How Is Video Game Development Different from Software Development in Open Source? Luca Pascarella Fabio Palomba Delft University of Technology University of Zurich Delft, The Netherlands Zurich, Switzerland
[email protected] [email protected] Massimiliano Di Penta Alberto Bacchelli University of Sannio University of Zurich Benevento, Italy Zurich, Switzerland
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Despite being a domain of software systems and being so success- Recent research has provided evidence that, in the industrial con- ful, video games (from hereon, games) have attracted the interest text, developing video games diverges from developing software of software engineering researchers only in the last decade. For systems in other domains, such as office suites and system utilities. example, among the first is the work by Tschang [45] and Tschang In this paper, we consider video game development in the open & Szczypula [46] who hypothesized that game development re- source system (OSS) context. Specifically, we investigate how de- quires developers with uncommon knowledge. In the same vein, velopers contribute to video games vs. non-games by working on Kultima & Alha conducted interviews reporting how game devel- different kinds of artifacts, how they handle malfunctions, and how opers perceive differences in the development of their projects [28] they perceive the development process of their projects. To this pur- and Ampatzoglou & Stamelos provided an overview of the concerns pose, we conducted a mixed, qualitative and quantitative study on a in software engineering for games, indicating that the game domain broad suite of 60 OSS projects. Our results confirm the existence of had received little attention from software engineering research [4].