14 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • July 15 2018 The Viking voyagers

PHOTO: STEFAN JONASSON The Norse encampment at L'Anse aux Meadows had not yet been discovered when Val Bjornson spoke about the certainty of the Norse voyages to North America

Val Bjornsson (1948) Erikson’s discovery of America in the year 1000. It isn’t College, or people interested in that institution, ought just something to be treated with an indulgent smile to be particularly aware of that fact – for that Lutheran celand was the earliest link between the old – a shrugging, “Oh, yes, those Scandinavians again – institution is named for a Catholic saint. world and the new, almost a thousand years ago. swelling their chests about some fanciful claim that At this point, some listeners may have begun IParenthetically, it might be mentioned that historians have never accepted fully.” to wonder by what stretch of the imagination this was in wartime and remains today a strategically Despite all the space that grade and high school broadcast can be considered one dealing with an signifcant link between those hemispheres, used still by textbooks give to the voyages of Christopher Columbus, immigrant contribution to the “Making of America.” America in maintaining a communications line with our beginning in 1492, despite his customary designation as That will, I hope, become more evident as the recital occupying forces in Germany, across one of the world’s the discoverer of America, despite the incredible action moves along. I intend to discuss briefy the attempted largest airports, southwest of Reykjavik, and used in of a legislature and a governor here in the State of Viking colonization of America – right here on our still greater measure by the commercial aircraft of the – back in 1945, I’m told it was – making next own mainland, and not merely in nearby Greenland – leading nations of the world. Tuesday, Columbus Day, a legal holiday, the historians between the years 1003 and 1006. The Icelandic sagas I was a bit surprised when I was informed that the recognize Leif Erikson as the discoverer of America, in contain the detailed record. They are the best sources as Honorary Vice Consul for Iceland here in Minnesota the year 1000. to the Viking voyages of discovery. For that matter, did was to have the frst three in this scries of broadcasts. Columbus was no more the discoverer of America it ever occur to any of you who stem from Norway that It shouldn’t take nearly that long to recount the than you or I. He never saw the North American you would not know Norway’s early history at all if it contributions of a few thousand Icelandic immigrants to mainland. He got to the island of San Salvador in 1492. were not for the Icelandic sagas? America, no matter how boastful one might become. I He visited the South American mainland later. But as a For purposes of this discussion, however, I would wonder, however, whether Dean Thompson didn’t have discoverer he was a full fve hundred years late, as far as rather use other sources than the sagas – corroborative in mind in arranging this unusual sequence the earliest this continent is concerned. sources that show the record they preserve is more link between Iceland and the rest of Scandinavia, on Some seek to inject a religious note into arguments than a succession of boastful claims about long- the one hand, and America on the other. I am going that may arise as to Christopher Columbus and Leif departed ancestors. The best such evidence, both as to proceed on that assumption, and begin, thus, at the Erikson. Because the Knights of Columbus is a to the discovery of America and the early attempt at beginning, particularly since next Saturday, the 9th of Catholic organization, one occasionally hears even its colonization, is to be found in Catholic sources. In October, is Leif Erikson Day – an event which another some Scandinavians rather indignant about that church preparing this morning’s broadcast, I have beside me a St. Olaf faculty man certainly has in mind, Dr. Glasoe, fostering the myth that Columbus discovered this large, 26-page volume. It is the frst in a 15-volume head of the Greater Leif Erikson Monument Committee, country. Actually, the Catholic Church has equal claim set, The Catholic Encyclopedia, bearing the subtitle, An that group whose aim it is to erect a statue of America’s on eif Erikson. He was the frst Catholic missionary International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Viking discoverer on our State Capitol grounds during into the New World, having accepted the Christian faith Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Minnesota's territorial centennial year of 1949. at the court of King Olav Tryggvason, the frst Christian Church. It was published in New York in 1907 under Iceland’s early link with America comes long monarch of Norway, in the year 999. the imprimatur of John H. Farley, then Archbishop of before the birth of Leif the Lucky, son of Erik the Red, Leif Erikson had two priests with him, intending New York. at Eiriksstadir in Haukadalur in Dalasysla, in southwest to Christianize his pagan father, Erik the Red, and the Take a look at it sometime, whether you happen Iceland – a few miles, by the way, from where my own rest of his family, then in Greenland, when he stumbled to be Catholic or Protestant, and in doing so look on mother was born. One goes back to Norway to trace upon the North American mainland in the year 1000. page 416 of that frst volume. The heading is “America these ties. And I’d like to interject at this point that Let us never forget that in the period of which we’re – Pre-Columbian