Public Document Pack


DATE: Friday, 9 August 2019

TIME: 10.30 am

VENUE: Mechanics Institute, John Tocher Room - 103 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD

 Nearest Metrolink Stop: St Peters Square

 Wi-Fi Network: Username: mech_inst Password: m3chan1cs!

 Group meetings: 9:30am – 10:30am o Labour – Woods Room o Conservative – Dean Room o Liberal Democrats – Jack Flanagan

The meeting will be followed by an informal briefing session regarding the bus network. All Members are invited to attend this session.


Item Pages



Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed via, please speak to a Governance Officer before the meeting should you not wish to consent to being included in this recording.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (attached) 1 - 4

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at the start of the meeting.

4. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 12 JULY 2019 (attached) 5 - 12

To consider the approval of the minute of the meetings held Friday 12 July 2019.

5. GM RAIL PROSPECTUS (attached) 13 - 18

Report of Bob Morris, Chief Operating Officer, TfGM


Presentation of the Travelsafe Partnership

7. NETWORK PERFORMANCE (attached) 41 - 52

Report of Bob Morris, Chief Operating Officer, TfGM


Report of Alison Chew, Head of Bus Services


To comment and make additions to the draft Work Programme

10. Exclusion of the Press and Public

That, under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following items on business on the grounds that this involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.



Report of Alison Chew, Head of Bus Services

For copies of papers and further information on this meeting, please refer to the website Alternatively, contact the following: Governance & Scrutiny Officer: Nicola Ward 0161 778 7009 [email protected]

This agenda was issued on 1 August 2019 on behalf of Julie Connor, Secretary to the Combined Authority, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU

Membership of the GM Transport Committee:

Members Representing Political Party Stuart Haslam Conservative Beth Mortenson Bury Labour Angeliki Stogia Manchester Labour Naeem Hassan Manchester Labour Ateeque Ur-Rehman Labour Phil Burke Rochdale Labour Roger Jones Salford Labour David Meller Labour Warren Bray Labour Steve Adshead Labour Mark Aldred Labour Sean Fielding GMCA Labour Roy Walker Mayoral appointment Conservative John Leech Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat Dzidra Noor Mayoral appointment Labour Howard Sykes Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat Liam O’Rourke Mayoral appointment Labour Barry Warner Mayoral appointment Labour Doreen Dickinson Mayoral appointment Conservative Peter Robinson Mayoral appointment Labour Nathan Evans Mayoral appointment Conservative Joanne Marshall Mayoral appointment Labour

Substitutes Representing Political Party Derek Bullock Bolton Conservative David Jones Bury Labour Basat Shiekh Manchester Labour Eddy Newman Manchester Labour Shah Wazir Rochdale Labour Mike McCusker Salford Labour Matt Wynne Stockport Labour Barrie Holland Tameside Labour James Wright Trafford Labour Carl Sweeney Wigan Labour Allan Brett GMCA Labour David Wilkinson Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat John Hudson Mayoral appointment Conservative Linda Holt Mayoral appointment Conservative Angie Clark Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat

GM Transport Committee on 9 August 2019

Declaration of Councillors’ interests in items appearing on the agenda

NAME: ______

Minute Item No. / Agenda Item No. Nature of Interest Type of Interest

Personal / Prejudicial /

Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial /

Page 1 Page Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial /

Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial /

Disclosable Pecuniary Agenda Item 3


QUICK GUIDE TO DECLARING INTERESTS AT GMCA MEETINGS This is a summary of the rules around declaring interests at meetings. It does not replace the Member’s Code of Conduct, the full description can be found in the GMCA’s constitution Part 7A. Your personal interests must be registered on the GMCA’s Annual Register within 28 days of your appointment onto a GMCA committee and any changes to these interests must notified within 28 days. Personal interests that should be on the register include:  Bodies to which you have been appointed by the GMCA

 Your membership of bodies exercising functions of a public nature, including charities, societies, political parties or trade unions. You are also legally bound to disclose the following information called DISCLOSABLE PERSONAL INTERESTS which includes:  You, and your partner’s business interests (eg employment, trade, profession, contracts, or any company with which you are associated)  You and your partner’s wider financial interests (eg trust funds, investments, and assets including land and property).  Any sponsorship you receive. Page 2 Page FAILURE TO DISCLOSE THIS INFORMATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE

STEP ONE: ESTABLISH WHETHER YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA If the answer to that question is ‘No’ – then that is the end of the matter. If the answer is ‘Yes’ or Very Likely’ then you must go on to consider if that personal interest can be construed as being a prejudicial interest. STEP TWO: DETERMINING IF YOUR INTEREST PREJUDICIAL?

A personal interest becomes a prejudicial interest:  where the well being, or financial position of you, your partner, members of your family, or people with whom you have a close association (people who are more than just an acquaintance) are likely to be affected by the business of the meeting more than it would affect most people in the area.

 the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest.

FOR A NON PREJUDICIAL INTEREST FOR PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS YOU MUST YOU MUST  Notify the governance officer  Notify the governance officer for the meeting as soon as you realise you have a prejudicial interest (before or during for the meeting as soon as you the meeting) realise you have an interest  Inform the meeting that you have a prejudicial interest and the nature of the interest  Inform the meeting that you  Fill in the declarations of interest form have a personal interest and the nature of the interest  Leave the meeting while that item of business is discussed

 Fill in the declarations of  Make sure the interest is recorded on your annual register of interests form if it relates to you or your partner’s interest form business or financial affairs. If it is not on the Register update it within 28 days of the interest becoming apparent. TO NOTE: YOU MUST NOT:  You may remain in the room  participate in any discussion of the business at the meeting, or if you become aware of your disclosable pecuniary Page 3 Page and speak and vote on the interest during the meeting participate further in any discussion of the business, matter  participate in any vote or further vote taken on the matter at the meeting  If your interest relates to a body to which the GMCA has appointed you to you only have to inform the meeting of that interest if you speak on the matter.

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4



MEMBER REPRESENTING Stuart Haslam Bolton Angeliki Stogia Manchester Naeem Hassan Manchester Ateeque Ur-Rehman Oldham Phil Burke Rochdale Roger Jones Salford David Meller Stockport Warren Bray Tameside Steve Adshead Trafford Mark Aldred Wigan Sean Fielding GMCA Roy Walker Mayoral appointment Dzidra Noor Mayoral appointment Howard Sykes Mayoral appointment Liam O’Rourke Mayoral appointment Barry Warner Mayoral appointment Doreen Dickinson Mayoral appointment Peter Robinson Mayoral appointment Nathan Evans Mayoral appointment Joanne Marshall Mayoral appointment

OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE Bob Morris Chief Operating Officer Kate Brown Director of Corporate Affairs Nick Roberts Head of Services & Commercial Development Alison Chew Interim Head of Bus Services Alex Cropper Head of Operations Nicola Ward Governance and Scrutiny Ninoshka Martins Governance and Scrutiny Gwynne Williams Deputy Monitoring Officer, GMCA

OPERATORS IN ATTENDANCE Gary Nolan One Bus Ben Jarvis Stagecoach Guy Warren First




1. That Councillor Mark Aldred be nominated as Chair for the Greater Manchester Transport Committee for the forthcoming municipal year, subject to appointment by the GM Mayor. 2. That Councillor Mark Aldred be appointed as Chair for this meeting.



That Councillors Roger Jones and Doreen Dickinson be appointed as Vice Chairs to the Greater Manchester Transport Committee for the forthcoming municipal year.



That the membership of the Committee as detailed below be noted.

Members Representing Political Party Stuart Haslam Bolton Conservative Rishi Shori Bury Labour Angeliki Stogia Manchester Labour Naeem Hassan Manchester Labour Ateeque Ur-Rehman Oldham Labour Phil Burke Rochdale Labour Roger Jones Salford Labour David Meller Stockport Labour Warren Bray Tameside Labour Steve Adshead Trafford Labour Mark Aldred Wigan Labour Sean Fielding GMCA Labour Roy Walker Mayoral appointment Conservative John Leech Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat Dzidra Noor Mayoral appointment Labour Howard Sykes Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat Liam O’Rourke Mayoral appointment Labour Barry Warner Mayoral appointment Labour Doreen Dickinson Mayoral appointment Conservative

Page 6 Peter Robinson Mayoral appointment Labour Nathan Evans Mayoral appointment Conservative Joanne Marshall Mayoral appointment Labour

Substitutes Representing Political Party Derek Bullock Bolton Conservative Beth Mortenson Bury Labour Basat Shiekh Manchester Labour Eddy Newman Manchester Labour Shah Wazir Rochdale Labour Barrie Holland Tameside Labour James Wright Trafford Labour Carl Sweeney Wigan Labour Allan Brett GMCA Labour David Wilkinson Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat John Hudson Mayoral appointment Conservative Linda Holt Mayoral appointment Conservative Angie Clark Mayoral appointment Liberal Democrat



That the GMCA Members Code of Conduct be noted.



