1 2

WATER COURSES AND CANALS 1 canals 22 Eiskanal / Canoe Course DRINKING WATERWORKS 3 WaterWaterworks at Rotes Tor makes (Red Gate) 5 Lower waterworks 10 Waterworks at Vogeltor 13 history.Waterworks at Hochablass WATER ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2 Hochablass (weir) 4 Past.Galgenablass (culvert) Present. FOUNTAINS 6 Augustusbrunnen (Augustus fountain) 7 Future.Merkurbrunnen (Mercury fountain)2000 Years 8 Herkulesbrunnen (Hercules fountain)of ’s STADTMETZG 9 Stadtmetzg one-of-a-kind POWER PLANTS water system 11 Power plant on the Senkelbach / Riedinger 12 Power plant on the Stadtbach 14 Power plant on the Fabrikkanal 15 Power plant on the 16 Power plant on the Wolfzahnau 17 Power plant Gersthofen 18 Power plant Langweid 19 Power plant on the Wertachkanal 20 Power plant on the Proviantbach 21 Power plant 3 4

2000 Years 29 Lech canals water history 40 Hydropower plants

530 Bridges

640 km 1 Olympic Network of canals whitewater canoe course

7 Water towers 5 6

The Cologne Cathedral, The Sphinx of Gizeh, Egypt

Until 2014 the process went quickly through the list of Bavarian candidates. In that year experts from the cultural affairs How the conference put Augsburg and Augsburg has set out to become its water management system vision became a part of the large and exclusive in third place on the list of family of 1,092 UNESCO World recommended German World Heritage sites in over 167 Heritage site candidates. The next a reality: countries around the globe. important step was to attract UNESCO World Heritage site Augsburg’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites experts to draft the application. are outstanding testimonials In addition, the city established an candidacy to human history and to the history official office exclusively for the of the natural world. In 1978 UNESCO candidature. the World Heritage organization Then the final and crucial phase to become a began with a list of 12 sites. of the application process began. Over the years magnificent This culminated in the timely UNESCO World monuments such as Angkor Wat submission of an over 800 page in Cambodia and the Great Wall application with extensive of China were added to the list. maps and detailed data to the Heritage site In Germany, unique cities like UNESCO World Heritage center the old town of Bamberg, the in Paris on February 1, 2018. The Statue of Liberty, USA breathtaking cathedrals in A decision is expected in summer Aachen and in Cologne as well 2019. Augsburg is hopeful that as important industrial structures with this application, it will be The Historical Water Towers like the “Zollverein” coal mines privileged to become a member in Augsburg, Germany in Essen have attained World of the exclusive family of UNESCO Heritage status. Germany currently World Heritage Sites. has 44 of these extraordinary Momentous places. Seven of those are in testaments to . human history and The city of Augsburg has applied to natural history: for World Heritage status with its the UNESCO World water management system, which is unique worldwide. On the basis Heritage Sites of the research in various scientific works, the city expressed interest in becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011.

The Great Wall, China 7 8


The history of 6 Augsburg’s water From its origin in the antiquity to the technical innovations of the modern age

10 14 22 From the river Drinking water Water power into the city for everyone full speed ahead The great technical Without water there is The fuel that propelled innovations which no life – very few cities Augsburg’s flourishing served to bring water provided clean drinking development: the water to the people water for their citizens as early as Augsburg 23 Fuel for 17 18 21 Augsburg’s handcraft More bridges The historical water and industry 16 11 15 #fliesstbeiuns than Venice piping system 24 A new era begins Water in Augsburg today 12 Where the 16 Pioneers of 30 water comes from water technology 11 The first large Whether it is for energy, industry, Where are the sites? 12 20 26 13 Water for 18 The art of water power plants drinking water, recreation or sports: water is All of the stations in the a fundamental element of Augsburg’s DNA. the upper city elevating water The birthplace of Augsburg UNESCO World 28 5 Artworks of Olympic dreams Heritage nomination can 9 20 6 universal value be found on the map in the 7 8 10 cover of this brochure. 3 Lech Aesthetics meets 19 1 21 functionality