Discovery of.” And then follows there is just one thing I hope may be gained through speaking now, more than 900 years ago, when we over seven pages of its fnely printed text, one of the the next few minutes of this broadcast – and that is to say Christian, we might equally well say Catholic. best and most authoritative brief treatments of Leif eliminate doubts, if any there be, in the mind of any For Christianity had no exponent in the world then Erikson’s discovery of America that has been printed in listener anywhere, about the historic validity of Leif other than the Catholic Church. Students at St. Olaf the English language. I’m going to read some excerpts VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15. júlí 2018 • 15 from that frst volume of The Catholic Encyclopedia, beginning as follows: “Of all the alleged discoveries of America before the time of Columbus, only the bold voyages of exploration of the fearless Vikings to Greenland and the American mainland can be considered historically certain. Although there is an inherent probability for the fact of other pre-Columbian discoveries of America, all accounts of such discoveries (Phoenician, Irish, Welsh and Chinese) rest on testimony too vague or too unreliable to justify a serious defense of them. For the oldest written evidence of the discovery of Greenland and America by the Northmen, we are indebted to Adam, a canon of the Church of Bremen, who about 1067 went to Bremen, where he devoted himself very earnestly to the study of Norse history. Owing to the vigorous missionary activity of Archbishop Adelbert of Bremen (who died in 1072), this ‘Rome of the North’ offered the best feld for such work, being the much frequented center of the great northern missions, which were spread over Norway and Sweden, Iceland and Greenland.’ Moreover, Adam of Bremen found a most trustworthy source of information in the Danish King, Sven Estrithson, who ‘preserved in his memory, as though engraved, the entire history of the barbarians.’” (He meant there the northern peoples.) I am still quoting from this same section of The Catholic Encyclopedia: “Of the lands discovered by the PHOTO: STEFAN JONASSON Northmen in America, Adam mentions only Greenland The ghosts of the Norse explorers still linger at L'Anse aux Meadows and Vinland. The former he describes as an island in the northern ocean, about as far from Norway as Iceland fve colonization along our Atlantic seaboard. Erik the Red of Christianity there was the work of Leif Erikson. He to seven days), and he expressly states that envoys from had laid the foundations for a colony that lasted several found America in the year 1000 on a voyage intended Greenland and Iceland had come to Bremen to ask for hundred years in Greenland, which he discovered in to take him from Nidaros, Norway’s ancient capital, preachers of the Gospel. The Archbishop granted their 982. He was originally from the province of Jaederen now Trondheim, to Brattahlid, his father’s home in request, even giving the Greenlanders assurances of a in southern Norway, was outlawed for manslaughter, Greenland. He made three successive landings along speedy visit in person. Adam’s information concerning moved to the then thriving new republic of Iceland, our eastern seaboard. Vinland was no less trustworthy than his knowledge of married there – his wife, by the way, a native of Iceland It was in 1003 that Thorfnnur Karlsefni, a rich Greenland. According to him, the land took its name – settled on the farm to which he gave his own name, merchant from Iceland – having married in Greenland from the excellent wild grapes that abounded there. … Eiriksstadir, in western Iceland, but unfortunately didn’t Gudridur, the widow of Thorsteinn, a brother of Leif Adam’s testimony is of the highest importance to us, change his habits with his change in residence. Erikson – organied an expedition to fnd Vinland – which not only as being the oldest written account of Norse He was fnally outlawed from Iceland for using the some think was in the region that is now Massachusetts, discoveries in America, but also because it is entirely sword “not wisely but too well,” so he was actually in though others would place it considerably further north independent of Icelandic writings, and rests directly on quest of “new worlds to conquer” when he stumbled – and to attempt to colonize it. That story, however, is Norse traditions, which were at the time still recent. The upon the big area to which he gave the name of Greenland one which I see we shall have to continue next Thursday, second witness is Ari Thorgilsson (Ari the Learned, who in 982. He hoped to draw settlers through the attractive as I yield the microphone now to Dean Thompson at St. died in 1148), the oldest and most trustworthy of all the name. And he did. In the spring of 985, 14 shiploads Olaf College. historians of Iceland. Like Adam, Ari is conscientious of settlers came from Iceland. There was continuous This is the first in a series of three radio in citing the sources of his information. His authority contact between Norway, Iceland, and Greenland during broadcasts delivered by Val Bjornson in 1948 over was his uncle, Thorkell Gellisson, who in turn was all these centuries. Leif Erikson grew up in Greenland, the airwaves of WCAL at St. Olaf College. These indebted for the details of the discovery and settlement which at its height numbered a settlement of probably three broadcasts were the introductory radio of Greenland to a companion of the discoverer himself.” about 4,000 of Norse origin. lectures of the St. Olaf College series, America in the I now conclude this