That members be requested to complete their annual declaration of interest form, for publication on the GMCA website.



That the committee’s terms of reference and rules of procedure be noted.



Page 7 1. That Councillors Mark Aldred, Roger Jones, Phil Burke, Ateeque Ur-Rehman and Doreen Dickinson be appointed to the Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Board. 2. That Councillor Angeliki Stogia be appointed to the Low Carbon Hub Board.




That apologies were received and noted from Councillor John Leech and Eamonn Boylan (Chief Executive Officer GMCA & TfGM).



Councillor Phil Burke declared a personal interest in relation to items 15 & 16 as an employee of Metrolink.


Kate Brown, Director of Corporate Affairs, TfGM took members through the draft work programme for the GM Transport Committee.

Members requested the following items be added to the work programme –  Social Value  Road Safety Schemes & Drive Safe  The performance of TfGM  Connecting the outer towns of GM  Speed camera partnership and red light jumping  Misuse of the bus lanes and camera implementation


That the Greater Manchester Transport Committee Work Programme be noted.


Nicola Ward, Senior Governance & Scrutiny Officer, GMCA introduced a report which provided the Committee with a number of operating models for consideration.

Page 8

The model within ‘option A’ consisted of a full committee (23 members) and two sub- committees (11 and 12 members) with specific and exclusive remits for Bus Services and Metrolink & Rail Services. The full committee would meet on a quarterly basis (once every three months) and would look at key strategic reports, such as performance monitoring and policy development. The Bus Services sub-committee would look at bus service performance, hold operators to account and review key policy initiatives around bus services. The Metrolink & Rail sub-committee would look at the performance of Metrolink and Rail services in Greater Manchester, hold specific providers to account and review policy development in relation to relevant areas.

The model within ‘option B’ consisted of a monthly meeting of the full Transport Committee with the agenda divided into two sections, one which covers high level strategic policy items, and the other half covering any operational issues in relation to a specific mode of transport. Transport Operators could be invited to attend the relevant committee.

Following a vote, the Committee decided that Option B would be the Committee operating model going forward.


1. That Option B be agreed as the Committee operating model which comprises of a single transport committee with no sub committees, and an agenda separated into strategic and operational items. 2. That it be agreed that the committee model be reviewed in 6 months time. 3. That Councillor Roger Jones be appointed as lead Member for Bus Services and Councillor Doreen Dickinson be appointed as lead Member for Metrolink and Rail Services.



That the GM Transport Committee will meet on the second Friday of the month, unless Members be otherwise notified with the draft programme of dates agreed as follows – Friday 9 August Friday 13 September Friday 11 October Friday 8 November Friday 6 December Friday 17 January Friday 21 February Friday 13 March Friday 17 April

Page 9


Kate Brown, Director of Corporate Affairs, TfGM introduced a report which presented the shared vision towards an integrated transport network for Greater Manchester as launched by the GM Mayor on the 24 June. The vision of Our Network was strongly routed in the 2040 Transport Strategy and furthers Greater Manchester’s journey towards a fully integrated public transport network.

Councillor Sean Fielding, GMCA added that the visual representation contained within the report has become a key diagram for the aspirations for this vision, strongly supported by the desire to roll out of the principles already delivered by Metrolink in relation to accessibility, punctuality and standards of service to all other transport modes in GM. To support this, the GMCA was continuing to press Government for the same level of transport subsidy for Greater Manchester as .

Members welcomed the aspiration for a train line from to Stockport as part of the interconnectivity of outlying towns.

Members further welcomed plans for tram-train services between Bury and Rochdale via Heywood, but felt that the line between Heywood and Manchester needed to be supported through improved bus services along the route. TfGM officers agreed to meet with Cllr O’Rourke to discuss the issues further.

Members requested that further consideration be given to how bus services could support people accessing other modes of transport, such as Metrolink, and specifically in relation to residents of the Cheadle area accessing East Metrolink Station. Officers from TfGM agreed to meet with Cllr Meller in relation to improving these links.


1. That the report be noted. 2. That officers from TfGM meet with Councillor Liam O’Rourke regarding bus services between Heywood and Manchester. 3. That officers from TfGM meet with Councillor David Meller regarding bus linkages between Cheadle and Metrolink East Didsbury.


Bob Morris, Chief Operating Officer, TfGM introduced a report which provided an overview of transport network performance for May 2019, and for the first time included details on the highway network.


That the report be noted.

Page 10


Nick Roberts, Head of Services & Commercial Development, TfGM explained the format of the Forthcoming Changes to the Bus Network report, and took members through each of the annexes in detail.

Members expressed their concern regarding changes to the 81 service, as the service was run by one operator in one direction and another operator in the other direction, requiring passengers to purchase multiple tickets. First Bus responded that there have been minimal service changes to the 81 service, with the 409 service as a supporting service remaining unchanged.

A Member asked that although the late 84a service to the Merseybank area was a welcomed addition, that officers give further consideration to the service between this area and the hospital. It was felt that this service had not been well advertised, and therefore patronage levels had remained low, resulting in its withdrawal. Members urged that such services should be more actively promoted in communities, and actively designed with people to ensure that the service meets their needs.

Members asked that seasonal patronage changes to the V1 and V4 services be considered, given patronage levels were currently low, these would increase on the run up to Christmas, and services should be able to meet these demands.

A Member reported some confusion as a result of the re-numbering of services on the Rochdale/Bury routes. Officers agreed to take advice from members on this, and consider a wider role for members in relation to how they can support the dissemination of service information through communities.


1. That the changes to the commercial network and the proposals not to replace the de- registered commercial services as set out in Annex A be noted. 2. That the proposed action in respect of changes or de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex B be agreed. 3. That the proposed changes to general subsidised services as set out in Annex C be approved. 4. That it be noted that further consideration would be given as to the role of Members in disseminating information to communities and that a future report be brought back to the Transport Committee.



Page 11 That, under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following items on business on the grounds that this involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in the relevant paragraph, Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.




That the financial implications of forthcoming changes to the bus network be noted.

Page 12 Agenda Item 5

Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Date: 09 August 2019

Subject: Rail Prospectus

Report of: Bob Morris, Chief Operating Officer, TfGM


To inform members of the plan to publish a GM Prospectus for Rail, including; proposed content, timescales and objectives.


Members are asked to note the contents of the report.


Simon Elliott Head of Rail Programme 0161 244 1536

Page 13

Risk Management – N/A Legal Considerations – N/A Financial Consequences – Revenue – N/A Financial Consequences – Capital – N/A

Number of attachments included in the report:


TRACKING/PROCESS Does this report relate to a major strategic decision, as set out in the No GMCA Constitution

EXEMPTION FROM CALL IN Are there any aspects in this report which means it should be considered to be exempt from call in by the relevant Scrutiny Committee on the grounds of urgency? GMTC Overview & Scrutiny Committee 09/08/19 N/A

GMTC 20190809 Rail Prospectus v0.4 01/08/2019 11:12 Page 14


1.1 The Secretary of State for Transport has suggested it would be helpful for GM to succinctly articulate its vision, principles and priorities for rail-based modes, in order to strengthen Government’s ability to work with our city-region.

1.2 The GM Mayor recognises the need for a document which clarifies our ‘ask’ of Government, and:

 sets out the level of ambition in GM,

 supports and aligns with the 2040 Strategy,

 acknowledges the challenges of the rail network in GM; and

 remains realistic about the options available for progress within current railway industry structures.

1.3 The GM Mayor has recently highlighted the opportunity presented by the Williams Review for major reform of how rail services are delivered and the future requirement for GM, as part of an integrated GM transport system.


2.1 The purpose of a GM Prospectus for Rail is: ‘To clearly communicate GM’s vision, objectives and delivery priorities for rail-based modes in GM for the period to 2040 and beyond, in support of local, regional and national sustainable and inclusive economic growth ambitions’.

2.2 Rail-based modes have a vital role to play in achieving world class connections which support long-term, sustainable economic growth and provide access to opportunity for all. GM needs a rail system fit for the 21st century which is efficient, resilient, inclusive, safe and secure, clean and green; which has more capacity, is passenger focused and reliable and which enables the delivery of the wider benefits articulated in the Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy, the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040.

2.3 With regards to timeframe, the document will set out a long term vision with a clear, shorter-term delivery plan. These align with our 2040 Delivery Plan timeframes:

 Short term priorities (2020-2025)  Medium term priorities (2025-2035)  Long term priorities (post 2035)

GMTC 20190809 Rail Prospectus v0.4 01/08/2019 11:12 Page 15

2.4 The GM Prospectus for Rail covers all rail based modes, reflecting the city-region’s aspiration for a larger tram network and tram-train , and enabling us to demonstrate our strong track record in Metrolink delivery, operation and growth.

