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DliEOTO.BY.) NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. OOLSTO~ B.lSSE'rT • '9 • union & medical officer of health to Rose Benjamin, grocer Cracker James, farmer Newark Rural District Council, The Selby Thomas, butcher Crocker Joshua, farmer Old hall Sheldon George, farmer Crossland Fanny (Mrs.), King's Head P.B Broadberry Alfred William, joiner Shields Thomas, Grey Horse P.B Gibson George, farmer Brookes Robert, commercial traveller Skerritt Henry, monumental mason Greaves William, farmer Brown Waiter Sims, chemist Smith Catherine (Miss) H.B., ch.B.Glas. Hatcliffe Herbert, hair dresser, tobac- Carter Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer deputy medical officer Newark & conist, confectioner, news agent & Clark John, farmer Lincoln union ; lecturer on ambulance circulating library Clark Joseph, nurseryman & assistant to Kesteven & Notts County Councils Hawkins William, shopkeeper overseer · Smith William, beer retailer Rickman William, carrier Collingham Cricket Club (.Arthur Love- Speed Thomas, wheelwright Hoe George, butcher day, sec) Staley J. T. deputy registrar of births & Holland Waiter, draper Collingham Gas Light & Coke Co. Lim. deaths, Collingham sub-district, Ne- Hutchinson William, farmer (Richard Cook Richmond, sec) wark union Jones Thomas, fapner Collingham Gymnasium Club (George Taylor William, market gardener Liley Henry, higg1er F. Hornagold, sec) Thompson George, butcher Martin John, assistant overseer & clerk Collingham Public Hall Co. J.. imited Waddingham Holvey, Royal Oak & to Parish Council & correspondent to (Michael R. Colton, sec) Railway hotel the Council school managers Collingham Rural Library (Miss Emma Wadsworth John C. joiner & contractor Millns John, bricklayer Coles, librarian), open on wednesdays Western Louisa (Mrs.), fancy repository, Nicholson & Co. milliners from 3.30 to 5, & fridays 6 to 8 p.m Post office Smith-Woolley & Wigram, land agents Davies Waiter E. cycle agent White Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer & surveyors · Ginnever Oliver, Jolly Bargeman P.H Widnall George, plumber & gasfitter Taylor John James, farmer Goulding John, shopkeeper Willis .Arthur, baker Taylor William, farmer Harrison Isabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wiseman Robert, market gardener Thompson George, farmer Hind George, ta~lor Wright Harry Morris, grocer & draper, Volunteer Battalion (4th Nottingham) Hoe George, parnter & agent for W. & .A. Gilbey Lim. wine Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby- Holland Waiter, grocer & draper & spirit merchants shire Regt.) (F Company, Capt. & Holmes .Alice (Miss~, registrar of bi:rth~ & SOUTH COLLINGH.AM Hon. Major Regin~ld Woolley v.n.; deaths for Colhngham sub-district, • Robert .Ayre, drill rnstructor) N ewark union PRIVATE RESIDENTS. W aite Bartholomew blacksmith Hopkinson George, saddler & ha:rness ma Broa_dberry Frederick W arburton George,' family grocer & Hornagold Geo. F. sec. Gymnasium Club CurtiS Charles Constable J.P baker tea dealer & provision merchant K~mp Edward, ir_onmo~er Dale Francis Harry, H.M. inspector Watson'Joseph, boot & shoe maker K_rnd .Arthur Edwm, statwn master of schools Wigram Henry agent, see Smith- Littler Sam~e~ M.R.C.v:s. vet. surgeon Fosbery R_ev. Geo. Wm. M.A. Rectory Woolley & Wigram Marshall Wdham, White Hart P.H Manuel MISses Wigram John land agent see Smith- Millns William. T~ompson,_ builder, con- M~lnes Miss Woolley & Wigram ' tractor & bmldmg matenal dealer R1ce Mrs. The Gables Woolley Reginald land agent see Smith- Mitchelson William Edward, boot Staley John ~homas Woolley & W~am ' maker & grocer St~venette Richard Woolley T. Cecil Smith, land agent, see Moss Qeorge, plough maker, wheel- W~am Henry James Smitq-Woolley & Wigram wright, smith & agricultural imple- W1gram John, The Manor ment maker Woolley Mrs. John, The Cottage BROUGH. Moss Samuel joiner carpenter & funeral W oolley Mrs. T · Smith Blundy William, farmer furnisher ' ' Woolley Thomas Cecil Smith Clever John Ripley, farmer Newark Co-operative Industrial & Pro- COMMERCIAL. Noton .Alfred Edward, farmer vident Society Lim. grocers &c .Andrew William, market gardener Noton Charles W. farmer, Brick Yard Nicholson