quoted excerpt from Volume Catholic records show that the Greenland bishopric Making. In the interests of preserving the integrity I of The Catholic Encyclopedia. I could continue it of Gardar had two monasteries and a convent of of this 70-year-old address, we have left the spelling far beyond the time allotted this broadcast. I shall Benedictine nuns, the east and the west settlements of names and places in their Americanized form summarie briefy what it says about the attempted being served by at least 11 churches. The introduction rather than converting them to Icelandic. ristjan Valdimar (Val) Bjornson was a the frst broadcast, on October 7, 194, Val reminisced journalist, broadcaster, and politician in about his years in broadcasting, noting that he had THE MAKING OF AMERICA KMinnesota, deeply admired by all who knew appeared before the microphone at WCAL some him. Born in Minneota, MN, on August 29, 1906, 800 times, mostly during the two years following the he was the son of Gunnar B. Björnson and Ingibjörg invasion of Norway by the Nazis, when Minnesota’s Ágústína Hördal. His father was the local postmaster Scandinavian communities hungered for news from and proprietor of The Minneota Mascot and Val across the sea. “I have never done anything in the feld himself served as editor of the paper in the 1930s, in which I have felt closer to listeners or enjoyed a after graduating from the . warmer response from them than was the case with He was a U.S. Navy intelligence offcer in Iceland those daily broadcasts of Scandinavian news over during World War II, where he met his wife, Guðrún more than a two-year period,” he reminisced. “Those Jónsdóttir. They had fve children. broadcasts served personally to heighten an interest Following the war, Val became associate editor of that has always been something of a hobby – an the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch. He was also interest in the history, the literature and the cultural an on-air radio personality for KSTP and WCAL. In heritage of Scandinavia in general, and of the land of 1950, he was elected State Treasurer of Minnesota, a my own forbears, Iceland.” position he held for 22 years with one break, when he A correspondent from recently sent a competed for a seat in the U.S. Senate against Hubert mimeographed copy of Val’s radio lectures to the offce H. Humphrey. A Republican, he was widely respected of the Icelandic National League of North America. on both sides of the aisle. Recognizing their historical value and their glimpse at Seventy years ago, in 1948, WCAL launched a Icelandic American thinking about our heritage seven series of broadcasts on Thursday mornings from its decades ago, we are pleased to have the opportunity to studio at St. Olaf College in Northfeld, MN, on the reproduce these lectures in Lögberg-Heimskringla. We theme, America in the Making. Iceland was selected begin with “The Viking voyagers” and will publish the as the place to begin and Val Bjornson delivered the remaining two lectures, “Modern migrations begin” frst three segments of the series, observing that, and “Evaluating the contribution,” in subsequent “Iceland was the earliest link between the old world issues.

PHOTO: ICELANDIC NATIONAL LEAGUE OF NORTH AMERICA and the new, almost a thousand years ago.” Val Bjornson died on March 10, 1987, but he is still Val Bjornson, 1906-1987 Before proceeding to the focus of his remarks for fondly remembered in his native Minnesota.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA 16 • Lögberg-Heimskringla August 1 2018 Snorri, the frst native white other Europeans in giving the American, grew to manhood nineteenth century its dominant Modern migrations begin in Iceland, and a long line has trend – that of large-scale descended from him there, migration from the old world to justly proud of that ancestry. the new. I wish I could keep on It is strange how coin- talking about this early history, cidence often shapes history. It recounting events of almost a is because of the association of thousand years ago. It strikes two Icelanders with some Danes me as fascinating. I am sure that the Mormon colony in Utah that many of you listeners had its beginnings. It is because would fnd it interesting of one Dane’s association reading. Sources are by no with some Icelanders that the moans lacking in the English Washington Island settlement language; I think that works in Wisconsin later came into in English dealing with the being. And, as for my own Viking voyages of discovery home community at Minneota, and related topics now number its Icelandic settlement began close to 200, if not more. I solely because one Icelander haven’t left you much in the and his family cast their lot with way of specifc contributions Norwegians in Dane County, by those earliest immigrants Wisconsin, and then moved to American shores – the with them by ox-drawn covered group headed by Thorfnnur wagon to the banks of the and Gudrid in the year 1003. Yellow Medicine River, when Obviously, those contributions those Norwegians decided to PHOTO COURTESY OF WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / CC BY-SA 4.0 were not lasting ones because press further westward, into Icelandic Monument in Spanish Fork the colony was so short-lived. Minnesota. But a groundwork has been But I’m getting ahead of Val Bjornson (1948) voyages of discovery. Those continue some discussion provided through establishment my story. It was in 1851 that voyages, begun more than a of that remote period this of those early links between two young Icelanders, from the his morning’s discussion thousand years ago, linked in