2.5 The Prospectus will comprise two documents; the main GM Prospectus for Rail and a two- page summary for decision makers and key stakeholders.

2.6 We anticipate the audience to be a range of key stakeholders including; Government (DfT and HMT in particular); local politicians, senior TfGM/GMCA and District officers; senior rail industry and other transport decision-makers including TfN.


3.1 The GM prospectus is expected to bring the following benefits:

3.2 Offer clarity to Government and industry partners on what GM’s priorities are for rail-based modes and what outcomes we believe they will deliver.

3.3 Communicate GM’s work, both published (5 Year 2040 Delivery Plan 2020-2025; HS2 and NPR Growth Strategy), and emerging (particularly our Rapid Transit Strategy, recent rail studies and City Centre Transport Strategy) to a wider external audience. The prospectus will emphasise the importance not only of delivering the wider inter-city connectivity provided by HS2 and NPR, that is so important in driving and supporting the Northern economic powerhouse, but also intra-city journeys. These enable the people of Greater Manchester to get to work, study and play, and are an essential component of the ‘Our Network’ vision.

3.4 Enable GM to codify industry’s short term interventions (0-5 year) around the Central Manchester Capacity Study, Continuous Modular Strategic Planning (CMSP) and TransPennine Route Upgrade (TRU) to ensure a clear plan to deliver on performance, reliability and capacity improvements.

3.5 Provide a mechanism for communicating GM’s response to the Williams review, and to the 2019 spending review.


4.1 1. The Role of Rail in GM – To include current challenges; current role and performance of rail based modes in GM (by journey type, covering passenger and freight issues) and our future vision for the role of the Metrolink and suburban rail networks set in the context of achieving GM, northern and UK priorities.

4.2 2. Principles (or Network Ambitions/Objectives) for Success - Based on the draft Rapid Transit Strategy principles:

GMTC 20190809 Rail Prospectus v0.4 01/08/2019 11:12 Page 16

 Make best use of existing rail infrastructure;  Capacity and connectivity improvements to the rail-based network;  A rail-based network that is responsive to local priorities and accountable to local people;  Support integration between rail-based transport and other modes.

4.3 3. GM’s Critical Rail-based Markets - Travel into and across the Regional Centre; Inter- urban Connectivity and . Draw on 2040 ‘right mix’ vision analysis.

4.4 4. GM’s Key Priorities for National Rail services in and around GM – short- medium- and long-term priorities for inter-city connectivity; Intra-city connectivity; freight and linking up airports and ports.

4.5 5. GM Network - Our response to the Williams Review trailed the production of the prospectus (Page 6, para 1.5). We have consolidated these points into four proposed work- streams (pathways) for improving National Rail services in and around GM, which will form the content of this section, namely:

 Service design  Fares and ticketing  Legal, legislation and funding  Working with and through industry

4.6 6. Prospectus in relation to the draft Delivery Plan of the GM Transport Strategy 2040 - The immediate rail interventions planed for the next five years (2020-2025) in the Delivery Plan will remain; subject to the outcome of the recent public consultation. We will add the early milestones for the prospectus in the Delivery Plan as they emerge. At this stage, they

GMTC 20190809 Rail Prospectus v0.4 01/08/2019 11:12 Page 17

are unlikely to be physical interventions, but could (for example) include public consultations on fares or service patterns.

4.7 7. Next Steps - What do we want from Government, National Rail, TfN and franchise operators, and what will GM provide in return? This section will outline a programme of work – this will (when approved) give specific activities within the programme – e.g. converting to zonal fares for relevant franchises – analysis and options.


5.1 The prospectus will be ready for the main party conferences mid-September. The final draft of the prospectus will be available on the 30th August.

Bob Morris Chief Operating Officer

GMTC 20190809 Rail Prospectus v0.4 01/08/2019 11:12 Page 18 Agenda Item 6

Page 19 TravelSafe Partnership

Established 2015 as a 3 year pilot - reviewed and repositioned in 2018

Led jointly by TfGM and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) with

Page 20 Page support from: • Metrolink Operator (KeolisAmey); • Stagecoach; • First Manchester; • ; • GMCA and; • British Transport Police (informal). Governance (proposed)

Wider Leadership Team GMCA Police & Crime GM Transport (WLT) Panel Committee (Reporting) (Accountability) (Reporting) Page 21 Page TravelSafe Strategic Group (TSSG) Sets the overall direction

TravelSafe Tactical Group TravelSafe Communications Develops & delivers the solutions Sub-Group (Tasking, resources and tasking through analytics) TravelSafe Strategic Aims

Partnership brought together to help support a safe and secure Transport Network: 1. Improve the perception of safety Page 22 Page and security across public transport, offering reassurance to passengers; 2. Manage instances of Crime and Anti- Social Behaviour (ASB) occurring on the transport network; and 3. Discourage fare evasion. Influences

Standing Together Plan

Changing Current UK Landscape Threat Devolution level & Growth

Page 23 Page TravelSafe Partnership

Revenue Expanding Protection Networks

Passenger Perception of Safety

The TravelSafe Partnership currently covers the bus and Metrolink network in Greater Manchester and is exploring an increasingly closer relationship with rail through BTP. Influences

1. Priority One ‘Keeping People Safe’: protecting and caring for people who live, work, socialise and travel in Greater Manchester. Page 24 Page 2. Priority Two ‘Reducing Harm and Offending’: preventing anti- social and criminal behaviour.

3. Priority Three ‘Strengthening communities and places’: helping to build resilient communities, and protecting the places where people live, work, socialise or travel. Budget & Funding Model

• TravelSafe is a strategic partnership without independent financial standing. • Mix of funding by partners of financial contributions and in-kind support with special constable roles through the national Employer Supported Policing Scheme. Page 25 Page • TravelSafe Partnership funding model is currently under review, current operator contributions are: • £250,000 – TfGM (Metrolink) • £60,000 – First • 6 members of staff on Employer Supported Policing Scheme providing 49% of their working time (4 Stagecoach, 1 KAM, 1 TfGM) Annual Spend

Main spend for the TravelSafe Partnership is:

• Staffing (TravelSafe Partnership Manager/TravelSafe Partnership Officer) Page 26 Page • GMP Overtime (for events, special operations, protests etc.) • Surveys/Data Analysis • Engagement activity – communications and marketing materials • Legal costs associated with pursuing civil injunctions • Maintenance of the TSI website • Funding for GMP Analyst TravelSafe Partnership Approach

The Partnership takes a problem solving approach, using consolidated data to determine focus areas/themes based on information or intelligence. Methods include: •

Page 27 Page Preventative activities – eg schools and community engagement, marketing campaigns • Target Hardening – eg safety in design, Park Mark accreditation, safer trams stops • Partnership staff deployments – eg days of action, enforcement operations Modal Breakdown 2017 - present

Incidents of crime and antisocial behaviour by month 2017 - 2019

1200 Consolidated Increase potentially data from linked to introduction January 2018 of online reporting of crime by GMP 1000 Page 28 Page 180 155 138 222 800 176 168 Cycle Hubs 153 150 220 148 TfGM shelters 142 161 146 JC Decaux shelters 171 600 214 311 336 348 285 101 109 Rail 271 116 136 320 279 352 Metrolink 236 305 Number of Incidents of Number 61 266 294 151 239 Bus Stop 54 229 224 400 52 49 53 45 259 35 220 267 47 Bus Station 97 201 47 173 22 53 39 159 167 181 34 94 38 Bus Service 190 202 139 11 34 139 13 17 111 118 110 152 125 91 124 200 114 91 111 97 244 227 230 216 203 204 153 176 182 150 170 178 176 154 174 110 143 148 141 125 0 Jul-18 Jan-19 Jan-18 Jun-19 Jun-18 Oct-18 Apr-19 Apr-18 Feb-19 Feb-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Dec-17 Aug-18 Nov-18 Nov-17 Mar-19 Mar-18 May-19 May-18 Bus Breakdown

Against the person

Anti-Social Behaviour

Bye Law/Minor Incident

Damage to property

Firearms Page 29 Page Other Incident

Public Order

Safe Guarding

Sexual Offences



0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19

Data includes bus stops, bus stations and bus services Bus Summary

Key points from the bus summary for June shows:

• A rise in the number of incidents categorised as ‘against the person’ - assaults increasing from 35 in April to 50 in June.