13 22

2 KUHSEE 14 15

4 9 10

A SHORT JOURNEY THROUGH TIME The unique Water tower at the Red Gate history of Augsburg’s water

Canals in the old city

Mercury fountain on Maximilian Street

of merchandise and for water power. The first than in any other city. A prime example is the weir at Hochablass (High drainage) emerged aqueduct at the Red Gate with its wooden in 1346. At that point in time Augsburg also sheet piling wall which separates the drinking experienced an economic upturn. and process water flowing into the city. This was revolutionary and made the Augsburg THE IDEA – TO TRANSPORT fountain masters legendary for their water- WATER WITH WATER POWER power and pumping station technology. These Augsburg and a drainage area – map from 1700 The Waterworks at the Red Gate are the oldest outstanding innovations were admired and existing waterworks in Germany and indeed in sought-after in all of Europe. It is rare to find a single place where the water central Europe. Beginning in 1416, it served to management system is seamlessly documented provide drinking water in Augsburg for over WEALTHY AND MAGNIFICENT over more than 800 years. In Augsburg the 460 years. In 1502 was the first mention of Human ingenuity, intricate interplay between the innovative spirit An innovation in the matter of hygiene the Lower waterworks. The special feature innovative and technical tour de force is strikingly clear. originated in 1609. At that time the city here: it was water power which drove architect Elias Holl built the “Stadtmetzg” engineering 7 Archimedean screws with wooden gears to PROCESS WATER FOR (city butchers house) over a Lech canal, which transport drinking water up to the top of the knowledge and AUGUSTA VINDELICUM simultaneously solved the problem of cooling water tower. At that time it was the most world-class the meat and also washing away the waste. The Romans utilized the natural slope of the advanced method of transporting water into works of art: rivers to direct water into their city as early as the towers so that the considerable Augsburg’s water shows its most beautiful a recipe for the 15 BCE when they settled at the convergence difference in elevation could be overcome and artistic face in the three monumental fountains success of of the Wertach and the Lech. The first verifiably the drinking water could flow into the upper on Maximilian Street. Two of these fountains, known dams and water drainages on the Lech city. Transporting water using water power has Mercury fountain and Hercules fountain, were Augsburg’s water have existed since the 11th century. In 1276 become one of the most distinctive features designed starting in 1596 by the renowned resources the existence of the known water systems was of Augsburg’s water system. Dutch sculptor Adriaen de Vries. The Augustus management system. already documented in the city law books. Parts It is also notable that for hygienic reasons, fountain, which was created by the Flemish of this system still exist today in Augsburg’s old process water and the drinking water have artist Hubert Gerhard, had already been town. The Lech canals provided for transport been separated since 1545, probably earlier dedicated in 1594. 11 12

Machinery from 1922, Power plant in Meitingen AEG Bell Generator from 1922, Power plant on the Proviantbach Drinking water, industry, energy, sport and recreation – water has defined the pulse of the city of Augsburg for more than 2000 years