morning. The attempted Viking Scandinavia and America, and Westman Islands, Thorarinn should bring us nearer logical sequence across the colonization on our Atlantic in today’s discussion we shall Hafidason and Gudmundur Tmodern realities than globe Norway and Iceland and seaboard, between about the skip down the centuries to Gudmundsson, arrived in did the one opening this series Greenland, and our own North years 1003 and 1006, was Icelandic migration westward Copenhagen to go to a trade last Thursday. Since Dean American mainland. It seemed mentioned last time. It was in in modern tines. I shall mention school for training in skilled Thompson decided that this appropriate last Thursday to 1003 that Thorfnnur Karlsefni, immigration to Canada only crafts. The year before, two succession of broadcasts on spend most of our tine on those a rich merchant from Iceland, in passing, though Icelanders “apostles” from the Salt Lake immigrant contributions to voyages, particularly since we married a widow in Greenland settled there in far larger City settlement of Mormons “America in the Making” should celebrated Leif Erikson Day – Gudridur, whoso frst numbers than they did here, in Utah had come to Denmark begin about as close to the top last Saturday and Columbus husband, Thorsteinn, a brother south of the border. If there are as evangelists for their faith. of the map as we can get – with Day this past Tuesday. of Leif Erikson, had died. They today, as some estimate, 40,000 Their work, and that of others, Iceland – it seemed logical last As to earliest immigrant organized a party to fnd the Icelanders and their descendants bore fruit both in Denmark week to discuss the Viking contributions, we could Vinland area, which Leif had in North America, then certainly and in Sweden. Nearly 30,000 discovered three years before, 30,000 of them are in Canada, Scandinavians were converted and to settle there. A hundred and no more than 10,000 in the to the Mormon religion, most and ffty of them left Greenland United States. of them moving to Utah. Of in 1003, getting to Vinland, Reviewing the major that number, about 15,000 which some say was in the migratory moves to this country of them were Danes. These region of what is Massachusetts in briefest recital, just to provide two young Icelanders joined now, but which others would further background, one must Danish friends in accepting place considerably further begin today’s discussion with the new faith, and the idea of north. They passed up the year 1856, when the frst moving far off to the westward Chartered Professional Accountants Helluland, where Leif’s party modern Icelanders come to the to a new country caught their had frst landed – so named United States – a few converts imaginations. These Icelanders, because of its rocky formation, to the Mormon religion, settling fred with something of the Martin K. Anderson, CPA, CA likely in the northern roaches of in Utah then. The second and missionary’s zeal themselves, Labrador – and also Markland, far more sizeable group came were urged to go back to their D. 780.420.4760 named for the woods which to Washington Island, off the homeland to convert more of E. [email protected] covered it – probably in the Door County peninsula in their countrymen. They did so, Newfoundland area. And, Wisconsin, in 1870. Next came confning their efforts mainly 2900 Bell Tower, 10104 – 103 Avenue by the way, Icelandic annals the Minnesota colony, where I to their home district of the Edmonton AB T5J 0H8 indicate by a casual entry as am born and brought up myself Westman Islands, but getting recently as the late 14th century – in Lyon, Lincoln, and Yellow over into the southern part of that the Markland region Medicine counties, here in our Iceland’s mainland as well. remained well known, and that own state, launched in 1875 Thorarinn Hafidason periodic trips were made to it – the same year as the major drowned in 1852, but his not only from Greenland but settlements in Winnipeg and companion continued the from Iceland, as well, to secure north of there began. Finally, mission work, joined later needed timber from the forests. there is the largest Icelandic by a Dane. There is no point The colony formed in settlement in the United States in prolonging that detailed Vinland was abandoned after – that in Pembina County, North recital. It should suffce to say three years because of hostile Dakota, begun as an offshoot that the frst Icelanders – only Indians. The frst white child from the New Iceland colony a very few – got to Utah in born in America, by the in Manitoba, in1878. There 1856, a larger number joining way, was Snorri, the son of is a newer colony at Seattle, them the following year, Thorfnnur Karlsefni and his Washington, with smaller ones moving in along with Danes to wife, Gudridur. On leaving elsewhere in the country. found a settlement in and near this country’s shores, some of I shouldn’t burden listeners Spanish Fork, southeast of Salt those frst colonists went back with too minute a chronological Lake City. to Greenland, others to Iceland. record here. But we may as Because of early hostility on Thorfnnur wound up in his well begin at the beginning in the part of Lutherans toward the native Iceland. He died there. this mass movement of peoples Mormon religion, which at this His widow became a nun, later which found Icelanders falling stage had polygamy as one of its made a pilgrimage to Rome. pretty much into step with tenets, Icelanders have seldom VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA Lögberg-Heimskringla • 1. ágúst 2018 • 17 paid much attention to the Utah What fnally happened was