Page 30 Page • Almost half the recorded incidents (24 of 50) were within the Manchester local authority area. • The increase in the number of Bye Law/Minor Incidents largely attributable to incidents at Middleton Interchange in June involving 3 people with active Exclusion Notices. Metrolink Breakdown

Against the person

Anti-Social Behaviour

Bye Law/Minor Incident

Damage to property Page 31 Page Firearms

Other Incident

Public Order

Safe Guarding

Sexual Offences



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Metrolink Summary

Key points from the Metrolink summary for June shows:

• A reduction in Public Order incidents from 85 in May to 70 in June – mainly for drunk and disorderly and threatening

Page 32 Page behaviour and verbal abuse. • Lower totals than the same period in 2018. • Reduction in incidents ‘against the person’ from 39 in May to 23 in June. • This reflects the 2018 trend. TravelSafe Partnership Initial Challenges

Data • Access to consolidated partnership data • Analyst support to review and identify trends Resourcing

Page 33 Page • Recruitment and training of 50 PCSO’s New ways of working • Increased partnership working using a ‘problem-solving’ approach • Data/Intelligence driven rather than purely reactive Powers • Increased partnership working - using collective powers for greater effect • TfGM Civil Injunction powers TravelSafe Partnership Successes

Schools engagement:

• 2017-2018 • 123 sessions, 4,698 young people attended Page 34 Page • 2018-2019 • 410 sessions, 29,369 young people attended

525% increase in engagement on last year TravelSafe Partnership Successes Operation Infinity –Oldham –Rochdale Line - July 2018

• 13 arrests during the 2 week period: Fraud, Assault, Public Order, Wanted on Warrant and Aggravated Burglary • 15 crimes recorded for incidents on the network: Assault, Public

Page 35 Page order, Drugs offences and Theft/Fraud • 2,603 revenue enforcement tickets issued by Metrolink • 105 pieces of intelligence submitted • 153 young persons engaged with some requiring safeguarding interventions TravelSafe Partnership Successes

Partnership Days of Action • Minimum one per month for • Additional based on intelligence Page 36 Page • Linked into wider national/GM initiatives (e.g. Rail Safety Week/ Challenger) Community Engagement • Partnership organised Oldham/Rochdale football tournament • StudentSafe – University Freshers Fairs Forward Look

Ongoing Partnership developments include:

• Increasing the Partnership reach • Improving joint data collection systems

Page 37 Page • Providing clarity on unacceptable behaviours • Increased GMP presence within TfGM Control Centre • Roll-out of a single GM Transport public reporting system • Development of an Anti-Social Behaviour policy and procedures GMP Transport Unit Page 38 Page

Safer Transport Team Specialist Operations Branch Proposed launch October 2019 Vision & Direction

Transport Unit, “To provide a pro-active policing presence across the Greater Manchester Transport Systems to reduce criminality and anti-social behaviour, improve public confidence and deliver on road safety across the entire Greater Manchester area.” Page 39 Page Establishment of • 1 Inspector • 5 Sergeants • 57 Police Constables

Shift Pattern providing cover for: Proposed to be based from the Deployment Monday to Sunday Safer Transport Team HQ Core Hours from 0700 – 0200hrs Eccles Police Station Additional Coverage Fri – Sat until 0500hrs Monday – Friday resilience to provide action/demand week in response to tasking / events Proposed Duties

• Foot/Cycle Deployment across the GM Transport System / Hubs on intelligence- led patrol • Mobile Response to Crime-in-Action occurring on the GM Transport System / Hubs Page 40 Page • Supporting the restoration of the Metrolink System following collision / significant disruption • Engagement on Road Safety Operations , throughout the GM area, supporting the wider work for Safer Roads GM / Cycling – Walking • Supporting the City Centre Night Time Operation to reduce crime and ASB at Transport Hubs and improving public safety Agenda Item 7


Date: 09 August 2019

Title: Transport Network Performance June 2019

Report of: Head of Operations, Transport for Greater Manchester


This report provides an overview of Transport Network Performance for June 2019.


Members are asked to note the contents of the report.


None applicable.


Alex Cropper 0161 244 1122 [email protected]

Julie Flanagan 0161 244 1164 [email protected]

Risk Management – not applicable Legal Considerations – not applicable Financial Consequences – Revenue – not applicable Financial Consequences – Capital – not applicable

Number of attachments included in the report: Appendix A included

Page 41


TRACKING/PROCESS Does this report relate to a major strategic decision, as set out in No the GMCA Constitution

EXEMPTION FROM CALL IN Are there any aspects in this report which None means it should be considered to be exempt from call in by the relevant Scrutiny Committee on the grounds of urgency? TfGMC Overview & Scrutiny Committee Not applicable Not applicable

Page 42 1. Overview

1.1 The Greater Manchester Transport Committee has a key role to oversee the provision of transport services including the performance of Metrolink, Bus and Rail Operators and the Strategic Highways Network on behalf of residents, businesses and visitors. The Committee also oversees the move towards the Our Network vision for an integrated transport network for Greater Manchester, as set out in the 2040 Transport Strategy.

1.2 This network performance report covers performance across all transport modes during June.

2. Overall Network Performance Summary

2.1 Metrolink performance was good with an improving position for both public facing measures, however repair times arising after road traffic collisions and vandalism are impacting tram availability.

2.2 The targets for rail performance in 2019-20 for Northern and TransPennine Express (TPE) have been lowered by Network Rail and TPE and Northern respectively due to the risks associated with the introduction of new rolling stock and acknowledgement of previous performance issues on GM corridors. Performance for both operators has declined from May to June and will likely be further impacted by planned infrastructure disruption and weather-related issues over the summer period.

2.3 Bus performance has maintained a good level, with performance above the targets for scheduled service reliability and overall punctuality.

2.4 Reliability on the highways network has shown improvement, reflecting a lower volume of disruptive roadworks. Reduced traffic volumes are likely to maintain good journey time reliability over the school summer holiday period. Work is progressing to coordinate planning for future disruptions to minimise the impact on the travelling public and to provide timely information to allow people to make informed travel choices.

Page 43 3. Network Overview


3.1 There was a high level of pre-planned events throughout the month including the Manchester Day Parade, the Cricket World Cup and the Parklife Weekend; in addition to a number of late or no notice events in the regional centre and a large protest starting from Piccadilly Gardens headed to St Peters Square. We have started work to review, with Councils, the role of TfGM in supporting Open Streets events, including traffic management.

3.2 The Parklife weekend and concerts at other locations were successfully managed, with Metrolink carrying the largest ever number of people for these events – 80,000 journeys for Parklife and a further 20,000 for Metallica and Muse concerts at the Arena and Etihad Stadium.


3.3 Metrolink Network performance in terms of punctuality and reliability are published on the website, with individual line performance shown in addition to the overall network. An example of how this information is published in included as Appendix B.

3.4 Metrolink performance remains good with improving trends for both performance metrics. Whilst tram availability has been impacted by repairs for road traffic collisions and vandalism, this has not affected the performance of the network in terms of reliability.

3.5 Effective planning and communication for the Cricket Work Cup matches at allowed the efficient transportation of fans to and from the venue with minimal impact on the wider travelling public. Specific issues with heat related signalling and points failures on Metrolink services were communicated in partnership with the venue to minimise the impact on event egress.

3.6 Crime and anti-social behaviour continue to be an issue, particularly around late evening services, resulting in high levels of repairs being required to trams, with the potential to limit availability of services. TravelSafe activity continues to be directed to known problem areas.

Page 44 3.7 A presentation on network crime and anti-social behaviour and an overview of TravelSafe activity is included as part of this Agenda.


3.8 Timetable changes in May 2019 are delivering performance improvements for passengers, although crowding issues and service quality remain key topics on social media.

3.9 There has been an increase in service failures of refurbished old rolling stock (class 319) cascaded for use on GM routes.

3.10 The bridging agreement that had been in place for Sunday Working issues for Northern is no longer in effect as ASLEF members voted to reject Northern’s proposals going forward. As a result, there will be pre-planned Sunday service cancellations in addition to late notice cancellations on the day.


3.11 Bus network performance has improved in line with improvements in highways journey time reliability.

3.12 Positive engagement with Go North West following the commencement of their operation in Greater Manchester on 2 June.

3.13 Guided busway services continue to exceed patronage projections year on year. Capacity following the school summer holiday period is being reviewed.

3.14 The Yellow School Bus application portal launched on 1 June and 83% of places for the new academic year have already been allocated.

3.15 At its meeting on Friday 28 June, the GMCA agreed to proceed to instruct an independent auditor to provide a report on the Bus Reform Assessment. The auditor (Grant Thornton) commenced work on 1 July and their work is ongoing. It is proposed that an update on Bus Reform will be provided to the Board in August or September.

Page 45 Highways

3.16 Roadworks, road traffic collisions and vulnerable people continue to have an impact across all transport modes. Emergency roadworks have also been required due to flooding and sinkholes developing in a number of areas, with traffic diverting to nearby routes. All of these were managed effectively and disruption to the travelling public was minimised.

3.17 The MSIRR Phase 1 works are now nearing completion, with resurfacing works taking place overnight to minimise disruption on Regent Road and Water Street. Advance utility works have started for the Great Ancoats improvement scheme (off peak working).

