r • kt |iturn % lonraal |ook ^ |ob printing u nil IM» irUT ruur ■ OF ALL KINDS, -IttCI A*— Ofce-Hiipfrt Brtrk Black, up main. Pamphlets, Town B •porta, Sohoel B#porH« TKHM8I 2*oatars and BandblUa for Thaatraa, Oon- Douaa m ••eta. *0., Waddlnc Oarda, VWItar Dtiuii rii A**ro—or Oir« Two mtmlks &«*« liM *1 Buainaaa Firrr »'■*»*, ifpa.U wttkia J Carda, Oarda, Duabilla, Mbearlblaf. and Blank Baoaipta, Bank Cbaoka, Union 3omnnl. IiahaU of I»- the avarr daacriptioo. AdvrrlUlag Ruin. auranea Policies, Porwardin* Oarda, lawrtlaa*) .... ii.au I Bill* of <>aelaaara ar 1*««.(1 to over the Mind or Lading, Ac., A«., printad la Col- ia»ertUm...... j» I "Eternal every of of Man."—Jefferson. { geek Mtaqwiil tkemwmasjf f Hostility form Oppression Body ors or with Bronaa.-eiecuUd atthlaOfiM t A «|mm* <• II llnee >ua|»r«ll vpa. aae week—alt ur So WITH Special Nrtiw llaaa tea*, 5EATCKM 1U DISPATCH, »ieee average aae (Jl.u'.arnl) AX, w- U» he paM ft»r In »jaara. %»r« pr»p»rtl«Hi. |7*Obdbb> roa Paiartsa ara rsspastfellr >« awtwa Ukae

ia a for them to chooae from cold to his and Ml IIo car- wild ducK and a to neck in disorder, and but it muat lull §oon, and we can orei own belief ia that I»ia looked variety crept bosom, asleep. will suffice to cure the bacon, when they season, pleasant place charming Mushing hurry support. My ried her and asid— to the ao eould not earned beef, ham, fiah, bruwl, himaell (o her chamber, be to tbeui take a book to, for a cool hour on a hoi with fresh half disclos- houae between the drora.' that Mark pork, pota- may hung up dry, first rubbing panting, lips opened, incomparably pretty Ac and "Nellie would not to to bad and not her white her bosom and No lull however. Thick darknex anu to—bo he kiaaed her. toea, cabbage, onions, like go over with coarse bran, or fort of saw- day. ing teeth, hearing came, help himself, turnipa, any to U in demand—hot, rich her pravers." her Urge duat he 'The kiln,' said Mark, 'shall bo my her- her she to Mark's settled down upon the The wind roared The cold grey dawn waa beginning soup. Soup groat Half-opening loctrj. except deal ; if smoking ejos flashing presented bay. made from wholeaome knuckle* of ejrea, the articulated— preferred and there in a and studioui faculties a beautiful and uncx- louder and ami the wavea broke ir ahine in the cast, and the funr dreamily bang in a ; if not in a urr, airy simple appreciative louder, away lowing roup, ehiomey mitage, lines of the the atorm waa o'clock rich with of all aorta, acrved TO WILUAX U.SEWAUO. of thw not too near the fire. We life, I will forget both the world.' vision. She could not regain her long ahe<>t«d foam upon weatliei of abating. By eight beef, vegetable* "Now I lay ma down to part kitchen, myselfand in bowla. It oontaina aletp, a mason the ith for a and aide ol the Mark had another meal with Loia" out ateaming I pray tha Lord"— If dkaaeat are not with the Liimtrick mer- Awisted by and carjwnter, moment, stood looking prepared, pint TTki>!■■■■ 1 lluik Um •—m4. yet acquainted Kted they promontory. the nourishment of all the other diahea aerv- with mr ia uian suon contrived to make hu her- at each other in animated silence if I Lois to In and Mark aid, and when it waa orer, the rain had Hlii-Ira ralm-tant. lance content, cantile prucrsses ; the Wicklow similar young may began frightened, then adding, in a sweet murmur, "Fie knows eaan-4 Mmir wltel «u a<>M* airant, use tried bin beat to her h< ceaard. It waa timo for dcod low ed there, with tba additional recommenda- I to that above,and farmers mitage uilt over the narrow tloor,afire-|>laet<1 length. moment served to augment the fury of wiml the inlet at that hour ; tor tho tern peat pint •<* war calm wotd* that In Ouum and ruin. wm ami waa liahlo to ariae and the larder of another ooe if be wuita it. At tha table ait aleep." Offim. pal of the Annalen I-and- book-shclvee, writing desks, etc, put 'Yes,sir. Excuse mo, but 1 think jou left It the euulnoctial norm, again, A little who tha door of r*.>l«e ami l'o«npM)r btibuwi tyA correspondent pantry, who aooner boy, approached and with a few article* of furni- this book tho did not? one of violence. the waa ao that if ■tout, robuit young men, would ><4 la defence >4 the «m«( iIom wirtbachaft states turns interesting experi- up inside, yonder by creek, you extraordinary hermitage running low, hi« grandmother's room, mw her ri*e and auvaauunrd' as be tc there much the honor* for their meala in labor if that were lla ui«jr Im l>r*Tcet ments to teat the uee of aalt in fattening ture from tho villa, the kiln assumod a really I saw you sleeping there I passed down •My poor inotblif «M(4 my* pain *eli'-a|>- and faco tell praaented a The book near she knew I was safe. I did not tell hei whoae whitened locka wrinkled To CbrUklaa tliarlU ami *caert*M h..p«. hogs. two hundred pounds piece, pointed recluse took up hit abode. plain by.' sufferings. taste for and waa un- It tlia mrnl nan weighing either had his where I waa when I loft tho house this found the of winter* at lraat, beaido the exploration, probably One received with their daily allow- and simple food ho required he pre- In truth, Mark sketch going Sallying forth, way clear, aiity aitting derstood aa a lie stood «»r Krrtaliai a a.I the •akcunl <4 lla lea*,— (Mir forgotten they Iwbe aucklea while rvpruof. nenairely two ouncve the other for himself or had him from a book when he lett his afternoon, and the will think I am and tho inlet, which a fearful tor- emaciated mother, wIiom aKhutit that t>r alike* al<>na ance of food, of aalt, pared brought sleeping-place. surely through for a and then aaid—"(trandma, If, r«M •( ahe eats- Here little and whow moment, Ue eaa'rf *ara it warn ■ none. the course of turui-house. Ilia day* were 'I am to he said, it drowned.' rent had the before, now con- boys girla prlaa Uta laW>a. Unm pair similarly fed, In neighboring greatly obliged jou,' poured night a'n't you old?* oldT Wbf, a hri>w an the bowl eat very ••Very Vr<«j >a|ai IJearaa ia a *l>>ry >1**1, one ounce like nn outward calui to soothe a tire low on the of from the window. A winrow of than effort to face tho ele- they Mr. Farmer neevico. ige, a quarter to daily. breeding nothing long, promontory, extremity long phos- pitileaa you 'eiw icord mort and I kat« »«•»« raat Another is "8ir, aaid, Asd kar illmjr. and dur- within. Grief consumes itself—wears itself which the stood. over shattered and ever re- ments, and ao, her child for company admitted, and tows vt ry little pregnancy, hmnitage phorescent light, giving up only they don*. Then went on, and aaid a Thaw mf «ka rasa wii. my us*)d for of and Miss ing better, Lois decided returned, however, Campbell. TlMeal r«aj ;ust, or the fore part of September, tho whoso ever restless waters warned she found a refusal home, and (piiet tho ularm sho knew her lowed up by a great joy. night, coine; you please Tv>JS»alk«. taralac*aa way.slosa— provid- bay impossible; partially uio take her a little to uut V R<>m ! the is at the time of tho estate. Tho villa was advertised herself under a of to must feci. She heard the of the let something Sir. 0. P(irr*nce Kinsman of this city hM "V>'« a it UU aad iu> dainty ng ground very dry Thorley sheltering plea desiring mother atory atrango night •» the bffn for hd« three years as » eiWl Ha* 1 kats yaw sow wni kr. •lowing. About the first of September, 1859, to let, and soon found a tenant. Mm cxamino the book she had saved from loss.— Stoutly in Mark's oil-cloth pnascd by Mark and Loia in the hennitago Certainly, my dear,' replica manager; engaged Ilry- wrapped up and cut all and on a railroad in Honda. in several of sorrvl all a widow whoso husband had mot She herself was fond of she wilh a over her hat with a but smile. : you ait down you can, engineer Recently plowed patches (in don, lady, drawing, said, coat, handkerchief tied gracious significant right the en- * have some too.' one of the places in that slats, wh«r« two on and in tho ca- and liked to see the under she set out in the I do not know what to to Mr. mother ahall The iearly acres,) my farm, during his death in Florida while acting work of others. and her chin, boldly say you, your which he wu he waa taken always aeat a few u|>on stopned, he season I have not lieen able to find a an the she 'nor how to to child take* her and in pine i>.tcit v of major in the regular army, finding Once inside, not ohjcct escaped her driving rain and wind, accompanied hjr Thorley, said, express you joyfully, by a gang of men »n l carried to a store, where past momenta a howl of ia before ingle plant. Plowing when theground has herself too much reduced in means to keep quick eye. Sho took in everything at a hermit, who, for the first time sinco for- the gratitude I feel for the kindness you have aoup placed her, he (underwent a trial before a Vivilanca no shown and boaidn it ia a little tin full of the fur to for the Boath. Agricultural. uuch moisture in it, will be of benefit. up her lashi inable residence in the city, be- glance—the desk,with its pile of manuscripts, swearing tho world, found a niir ol soft my child. If my prayers pail Committee refuting fight • aamo food for her mother. She swallow* It wu not claimed that he had tampered with came the occupant of a deserted house, and the hook case, laden with well-worn books; white hands clinging closely to his arm, and Do not speak of it madam, I beg of you. lien in and a heartfelt slates, but he ha-fited uuderdrain- 1 pot*. improv- judged, piece sus|s>nded spray, nearly to tho men outside—tho heat which by 1 and rwrved manner, that tackle over the the bed in its their feet, and the rain blinded them His and a fine color sufTuscd spoko returned hall doten of his friends, by auh-wjil is or Biydou's haughty fishing mantle; sharp eye* sparkled with^ome ub1>«h the gravelly, porous his earn- comes into tho room from tho etforta the idea ot Mm waa a- ing, 1 she was not tho to disturb his aolitudo curtained tha few so, that could tell which handsome face, token of hia adjoining whoee banging a ol But person ale>w; pictures, they hardly way giving to vuough t« form good drainage mostly estness. kttchen has warmed her shrunken form ; she landoned. Ilia eaptora then proceeded 1 ivo leaves or cutoff the by mixtions to card tea drinking!* water-colored views, with one done in oil, were going. Indeed*, tho only manner tho Um-fit uf drain.irv ia moat u|i|'innt up|*»ttr, pinch larger purtics, they to to tho hut a ■hare half of hia head and whiskers. They con- with anv Mr. looked from ono to the other manager. She ' ower leaves and the teriuinul buds, and coo- and other ItwtiviticM before ho in his in which could advanco surety speak a to wIk-b to soils of * nature,or provincial representing Squire Thorley shooting- they Brydon lindenlimn at whom *he dun1 then aent him under guard Kernandina, «4>]Ji>«l clayey ►en a a with an almost comical daughter home, inue this mode of until the fruit is ted to let her have tho villa. She, too, costume—in word, the entire of was Mark'sgoing ahead with lantern, expression. puny wlirre he waa confined in until the ateamer a sub-soil retentive (if moisture. pruning inventory by not out in tho and alio want* to jail luting seen wan not to was with Have of the bring wet, to when ha and I ar advanced; ao that when ri|nth mantic she Tho •Suns' alio no lor mo to ait that At Savannah he met with no moles- pulverisation juoolh tomatoi* of the come hi* tenant; and under them) auspices After tho of the returning to his churge. Kven this slow and adventure?' aaid quietly. nays/it's pleasure city to aivure on cl*tv 1 ind* richi-stpomcgranate simple hospitality place down hero and eat a unleM tation whatever. Ila arrived here |>loyud good it»j* was to boen was soon bIh will be in a state of mind hearty supper, yceterday < olor, and the leaves hidden the fruit. the elation we^l sustained, —heretofore sucred dangerous progress however, neighbors shocking cantors to be the .1. There ia mi ground so and sterile by remarkably quarter-day—had alio can liavo soiuo--inriario, air, I could'nt Mr. Kinaman represents hia poor two or feet in the as never met on of the sne terminated. about it.' fouwl t«» amelior- Set plants three apart, they except quarter day, partaken by young lady, departed, ruptly • moet of the lowest order of hnman beings; but that some mean* muyho »> _! .1 „l »l.„ D^ut I»in blushed. do it.' Ho answer*, Sit down, madam, and them, 1 variuest and 1-t them fall when the form and black Mark's of escort to b'lt had ao much control that the respeoU wrist*! hare, stately piercing gently refusing proffer • take a they ated, ami ita fertility. pluceyou lieen 1 have of mid eat all you can, and then you aliall recuperate • ver to the frames twelve or of tho widow in tho me viiih. of the hud blasted thought it,' Mark, eager- nble with nlm, sun.ls bo in ule Northern fifteen, eye apjieared hermitage portion promontory alio mur- people, though •ympathiting 4. Blowing may product- and I have hIh.) of a Id i«i- to your little Whilo lor ' fet ; or on m* brush ; to with wonderful The rent 'What in the mutter with Lob?' it* whole width, Udow tho high-water ly, thought way pailful girl.' did not venture to do anything hlsrsliafc— ire a thick coat of straw over hifch anything punctuality. paid you, away, mcra soun ia before mo waves flowed lenco evil to tli' in her thanks; her l»y spreading 1 nstain and fnnu the —always in the ack'il her mother that seem nutrk, that nt full tido the tongues—at least, ruin]**! placet! Portland Argut. a r> ur or two till them; keeptheiu ground gold—and receipt signed,the evening; 'you the soil to remain decoyed, to stieak at their own All I her, and tho little tin ia filled, for 1 creates in- man asked his tenant to take tho inlet thus formed cutting require, ptil ready on straw on- rhieh mould, joung dreamy.' freely through peril. then the d>Jays rijiening, invariably uncommonly• ahc has the treasonable ex-£ecr*» and seeding cIov. 1 ■hull Mr. Farmer are of tho most wholeaomo kind that various of the Secession- I tint that and out of tho rock beneath tho floor Mark condition know, Did you ever noticu, filled with Kind nnd earth washed it, |»ost protector Cummittee plans 5. Lima ia not beneficial as a mannro when er, (tha gem-rally blossoms) kept you —iwwt froah fleckers's fresh and an a as could In* then have a to all malicious or vegetables, and •ut else If a suiull of excellent wino—a part of uiuiuma, what a very handsome man we have and was solid cause-way right repel ists ha I been discussed In his prasenoe, to everything gradually away. you supply toasted fresh fish und meats, Croiu stroag clays. u nitli weeds and even muall word* hrcad, just applied 1 vinh late tomato**, each tho i»tock the late who had for landlord. 1 met him to day on the desirvd, grass, thoughtless concerning my chargw— sometimes at bis house, by leadiug men. and o. l.iixl to and off pull up plant by left'by .Squire, the all cooked in tho cleuiuvt and clover, feeling a uiNtn it. I not wife V market, Seeding I he before the frost cornea, and been a connoisseur. Thence ho beach.' ahrulm growing may say my others of less which contemplated st down \Wieu ice make* held with his tenant—ensued. When lit sat the in the fading loosened, away |>eriuittod to iu eoch nd let nights, hang porch, finally 4 once or when more and resistance to Mr. Lincoln's it adds ccnt fertility a wide I see how it mid Mm. ; twice the night, third, Inaug- twenty j«er • hem in room tnat doeanot freese, ur 'Do tind tho houao comfortable, Mad- a chiho- every vestige of this filling Urydon 'you during up any you twilight, thoughtfully smoking long up,leaving and are that he theae a lace on the between its two huvel>een at the game of hearts, vegetables moat, cooked, put uration. Ha stated regarded pro- year. ' ii a and will have fresh to- am?' after torn-lit raging and foaming jag- playing ready under art! dry cellar, que, supper, kept arising is ua as the 7. Crrru you tho travel* wherein ouch loses to the other.—There! do in,and the hut made rich as foolish and and believed cropa jilowed power- « to bo but comfortable indeed, I thank tale wreath* of smoke—a fine shores, and leaving unhappy quite poaitions criminal, a aoil fer- latoesall winter—shrivelled sure, •Very you gray maidenly p-d an ful auxillarioa in ri'ndering light isolated the islam). wunt lirst. The numlier thus far of evening been and all « f fine flavor. air.' lace with 11 ailing eye and rosy clteoka—grow- U-r* upon you my blowing?' that they had Utterly abandoned, tile. Uut if thia ia done too wften iuccnw> rocky She their heads has varied from 150 to 400, of them C. K. Ll«tu. •Whatever or alterations and atiU till angry with (iod !' shouted .Mark, to make |tuttcd hut lov- many efforts concentrated separate Stale action, rvad'Ta the aoil Ux> car- repairs you may ing lading, growing, 'My trying playfully tho meal upon i eventually I will attend to. Tho ex- himself he went in und took to hi* laioka. his voice audible aliovo the tumult of the ingly. und a of sunshine, break- being customers, get Tcly.it < desire, beg you solitary ray regular they which he and Ills policy t«».i uf iu.it- tho one have. justified approved. UiaactMU^— i. a., lull vegetable from the •Have 1 lived hero in thb (or two storm, 'we are cut flff! The hunk is washed ing tho cloud rifts, illumined their then*, being only regular tiiey pense incurred may be deducted \$ay through would lead to the same results by ditternit tor. ho aaked 'a of and the tide is still faces like a benediction from aliovo. In 1857, wo am informed that two tliirda oI rent.' himself, living proof rising.' oau of the land years.' away, the whole number fed Mr. Farmer were means, because if Virginia and Maryland 8. The dependu 'Thank Sir. You are kind.' the of and to bu The lantern's showed Lois to he very Tho hermitage is untenanted now. It has hy productirrncna you, very good peace aolitudu, finally light to r^ «mi the ntture of the auhoiil. If that into natives of Ireland. This two-thirds of be ooerced into disunion, the design is creatly 'Not at all.' upset a girl's face?' pale, a; she turned her faco imploringly up relapsed itM undent condition of sum- year and all fforta to Jflisccllancous. hy mer tho whole nuiulier have liecn and as a of the of la iui|>ruTe house cold, wet, poor, 'Tho weather has been quite favorable since Yet that wus the firat night in two yoara, towards him. Her words went home far and shooting Ion ; but tho villa Germans, claim Washington part territory bo in rain unlem rocuunc a are more Americans than Irish the aoil will Ufx>r saw hot or or fair or that as soon as were but her is in state of and there among the latter. HOW THE I cold, dry wet, stormy away they uttered, splendor populousnees ia first had to under draining. you.' never known in the old thcai. The nmount of food consumed and Has your health been good.