colony. It had no added recruits that ten years later, in 1873, from 1857 until in 1874, with a 34 Icelanders got to Brazil by few more coming between that going frst to Copenhagen, then time and 1892. I suppose that to Hamburg in Germany, and at its peak, including Icelanders then to Rio de Janeiro. Only and their descendants, the a few others joined the group colony has never numbered later, in a section populated more than 200. But they were heavily by German settlers. proud of their cultural heritage. So there are some descendants They sought to maintain the of these original Icelanders, traditions they had brought with speaking Portuguese, there in them, while becoming excellent Brazil, still today. citizens of Utah. The migration that really One of their number, “broke into the ice” and started PHOTO: PUBLIC DOMAIN / CC0 writing about the Spanish the westward food was in Washington Island lighthouse Fork settlement as it existed in 1870. And there comes the the early nineties, says it was coincidental link with a Dane, Descendants of these frst northeastern Wisconsin. Minnesota, taking a homestead acknowledged there that the which I mentioned a while settlors, always a small colony, It is from the Dane County in what became Westerheim best carpenter in the village was back. His name was William still live on Washington Island, group that the Minnesota Township in Lyon County, seven an Icelander, so was the best Wickmann, and he came to where they have earned a settlement stems. And there miles northeast of Minneota, on blacksmith, the leading painter, Iceland in 1855, going to work livelihood mainly through comes the last of the three the 4th of July in 1875. the best stonemason, the fnest for Gudmundur Thorgrimsen, fshing operations, retaining that coincidences to which I referred Again, I see it’s time for watch repairman – and the faktor, an Icelander, who close similarity to circumstances some time back. One of those Dean Thompson to take over, best handiwork was that of the operated the Danish trade in their old homeland. Icelanders given shelter and and our recital must continue Icelandic women. Descendants monopoly’s big mercantile In 1872, Hans Thorgrimsen a helping hand by Norwegian next Thursday. of this frst modern Icelandic establishment at Eyrarbakki, in joined the Milwaukee group. pioneers in Dane County This is the second in a settlement in America have southern Iceland. Gudmundur That same year, a frst cousin of in 1873 was Gunnlaugur series of three radio broadcasts been particularly proud of Thorgrimsen, by the way, was his, Pall Thorlaksson, arrived. Pjetursson (Peterson is the delivered by Val Bjornson in their heritage, and have given the father of the late Rev. Hans They both became ministers, Anglicized form) from 1948 over the airwaves of that pride a more impressive Thorgrimsen, who served the joining Norwegians who went Hakonarstadir in Jokuldal, in WCAL at St. Olaf College. tangible demonstration than Norwegian Lutheran Synod in those days to the Missouri northeastern Iceland. It was These three broadcasts were the has been the case in any other for so long, lived for so many Synod institution at St. Louis because Norwegian neighbors introductory radio lectures of the such community – through the years in Grand Forks, North for their theological work. of his – particularly the St. Olaf College series, America erection, ten years ago, of a Dakota, and died not many Pall Thorlaksson became an Hovdesven family – decided to in the Making. In the interests of pioneer memorial, taking the years ago at the advanced age of important fgure as to later move on to Minnesota in 1875 preserving the integrity of this form of a miniature lighthouse, more than 85. Icelandic immigration, and was that Gunnlaugur and his wife, 70-year-old address, we have with appropriately inscribed This man Wickmann left also father of the North Dakota and a few relatives with them, left the spelling of names and plaque. As has been true in Iceland for the United States in settlement in Pembina County. chose to follow the same course. places in their Americanized every Icelandic community in 1865, going frst to Milwaukee. He died a great many years ago And thus he became the frst form rather than converting the United States and Canada, He went from there to in North Dakota, but his brother, Icelandic settlor in the State of them to Icelandic. a very large proportion of Washington Island, off the tip Niels Steingrimur Thorlaksson, the younger generation of Wisconsin’s Door County who also became a pastor, have gone on for advanced peninsula, an island about taking his theological work in schooling, supplying more six miles square, out in Lake Christiania, Norway, died only a than their share of teachers and Michigan. Wickmann wrote few years ago, about 85 years of professional men. numerous letters to his former age. He was the frst permanent I shall mention in only employer, Thorgrimsen, back pastor of the Icelandic a sentence or two another in Eyrarbakki in Iceland. He settlement at Minneota, coming migratory move by Icelanders was lavish in his praise of the there in 1887, served Norwegian that had its origins in the new home he had found. In the congregations at Park River, Thingeyjarsysla of northern visiting that naturally proceeded North Dakota, for some years Iceland, in 186. That’s the year as residents of that area came to after that, and spent the longest formal planning started. They the store , there was much talk period of his active pastorate at had had a succession of hard of America and of the success Selkirk, Manitoba. winters and other diffculties. apparently