3.18 Given the scale of highways works scheduled over the next 12 months, we are working with MCC, Salford and Trafford on a coordinated ‘regional centre’ approach.

3.19 The 12-month rolling number of people Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) on GM roads has reduced slightly but exceeds the DfT forecast. The reduction is not statistically significant meaning that the reduction cannot be attributed to any specific intervention.

Page 46 4. Network Performance Scorecard

Metrolink1 Status Target Achieved Trend

Metrolink Punctuality A n/a 92.1% I Metrolink Reliability G n/a 99.4% I

Rail1 Status Target Achieved Trend

Northern Punctuality (PPM) G 86.5% 87.0% S Northern Reliability (CaSL) R n/a 3.8% W Northern Right Time R n/a 55.7% W TPE Punctuality (PPM R 87.7% 83.3% W TPE Reliability (CaSL) R n/a 7.7% W TPE Right Time R n/a 39.6% W Network Rail Delay Minutes G 40,083 29,890 I

Bus2 Status Target Achieved Trend

Bus Service Reliability G 97.0% 97.9% I Bus Overall Punctuality G 80.0% 96.3% I Bus Regularity R 97.0% 96.7% I

Highways2 Status Target Achieved Trend

Highways Journey Time Reliability A 90.0% 88.4% I Highways Level of Delay (Average) A 30.0% 34.0% I

Network Safety Status Predicted Actual Trend

Killed and Seriously Injured (rolling 12m to Feb 2019) R 580 716 I

See Appendix A for glossary.

Reporting Periods

1 – Period 3 (26 May to 22 June) 2 – June 2019

Trend key: W = Worsening, S= Stable, I = Improving

Page 47



Measure Description RAG thresholds

Metrolink Punctuality Percentage of trams RED if less than 90%. departing less than two AMBER if 90-95%. minutes late. GREEN if more than 95% Metrolink Reliability Percentage of planned Target for 2019 is 99%. miles operated. RED if less than 97%. AMBER if 99% - 97%. GREEN if 99% or above. Northern Punctuality PPM = Public Performance GREEN if equal to or above (PPM) Measure. The percentage the target. of services arriving at RED if below target. destination (having called at all scheduled stops) within 5 minutes of the planned arrival time. Northern and TPE CaSL= Cancelled and No industry targets set. Reliability (CaSL) Significant Lateness. % of RED if trend is worsening services part/fully over consecutive periods. cancelled or arriving at AMBER if stabilising over their destination later than consecutive periods. 30 minutes after scheduled GREEN if improving over arrival time. consecutive periods. TPE Punctuality (PPM) PPM = Public Performance GREEN if equal or above Measure. The percentage the target. of services arriving at RED if below target. destination (having called at all scheduled stops) within 10 minutes of the planned arrival time. Northern and TPE Right % of recorded station No industry targets set. Time stops where the train RED if trend is worsening arrived less than one over consecutive periods. minute later than its AMBER if stabilising of advertised time. consecutive periods. GREEN if improving over consecutive periods.

Network Rail Delay Total number of Train GREEN if equal to or below Minutes Operator Delay minutes the target. attributable to Network RED if above target. Rail.

Page 48 Measure Description RAG thresholds

Bus Service Reliability Scheduled Service GREEN if equal to or above Reliability – measured by the target. the percentage of RED if below target. observed bus departures from a given location compared to the service provision promised to the public. Bus Overall Punctuality Scheduled Service GREEN if equal to or above Punctuality – measured by the target. the percentage of ‘on- RED if below target. time’ observed bus departures from a given location. The definition of an on-time departure is one which is between 60 seconds early and 5 minutes and 59 seconds late, inclusive. Bus Regularity Frequent Service GREEN if equal to or above Regularity – measured by the target. the percentage of RED if below target. occasions where the gap between services is either over 2 times the service headway, or 10 minutes, whichever is the larger number. Service Regularity encapsulates both the reliability and punctuality aspect of a frequent service. Highways Journey Time % of highway journeys GREEN > = 90% Reliability (JTR) completed within an AMBER 80-90% ‘acceptable journey time’, RED < 80% defined as the typical journey time +25%. Highways Level of Delay The difference between GREEN < 30% (Average) the typical journey time AMBER 30-50% (median) and the optimum RED >= 50% journey time (5th percentile) during the peak period.

Page 49 Measure Description RAG thresholds

Killed & Seriously Injured Number of people killed or GREEN if equal to or below (KSI) seriously injured on GM the annual forecast roads. projection. RED if above forecast. (DfT developed a forecast for KSI casualties, as part of the Road Safety Strategy. This forecast (based on a central projection) was for a 40% reduction in KSI casualties by 2020 against a 2005-09 baseline. For GM this was no more than 550 KSI per year casualties by 2020.)

Page 50


Page 51 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8


Date: 09 August 2019

Subject: Forthcoming Changes to the Bus Network

Report of: Alison Chew, Interim Head of Bus Services, TfGM


i. To inform Members of the changes that have taken place to the bus network since the last Greater Manchester Transport Committee meeting, in addition to reporting on consequential action taken or proposed by Transport for Greater Manchester; and

ii. To seek guidance from Members on proposed Transport for Greater Manchester action.


Members are asked to

i. note and comment as appropriate on the changes to the commercial network and the proposals not to replace the de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex A;

ii. agree that no action is proposed in respect of changes or de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex A;

iii. agree that the proposed action is taken in respect of changes or de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex B; and

iv. approve the proposed changes to general subsidised services set out in Annex C.

Page 53


Nick Roberts 0161 244 1173 [email protected]

Risk Management – n/a Legal Considerations – n/a Financial Consequences – Revenue – see paragraph 2 and Part B report Financial Consequences – Capital – n/a

Number of attachments included in the report: main report only

BACKGROUND PAPERS: Forthcoming Changes to the Bus Network report to the Greater Manchester Transport Committee, 12 July 2019.

TRACKING/PROCESS Does this report relate to a major strategic decision, as set out in the No GMCA Constitution

EXEMPTION FROM CALL IN Are there any aspects in this report which None means it should be considered to be exempt from call in by the relevant Scrutiny Committee on the grounds of urgency? TfGMC Overview & Scrutiny Committee n/a n/a

Page 54


1.1 The Transport Committee considers all matters relating to the operation and service performance of the bus network in Greater Manchester, including commercially registered and subsidised services; Demand Responsive Services, bus stations and bus stops; passenger information services; contract monitoring; vehicle standards; and passenger safety for the subsidised bus network.

1.2 Acting under delegated authority, the Transport Committee is tasked to review closely and approve all proposed changes to the subsidised bus network and ensure that the cost of the subsidised general services is kept within the appropriate budget or any cash limits. This is achieved through:-

 rationalisation of existing services whilst maintaining key links on the network;

 engaging with operators with the objective of them taking on “marginal commercial” services; and

 continuing to redesign and restructure grouped services to ensure that maximum value is obtained from subsidy.

1.3 In general, withdrawals, reductions or amendments to services are currently only planned at the date of next renewal of the contract concerned and proposed changes will be reported to this Committee.

1.4 The governance process that leads up to the reporting to the Transport Committee involves the scrutiny of all tendered services at TfGM’s Tender Panel that consists of representatives from Legal, Procurement and Finance as well as TfGM’s Operational Service Planning and Network Performance departments.


2.1 The summary provides the current position on the 2019/20 Subsidised Bus Services budget for the 3 month period to 30 June 2019.

Page 55

Year to date - June 2019 Budget Actual Budget Variance 2019/20 £000 £000 £000 % £000 General Network Costs General Bus Services 4,433 4,485 52 1.2% 19,505 Local Link 605 578 (27) (4.8%) 2,335 Shuttles 586 546 (40) (7.4%) 2,129 Sub-Total General Network 5,623 5,609 (16) (0.3%) 23,969

Schools Services Costs 3,651 3,736 85 2.3% 13,895

Total – Subsidised Services costs 9,274 9,343 69 0.7% 37,864

General Network Income General Bus Services 33 4.1% 842 809 3,230 Local Link 7 10.1% 81 73 294 Shuttles 3 1.1% 275 272 1,031 Sub-Total General Network 1,198 1,155 43 3.8% 4,555

Schools Services income 1,336 1,414 (78) (5.5%) 5,709

Total – Subsidised Services income 2,534 2,569 (35) (1.4%) 10,264

Net Cost - Subsidised Services 6,740 6,774 34 0.5% 27,600


3.1 Annex A to this report lists changes to commercial services which, in the view of Transport for Greater Manchester, are not sufficiently significant to require the provision of subsidised service replacements. Brief details of the implications of the changes are provided.


4.1 Annex B to this report lists changes to commercial services and provides brief details of the implications of these changes, which officers believe are of sufficient importance to require

Page 56

action by Transport for Greater Manchester. Details of the proposed actions are also provided.


