D-3/Draft ITIP Comments U.S. 20-26 (Chinden Boulevard): Please start the project as soon as possible. The traffic on US 20-26 between Eagle Rd and Meridian Rd already exceeds capacity. Stephen Chrysler 417 W. Broderick Dr Meridian, ID. 83646
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------ I support the widening of Chinden RD. from Eagle Road to Locust Grove. I feel this should be done as soon as possible---not wait till 2021. Chinden needs to be widened for several miles past Eagle. Thank you for your consideration. D. Wayne Sharp 5087 N. Camas Creek Way, 83713
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam / ITD, I wish to express my opinion on the Chinden expansion which is scheduled for 2021. Have you ever driven Chinden? It seems obvious that if you and those at ITD think that a 1 mile widening project from Eagle to Locust Grove is the best you can do, then you have your head firmly in the sand. This project needs to be moved up way prior to 2021 and it needs to extend much further than to Locust Grove. At a minimum it needs to be widened to Ten Mile. This project needs to be TOP priority for ITD. Currently there are way too many accidents on Chinden along the stretch from Eagle to Ten Mile. I do have a news break for ITD: There is an explosion of growth in Western Ada county. If you get any further behind on this project the costs will skyrocket and ITD will have nobody to blame except yourselves. This needs to be your highest priority.