National Nominee Delivers Baby!
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75¢71¢ + 4¢ Tax Single Copy The Idaho World Price “ ” Vol. 155, No. 1 The Noblest Motive Is The Public Good Wednesday, October 4, 2017 Idaho’s Oldest Newspaper Established 1863 The Voice of Boise County Countywide Homecoming Activities and Happenings of Boise County Deputy National Nominee Delivers Baby! Horseshoe Bend Elementary School students and staff celebrate when they are nominated as a National Blue Ribbon School. The School was awarded the national title last week. Photo by Tracy Koslosky Commissioner Laura Baker of Horseshoe Bend commended Written by Tracy Koslosky site, “Blue Ribbon schools are ago in 1982. Horseshoe Bend Deputy James Anderson for his extrodinary service. "Deputy HORSESHOE BEND -- named based upon their overall Elementary joins the small list Anderson had the privledge of bringing in a new life into Boise Horseshoe Bend Elementary academic excellence or their of 24 schools in the state that County," on September 16th, 2017. School was one of 342 schools progress in closing achieve- have been named Blue Rib- Deputy Anderson recounted to the World, there had been a (public, private, and charter) ment gaps among student sub- bon Schools. The last time an car stopped in the center of the lane in Horseshoe Bend when in the United States to win the groups.” Representatives from Idaho School was bestowed the he came upon the scene. Dax of Horseshoe Bend said his wife honor of being named a Na- the school will travel to Wash- award was in 2013. This year’s was going to have a baby and he was just going to rush her to tional Blue Ribbon School. ington D.C. on November 6 honors were also given to J. the hospital. Shyenne said she could feel the baby coming. The The announcement was made and 7 to attend an awards cer- Russell Elementary in Mos- officer went back to his vehicle to retrieve some protective gloves on September 28, 2017 by the emony at the Omni Shoreham. cow. Elementary school prin- and within about 2 minutes a baby girl was born. "All I basically Secretary of Education, Betsy More than 8,500 schools have cipal, Cora Larson, is planning needed to do was catch," said Anderson with a smile, having two DeVos. According to the U.S. won this prestigious award on a celebration in the near fu- girls of his own. The EMTs arrived after the infant was born and Department of Education web- since its inception 35 years ture. took her first breaths. The young couple from Horseshoe Bend named their daughter, Katleena. Photo by Eileen Capson Happenings Garden Valley School Receives Idaho City - The Idaho City Chamber of Commerce is selling tick- ets for this year's Idaho City Days, "Build the History" Community Award of Excellence Fundraiser BBQ. This BBQ is in Brogan Park on Oct 7 from 4p-7p. Tickets are presale only and available at, Idaho City Trading Post, Walulla's Coffee and Bake, Simply Fun, The Written by Janet Juroch cumulative GPA (Grade Point Falls, Bishop Kelly, Skyview, Attic and BoCo Sluice Box. The BBQ features guest speakers and GARDEN VALLEY -- For Average). This is submitted to Sugar-Salem, Weiser, Snake live music. Come join in the fun! Tickets on sale now thru Oct 1. the 2016 - 2017 school year, the State Academic Champi- River, Bear Lake, Ririe, Salm- the Garden Valley School re- ons application for all IHSAA on, Grangeville, Prairie, Oak- Idaho City - Idaho City Splash, 2nd Annual Run/Walk for Idaho ceived the “Award of Excel- sponsored sports and activity ley, Glenns Ferry, Troy, Grace, City Days. 5K - A True Cross Country. ICHS Football Field at 11am. lence” from the IHSAA (Idaho programs. The Performance Notus, Lighthouse Christian, More information on Facebook - Idaho City Splash 5K High School Activities Associ- Component is based on place of Logos, and Cascade. Idaho City - Holiday Bazaar at the Community Center, October ation.) Awards were announced finish at the IHSAA sponsored Only six schools statewide re- (Friday) 6th 4-7 pm, (Saturday) 7th 10 AM to 6 PM , (Sunday) 8th August 2, 2017 IHSAA An- state championships and activ- ceived the 2016-17 “School of 10 AM to 4PM. nual Meeting. Superintendent/ ity competition programs. The Excellence” award which is for Principal Greg Alexander made Citizenship Component is then the highest achievements in the Idaho City - The Idaho City Chamber of Commerce, in collabora- this announcement at the regu- based on the school’s own self- scoring. Exemplary Achieve- tion with many other local organizations, will host Idaho City Days, lar September School Board evaluation of their won citizen- ment Status is a classification A Weekend of Fun Celebrating Community: Past, Present