Congress! on Al Record-Senate December 3
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50 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 3 .Also, a bill (H. R. 10133) granting a pension to Sophie Atkin SENATE son ; to the Committee on Invalicf Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 10134) granting a pension to Albert WEDNESDAY, Decmnber 3, 19~4 Braun; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 10135) granting an increase of pension to The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following Sarah Maria McGill; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. prayer: Also, a bill (H. R. 10136) granting an increase of pension to Our Fathm·, in whom we live and move and have our being, Mary Abbie Meats ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. enable us to understand our relations to Thee as well as to Also,.a bill (H. R. 10137) granting an increase of pension to Charlotte Bredenkamp ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions! each other and to the great eountry in which we live. Grant us Thy guidance in all matters and may we be willing to follow Also, a bill (H. R. 10138) granting an increase of pension to it Amanda R. Frank ;,,to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Thy lead as we can understand and discern Thy ways for By Mr. BIXLER: Resolution (H. Res. 369) to pay salary us. We ask in Christ's name. Amen. and funeral expenses of Henry R. Thorpe, late an employee in The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yester· the Doorkeeper's department of the House; to the Committee day's proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and by unan on Accounts. imous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Journal was approved. PETITIONS, ETC. SENATOR FROM MICHIGAN Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid The PREBIDENT pro tempore. The. Chair lays before the on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : Senate the certificate of the election of JAMES CouzENS, a Sen· 3051. By the SPEAKER (by request): Petition of Jason ator from the State of :Michigan, which will be read. Waterman Warren, president of J. W. Warren Co., Cleveland, The reading clerk read as follows : Ohio, favoring certain amendments to the Constitution of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. STATE OF lHCHIGAN CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION 3052. Also (by request), petition of First Baptist Church of We, the undersigned, State canvassers, from an examination of the Paterson, N. J., approving the purpo e of Senate bill 1898; to election returns received by the secretary of state, determine that at the Committee on the Post Office and· Post Roads. the general election held on the 4th day of November, 1924, J .DiES 3053. By Mr. CULLEN: Petition of State commission of CouzENS was duly elected United States Senator for the term ending prisons, recommending to the Federal GoYernment the erection March 4, 1925. in New York State of an institution with facilities for the In witness whereof we have hereto subscribed our names at Lansing detention of Federal prisoners, both before and after convic this 1st day of December, 1924. tion, whereas the increasing number of Federal prisoners Cli.AS. J. DELAND, committed to county penal institutions of New York State has Sec-retary o.f State; caused serious overcrowding in county jails and consequent FRANK ]), GANNON, violation of the laws of the State relative to the separation and State Treasut·er; cla Nsification of prisoners, as a result of which the officials in THOMAS ]), JOHNSON, charge of these institutions :find themselves in many instances Superintendent of Public Ins-truction; unable to comply with said laws because of the large number Board. of State Oanvas,sers. of Federal prisoners; to the Committee on the Judiciary. State of Michigan. D{3partment of State, ss: 3054. Also, petition of the American Federation of Labor, I hereby certify that the foregoing copy of the certtiicate of de· advocating an adequate Postal Service wage standard; to the termination of the board of State canvassers is a correct transcript o1 Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. the original of such certificate of determination on fi.Je in this offic~. 3055. Also, petition of New York State League of Savings In witness whereof I have hereto attached my signature and the and Loan Associations, urging an appropriation by Congress great seal of the State at Lansing this 1st day of December, 1924. for the purpose of an intercensal survey by the Bm·eau of the [SEAL.] CRA.s. J. DELAND. Census of building and loan associations in the United States; Secretary of State. to the Committee on the Census. 