5.1 Annex C to this report lists proposals for changes to general subsidised services on which the views of Members are requested. Information is given about the reasons for proposing these changes.


6.1 Annex A, presents no financial implications.

6.2 Annex B, financial implications are noted in Part B of the agenda.

6.3 Annex C, financial implications are noted in Part B of the agenda.


7.1 Recommendations are set out at the front of this report.

Alison Chew Interim Head of Bus Services

Page 57

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE COMMERCIAL NETWORK ANNEX A The Committee is requested to note the following changes to commercial services:

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations BN 7 Stagecoach Saturday daytime 01/09/2019 Alternative N/A No TfGM action service reduced from journeys within 5 – proposed at this WN Bolton – every 15 minutes to 10 minutes. stage. every 20 minutes. – Hindley – Wigan The first journey from

Page 58 Page Chequerbent – Wigan moves from 0645 to 0700, the first journey from Bolton re-timed from 0700 to 0715. The first journey from Wigan re-timed from 0615 to 0605. ST 11 Stagecoach Sunday daytime 01/09/2019 Alternative N/A No TfGM action MR Stockport – service reduced from journeys within 10 proposed at this TD Wythenshawe every 20 minutes to minutes. stage. - Altrincham every 30 minutes. The first journey from Stockport moves from 0825 to 0755.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations MR 19/19A Arriva Service 19A 01/09/2019 Service 19 All customers will No TfGM action TD Altrincham – withdrawn predominantly continue to be able proposed at this Sale – completely. Service 19 covers the same to use System One stage. Wythenshawe frequency increased route as 19A. tickets. from every 30 minutes Certain sections of to every 20 minutes to otherwise Most customers will partially replace. unserved route, continue to be able namely the section to use discounted between Arriva-only tickets. Wythenshawe Centre and Newall A small number of Green i.e. customers wishing to Page 59 Page Simonsway, access the section of Firbank Road and Newall Green will Hollyhedge Road, either need to use is served by MCT System One or MCT’s service 18. Moor own ticket offer. Road will also be unserved but service 19 can be accessed via stops on Altrincham Road and Wythenshawe Road.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations RE 24 First Monday to Friday peak 02/09/2019 Service 409 First Manchester’s First Manchester OM Rochdale – Manchester only service withdrawn. between Rochdale range of period have provided MR Royton – Departures from and Royton and tickets is available patronage data Manchester Rochdale at 0600, 0626 services 181 and across services 409 which shows on and 0650. 182 between and 181/182. average 6.55 Departures from Royton, passengers per trip Manchester at 1623, and boarding between 1723, 1753 & 1823. Manchester. Rochdale and Royton on the AM journeys. Alternatives exist by transferring at

Page 60 Page Royton, between services 409 and 181/182. No TfGM action proposed at this stage. ST 50 Stagecoach Alternate AM peak 01/09/2019 Alternative N/A No TfGM action MR East Didsbury – northbound journeys run journeys within 10 proposed at this TD Manchester – direct between Salford minutes. stage. University and Salford Quays, i.e. not via Pendleton, as service 51.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations MR 117 Stagecoach New service providing 01/09/2019 New service N/A No TfGM action RE Manchester – additional buses on proposed at this Moston – Lane and a new stage. Moston - service via New Moston. Greengate Will operate every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime and every 60 minutes Sunday daytime.

Page 61 Page

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations MR 118/118A Stagecoach Monday to Saturday 6 01/09/2019 Alternative N/A No TfGM action RE Manchester – buses per hour journeys to Dam proposed at this Moston – frequency amended to Head within 10 stage. Charlestown – run every 15 minutes to minutes. NMGH / Dam North Manchester Head General Hospital (NMGH) (as 118) and every 30 minutes to Dam Head (as 118A, renumbered to 119). Sunday daytime service

Page 62 Page to Dam Head reduced from every 30 minutes to every 60 minutes.

Services 112/7/8/9 are co-ordinated to form a 5 minute Monday to Saturday daytime service and a 10 minute Sunday daytime service between Manchester and Moston Cemetery.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations RE 181 First Monday to Saturday 02/09/2019 Weekday peak First Manchester’s No TfGM action OM (Rochdale) - Manchester daytime service reduced service will still range of period proposed at this MR Shaw – Royton from every 30 minutes operate every 30 tickets is available stage. - Manchester to hourly. minutes. across services 58 Service 181 will and 181/182. combine with service 182 to Metrolink provides provide a 20 an end to end option minute off peak from Manchester, via daytime service Dean Lane to Shaw. between Chadderton and

Page 63 Page Manchester. Service 58 journeys from Rochdale to Milnrow and Shaw at 0600 and 0700.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations RE 182 First Morning peak 02/09/2019 Service 58 journeys First Manchester’s The journeys at 0514 OM (Rochdale) – Manchester journeys which from Rochdale to range of period and 0550 were MR Shaw – Royton currently extend from Milnrow and Shaw tickets is available introduced in April - Manchester Rochdale at 0526 and at 0600 and 0700. across service 58. 2018 as part of a trial Milnrow at 0604, to stimulate early 0633, 0658 & 0723 Metrolink provides morning usage. On revised and replaced an end to end option average these by journeys (from from Manchester, via journeys are only Milnrow only) at Dean Lane to Shaw. carrying 5 passengers 0559, 0623 & 0653. per trip. Saturday early No TfGM action

Page 64 Page morning journeys proposed at this revised: stage. 0514 Chadderton- Manchester retimed 30 minutes later 0550 & 0650 Manchester-Shaw replaced by one journey at 0620. 0551 Shaw to Manchester withdrawn. Alternative journeys within 30 minutes. MR 197 Stagecoach Saturday daytime 01/09/2019 Alternative N/A No TfGM action ST Manchester – service reduced from journeys within 10 proposed at this Levenshulme – every 20 minutes to minutes. stage. Stockport every 30 minutes.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations MR 204 Stagecoach Last inbound (Hyde to 01/09/2019 Later journeys N/A No TfGM action ST Manchester – Manchester) journey continue to be proposed at this Gorton – amended from 2316 provided on stage. Denton – Hyde to 2246 (Mon-Sat) or service 201. 2146 (Sunday) TE 236 Stagecoach Sunday daytime 01/09/2019 Service 237 will Stagecoach only Woolley Lane, Ashton – service withdrawn. still provide an tickets can be used Hollingworth Stalybridge – hourly Sunday on service 237. becomes unserved daytime service on Sunday daytimes.

between Ashton, 650m from Gun Inn Stalybridge, Separate Local Link to County Boundary. Mottram and tickets will be 3 stops affected (2

Page 65 Page Glossop. required, unless towards Glossop, 1 customers have a East Tameside towards Ashton). System One product. Local Link also

provides a door to door service in the No TfGM action affected area proposed at this between 9am and stage. 9pm on Sundays.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations TD 245 Arriva Service re-routed 01/09/2019 Service 19 All customers will No TfGM action Altrincham – between Altrincham predominantly continue to be able proposed at this Sale – and Sale to run direct covers the same to use System One stage. – Trafford via A56 route as the tickets. Centre current 245 Most customers will between continue to be able Altrincham and to use discounted Sale, this will Arriva only tickets. increase in A limited number of frequency. Direct customers will need links between to interchange at

Page 66 Page Ashton and Sale with those in the Urmston, Flixton late evening needing and Trafford to transfer from Centre are lost but Arriva to Diamond otherwise and vice versa. maintained by Interchange.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations TE 38 First Ashton local services, 02/09/2019 Broadoak, Stagecoach First Manchester Ashton – Manchester each operating every Hartshead & Hurst Manchester’s own have provided Hazelhurst – 30 minutes during Cross – service 231 range of period patronage data Kings Road – Monday to Saturday every 30 minutes tickets will be valid which shows average Ashton daytime, withdrawn. to Manchester, on services 231, 336 usage per trip as 39 , & 337 providing follows: Ashton – Kings Tameside General lower cost options Service 38 – 14 Road – Hospital and for passengers who passengers Hazelhurst – Ashton. may have previously Service 39 – 14 Ashton New services 336 had to use services passengers 331 & 337 will maintain operated by First and Service 331 – 11 Ashton – the main links to Stagecoach during passengers

Page 67 Page Smallshaw – Ashton from the daytime. Service 333 – 11 Hurst Cross – Broadoak, Hurst The evening and passengers Ashton Cross and Sunday network will Service 393 – 12 333 Hazelhurst. continue to be passengers Ashton – Hurst Additionally, provided by TfGM Officers Cross – Officers propose Manchester contacted local bus Smallshaw – re-routing service Community companies with a Ashton 396 to serve Union Transport. view to securing 393 Road and At these times the commercial Ashton – Ladbrooke Road. System One ticket replacement of the Smallshaw – The following range will continue withdrawn services. Hartshead – roads become to be available. Stagecoach Ashton unserved (max Manchester to distance to introduce new alternative bus services 336 and 337, stop): each operating every 30 minutes and