and Future Trustee meeting. ship and sportsmanship activi- that is awarded to schools that on October 7 and 8. Make your plans now to attend this great event! To earn this recognition, a ties. These are submitted on an finished second and third in Watch for posters around town for further details. school must score a 90% of the itemized form with deductions the final points compilations. Idaho City - IC Historical Foundation Celebrates 150th Birthday Citizenship Component on a made by the IHSAA for player There were twelves schools in of the Boise Basin Museum on Sunday, October 15th at 2pm at the year-long, voluntary program and/or coach. They will deduct Idaho that received that award Pon Yam House. Guest Speaker & refreshments. schools enroll into. Points are if there are unsportsmanlike status. These are the primary earned by the school based ejections and also for unsports- awards. NOTE: The Happenings section covers events in Boise County on the student-athlete perfor- manlike behavior at state tour- mance in athletics, academ- naments. ics and sportsmanship. Those The Garden Valley School Get A Better Deal On A Subscription! three major areas are weighted was among other Award of Your Name Would Be Here & Delivered To Your for the determinations in decid- Excellence schools who were Address Every Week. ing who receives the awards. within the 90%. These other Check The Back Page To Subscribe. The Academic Component schools were Centennial, High- is based on the varsity team’s land, Lake City, Boise, Twin Page 2 The Voice of Boise County - The Idaho World - Idaho's Oldest Newspaper Wednesday, October 4, 2017 WEST BOISE COUNTY Horseshoe Bend High School Sports By Tracy Koslosky STAT leaders were Jade War- kills, 6 blocks, 5 ren with 10 kills, 5 digs, and digs, and 2 aces. 3 blocks. Syringa Riley had Riley put up 16 22 assists, 6 digs, 5 aces, and assists, 11 digs, 4 kills. Madi Chesnut contrib- and 1 ace. Lana uted 9 kills and 7 digs. They Larson had 13 Football: The Horseshoe packed up their gear and trav- assists, 4 aces, 3 Bend Varsity Football team eled the next day, Tuesday, digs, and 1 block hosted the Tri -Valley Ti- September 26, to Meridian while teammate tans during Homecoming on where they defeated the Am- Ciara Drake con- Friday, September 29. The brose Archers in a non-confer- tributed 10 digs team took the loss in the non- ence match. The team needed and 3 aces. The conference game falling 0- four games to take the win. Af- win put the teams 42 against their opponents. ter losing the first game 23-25, overall record at The team is currently having the team rallied to win the next 16-1 and their an 0-3 season record with all three 25-22, 25-13, and 28-26. league record the games played being non- Leading the STATs were War- stands at 9-0. conference games. The team ren (23 kills, 11 digs, 6 blocks, The team travels will travel to Wilder to face and 1 ace), Riley (20 assists, to Boise to face The HSB Varsity Football team awaits the referee's call on a the Wildcats in their first con- 8 digs, 7 kills, and 1 ace), and off against the Riverstone Ot- flagged play. Photo by Tracy Koslosky ference game of the season on Chesnut (29 digs, 5 kills, and 3 ters on Thursday, October 5. Friday, October 6. Kickoff is aces). The team was at home (Match start time is 7:00 p.m.) at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29 to Their next stop is Genesee on Volleyball: The Horseshoe take on the Tri-Valley Titans Saturday, October 7 where Bend Varsity Volleyball team during Homecoming. The win they will participate in the an- played a non-conference away went to Horseshoe Bend in 3 nual Pea & Lentil Tournament. game versus the Greenleaf games where they defeated the (Times TBA) The team can be Grizzlies on Monday, Septem- Titans 25-16, 25-12, and 25-8. seen at home on Monday, Oc- ber 25. The team was victori- The statistical standout players tober 9 in a match against the ous taking the match in three were Chesnut who had 14 kills Rimrock Raiders starting at games (25-9, 25-11, 25-8). and 8 digs, Warren with 13 7:00 p.m. Garden Valley Senior & Social Center News By Sheila Schoettger Agenda Alert: carriers. For drivers younger only have older books by my than 55, they may receive favorite authors” - not neces- Thursday. October 19th: “point reductions”, again de- sarily true. I’ve found copy- An AARP-sponsored Driv- pending on their carrier’s poli- right dates in the 2015-2017 er’s Refresher Class will cies. range but I’ve also found vol- be held at the Senior Cen- The Course is sponsored by umes I missed in the past.) ter from 9am to 4pm with an AARP so active members will I hope you noticed that hour’s break for lunch.