Prix for Best Film awards at the Tokyo Int ernational Film Festival as well as numerous awards for acting and directing at festivals throughout Asia. Based on the novel White Badge: A Novel of Korea, by Ahn Jung-Hyo; English translation: New York: Soho Press. Inc., 1989. (114 minute s) View trailer The year that trembled [PN1997.2 .Y42714 2003]. Note Originally released as a mo tion picture in 2001; A war chronicle and unconventional love story set in the s hadow of Kent State's turbulent events, when passions ignited a nation and choic es became a matter of life and death. 105 mins. View trailer