attending location Milwaukee became the The Danish trade monopoly there on the part of this man center to which Icelanders was a continuous source of they had all known so well. The arriving in the United States discontent. And, believe it or not, result was that some others who headed. A fairly sizeable one of these residents of northern worked for Thorgrimsen, and number arrived there late in Iceland got the idea they ought a few of their neighbors, too, 1873. Some of them were aided to move to Greenland, of all set out for America in 1870, in fnding temporary homes by places. He revived a sentimental heading frst for Milwaukee and the Norwegians in Dane County. Enjoy the 129th harking back to history, in the locating then on Washington Some founded a small Icelandic days when colonists left Iceland Island, in a settlement settlement that lasted only a Islendingadagurinn! to settle Greenland, in the year predominantly Norwegian. short time, near Shawano, in 985 and thereafter. He was Gleðilega Hátíð! soon convinced by neighbors, PROUD SUPPORTERS however, that there would be no gain moving to a spot on of the Lögberg-Heimskringla the globe that is 97 percent At Pharmasave Gimli our Live Well pharmacists care perpetually ice-coated, and a about the health and well-being of our customers. sharp shift in plans came when Jeff Wharton one of the farm leaders began to We want to be with you every step of the way. study possibilities in Brazil. MLA for Gimli They engaged in serious study of the subject over a long period, and at the peak of discussion, no less than 500 had indicated their desire to move to Brazil. The plans encountered one diffculty after another. A Contact Brazilian consul in Copenhagen 204.642.7843 was to be helpful. He failed to provide the promised help. 204.642.5504 [email protected] VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA 14 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • August 15 2018

PHOTO: DR THOR / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / CC BY-SA 3.0 O.G. Anderson & Co. Store in Minneota EVALUATING THE CONTRIBUTION Val Bjornson (1948) some of you may remember, attempt at colonization under virtually all of the broadcast Thorfnnur Karlsefni between hile this broadcast is went to an account of the the years 1003 and 1006, we only the third in what Viking voyages of discovery skipped down the centuries to Wis likely to be an –- Leif Erikson’s successive the frst Icelandic settlement extensive series on the theme of landings on our mainland in the of modern times in the United “America in the Making,” it is year 1000, at points to which States, a small Mormon colony PHOTO: DR THOR / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / CC BY-SA 3.0 St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Minneota the last on contributions made he gave the names Helluland, established in 1856 at Spanish by Icelandic immigrants toward Markland and Vinland; the Fork, Utah. Next came the that evolving composite. In close ties that joined Norway Washington Island settlement be home. Just a few more facts the beginnings of Icelandic retrospect now, it wasn't so hard and Iceland and Greenland off Wisconsin’s Door County for the historical record, and settlement in Minnesota, it to devote the frst two Thursday in those days, with bridging peninsula, in 1870 – after a then my fnal assignment in also saw the launching of the morning quarter-hours to that of the short gap remaining slight digression to cover the this series must begin. And, by largest colony of Icelanders subject, though we may have to North America coming as colonizing venture made by a the way, that assignment was on this side of the Atlantic, gone a bit far afeld in doing so. their logical sequel. Then, few Icelanders to Brazil at described for me in a letter the New Iceland settlement Two weeks ago this morning, from brief mention of the frst about the same time. from Dean Thompson about along the west shore of Lake We had come to the this broadcast. “I think it would Winnipeg, north of the city of founding of Minnesota’s be fne,” he said, “if in your Winnipeg in Manitoba. That Icelandic settlement when concluding lecture you would colony began when some of the last week’s broadcast ended – mention something about Ontario settlers were persuaded the trip made by Gunnlaugur the Icelandic group’s interest to move further westward. LÖGBERG LÖGBERG Pjetursson, members of his in politics and government, They came down the lakes HEIMSKRINGLA HEIMSKRINGLA family, and a few others, from art and literature, as well as to Duluth, across Minnesota annual giving Te Icelandic Community Newspaper the home they had found in education, church, editorial by rail to Fisher’s Landing on annual giving Te Icelandic Community Newspaper Dane County, Wisconsin, work, business, and so on.” the Red River, south of where late in 1873. They left with That ought to fll the Grand Forks stands now, and My total Annual Gift will be: $ My total Annual Gift will be: $ Norwegians who were pressing remaining time. But just to get then by fat-bottomed boat Contributions will be: Monthly Annually Beginning / / westward from Dane County the migratory moves in proper northward along the Red River Contributions will be: Monthly Annually Beginning / / Cheque (Payable to Lögberg-Heimskringla, Inc.) in the summer of 1875, and relationship, let me recall one to Winnipeg. The New Iceland Cheque (Payable to Lögberg-Heimskringla, Inc.) their overland journey by ox- or two historic facts frst. At the colony was encouraged and Credit Card Credit Card drawn covered wagon, lasting same time as Milwaukee was