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Digital Strategy CLARE DIGITAL STRATEGY 2023 A 5 YEAR STRATEGY FOREWARD Clare Digital Strategy Fast, cost-effective broadband services are key to attracting inward investment and creating more jobs in the future. Introduction by the This strategy, complemented by the rollout of the National Mayor and Chief Executive: Broadband Plan and the Clare Rural Development Strategy 2026, seeks to ensure that broadband is leveraged to help alleviate the root causes of rural depopulation rather than We are delighted to introduce the Clare Digital Strategy. reinforcing any further migration to urban spaces. The overarching theme of this strategy is a whole of county We wish to acknowledge the work carried out by the staff focus on rural development. While a strategy in its own of the Rural Development Directorate of Clare County right, this blueprint is a critical facilitator which will enable Council and the members of the Clare Rural Development Clare County Council to further the objectives of the Forum in preparing this strategy. which seeks to bridge Clare Rural Development Strategy 2026. The Council will the digital divide as well as create smarter communities develop partnerships with other external stakeholders in in Clare. order for this Digital Strategy to contribute to the building of sustainable rural communities across the county. Le meas, This strategy is written in the context of the National Broadband Plan (NBP) and acknowledges that many rural areas of Clare are disadvantaged because of a lack of access to affordable, high-speed broadband services. This particularly applies to businesses that are unable to avail of the higher broadband speeds that are necessary for them to exploit the increasing number of ICT applications and services critical for growth. Cllr. Michael Begley Pat Dowling Cathaoirleach, Chief Executive Clare County Council Clare County Council TABLE OF CONTENts INTRODUctiON AND VISION STATEMENt 2 THE DIGITAL EcONOMY 3 THE RURAL CONTEXT IN COUNTY CLARE 4 BROADBAND IN COUNTY CLARE 5 LEVERAGING BROADBAND FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENt 7 SPECIFIC CHALLENGES TO BE OVERCOME 8 Access 8 Affordability 9 Awareness 9 Ability 9 POSITIONING COUNTY CLARE IN THE DIGITAL EcONOMY 11 STRATEGIC ActiONs 12 Strategic Action Area 1: Improving Access & Infrastructure 13 Description of Proposed Actions 14 Strategy in Action: The Kilrush Innovation Hub 15 Strategic Action Area 2: Intelligent Communities 16 Description of Proposed Actions 17 Strategy in Action 2: The Burren EcoTourism Network 20 Strategic Action Area 3: Digital Enterprise & Employment 21 Description of Proposed Actions 22 Strategy in Action 3: Chapel Gate Irish Whiskey Company 25 Strategic Action Area 4: Digital Council 26 Description of Proposed Actions (to follow) 27 Strategy in Action 4: Ennis WiFi 28 Strategic Action Area 5: Measuring and Evolving 29 3 INTRODUctiON AND In the context of the National Broadband VISION STATEMENT Plan, Clare County Council has a vision for all enterprises, communities and citizens across the county to have:- The Clare Digital Strategy was commissioned by Clare County Council in the context of providing a vision and • Access to “fit for purpose” digital associated roadmap for supporting the digital economy infrastructure, in the county over the next five years and beyond. This • Awareness of the potential uses and document seeks to build on the National Broadband Plan1, benefits of this infrastructure,and the 2 3 The Action Plan for Jobs and both national and Clare Rural • Ability and Skills required to realise the Development Strategy: Realising Clare’s Rural Potential digital opportunities arising. and the Clare County Development Plan 2017-2023. • Enhanced Job Creation prospects as a result of the digital economy All stakeholders, large or small, and irrespective of sector (agriculture, tourism, local services, international business or other), should be enabled to make optimal use of digital technologies as appropriate for their specific community, size and geographical location. Furthermore the Clare Digital Strategy aims to establish County Clare as a leader internationally in leveraging broadband and digital technologies for rural regeneration at a county level. 