The Record of the Class
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jEiilPfHIIfJ JiQ»« cLAstLD^^lS BOOK -^5 THE LIBRARY <=^P <^ OF HAVER FORD COLLEGE HAVERFORD, PA. THE 4 7 KEC ID PUBLISHED B V THE 5 E R I R CLASS HfiVGRFORD COLieCe HRVERFORD PEnnSVLVflnifl WILLIAM E. LUNT DEDICAT ^OON after his arrival at Haverford, the freshman came to know a new J and awe-inspiring term: the "Jitter Session". If he himself did not have History I , his roommate did, and he saw the man who shared his room suffer through a weekly oral examination on the facts of English History. The freshman soon found, however, that the originator of these Friday morning tests was the finest lecturer he had ever heard, the fairest pro- fessor he had ever known. Under the thorough training of Dr. William E. Lunt, the newcomer learned how to take adequate notes and how to study and digest them. He found that Dr. Lunt always gave him every chance to express himself in class, and that the tall, distinguished-looking man behind the desk knew how to get at the student's knowledge of a subject. The men who will graduate this year realize along with members of the faculty and administration that William E. Lunt Is responsible in a large degree for the high scholastic standing Haverford has always maintained. His lectures &rQ for them a study in perfection, and his rigorous training has helped them immeasureably. These seniors, then, would like to dedi- cate this, their annual, to that man In an effort to thank him in a small way for all he has done for them. A Di scussion atter Cla Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation F R E THIS is the RECORD, the annual which is making its first appearance, with one informal exception, since 1943, when It was discontinued for the duration of the war. This year the graduating men are representatives from every class between the years 1940 and 1948. For that reason, no attempt has been made to write a class history. We leave that work for future RECORD Editors in years when the college has returned completely to normal. We feel that this should more rightly be called a pictorial record for the year 1946-1947 because of certain features which appear in the fol- lowing pages. The Inauguration, for example, has adequately been covered; a photographic calendar has been included. This book is an attempt to return the RECORD to the position it should occupy among extra-curricular activities here at Fiaverford. It Is not a perfect book, but It should provide the basis for a finer and fuller annual next year and In the years to come. The Editors ^^^Mli ^^ Jke JRecord presents the Seniors THE 1947 RECORD- JAMES F. ADAMS, JR. Wilmington, Delaware English NEWS (I, 3, 4); WHAV (2): Orchestra (2); STACK (3): Customs Committee (3): Students' Council (3, 4); Corp Scholar (3, 4); Cap and Bells (3): Founders Club (4); Radio Club (l|. Jim . The benevolent father of the NEWS ma- chine . Does he ever sleep? . Perennial corp scholar . Open house for work and friends in Ninth Entry . "Cribbage, Bruce?" . Official calls . "Go ahead, laugh; it's funny." ... A student and extracurricular man, he has done much for the college. MONROE E. ALLENICK Newark, New Jersey Chemistry Glee Club (i, 2,3); Sailing Club (I, 2): Radio Club (I, 2); Tennis (2); NEWS (2, 3); Inter-faith Organization (3. 4); Founders Club (3); Chairman, Dance Committee (2); Cap and Bells (3); Cheer Leading (4). Monte Rah-rah! Come on, fellas, yel Those cold borscht and rye-bread feasts in Ninth, that seedy hat, those vociferous ties . "Baltimore? Jones spoiled it for me' . Transcend the finite "• ego that is life . Physics? That's a mistake! . In lots of activities, he's all for hHaverford. -HAVERFORD COLLEGE ANDREW P. ALLISON West Chester, Pennsylvania Hist ory Freshman Soccer (I): Freshman Track (I); Glee Club (I); Squash (2): Famine Emergency Committee (3): J. V. Tennis 13, 4). Andy . Gentleman farmer ... "I tell you the price of milk s too low." . Tough, but oh, so gentle . He bombed Cologne . Fur hat and motorcycle . Ladies' man, but won t admit it . Two hun- dred pages of notes per year ... A class at hlaver- ford occasionally, and the rest at Bryn Mawr. TIMOTHY B. ATKESON Washington, D. C. Governmenf Cap and Bells (I, 3|: Debating Society (I): Glee Club (I): Radio Club (I); Founders Club (2); Tau Kappa Alpha (2): C.S.A. (4|: Film Club (4]. Uncle Timmie . "Three no trump is a close out . hie got the vote out for O'Rourke . Tim is Haverford's gift to interpretive dancing ... an ex- Marine and molder of public opinion . First post- war Rhodes Scholar. THE 1947 RECORD- RAGNAR AUSTAD Mjondalen, Norway English French Club (3, 4) R.C. (3): Orchestra (3, 4); Soccer (4). Ragnar . The blond, blue-eyed half of Norway's delegation to hiaverford . An English major who beats us at our own language . He was a strong man on the soccer team and on Pepkinsky's string quartet . hie spent the summer working his way around the country . Wants to teach . hHere's hoping we get more "delegates ' like Ragnar. E. BAIR GEORGE ^^Ht (Ww S+uyvesant, New York English Soccer Manager (3]: NEWS (I, 2, 3): Varsity Club (3). El" . Another of those married men . "Where can I get an apartment cheap?" . After a stretch in the Army, he came back to us for a short time . "El" can now be found at the graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania. 10 -HAVERFORD COLLEGE ELWOOD TATE BAKER Jackson Heights, New York English Vic Danes Committee (I, 4); Glee Club (I): NEWS (I); Class Mug Agency (4): Cross Country (4). Baker, the mug man . Loved that soft Navy life, especially the Admiral's staff . Held down six jobs and cried for more. Hey, did you get any foreign stamps today? " Subtle v/it and charm of the chow line . Money, money, money. "Has anybody seen Streeter?" WILLIAM P. BARKER Canton, Ohio Biblical Literature Inter-faith Forum (I. 2. 3. 4|. Students' Council (2, 3, 4), NEWS (2, 3|, Customs Committee (2, 3, 4); Glee Club (I. 2): Cap and Bells (3): Basketball Manager (I, 3. 4): Traclt Manager (2); Football (I, 3): Debating Society, (I, 2); Radio Club (I, Founders Club (3): Tau Kappa Alpha (3): French Club (3): Varsity Club (3]; Triangle Society (3); Community Chest (2). The Reverend . Yoeman service in extracurricular activities . "Vive la Haverford" . Inescapable handshake ... He drew those cartoons .for the NEWS . Vox basso profundo, push-ups, and Blessings on thee, little man equals Barker equals friend. 11 THE 1947 RECORD- DAVID E. BASSERT Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania Chemistry Glee Club (I, 2, 3. 4): Fencing team (I. 2): Cap and Bells (2, 3, 4|; Chemistry Club (4). Dave . Founder's foundling ... A Christian gentleman . "There's nothing like cigars" . Was student president of the Cap and Bells his third year . "Now lets hear another war story" . His technique leaves nothing to be desired. CHARLES E. BEAULIEU Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philosophy Charlie . Another of our quiet and likeable mar- ried men . hie first came to Haverford with the ASTP to study Italian . Liked the place and re- turned after the war ... A Canadian by birth and upbringing, he transferred from the University of Montreal ... A good man to know if you ever get to know him. 12 -HAVERFORD COLLEGE JULES BINGHAM Amsterdam, Holland I.R.C. (3). Jules . Almost late for his own wedding , . An endless chain smoker and rabid Internationalist . \ It is said that tariffs weren't high enough to keep out the mad Dutchman . The "Barney Oldfield" of Haverford drivers . One of our very best im- portations, Jules wants a job in which he can use his brain in helping to better the world. M WILLIAM F. BOUZARTH Aberdeen, Maryland Chemistry NEWS (I, 2); Track (2. 3}: Customs Committee (2, 3}: Varsity Club (3]: Footbal (2): Radio Club (I): Chemistry Club (4). Boug . Proud owner of a 29 Ford . that trip to Barker's in Ohio . He never got to an eight o'clock class on time . "Please get me up for ' I'll breakfast—yeah, get up okay. Scrapping champ of Fifth Entry brawls. 13 THE 1947 RECORD- ROBERT L BOWDEN Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Chennistry Bob . Married man and father . He has brought a midwestern flavor to hiaverford College ... A typographical error by the Army made him a pre-dental student with the ASTP here ... hie liked us and came back to go with his preparations for medicine. JOHN R. GARY Haverford, Pennsylvania German I.R.C. (I, 2); Customs Committee (2); Debating Society (2); Soccer (2, 4) : Cricket ( I ; NEWS ( I : Glee Club ( ) ; Ger- ) ) I man Club (4). Jerry . used to live at the college . after three years of "voluntary service", he decided to be a day student . "No time to play soccer this year—too much work." . He played fullback anyhow . First man in his class to speak in Meet- ing . always working on a paper on Shakespeare in Germany . John's headed for graduate work after Haverford. 14 -HAVERFORD COLLEGE ROBERT F. CLAYTON, JR. Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Mathematics Basketball (I, 2, 3); Glee Club (I, 2); Students' Council I (2, 3) : Soccer (2, 3. 4) : Band ( ) ; Chairman, Customs Com- mittee (3); Chairman, Dance Committee (3): Tennis (3, 4); President, Varsity Club (4). Bob . The B.G. of H.C. they tagged him "Moose" at P.M.C. and "Mole" at hlopkins .