Smallshaw Lane maintaining links (540m) between Ashton, Curzon Road Broadoak, Hurst (310m) Cross and Hazelhurst. Whiteacre Road Please note: TfGM (450m) officers did consider Kings Road whether service 396 (450m) could serve more of Leech Avenue & Smallshaw but there Palace Road was not sufficient (350m) spare time in the schedule. Officers propose a number of changes to the evening and Page 68 Page Sunday network to match the new network. Please see Annex C for further details. TE 336 & 337 Stagecoach Monday to Saturday 02/09/2019 See above See above These services Ashton – Manchester circular services provide commercial Broadoak – introduced, each replacement of large Hurst Cross – operating every 30 parts of services 38, Hazelhurst minutes and largely 39, 331 & 333. Circulars replacing withdrawn services 38, 39, 331 & 333.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations RE 454 First Monday to Saturday 01/09/2019 Partially replaced First tickets will No TfGM action Manchester daytime services both by new service 588 continue to be proposed at this Rochdale – operating half hourly available. stage Littleborough – withdrawn Shore –

Stansfield circular Services 589 590 via Todmorden 457 Road Rochdale –

Littleborough – Stansfield – Shore circular Page 69 Page RE 588 NEW First West Monday to Saturday 01/09/2019 Operates via First tickets will No TfGM action Yorkshire daytime service service 454 route continue to be proposed at this Rochdale – operating half hourly but does not serve available across stage Shore – Littleborough Rail Halifax Road services. Stansfield - Station. Littleborough service 457 Rochdale – Littleborough serves the Rail Station Monday to Saturday half hourly.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations BN 502 NEW Monday to Saturday 02/09/2019 ---- Stagecoach operate In response to circular service 125 along Councillor and Bolton – introduced operating Old Road and resident Brownlow Fold every half hour Diamond Bus operate representations to – Johnson Fold 501 via Brownlow re-instate former link – Chorley Old Fold to Johnson Fold. between Johnson Road Circular Fold and amenities

on Chorley Old Road previously provided by withdrawn First service 519. Page 70 Page No TfGM action proposed at this stage

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations BN 503 NEW Vision Bus Monday to Saturday 02/09/2019 ---- Stagecoach operate In response to circular service 125 along Chorley Councillor and Bolton – introduced operating Old Road and resident Chorley Old every half hour Diamond Bus operate representations to Road – 501 via Brownlow re-instate former link Johnson Fold – Fold to Johnson Fold. between amenities Brownlow Fold on Chorley Old Road Circular and Johnson Fold previously provided by withdrawn First service 519.

Page 71 Page No TfGM action proposed at this stage BY X41 Transdev Off peak journeys 01/09/2019 N/A N/A No TfGM action reduced to hourly proposed at this SD Red Express with additional peak stage MR Accrington – journeys provided

Ramsbottom – Prestwich – Manchester

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE COMMERCIAL NETWORK ANNEX B The Committee is requested to agree that action is taken regarding the following changed or de-registered services:

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations

TE 389 First Ashton local service, 02/09/2019 Service 346 Stagecoach First Manchester have Manchester operating every 30 provides a 15 Manchester’s own provided patronage data Ashton – minutes during Monday minute daytime range of period which shows average Ridge Hill – to Saturday daytime, service between tickets will be valid on usage per trip of 22 Stalybridge – withdrawn. Ashton, services 346 & 389. passengers. Page 72 Page Hyde and The evening and TfGM Officers contacted Hyde. Sunday network will local bus companies with Connections can continue to be a view to securing be made provided by commercial replacement between services Manchester of the withdrawn 346 and 389 on Community services. Cheetham Hill Transport. Road. Replacement journeys to At these times the be introduced by A section of System One ticket Lodge Lane range will continue to operating every 30 (Dukinfield) be available. minutes along the busiest becomes section of the route unserved (max between Ashton, Ridge 450m to nearest Hill, Stalybridge and bus stop). (Dukinfield) Yew Tree.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations Service 389 will no longer continue beyond Yew

Tree towards Hyde. Officers propose the revision of evening and Sunday journeys to match the new route of service 389. Please see Annex C for further details. Stagecoach Manchester has requested short term Page 73 Page funding of this service until January 2020, with a review to be carried out between Stagecoach TfGM officers in Autumn 2019 to analyse usage and determine whether funding is required beyond that point. Further information will be provided under Part B.

Dist Service No. Operator Proposed Change Effective Alternative Integration impact Comments/TfGM and Route From Services (modes/ticketing) officer recommendations

WN V1-V4 First Timetable revised, 01/09/2019 N/A N/A Further information will Manchester largely reverting to be provided under Part B. SD Leigh, service level in place Atherton, MR prior to July 2019. Ellenbrook – Manchester - Additional peak MRI journeys re-introduced, revision to some peak journeys to remove lightly used journeys and transferring Page 74 Page resource to support busier journeys.

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE SUBSIDISED NETWORK ANNEX C The Committee is invited to consider officers’ proposals on the following services:

Dist Service, route and operator TfGM officer comments and recommendations

TE 38 & 39 Following the withdrawal of the daytime commercial services 38 & 39 and their subsequent Ashton – Hazelhurst Circulars replacement by new services 336 & 337 officers recommend that the evening and Sunday journeys on these services (provided by MCT under contract to TfGM) are also revised to match Manchester Community Transport the changes to the daytime bus network. New evening & Sunday journeys on service 396 would maintain a service along Union Road. Details of distances to alternative services are shown under Annex A.

Page 75 Page Members are asked to approve the recommendation to withdraw subsidised journeys on Services 38 & 39 and replace them with new subsidised journeys on Services 336 & 337 with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal. TE 232 Currently, the evening and Sunday hourly service 232 follows a very different route from the Ashton – Hurst Cross – Hartshead – daytime equivalent service (231). Broadoak – Hurst Cross Circular Officers propose revising the service to operate in and out via Hartshead (turning at Broadoak Manchester Community Transport roundabout). This will ensure that passengers travelling to and from Ashton board on the same side of the road as they would during the daytime. Services 336 & 337 will provide the links to between Ashton, Broadoak and Hurst Cross which are currently provided by service 232. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to revise the route of Service 232, to simplify the local network, with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal.

Dist Service, route and operator TfGM officer comments and recommendations

TE 332 Service 332 currently runs during the evening and Sunday only, providing links that are provided Ashton – Broadoak – Smallshaw by Services 331, 333 and 393 during the daytime. Circular As those services are being withdrawn officers are recommending that Service 332 is also Manchester Community Transport withdrawn. Services 336 & 337 will maintain links between Ashton, Broadoak and the top of Smallshaw and new journeys on Service 396 will provide a service to the south of Smallshaw, along Ladbrooke Road. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to withdraw hourly evening and Sunday service 332 with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal. Page 76 Page TE 336 & 337 As noted under Annex A of this report Stagecoach Manchester will be introducing new Services Ashton – Broadoak – Hurst Cross – 336 & 337 to replace First’s withdrawn Services 38, 39, 331 and 333. Hazelhurst Circulars Officers propose the introduction of subsidised hourly evening and Sunday journeys on these Manchester Community Transport services replacing subsidised services currently provided on Services 38, 39 & 332. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to introduce hourly evening and Sunday Services 336 & 337 with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal.

Dist Service No. and Route Operator

TE 338 (339) Service 338 currently operates hourly during Sunday daytime providing links to Waterloo, Ashton – Waterloo – Crowhill currently provided by Services 395/396 during Monday to Saturday and to Crowhill, currently provided by Service 339 during Monday to Saturday daytime. Manchester Community Transport Further to officers’ proposal to divert Service 396 away from Waterloo during Monday to Saturday daytimes, it is proposed that Service 338 is withdrawn and replaced by journeys on Service 339 meaning Crowhill will be served by the same service 7 days a week. There is little evidence of usage along the affected section of route. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to withdraw Sunday daytime Service 338 and replace it with new journeys on Service 339 with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal.