David, coal dealer & farmer .Ayre Robt. drill instructor to volunteers farm Ni~olson Jarvis, coal & coke merchant Bastin Rebecca (Mrs.), farmer Shouler William Colton, farmer Noble Thomas, farmer Bemrose John, greengrocer Taylor Joseph, farmer, Lane end Noel Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer Brierley John, farmer Taylor William Langton, farmer, Field Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Bank- Broadberry Benjamin, farmer, Whitemr House farm ing Co. Limited (branch) (open mon. Clayton Henry, farmer Weightman Charles, farmer from 1 till 3.30 p.m.); draw on Clayton Robert, farmer Wilson Charles, farmer, Turfmoor London & Westminster Bank Limited, Clayton William, farmer, Coneygree Wray Henry, farmer, Snake hall London EC Collingham Farmers' Club (John Wm. Peet George & Edward, blacksmiths Belton, sec.), Besthorpe D.ANETHORPE. Radley William, farmer Collingham William, farmer Blagg Francis, farmer & grazier Richmond Richmond Cook, tailor & sec. Colton Thomas E. B. corn & coal mer Homer Charles Henry, farmer to gas company Crocker Henry, farmer Payling George W. farmer COLSTON BASSETT is a village and parish on the figure, erected by Lord and Lady Crawshaw, in memory eastern border of the county, adjoining Leicestershire, of their daughter, the late Hon. Mrs. Knowles (d. 1892): near the Nottingham and Grantham canal and on the the stained east window illustrates scenes in the life of Our head of the river Smite, 3 miles north-east from Barnston Lord: the reredos consists of five panels, filled with painted joint station of the London and North-Western and Great figures of Our Lord and the four Evangelists: church plate Northern railways, 10 south-east from Nottingham and of chased silver was presented hy the Rev. Jos. .Adamson 5 south from Bingham, in the N ewark division of the H. A. late vicar 1889-97 ; the old .communion plate is also of county, Bingham wapentake, petty sessional division, silver, and dates from the reign of Charles II. : the pulpit union and county court district, rural deanery of South of carved oak upon a carved stone pedestal, was the gift Bingham, archdeaconry of Nottingham and diocese of of G. B. Davy esq. formerly of Colston Bassett, in memory Southwell. The church of St.. Mary (now a ruin) stands of his father: there are 300 sittings. The register dates on an eminence on the verge of the park ; it was built from the year 1591 and is in good condition. The living and endowed by the .Abbey of Laund, in Leicestershire, and is a vicarage, net yearly value £225, with 40 acres of glebe, competent authority has fixed its date at about 1293, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1900 although it was built on the site of an older church, the by the Rev. Michael Hallett Pimm. There are both Norman pillars of which remain; this church was taken Catholic and Primitive Methodist chapels. The old cross down in the 18th century ; the later church is now in the village, 15 feet in height, was rebuilt in 1831. Cols ton superseded by the present church of St. John the Divine, Bassett Hall, fine building situated within a park of 50 erected at the sole cost of R. M. Knowles, esq. and con- acres, is the set.t of Robert Millington Knowles esq. D.L., secrated in 1892; this is a building of stone, with a spire J.P. lord of the manor and principal landowner. G. B. Davy surmounting a tower 150 feet high, consisting of chancel, esq. is also a landowner. In former times part of the nave, aisles, two chapels (one of which is used as a vestry village surrounded the church, and in very dry seasons and organ chamber) and a tower with spire 150 feet in the foundations of houses may be traced: in a map of height, containing the 5 bells from the old church, 3 of Queen Elizabeth's time, still in existence, the names of • which have pre-Reformation inscriptions on them, one the occupiers of the dwellings may be found. In the the date 1606 and another 1608 ; they have been rehung year 1604 the village was visited by a terrible plague, by Messrs. Taylor, of Loughborough: in the memorial which destroyed a great number of the inhabitants. The chapel is a fine marble monument, with a full-sized angelic soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are NOTTS. 4 .