* he really felt lonmrae. expression and g<*ture suid, 'what is to bo squire'* day. Mrs. U. l.*i«nefieial to all soil* ey'a spite * • tho times 10. Dtvji throe months on the first of sketches alio tho shells and She to hiin now in -terror, and went There my child,' she and table. Ho saya that ii grow any |tlowing < he warm the double windows, und Once every day number made, clung saye, go rod a Duck Tioana.— (hat are and ia tbo uiostao when done carpets, play and mechanic* am to suffer A Liox'a Lori wet, a of the this was held minerals ahe tho allocs she back to tho whence with your huhies. Mark can never worse, I he excellent construction of the building month, dialogue during collected, walking suhmimively hermitage, spoil likely record* in th« fall. a concern- a out tho thmn without vour still more, ho ahall hia free dining saloon Tho North American • it.— the of the wine. Not word wore out, and the facts she learned fire upon help.' keep Philadelphia oa the and dreary atimsiphern consumption eherry-rea light glowed 11. Twit siKvmsire grain crecame intol- more or less was ever tho variation tidea, winda, etc., were Imyond belief.— durkncsM and gloom. compass o|ien days daylight the billowing lingular leave tho land in a foul state. fell, |*»rlor* spoken, ing while long widow's remarks the to lew Thank wo aro at last out of Look hock this and marvel ! until John \V. Farmer, " gruund 1 Table. Their furuiture amuuied being in tho about Mark Thorley, too, seemed liavo fancy heuven, per- upon pugc midnight. (none of the cage in which ghoatly ao as in 12. Saiaia-r fall.>wiag, though »|t|«airnt- were to suit lie lost said he as he closed tho door and No no but head- ho ia not many others compartment I oruis in the half and weather. Theso of course mado for in-dooni studies than formerly, il,' glanccd designing villuin, wealthy wealthy tho aniuiala at Van Amburg'a beau* ia the iu «t eih- mysterious light, myriad an amount |«rforin a waste uf timcand labor, more the tho no obduruto no md our of property |y seemed moment from the facts. Then for three mouths the sallow, thin look that ho had formerly around dry and cosy apartment. strong uncle, parent, city, possesses 11 in I in Cheatnut Street w a huge oieana w« have of kha|«s starting every • and iiosl preparing clayey saw with what a mused a circumstance of and have which enables hiui to livo menagerie, 1 he curtains and mirrora. two nothing of each other. worn, and his shoulders broadened open Yes, terrible night'—she poverty separation, comfortably, Aaiatic lion. Ilia room-mate ia a wheat. It ameliorate* the aoil, en- to those who are leas fortunate than Uwnj iKiila for was a in air exercise. IIisdrc!>s to evince some- moment ; hut it can't lie is niarr.il the of hero and he- ia as and be Nor waa the reat of the house one whit It charming morning September began very happiness my help hlack female The tiger email the acnb of all weeds to helped—it roine. have met himself, lie ia a and does tiger. ablea ajirout a little more than two after Mark had of its ancient and—fatal isn't it?' They loved and plumber trade, but ii aud I a ore cherry. The spacious bed chambers years thing elegance sign— awkward,though,—vexatious simply by with the regal lion, highly and, conatanily turning be- a without with- an extensive business at No. 248 lirooms compared dratro^t*!, by and cold currents his hermit that ho arose late, tho most o( Ins now, instead of Doth littlo. married, anathematiiing fate, a and the aim render* sere and moist, begun life, writings laughed valued a* zoological curiuaity, only the aoil to the and air, chilly • can out over tho cold Street. et]«wng the hull and entries, at after his custom—for ho was not without learned usm\s, treat ies, etc. ,were ry tinned Never mind, Lois,' said Mark,' we wailing hard world, in a oi the black tliia ejeiueuta coataimsl in it more iwept moaning every ing •pecimen tigeriu oountry. tho inorganic still—and metered with lines in have a Wo will word without nonsense. two the mariners whom souio luxurious habits glancing and ending 'sighs,' time, anyhow. A Good blie waa by Mr. Van Amburg available to Uw root* of tho tey-holc liketheghosUof pleasant a me Story. purchased plaut storm out hii vino embowered window, saw that and the like. His bore a read and and draw. I will Let bid farewell, dear reader, in witli the lion ever readily ■no would thiuk, that fearful bad of •eves,' hermitage sing get up you yenra ago, and has lired wheat. as as tho sunshine neuter in its and late a know and the comfortablo consciousness of re- v the was smooth order arrangements, n|»on trifle you by having of tho Ronton aince. The attachment between tbe two ia manure is In within four wus not In her programme laid down wan to her. No matter how etc., should < sUUrs, rich and influential ree|*vu«d day enjoyed Mrs. altogether quite —it the child of wealthy parents daren approach hone dust, ol Ammonia, a Itrydon IIo to her from only sulphate I but now in the clutch«« wall*,' lie said; 'I must have good long confidence. She did not know mid aloud Mr. John W. who the health. A few after he be, tbe lion never touohea hia us«s] at a aud with a cau- lononxl and loved, daughter's prosperously. Farmer, during —recovered its days hungry may be s|>ariugly time, down beach. I'll make a sketch Iter favorite books. lie mended the hia little chua <■ f that who claiuu our ul- ■troll tho how intimate tho were, tho' string* Winter of lu57 a free hod discontinued his tho mo- aharo of their meat until tioua and arv bust ou or awlul sovereign young pcoplo opened dining mloon, ltaynor visits, daily jodgiaeut, applied on wuter col- of un old mandolin that ornamented the eTen nev- one whether we will or not, and o( the light the Hull llock, in Lois hud told her of their formed where he fed thousands of the and des- ther of the littlo invalid called on the doc- hoa eelected her aliare, and thia he near the surlace. fgianee day gradually poor wall, und then all aorta of '• are she baa bad sughs at our house and land*, our wealth on, to-day.' acquaintunccship. Doubtless,had she known, wing pleasant titute free of charge, han recently thrown tor. She mid : My dear doctor, there er touchea until ocrtain eoough. a fine fat sea haw from ho- sketched each others but thia ,nd influence, our reapoct, honor and love After catching she would have considered it improper; songs. They portraits, hia doom onen once more to the needy. On services rendered in this world which money All theanimala areaa fataa molea, very a Stock nro iM>«th hi* window, and it was and Mark made we ia alderminic in ita Good Choapoat. dike. broiling artistically but Lois quick at reading character,and dingy ludy-ink druwing the east side of the he has put in clrcu- cannot repay. I know not how could black tiger Fpropertiona, the mm breakfasted and a of tlieir when dis- city for tbe maUar. Sha Mark Thorley, the old Squlra'a only son. young equipped had divined that Mark was thoroughly mun supposed appearance they latino hundreds of little cards which read as ruwnrd for your kindness and attentions and no remedy exiata at three fellow of hiutsul( for a walk. Ho nut out nt a therefore wor- covered the inlot. you And I have been twice removed from tbe Ibn, but A bollock of imprrr*<l« gry, strange trifllo bat which I embroidered—with my frantic yuan. yean myboy,' night, mit waa a which am to meet mother, or seaweed or bit of drift. his knowledge monnaie !' re- liera of hw cage eufficicot warning that thus wasted upon th««se animals by >entleuian; 'I going your afternoon, Mark Lois to take sup- now—brought culinary No. 47 Ludlow Street. own hands.' Porto roughlv to The warm and the walk was a persuaded into once more. the further detention of the would lie a th*ir nature are fitted to transmute ha? anil 4*rk. Be true to boy—be just duy grew with in order to test tho kind of play tho doctor. Modiclno, madam, tigar youwelf, was the beau- him, sat we hia mate die tha rather wuuld not one, but Murk Tlio supper and coffee finished, they a When matter, Should into bide and horn and bone, •there—never do that which you long repaid by r» a recluso could Ilisstock of bread, and and with- Eliednot sentimental profession. dangeroua grain when he arrived. The tall Er enjoy. down on each side tho as Come eat, ye poor hungry, we their to death. Onoa m*ve me hand—here tv of the view of quiet are in to se« want lion would pine ths* into ^unlity flreh, known—I—give your butter, and eggs were from fireplace out and without called probably aa with freshly and ns two old married money price. people, flratitudo— ahe waa taken a lioneae waa aub- hnsj «ti»r m lar Wfmk Um> nMiwr brut*, —I am cold—(iod bleaa white light house, a|C!,. ami moveliwa in the embrace of death, and cedars gave a cooling mass of dark pronounced up, he discontinued hia oheervation. moat degraded being warmly is what is miuired, money midam— weighed down, by j»ur«e $1 swayed 'and ing of ney t ibat men of to relieve the brilliancy of the A •1 will eacort home,' mid Mark, Lois had fallen a slumber, so if were clad in the fashion. was as well S. Turitobib.—Xba admimioa it wua too much to expo, the other'a burned out all green jou into height The you The U. DUO. passionate grief hay. profound they ia a narrow little ycs, money.* lady may cl.ua of aenaea. iron stained with rust dis- astonish your mother calling upon he to look at her without awaken- No. 47 Ludlow Street this burst of into the Union aa a atate haa moderate means, tbo gruut middle the greaser great buoy and good by preferred imagine confounded by indig- of Kanea* put im- of its her.' her. more like a than an of should bocoaie enthusiastic in After the funeral, the house aeemed the colored by tho oxydiiation paint, lay ing place hall-way eating nant talent, ami sho could stammer, to net all ilinputa aa to all territory mirth farmers, only • a monster on the I iho fire mloon. On one aide ia a table running Tliia new their stock. But now, the better faoUte that a country house after like dead Iwach, with its •She will he but not displeased fitful rod light of the played Itut, Doctor, what is your fee ?' foe the 37th of latitude. proving place only surprised, close on My parallel over tho oui ha* it. chain covered with a mass of sea- Sho a tho other across her out her at which, fucking I tell mad- from tho 37th to the 40th de- broeds are ai» widely disseminated a tutu ral seem after death visited draggled think. paid jrou compliment face, bringing high-bred lengthways, by is two thousand francs—and you Mate extenda urea can be abated. are ob- r»oiii it* or weed a to enliven the ft at in rich relief of shine and shade. both sides, about use about it.' The no ooe can fear the introduction e xmt that easily and cheaply had phantom, day making capital ohjoct day.' fifty ame, there is no screaming gree, and ry, tbey Every s|*eial aome time twfore the aaloon of and being of the 1'ore-gnuind of the picture; and Mark felt •Did sho! What waa it?' Her blue veined lids, with their long black Laat evening, did not screnm. She of into Kebraaka, which liea north tained. night, young Thorley ooea to as- lady <|uietly opened alavery Kan- bred of tboir sever- aort, felt that he ahould become that if ho had arranged the he •Guess.' lashr* concealed her but gave an ex- was the hungry began monnaie' I embroidered' unrolled and west of the free State of Iowa. Young bulla, tburongb imaginative picturesque, eyes, opened, the tho it, are ev- not have done better lhau accident was much of for their semble the walk in front, till aide- jporte alav- abound. Numbers uf them inline if he remained here. Kash object could and •Oh, I can't. She mid 1 not ao pression holy calm that atoned upon the rive bank notes in it, gave tho doctor two aaa aUo cut off the laat of noehing al kinds When hop* w«at- bereiiTo- nature had here. a as want of of shadowy walk waa blocked up. U made into steers tor working pur that met hia eye recalled hia great of fool I looked, perhaps.' vivacity. Her wealth completely and the other three in tho porta mon- anr weatwnidly, aa liea immediate!/ ery jmt was on ad- door waa Mr. 0. II. placed aaat of the uoo of th«wa at tho m*«t and to afresh the wounds that The afternoon the decline when •No.' hair, somewhat dishevelled tho nighu the opened, Catnpltell, and the latter in her ami bow- of The territory but tbo |*upcr open by for Mr. naie socket, ward Miaaouri. puans; common cows, ex- the sketch was finished but tho heat was at •Tbat I knew what was.' venture, down in masses fn»m received the gueaU * the crew tho meanest would not heal. Life aeemed already good company swept Superintendent, ed Good doctor,' tnade Mountain*, except comparatively ago, upon wavy waa to the wom- profoundly morning Rocky which haa crnsrs their to hia viaion. The its and Mark found it U> •No.' her shoulders. She her head bowed a Farmer. Prufercnee given waaC of Arknaaaa, a consecutive upon Itausted grief highest, expedient sat, • her exit. ■mall diatrict and few jaundiced to allow the to the breed had borne to hia father waa walk slowly, and rest often in tho shadow ot •That—that—I could cook a blackfish little forward' her in clum- en. the men being admonished dedicated the Indiana, will in a few years, giro love be peculiar- just rosy lips parted fill- been permanently prngeny, some or on his a her on her to coine in first.' The table lieing the of bason- uses, ia intenar and while be thought of the lofty boulder ruined sea-wall to turn.' ber, fair hands listlissly folded ladiua ia thna aecure againat danger era laid, lor all practical equal ly only the door was locked a- Jt vrviUTtTm.—A of little twin sit- York. and which of that love, be could see home-ward way. In one of tho •No; that is true, but she doao't know fit to make a hermit of a lov- ed up on both aides pair aa New Beyond beef and value to tho best, sundering nothing stopping lap—a picture and those ters who were fond of flowers, ing alarebolding dairy tbo a milo (rota his he or a lover a and earn- to inside, exceedingly are two free atate* which return thc»r double in the future, or in the 'Let places hermitage, it.' er, of hermit. Long gain prevent crowding tbcee mountains will ia products, worthy present. lay watched the firrt indications of with a there down on the that crew can't did and on the walk had to wait until the iliat table- spring and north of them Am te bo derive frotu tbe inferior animals. me live in aolitude and be aud; cool grass almost to •Then I guess. Tell me? estly Mark this vision o? repoae fan- roted for Lincoln, peace,' study did with intense One morning they aitoated in the jprufk soon more in than the beach, watered a xuall stream that •Well sho mid were too much of a What his have been ful was acrvcd. This perfect eagernem. Waablngtoa, latit- The season for breeding neat cattle will is, after all enjoyment apathy by you beauty. thoughts may they discovered molting territory, iuolf into the cannot as he nature, in line the cied that through thera ia oat Im owner of stock take timo I will henceforth live the life of there and lulled and tow handsome—too handsome I gu«*s of oourac, but gently good forming quietly by they ude o( Canada. Slavery aimply bo here. o**ry in activity. emptied bay, gentleman a and heads the music of the fell the had knocked the ashes he heaved door to await their turn* N hile wait soows, few grans-blades, tki forelock, and secure, at least, the use a hermit.' by trickling brook, mind you—to lire life you chosen, from his pipe, they peeping the one ex- of the queatkm. by turns Mr. Farmer's of crocus. into house, liaa an to lie a when bis father had and that it waa a shame!' a sigh, and a broken sentence, the conversation upon Kusbtng • lUti of California immaaaa daaart of tbe bwt animal obtained witbin In the halcyon day* asleep. deep only "Mamma ! mamma find is taking and in be found that the was half came hia nnd the blearing* of God an in- claimed, inhabitable in the gorgea of trutet, or more it need bo. Two yean been hia constant in study Awakening, bay •Oh. spare my blushes!' audible, to iipe. liberality, "Oh, add«f region, ooly days companiun • behalf ia known off tho while bed-spread." joj." more than fa be work's la- were more like all aglow with the reflected glories of an au- In and conversation the sup- Yea, I'm tired of this eternal retrospec- voked in his every tongue. mountain* of Alpina height- feed will cheaply bought jyn recreation—for tbey oollege light playful tho "and he's to oo the had tumnal and the dark shadows that waa not until the dishes tion—there i*a than this.' Ono woman, of Irish nativ- other, going put ten of faithful and tender bor thus at tbo first in improving the iriende than like father and son—they sunset, par paased, and it better life haggard looking yeare protection given over tho eastern The who is so clad that even the dowered counterpane." on the of adaiaiatiatJoM de- summer house on the farther- to creep boriion were cleaned and task at which rain and beat; the wind howl- aulicituJe part broad. built a aort of began put away—a plashed ity, scantily A New York beginning • him that it was time for hiia to be ed and fell in moderate air of last ber form bright baby, just to the of ,*tb« oat end of the l'oint aided the remains of warned Luis merrily assisted—that the young folks moaned ; the wavea rote and night pinched of that rated propagation alavery pa- by in- to ulk, was very obsermnt all passed but tweira A strata of at home. discovered that it was chorus the rocke and made it shiver with cold is evidently a culiar inetitution,' baa to Cure Bacon, ancient kiln that atood there. raining. angry upon sharp-toothed her. She saw a with produced How on at an accelerated re- calm to for more than one around gentleman, the and beaveo- lime atone out above water He hurried race, •It b mid Mark 'the without, but within all waa and debted Mr. Fanner side of living of benign .cropping produced nothing,' confidently; peace to those enter a bouse oo the opfusite apacimena • to ours it freshed and strong after his and had al- wind is it ean't rain and net. Mark eat the fire, or meal. few minutes she dog the Jeecendad The heat horticultural answer to tbo bow this {mmi, and the owner had nap, westerly; long.