1972 Summer Olympics, whitewater course at the Eiskanal

NATURALLY, ELECTRICITY MADE LOCALLY Power plant on Since both the prosperous Augsburg industry the Wolfzahnau as well as the households continually used ENERGY FOR INDUSTRY more electricity in the course of the Since 1840, turbines have provided for the advancing electrification, more power plants necessary energy. This in turn attracted were urgently needed. As a result, a series of investors and manufacturers to the city. power plants were built in the following years: In order to cover the continually growing at the Fabrikkanal (1885), at the Singold (1887), need for energy, the first power plants on at the Wolfzahnau (1902), at the Wertachkanal Senkelbach and on Stadtbach were (1921), and at the Proviantbach (1922). constructed in 1865 and 1873 respectively. But also outside the city limits further large Augsburg is a This made the rapid rise of the textile industry, power plants were erected. In 1901 the Power wellspring of the the paper industry, as well as machinery and plant in Gersthofen was established, in 1907 turbine construction possible. the Power plant in Langweid and finally in 1922 industrial revolution the Power plant in Meitingen went on stream. in the 19th century THE PURE QUENCHER AUGSBURG MAKES WAVES driven by water The initiation of operations in the Water- power from the Lech works at the Hochablass in 1879 marked the Exactly 50 years later Augsburg’s water made beginning of the modern era for water supply an appearance which received worldwide and the Wertach in Augsburg. To this day the drinking water in attention. In 1972 the best canoeists in the Augsburg is unadulterated, hygienically world competed on the Olympic whitewater flawless, and it is considered to be among course at the Eiskanal and it was the first time the best in Europe. The Waterworks at the that they fought for Olympic gold in this event. Hochablass is not only impressive in terms of The Augsburg Olympic course was the first the ground breaking technology in its interior, artificial canoe slalom stadium in the world. but also because of the exterior. The palatial At the same time the German national training character of the building by the architect Karl center for canoe slalom and whitewater sports Albert Gollwitzer points to its epic importance. was established. 13 14 14

THE BEGINNING OF THE WATER SYSTEM From the More bridges river into than Venice During a visit to the old town, you see them at every turn: the canals, which have already carried water in and out of the city since the city the 8th century. They flow through the entire city, similar to the arterial system in the human organism. The canal systems of the Augsburg’s engineers Lech and the Wertach rivers run parallel to and scholars were very one another and culminate shortly before From the into river the city they join at Wolfzahnau and then each one resourceful in damming returns to its river of origin. and redirecting the water Stadtgebiet (inner city of the rivers Lech, Wertach area) Lech and Singold so that it would reach the entire city. In this achievement

they were the European 3 forerunners. 1 Wertach SIEBENTISCH- WALD (city forest) Singold



1 The first Lech canals 4 CANALS AND LECH QUARTER 2 The Lech weir at Hochablass Very few cities in Germany have 3 The Waterworks at the more canals than Augsburg. This is the reason that there are indeed STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUGSBURG’S MANAGEMENT WATER SYSTEM Red Gate and the Aqueduct more bridges here than in Venice. 4 Galgenablass (culvert) More than 500 to be sure! In the picture here is the Schwallech near St. Ursula in the old town. 15 15 16

AQUEDUCT Separated by a wooden bulkhead, the Lech water and the spring water Where the water flowed over the aqueduct on the comes from Red Gate and then into the city.

DIVERSION AND Hochablass (High drainage WEIR AT HOCHABLASS weir) has been documented In the 13th century Hochablass was since 1346. From this point the already the most important diversion water of the Lech is directed on the Lech for transporting process into the canal system. The water into the canals. Galgenablass (culvert) has existed since the 16th century. It is a water crossing where the drinking water and the process water are separated before flowing into the city.

Water for the upper city

THE WATERWORKS AT THE RED GATE The water that flowed into the city by way of the Aqueduct was sent through the water towers beginning in the year 1416. This makes the Waterworks at the Red Gate the oldest towers existing in Germany and also in central Europe. This is the most significant feature in the World Heritage application. THE GALGENABLASS The Galgenablass (culvert) is the most important water crossing in the city’s forest. At one time there was a sluice here. The interior works of the water towers 17 17 18 18

AUGSBURG PROSPERS Drinking The historical water piping water for system in Augsburg A DISTRIBUTION NETWORK MADE OUT OF PINE LOGS everyone The water lines, so-called “Deicheln” were made primarily from wood. Only the connecting Wooden and cast-iron elements were metal casts. piping

