212 HENBURY. . [KELLy'a

Wade Miss, Alma villa Hopkins John, farmer, Elmington frm Barton Horatio, farmer WaIler John Atkin, Pen park Blunt Wm. Chas. farmer,Crook's marsh Everett Francis William, farmer Way Rev. John Hugh 'M.A. Vicarage Joyner John, wood dealer Hale John, farmer Williams George, Henbury hCl.use Maggs Henry, wheelwright, .& post off Hillier Joseph Benjamin, farmer COMMERCIAL. Millard William, shopkeeper Trott Thomas, farmer Ball Edwin, miller (water) Neall Sam!. In. farmelf, Hallen marsh 1'rott William, Carpenter~ .Arms P.H Biggs John, farmer Pearce Thomas, farmer, Chittening Watts George, farmer Evans J ames F.ear, shopkeeper farm, Hallen marsh Wilkins Gecrrge, haulier & shopkeeper Fenner James, jobbing gardener Peglar Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wilkins Peter, shopkeeper Fenner Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pullen Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Greens- Williams Henry, milk seller Flook Thomas,builder & mason,Brentry plott farm , Ford Ellen (Mrs.), Salutation P.HJ Pullin James, farmer, Spaniorum KING S WE8TON. Grigg Parmenas J. shoeing & general Stokes Henry William, King William Letters received throughShirehamptn. smith & cycle fitter & repairer the F0U;rth P.H. & Hallen brewery Miles Mrs. King's Weston hause Harvey Frederick Taylor, plumber Taylor Elizabeth(Mrs.),farmer,Worthy Miles Philip Napier J.P Henbury Working Men's Club (Edmd. farm, Hallen marsh .A.nstey William, market gardener H. Kendall, sec) Thomas Jas. farmer, Crook's marsh Davis William farmer Kingroad farm Hodges Charles, nurseryman Thomas William, farmer Pearce Charl~s Edwa'rd farmer Sea How Thomas Henry, fly proprietor W~~ams .Augustus S. frmr. Moorhse mills (letters through 'Stoke Bi~hop) • Kendall Edmund H. beer retailer Wllliams James Thomas, fa:rmer, Wel- Pea-rce Frederick William farmer Newroan Chas. Mfd.assistant overseer linghouse farm Pullen George farmer (lette·rs through Parsons George, nurseryman Willis George, farmer, Hallen marsh .Avonmouth) Prewett Henry, carpenter SrrOWICK. Tanner John Barton, farmer Smith William M~Ewan, farmer Stevens Sarah (Mrs.), Post office Pearce Henry, farmer, Stowick farm LAWR'ENCE WESTON. Wetmore Emily (Mrs.), farmer W~lI:ver Art~ur Joseph, frmr. Berwick Fedden Henry J.P. Fernhill BJALiL,EN. Willis Geo. Jun. farmer'& hay dealer Robinson. Arthur Baker Mrs. Mills, Hallen lodge OOM!PTON. Baker Austin, bee-r retailer Bond George, Helenbrook house Davis Lady Hollywood tower Britton Chas. Cosham, farmer, Rock- Jones John Gover Henry. ingham farm; residing at Hra1J..en COMMERCIAL. Stock Gregory, Compton house Davis G:~rge, farmer Brewer John, Washingpool farm, Hal- Thring Robert ~ 'Yll~am, farmer, Madam farm len marsh A'lvis Albert, farmer HIll William, sh~pkeeper Brewer William, farmer, West House Henry, farmer Ogborner Fredenck &; John, farmers, farm, Hallen ma'l"Sh Foster Frederick, iarmer Aust farm Britton Charles Cosham. farmer, Mb.y George Henry, butcher Tanner George, farmer Crook's marsh Pullin William, farmer Tanne:r George Barton, farmer Britton Mark, farmer, lSevern bank Stock Gregory, surgeon CRJBiBS OAUSEWAY. (letters through Pilning) Virgo Tom, farmer Cullimore George Leonard, farmer, Williams Francis F. farmer Bence Mrs Paclrgate farm Williams Thomas, farmer Cawley Commander George R.N.R Davis Edward, farmer, Moorhouse CH.'''''LTON. Cowlin William Henry, Brentwood Edmonds Thomas, farmer,Aibelton lane .an. Pearce Mrs. The Laurels (lettBlf"s through iPilning) Letters are received through West- Perry William Griffiths John, Severn House farm bury-on-Trym. Applin Henrietta (Mrs.), beer retailer Griffiths Wm. In. farmer, Berwick frm Everill Reginald Rumney John, shoe maker Hignell Thomas, farmer, HaIlen flLl"ID. Barnfield William George, farmer Willis Letitie (Mlrs.), milk dealer is a village and parish, bounded on Briavels, gave it to the hospital which he had founded in the west by the , which here divideS' the county that town, but being escheated, with his other property, from , ani is near