* muaing by Every speaks shut the door .and left dog plant. big la question, quaried when he them to be and to the street, lie at wait, thua hr, and a late number nt it iuto lime in ready eotue in sight of the point, Luis waited while be smoked his chiboque noiselessly the narrow till nssembled, telling patient, canine movements art baa proven utterly bacon tbo mild pretty burning paced apartment the means without, who, various abort of by process,' this ciWmively, beard tbe sound of hurried 1 and and told her a little ahe with a bo thankful that God has given by am of that nothing liaaetto tbo following direc- kiln, and it from a rouch outsteps story—some quaint fancy awoke—awoke blushing pretty and whining, manifested pain- I dearly opinion tbo Irian gives shipping pier as Mr. Farmer. To the of scratching 4 tie*.' will induce aiave- close at hand. breathing close behind hia. of one of the old writen that be loved.— surprise, aa If ahe wu oooaciooa what a woks to so good s man Moved his desertion and aayetemot boon tions quick •• to work m- ful by to around be came facs to face with Then node another into her, bat darad not of it l«st it was on- men she Wbeo vou get impatience. boidera to their biped property off tbo hair and thoroughly The pier had long ainee been washed away, Turning they Investigation apeak says: btr Mall (not through carry scrape a summer, and are PiuiecoW "Singe side well but the walls ol the kiln were and as a young Ctrl—a tall, slender creature, with the weather, and found that the wind bad dream. in the earning money oocdplainingIfcrmi and cried 10 tbaaa iaboapiuhle regions. when cot nib tho Ayah stout, ly gain the bars of her nursery window, more than dean ; up, a was the don't the man who fed foiled to introduce and tbe oa the woodbine had covered the ruin brown eyes, and warn brunette shifted. It blowing steadily from In tooth, wvu it ber own fancy, that ten- foryfurself; forget earnest fame, bell, baa utterly with common aalt, pack piece* graceful splendid the when were a clear, "lag# doggie! alavea, U b aaid with a it a and feature the blush ol northwest, and the xain cams with increased der of hia to her'a? Or had he winter, you starring, twelve though of oaoh other on a tray gutter making picturesque pretty ooapiaxion, heightened by rosy pressure lips notb- bell." paraMtnent oeo- top wide straw hat him so that be shall lorn Inge ten otbera ware found thera by the tbe brine; once four in the view Squire allowed It to re- •xerc ise. Her had &llen force. emboldened by the of bar alecp, Einpatronise A fiither oama borne from bit business at that round il to catch every Thorley tranquility aa the domeatica of I bo aad main. troia bar head, and the ol tha •This begins to look •prions,* mid Lob, dared tho* to riak her T lag by ywtt." and took bis little aue-takera per- or Ive tbo aalt should obaagod, dying light displeasure or* evening, girl npou day* a aad her forehead a shade of in her brown Meantime those inside astonishing early army uAoera. those no at A rough roof, floor aoaae h-neHt sunset tall full upon and hair, with anxiety eym My my dear loader, jom saay wpfwas After a lew dimlike carsssw, sb» lutm—pobapa tbo flitches moved, placing top a meal. Thair his knee. it a coavwueat in the the blue black maaca uf which ha 'U is to bo a storm, sura what ; theories an easy to their stomachs with hearty button ; flvourau weeks of tiua treatment made ebootisg-bux | lay upon going enough; just you please that liar. Ml Auira'a Lerrcaa—We R*tei>«d ercd here an the best representative* of the A former voto of the bouae repealing The Floyd Roarnlitie*. with to Dm THE PRESIDENT ELECT. assemblage, who greeted Mr. Lincoln CONGRESS. bleat of an free of the law which authorise towns to with ftry grmt pieaeura Leetnre gjv« I THE PRICE ings intelligent, productive portion The Report of ih« Committee ___ cheers. The streets were decorated the sentiments of hearts an Congressional Bar. Mr. of Uoatoa on Wedaea. hearty labor, and rote to allow oattle to run at on mo- by the Algtr, President sleet to with All the hotels, but the New your large, upon the tbett of the Indian llooili from tbe In- The journey of th« flag*. wortlij of the ancient fame or the Old Bat Evening befora tba Dulti Lodga of H%- the offices Mil. GUTHRIE'S PLAN. tion of Mr. of Biddeford, wu re- terior muet atrociou* day be one of continuous York Hotel, ami all newspaper State. I know an sometimes Hamilton, Department *h«w*.»b* Tba lectara waa % Washington mmdi to you charged •una aixl (hair frWnda. pr*- but that ot the Hook, the A* com- and •j item of vllllany practiced thecbeif officer* station where he stops /Jay displayed with being too fanatie, and I fear considered, indefinitely postponed. by that maaoaary baaea <%$nion£$mtrnaI. ovation. At rterj in the harbur of thia con- your eentationofthaclaima merican The Our confidence in tbo ability is chronic. and waa of the administration, Ii la very enthusiasm, dag. shipping (Cheers laughter.) TheCommitteo on Education ordered volumlnoua, awl u of aorna Mo., Fobruary 22,1801. i* with unbounded their the tbe public regard, eiplaaatioa Biddefbrd, he received also hoisted bunting during day vocation of men at Washington, never very t camo from old and 1 have no and espoeea the moet grnaa and glaring fraud* of Our flaint '76, apology to into the of authorising of ila clothed la tha Mat elegant nxl demonstrations respect. and the a we I inquire expediency ion aymbola, and with city generally displayed holiday waa not much increaaed when to offer for you. (Good.) and corrupt acbemesofpeculat ever practiced great, very sympathise to an agent or coniinia- attractive and deliimil ia toaaa af Advertisers are particularly nquMt- week contaiued accounts of hie appearance. with it too the Governor appoint It involved ltii(iu|t, ry ma li lit* Lvt to deeply. (Enthusiastic ciieers.) under any Government. Meeeer*. kta4 la UMtr kltirUoiNiiU sarly |Ki|*r hoard that it had elected Capt. Tyler pro- We bar* not Ax a loag •U u> a dined in and received maintain like men, the ■ioner to into the number of doaf, touching eloquence. la orUsr U mvi OmIf Inaar- to Columbus, Ohio. We giro Mr. Lincoln private Frienda, principlee inquire Floy J, tbe late Secretary of War : Drinkard, wNkw|w«iU*' It haa boon fit- tlma a lecture from BUI bs r»o»l*«l br Wwtassdavauna. journey no calls until tide over its deliberationa. of the Old Statu and all will be well.— and what beard performance which, Un Uiair of hit movement* below— evening. Ilay dumb and blind in tho State, may the cblef clerk of tbe War Mmr* what Department; a ad iU syno|«is Kiiue in aecret conclave, and was rocked in the cradle in Maim- ita chute, acboUrly like pbraaeoiogy, Thu clubs of this city waited ting daja Liberty be dooe for the amelioration of their oondi* Unwell and Mr. of Sutter, Lea It On hi* on from Colum- Republican my stand Bailey, Leo, ao iaUneUd ua. Tha journey Thursday, Mr. Lincoln this in the Imll out ia not clour. A chuaetta; (cheera) and, frienda, by eloquent delivery, PBBKUARY 224, 1801. ujion evening, it haa hatched rery plan to the next Co's of Philadelphia, bus to Mr. Lincoln as fol- it in ita old and aeo that it receiyoa no tion, and report legislature. banking-house ; B'arly number ia attandaaca vaa about hundred Pittsburg, replied of the Astor House. Dcalfield Smith, Ken. Guthrie, of for the ago t*jr by Mr. Ky., and will—" that on thia and meralother*. It *eems evident that over that in a of wel- presented blow, you The announced day not Dear aa many aa a lecture from auch Thif ia the anniversary of auspieioo* lows to a speech by Judge addressed Mr Lincoln spcech in soine tpcaker agift- complimentary of tho difficulties, partic- are cut off three million* of dollar* of acceptance* aud come, in which ho alluded to the fact that adjuatroent The a waa to a cloeo the all for Floyd'* •I aourte ahould have attracted. which to the world the gr*1** at Steubenville. lie Mid : baa pooch brought by potitions private legislation day gave Floyd, oc- the are million* been is- our the hall had b<>cn on three ular* liko Crittenden Compromise, of the amidat enthuaiaatio to the next outstanding—four having At thia time, when ouly occupied starting train, under the rule and thus go legis- I# Tha Delfatt Journal aayi: good Washington. *•1 fear the confidence placed on my casions for the of men— liock to tho whole by sued afterSeuator Benjamin had professionally for which great reception public been Congre« lature. "The fineat e®>rt in tha at tlita and that L'ni«n is unfounded. Indeod, 1 am sure it for and once reported cheering. 8herman k that Legislator* beloved country, once for Webster, once Clay, committee. The ia aa ao changed by the demonstra- the vales of right? writing. thought, Mr. Hamlin with cuatomary Slave States and the American Union." terms and look* to their apeedy punish- the beat cauae. If tha aalariea of tha While the fields of Trenton, not. He reiterated that the that it was the course for shall be under Territorial Government; pointed Jadgea suredly majori- cidcratiou, proper ritory tions of " rests the Re- commenU of Germanton ho a nor the Territorial respect. A heavy responsibility upon ment as criminal*. The Committee, are not in created it will be on lag, ia good part, wine, and the fields should rule. If wrung me to and neither Congress in about the rear are Brandy ty adopted pursue. (Applause.) to or The crowd closed car, ; and the eyesofall Europe to condemn would shall have hinder publican party on letter to Congreaeon thediacov. to tha well-meant bat unwiaa effort* of tow of will be memorials of the opportunity have not silent from wan- Government power and checred for tho Vice ng Floyd'a •hall endure, they living { {iolicy I kept any party said of loudly President, on them. The recent Presidential election may : occur in four time. Then I can be tho to territory per- of the theft of the Indian Bonds, aaya frienda of tba tneaaare. years' tonness or indifleivnco to the anx- taking somo moments' made his a in the ery tbe and skill.— from any prevent or sarvico who, after delay, we may well hone, be turning-point his undaunted courage military out and a better man with better Kins held to labor involuntary •• be made of the com- turned which tbo mind of men with the and was history of the Union, if that party are courage Some mention should still exists to attest the iety pervades of the Cnited States, ac- appearance upon platform, late of tbe Rev, Mr. 8wao'a Society, Ken&ehwnk(Unlta' llall views in my place." of the within the limits nine eons and Arm in the of their munication of the Secretary War, Independence put regard to the threatening aspect po- State greeted with enthusisatic cheers. discharge political uf to tho laws or «ag« of any duty. For the first time since the disiwlution lion- J. B. Floyd, addressed to the House, and on Suaday laat f 110.00 for wisdom of his counsels, and the archives an im- affair* of the I have cording Mr. Conductor Towle then announced that rian)cootributed On Mr. Lincoln addreacd litical country. kept be taken, nor of Gen. Hamilton has bf the House referred to your Committee. In Friday was from which such may of tue old federalist party tbe benefit of tha Kaaaaa lafferera. with the voice of silence for the reason that 1 it persons ho had tho of the Vice : 'Within the the nation corroborating meusc at Penu. We quote- supposed out of raid rela- introducing In the United Statee his letter occur* tin* itaasage throng Pittsburg, do so until to the righta arising pleasure apolitical organisation that 1 should im|«ir President cloct. a and four I have over this depart- are full of testimonials to that lofty abstract which peculiarly proper shall lie subject to judicial cog- been based upon great political years presided DirniEiu."lUKl Rtf. B. HID • history that of the telegraphic the timo arrived when, to thocus- tions, which Mr. Hamlin that this explicitlyFor the first time since the declar- ment, not a dollar, I believe baa been lost toths part according Courts to responded by saying principle. Throat" is thi® that and af- nizance in the Federal according on one embeitelement or and ment beaded" Cur* fur Son integrity, all-pervading patriotism relates to the disturbed state of public j tutu of thi« country, I should s|ieak officially. greeting assured him that them were Massa* ation of inde|>endence baa it been baaed government by theft, law ; and when territory, of within that time 8 have been dis- bsaid I© work wonders. wisdom which made him, in the 1 allude to the Custom of the President elect, tho common any chusetts hearta, ever true and to liber- that is not only weighty, but noble, capable 00,000,000 paper. Th* »edi*in* abounding fain: of said line, within such loyal enthusiasm in the bursed. No system of administration, no line in at the time of his office to sub- north or south Here freedom was rockod in its infancy, arousing the deepest publio Ohio haa to of the Lee, "First entering upon shall ty. that of I reach better reaulta. fy The legislature of pa**ed language aloquent ••The condition of the »• extraor- as Congress may proscribe, mind. Let the Republicans remember policy coulJ, think, country mit his views attain to Con- lioundury and Massachusetts will it in its full more Federal dot- »*r> nasT n thk Hrarts u|>on political for member of protect are the servants ot that not its No system of accountability could be per- act tba bond* of the War, first in Ihura, and fill< the uiind of every pntriot •• a they principle, guaranteeing dinary, gress. ( Cries, 'Unit's I did not contain stature. He of the structure nor to fect.' If the best' results are understood intention to right.**) populationto required the then Federal ratio grown spoko patrons, and have neither powrr right by ernment to th* amount of i'i.TOO.OOO his Fklu>w-oih\trt*k>." with It is my give now l>e- uccording wo were the and or anxiety. suppose while the drama, Congress, which our fathers raised and which it aa they please. If wish to to be the depletion of public treasury all the consideration bis politi^il it if its form of gov- compromise they Journal : as we arw the events which this possible enacted in this is shift- of shall, as founded in a fraternal out the itains which the ad- the debasement of public virtue, the approval f7" Tlie Albany Evening mys Saddened hy subject ing country, rapidly representation, the to maintain being wipe disgraceful fort* in re* be be admitted into of Fierce of the vicious and the of the p**l; • the wisdom and around, and which the »|M hen bidding anticipation service dence, emergencies wish to redeem their count- is meant a method of transacting business that exigence re-perused I tie us see with or without involuntary the Union ; it they way nearly right possible. to-day of what we shall to-mor- States, thom met them in 1776. In fulfilling all of rewards to and affords •ured. We are, in what he ha* said, the work, to the he loved t«» in certainty of such now from the discredit which the annexation promises negligence, his last people I do 1 My nothing opposi- was 1 should or as tho constitution he lot gnat Legncy »|Kitk, hope row. tlmt it peculiarly fitting labor, our constitutional obligations, said, the Mexican thecivll war in Kan- the most valuable facilities and incentive* to of hU mind—tb* of hi* heart. to of the constitution or con- Sirexas, War, ings pulsations atill wonder at tion the tee to tho last I should State us true to tho fundamental ol the late have •o well, with increasing spirit all, up minute,before may provide. be principles sas, the attempts on Cuba, Mexico and Nicara- fraud, then,indeed, may Secretary Both are lound. Whtn In re ache* Wsshing- to the of the Union, orwhich shall not bo to to with confident of a Our trary integrity take a which 1 souio Article 'J. Territory acquired the official blindness of the executive reason *|*ak utteranc and might, through constitutional liberty. gua, ; sell-Uralses on and his warnings. to the liberties of the (tosition States unless nor, Mem of administration' and line of ton, goe* board the ahip Constitution, prophetic will prove inimical ul scene, bo to abandon. the United by treaty, Tho a>x)ve is the sutatanco of what Mr. the slave trade, the conspiracy to legalise star, hi* ay pol- our the of chang" compelled by restored. Her devotiun to country and principles or the of the whole naval and commercial stations and ami the or not his assertion that there hai take* the helm confidence will be people peace country.— 1 repeat what I have before stated, that when except for Hamlin said. Ho looked in fine health and ery in the territories, gross corruption cy.—Whether as we shall bo ratified recent have attached to the been no embezzlement' or theft' in his de- ana* with our is gath- coine mc to net I shall take unless such treaty by were of government, officer* awl ram, now with fckled, government, strengthened (Ureal cheering.) the time does for depots, and his brief remarks uttered a soon Sen- spirits, United States—lrt thein re- is true, is question that will * And, furthermore, when the time comes is four-fifths of all tho members of tho government of the partment will to work with a will.* er the 1* of that the course that I think ; with distinctness. As tho train moved su toss in the courts. Tbe recklessness of hearty cheer* go up jew< priceless Legacy, I right (applause,) great member that succrsv, least of all speedy be deoided for uie to upon this great subject, to be for tho the I ate. and and hi* from the I'resw "Farewell address." Our attachment to s|>eak that I believe right North, on, tho multitude renewed their cheers, is not the touchstone of true service: that they his.official conduct, his inattention, Let the following intimation his to sav to the tlio communion nor nothing disappoint poo- the and tho and for tho Article 3. Neither one tho that tho more themselves ignorance of the detail* of his affairs, have been week* we hope Snith, East, West, to every expressed opinion will have done far by keeping dent elect be acted in *iz the is increased as we recall these the • •linll Iw construed out in still upon,and Constitution throughout country, espec- of und cheers any amendment thereof elect was a fine free to use all constitutional shown, ar.d will stand great- pl» generally whole country, [cries Good,' Vie** President looking mam, perfectly power already ■hall hare a and an administration and our abhorrence of the as are liased to abolish or control " for the insulation er distinctness on examination of the contradic- country ially their u|*»n and and in so I to feel give Congrww power made an excellent little ecch which the union precious bequests, expectations applause,] doing hope es- and sj possr«ses the and beat of the which t huvo heretofore said. within State or Territory tho relation of even though years shall elapse be> tions and obscurities of his testimony." worthy of highest hope* deeds of the bold bad men who are seeking anything may no upon me to any and hia arrived slavery, the trouble necessity preying say any- tho laws thereof, Tho Vice President party fore they can take a single effeitive a>p for After the of Senator Benja- and atattamen who krtue-1 (Applause.) Notwithstanding in contl ct with the Constitution, in tablished or recognized by stating testimony deputed patriot* to down the edifice which his hands thing on and the attainment of that end—than if,by 4 pull nenxw the river south ward to the bound to labor or involun- at Now York Tuesday night, proba- patch- who fays that a year ago he told Floyd the more perfect union.' (minting conflict with tho union of these States, in touching perrons a shameful reconciliation with the min, as we read hi* or to interfere with or ing up •• sate thl* olJ raised, is incroued priceless river and smiling) there really with tho of the liberties servitude therein, President Lincoln and his win for Mr. Liucoln of the danger and wrong of his conduct in ac- If all dont join bow to goal Mononguhtla conflict |>cr|ictuation tary of bly joinod ]t to) ag*. wmcn c.