Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation

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Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR CLEARING PERMITS AND AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND/OR REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST Applications for clearing permits with a 7 day submission period 1. RJG and CM Davy, Area Permit, Lot 6840 on Deposited Plan 209412, Wellstead, City of Albany, Sydney Golden Wattle control program, 1.68ha, (CPS 6042/1) Applications for clearing permits with a 21 day submission period 1. Commissioner of Main Roads, Purpose Permit, Lot 165 on Plan 220784, Lot 170 on Plan 220393, Lot 172 on Plan 238297, Lot 292 on Plan 30482, Lot 293 on Plan 30483, Lot 320 on Plan 68269, North West Coastal Highway road reserve, Twitchin Road reserve, Yannarie, Shire of Ashburton, Lot 287 on Plan 30479, Lot 288 on Plan 30480, Lyndon and Yannarie, Lot 158 on Plan 789075, Lot 174 on Plan 220553, Lot 179 on Plan 220605, Lot 286 on Plan 30478, Marrilla Road reserve, Mia Mia Road reserve, Lyndon, Lot 182 on Plan 28412, Lot 285 on Plan 30477, North West Coastal Highway road reserve, unnamed road reserve, Minilya, Shire of Carnarvon, Lot 289 and 290 on Plan 30480, North West Coastal Highway road reserve, Exmouth Gulf, Shire of Exmouth, road widening, reestablishment of maintenance zone, material pits, culverts, bores and campsites, 812 ha, (CPS 6020/1) 2. Yeeda Pastoral Company Pty Ltd, Area Permit, Lot 268 on Deposited Plan 220707, Willare, Shire of Derby-West Kimberley, irrigation and cropping,130ha, (CPS 6037/1) 3. City of Wanneroo, Purpose Permit, Lot 503 on Deposited Plan 70083 – Reserve 12439, Lot 10603 on Deposited Plan 186553 – Reserve 39022, Yanchep, City of Wanneroo, Yanchep Surf Lifesaving Club, hardstand area, vehicle access, carpark, pathway, recreation, revegetation, 0.46ha, (CPS 6038/1) 4. Shire of Mundaring, Purpose Permit, Lot 28654 on Deposited Plan 183302 and Lot 29087 on Deposited Plan 191171 – Reserve 36125, The Lakes, Shire of Mundaring, gravel extraction, 10ha, (CPS 6040/1) 5. Shire of Narrogin, Area Permit, Lot 22 on Deposited Plan 64336, Lot 75 on Deposited Plan 108939, Lot 158 on Deposited Plan 138186, Lot 2580 on Deposited Plan 109132, Lot 4579 on Deposited Plan 113944, Lot 8601 on Deposited Plan 132108, Crown Reserve 11762, Wanerie Road reserve, unnamed road reserves, Dumberning, Lot 377 on Deposited Plan 202637 - Reserve 11837, Great Southern Highway road reserve, Narrogin Valley and Dumberning, Shire of Narrogin, road construction, 1.48ha, (CPS 6041/1) Applications to amend granted permits with a 7 day submission period 1. Department of Transport, Purpose Permit, Lot 1337 on Deposited Plan 91032 – Reserve 33696, South Carnarvon, Shire of Carnarvon, dredge material disposal, dredge pipeline, vehicle access, 12.925ha, (CPS 5631/2) – amendment to increase clearing size by 1.809ha and include additional purposes 2. Chevron Australia Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 15 on Plan 144118, Lot 16 on Plan 161140, Lot 81 on Plan 184611 – Reserve 37346, Lots 85, 86, 87 and 88 on Plan 215492 – Reserve 38264, Lot 132 on Plan 168861 – Reserve 39244, Lot 173 on Plan 240367, Lot 185 on Plan 219197 – Reserve 47957, Lots 282 and 283 on Plan 219235, Lots 303 and 718 on Plan 400252 – Reserve 19291, Lot 555 on Plan 61416 – Reserve 20632, unallocated Crown land, Onslow Road reserve, Onslow tidal flats, Onslow, Lot 149 on Plan 220384, Lots 279 and 281 on Plan 219235, Lot 306 on Plan 45640 – Reserve 21235, Onslow Road reserve, Peedamulla, Lot 152 on Plan 220265, Lot 186 on Plan 219155, Lot 280 on Plan 219235, Lot 524 on Plan 69198, Lot 558 on Plan 71346, Onslow Road reserve, Talandji, Shire of Ashburton, geotechnical and contaminated site investigations, heritage, cadastral, service location and environmental surveys, 30ha, (CPS 5736/2) - amendment to include additional purposes Submissions for applications for clearing permits are to be made within the time frame specified. Submissions may be forwarded to Native Vegetation Conservation Branch, Locked Bag 33, Cloisters Square WA 6850, or email to [email protected]. Further information is available through the website or telephone (08) 6467 5020. NOTIFICATION OF DECISIONS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC APPEAL Clearing permits granted 1. SJ Davies, Purpose Permit, 142 apiary sites within unallocated Crown land, Crown Reserves, Crown Leases and State Forests, City of Armadale and Shires of Beverley, Boddington, Busselton, Capel, Collie, Coolgardie, Coorow, Cuballing, Dandaragan, Dundas, Harvey, Kalamunda, Manjimup, Mundaring, Nannup, Northam, Ravensthorpe, Waroona, Yalgoo, Yilgarn and York, apiary site maintenance, 7.1ha, permit duration 26 April 2014 to 26 April 2019, (CPS 5436/1) 2. WH and MCH Verboom, Area Permit, Lot 6 on Diagram 92809, North Walpole, Shire of Manjimup, dwelling, firebreaks, airstrip, soak, orchard and associated infrastructure, 7ha, permit duration 26 April 2014 to 26 April 2019, (CPS 5970/1) Appeals against the grant of these permits must be made within 21 days of 27 March 2014. Amended permits granted 1. Broome Port Authority, Purpose Permit, Lots 617, 618, 621, 626, 627 and 630 on Deposited Plan 70861 – Reserves 28650 and 35743, Lot 698 on Plan 209491 – Reserve 28650, Port Drive road reserve (PIN 11479514), Minyirr, Shire of Broome, commercial development, utilities corridor and telecommunication line relocation, 24.55ha, permit duration 24 October 2009 to 28 October 2016, (CPS 3104/5) Appeals against the amendment; or the conditions of permit must be made within 21 days of the applicant receiving notification of the decision. All appeals to be sent to the Appeals Convenor Level 22 Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Tce, PERTH WA 6000. Telephone (08) 6467 5190. For all other decisions, including refusals, revocations and suspensions, refer to the DER website The Department of Environment Regulation has established a dedicated RSS feed to provide up to date information on the clearing provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Subscribe at Furthermore, to receive notification of Monday’s advertisements, subscribe at For copies of above documents visit Information: Email: [email protected] 31/3/14.
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