Deadlock Immunity: Enabling Systems to Defend Against Deadlocks
Deadlock Immunity: Enabling Systems To Defend Against Deadlocks Horatiu Jula, Daniel Tralamazza, Cristian Zamfir, George Candea Dependable Systems Laboratory EPFL Switzerland Abstract new executions that were not covered by prior testing. Deadlock immunity is a property by which programs, Furthermore, modern systems accommodate extensions once afflicted by a given deadlock, develop resistance written by third parties, which can introduce new dead- against future occurrences of that and similar deadlocks. locks into the target systems (e.g., Web browser plugins, We describe a technique that enables programs to auto- enterprise Java beans). matically gain such immunity without assistance from Debugging deadlocks is hard—merely seeing a dead- programmers or users. We implemented the technique lock happen does not mean the bug is easy to fix. for both Java and POSIX threads and evaluated it with Deadlocks often require complex sequences of low- several real systems, including MySQL, JBoss, SQLite, probability events to manifest (e.g., timing or workload Apache ActiveMQ, Limewire, and Java JDK. The results dependencies, presence or absence of debug code, com- demonstrate effectiveness against real deadlock bugs, piler optimization options), making them hard to repro- while incurring modest performance overhead and scal- duce and diagnose. Sometimes deadlocks are too costly ing to 1024 threads. We therefore conclude that deadlock to fix, as they entail drastic redesign. Patches are error- immunity offers programmers and users an attractive tool prone: many concurrency bug fixes either introduce new for coping with elusive deadlocks. bugs or, instead of fixing the underlying bug, merely de- crease the probability of occurrence [16]. 1 Introduction We expect the deadlock challenge to persist and likely Writing concurrent software is one of the most challeng- become worse over time: On the one hand, software ing endeavors faced by software engineers, because it re- systems continue getting larger and more complex.
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