>n«u- applause.) tinction with 1 given ed and that Floyd promiied not to do again, "The or gomniiMiit, of affairs anything tho owners, or for the unity warrant th* condition ine. Now and without tho consent of tionable shame of having sacrificed, «** the fcllow. presented by reason to from (Cheers.) the Committee aays : I3T A Corre*pot*lent *«*!» tul'ii V"U one is also dour to It over expect who do not consent Nummnry. sake of an unreal armistice, the only condi- you. our friends the river? my have I said ? f Cries of tho owneni just legislative which b« js-ople, friends, enough making secure a Union 11 niM own nwiiru mm, iu uic »*- statement, lor the accuracy of it for it w a main in the edi- view* the to interfere tion which will ever genuine cuuinrj Ing justly «>. pillar Take even their own of ques- There to be a difference ; nor tho power 'So, no.') up|>cani com|«usation On 12th in tlio a resolve —which can ever cause the States of Ameri- Mrtion of Got. Floyd, no practice of biuing Touche*: fice of real ; tho support there is to the or and other? Tuesday Senate, your independence tion* involved, nothing and me. and I shall with as iu name— in the War De- •• justify of opinion between you prohibit representatives ca to be uuited at heart aa well acceptances bad ever prevailed haa reached me from wrorre* of your nt homo ; ourse are "That's them to tho of to bo under Information tranquility jour |muv c they pursuing. (Voice, insist on the for from bringing witli City appropriating $10,000 ex|>endcd which can ever ceincnt them by any deeper previous to its introduction by him- authoritie* of of deciding question myself." partment which are authentic, that the abroad; of your safety ; jour I there is no crisis followed this and taking away, tlio direction of the Trustees of tho Insane than the coarse of external he issued these indiscriminate- pn«peritv: so.) n-pcat excepting Loud applause and laughter Washington, retaining tio compromise poll; acceptances South Carolina are impressing sohlier* la all of that vorv which «o at time tur- nor tho to no reference to instalment* or the liberty you uiglily such n* may ho gotten up uny which Lincoln loft tho so IniuihI to lulur ; power interest* and common fears. ly, and with no clas* or nrofcesioa. A- • • • • by Mr. for an and direction*, sparing sally during plat- js-rsons service Hospital, improved ventilating arrival or of and with bulent men, aided dssigning to tho end of the interfere with or abolish involuntury departure train*, the latest recruit* thu* fi*d»dy enlisted prii«. by |»*litieians. form and upper or niong is moment that v>»u •lioul*l If proceeded of for tlmt institution, won out to money which wan due which ft»r It of infinite adv ice to theni is to coot. the where he shook bunds with a num- in under tho cxclusivo jurisdiction warming apparatus regard i* a who ha* been many year* My keep hall largo places Stnto Convonllon. was to come due. One would nat- (Hergyman of tour their States and an expected over a in but who has estimate the immense value American will -tit then the United States within tho»o to be Thia is nettled parish Ueeukrt, property great people only keep ber of those pre and retired. pawd engrossed. iinprov- to And that Gov. Floyd, having milU to collective and Indi- the trouble same or urally expect been notified that he mu»t perfcirm National Union your on both side* of the line, around ho- Territories where tho is established on tho score both one and ju*t temper Crowds danced attendence tho ment needed the been admonished by whose position a of on* hun- a greatly The Arp has the following under under i»?nally of fine vidual ; that you should cherish will come to an and the be nor tho to the Augusta to his advice— tary duty, happiness end, question tel until a late hour cheering and endeavor- recognized ; power prohibit of comfort and legal learning gave authority dred dollar* I"—.S*. V. Kren. 1'oH. and immoveable attach- as all other difficulties sea or ri- economy. head of" State Convention." of his oonliai, habitual, set tied us surely to a of tho next President. removal or by land, having confessed the illegality proceed- just get sight transportation on •' ment to to think have ing or Mr. Warren from tho Committee Ag- We learn that it is in contemplation to and a determination to make Oss IIbave Woan.—John A. I)ii, of New it, accustoming ymirselves of a like character which originated ver, of held to labor involuntary ings, expressed persons a State Convention of the |>eople no would huve and of it an the of Tour po- hare been in or of tho Uni- a hill to 1 sec. 4, hold, shortly, further proceed- now of the Tre**ury, haa palladium in this government adjusted. service any Stato Territory riculture, reported repe to con. accoptancea— York, Secretary speuk for their ftpcrch from .Mr. Somes. of Maine, without distinction of party, ed thereafter with great caution and circum- litical safety and watching Let the on both sides keep ted States to other State or Territory which authorizes one word in tl»* defrnc* of hi* country, prosperity; people uny chap. 23 Rovltjd Statutes, aider the pcrillous condition of the country, even if he did not entirely discon- ■poken its with discoun- «.«ion, and as other clouds have it is established or spection, on th* menu* preservation jealous anxiety, selt.pom* just thereof wheni rocognizcd and seo what action towarears, how- —lie aaid, referring to piracy sus- towns ut their annual to voto to previous policy. whatever even a a in due tiiue so will this We from the N. Y. Tribune of Monday tho trans- meeting tenancing may suggest charvd way, great copy luw or right during to the Contederacy ahould be takeu by ever, that the note to Mr. Uenjamin **If one to haul down by usage,und out at c|uii ly supposing cutter Case, any attempt* that it can, iu any event he abandon- us heretofore." the of a delivered by ut und cattlo to go large. before referred to have been written a year picion nation prosper following report speech of touching shores, ports permit Maine. to, Americau (hoot him on the and tho tint |K>rtation issued Gov. the dag, *p»t." ed, frowning upon the in from tbia Dis- and of in cuso of distress, An hill was introduced Mr. Thin ia a on a larger scale ago, there have been by Floyd, indignantly Mr. Lincoln arrived on afternoon Representative Congrew landings, landing important hy dodge attempted of to alienate ap- Saturday have aince that time acccptancca to the amount of A woman recently tu the Ducb- dawning every attempt at the session of the House on the shall exist; nor shall Congress power the waa here in the last 3f applied a trict evening Vinton of Cuiulierland, than attempted municipal : in of our Aon tho rest, or to at buffalo, where ho was met rate of Tuxes on contemplating 82,I03;000. vii in April 840,000; May, lor a divorce country by deputa- was to authorize (Mr- to secure c** County (New York)oourU, portion 10th inst. The subject under consideration nny higher abolition of tho State land the ces- election. The entire object is to try 8V70.000; June 8370,000; July, 894,000; An- enfeeble the Mend ties'which now link ti>- Milliard Fillmore. on land. Office, on that be hab> tion of citizens, headed son* bound to labor thun a from her husband, the ground • • • by the by the committee of of the broken democracy by gust, 8'ZW.OOO;September. 8127,000; Octolwr, its various proposition reported third of tho sec- sion of all lands not owned tho Stato to the aacendency gether jarts. between them.— Article 4. Tho paragraph hy '• *270,000. amount must be added |tlie chewed tobacco. A hearty greeting pawed It will be perceived that Mr. to deceive. The present perilloua Tojthe Itually To the efficacy and permanency of your thirty-three. ond soot ion of tho fourth urticlo of tho Con- the several counties in which aro locat- clap-trap acceptances, of which In to the he said among all they is to b7MN,000,ofunconditional St. Louis, Feb. 10.—Th* unlonltt* hat* car- union, a Government for the whole is iudia- reply congratulations Somes is outs|>okcn amidst compromise. shall not bo construed to condition of the country" entirely owing there ia no registry and the grand total is as stitution prevent o-l, and tho stuto from any fur- overwhtlm- No alliance*, however strict, be- other Mr. 80M» (llep.. Me.) aaid: The dlStttU exempting the unwillingness of the defeated Democracy to above stated! Having bad bis error and it* ried every county In the State by pensable. things: any of tho States, by appropriate legislation, or an substi- ties that threaten the ami of the ther for roads or out, ten secessionists hat* beeu tween the ciin bo nm on occasion that I |>eaoe stability of their and expenditure bridges, submit to the will of the and the Con- oonse<|iieucc* distinctly pointed ing mpontic*. Not part*, adequate "I unwilling any and through tho action judicial people, probable to in the uatiou are the results of an attempt to override said fivaing expressed bis intention refrain tute; most, tie so ot as to have from tho deliv- for the of schools in counties. one will be attended electrd to the Convsntlou. Thl* County gat* they inevitably, experience should un-anly thought on ministerial officers, enforcing support vention, if ia held, only by future froin the commission of similiar acts, alli- civilization by lorcing Slavery enlightened infraction* and which all for a moment th«w demonstrations from to tho to In the Low of moved whose ac- 4000 Union interruptions communities. The advocates ofslavery are tr>- of fugitives Jultor person House, Mr. llodgdon men who either wish to resist that will,or he still |>eraisis in his former course, and majority. times have Sensi- supposs! ery ance in all experienced. are meant for me are ten- to harmonixe an intensified with whom such service or labor is duo. South* issued un for 8177,000 at a personally. They ing despotism to reconsider tho voto appropriating $50,- sympathies are with the traitors iu the tually acceptance I3T It i» »tat*I ■' WaihlBgtoo that th* ble of this momentous truth, you hare im- dered to the to tfie institutions of free schools ami Christianity; they insult the Tho slave trade, and the date ao late as 13th ofDeccmber, 1800, Whetli- country; Article 5. foreign to ruih a fleet of arme stated that th* culated than your former, lor an intimate stitutions were made and created. Your limits thereof, are forever Mr. of from tho but if is called, by private attacked. It Kentacky unite two re|*Uaut bo-lies, and, because they present proliihib-d. ltam»dell, Atkinson, spe- 'and faithfulness to publio trust, Is fur the House union, and for the efficacious management of has fit to tho Tho first, second, third and fifth with treason ami rebellion, but let the an 1 Virginia Commissioners have railed ou Mr. worthy Mayor thought express will not (Vise, they threaten to brsak the cruci- Article t), cial committee on that «f tho Gov* pathisers to determine. It is the opinion of your com- common concerns. lur its au- man tho urticlo of portion a as follows : of th* your Kc*|»xt I relieve tho country ble any |»olilical chemist could have foretold Articles with this Uiese assemble under such call mittee that cannot," Buchanan, and urged the withdrawal hope uiig'tc together crnor's to tho resources of people they with its laws, I should suy, the threatcmsi dif- the result. The framers of the Constitution the third of the messago relating " of the State thority, compliance acquies- present, or, amendments, and piragraph The loyal and patriotic freemen This great villainy, the moat astounding evrr garr.son irom Fort Sumpter, cence in its measure*, am duties 1 am sure I a heart true to while as a necessity there, jet first of the Con- tho made an able enjoined by ficulties. firing Slavery second section of tho Article Piscataquis county, report Maine who are to secession and eiv- moat planting means for of op|K>sed committed and involving the prominent Senator Missouri, in hlsspeeeh the fundamental maxims of true work. For in the Constitution carry- ot the sec- y flreen.of liberty.— tho (Tremendous applause.) provided stitution and tho third |>unigraph a bill to tho no with treason in out the of rights, namely:— accompanicd by incorporate il war, and have sympathy members of the Democratic party, haa elicited on Tues let the cat out of the lie bo- Tho basis of our systems is the right the to rlorin it I must trust in that ing theory equal tho fourth Article thereof, lay, bog political ability p> a feared not ond section of a Free s|>eech und Iree prees. They and Kailroad and believe that legal majority not a or and Ten- of the to make and alter their consti- who has never forsaken this or without the Bangor Piscataquis Company. any shape, wop! of denunciation disapproval moantd the reoent action of Virginia IVopl« error so as truth was free to combat it.— shall not be amended aboUthid Supreme being long was tho be and and tutions of Government; but, tho constitu- the An order adopted directing Com- should always respected obeyed, from Demooratic Convention, assembled M ee, and *aid if and th* other border favored land, through instrumentality Our Southern trlends understand the power of content of all the Statet. any they time exists, till are in favor of the Union, the Constitution, »•- tion whhhatany chang^l of this intelligent Without truth as well iis Na|H>leuu the First did, and fear Article 7. shall by Inw mittee on Federal Relations to report upon to consider the affiirs of the party, and in 8U!e* hwl gone with (he gultStatM loth* > great, people. Congrvw provido an authentic act of th« who I fail. With it it more. The Second is wiser than to the own- and a wise ami enforcement of the by explicit—an that umistatiee I shall surely Napoleou that the United States shall pay tho of tho of judicious spite of it, the followers and supporters of such cession movement, they could *11 hav* got is all. The his uncle or the for even he is sub. expediency obtaining opinion aocmily obligatory upon 1 cannot fail. When we of threaten- slaveholder, er the fu 1 value of his from lalxtr in laws are to meet, ke." and People, *|*s»k the for the iron rule which he fugitivu tho Court the constitutional- requested men are boldly asking the public to restore ■uch terms from the Northern DoughCscee idea of the and the of the it is naturul stituting golden or Supreme upon very power right ed difficulties to the country, all cases where tho murshul other officer, What does the Age ray to a call couched in to lie relaxes by uufettering the press. The Slave Law. them to its confidence and allow them to ad- Commissioner* a» they cbooee dictate, to establish Government, should he should was to arrest such of tho Personal Liberty IV>pie presupposes that it something l'ower might learn wisdom, even whose it fugitive, ity such terms as t hese. A call of this kind would wa* a es- expected political by duty minister the still admitted that secession the of individual to too to so violence or The tho statute in to government longer. subsequently duty every obey be said with the but chooacs the Outf- was from bill a • • • by myself regard particular crossing Atlantic, prevented doing by repeuling regard have some power in together re?|st- scheme to th* free Government. com- fu- getting mere frighten tablished on aMires. its present game of forcing the North into intimidation, or when, after arrest, such was en- political •ittlo running ut large passed to be able m-n. are to slaveholder* All olistructions to tho execution of the murw mamrr i\ uw»iuii| .v., is one of conventions owner gathering. a com- States into submission the pro- I jw»n promise bra:;; cheap, gitive was rescued by force, und the Suir Auor!—Oapt. Williams had combinations and associations, un- and resolution* We have had numer- Called in any other way it would be nothing was laws, all ard ottiem w ill »fn» with ae, that when it ehea|>er. thcreliy and ol»tructed in the pur- grossed. afternoon and gramme. But he feared th* plait frustrat- ous Southern Conventions and resolutions for prevented plete ovation, Wednesday der whatever character, with the ooii'i'l t>"r modification of the constitution- WInn I shall I wo well advise our readers, that if He called tlse ol »|»ak authoritatively, a lotik their in the f*co until and may they hi* passenger*. proprietor '»»in articular let it Iw muscle, op|K>neiit tain clauses. There does not socm In tho house, an order was the Slave Confederacy U growing warlike a) power* any | wmnu, to kit inconsistent with the and down his hand. suspicious reported hy would have scats must and incut of hie hop-) nothing he quails, la>s They play ua smell good tlwy go early. th* bonne aside, requested pay an amendment, in the way which the of all tho that will bo Coiuinitteo on Federal Relations, threatens to make all who opposo corrected hy Constitution, the I'uion, the game more than first iu- to be much submitting •* as right* desperately they probability they Did ever see the like in old wage*, therefor, a very good reaaoa, the Constitution But let there section of the for did not tiriuncM in the Southern and feel Southern steel." On you sleepy giving designates. States, ot each St.tte, and each tended, ex|>ect even in but should the of tho of the powder ** they agreed to tho Congron, question constitutionality Portsmouth ?" mid who couldn't follows : It's tin* lor di* fcfler to be >onsible. If the After a discussion tho order was it ia the customary vote*. little that tho Congros spirited as good, weapon hy to me their true men stand in Se- probability genuinq reports him raying: of Williams and his as an artlels of coramerre are The Union aloof, ninety days Telegraph Capt. exhibition.