Providing the public with CLEAN DRINKING WATER FLOWS

clean drinking water had OUT OF MAGNIFICENT FOUNTAINS Drinking water for everyone

an important effect on the Branching out in all directions, the complex development of the city. Stadtgebiet system of the water pipelines brought (inner city 5 fresh drinking water to the fountains of the Water was pumped through area) Lech upper city. The three monumental fountains the Waterworks and the 6 9 on Maximilian Street were also part of this fountains into the upper city. pipeline network. Especially the Mercury 7 The city architect Elias and Hercules fountains were of fundamental 8 10 importance for the drinking water supply to Holl set new standards for 3 the citizens of Augsburg. hygiene when his Stadt- metzg (city butchers Hercules fountain with a view of house) was built. St. Ulrich and Afra around 1770 SIEBENTISCH- Singold WALD (city forest)


5 Lower waterworks 6 Augustus fountain 7 Mercury fountain 8 Hercules fountain 9 Stadtmetzg (city butchers house) 3 Waterworks at the Red Gate 10 Waterworks at the Vogeltor 19 19 20 20

Pioneers of

THE THREE WATER water technology TOWERS AT THE RED GATE From here the necessary water was pumped to the upper city using Beginning in the 15th century piston pumps and the principle of Augsburg’s fountain masters “communicating pipes” had a spirit of invention which repeatedly fostered admiration all over Europe. Large The reason for this was the Water Tower ingenious idea to use water power to transport water.

THE FIRST TWO WATER TOWERS ARE BUILT AT THE RED GATE After the Large Water Tower was built, starting in 1416, it became clear in the course of a few decades that it would reach its limits. In order to continue to provide enough water Small for the city, a Small Water Tower was built in Water Tower 1470 and added on to consistently.

A WATER TOWER ESPECIALLY FOR THE MONUMENTAL FOUNTAINS The need for fresh water grew further as the population of Augsburg increased. In addition, the monumental fountains of the renowned Flemish sculptures, Adriaen de Vries and Hubert Gerhard were erected. Since these were also used in part to provide drinking water for the populace, the Waterworks at the Red Gate reached its limits. Thus, an extra water tower, the “Kastenturm” (Box Tower) at the Red Gate, was built in 1599 especially to provide water for the monumental fountains.

“Kastenturm” (Box Tower) 21 21 22 22

The art of THE LOWER WATERWORKS elevating water TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS The second largest Waterworks IN TIME LAPSE in the city were built in the Waterworks were the places where year 1500 near the cathedral. The Lower waterworks great technical advances in the system of They provided the water for the and the Waterworks at water supply took place over the centuries. Bishop’s residence and for the This spanned from the Archimedean entire cathedral quarter. the Vogeltor (beginning screws to the piston pumps and all the in 1774) contributed way up to modern turbines. decisively to the well- functioning provision of A COLLECTION OF MODELS water in Augsburg. UNIQUE WORLDWIDE Many of the admired innovations developed by the most important fountain master Caspar Walter (1706- 1769), were well known far beyond Augsburg’s borders. Some of the models of his groundbreaking inventions can still be viewed today in the one-of-a-kind model exhibition at the Maximilian museum.

Functional model by Caspar Walter: Two different types of pumps are driven by a singular water wheel. A display in the exhibition of models at the Maximilian museum.

Water tower at the Vogeltor 23 23 24

THE AUGSBURG STADTMETZG (CITY BUTCHERS HOUSE) Artworks of Hardly anyone would suspect what was hiding behind this lovely universal value Renaissance facade: the hall where the butchers in the city of Augsburg The three monumental sold their meat! fountains show the most magnificent side of Augsburg’s water system. An ensemble of this kind can only be seen in Augsburg, so it is no wonder that they attract more international visitors every year.

AUGUSTUS FOUNTAIN It is the largest of the three fountains and lends the town Former hall square its southern flair. canal vault It was created in the style of mannerism between 1589 and 1594 by the sculptor Hubert Gerhard. Aesthetics meets NEW STANDARDS IN HYGIENE AND functionality AESTHETICS Augsburg’s city architect Elias Holl decorated the functional structure with a representative MERCURY AND It is widely known as the Renaissance facade. Between 1606 and 1609 HERCULES most beautiful city butchers the Stadtmetzg (city butchers house) was erected FOUNTAINS house in the world – over the Lech canal. In his superb edifice Elias Both of these splendid Holl succeeded in solving two common sanitation fountains were made between the Stadtmetzg. A unique problems of meat processing places in that time. 1596 and 1600 by the Flemish building that combines The flowing water served to cool the meat and artist Adriaen de Vries. beauty with practicality. keep it fresh. In addition, the fast moving waters They are late Renaissance in the Lech canal disposed of the waste quickly artworks of European renown. and efficiently. 25 25 17 18 21 26 26