3056. Also, petition of Flatbush Chamber of Commerce, of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The credentials will be Brooklyn, N. Y., condemning the provisions of the section of filed with the Secretar-y of the Senate. the revenue act of 1924 which pertain to publicity in connec Mr. CURTIS. The Senator elect from 1\1ichigan is present, tion with income tax as radical and un-American; to the Com~ and I ask that he be sworn in. mittee on Ways and Means. The !?RESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator elect will 3057. By Mr. GALLIVAl.~: Petition of American Federation present himself at the desk to take the oath of office. of Labor, urging Congress to speedily enact Senate bill 1898, l\1r. COUZENS, escorted by Mr. FERRIS, advanced to the which pro-vides for wage increases for postal workers; to the Vice President's desk and t.he oath prescribed by law was ad· Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. ministered to him. 3058. By Mr. SEGER: Petition of Mr. Daniel Meyer, jr., of Haledon N. J., and 56 residents of Paterson, Haledon, and COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Hawtho~ne, N. J., for passage of Senate bill 1898, increasing Mr. CURTIS. I ask unanimous consent for the entering salaries of postal employees ; to the Committee on the Post of the order which I send to the desk. Office and Post Roads. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The clerk will read the 3059. Also, petition of Mr. John J. Spruce, of Paterson, N. J., order. and 53 residents of Paterson, N. J., for passage of Senate bill The reading clerk read as follows : 1898, increasing salaries of postal employees ; to the Committee 01·dered, That the following Senators are hereby relie-ved from fur· on the Post Office and Post Roads. 3060. Also, petition of :Mr. Krine Patmos, of Paterson, N. J., ther service upon the following committees : and 81 residents of Paterson, N. J., for passage of Senate bill The junior Senator from_ Idaho [Mr. GOODI< G) from the Committee 1898, increasing salaries of postal employees ; to the Committee on Claims. on the Post Office and Post Roads. The junior Senator from Vermont [Mr. DALE] from the Committee 3061. By Mr. SNELL: Petition of Council 329, L'Union St. on Education and Labor. Jean-Baptiste d'Amerique, against the passage of any legisla The Senator from Connecticut [Mr. McLEAN] from the Committee tion tending to establish a Fede:r.:al bureau of education ; to the on Interstate Commerce. Committee on the Judiciary. The senior Senator from Colorado [Mr. PHIPPS] from the CoiDIDit- 3062. Also, petition of St. Anthony's Society, of Ogtftinsburg, tee on Mines and Mining. • N. Y., against the passage of any legislation tending tO estab The senior Senator from New Jersey [Mr. EDGE] from the Commit lish a Federal bureau of education ; to the Committee on the tee on Fost Offices and "Post Roads. Judiciary. · The senior. Senator from Cali!ornia [Mr. JoH!'lSON] from the Com 3063. Also, petition of St. .John the Baptist Society, protest mittee on Military Affairs. ing against the creation of a Federal bureau of education and That the following Senators are hereby assigned to membership on the child labor amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the following committees : 3064:. By :Mr. SWING : Petition of the Methodist Church of '.Dhe junior Senator from Colorado [Mr. "lt!EL"'l"S] to the Committee Fallbrook, Calif., urging an amendment to the preamble of the on Claims ; to the Committee on Immigration ; to the Committee on the National Constitution; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary; to the Committee on Mines and Mining. 1924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE 51 The junior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF] to the Com December 3, 1923 (S. Doc. No. 163), which was ordered to lie mittee on Education and labor; to the Committee on the Library; to on the table and to be printed. the Committee on Naval Affairs; to the Committee on Patents. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the The Senator from Connecticut [Mr. McLEAN] to the Committee on Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, transmitting, pursuant to law, Foreign Relations. a full and complete account of all property in his possession The senior Senator from New Jersey [Mr. EDGE] to the Committee and in the Senate Office Building belonging to the United States on Foreign Relations. on December 24, 1924 ( S. Doc. No. 159). which was ordered to The junior Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. BuTT,E-B] to the Com lie on the table and to be printed. mittee on the Judiciary; tq the Committee on Naval Affairs; to the Committee on Patents. TREASURY DEPARTMENT REPORTS That the senior Senator .from Idaho [Mr. BoRAH ] is hereby relieved The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com from further service as chairman of the Committee on Education and munication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting Labor. pursuant to law, statements of approved expenditures under That the senior Senattlr from California [Mr.