the road from Chep. to the Crown, Edward I. regranted it in free alms' to the stow to Coleford, 2! miles north-west from Woolastone Ahbot of the Cistercians at ; and when that house station on the South section of the Great Western -f(mnded by Walter de Clare ~n II31-was dissolved in railway, 9 south-east from Monmouth, 6 north from 1537, it was given, with other adjoining estates, to Henry, , 7 south from Coleford and 5 west from Lydney, Earl of Worcester, in whose familY' it "Was vested for about in the division of the county, ihundred of 300 years: there is' now no lord of the manor. The prin­ St. Briavels, union and county court district of Chepstow, cipal landowners are Sir William Henry 'Marlingl bart. of petty sessional division of Lydney, rural deanery of South Stanley 'Park, King! Stanley, Capt. Walter Bentley Mar­ Forest, and in the archdeaconry and diocese of Gloucester. ling, of Clanna, Lydney, and Francis Lamb esq. The The church of St. Mary Magdalene, standing at an eleva- soil is clayey; subsoil, limestone and sandstone. The tion of about 600 feet above the river, is an ancient chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,518 building of stone of the Norman period, consisting of acres; rateable value, £1,623; the population in 18g1 chancel, north transept or Gough oha.pel erected in 1558, was 409. nave of five bays,. north aisle, south porch and! a. central Parish Clerk, Manoah Darby. • tower containing 5 bells: there are lIittings- for 164 per. sons: the churchyard, entered by a lych gate, contain's a Post Office, Brockwear. Samuel Burfitt, SUb-postmaster. venera'hle yew tree. The register dates from the year 1663. Letters from Chepstow arrive 7.45 a.m.; dispatched at The living: is a rectory, net yearly value £80, with resi- 6.20 p.m. Postal orders are i9sued here, but not paid. dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Tintern, 2 miles distant, is th; nearest money order &:. and held since 1881 by the Rev. William Shawcross, of the telegraph office University of London. The Moravians 'have had a mission Letter Box, Hewelsfield, cleared at 5 p.m here since the commencement of the present century. This parish is included in St. Briavels United School There are charities amounting to £12 yearly value, de- Board district, formed November 24, 1874 rived from land and two cottages, and applied to church Board School, Common, for St. Eriavels & and school purposes and the poor. The manor is taxed Hoewelsfield (mixed), erected in 1896, at a cost of at tliree hides in Domesday, and included in the Forest £2,000, for 105 children; average attendance, 85; '!'hos. of Dean by s.peci.u command of the Conqueror; John de Yeo, master; Mrs. MaryE. Yeo, mistress • Monmouth, constable of the neigthbouring castle of St. Carrier to Bristol.-Bowen, every fortnight Comer Mrs. Bellevue Burroughs Wm. farmr. 0Yws Hill farm Jones Isase, farmer, The Common Lamb Frailcis, Hart Hill grange Burton Alfred, farmer, Common KeedweU Thos. farmr. The Common Ramsdale .Toseph, Wye:vern Cola Jane (Mrs.), Royal Arms inn, Moulton Nehemiah, Parrot inn Shawcross Rev. William, Rectory Brockweir Phillips Thomas, farmer, Brook fa.rm COMMERCIAL. Dibden Edwin, carpenter, fen-ryman '& Pride Arthur, farmer Adams William, farmer boat proprietor, Brockweir Prince John George, family butcher, Bird William, farmer,Yew Tree cottage Dibden James, ferryman, Brockweir grocer & provision dealer & baker, Blunt Williarn, farmelf, Poolfield farm Dibden John,shopkoopelf" & sloop ownr. Back house, B1'Ockweir Bond George, farmer, Court farm general carrier to Bristol, Brockweir Pritchard Fred, butcher Bowen John, coal deaJer, Erockweir Dibden Susan (Mrs.), grocer, provision Pritchard In. Carpenters' Arms P.B. Brown John, boat builder, Brockweir dealer & apartmts. & ferry,Brockweir farmer &; shopkpr. Tumpkin Ayles 'ij.UTfitt Samuel, baker, grocer, corn & Faller Frank, watch maker Pritchard William, tea dealer meal factor, & post office, Brockweil' Heyward Edwin, New inn, :Brockweir Rymer Edgar, farmer, Railreddingfl'Il1