COMPUTER SIMULATIONS IN METAPHYSICS: POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS1 _________ BILLY WHEELER Sun Yat-Sen University Department of Philosophy Zhuhai, Guangzhou China
[email protected] Article info CDD: 110 Received: 05.07.2019; Revised: 13.09.2019; Accepted: 13.09.2019 DOI: Keywords Computer modeling Computer simulation Methods in metaphysics Humean Supervenience Nomic Necessity Abstract: Computer models and simulations have provided enormous benefits to researchers in the natural and social sciences, as well as many areas of philosophy. However, to date, there has been little attempt to use computer models in the development and evaluation of metaphysical theories. This is a shame, as there are good reasons for believing that metaphysics could benefit just as 1 Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the Forum on Philosophical Methods at Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai as well as the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Philosophy of Science at Fudan University, Shanghai. I thank the participants for their helpful comments. I am also grateful to two anonymous reviewers from Manuscrito who also provided invaluable feedback on an earlier version of this paper. Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil. Campinas, v. 42, n. 3, pp. 108-148, Jul-Sep. 2019. Billy Wheeler 109 much from this practice as other disciplines. In this paper I assess the possibilities and limitations of using computer models in metaphysics. I outline the way in which different kinds of model could be useful for different areas of metaphysics, and I illustrate in more detail how agent-based models specifically could be used to model two well-known theories of laws: David Lewis’s "Best System Account" and David Armstrong's "Nomic Necessitation" view.