—Why r7T Peppermint, free governments destroyed. prwi>. In this connection allow ine to that them. " say cessionists will cry lor quarter, not concession. would adopt pissed. Mr. Davis returned thanks for his recep- to him U as as to mako a In Lak* This a I warn, in visit good three is lsrgely grown County, Ohio, dent must, grentlv overhaUiio*. a* a of the American are cone. Will in toe hid now great peo- The acceded State* aay they any un 14111 opmio, an He said he felt to or transient you, portion imuflfiAj tion in address. a over haa been to the evil, any ben- to maintain sate the bonier Slates ? proud fact deal year 84000 paid produc- permanent parti.il ii"ed mily your composure, pmpty compromises HAMLIN. carao the and of years' whaling voyage—in good at ple. VICE-PRESIDENT Militia bill up for consideration. It receive congratulations hospitality I'alnesville. The oil is werth efit which the uaecan, any time, con*ictions of No ! All auch scheme* deiuoraliio and soe ers of this plant, in yield. stand up to your sober right,! merely the people of Alabama. He briefly reviewed better, we think. Don't fail to go and Of all the and habits which Jisorganiie the Republican party, which alone to fonn a of 1500 volunteers and said the time for 30 a dispositions to your obligations to the Constitution, and Our fellow-citizen, Hon. proposes body the position of the Mouth, sond all the and too. 913 gallon. to and mor» now h is |Miwer to pie.*erve the country. Com- distinguished We were now deter- him,—and boys girls lead religion act in accordance with those sober convic- lit tlio of the State, a* in- compromise had |MMsed. the total rout of the —ce—ionl«ta political prosperity, now breed new and Vice-President ac- equipped expense In view of af« In vain promises only tliflieultiee, Hannibal llamlin, elect, mined to maintain our |>osition, and make all tho I'orttmouth Chronicle. ality indispensable supports. tion*. and the cloud* which now arise in the resisted. of all for an- [From and ihould be sternly fantry, artillery, oavalrj, providing who us smell Southern and in Tennessee, Messrs, Gilmer, Ktheridg*, wo 'id that man claim tbe tribute of be und we shall have Compromises Mrs. Hamlin, left bis home in oppose jtowder, This exhibition patri- tioriioii will mrts, the worshi|*rs of money, the timid, neg- companied by was great opens Thursday th* North will Bow do who ahould lahor to subvert these dispelled, nual and camp duty at a compensa- feel Southern steel. If coercion persisted Nelson say that if any- otism, wisdom of his und of ative men, the and thechronic fo- on en route for Wash- parados We will at the New Ilall and remains bequests, inspiration place-seekers Hampden Monday, in, he had no doubt of the result. evening City to them a basis on which to stand at of human these firm- and when this are all to be met and withsUMtd by the tion to and field officers >f $3 at all thing giv* great pillars happiness, a bright, glorious future, lic*. A number of hi* fellow-citi- general p«r day maintain our right of self-government one week 7 men and citiaens. tnaii motive is hu- ington. Inrg open every sveningat l-2o'clock, home, th* Border Statea casTt be J out est props of tbe duties 0/ hut turned tens of thoua-> whose highest controlling and all other officers and hanrds We ask nothing and want nothing. ragged generation away, race. are strata wns privates $1.50 per on and after- manity in elevating the There tens cscorted him to where ho We will have no If other State* Also Wednesday Saturday of the Union, and will undertake themselves to Comment on these words of instructive anJs will inhabit this country where I!«ngor, and complication. only n a* in geology—historically there meetings for drill camp can come in it now." politics recoivcd an immenw of citi- day. Spccial join our confederation they freely noons at 3 o'clock. Single tickets, 15 cents. srush out secession and rebellion all over th* w'sdom would their force.— thousands inhabit have lieen three, war, money, and hutnanity; by proccssion from the old only impair to be ordered on emergency by the gov- on our terms Our separation he two first are about to to the and zen* in doublo The re- duty no recon- of 4 tickets, 50. Children 10 cents. South. an utterances of On Mr. Lincoln attended church yield laat, single and sleigh*. Union is complete, No compromise, Package They departi-d patriotiam Sunday, be in its ernor. The bill after debate was recommit- leaceforth only auxiliary develop- struction, can now be entertained. Ticketa for sale at the bookstores of Messrs. Abkaxsas.—This State has gone for the Co- deeds of the men who with Kx-President Fillmore, and dined with was very enthusiastic and the greet- against the traitorous ment. It now controls the North, and produce* ception amendment. Mr. Davis sgaln in res- ed for Subsequently spoke Ktnmons and and Geo. lon a at the recent sleetion. the of to expau- warm. The was escorted to the calls. He said Incase of Piper, C. by Urge majority are engaged in unholy work disscver- him. incompromising hostility Slavery ing party a ponse totnthuiiastio Boyden. ■ion. >Vhat, then, is the intereat of the Slave Mr. Granger, of Washington reported he would enter the ranks aa a and Lewis Saoo. rbe vote agiinst holding a Conveotioa ia caiae from one whose Ou Feb. Mr. Lincoln and, railroad and in an affection- necessity again Diddcford, Uodsdon, ing the Union. They Mmday. 18, Mates? Statea will ex- station, taking The Cotton inevitably bill to repeal the Personal Liberty Law, soldier. large. was whose Suite left at 5 3-4 o'clock lor where the Slave-breeding territory, and thua ate farewell, Mr. Hamlin, in to a integrity uncorruptable, patriot* AlWiny, pand replying after some discussion in to iU It would not be very strange should Mr. Da- the bonier Statea. Their true which regard A Baltimore Jrtler states that Mr. Jo* Oar Hon. Lot M. ism was whose clear and ho was to he received (Jot. of lamage only brief address C. S. said : 17* fy dletinguiahed Senator, unvarying, |egi»Uture. At I he Oulf State* sustain their own burdens;they ••I go to the discharge of tho official duties trating Vinton a resolve our U. 8. the one from Co •hould do it as the only means of which have been conferred me a Mr. reported asking Supreme Court, Georgia, :ru*hing reply Cum. Stockton, who advoc*» entitled hiui to speak advisedly, Rochotcr, Syracuse, and I'tica, the people protecting upon by There are signs of returning reason in judgment themselves trora insurrection or attack; of pre- Divine in to favor QT and the other from Alabama will not resign *1 the eitremiat form* of in the tenonitis people, and, relying upon Comminioners Washington any States. Marvin of compromise and whose ssrvices, in the field and turned out thousands to testify their re- serving what now have and securing fu- some of the seceded Judge public by they Providence, I trust that confident shall nev- for the of slaves from their offices notwithstanding the secession of We Cungreae the other day. Aa lb* aittiaga won ture lie warned of the fiate of those proposition purchaso West writes thus in the Tallahassee FlorU in ths cabinet, had for him the love of spect. The train arrived ut 2 1-2 o'clock, prosperity, er be I know full well that dark Key their States. who have compromised with wrong. The fugi- Border States with a viow to the aboli- respective >f the Convention an not open to the publio betrayed.are around the dan : Mid th» admiration of the where a most awaited was to clouds lowering the hor- peoplo imposing reception tive Slave law framed satisfy the slave political >rtaa, the apeechea cannot be published. It (• loyal was so that madness rules the tion of in those States. "But what'should be the course of the South bo t > the Giver of all G h*1 elect, was conducted to and made heavy that it crushed izon, and hour; but slavery The Charleston of n- world. Thanks the President lie power, f I do not know. nr Mercury Friday *id that 11r. Morrill defended the Xe» its Northern champion—the greatest man of I am (till that our are not house tho bill the Gov- in the present state of things England hopeful people In tho authorising to the of Mr. Lincoln*! of The influence the whero from its Got. Mor- the and carried down a and the mind is clear as to what it ought not do. preeeee following opinion Uatea who ba his welcoming speech, briefly re-, crop of great men, successful party, practice tection ot better one—one, too, the view* and ot ST" Iter. Phlneae 8tove, Button, emulating patriotism, constitutional of all After a debate the bill was stand policy Mr. Linooln to Mr. was afterward whose neeks you wish to place under their mod- right* the Statra will be called up. long bind the North aa thoroticl) to keep the peace and the Constitution, the propls will |4ied by Lincoln. He as regards the Confvlsrats Statee, we call at- wived Information of the racort ry of the body Union em guillotine called compromise? Several are rwpected and maintained, the on the for amendment. —and it not to ditnbey the laws. The he introduced to Umi uieuib»r» of the by following laid table ought tention to hia remarks at Indianapolis. In his A hia Mra. aad bar bu»- Inviolate, the Union which Legisla- on their backs already, up at the glist- illumined i* as comfortable a place aa the Are. daughter, Huplea. still preserve. looking path* by Washington, Jeffereon, of the one here- frying>pan opinion the United States those forts and were blade, but are to die alone and A new Militia bill in plac« at.d it be better to endure the evils we holding Mad, Staple*, maeter of the ahip Oolden secure forever the of ture, greetings exchanged. ening they unwilling Maditon, may we not may which have not been taken, and those Capt. and principles us on to share their reasonably hope we retaking lovtd, President elect so they beckon inglorioua and that tofore was Mr. Kaler have,than to fly to others that know not ot 'tar. wracked oa the ooaat of Ireland, basis our Gov- On the left Alba- expect quiet will be iratorod. and reported; presented by which have been capturad by the Confederate recently freedom which forms tbe of Tueaday fiat*. A sham compromise will do the South no Hut can we stay in the union where our rights the whole will atill was read a sec- States, and the collection of dutiee in their har- were found lucked in enob other'a York At station good—tor a real one there is no basia. The bor- advance in a ca- from the military committee dishonor ? South rhey arrua, for New City. every country are denied, without I'erhapa or a ny own reer which will elevate man in a bors, is neither coercion invasion, but jro- in crowds to the der State*, for their safety, must ally them- social, mor- ond time and to be Carol'na cannot, for she threatened to go out md the Capt had in bia band a rope, wbieh bo the out greet al and pawed engrossed. tie esercise of legitimate power towards somany people poured selves with the North. is sure intellectual condition." election of and if she did not 1 tried oat Emancipation im the Lincoln, counties to them to their sen- lad to for their aaftly. To commaaieatioa Ilia at New to come in ean it—better On Feb.16, in the Senate, pass- reliellioas bring a*airo*iMDrr».—8"s rvj furore President. reception time—nothing prevent Saturday, io it her would think themselves dia- a elect, from our people sea. Linroln it a an a'It man, " 1 for it in season. on north- Congressmen State, Mewrs. tool man, lativs to malUra connected with the York Co. We the prepare Aggressions ed to bo a bill to for Nor- Mr*. how do manage to was most enthusiastic. copy engriMod provide honored dttirmintd man, a man not of itordt but of XT Why, B., yoa York ern meu in the Slave States must cease, rebel- Pike, Rice, Walton, Fessendcn and we has tw«a lost or mis- Good- Dut what are our rights? nave agreed be means and means I ia»e such nice bread and biacait T" Af Society aeeidsotally to the at New must be down or the of a con- mal schools. aetion, who says what light in relation reception lion put power win were with Mr. what are 7 One i* to have our following llamlin, and havo ac- upon they negro what ho an eanfsst nun withal, and no " fluid Medal laid. If the aathor will reproduce it, U shall solidated North will sweep away all resistance; tor the in the says ; Becauee I use Uerrick .\lle n'a to In the House, resolves gradnal by act* of Congrew, come to their own York: the South retreats from Its treason him protected Our readers may nae with bs unlets Slav- companied Washington. In property a new demand? How politician. | Wleratua. 1 like it much better to published. parsing the slaves of the non-seced- territories. Is not thi* train reached this on lime. At ia doomed and will go oat in blood. 8ece»- of conclusions." u«a "The ery Portlafld, Boston, emancipation ia it since the South voted that Congress ream than I do aoda. I ehall never city and reconstruction uow through Worcester, and long tartar Wi4u^g vov the President elect and sion, compromise, is for the mms. Cait. »oa—Tbi» the Mat street depot States ; had no to legislate on the aubject ot *lav one Mra. W. ^Wiixiahs* of the od.ls and ends of the Dem- other largo crowds turned out to ing by purchase right S.»uth 1 other. If you will try paper, on train Lincoln and the places greet Out we the is Remcmlter the Sea w»y Panorama now sxhlbhion U ths Hall tr'v left the Mra. platform ment of a tax for 18C1 of 80 were try in the territories T say right gy Whaling cared City I ocratic Seocesi>n to furoe compromise the Vice-President elect. $2C8,610 will the aa«aa. I» haa almoet my both were then dmen in a cloao party; Mr. Hamlin, on jertain under the Constitution, and the North one of tlie most exhi- rou aay abouM k«*w bj all, old aad young children carriage to destroy the Republican party voyage, soul-stirring aad —compromise at read and lenies iL It i* then a demand or 1 V<«l all the grocera keep It, a model to the Astor House. Mr. Lincoln and par- the old on its ru- his arrival Worcester, was assigned. disputed lyapepaia." Ths Usstf. though ofartlstis e*. i and reconstruct Democracy greeted me no bitions of New Hall cren- ptstars then rede to by Mr. Brown of introduced a re- slalm. Now it appears to that there is thaage, Citj every aold wholaaale by moat of the wholtmle not less eleren carnages, ins. Let us meet this courageously—the people some fifteen hundred Hampden, t ia is said bs sag^lsg th»a ty, occupying people, whoao demon- ia it remain in until at 1-2 o'clock. Abo and csUeoos |lo the route the a into a Jishouor letting dispute 7 the Alitor" House. All along sustain brave men, and follow hero solve for the relief of ing Wednesday 1 jrocere la Portland. sxoiting uplaaatioas aad ds strations of tod esteem were so appropriating $20,000 there is some territory opened or acquired ths fbrsibfcand with but the sooner than a coward into camp. Save respect hear- afternoons at three o'clock. Tick* streets were people, ditch the of Kansas. resolve was laid ehich the South so settle with na- Saturday II la raawrad tayi the Bangor Whig, ot Williams. Tbsrs is much packed from humiliation, the Border and continued that be was people The may.wish jy linsatioas Cap1 Presidential had no difieulty in their the Free Statea ty long forced to ets for Sale at the Book Stores of Meow*. Coart.to who* wit. rlurty yon over under the rale. (i I , luU the Joatieaa of tbfhipreaae •f plaasiag Infbnaatioa to bs gaiasd by 'to the excellent ar- Statea from Seceesiou. By compromise make his on the of the progress owing police treason lb* I appearance platform Kmmons and and Geo. C. j !>• referred theqaeatfon, will give Ths first exhibition a encourage and enhance danger. Th# Committee on Piper Boydon, Legialatare asssing this sshibitloa. reng~m«nta. It is estimated that ow it must car and a few words. Be Education reported AcKirowMamKirra.—We are indebted to U. that the Union will be saved, bat speak said: and Saco. Sia- | ; aa their opinion that the Coaalilttttoa rt> For Nrther of * the fu- hope to Biddeford, Lewi* llodadoa, took plass last svsalng. particu- quarw ailli»n witut—sJ not be hand* with wrong. Let as leave withdraw on several for the , Fsssandea and Morrill, aad Con- people by atrikiag ••Men of Massachusetts: Tour generous petitions 1,8enatjr» cents, q ulrea the of UM Stott la kt has aa ture President. There was continuous cheer- we 15. of four, JO appoetioaaMat lars ass ths vuyags which ths Captaia hav* liberty and Union if ean; bat liberty of establishment of a Stale Institution for the and Preach for valua- gle ticket, IVkap tones speak truly fur the heart this ancient , {iissman Parry Foster, 1 kada tkia year. columns ot this ing from the depot to the hotel. without Union rather than Union without lib- Children 10 cents. praanat dsrtaksn in tka advertising Commonwealth. Yon, men, who an blind. >k Publio Document*. At Um Aalor Uocn tW« waa aauaaeoae •rty- gath- I will Cm pi WilliaM*' Whaling V«yn|r. Nine week* in Iloaton. THE GREAT RUSH QT T)m theive* andtraitora ii tbaSoath SAMUEL L ROBERTS, COISTY TREA8URER. ^ a ekifl A lady of th* Visitor thus probably soon ucnUii that there *orr«*punii*at Family Nine weoka in lloatoo. NADIA PERUVIAN SYRUP, will «• i-wapliaMntsCapt. Williams t In uooimt from Jramj lat, a. D. to Junaiy lit, A. D. 1891, on FKOTW-rro RMfittrtlt at Washington, who attempt I860, to b« I II* li» rcuiarkahl* platform delineator. It It a I.WIGURATOR. Dm. Cm. SOLUTION OF PSOTOXltt Of IRON OOJISKD. ascertain whether thei* la government I • mtrxl to w, how t nun. who ha* imi UmmiI All WITH THE OOTWXY OF YORK, I" iueulted. Her* anviUi UitiiMMtnr sine* wu • <•»n IV TU obeyed, or only, iinoWi to be boy, LKS 801 ST8. 10OO. 1SOO. TMa w»II katwi Rnmljr km im4 Irtlfc command *uch masterly language and produce from Journal, •uchi lu linlyiadiriikimtNifwIir are kiom extract* theSpringSeld rfTwtlv* *li*juonc*, Mil di»played by hlia Jut. 1. For Cud balance la my IummU uiu Br paid draad ud TrmrtrM Jarort A. I). with the hi* will) th* ThU dfccovrred article reetorei ..