

Senate Journal



Printed daily by the State of Iowa during the sessions of the General Assembly. An official corrected copy is available for reference in the Secretary of the Senate’s Office. (The official bound copy will be available after a reasonable time upon adjournment.)


66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 667




Senate Chamber Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Senate met in regular session at 9:02 a.m., President Chapman presiding.

Prayer was offered by the Honorable Adrian Dickey, member of the Senate from Jefferson County, Packwood, Iowa.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senate Page Adam Poe.

The Journal of Tuesday, March 16, 2021, was approved.


The following messages were received from the Chief Clerk of the House:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has on March 16, 2021, passed the following bills in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked:

House File 744, a bill for an act providing for training, prohibitions, and requirements relating to first amendment rights at school districts and public institutions of higher education.

Read first time and referred to committee on Education.


House File 802, a bill for an act providing for requirements related to racism or sexism trainings at, and diversity and inclusion efforts by, governmental agencies and entities, school districts, and public postsecondary educational institutions.

Read first time and referred to committee on Education.

The Senate stood at ease at 9:08 a.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of party caucuses.

The Senate resumed session at 11:16 a.m., President Chapman presiding.


Senator Schultz requested a nonrecord roll call to determine that a quorum was present.

The Chair declared a quorum present.

Senator R. Smith took the chair at 11:17 a.m.

President Chapman took the chair at 11:19 a.m.


Leaves of absence were granted as follows:

Senator Hogg, until he arrives, on request of Senator Wahls; and Senator Goodwin, until he arrives, on request of Senator Whitver.


Senate File 252

Senator Whitver called up for consideration Senate File 252, a bill for an act relating to the authority of counties and cities to regulate rental housing, and including effective date provisions, amended by the House in House amendment S–3069, filed March 16, 2021.

Senator Garrett moved that the Senate concur in the House amendment. 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 669

The motion prevailed by a voice vote and the Senate concurred in the House amendment.

Senator Garrett moved that the bill, as amended by the House and concurred in by the Senate, be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 252), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 260, 296, 361, and 425.


Senate File 260

On motion of Senator Cournoyer, Senate File 260, a bill for an act relating to the Medicaid reimbursement process for services provided by a receiving district to children requiring special education services, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Cournoyer moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 260), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 296

On motion of Senator Edler, Senate File 296, a bill for an act relating to the practice of pharmacy, including the prescription and administration of vaccines and collaborative pharmacy practice, was taken up for consideration.

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 671

Senator Edler moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 296), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 361

On motion of Senator Whiting, Senate File 361, a bill for an act concerning private sector employee drug testing, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Whiting offered amendment S–3077, filed by him from the floor to pages 1–3 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.


On the question “Shall amendment S–3077 be adopted?” (S.F. 361), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

Amendment S–3077 was adopted.

Senator Whiting moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 361), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 673

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 425

On motion of Senator Guth, Senate File 425, a bill for an act relating to the definition of meeting and public notice requirements under the open meetings law, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Guth moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 425), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.



Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 252, 260, 296, 361, and 425 be immediately messaged to the House.

President Pro Tempore Zaun took the chair at 12:48 p.m.


Leave of absence was granted as follows:

Senator Quirmbach, until he returns, on request of Senator Wahls.

CONSIDERATION OF BILL (Ways and Means Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 576.

Senate File 576

On motion of Senator Dawson, Senate File 576, a bill for an act authorizing future tax contingencies, reducing the state inheritance tax rates and providing for the future repeal of the state inheritance tax and state qualified use inheritance tax, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dawson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 576), the vote was:

Yeas, 46:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 675

Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 4:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn Quirmbach

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 243.

Senate File 243

On motion of Senator Sinclair, Senate File 243, a bill for an act relating to public safety including the crimes of failure to assist, abuse of a corpse, and interference with official acts, and providing penalties, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Sinclair offered amendment S–3083, filed by her from the floor to page 2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3083 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Sinclair moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 243), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson 676 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 66th Day

Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

CONSIDERATION OF BILL (Ways and Means Calendar)

Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 580.

Senate File 580

On motion of Senator Chapman, Senate File 580, a bill for an act prohibiting the state or a political subdivision of the state from entering into contracts with, or providing tax incentives or specified benefits to, certain companies that censor online content, and including effective date and applicability provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Wahls offered amendment S–3084, filed by him from the floor to page 7 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–3084 be adopted?” (S.F. 580), the vote was:

Yeas, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 677

Nays, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

Amendment S–3084 lost.

Senator Chapman offered amendment S–3078, filed by him from the floor to pages 10 and 11 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3078 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Chapman moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 580), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls


Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 243, 576, and 580 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 443, 234, and 551.