strengthened by the man who becoming something of a base was then Governor General Visa and MasterCard are accepted. many weeks, did not end until Visa and MasterCard are accepted. they reached the banks of the of operations for Icelanders of Canada, Lord Dufferin, Credit Card # Expiry Date / in the United States between whose book, Letters from High Credit Card # Expiry Date / Yellow Medicine River, seven miles northeast of the village in 1870 and 1874, migration to Latitudes, showed the friendly Cardholder Name Cardholder Name which I was born – Minneota, Canada was beginning. First interest he had developed Signature in Lyon County. It was on settlements, in1873, were in in Iceland and Icelanders Signature the 4th of July, 1875, that Nova Scotia and Ontario. The on his visit there in1856. As Name Name Gunnlaugur Pjetursson took his small group in Milwaukee had part of Canada’s effort to Street Address homestead there, naming the been canvassing possibilities attract settlers to the western Street Address farm Hakonarstadir, the name for a larger settlement on this provinces, Lord Dufferin made City, Province/State, Postal/ZIP Code City, Province/State, Postal/ZIP Code borne by his ancestral home side of the line. A group went to concessions scarcely paralleled Home Phone Business in the Jokuldal of northeastern Nebraska in quest of land, and a in immigration history. He Home Phone Business Iceland. When operated in later few families did settle there. gave these Icelanders what Mobile Date Mobile Date years by his son-in-law and In addition to the Washington amounted almost to autonomy Email daughter, Halldor Joseph and Island colony, there was a over an area more than 40 Email Elizabeth Nicholson, it was settlement in Shawano County, miles long and 11 miles wide, 1SF"VUIPSJ[FE1BZNFOUT"WBJMBCMF Pre-Authorized Payments Available 1MFBTFDPOUBDUBVESFZ!MIJODDBPSDBMM5FM&YU known as Riverside Farm, and Wisconsin, for a few years, along Lake Winnipeg, and in Please contact: [email protected] or call Tel: &YU 'BY  5PMMGSFF -0(#&3( is frequently referred to by that transferred almost bodily to it they could establish local Fax: (204) 284-7099 Toll-free: 1-866-564-2374 (1-866-LOGBERG) name still. North Dakota in 1878, except government and follow forms Mail or fax the completed forms to: for a few who had gone to the and customs exactly as they Mail or fax the completed forms to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. I must not be carried away Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. ."3*0/453&&5 8*//*1&( .#3+,$BOBEB by the impulse to reminisce Minneota community from had known them in Iceland. ."3*0/453&&5 8*//*1&( .#3+,$BOBEB Telephone: 1-866-564-2374 | Fax: (204) 284-7099 | Email: [email protected] about the ”good old days” in there in the meantime. I mention the New Iceland Telephone: 1-866-564-2374 | Fax: (204) 284-7099 | Email: [email protected] or donate online on our secure website: www.lh-inc.ca or donate online on our secure website: www.lh-inc.ca a community that will always While 1875 marked colony to this somewhat VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.LH-INC.CA Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15. ágúst 2018 • 15

John B. Gislason C.M. Gislason Gunnar B. Bjornson

detailed extent because it became the “mother colony” Brandsson. Hjalmar Bergman, son of the frst named, Minnesota.” That would be taking unfair advantage of of the largest Icelandic settlement in the United States, became a renowned lawyer in Winnipeg, after leaving listeners, but a point or two could be mentioned, solely the one which began forming in Pembina County, his North Dakota home; he died there last spring, a for illustrative purposes. The illustration has numerous North Dakota, in 1878. The Argyle settlement, near member then of Manitoba’s Supreme Court.* Rev. K.K. parallels. It was in the school of pioneering hard Glenboro and Cypress River, about a hundred miles Olafsson, son of Kristinn Olafsson, born in Pembina knocks that my father received most of his education. west of Winnipeg, was also formed that same year County shortly after his parents left the Minneota Tending Minneota’s town herd as a boy in the days as an offshoot of the original New Iceland colony. community, graduated from Luther College, became when almost every villager kept a cow, working on Diffculties were indescribable the frst two or three president of the Icelandic Lutheran Synod, and is now farms among the Norwegians who surrounded us and years in New Iceland. Immigrants and their families serving a ULC congregation in a Chicago suburb.** learning the Valdris dialect he has never forgotten, died like fies in smallpox epidemics that raged two Dr. B.J. Brandsson, Jon Brandsson’s son, practiced clerking in a store, reading law for two years in C.M. winters in succession. Brush had to be cleared, sloughs medicine in Winnipeg for years, going there from Gislason’s law offce in Minneota, Gunnar Bjornson drained, trees felled, shelter of some sort provided – North Dakota; he was just a boy when he came from entered newspaper work frst as part owner of the the one gift of an otherwise grudging Nature being Iceland with his parents to the Minneota community, Minneota Mascot in 1895, became its sole editor and actually Lake Winnipeg itself, where fshing operations and when he died in Winnipeg a few years ago, he was publisher in 1900, selling what had become a family have provided the main sustenance for the settlers all one of the best-known surgeons in Canada, and had institution 44 years later, after having raised a number those years. long taught medicine at the University