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Dist Service No. and Route Operator

TE 389 Service 389 is currently operated by First Manchester, every 30 minutes during Monday to Ashton – Ridge Hill – Stalybridge – Saturday daytime, between Ashton and Hyde. Yew Tree – (Hyde – Gee Cross) As noted under Annex A Stagecoach are to replace First as the operator of the daytime service, Manchester Community Transport running a shorter route between Ashton and Yew Tree only. Currently, the subsidised hourly evening and Sunday service continues beyond Hyde to maintain links between Hyde and Gee Cross that are provided by Services 342 & 344 during the daytime off peak. Officers propose the curtailment of subsidised journeys, to match the new daytime route, operating between Ashton and Yew Tree only. Page 78 Page Service 346 provides a 60/70 minute frequency between Ashton, Dukinfield and Hyde during the evening and Sundays and the stops on the Knott Lane/Waverley Road estate (between Hyde and Gee Cross) are a maximum distance of 460 metres from Service 330 which provides a 20 minute Sunday daytime and half hourly evening link to Gee Cross, Hyde and Ashton. The curtailment of Service 389 will allow resources to be transferred to Service 396, which will partially replace Services 338 and 332. Surveys show on average 3 passengers per trip travelling between Yew Tree and Hyde, with 0.55 per trip on the section between Hyde and Gee Cross. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to revise the route of Service 389, to match the daytime service, with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal.

Dist Service No. and Route Operator

TE 395 For some time officers have been aware of timing issues on this service, and Service 396 which it Ashton – Waterloo – Limehurst Farm interworks with. Stotts Buses The service has been retimed on a number of occasions, however, the issues persist. Officers propose the withdrawal of service 395 (which combines with service 396 to provide a half hourly service between Ashton and Waterloo) so that resources can be transferred to Service 396, which would be diverted to serve Limehurst Farm estate, to improve service reliability and punctuality. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to withdraw Service 395, with effect from Monday 2nd September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal, with resource transferring to Service 396.

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Dist Service No. and Route Operator

TE 396 As noted above officers propose the withdrawal of Service 395, with Service 396 diverted to Ashton – Waterloo – Fitton Hill – cover Limehurst Farm. Failsworth – Additionally, following the withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday daytime Services 38, 39 & 393 Stotts Buses (Monday to Saturday officers propose that the service is diverted away from Turner Lane and Vicarage Road (North of daytime) Ashton, a maximum distance of 400 metres from alternatives) to serve Union Road and Ladbrooke Road providing an option for residents who previously were able to use Service 38, Manchester Community Transport 39 & 393. (Evenings & Sundays) Following a number of complaints, where buses have become stuck it is proposed that the route is revised between Wilshaw Grove and Oldham Road to omit Southway, Yew Tree Close, Beech Mount & Reins Lee Road (a maximum distance of 250 metres from Wilshaw Grove). Page 80 Page It is also proposed that an hourly evening and Sunday service is introduced, running between Ashton and Limehurst Farm which will also provide new evening and Sunday links along Vicarage Road, Wilshaw Grove and Limehurst Farm which don’t currently exist. Members are asked to approve the recommendation to re-route Monday to Saturday daytime journeys and introduce new evening & Sunday journeys, with effect from Sunday 1st September. There are no financial implications arising as a result of this proposal, as resource will be transferred from the withdrawn Service 395.

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This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9

Greater Manchester Transport Committee – Draft Work Programme 2019

July 2019

The table below suggests the Committee’s work programme from July to November 2019. Members are invited to further develop, review and agree topics which they would like to consider. The work programme will be reviewed and updated following regularly to ensure that the Committee’s work remains current.

The key functions of the Committee are –

 Accountability: active and regular monitoring of the performance of the transport network, including the Key Route Network, the operation of the GM Road Activities Permit Scheme, road safety activities, etc as well as all public transport modes. This role will include holding service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account, and to recommend appropriate action as appropriate;

 Implementation: oversee the delivery of agreed Local Transport Plan commitments. This includes the active oversight of the transport capital programme, and decisions over supported bus services network to be made within the context of policy and budgets set by the Mayor and the GMCA as appropriate; and

 Policy Development: undertake policy development on specific issues, as may be directed by the Mayor and / or the GMCA.

MEETING TOPIC CONTACT REMIT ALLIGNMENT TO DATE OFFICER WHICH KEY FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE August Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2019 Network TfGM transport network, including the performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action. Tackling crime TravelSafe Presentation on the TravelSafe Policy and anti-social Partnership partnership led by TfGM and GMP development behaviour on public transport

Page 87 MEETING TOPIC CONTACT REMIT ALLIGNMENT TO DATE OFFICER WHICH KEY FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE Rail Prospectus Bob Morris, To note, comment and give Policy TfGM direction on the development of development the Greater Manchester Rail Prospectus.

September 2019 Alison Chew To note forthcoming changes to Implementation changes to the and Nick the bus network Bus Network Roberts, TfGM Members briefing on bus services / changes / contract renewal processes etc September Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2019 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action.

Free bus Nick Roberts, Deep dive report on free bus Accountability performance TfGM performance report

2040 Delivery Simon To receive an update and comment Policy Plan Annual Warburton, on the 2040 Delivery Plan. development Progress Report TfGM

October Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2019 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action.

Metrolink Annual Danny Annual deep dive report on Accountability Performance Vaughan, Metrolink Performance. Report TfGM

Page 88 MEETING TOPIC CONTACT REMIT ALLIGNMENT TO DATE OFFICER WHICH KEY FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE Rail Annual Simon Elliot, Annual deep dive report on Rail Accountability Performance TfGM Performance. Report October 2019 Alison Chew To note forthcoming changes to Implementation changes to the and Nick the bus network and to review and Bus Network and Roberts, TfGM make decisions relating to Review of supported bus services within the Subsidised Bus context of policy and budgets set Services Budget by the Mayor and GMCA as appropriate. Customer Sean Dyball An overview of the Customer Implementation Information and Rachel Travel Information roadmap and Hutchins, key priority areas for the next 12 TfGM months November Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2019 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action. Fares and Stephen To note and comment on the Policy Ticketing Rhodes, TfGM development of the Fares and development Ticketing Roadmap including Smart Ticketing, Contactless and Concessions. Mayoral Update Andy Report from the Mayor in his role Implementation Burnham, as GMCA Transport Portfolio Mayor of Holder. Greater Manchester December Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2019 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action.

Page 89 MEETING TOPIC CONTACT REMIT ALLIGNMENT TO DATE OFFICER WHICH KEY FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE December 2019 Alison Chew To note forthcoming changes to Implementation changes to the and Nick the bus network. Bus Network Roberts, TfGM

January Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2020 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action. January 2020 Alison Chew To note forthcoming changes to Implementation changes to the and Nick the bus network and to review and Bus Network and Roberts, TfGM make decisions relating to Review of supported bus services within the Subsidised Bus context of policy and budgets set Services Budget by the Mayor and GMCA as appropriate.

Bus Annual Alison Chew, Annual deep dive report on Bus Accountability Performance TfGM Performance. Report

Passenger Stephen Report on the findings of the Accountability Satisfaction Rhodes, TfGM annual passenger surveys. Report

February Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2020 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action.

Page 90 MEETING TOPIC CONTACT REMIT ALLIGNMENT TO DATE OFFICER WHICH KEY FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE Transport Capital Alex Cropper To receive an update and comment Implementation Programme and Chris on the transport capital Update Barnes, TfGM programme.

Delivering a TfGM To receive a report on the delivery Policy Healthy Transport of the 2040 Strategy principle of a development Network healthy network, specifically looking at how transport is impacting on health inequalities across GM. March Transport Bob Morris, To review performance of the Accountability 2020 Network TfGM transport network, including the Performance Key Route Network and all public transport modes. To hold service operators, TfGM, highway authorities and transport infrastructure providers to public account and to recommend appropriate action. To be Highways Annual Peter Boulton, Annual deep dive report on the Accountability scheduled Performance TfGM performance of the GM road Report network. To include road safety.

Congestion Deal Bob Morris, To consider progress against the Implementation Update TfGM Congestion Deal measures including work with local authorities.

Made to Move Chris To receive a report from the Implementation Update Boardman, Greater Manchester Cycling & GM Cycling & Walking Commissioner. Walking To give a further opportunity for Commissioner members to receive information about the cycling and walking scheme at Waltham Forest.

Manchester Simon To receive an update from Implementation Airport Warburton, Manchester Airport about their Transformation TfGM transformation plan and on surface Plan and surface transport issues. transport

Page 91 MEETING TOPIC CONTACT REMIT ALLIGNMENT TO DATE OFFICER WHICH KEY FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE High Speed Simon To receive a programme update on Implementation 2/Northern Warburton plans for HS2/NPR as they relate to Powerhouse Rail and Martin Greater Manchester. Update - Lax, TfGM Transport for the North and HS2 to attend

Age Friendly Kate Brown, Update on how transport is Policy Transport Update TfGM supporting older people. development

Streets for All Nicola Kane, To receive a report and comment Policy Strategy TfGM on the developing strategy (which development is a sub-set of the 2040 Transport Strategy).

Travel Stephen To receive an update on the Policy Information Rhodes, TfGM implementation of real time development information for bus services

Bus Reform Steve To update members on the Implementation Warrener, progress in relation to bus reform TfGM for Greater Manchester

Page 92 Agenda Item 11 By virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

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