(|1Tl l- «ith«r hair t<> In the <1° ijm, The Journal •epartur* Nantucket, ouo Is not prej«*red per original color, l>) storing Iktrlff u< kit Depatlee ud M- •auction <*( the IWdeat-elcct. th* oulbu rating, thnllin:. and touch in* descrip- acafp to healthy action. It« ialr to grow do m» DYSPEPSIA,Or tion* from Nine wrlk« in tho Athena of America. iMuuaiUmllac C-art, lajalfwlia* l«»arf«ri Olmllai mi! doln., atlon*. which pour *»>' ri|i|iU luxuriantly prevent* It from I UK thin, dry oaeUblae for Mrrle* of mlm, 137 T» bl* has re- J N* TW« wya: lips, after hu has douMed t lloru. anil Nine in the Athena of tViuerica. and bnuh kill* hair eater*. and .factually NEW do Cm6 reoalred of Ihe Count/ do Vniit CmrMmm, bill* tor roamrnv " weiii* State# which to hava pone wbioh inure* cure of STORE!! ~ If tb«»«e pretend •nUred the virltiux tern** of dandruff and acurf anne to oar many bar* been mi a <. IW, W»l rendered, eipeaw* Iwiiid. and»M BLOOD) there. If tbey do want etp*l tmmn9n' a*» Nt n» representative* -miiM which brio* war a ad merchant re*, Stale*. do I'wh reeelred of Hie CUrk of bill* paid bvVliir numm Dot *hlp* _ M |W Office* tbey nee-1 hate them. If they in hot ha^to uuderere- do of the Jadn of •el* down to their tieiaity owing oertlBf from one o( Uie Courta ft»r bllU ofeuata. Halary Prnh^u, 4<»u> 'FORMS OF DISEASE. deaire ta dis|>en«e with judges, marshals, and rv Mitch ut c*n»a*. all the arallahl* Blled decking* A. 467 33 do of Um of >|>ar* the Hr»t the Ktate, (ho ha* practiced block* »aco. Boeaand forfeiture Hilary HegitUr rrul»u Mart of tkitk k1|4mU ta all other Federal officer*, no force will be inter- wilb »'• mU PhyaleianAp do Cub recelred for —n\t*t of Ibr in*M moo lit* « npr spectators. descrip- medicln* for over uwaar* itltrjr, -8. DTirmui to thwart their wishes. Those offices are tions. for rarely ha»e w« listened to m Ilie CoaimlMloocra on do Halary aad CvanlHlui* of Co. nmrd aii)thln* IVc IM Tr«M«r«r. ( part — I an from' at «ea of a y tbe »>u of ■ wuluawi mother—be- ntlafled. tboronjb lnve*tlgatlon jh rcoolrod for Jirrl Fowl ttl 00 do for rapport of la tall, £iu « irt XEITOl t AfTETTlOX*, LOM OF A P. or bsaeflt of the people among whoiu tbey are the matter, thai altb. eh Hfrre are fine other Sllllont, prUoMr* loreil by all on board. Whaling do 0*ah r—Iwd far PodUrt LI- do for repair* of Coaaty Hulldlnn, mkaojic hb. LANGioa u« Ofr It the Uo Uot desire such ac- Vo/ coi-l llalr that Canadian llalr rrrrnc. pla**d. people InTlcorator /he Mn«M, 3S 00 CnarWniM Yard >ei»o*, Parol- auCTcin 9 week* at Malodaoa, Do* to a. Vu ar uMfd In dial- fidmoii «4 iriMTi, comodation or benefit, we asaure them that Wlulling Invlgurator cmita'n* bt any do Cwta reeolrodof J*Horfor#nw tar* for Ofltaa* and Jail, 7X1 M 8 week* at Uartfonl. and value M4 BOILS PILE*, ■CVRVT, A1T*C- J lar whfl [ hair. no*» or thz mib. coN»t*fnTi will e*er interfere to them to lovlgbratlqg do Cuh r«'d for dutlM on Ju> all UmoAom. )MU compel accept 3 week* at 1 Mprlagftald. M. D. tioci* i*00 do notleea, and TBNDBMCIBB, HOXCHITtt, IMS. «ilher. No hiMtil* detumniration will ever be also I hTKVKN'8, ConmlMioM. lllaah*, pabllshlac now at New City Hall, eeery evening ( do C«fb received for admUtloa lllll* or Coat* for all the »fllce« 3UM *a*b% ncvuiK to nraiii w, V made States the Federal Opea 600DS-LOWER THAI EVER! againat acceding by Wednesday awl Saturday aflarnooiu. r**< from Attorney*, 2J0 do Poel and Uihto for all (ha <>«oe* kAlXrOMPIUIKTBACCOMPA.V Government, nor wdl national troop* ever Ticket*, If Cent*. do Cub nwlrnl for maUriali and Coart Kuoaia, AI Trod A Haoo, ZD 90 ISO ir QEIKIAL debility. { to recover land relumed 30 17 do CoaU la Criminal 4ii) (7 march through aweh States, except of 4 I SO Cent*. I •old Mid iluup Prueeeattom, ABO BRCQtlBIBO Package ticksts, do CouiinlUoe on from de«U or Federal property. Ml do CMh rtMiiitf of Caleb D. Uird Appeal* protect Children, * * « * * a * 10 Cento of the •loo of At 00 We want the South to concede that after Ab- J Caft.-WilJtnma. CUrk CourU-a#« Chop- Coaatjr Cummluloner*, * TONIC JWD ALTERATIVE MEDICINE. Tickets for ml* at the Bookstore*of Messr*. Km- tar 7». Section 3 of JUruod do Highway Laad IfemaK*, Ml 00 rah no Lincoln haa taken an oath to support .T*«/#.—Tb« failure of I Ui)M at for ■oat A riper anr. llurlelgh Ninart'* C'ou Medicine wa« dlscov. ULatulea, ««»» do Pnaelpal aad Interact oa County J|IJ (he Constitution of the United State* it is bia a kad aUU of U« aad tW r>unar< Lawla llodsdon's, Saco. •red by oll £>cenU tlon, ZJU 00 that the seevding have Coo. II. i. « 11. Pknlrlaa, I Kor aale by all dealers line at only Whole Stock to b« ole»r*d out la •ufh * prrptntloa of Iron u .hall enter the HwrnUi Pr. C. Inf do locMaotel Aoonant, In- •t tat ion—that they are in rebellion again at the leu lar at ten lien to disia»e«of tii* ymil* 1 a bottle. Kipaata • rtoraiioi tad aaifaaQate at onr* mUUtkt (Ire* i-art eluding fatting mrtjuwenU on an- itato, .Federal an t that it m the of awl dtseaeasef women. He* Government, duty artaarf organ*, special gle* ofblgbway*. 21117 blood. TM« wul Um PERl'VIAX ITBIP .upplw, thw to down rebellion. He adrvrtisemcat In another column. ly rtl government put Dy balance la County Trea*ury, 7tV4 It and it dm to la tba oalf form la wklck U U piiHli want them to concede that the of Feder- taking for Iron ta ralrr tk rlreulatlon. Par UU rMiaa.nw al forte and lb* Star ot the Weet $UX»i7 tiring upon DR. MORSE. OF PORTLIND. OBrltlsi »llls. |*Ua<7 rr.Ki viAX arscp »fun radieaDr crsu di»«—« ta are in«ult* that should be atoned for. We aak W*U known for his soocessful treatment of f«- Twenty Daysi •kkk Mtapn^nUm oflma aad otfcar MadiataM them to ooncede that Northern creditor* have a Nrm. *ir u' n the liver and hunt hern court* We nek them to concede that tion, with a rl< w to tbe accommodation of hi* Thrilling YtolineatioM. They that lent* aud others desirous to consult him In the Idood, and ley are the HI pillknutm, Cartlflrata of A. A. 11ATES, M. D.,of ia the creature of local law. In all thia m*rou* pal yetj • alavery awl tbe surrounding town*, will elincationa. and operate without, irodurlbg a1, of the kmrth. It U well known tkt Um BidUladiArti of PiokoB a | In Naco, tliddefont. Thrilling 1 we do not aak the South to concede single in other pll' In lb* eeo|>« And la order to make a clean of Btatomont of tho Liabilities and Rosourcos of the of Idl of Inwi are Wief U> ba at the Hueo llouaa, Han, they'd frUsf lu each yripiau pa T'producj " by »we«p County York, liHlbgrrmi my rip»-iire air, constitution reacr nd overcome of thing that ia lot demanded by the month hereafter until lurther nolle*. of their r, A. D. IVI. further Urn of the Unit*I States. Until they do concede If stormy ou Friday. l>r. M. will be at tlaoo the more dl*ea*e than Iny wilkout aaidatlaa, ku deewad lafullUn j No ihould without the in raale all tula not to the North haa neat day, tie t unlay, if pleasant. 3 family hi by liabilities. ■tinrarii. la Um PEBtTIAJf BTBt'P tktodeairakto paiat to they ought eapectthat cent* a boil dealer* In med'clnaat JA attained mxbi>«Tm>< i« ***TatruaitfakHuva| any concession to make Fm« allowed by the H J. Court and Court IWUimm In th« It kjr Tmrarr, |7M1 and thla xiluUoa air all UMawU-wikwila, with at an hour like thia ! Ttm* (ti lm* Tot—Liptruiut Ikt kttl Outd*. of the Countr ConmlMioAora 33 tM«UMt«dTuwlirllX ttplto Away svaprouiisr* OCR LARGE STOCK OF unpaid, $I3W IWO, U,4IUM> clUalu aad Lu train of Um Malaria Madlaa. Let us iral eatabliah that w* have a govern- Brli \1ol Olfeon Ceunljr Debt auwa only In lenfth time, compound, In AalA where It I* u*ed for The "Ptnitlaa •jrma," I aa otooood to toy and until the lawa of thia govern- nearly ytar*, and ia recommended by Perria, exBnalvaly navy.yard, forty the hflr. bv the ■•Ilea. The & Bliakad Uu. dnlralde end. are ita the moat tminenl and MS- dreaalng eapeclally (Ms, PIIOF. WOOD'S ment obe> ed, and authority recognised, many of plyiirwsi jamu b. ciulton, m. u., o l*er*lan* liav* fie mo«t boautlfUl hair Vf peo- grg Jfaitcg OREAT us never lUmtH in the whom :ire Re*. any let talk about eoutpromiae. Let the country, among ]ile In the worffl. The«e hot* were olwVved by the •S Prior* Stmt, Haw Tark, Aug. ■, IBM atolen forte, arsenals, and navy.) aria be res- Joeiah Litch, I'hila.; Rev. Dr. Lyman Ueecher, celebrated Orf ntal traveller, Or. HUpfftnaon. who tored to the rightful owner—tear down your New Vork; the late Prof. Leonard Wood*, Aa- ■rat brought f >ia* of the oil to Knilan«n I8.W, and Certificate froai wall kaowi CIUjoboof •aotas. L. P. aold It to a clj uilat In London It* v(u* at once Kattlennake and Pelican rag, and run up the doeer Theolog cal Seminary: Thompson, IX PRICES The ander.lrned, katinf einertenred tka kmedelal became auj nit and tb* demand fiAlt waa lm- ever stars nnd your former Secretary oI State, HI tab .Merrill, Genuine Hot# fc Crew. and REDUCTION vffecu af UmTeHI VUX b\ KIT, da art ka*llato ta glorious strips*—disperse K»>nnir|> m*nae. It ild that a* many a* bottl**l>' of We hart marked down (till lower, man to A aud many others; .m.JJi recoaimend it to Um attrattoa af tka traitorous mobs, aud let every return Perry, bell, Ptrker, Berry, It have bee Id In that alon* In Vie It them public. the and oldcat Genuine It mM A g»?nui Crew. city day. ■hall Nil at r» bia duty. Theii come to ue with your liat of by the Pre**, and by largest rive* the liJr a rluli. dark, glo?«y ap|Aranc«, and BLOOD RENOVATOR. Br*. J oka Pierpaat, Peter llareey, A. Deilei. Jaaea C. and whatever manh«t II o'clock lul Thur*lay It* curi/ul ftt ui'ir, |>re|>ared It i* uio*t In the vital It al*o rein- froat wall lam CIiImmW N,T«k atated thft the perfect halVdreMlng at the roLUiwma rrnccit power*. rtrlvIlM, Certificate only ItKLD, CUTLHR St CO., Uoston, aud U state* and renew* tbe blood In all IU orlgl- Ire »u discovered in tke dry goods store by th* worlw The Otto ol coatlK ffum $6 to N.1 MUG STORE. Nr» Yort, No*. ITU, IMC. lng aula dealer* t>mhlouhl* *iie offered to the world In a form «> (T*at MARRIAGES. apofiecarit*. Prlcaonlr popular 1.11.IU. tt.lt II I* * aMdltlnal **mt the rear Wntfl. yi»tr m to l»e within the reach or all. Ho chemi- fire was burning in the store, towards Life oi/the Oe«in Zj cenl^ mJ Um itinUN of tatalkU. at cally and combined a* to I* the power de-Mine vart and to burst through the roof, the the Ocean Vluve. 5 Bales of Heavy fkllftilty ready Liloou Shooting THE PALL AND WINTER GOODS inott powerful tonic, and yet ao JOUMK.WIIXlAMt.BK, one The fir* In this I Hh Inst, by Jacob K Cole, K*i, perfectly hurfMllf IM building being story. engines city. mue. 9. a* (• eel in nrttrdann iri/4 Mr Kira W. LaUnl IuIIIm Dumo Sorlbner. both Life op tliu Occan 7 cent*—worth adapted pttfttt both from our own town *nl Biddeford, tour Ikt l*tr» tf anlurr. it»4 kfmrr —Ikt Ike IU». AM of thin ritjr. MICES 11EDUCED. b« of at the •T«7«u- in number were noon »n the and a Now DoLainos Will dlipoied following tceaAttl Homaek, ami tone tbe illgedite spot, baving lu thl« city. inst.byW. Bullock, Mr. Hoi* 2500 Yards of Stylos up JUUN U. NELSON, Iff. a near at urnn*. ami all nervous and other c«xh| of water from reservoir ace Parker to Miu I'raoce* Lcavutt, buth of llidde- allay IraWMMlMOMiDMili .{ supply at 15 cent*. Irntelion. It I* alio exhilarating tbr fire waa confined to the buiUing ftirtl. perfectly hand, In It* elfccta, and It I* never followed and wu aoun lulxlitetl. In Sace,9th Inst. by KM. John Boothby, Mr. Rob yet *! where it originated 2000 Yds. of Desirable Dress Goods ASTONISHING LOW PRICES: laeeltude or Ill* •ft to Rhoda II. Welch 17th lint., hy the by deprewlon oftplrlt*. : The store wit* almost entirely burnt out, and Llbby of vegetable* and Uuxe «im, Mr. Nicholas Uearne toMlu Mary JaneJel- coinpoted entirely the either reduced to cinders or at 12 1-2 cenU—worth 37 1-2. coiublnluic tonic and goods wholly If. n thoroughly powerful DRY GOODS CHEAP!! and can burnt. We noticed whale of toothing consequently FROM CLERGYMEN, partially piece* At the fwlilenet of the bride's parent's oo the at ono Good $3.00 properties, TESTIMONIAL* isr: CITY IT A XX.. 5000 Yds of Plaids Overcoats, never Huch a remedy ha* lone niul Um b» niik and other goods, almost reduced to alVniooi. ol th.' nth ult., N> I lev NmHi shilling, Injure. On Um •amy of Dm hniilia »yrup costly (ieN|l lieen felt to b« a desideratum In Uie medl- and where there had been a huge \<-wiuan A of York county. Maine, to 2STE" CITY HA LL. cenU. " d*rU*4 from IU um t cinders, pile Koaa, Saco, worth 50 Lined Business -1.00 both the skilled •flu lb*7 hat* Kellle of N.C. Middlatowu, Pants, ml world, by thoroughly of skirt* nothing but a coil of blacken- K.. daughter Kreuch.of STE"< CITY H4LL. roH TUB HUT In medical and al*o by all who nrirotrr. M«m-tk In Ml hooped " science, Br*. JOIIM MMfeM, «e*y wire the front of the Det 1500 Yds. of Lvonoso Cloth at 20 suffered for It need* m. utlMr Ciiunim Mnm> ed remained. Towards Win. P. Business Coats, 2.50 have from debility t IUmhm lu Portland, Ifith lint., by Rev Merrill, *e« la was burnt, a few no medical (kill or knowledr* even to WARXEX BURTON, B Iku. Mm-lk iMiii/ r.ot entirely and to Mis* tiuMaS. IU*. »*»• building Mr. John M. iWerlnc kuigi.t*. cento—worth 45. " " follow* all attack* ofdiaeaae, IMvm, Um *t Ay liny. Uiiniln. Knnl|U, remained but 62 l-2c. that debility M Oar- pieces of domestic goods whole, both of this Vests, Ml U< MMi Mktwyi Ik V«1m city. and lav* the unguarded *y*tein o|ien to the llnkH covered with smut and drenched with water. In 9th inst, by A W Ih»in, Km] Mr. Yds. of all at Shaplelgh. llinnrroRn. 800 Thibet*, colors, attack* of many of the mod dangerous to iw- are William II. to Mim Olive A. Shack Icy. SIXTY DAYS! a rrrxxit-ik w«n in Mmw Jio go<>da were removed and what remains M*niey lllUDCTORP. which poor humanity I* constantly liable iUT.T«Tiirn NMKIi Mr AMW both of G2 1-2 cenU. «»lm. kikooMtao, of little value. Sliapleigli. Much, f<>r a* Ilia following eon- an* G*awal In UKh Inst. Rev. A. W. Bruce. IJlltDKIORH. example, •yuiu, UiWUrilaViiMitClnpiMi, was valued Portsmouth, by luinutlon. Ilronchlll*. n mam-cm* k* We understand the stock of goods tioodridi to Mu* Martha A. 6500 Yds of at Indigestion, l>y»pep- a**. Auorms ror*, SaMarrUk, Mr. Jarnc* M Ayers, Fancy Silks, your !«<•«« of Kalntness, Nervou* IUU nnj (lMtfAl IjaMlitf. at 910,000—upon which there waa an a*aur- daughter of the late Mr Jauic* Aver*. & sla, Appetite, own HARRIS SPRINGER, Irritability. Neuralgia. l*alpltatlon of tha Rr». Ot'RDON BOBBINS, RMM. Own.-Ik Uw| nnoe of £7,000, vU., S3,000 in the City (V, lu Xewliur>|> rt. ;th Inst by Itev. Mr. Npnldlnsy, All to bo affi-cteM the season bare pricw. llMtni M- eood* by coming Hi-art. Melancholy, Night In _ IMmMj. Jauie* of south to MiseSarau litpocondrla. jj»«r Hartford,'SJ,l><>0 in tlie American Company, Mr llwfih, Berwick, of Black hweals, Languor, ulddlne**, and all that of rJc nntn. 10 Pieces Silk, COBB. bMi Maa^Ik Dm aa4 Km- aud 91,000 in the Berwick Com* A. Whitehou*e, Nuwburyport Bishoph cla«* of cases, *o fearfully ratal if unat- R.T»TLVANl'» I'rotideuce, TioU.-tf. 1 IlMpcr'a Brtak Black, Liberty 11., In ItenU/i HmmSM »/*y«ngU «nw T>t>n4 ftrw Tiokef CpuIh. lower thnn over. tended to in time, called yewutle up pany. TIIOM. WIIITTEMOBB, Bmm, Mm-IhTm w4 CttUlM. am J Also. Liver Mm. The building was owned by Mr. Seleucas 'l'iukwi 13 »( IrrrfMlmrUif. Deranga- DfiATllS. Noedlos at 3 ■acnt* or *ud Liver Com- arid was valued at about SI,000. No Been Marked Down !! 10,000 Papors (best) DIDDEFOnD. JIB. Torpidity, Adams, plaint*. IH*ea*e*uf the Kidneys,Hcaldlng i/iT "i* W e believe is time a inourance. thl.* the sccon>urnt u|ion the saiuo this the If th ln«t. Millard 8. .eon of Den- ral derangement of the I'rlnary Organ*, In Sk VHai'a UanM. In city, Deoemtar IMO.-ltf — Pairs Black Jot Bracolota at M. MVTB.il. Unnn Inm TWIter* *|«ot without insurance. 1 he origin of the lire amiii llall.agvd t year* l» month*. of 4 Ticket*, 50 centa. 9,500 I'aln in the Rack, hide, ai.d between tlta Br*. trilRAlM K. lVl|w> Urrat Reduction In Uie Prlee of to III I la l>yif»»rtCl>»>>"T. ftWIIW,«n4 11^ i* unknown. Mr. S. It. Adams was in Bo*ton lu thUeily, llth lint, Alvlah Kuicry, a^cl of 4 Ticketo. 50 ecnts. 12 1-2 centa a hhoulder*, predl*|>o*ltion (light Cold*, MwtattMunUlMHbimM 4? month*. 1'iirlw^o pair. Hacking and continued Cough. Kmacla- nt the time, and all wa* sale when years B*» TIIOMAB II. rORfc— Ik Hn«7 la O—nl flitBRl, apparently >i Mica, unm of 4 50 cenU. tlon. of and indeed lulu thla oily,oil) the 19thivtn ln«t..IU«1., hyrnaLydla M**lck, daitgh. Pacify Ticketo, at IHftlciilty llreathlng, UkwlM W Mmm the store was closed at 1-4 nine. ■« mouth* 250 Cashmoro Shawls $3.50— wa might enumerate many more (till, but past ter of Wiu. and Margaret Adaun, aged Bit. RICHARD M ETC ALT. Mm, M«»-lk I'm m a Mr. Adun*' hies is nearly covered by we have (pace to ear. It will not J vol Though ilayfl. worth $9.00. only only finiin at iHgMMnt Itonfii "It km )nere damage by the fnthiaelty. '.Nth ult., Hannah, «IA of Walter cure the aeblllty following Chill* and te- Tm>i< Uul 1 but attaek* Ore, in the breaking up of his business and the Berry. a(«i »ear*. 150 for ver*. prevent all arldngftoia Br* M. r. wriMTKR. Mn, Mm.-In Trfw In P| n I| ln«t Mr* Pninclla, widow of the Capes (suitablo Spring) Miasmatic influences, and cure lhedt(ease* Umili>i.liiiii|innnlliMiion the •Mm m4 (imwl UMIf. N. lUlk Un« Tub Si-oak Hboiom or Loitsiaa*.—We give, of the trm of John 0«h«m A Co.. aged 7* year*. 10 Piecos of Whito Linon at 25 biliary vystem, arousing tbe Liver to na- IU' AHHAIIAM JACESON, Walfala. olde*t Arm In the In fact, all the excretion* In Plka. Ih4 1'nMnM.jr A/fmUU. It I* *u|>|>om( an and education, who ha* been making In Wr«t ParsoasteM, Mr*. Lydla M wife of Mr. A MWRD TO THE WISE. tcri hence all traveller* should have a bot- own IM K.VITAMB SCIIERR. RaMm, Mm*. Ik Bap a Mretn 10 inaaUta. tle with thein. and nil ahould take a labia rf in* visit to one of the richest in Lou- lUflM k. Ihia. (ml prices. an |'..*»r liter li'tr, IjImm Bihmi By*. sugar regious tiled of imall t c th« followlL mo- DRESS GOODS at before A* It Chyi I'riali t'alae. of keunubuiik. PRKSENT to publio jLeatl WINTER spoonful, lea*t, eating. M ini Dn^ijUnM«MbaMaMlTMki our reader* to some ou the AMI of Jau.. »i These en at» stock of Whito and Colored the III- »n* Mini.* isiana, which may help pot at Jackaonviiic, flwM> i ni«l» rtltah persons havj A prevent* Costlvene**, strengthens •r*. Clmjin of N»uio had tl neiuhra. largo BMtaa la li)em* lie **s uiulcr of brig Zcultli tacked by tin' P .hiTla. ge*tlva Organ*. It »hould be in Uie hand* IU' iicxrt I'niAM. Xm-Biiaav Df» additional statistics of the 3outhwr*t: a;ed whit to- Flannels at leaa than manufactur- in4 AA'CImm *f IM Lim. kennetiuuk. Duut formation ,th»r« had the fcpots, ol all persons of sedentary habit*, *tu of the 10 Piocos of Black Beaver Cloth Br*, r. C. HEAbUT. OiiulUM T. llordon. •udden with will And an and m a stream connect- la Klttery.'JUhult, Leonanl a£e tiil» for at efficient remedy against the ill* which rtw*aa** niom* river with the and used III* Capon, $1.25—worth $2.75 Bimm ing the Mississippi (lulf, lu Uustou, Mh ult, L*wri. 8 lit, f while Uie almve con- ik Um; V/ftfit beautiful |>oetu of Erangeline, under the In Waterlwiro', nth lust, Mrs. Julia in and out exlit Irregularities 'J month* and 13 r»H Jama. If the 11* eorno on, Pioces of Black Gorman tluue. Then, the cordial la a of f have a friend who possesses Samuel Roberta, a£vd M years, Dtawrioxs elf 15 again iwrfect MMialalng Latter* (na th* l'la>|ueiuine. In and hot water >K»rgle or use Mother'* Heller Taken a month or two IV. B. FaiapMrt* it take freely sup a n.l a sugar estate oa its now classic bank* ; ami the throat at a RIknl Crallrmrn n ml atkm fir* hi Well*.'