BREAKTHROUGH WITH TURBINES Water 16 Fuel for Augsburg’s handcraft

power full and industry FROM THE WATER WHEEL TO 11 THE TURBINE 12 20 speed ahead In the 14th century handcrafts and commerce grew and thrived in Augsburg. Because water wheels drove the mills, hammer and pumping stations, the city grew to an Engineers and tradesmen in early center for textile and paper production. Augsburg learned to tame the Old Town In the 19th century Augsburg’s abundance of

unruly power of the water and Lech water became an important locational factor for Water power full speed ahead Industries. Starting in 1840 turbines provided to use it to their advantage. Stadtgebiet (inner city more than ever before for the majority of the In so doing they laid the area) necessary energy. The result was the rapid foundation for the economic expansion of textile and paper production as advancement of the city. well as machinery and turbine production. Wertach 19 Power plant on the Singold


SIGNIFICANT 22 COW POINTS OF EXPANSION LAKE 14 15 1 1 P ower plant on the Senkelbach / Riedinger 12 Power plant on the Stadtbach 13 Waterworks at Hochablass 14 Power plant on the Fabrikkanal 15 Power plant on the Singold A TIME OF DEPARTURE 16 Power plant on the Wolfzahnau 17 Power plant Gersthofen During the time of industrialization, the Augsburg textile industry grew 18 Power plant Langweid rapidly, just like the Augsburg 19 Power plant on the Wertachkanal Worsted Yarn Spinning Works, 20 Power plant on the Proviantbach which is shown in this etching. 21 Power plant Meitingen 22 Canoe course / Eiskanal 27 27 28 28

A new THE WATERWORKS AT HOCHABLASS era begins This factory is an internationally admired monument to industrial culture. The technical equipment The Waterworks at originates from the Machinery Hoch­­ablass form the basis to Factory Augsburg (MAN). provide a modern, clean and central drinking water supply for Augsburg’s urban area.

THE DAWN OF MODERN WATER SUPPLY The Waterworks at Hochablass were put into operation in 1879. It delivered pure, untreated and hygienically impeccable drinking water for the citizens of Augsburg and is considered to be the birthplace for modern water supply in the city. Ground water was drawn out of the springs using two double piston pumps, then directed into cast iron basins under the machinery building and from there it was fed into the drinking water pipeline network. Today the building is a water power plant and a technical museum well worth seeing.

AN ARCHITECTURAL JEWEL The Waterworks at Hochablass are not only fascinating due to their groundbreaking Interior of the Waterworks technology in the interior. Also the palatial exterior created by the architect Karl Gollwitzer, hints to the epic importance of this structure. The way in which form and function are combined here is especially impressive. 29 30 30

Flywheel generator at the Power plant on the Wolfzahnau


REGION Installation of the machine sets in Langweid Built in 1901, the Power plant in Gersthofen was the first large power plant on the Lech and it rang in the era of comprehensive ELECTRICITY DIRECTLY coverage of electrical supply in Bavarian OUT OF A NATURAL OASIS - . First it primarily provided power THE WOLFZAHNAU for Hoechst company factory. This, in turn, attracted other large companies like the At the convergence of Lech and Wertach, Lech Steel Works to the northern district. the turbines in the Power plant at Wolfzahnau Many of them are still there today. supply electricity since 1901. The hydroelectric power plant is still in operation today and it is located in the landscape protection area Wolfzahnau. An interesting detail: 39 cubic meters of water a second flows through the discharge canal. Power plant in Gersthofen

FROM THE WORLD’S FAIR IN PARIS TO THE WOLFZAHNAU The Power plant on the Wolfzahnau was the first in the Augsburg area which went into operation completely spatially independent from an industrial area. The flywheel generator which was built into the plant was celebrated at the World’s Fair in Paris 1990 as a show piece for German state of the art engineering. The first large After the exhibition in Paris, it was acquired water power plants by the cotton spinning mill on the Stadtbach.

