Deadlock-Free Oblivious Routing for Arbitrary Topologies Jens Domke Torsten Hoefler Wolfgang E. Nagel Center for Information Services and Blue Waters Directorate Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing National Center for Supercomputing Applications High Performance Computing Technische Universitat¨ Dresden University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Technische Universitat¨ Dresden Dresden, Germany Urbana, IL 61801, USA Dresden, Germany
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Efficient deadlock-free routing strategies are cru- network performance without inclusion of the routing al- cial to the performance of large-scale computing systems. There gorithm or the application communication pattern. In reg- are many methods but it remains a challenge to achieve lowest ular operation these values can hardly be achieved due latency and highest bandwidth for irregular or unstructured high-performance networks. We investigate a novel routing to network congestion. The largest gap between real and strategy based on the single-source-shortest-path routing al- idealized performance is often in bisection bandwidth which gorithm and extend it to use virtual channels to guarantee by its definition only considers the topology. The effective deadlock-freedom. We show that this algorithm achieves min- bisection bandwidth [2] is the average bandwidth for routing imal latency and high bandwidth with only a low number messages between random perfect matchings of endpoints of virtual channels and can be implemented in practice. We demonstrate that the problem of finding the minimal number (also known as permutation routing) through the network of virtual channels needed to route a general network deadlock- and thus considers the routing algorithm.