."•th Ml«a Hannah Olive Curtis, It on *ugar to ine« the Irritation If | Broadcloth $1.50—worth $3.00 liefore the final trial alia will pa*a through burn I alt, mm fca is suck a beautiful and attractive region that ibrnnett or a lice and hug." with eaav and fall lalonaailiMi af Ik* Rjrrap, M aged M year*. th, Mr*. Susan P. aged bathe, mix apply/clo»e a the dreadful period aalety. lag a of the *utu* is ar I* hate resolved to sjiend portion 43 years. yard. Tktrt it we miilaki aksl it, Itii Cardial ■hi apvllrallMi la tka Agral*, Here John JaiJ l«t. IMI. To trt rial in Ami liter with him, amid its cental influences. la kennebankport, Inh alt. Mr. Hutehin*, TuttMORIAU.—'tsterrllle, Cotton Flannol at nil fat it. Malktrt, try II Kliialieth cofcern. This certify, that 1G Pioces of we to detect the lllnea* or von meet the identical colony of Acadians aged *0 year* 7 month*. ICth (net, allwhoinlt may nA> to you appeal daily T. Hill ol Wutrrville, twen- >« Sale. vour before Jt trow Worth .aged M yean. 1 hare out up for ilAr. cent*. Sheriff decline not only of daughter* John P, Jtwetl Carter, which the represents as migrating Hellerer and 9 cents—worth 12-12 poet la Mh ult., Martha, wife of Win. tv-flre hundred holies of hit l'#u AT 8UCII PRICES It be too late, but al*o your eon* and hn»- their abode under our Llinlngton, Pehniarr A. I).. IWI. Taken on Canada, and takiug up a3 I month*. tanker anilharc furniAied him a mate* VOTIK, 3d, I>ands, for while the from a fel*e 8TOHE 39 B01CMBB STRECT, Oove. aged year* Remedy, be (old at Publlo former, Southern suns. The*e all wife of W. l>ottlrs idbre of the Hue. I Execution and will Auction, a gleaming people lu ilo.ton, loth iu«t, Klvlra B., David rial forflfleen huiidr|d delicacy, often go down to premature to tha Pott a* on Saturday, the ninth day of March, A. I», IMI, (N«*l door OffltaJ the French language still; live to them- Le *alleo, and rlje«t daughter of lh«a. Isaac Hick- And I further cert hat said feinedy put up grave rather than let their condition lie •peak Hurtsliorn, at one o'clock In the afternoon, ut tbe *tore of Al- have little intercourse with the ford, ut thi* ca>. aged O year* I month*£1 days. by me, contain* nol lorof•nii.ffKther. AS WILL SECURE known In time, the latter are often *o mix- BOSTON. *elve», and table inon II. In lluiton, In Mid Vork "Aud I lieaid a voice from Heaven, saying or enue i'epjier, U af purely Veer Wilkin*, Cmi.ily. ed up with tbe excitement of buslnc** that world, themselves with the satisfac- Caj NOW •II the In which Daniel Palinrr of*ald contenting Bleaeed are the dead which die Wm. 1>trk. LADIES, right alli. until too late In the Lord iron* henceforth ,yea, sailh *|>irlt, Itn T Hill. We«t 'aterrile. Me. DearBlrt PUtwkmriM In tbe downward own their humble acres; rearing a I).. I860, at ten o'clock In the forenoon (being the Out the mother their hai»l», that laay re»t from their labor* ; and their u of lue to u*e IMMEDIATE SALE. to arre*t their fctal foil. a they The medicine* which. purJiased AN time of the attachment of the *an»« on the original few cattle, and occasionally manufacturing works do follow them. Itemedy, Ualwayivlgileut.and to you we confident- in the manufacture your/Vegetable writ In thl* action.) to redeem the following de- for the Juii l xfe In their ly appeal for we are (ure your never lew barrel* aud hogsheads Wealthy are not onlr simple In Ju- wcri•»«•ncr« I" reeulfe ui_. u« the claim* and rery by Loul*, hi* throat was iwollen bad Indeed Goods owned by William II. Lewi* and by the Thompson and wild by all Price ever seen this Acadian colony the «w ,_-< llohaoU. Mo., good DrnggUt*. Longfellow had of creditor* ajjulnat pli canker eorert ,je most of hi* mouth ami the hoaeitead of *ald Daniel l*al. and tin •ore. the Housekeeping heir*, being One Dollar bottle, Auctioneer Apprainer, he would late of Buxton, in *ald VJk at)', deceuaed, per eoplyrtJ lie fore composing his Evangeline, and throat. I wasadrll jy my kind neighbor* mer. The above deaerlbed premliei being *ut>iect Inaoleent. notice. that un- Lilr nnd Fire liairaire Aftit, have of aver investing th< m with any reproeented hcrf'- toetry ; ukl creditor '■> and prove til found ledy payment Office In Blddeftrd, lilac. allowed la l.rluf nor reduce the • lllng. 1 continued 1U l*M, to the amount of teren hundred Clljr Building.. were the same in habits »«ute and that canker AT April 7th, id YOUR they probably people Mrenil claim* tnl on HlmL tlicir ■«e,aDd would say that I* the best medicine 1 PRICE, dollar*, with interext, on which there I* now dae KoUum A>iimi as now. mm the tin Jt oar «aid rouimi*- will MtWict to drlre oat _sh. assist the eipecto- the *uin f C. >1.1, at n In Ofilet The sugar planter* wealthy; ration, kill the canker deitroy Inflamatioii, UNUSUALLY LARGE, fifty eenU Said mortgage deed I* recorded book tWIUH M mp «tNM(. to such i>u the la*t WHnUw«f April, May all to •mall aapitalisi* lieing unable conduct [»t>ruarv, that 1 erer used. 1 Hlly recommend IMI. page SI6 of Vork Reglttrr. and at t M itn each of *ald 'lay*, *car- establishments. J hoc, It a fair trial In c. canker ra-h and THOMAS TAAUOX, Deputy Sheriff. and •IImUm U IM expensive They (the planter* l»> r. I t'oinmi*- gire [of I Ml lirlBK my whole lis* from r> K) to OLIV/R ferer. 1 also hare the Diptherla myself, WK AM OrrtRIHfl Don't to at IWT Insurance li»* Omb> —not the Acadian*) make, yearly, MU doner*. let forjtt eall Um •Imn huiloeM, w) nprNMl OltulM JAH& hrON. ( 'oat much swollen and * Company, I Hits »• N—arlattUt MhIusI I *90 of sugar, weighing each I'JOO I *Jw* white j appeared A '.•'111. TU:—r*» hogsheads Buxtoo, Jan. U s«ire. hare u«c blntc but llill'* Retne- or* oeuls rery 1 ft, located at Kprln«ll»ld, Mm*., capital at an average price of six |>er in iralesceut state. GREAT INDUCEMENTS. or NEW YORK. Bi.'i" |Mwnds, imI lad myself BOSTON LINE. I mi.i»i la Ihl* eoMDMjr I tiara apsa my boafc the current 4jr, bi. R. K. Houmrr. PORTLAND AND pound. The mola«*es defrays plan- NOTICE. t,rrr jni m«»mt«ar» of Ut« ir»t iu*a la Biddafbrd. tation The m»IImI on any Jan. a.d 114 ami expeasea. /irri whwrlWr he Jl« upon all who have WaUrrllle, I, IIUMM1CR ARRANGEMRNTII Oflrf, Xmi tlf UrM4war> Haoo, »l#lnlly. wa« UIm Um of tha .T#» one is never below Ifty effective to c»ll au.l »«tl a Thl* it tree week* *lnee I I hara juH Ar»n«) I>«M plantation UUMttled MXHUll' ritrliiiu may certify, com- a rllK s« tliroat followed. Mon- Th« Id new iU/» Iwalri al Km TkU hands, nor ever above eighty. Mr. Lapice, the Mine without iteli "and *are hltn the un- taken with chill*.an a ap lend (•a-(oln(.Hteam- Owifti awl It wa* LewklM, and DOLL IIS. ha* a of |l,4«viii lu oaah «iraa- South Carolinian by birth, in the nl*a*ant ta«fc of leavla thru with an Attorney day morning whlt4 *pvi ijiiiearwl. Betnra to ten r«rm Cllr, CASH r.lPITAL,.. 0.\K MILLION pany aapltal largest plan, I obtained a bottle will until further no- amU to Ita LUt Maiabara la IW >u niiffl I over for collection. Th.** 10 to ha owlug much swollen and r ry *Mwwlre«l, ter in the Slate, making annually 'JD00 hapuen ■ u A for lha re*- M on. 1 It lm> Rtlea run Mfollow! AmU, lit July, 1890, tl.4ll.fll0.27. operate (rat follwwlaf Iree—paataa ever him. MB. attendln, U jail, have any of Hill'* Remedy lay gargled CHEAP made by |h WELL-KNOWN " " la The *ugar crop from the IlUitftrd Ma/««/. Cktlta .VafaW. ofCltaUoa. hogshsa largest •onahle time to and fb I 1X1 jlf relieved Leara Wharf Portland. trtrr tmnnijr, 54,0084)7. Maafc, pay mediately. Atlanta LaablUUaa, and the was that ot 1837, which reached 300,000 hoc*, HI le UN |onr half of a bottle 1 EXAMINE THIS STOCK awl at • followiux ouaipaateei (aeeadvertlaaMate) D.V.MKL, LI., Al. sense of By Tueolay, Wednesday, Ttiur*day rirMar, I a*k for a tVs Is about pain. C. trer* Thankful fur fetor*. aoatlatMSM heads ; bat average crop 300,000. feh. IS. Alt. was cared B. Wat»ok. o'eloek P. SI., anil Central Wharf. Ikalun, (>»«l ftayton, entirely The llooi* lowmiM ComDanr enatlaaaa to la of lha tame Call aad aaa ma, and hrlag raar Sugar planting ia a rnach mors profitable in- W. Waterrille, V i. as, if Tuewiay, Wednesday, Thureday and Fri- Monday, Ml aralnat Inaa or damag* »f Br». and Ui« du- frteada. All batlnea* entrusted loiaa will ba feilk- vestment than ootlon. When con- Natke to C ted tore at 7 o'clock r. M. properly lion. 1 eertlfy that I iare haiftthe prevailing BEFORE PURCHASING day, uf Inland aarlgatloa and tran»|>»rtatlon, oa fully aad parforiaed. a of 'JO cent, on around rare—la Cabin, On Duk, $im pruaptl/ ducted, it yields premium per thnsst trouble V ilte spot4pt>ear«d my STORE, fi.iV riaa m fhmraMa i< tlia natara tlia rlik* and lllll'a N. II. Kaeh Imat U furnUhed with a laru» namhtr Cr» BCm IMtUi, the Investment. Cotton rarely over 10, even ■wallow. 1 olllal <1 a of Remedy, tha of th» loaurad and of tha Com Ma- hotlf »r si»t,' H'■rd, Ma. FUcataqua Mutual Dm. be Wataon wkila at 8, IMO. In lluatonai lata hour* of the night will Amwrr.-Mr.CiM) II. 'ar Blri—Ylur bo* of ving Rrr. T. llill. Remedy DEERING avoid rd. at Mr. Hobaon'a me last weel I* all sold Id more is wanleii BLOCK, to Uka FIRE & MARINE work upon a tkiagla machina seat L. The boat* arrive in *ca*on for ptMenger* like wlldl It I* wooden la the T. MERRILL, INCORPORATED 1810! t»« h«nre In th<* lor to way ThroamCiirnplalnt— are C0.» .. The Company not rr«pon*lble hargBK* INSURANCE ia c jatact witk and rloinlt I hare violent attack of that «»f cUm to tka k«al by coming Coin*. an anioant eiecedinr $-VHa valae.and person- or m a i irc. t myself, but bj free u*e ol Remedy. later, Id Tor at the rata al fdaee |ur anleM notice l« gTren amt |>« * I he aaw. Tbt accitlant ka]>|wn«l on tha *Sth and e*t In two i. s I wa* NO. 1 fx I OX BLOCK al, value, nally rJly. Complete- one iiaaernger for avery $JU> additional HARTFORD HTOCK OHJPl* TMHJPTT. oared. I'l •end me two three dosen more. 7ACT0ET ISLAND, SAGO, MX. aoU tkewouaU in now baaling rapklly ly nr freight taken aa luaal. AatborltM $MOuf Iter. T. Mod hi* Fire Insurance to Mr. W.t a* wall aaa varjr painfkl hy the Lull ManuffceturlRK Co.. for aala i|ll.-hare Co., to flf* aad lalaad Narlfallaa Hill i« —- •ore throat, and la lot* U» *att Thl* la Uta ebeape*t Inraluable STEAMERS Dtmo Commercial M., UwIn, Van. arrest lH jrU. It will any oth form of laAam Tkt nbierDxr h\i retnored from blud Btmet Cm a«a*ia(. Faatorr fCbmrf*kr.(Art. aatla&etory praafa, la H*w r»rk faa It, by Ota aa • uaUen tl can be rrached by Heine. U> the at the *1x1 of Um C*4- , Ii** tatldlng opi>o«tU ■will, and Pal«HM< diritgaad. Uia bout actmiiud *a» «r genuine ualee* 1* found met Bridge, formerly ikkih the BACO IVaiu, wUlMUifiuUi* mUw run blown oa le nottle. where lie a SUMMER B. H. RAMUS, A«r»«. offer* aale GOODS!! 1/rJJ j Dye llou*e, fur II follows SPEC1AH NOTICES. X AN HOOD, KliV.T. HIL.U De »U>ck of IVnnrietor, Ltrp -v Wharf. Portland, tt'CRT [ West Wa .lie, Maine. t. i. r/o-OKOirrJi OT Uitm Browa't HOW RKSTOREP. aad SJTVKUjr. all aVloek fill, C«roa» -Th» auO.Wit of climate are HOW LOST, Aur *U)M.*t)jr Insurance. ehaiyraa B.O. ,'KMJ, Liberty .M*. la North Hirer. Sew York. CfCKr Fire •ntirrM <4 fnlweaary. and A»tiinat a ind leave Pier harlaf baaa appalntod A cast Itfwwklal, III Smltl KmUUmUm aad mjtvmdjt, »t > ovioek p. M. mlTf andanlfnad, Akrtl«M. katlnr that (iauile Jutt Pti/iiW, Rnvflopf. H ri>yr.sr)jr IM ftn /oaaraarr CM K*|»rWoe»« |>r«Tnl titled an with Am aenxnianda- 1 af/»• Caaatjr JftM rMar4W«< ««•••»•* •(■♦♦•ttl* WVn U- HOLD Hi The reeeeli are af Hoath Banrtek Ma.. U prvparvd to raaalra DIVIO FAHUIAMKB N'ATl'HK. TREATMENT AND RAPI- UU Um Ml >|wadjr, paap kea to tbe aa/ly iU|h of tka rwuvm ON TIIK a aaeortroent In Uuaa for paweacert. making laaaraaaa aa aait klada of proparty of BIIIPLRY W. KICK I VTORRIHEA. or Nemlnal Ifotico to A ComprUlnr of article* needed tra« elert between (•ropotala for KB, at «>»"• W Wl to KmnrkitJ irF hPKRM Foyoloso Mortgage. •afo awl eutaforUble route for at tha aaaal raloa. bald romp*, WM. TraMarvr. Tr— CALCCRE Nervosa*** and la. • well furnlfhej h«m*e, (well w T»l.le«, CHalr*. arary daaerlptloa. IIILL, kt U* «.» Sexual Dub Illy. YOU CAlt GET TUBM AT Mew York and Maine. « AUa," wr bt teacaa. I'wn*. Irrtta- wiakMM, ami VTHICRKAft. UorJuB, of niddo. IMfca. llereaa*. IWdrtead*, nj- ha< aow at rUk la *aM HUto. $*■*«.«•»> paoa Jafca N. (toad auIV|I, lmpoUacy Lookln|C<>« Mo*, loaaaa. Urn raathai a wi*>r» «erV>aj attack »tfc»t»»nr M.uUi aud Phyileal KUpa£lt>. Main*, by hi. Mo datod ha 'Ui day of er*, Mattraeeea. Mai*. Wooden flood* by amount ot pmjjrw wit* which to aaat «J*sx Ware, Tha wanted eC raklto hunk— endMW»> wtu «m M. July A. O IV*. ll^ory 0. Daarhura la llaakru. Mere*. Curtain* u< traal, Uacbec, Bangor. Bath, An(wata. Kwlpwt aa ar* liharally adlaaiod aad promptly paid. feiraBir* IU>B. J. CCLVKRWKLL, P., HI. alio connect at > cw York with tkeia elfcotual U eteecleg aaJ atrwa«tfcMiag ttw By OTCIir* U>« I«.l BIVBl ■ a»ua I ha rata uaa- Curtain Aa. aad Jolin. Tbejr rSaka lakru hy aald eompaa) aredl»ldadaj»»JI«»wa. Kilter**, ECALF bavaanah aad Naablaf- VllUaa Bee adrertUeteeaL <—Ml Jailer »f Ik« "<«ree» K" |rl. tlonrd, ft certain ! ultuatMl la la NOTHING Mteamer* for Baltlia.re, lat Kanaar** | M aiaaa, trttt |ur(*| Maoo. elaaa, Property klada If It BL'FCt SMALL. A«aa*. (•Ul I'ounty. which I »rtz»c* Ualy reoonl- Flctare Frame*, aad Pietare* framed to order.— IM. lloaaaa aad aaataaUi >4 alaayafc ■* their U Ihralllag Haah •<1 la lha <4 r tarf of Nhlpperi art to wad Prwlffct of ■araaatila aad ■aaafctarar* prwparty. Arc Tou Insured f IU|M(y t'oaoty York. MaauiaeUHnf MMjr arttalea hlmeelf. aad ooeupy- nqwUd that (ha learea Ituuk Mt, Mn 4|h sk racord (WimM la tha Itual before <).ILmUmda/ elaaa a tut Ita aw a Imin la| a I*m Uw nk«rlb*r «UI Nil pay KCfTt All (kaald raad fr»C Waad*» ad haeln* keen aMMiieted an A*r»l h*r*hy a^da R»r irtiealar of *^|i*Mlf• Kan, IVrt |itp|. Far la&naaUoa, tanaa U. applyto Tfcaen»*eeW a U< daaarlptloa all article* •• af A f.r M-T«ra] of the »»e« Irumrmae* ( ••n.paalra the proa^av* Tbia roadlll. |Mi had ay Wn fcro- aad fcopee u> reaeira eall* fro* all aM friend* aad City Balldl^J/Blddaford. Maraaajxt i«a. A a. Aed alao Martae rtaka a« kaa UMMhl kna la Uta atfaa. Aaaul It, IM1. JOB OJLBO PBIXTtHV worn riuTiu, apply irr.r. nriM. WBOOIKB AVD f«r4 MmUm*.' OF A1X JLEVY # CO. awl at af raat a* akfaet. KINDS, Priaiad wkk Nealaea Dlafaiek CABM. AC, *C ry Qf ,u kiwi*. ikmM at tkla i>ii, In a tak BMdaft44.rn.ttk tan nr printed at tAis office. ■won AT TU VXtO* Ut JUCWf AL omc* mt XUISyOiTjrXCJB. « •»

a/ / 2»£XSOEX«X*AJCTXiOT7B. at Saco & it 'a Court of rrobAto held The Great Indian Remedy, "USE THE BEST!" on tha and *>r Um county of Tork. ln| J*** Poland,-RAILRO Poysmouth rspepsia Remedy The Amaujamatiow or LmorAcn.—lVr« our U>nl alxhteea FOR day of K»i.ro*r>. la the yaar of FEMALES, X. E. Boom*. DR. DARIUS HAM'S la • tcmlrncjr in tliia a£« to kitdra) ud ■i ity-uM.lijr tha Uto. Jiale. icrowioK appropri- EXE!fAGOGUE !! «• of nM Court Jflr DR. MATTISO.YS MDIAH ate the in>•*t ipifMiic word* of otber lan- 'llflticfs. Judge ARRANGEMENTS. ilinff $tgal ium«l executrix la k certain Invi^oi ami after a while lo incorporate tbem A.Nfi HILTON, WINDER iinntic, to ba the lait will and This celebrated Female Medicine. of Probata bald at luo. with- JU MtmmI, purporting Real Estate M0.1DAT, ROTMHK 5TR, Ic«0. f:u»pr»,nto our own ; Ibu* tbc word Cephalic. wbieb >1 a Court WtonnUiL/0.>A./*// Hll.TOX.liU ofKennehunk.ln rlrtuee unknown of any " f>>r f-.aat* of York, on tba «r*t Tur«- poeeeaeinK SPIRIT, la from thtf fur tbe In ami lh« Um anuta Cur el»e of the kind, and COMM^U'ISG Qrtek, aifnifyin* brad," rarof <>ur Lord *l£bt**a HI'I o..uuly ,de««a>»d,ha*in£ yiwDlwl For Halt* in Ulddaford. thine provln* '« »"« »«< tf '*» fiAw fur I )Nr», U now becoming In connection l4f«k(W) tba llun L. iMrw, •Ifoclual populariml huadrvd uU »i *ty "n«s by pruUU; ft. from en Indian 8.4.1 2 JO triIk inert l»« /ener. II It rMMiaCi*4,4 Itrurt with Mr. a Tti S«< Wmttr ftwtr la Portland~ fok^ PnrUmouth and Doaton, at great Headache remedy, afMki Cvwt OrJtr,*. That tha aald (iveatrlx (Ira notloa to prepared plant <•»/* 8palding Jidn ui\ JVmvuraril, ll'arl-Turn, bul it will auon be um in % n ore of JiWKPH CV RTIH, of W.1U. la all Interacted. by cauainc a copv of UU ona to ON KlliahVlh, '*» m general way, u>* petition peraoaa I XT- r» f<>r nil «t rr.hu prlcM. from from Ume Immemorial. and mow Hearbnru', OA illlLdo 9.U1 2.48 r*imi, M in J/eieer*. •rlPaini thai h« IinImiI la ft* order u, bo three waeka awcccaalrely la of whloh poe* | •ml tbe word will become ai common •aid »»M»r.r»|ir»»»lii< pu'dlahad hnndred rtm of (P>od farming land. ]»rt fcr the Bret time t.ffcrrd t<> the pah. H'Mt do (.10 Ikt «rtit, lltmintkt. lirMrtimttt, (>|,h»lic ON with olktn, la tb* rral mUU wh*rr- tiia I um * J—rms/. al ia laid atnriit NowIwn', l»%r a* and other* wboee diatiue- M b«ir at law printed BlddeAtrd, li co(*r*«l wllh wood, and located •within lie. It It designed fur tx>th mvnrd iteeo, do Ml KU tf Cnmflmnlt, firill, Electrotype many CVMri*. lata of Wall* la laid owauty. county, that they may at a Probate Co«rt a the new block. It Trtmrrtt, /*< tion aa worn away ctSJ VIr.L appear thr**-r>urtfi» of mile from etly ni «•('' Mirt, and le the very lUddrfurd. do •-2S 3.13 Urium foreign word* baa been by a ami Uat a aar- t«»b« held at in talO on the Amt loU In lh« \1 itUU mImnI ad pmm»il, pra\ ia< keunehunk. county, A l»«> a lar» number of hou»e and (tor* thine known for the a* It do 9JO 3JS common uaage until teem "native ana to aulborlilu* In March at taa oi tha clockl purpoee, Kennebunk, tbey raal it* KranwU t» aattaMa |*rauoa, | Tueaday next. vicinity or lb* uillU. Term* (may. will brlnr on the mtntkly titkntu In Well*. V do 1003 3 41 hllaratet, Invlj-oi e«, bat will not tbe manor born." to maka of wiil raal MUM, au'l Nl lu tha loreiiuon. and ika mum. If any they hair a, TII08. It stimulate*, I lln-ia partltbi* iM QCINDV.^rnf > ea»e( of obMruntion, after all other North Herwlck.' do 10 19 4j>« toxlcate or«ti to Mull h«ir lila lu Un miu« tha aald instrument thou Id not be ap- off |»n>|n>rli<>u why proved, L reoiediee of Ute kind Lava been tried H. Ikerwlck Jnnotlon. D. A M. 10.33 4.jo curlnr nolle* tharau. a ad aa will teaUiueul K. it If ffectual. Bo&luod. Qrrloe will he refunded. 