Power plant on the Wolfzahnau

The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century caused the demand for energy to increase steadily. This was remedied by the creation of the first large water power plants. 31 31 32 32

Birthplace of Olympic dreams

In 1972 the Olympic flame from the Munich summer games was ignited in Augsburg.

THE FIRST ARTIFICIAL WHITEWATER COURSE IN THE WORLD At the specially built facility for the very first Olympic canoe competition, athletes from all over the world fought to win the coveted gold medal. In 1970 the first artificially created whitewater course in the world emerged out of the Eiskanal (Ice Canal), which was originally designed to keep free floating ice from entering the city. European and world championships still take place here on a regular basis.

VISITOR MAGNET ADVANCEMENT EISKANAL FOR THE BEST (ICE CANAL) The German national At the Olympic canoe training center for canoe competition in 1972 all slalom and whitewater of Augsburg’s fans were sports is located directly on their feet to witness at the Olympic course. this unique spectacle. Many German medalists have prepared for their success here. 33 33 3434

WATER IN AUGSBURG TODAY FOUNTAINS WASSERTURM AM More than 100 large and small ROTEN TOR #fliesstbeiuns fountains are spread out over the entire urban area of Augsburg. Der Galgenablass ist die wichtigste On hot days they are cooling and Wasserkreuzung des Stadtwaldes. #fliesstbeiuns Living with and on water – refreshing oases. They are also Hier befand sich einmal eine Schle- the abundance of water meeting places and points of use zur Regulierung der Wasser- communication. Out of more menge im Siebenbrunner Bach wie makes Augsburg an extremely than 20 fountains, pure Augsburg auch zu desirable city to live in. drinking water bubbles forth.

Fountain on Theodor-Heuss-Plaza Orum qui berunda ndipsan dantium endicia cum qui ber unda ndipsan SUMMERberunda EVENINGS ndipsan ON THEdantium LECH CANALS endicia.i On balmyDantium evenings endicia cum the Lech canals are popular quistopping berunda. places to conclude an evening with friends.Flo Breuer berunda ndip- san

SWIMMING AT THE EISKANAL (ICE CANAL) AND AT THE PROVIANTBACH While the canoe slalom Olympic course is closed to swimmers due to its roaring whitewater, other parts of the Eiskanal and the Proviantbach welcome swimmers in the summer months. On hot days many people dare a refreshing jump into the cool water at the Fribbe pool. 35 3336

Drinking water fountain at the Wertachbrucker Gate PURE RELAXATION AT THE WERTACH AND DRINKING WATER AT KUHSEE (COW LAKE) QUALITY Since the measures for renaturation The drinking water in Augsburg “Wertach Vital”, the river has become is among the best in Europe. more easily approachable and it has The tap water here is natural, flat slopes at the shores. Many families untreated and pure. There is make use of this for relaxing hours at no need to shy away from the Wertach. Cow Lake is a popular comparisons to bottled water. place all year round. In the summer in It is usually better! and out of the water and in the winter on the ice.

KAHNFAHRT SWIMMING POOLS / (BOAT TRIP) THE “ALTE STADTBAD” The Kahnfahrt (boat trip), (OLD CITY POOL) part of the Augsburg city moat, It is probably impossible to find is one of the most beautiful places a better place to swim in style! in the city. Augsburg residents The old city pool is one of very enjoy taking a boat out on the few remaining Art Nouveau style water or having a cool drink on swimming pools in Germany. the dock. This was one of Berthold But also the multitude of other Brecht’s favorite locations in swimming pools in Augsburg are Augsburg over 100 years ago. worth a visit.