Senate File 443

On motion of Senator Klimesh, Senate File 443, a bill for an act relating to the eligibility of cities to receive funding assistance to address abandoned buildings, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Klimesh moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 443), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 679

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 234

On motion of Senator Shipley, Senate File 234, a bill for an act relating to the classification and reclassification of certain secondary roads, and including applicability provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Bisignano offered amendment S–3081, filed by Senator Bisignano, et al., from the floor to page 3 and amending the title page of the bill.

Senator Shipley raised the point of order that amendment S–3081 was not germane to the bill.

The Chair ruled the point well-taken and amendment S–3081 out of order.

Senator Shipley moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 234), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach 680 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 66th Day

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Leave of absence was granted as follows:

Senator Bisignano, until he returns, on request of Senator Wahls.

Senate File 551

On motion of Senator Dickey, Senate File 551, a bill for an act relating to fire fighters and emergency medical services members responding to emergency situations in certain vehicles, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dickey offered amendment S–3074, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3074 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Dickey moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 551), the vote was:

Yeas, 46:

Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 681

Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 4:

Bisignano Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 234, 443, and 551 be immediately messaged to the House.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 450 and 562.

Senate File 450

On motion of Senator Dawson, Senate File 450, a bill for an act relating to the death of a dependent adult, and providing penalties, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dawson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 450), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen 682 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 66th Day

Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 562

On motion of Senator Dawson, Senate File 562, a bill for an act relating to sexual exploitation by an adult providing training or instruction, and providing penalties, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dawson offered amendment S–3082, filed by him from the floor to pages 1–2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3082 was adopted by a voice vote.

The Senate stood at ease at 3:14 p.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of a Democratic party caucus.

The Senate resumed session at 3:45 p.m., President Pro Tempore Zaun presiding.

Senator Wahls asked and received unanimous consent that action on Senate File 562 be deferred.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 450 be immediately messaged to the House.

President Chapman took the chair at 3:47 p.m.

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 683


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 444 and 448.

Senate File 444

On motion of Senator Dickey, Senate File 444, a bill for an act relating to motor vehicles, including the surrender or transfer of registration plates and cards to a county treasurer, documentary fees charged by motor vehicle dealers, and motor vehicle franchise obligations, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Dickey moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 444), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senate File 448

On motion of Senator Brown, Senate File 448, a bill for an act relating to a weigh station preclearance program and associated systems and devices for use by commercial motor vehicles, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Brown offered amendment S–3073, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3073 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Brown moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 448), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 444 and 448 be immediately messaged to the House. 66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 685


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 463, 467, and 468.

Senate File 463

On motion of Senator Costello, Senate File 463, a bill for an act establishing the occupational therapy licensure compact, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Costello moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 463), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senate File 467

On motion of Senator J. Taylor, Senate File 467, a bill for an act relating to online learning and continuous remote learning, and allowing certain school districts or accredited nonpublic schools to deliver coursework using an online learning platform for up to five school days when inclement weather or other unanticipated circumstance causes schools to temporarily close, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Sinclair offered amendment S–3075, filed by her from the floor to pages 1 and amending the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3075 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator J. Taylor moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 467), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title, as amended, was agreed to.

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 687

Senate File 468

On motion of Senator Reichman, Senate File 468, a bill for an act removing a preference for purchasing of Iowa coal by state and local government entities, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Reichman moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 468), the vote was:

Yeas, 45:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 2:

Green Rozenboom

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 463, 467, and 468 be immediately messaged to the House.



Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 487, 529, 532, and 568.

Senate File 487

On motion of Senator Brown, Senate File 487, a bill for an act relating to the operation of state government, including the review of state boards and the regulation of professions and occupations, and including effective date and applicability provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Brown offered amendment S–3071, filed by him on March 16, 2021, to pages 15 and 20 and amending the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3071 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Brown moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 487), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 689

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title, as amended, was agreed to.

Senate File 529

On motion of Senator Sweeney, Senate File 529, a bill for an act relating to assisted reproduction fraud, and providing penalties, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Sweeney offered amendment S–3079, filed by her from the floor to page 3 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3079 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Sweeney moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 529), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to. 690 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 66th Day

Senate File 532

On motion of Senator Cournoyer, Senate File 532, a bill for an act providing for statements of professional recognition for licensed behavior analysts and mental health counselors by the board of educational examiners and including effective date provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Cournoyer offered amendment S–3080, filed by her from the floor to page 1 and amending the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3080 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Cournoyer moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 532), the vote was:

Yeas, 47:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Brown Carlin Celsi Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Dotzler Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Jochum Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, none.

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title, as amended, was agreed to.

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 691

Senate File 568

On motion of Senator R. Smith, Senate File 568, a bill for an act relating to the conduct of elections, including nominations and procedures for proposed amendments to the Iowa Constitution, and including effective date provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator R. Smith offered amendment S–3076, filed by him from the floor to pages 3, 8–9, and 15 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3076 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator R. Smith moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 568), the vote was:

Yeas, 30:

Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Green Guth Johnson Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

Nays, 17:

Bisignano Bolkcom Boulton Celsi Dotzler Giddens Jochum Kinney Lykam Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Ragan Smith, J. Taylor, T. Trone Garriott Wahls

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.



Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 487, 529, 532, and 568 be immediately messaged to the House.

The Senate stood at ease at 4:33 p.m. until the fall of the gavel.

The Senate resumed session at 4:58 p.m., President Chapman presiding.


Senate File 562

The Senate resumed consideration of Senate File 562, a bill for an act relating to sexual exploitation by an adult providing training or instruction, and providing penalties, previously deferred.

Senator Bisignano offered amendment S–3085, filed by him from the floor to page 2 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–3085 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Dawson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 562), the vote was:

Yeas, 37:

Boulton Brown Carlin Chapman Costello Cournoyer Dawson Dickey Driscoll Edler Garrett Giddens Green Guth Johnson Kinney Klimesh Koelker Kraayenbrink Lofgren Lykam Ragan Reichman Rozenboom Schultz Shipley Sinclair Smith, J. Smith, R. Sweeney Taylor, J. Wahls Whiting Whitver Williams Zaun Zumbach

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 693

Nays, 10:

Bisignano Bolkcom Celsi Dotzler Jochum Mathis Petersen Quirmbach Taylor, T. Trone Garriott

Absent, 3:

Goodwin Hogg Nunn

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Whitver asked and received unanimous consent that Senate File 562 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Whitver, the Senate adjourned at 5:07 p.m. until 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 18, 2021.



The Secretary of the Senate issued the following certificates of recognition:

Michelle Bellile—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Cindy Dorhout—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Jane Evans—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Patti Hilleman—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Karen Knaphus—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach. 694 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 66th Day

Kristy Macki—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Lisa Markley—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Lucy Martin—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Stacey Massey—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Kevin Norris—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Brittany Spooner—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Rhonda Sykes—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.

Scott Wall—For the diligent determination, heroic and flawless effort, and long hours and days of work under the pandemic conditions of 2020 to guarantee voters their constitutional right to vote. Senator Quirmbach.


Senate Resolution 4, by Kraayenbrink, Sinclair, Zaun, Johnson, Edler, Schultz, Rozenboom, Lofgren, Koelker, Zumbach, Garrett, Green, Costello, Brown, R. Smith, Dawson, Shipley, Reichman, Driscoll, Carlin, Cournoyer, Whiting, J. Taylor, Dickey, Klimesh, Whitver, Chapman, Guth, Sweeney, Williams, Dotzler, Giddens, Bolkcom, J. Smith, Celsi, Kinney, Bisignano, T. Taylor, Boulton, Jochum, Trone Garriott, Mathis, Petersen, Lykam, Ragan, Wahls, and Quirmbach, a resolution for honoring the achievements and contributions of Steve Ovel.

Read first time under Rule 28 and referred to committee on Rules and Administration.

66th Day WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 695


Senate File 582, by Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bill for an act concerning the rulemaking process for executive branch agencies and related matters.

Read first time under Rule 28 and placed on calendar.


House File 549

HUMAN RESOURCES: Costello, Chair; Edler and Jochum

House File 623

AGRICULTURE: Sweeney, Chair; Kinney and Shipley

House File 653

COMMERCE: Johnson, Chair; Quirmbach and Williams

House File 730

COMMERCE: Koelker, Chair; Bisignano and Goodwin

House File 773

HUMAN RESOURCES: Edler, Chair; Costello and Mathis

House File 783

HUMAN RESOURCES: Carlin, Chair; Bolkcom and Green

House File 793

EDUCATION: J. Taylor, Chair; Johnson and Quirmbach



Bill Title: *SENATE FILE 582 (SSB 1249), a bill for an act concerning the rulemaking process for executive branch agencies and related matters.



Final Vote: Yeas, 14: R. Smith, Cournoyer, Bisignano, Boulton, Brown, Celsi, Dawson, Giddens, Guth, Jochum, Johnson, Koelker, Reichman, and Schultz. Nays, none. Absent, 1: Goodwin.


*Pursuant to Rule 40, the Legislative Services Agency reported nonsubstantive changes to the members of the State Government Committee on Senate File 582, and they were attached to the committee report.


President Chapman announced that House File 797, previously passed on file, was referred to the committee on State Government.


S–3073 S.F. 448 Waylon Brown S–3074 S.F. 551 Adrian Dickey S–3075 S.F. 467 S–3076 S.F. 568 S–3077 S.F. 361 Zach Whiting S–3078 S.F. 580 Jake Chapman S–3079 S.F. 529 Annette Sweeney S–3080 S.F. 532 S–3081 S.F. 234 Sarah Trone Garriott S–3082 S.F. 562 S–3083 S.F. 243 Amy Sinclair S–3084 S.F. 580 S–3085 S.F. 562 Tony Bisignano