of Manitoba, in of printers and editors in the persons of his sons, who Minute details as to those settlements will have addition to his practice. just about grew up in that printshop. He served in the to be glossed over now in a necessary approach to But I digress to interrelations between the Minneota, State Legislature in 1913 and 1915, was chairman the larger, though certainly vaguer, task of attempted the North Dakota, and the Winnipeg settlements, from of the Republican State Central Committee in 1914, evaluation. It was because an Icelander threw his lot frst mention of Bjorn Gislason. Perhaps the mention moved to the Twin Cities in 1925 on his appointment with some Dane County Norwegians that the Minnesota of specifc names should have been avoided in this to the old State Tax Commission, and has been on the settlement came into being 73 years ago last summer. section of the broadcast. Yet, to cover several phases of State Board of Tax Appeals since its creation in 1939. Gunnlaugur Pjetursson was joined in the next year or our attempted evaluation of contributions by Icelandic He and his wife, born in Iceland, too, but reared in two by more of his former neighbors who had spent a immigrants, mention of the Gislason family serves as settlements in Saskatchewan and Winnipeg, will leave while in Wisconsin – Sigmundur Jonatansson, father one of the better examples. The pioneering father, who their six children no legacy of material riches. But the of J.H. Jonathan at Minneota; Magnus Gislason, father died his farm northeast of Minneota in 1904, brought heritage they are passing on is typical, I feel, of the of the late C.M. Gislason, lawyer and member of the a sizeable family with him from Iceland, all of whom Icelandic immigrant contribution – something of a State Legislature from Lincoln County, who died here have brought distinction to their own small national passion for learning, a questful desire for education, in in Minneapolis only a few years ago, after having group. Walter was for years in the hardware business in and out of school, a love of good books, and of poetry, served on the State Board of Grain Appeals for some Minneota, was postmaster for a considerable period too; an interest in civic affairs, an abiding regard for the time; and Loftur Jonasson, father of Mrs. F.C. Zeuthen, Thorvaldur was his real name. He died in the spring of best attributes of the Icelandic heritage, both as to its a former Minneotan now living in Minneapolis, and of 1949. Bjorn, who died in Marshall some 15 years ago, inspiring history and its brilliant literature, ancient and the well-known contractor at Aberdeen, South Dakota, was an attorney of widely recognized ability, active as modern, and for the beautiful language which moans S.W. Jonasson. a real estate man, prominent in Democratic politics; so much in convoying that heritage. Soon there were arrivals in Minneota direct from his son, Sidney, practices law in New Ulm now. John * Hjalmar A. Bergman was a justice of the Iceland – my grandmother, Kristin Benjaminsdottir, is still operating the old home farm in Westerheim, Manitoba Court of Appeal, the highest court at the and my father, Gunnar Bjornson, among them, in but he served Lyon County for ten years in the State provincial level. 1876. My dad wasn’t quite four years old at the time. Legislature, with real distinction. Halldor died in 1947 ** ULC refers to the United Lutheran Church in The largest single group to come to Minneota from in Minneapolis; he had been a professor of speech, America, which was created by the merger of three Iceland arrived in the summer of 1879 – 70 years ago director of the university’s radio station, head of its historically German synods in 1918. The Icelandic this summer. Practically every one of them came from extension division’s community service department, Evangelical Lutheran Synod joined the ULC in 1942. the Vopnafjordur area in northeastern Iceland. There in a career extending over more than 30 years on the As part of the ULC, the Icelandic Lutheran Synod were about 160 in that group, prominent among them faculty of the University of Minnesota. Arni is the became part of the Lutheran Church in America in being Bjorn Gislason, who settled just across the river youngest – a lawyer in partnership with his brother, 1962. from the original pioneer, Gunnlnugur Pjetursson, on Bjorn, at Minneota for years, and for more than 20 This is the third in a series of three radio land that Eirikur Bergmann had homesteaded, but sold years one of Minnesota’s best jurists, as district judge broadcasts delivered by Val Bjornson in 1948 over on moving to North Dakota. of the Ninth Judicial District, living at New Ulm. He the airwaves of WCAL at St. Olaf College. These There were a few families from the Minneota has since been succeeded by his nephew, Bjorn’s son, three broadcasts were the introductory radio lectures community who moved to the North Dakota settlement Sidney Gislason, elected district judge in November, of the St. Olaf College series, America in the Making. after it was started, in 1878 – the three best known 1950, without opposition. In the interests of preserving the integrity of this have left a lasting imprint in the record of contributions Dean Thompson’s letter to me says: “I am very 70-year-old address, we have left the spelling of made by Icelandic immigrants, both in this country and sincere in suggesting that you should mention some of names and places in their Americanized form rather Canada – Eirikur Bergmann, Kristinn Olafsson and Jon the contributions your father has made to the State of than converting them to Icelandic.