Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy Volume Iii: Total Water Cycle Management Modelling
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Sustainable Total Prepared by Water Cycle Institute for Sustainable Futures and Sinclair Knight Merz Management For Strategy Hornsby Shire Council Volume II Institute for Sustainable Futures University of Technology, Sydney PO Box 123 UTS August 2005 Broadway, NSW, 2007 Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy Volume 2 Draft For Hornsby Shire Council Authors: Nicholas Edgerton and Cynthia Mitchell (ISF) Tony Church and Phillip Jordan (SKM) Institute for Sustainable Futures and Sinclair Knight Merz UTS 2005 ISF (UTS) and SKM August 2005 Disclaimer While all due care and attention has been taken to establish the accuracy of the material published, UTS/ISF and the authors disclaim liability for any loss which may arise from any person acting in reliance upon the contents of this document. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM Project Director’s Approval of Final Report I certify that I have: Read the comments of the primary Reviewer(s) Yes No Read the comments of the secondary Reviewer(s) Yes No I agree that this report reaches the standard set by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney. Signed Institute for Sustainable Futures Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy i ISF (UTS) and SKM August 2005 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors of the report would like to thank the following people and organisations: The Water Catchments Team at Hornsby Shire Council, especially Ross McPherson (Manager) and Neil Keraunos, for their enthusiasm and drive during the project. The Statement of Joint Intent Committee, including Cllr Wendy McMurdo (Hornsby Shire Council), David Booth (community representative), Shane Barter (Stormwater Trust, DEC), Owen Carson (SWC), Maree Abood (DIPNR). The Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority, especially Bob Wilson, Mary Howard, Jenny Smith, and Steve Nicholls. Hornsby Shire Council Managers who participated in the stakeholder consultation process. The Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology for their E2 modelling contributions. Colleagues at ISF including Simon Fane, Sally Campbell, and Harriet Westcott, for their contributions to different stages of the project. Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy ii ISF (UTS) and SKM August 2005 REPORT VOLUMES VOLUME I: PROJECT SUMMARY VOLUME II: SUSTAINABLE TOTAL WATER CYCLE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY VOLUME III: TOTAL WATER CYCLE MANAGEMENT MODELLING VOLUME IV: PROJECT PROCESS REPORT INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME II This volume is the first of the two core outputs of this project – the Hornsby Shire Council Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy. It contains two sections: an introduction to the Strategy and the Strategy document. Section 1 is the introduction to the Strategy. It includes a brief description of the Hornsby Shire area; background existing conditions based upon Council’s monitoring program; core criteria behind Strategy development; and the Strategy format. This section aims to provide a broad background to the purpose and drivers of the strategy, the project criteria addressed in the Strategy (and a framework for understanding the criteria) and guidance on engaging in and understanding the structure of the Strategy. Section 2 is the Strategy document. The Strategy includes a vision with goals for the sustainable management of the total water cycle and objectives for Council Divisions to meet those goals. Based upon the goals for the total water cycle, the Strategy outlines for each user (i.e. Council Division) a set of strategies, outcomes, actions, responsibilities, timeframes and indicative costs, to enable them to meet their water cycle objectives. The Strategy closely interacts with the modelling package developed in this project and documented in volume III, and was developed following the processes documented in volume IV. Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy iii ISF (UTS) and SKM August 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SECTION 1: STRATEGY INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................1 1.1 THE BUSHLAND SHIRE AREA ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 Physical and Chemical Monitoring........................................................................................................2 1.2.2 Biological Monitoring .............................................................................................................................2 1.3 STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................................. 2 1.3.1 Ecological principles...............................................................................................................................3 1.3.2 Sustainability principles..........................................................................................................................4 1.3.3 Sustainable Development ........................................................................................................................4 1.3.4 Activities ...................................................................................................................................................5 1.3.5 Metrics......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3.6 Using the TNS framework for sustainable management.......................................................................5 1.4 STRATEGY FORMAT........................................................................................................................ 6 2 SECTION 2: STRATEGY DOCUMENT ................................................................................8 2.1 ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 WORKS ........................................................................................................................................ 40 2.3 PLANNING .................................................................................................................................. 51 2.4 STRATEGY.................................................................................................................................. 59 2.5 ALL DIVISIONS ......................................................................................................................... 66 2.6 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES............................................................................................................ 74 2.7 EXTERNAL AGENCIES............................................................................................................ 78 Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy iv ISF (UTS) and SKM August 2005 ABBREVIATIONS ANZECC Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council ARMCANZ Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand BASIX Building Sustainability Index CRC Cooperative research Centre CRR Catchment Remediation Rate DCP Development Control Plan DEC Department of Environment and Conservation DIPNR Department of Infrastructure, Planning, and Natural Resources E2 EPA Environmental Protection Authority (now part of DEC) EUM end use model HSC Hornsby Shire Council HN CMA Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority HN LGAG Hawkesbury Nepean Local Government Advisory Group ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives ISO International Organisation for Standardisation LEP Local Environment Plan LGA Local Government Area NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service (now part of DEC) SKM Sinclair Knight Merz SOJI Statement of Joint Intent STP sewage treatment plant SWC Sydney Water Corporation TNS The Natural Step UTS University of Technology Sydney WSUD water sensitive urban design Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy v ISF (UTS) and SKM August 2005 1 SECTION 1: STRATEGY INTRODUCTION The success of the Berowra Creek Water Quality Management Strategy in Hornsby Shire in eliminating algal blooms and enhancing water quality in Berowra Creek, and the acknowledgement of the need for a broader approach to the water cycle, inspired this project on sustainable management for the total water cycle for Hornsby Shire Council. The work of the Statement of Joint Intent (SOJI) Committee (acting as steering group) and the project team comprising the Council Water Catchments Team, the Institute for Sustainable Futures, and Sinclair Knight Merz, resulted in this strategic planning actions instrument known as the Hornsby Shire Council Sustainable Total Water Cycle Management Strategy. 1.1 The Bushland Shire area The Shire of Hornsby is the second largest Local Government Area (LGA) in the Sydney region. The Shire, located to the north of Sydney, takes in land from Epping north to Wisemans Ferry and Brooklyn. The Hornsby LGA supports the needs of 150,000 residents over an area of 50,990 hectares. The Shire includes four catchments. The Berowra Creek Catchment is bounded on the south by Castle Hill Road, to the west by Old Northern Road, to the north by the Canoelands Ridge and to the east by the Pacific Highway. All of the Berowra Creek Catchment is within the jurisdiction of Hornsby Shire Council. This catchment contains significant bushland areas which include Marramarra National