1National Broadband Plan : Connecting Communities – Ireland’s Broadband Intervention Strategy, December 2015 2Action Plan for Jobs 2017 3Realising our Rural Potential – Action Plan for Rural Development 4 THE DIGITAL EcONOMY But the Broadband Economy has also brought significant challenges for some areas. Rural communities in particular Over the last four decades the rollout of high speed have suffered from delayed access to broadband services telecommunications and associated information and are now grappling to catch-up and avail of the technologies has transformed national and global opportunities broadband and digital technologies offer for economies. It started with the major cities and economic its citizens. Even in some urban areas, where access may centres being joined with metropolitan area fibre be more readily available, the ability of communities to optic networks and has since gradually expanded in access the digital opportunities on offer has proved elusive, reach and impact. The new networks made real-time for reasons of affordability, awareness or skill. Indeed the collaboration across long distances possible driving Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development overall productivity, employment and living standards. (a joint initiative of UNESCO and ITU) agreed in 2016 on the need for a new set of connectivity targets to help The areas connected to this infrastructure (so called governments harness broadband networks and services Connected Communities) have benefited enormously more effectively to meet the seventeen Sustainable from this access, and associated job creation and Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN in 2015. improvement of services and living standards. Young people in these areas have enhanced economic In the 2018 independent Digital Readiness Assessment by opportunity to stay in the community and raise a family. Indecon, Clare performed above average on a majority of the indicators while there was a recognition that further In 2012 ITU - International Telecommunications progress is needed in relation to the rollout of additional Union, the United Nations specialized agency for ICTs Digital Services and Digital Infrastructure. The report further and telecommunications, examined the impact of recognises that Clare faces a number of structural challenges broadband on the economy and found compelling regarding digital infrastructure, challenges which may in evidence in support of the considerable impact of part be addressed through the National Broadband Plan such infrastructure on the economy, both in terms of fostering growth and creating employment. So in summary, both internationally and across Ireland, the impact and challenges presented by More recently in Ireland, Indecon’s 2016 Assessment the broadband and associated Digital Economy on of the macro-economic impact of the internet sustainable development are significant and evolving. and digital on the Irish economy, commissioned by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment shows that: • the digital economy represents 6% (€12.3bn) of Ireland’s GDP and this is expected to grow to €21.4 billion or 7.9% of GDP by 2020 • it is growing fast, at approximately 40% since 2012 • currently almost 116,000 direct and indirect jobs are supported, of which 68,000 are directly linked to digital • approximately one in seven Irish people (13.5% of the adult population) make a supplementary income on the internet. 4 The Impact of Broadband on the Economy: Research to Date and Policy Issues, April 2012, ITU 5 The reduction in share of the population is often THE RURAL CONTEXT accompanied by reduced access to services, including broadband, relative to larger urban areas, with a IN COUNTY CLARE subsequent reduction in opportunities for education and employment. As a result many of the youngest and brightest leave rural communities to seek Internationally the share of the population living in employment and enhanced opportunity elsewhere, rural communities is shrinking as large urban centres further embedding the cycle as schools consolidate, continue to grow. County Clare is no different. shops close and social activity starts to fade. As Map 1 shows, between 1981 and 2016, Rural So in this context and the context of the Rural Clare’s share of the County’s population declined from Development Strategy for County Clare, the 40% to 29% while the Ennis/Shannon/Limerick urban imperative for broadband connectivity increases corridor experienced population growth of 61%. and the need for community support to leverage digital opportunities is accentuated. Map 1 Population Change 1981-2016 in County Clare by Electoral Division (ED) BROADBAND IN COUNTY CLARE The broadband situation in County Clare reflects the situation across many counties in Ireland and indeed many regions across the globe. Over the last two decades, investment in broadband networks initially focussed on connecting the Shannon-Ennis economic corridor with national and international networks along with building resilient networks at key industrial locations including Source: CSO – Censius Population 1981-2016 the Ennis Information Age Park, Shannon Free Zone. Subsequently, the focus moved to gradually connecting additional industrial parks, towns, villages and rural areas. Clare County Council has played a strong leadership role
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