1000 do llJtf LM ney Complaint*, band Hi into to la lb* I'aiaa * A trua II. Rnowltoo. IU(iiUr. * Klttery, \ « Stomach ami In a janner. iteppe>l tbe bapolhecariea haneed " la "aid for revive the rot melancholy and MRS. aa)a Hi to tbe man, beaae me of ban J»urnaJ, prmlrd la ilkMeA>rd. county, when taken a* and without It will Inntantly WILSON'S Tan)on and Clear I'iwr Hoard*. a tmyit fntloTt directed, Rotlon Portland, 7JO 2J0 nervou* and " thra* antt aoi>ccaai»«l», that Ik*/ m+y appear At»Court of Probata, held at Maao.wUhla health in lsi»ut at] *plrlt*, and r**tore nk, 'eadache?" l>«ea it bacbe 'ard ?" aaya *e. Dmrda. the least Injury to mtftm*. RjTlt 10 in r..oo drooping " ouri to b* bald at K«an«biuik,la «aid tha flr»t Tueaday of llrmlark 1'ortfinouth, to health, arength and v at a f*r»l>atrt for tha county of York, ou| Gaa(«!tawrJ uii Id of three different strengths. with fall ilckly Hexeedingly." aay» lli, band np»n tbat 'a In liareh nrtl. at han- bottles Klttery, lo in Sua the u«e of fount*. oa tb* Aral Tacadajr tha yaar of our lord flflitnn Lumber Oenerally. and sent <■/••»/» Per*on* who, from injudicial* liquor*, HAIR REGENERATOR. ma me K«?»iruary,,ln Alio, Building directions ll.r using. by eipress, Kllot. 10.13 6.15 ftein* gava a Cephalic pit. band 'pon '«n«r it Un or lb* rl<«h la tba ft>r*a«oa. and ab»« r«u««. II drad and the Hon. K. K. Dourne, hare beMOM drlwUd. and nerrnu* *> alxty-ona,'by J. II0B80N. sr«/r4,to all parts of the country Pfill'KM—Full J Ort n 5.US theij cured me ao tbat I realised Hi 'aject U in two and quick 'ardly any lit*/ Jad(« of «hI Court: »I0, llnif strength, Quarter Strength, *hattered, conitltuflon* The Regenerator put up aiaea, T. HOUL- » I Mil. I7U strength. aji H. Ilrrwlek JuiietI 10.40 5.40 cune to huinaatv, the Deliriim 'ad ban 'ewdacbe. •lioald not b* rraaud. IIOl'LTKA widow of WILLIAM Spring*! ldand, lllddefbrd, April bottle. lUmembar! Tfcla medicine U da- to that horrllde U. II par North lkrwlok 10..u :>.v> fx*I the retaili for 50 centa for pint bottlea, and $1 for 7 alt«-al. livorga Knowltoa, Rl(liUr. H ri'X lata of Duxton, la aaid county, deeaa»e«l. (br OaaTHurvCaiBa. In which all TaRMK.t*, will, aluifot lmroedl«ely, happy U. MHAKY out oi signed eiprcsaly Wall*. 11.04 6IM of A trua oopy, Att«*t. (mots* knooltoa, H*adacmi the catata of aald daaaaaad I FARM FOR Kcnnebank, wbalrwr prraooal ry Ileware of Imitations ! None warranted 11.43 6 43 Spirit. nMurr inakr* known any deviation tha Mid nolle® to all A tinn containing about 40 acrc*. of Dr. office. lllddt'lurd, WIIA «f Probata an (Mr. Maitlson'1 Rem- wine k for theoouuty of Yurk.on lb* flrtl Tue«lav in luccecaire- Prepared Weet tJearhflro' 11.(U 7M Do**—One in this it to look*! on a salegaanl of thia order to ba threa week* lure and Tillage Land. llmMIng* fbr Special 1M light may In the of our Lnnl publkanad edial Institute Diseases, No. Union Oak TI111. 13.11 Ml One doe* will remo Who wants a Good Head of Hairt Use fabraary, year eighteen 1 at Ulddeford In Urn new. with NK L. Lliucrlck, l§l give J~*t Appetite, I tha Int Tuaaday la March next, rmiuirr f tli«* u«ncr, (iOL'LD, letter or otherwise are itrieUi and On* doe* will tli of Dy»- Hair Dressing. Headaches he classified amlrr or John rcityjux i»w »r n»*toa. is the If anv by atop dlf rewing palm neglactcd. may JA •lock In lorenoon, and thaw cauaj they or Thuin** Jhljr. MhMefoni. sent br Ki aaaure I'rom ob- Lear* Portland 84co and Blddefbrd at 7JO v Uta Me., medicines will be press, two names, til: aad count of Haflblb, and HUM at Mwtli-ilM, not he allowed. situated itx inllei frvm the city oI penal*. PWaia md a fc» mtllniN fro* tke follow tnf raHa- ttymplomatie Idiopathic. har*, why the tame should Niiil f*rw U servation, to all or the country. Alio accom- A. M., One do*e will rrraore dl*tre**lng and dl*a- de«ea««d baring prveenled hU t acouunt ol II. Knowlton, Ratfitcr part* " tie and will known Symptomatic Headache it eiceediagly com- 7 a Ileal. Itaorva DidilefurU. modation* for froin abroad, wishing for a Blddeftn 'or at 9.30 A. M. effect* of Wlni" a* toon paafta, aduiluUt ration u( Uie oLate of Mill iU«MMtl, for patients " Poland greeable .lalulence,and mon and ia the a A lieorjce 11. Knowlton Hi-^uter. 3w> and until re- Haoo ft Wtland at 9.40 A. M. the P. Wiiao* k wife ii new precarsor of prrai variety of allowance tmacopy,attaat. January 33, 1861. seeure and quiet Retreat, good care, a* the ftouiach receive* lnvl£oratim;Hplrlt. Mnsu. Ilcaar Co_Mjr to health. Monday*. W Friday*, a Hteara load and all will b« re- IUffwralor for thi hair, and pronounc** II diseases, among which ara Gnat, t)rd*red, That I ha aid aMoigtoBl »l*e notice to stored tdayrland dUtreuIng fiful leellugi atlnf your Aropleiy, Boat train i Portland for IVnton at o'clock, far to ihi ittr imI for tbabalr. It la Kheumaliim and all febrile diseases. la ita ■ U later* cauala* oTthU or. moved. lupertor anything (wnou (ted, by auopy and on ll«atrr<>m »• no PARTICULAR CAUTION. P. M.. t! arrival the Bangor, One do*e will remove mo*t il n«< loll In tho !♦••«—h«i dltafrrr- nervous torm ia of lb* der tab* publuhed three week* tucveaairely la the For f dl*tre**lng pain* Mill; ipiJM, it of diaeaee Sale, l«are* lloilon me ita* at 5 o'clock, P. 51.1 sf either In the eh or bowel*. abb liM-roam lb* growth of hilr, pr»»»nti It fall- sympathetic I'iiIm * Jmwn.u, at Huldthnl la mkI In these of medical when men eolle. odor, stomach, constituting litk ktailttkt, ol printed days Imposition, Tliem> train* w take aud feare |ia«aen|cer* at way re obstruction* In tba and oftin ram tho boadatha. I forward jam heptio that Hit at a Probata (Vml TEW N«. 15 I> TIIK FREE WILL BAPTIST without of A few dote* will all ing oir, county, they appear auuino t<> l»e physician* any knowledge ■tatloo*. borauao I think an artiilo disrase constituting 6i//io«i ArarfarAr.af worm*, count v tba HrM Carta. Itladdor. or I'rl (Irian*. UiU rirtlArali untolirltrd, to ha bald at Kentietmnkjn aald ,un MEETINU IIOl'NR, medicine whatertr, persons cannot be too careful Kidney, bo or of I'erton* who are *erlou afflicted with any Kid* that will do what your llalr K»rro*rator will, iboiild constipation other disorders the bowel*, In II arch next. at teu of the clock In business whom belore at least some JOHN Rl'MELU Jr., Tu«ailn> mrt'«rKi> on •t»heh »t*eet, mco. to they applv, making are d relief a doM known. I think It U tho boil aiUcle for tba hair aa well aa renal and uterine affection*. l>i*eas- »hew If "i ney complaint*, »needy by wldily tba ion-noon. aud cauaa. aay they bare, ec. 10. 1*0.—Sltf liZrton fl.i t* uolofnou* Idiopathic a Court of Probata held at within and will be upon. Dr M. will send f*tt. Brothers, night, and feol the evl of liquor*, "/ aa laMlMilf *rli- At Haoo, Of YORK. you linpoeed Hnkfitstimgtf praaif mon, the nam* OK TIIE COUNT? one as a on hr In violent headache*,' lekneuat itomach. weak. lit from Ikt oa nun ht*i." being uinally distinguished by Air the county of York, on the lint Tue«day In by enclosing ttamp above, Pamphlet UlMn the »lor» furtn Jlv oeruiilnl J. fjfttl M|r on aud on wMI Undone do*e will remove ll»». H. of arrroas ktudatSt, aometimea coming February, In tba year of our Lord eighteen hun- Me. All huilnea* DISK ASKS or HO. Mt.V, I'ritmli >i»>t (Area- will continue® th« JKWKliKY ne*», giddlne**, Ac., •.A lliLL,«lf«of Unity Hill, MaaditiUr,N Riiidihi-Mouth IWrwicli, Sale. In- JkWo., in a »tale of soaad health dred and tha lion. L E. liourut, t*j mm! failh- For h Mnltditt generally also circulars giving full INENMlnallltl>rmiKli hit car* will promptly *hould »| fltitf" Juiln »f wld Court: formation, u-itk Ikt ciwl vnilouttrU rtftrtnttt an I fouiul a flnu »Murwica of Ladle* of weak and *i< ly conttltiitlons kli*ur K. T. ami at once the mental and physi- rully altrmlt*! I«i. wl«he» to iirU )il» hou«« (c fiiaaa, teratoma aprlofi, prostrating LITTLKrlBLD. named Executor In a Tin* »ut>nTit>rr without which, no si- take the Invigorating N|i rit three time* a day It cornea on riKUIttlK llunweautl Cirilipt to I«t at the «tiril alio. *0. is in front of the over one or botli the amp Atrprobatei Provldenoe, If not In New Kngland, who advertises AST i*INB, beauty to the eare-worn I I, " I mill rtrimmrnj II Ii all fttnmV lb* head, In three fccre" It w l>e fiiund an Invaluable thttrfullf un- »>r.itr:l. That the aald aie*at»r el re notice to • tmrn M x At. »11 icood repair MW, a specialty of Private Diseases and h During pregnancy Hav. 0. Iti'aiiLL, LlllliM, N. It. eyea,aud sometimes provoklag voaiitiag ; LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, making Th« reji njc will l>c umlrr thi iui>erTlslon of Ide *cn*atl»n* at the all |>er*oni Intereeted. by oaaaln,; a pop* oflhl* or. of l»ml in ijood condition. fbmlshes the vary best references and testimonials, medicine to reiuojn dlMg Noiiaibor I, der this clasa may also be uamni A'mratfia. oik* in Uuiming. Mi.i.um.i, Me. 1* «>1<1 on (kTor»ole terrai Sir. SAM'L C. 1IA8KHLL. der to be published three week* awoeeeslrely. In air Ttii* prupi'ity will both of his kmmtiif and his HtII. If there ARK any itomach. / Minu. Hiiar P. Wiuoa k Co I hara no bailUMjr For the treatment of either clasa of headache •« J4mm* Sired.) to the l/nlea aaJ Joura*/. printed at Hlddeford, In (Cntrmme$ •nil » goo«l title given. Apply others. LKT Til KM 1*> TIIK 8AMK. iu my opinion, Jin. Wllaoa'l llilr R»f*o»n- a>>o continue Intayliir, the Cephalic I'ills bars beea foand a snre aad •aid eounty, that appear al a Probata DEMAIAII CLARK, Orders inall attended to. Write Tlio> will thin, lor and llalr an tb» bcM hair priparatlom no* they may who will attend to by promptly Hm^ing aala the most acale • ha b*Ul at In aald OOm with E. II. llayet, E#q., and direct to Mat- ihall 1.111. ii to in# Ihm with remedy, paiasia Coart In Kennehunk. county, tf 1*. new the your address Dr. 11,,N. bottle*,! la um. I pkaian. relieviaif March next, at la* of M my IhuIimm In iny abucoce. On Oreen Street, 8»co,or John Kinery, Man. few and itssnbllt power eradicat- oa Mm Iflt Twaliy la **■ tiros, as above. lyrM Kir. U. II. UAHTWtLL, Laanoco, minnles, by the elu«k In the forenoon, and ahew cau««\ If any property. rThcMusi&tiisincss ing the diseases of which Headache istheu»- A they hare, why tba aald lu»truuieut dtould not ho Pill LIP EASTMAN 80.1, 0\n formerly, a UrR«> Wmrtir. index. offtrlni; In W. W. Pelr»on Co. km n»»d erring and allowed ai tha U»t wilt and ntoek or no*. MeioAcon*, neeii nram ^For^ale lljdeford by Hkhii. ITmr F. Wiiao* k I yomr proved. approved, American and Patents. >-..* ^eorjra taxtaineul of tha aakl deo«a*t-<1. Four House Jjota Foreign Wm. C. Dyer, i'k.*jnlSawyer, II. U. KUftni, »nil I'Jf !t»lr and lltir Drettlnr, and hare rrrelred Counsellors and Attorneys, In«trumen| | Uultar*. Harp*. Hanjo*. wolln*, Bow* Aj onj K*r*n*f»lnf wants to *en<1 her m all I® i-1 .lit thcwi. d-em the article* of Iliirxirr.—Mixui yon T atteot. Ueorge II. Knowlton, Res'»ter. a. nml Mini; of all kind*. Piano* reAcd anil ex- country deaf-r* goner# Iyrl9 rmt front I worth; 31 aim Cumia or PKrrKKtLL Syria tb«m |« but a buttle «>l A true copy.attent, tie«r){» II. Knowlton, HegUter. UtUKT, FOR SALE!! It. n. EDDY, lano* ami Melodeon* tunokand r hlglimaiaiendaUon, and cheerfully recoaiwend of Cephalic ISIae, no, prepared changed, repair- ar < SACO. ed. I.ar a»->n the llr»t Tue«day In on Kmtry'» Lane, adjoining the liou»e by PATENTS,! •truuicnU. | L it IIurtu.i and A. DIIIaiilow. C 'JRE TOR Itching humor*, what it I*. Ye are she's nigh ilraii and s. « occupiedrmtM Latb Aokkt or 0. H. pATmrOrnca. Wasiiino- from th« head Mnvy, in the ya«r oi our Lord, eighteen hun- t'harle* Win be »old at reasonable u falliuf want* tome m«rw E. H- HAYEfl, W. II. with the flick Headache, an'•. 7(I St., Ilo«len. & Counsellor Law, NlnlrSi.,• ppoailr KIIby « Mr»«. n«*«T r. Vium k Co. t I een IX \FTKIl AT CENTS PER preparation*. ! aore now paid Limlngton OPPICE CITY Kl'ILDIXG, In France ami other A New Pin Vorm» enllrelv r«- lo rMlor* Um hair when II M BriJgtl.—Oeh yon've lit. for ted Ntate*;al*o Ureat llrltaln, GALUjp, fjf DUcovery. ■Uikn, known Ihon prol>aW the u*« or b> bere'a the and uie the auJ prwuM Stkkxt. count rie*. A**ign- moved frmn Uivnuinan — ly Dr. rem it. rettore the hair lu original quarther gl* pill* OrJtr*d. That notice ha given to all per*on* in- Ox CiitaT.itrr Iyr23 FARM TOR SALE. foreign Caveat*, Npecifluatlou*, At FrccnWn'g Oynter find Eating Saloon, op- a fallen off, dandruff, menu, ami all or Air Patent*, exe- E. O. OouldS j-Pin Wormi Syrup, A cur« cur* the moet painful headache*—mi Ik dou'l be all about it aithtr. terest"! that Mitl Instrument I* a nun- «b»erlber olfcr* hit Iknn for sale, situated Paper* Drawing* color, entirely I Jay Saco Hotine, Main St., Saco. In cart. Relief obUklnwt In 'il ni "t ue humor* I hare of a cuted on liberal term*and Re*e4rch- posite warranted #v>y cau»tn* a ropy of thl* J. A. J0HN80N, in lluxton. on the 0MM mj,;one-<|uarter withdispatch. l*n«tu. THE e* made Into Amcrlcau or to deter- Families and unlera supplied at the lowest hour*. Hold l>] Druiacift* Pncrneraly. UKOIUiKC. l>e«n a tharcr in *e»er»l of the.* or Order to Imi nuldUhed III the I'aion i«l Journal. mile from Salmon Kalli Village. Mali] fknn con- foreign work*, Coatlvcncsf. or moodwin i '0. Wholc*al# Ra*. 1IKNKY HILL, Ma.ahatUr, R. II. Constipation */U Ikt ITalir Potrtr C».' near- mine the of Pa tent* Invention*, market Aerjitn. Atfent.«—llii " prluted In Blddefbrd, In aM county. three weeki (Jl lit Ctrfinhr Sk»f if tain* about to acre* of land—buildings ralldltyor utility prices. pinul —and legal or other advice rendered In all inatteri drforil, A. Saw !er Sato, 8. H. Mitcj lyrM Nw one of the many ill* that lesh ii keir wwiwlnlr. thai they may a|i|ir>r at a Prolmto new ami in good repair—water conrej ejIn Not. 1800.—49tf Manu&cturc* and constantly on hand ly pipes the tame. the latin • of any Pa- », to" ia so *o little and Court to ho held at Rrnnehunk In midcounty,on the keep* to hou«o and tarn. The place cuti from 13 to 2D touching Copieiof prevalent, understood, tent furnished hv remitting $1,00 A*»lj;uweuU so much a* eoetiveness. Often flrtt Taeaday in Vareh nnt, at ton of the clock t llanKlng. ,C, •curing Patent*,or a*certalning patentability Cough in Contumylion, Urnn- A *ure eure '•r Rkrumotfm an1 Xeurnlgin COCOA-NUT sequence reality an oM't. <'!*pU«rertorto,anv which can be offered them elsewhere. Clear and girt tlrenglk to have u*idur "tlardlner'* Rhfugiatle and.Neu- the most fatal aay,atle»l, Ueor*e knowllou, Patron- tliey HAIR DRESSING. on hand. All order* promptly executed. For Sale. The testimonial* given lielow prove that none I* Mr voice of raicia l'oin| iund." for the cure RhettluatUw le»» early eradicated it will bring Ike saterer to »>iieitcd—trtr MURK MTCbfvNPl L ATTHK PAT K.N T OFFICE anui win near )•- ha* enabled hlui to accumulate a ra*t llronrkial Trorkit," containing Ingrt-dl- * to tw, and moreoeer, prrfum« InBnilal) Widow or rKKDKMICK UHHY. late of MK. year* pa*t, II. Allen, Hon { A. Fuller, South Mar- ON niDDKroRD. collection and otlk-laldecmou* rel- cnt», allay Pulmonary and Ilronchial Irritation. ^>n Henry of tha fathomable eitract*, either furelga pepsia, Apotdcxv, Kpilensy, Paralysis, II>a- BMdetord. In Mid county dceaaaed. pray ins that Farm tor Mnlc. oOpcvlllcatlou* ket tt, llotioi Samuel Wale*, Jr.. ( ty Hotel, llot- tuperlor to any aad lapsn. Rrfrn to I. T. Dr«w Hon. tW.'P. F«wn- ative to iiatent*. These. beside* hi* cxti nslve li- llot- It W a oo trria, II) puciiomlriasis Melancholy administration of tha etUta of Mid devcaawd Jllon. "That troalile In my Throat. (fbr Ion; tieo. II. Iluramer, I Mrverick S'fliare, Soil or Americas, which alooa ahould entitle placa Daniel Ivn<>w, Hon. Nnthau lh»n«, of and mechanical end full ac- BROWN'S) first indicate their ia ftie s)si< m m.-y be granted to Francia York. atcnt* granted often made ine a mere Abrain Week Webster llonlon ; Cii.i' U •very Udy*i by this alarming symptom. Jiol uufrtqaeiilly Onl>r,W. Tnat tha petitioner eita the nest of kin UvDirit An- on the road lead to oflor TROCHES Ing wiilnperer." »t, #apt. IIi-I-soii. Km| K. 11 C. ll«x>p«r, E«| uated in Kennebunkport, Europe, render him able, beyoud e»t tour but take an lint existence unless the to ing All of a to Washington to inflioiiie a Utile of the Drettlng, and indepen In *M b» firm contains about oiip hundred acres, neee«*lty journey pro- BROWN 8 RKV. K. II. CIIAPIN. CII AS. J. SMTH. Jfo. I Old Stair lliutr, Hoilon. in the morniiiK apply to all lutere«t«l estate, causing Raid a In color and causc I* eradicated In an From all per»oo« Moo UK. cure patent, and the u*ual great delay there, are llonrtt- with In lu word hair will l>e nen lifelike beauty. early stage." m of thin order to lie in t li-- mm lUNl'RL of which ia covered with wood ami tim- I "Ureal *ervlee In raMulnir Have been afflicted copy )>u*dUhed forty bere*aved luveutor*. lllieuiiMtlfn l'a« nothing on your hair but the.e preparation*, and these considerations it follows that the disorder In Bidder .rd, In mid county. farm in. TROCHES «#•*.» RKV. DANIEL WISH. form, anate IlMrlnct BuiMluc,Ch**tont St. tons of Jluild- BROWN'S at P. Wil- lyrsi ten**!, and cuts about forty hay. I regard Mr. Eddy a* one of thorn I to Jtlkma." tianllner'* Itheumatlc and and *old wholesale by Henry e > u| aouuty. ou the lir»t Tuesday in March nevt. at Nenral^a Compound Manufactured box of Cephalic I'ills on the fcrst n new nud in and all finished mcrftul with whom I have had offi- REV. A. C. EGOLESTON. haiientlrelv relieved me from luffern ol icveral ton k N. 11.,to «hom all Icttara ah«uld ten of the clook in the lore noon, and ahaw MMae, ing* good re|>air, practitioner* TnnritM Co., Maocheatcr, the n* tkeir use will the Warohouio. with cial Intervouro. CHAM. JIAKON," inwi iir.n "Contain no oi In- >.\ 1 Old Stall addretaed. complaint, limtly expel if any they hara, whv tha prayer ot Mid petition Now Coffin Said buildings are painted and well shaded Opium anvthlng yearn1 *tamllnj£.—IT. llOIXiKI.Hj.i be CtmmiMiiantr of Palmti, A. A. II AY EM. insiduoiis approaches of disewee aad destroy ahouid not be granted. ornauiental trees. This is one of the l«wt f irms jurious DR. lloutr, Hoiton. Ckrmitl. Ilotlon. miffi with nhruinatUm at this loe to buniaa life. 7 attest, tlaorxc II. Knowlton, Renter. B B ~5T is treated with •• that BROWN'S After rioic yearn, II. If. 4 Portland dangerous J. O L I in Keunehunkport, conveniently I have no hedtatlon In aanurlng Inventor* I u«i P| Whnlcanls .\'*ent», IIAV CO.. U. "A pimple and plea*«nt combination *M rnlirelj- cureil »>y the of two I ttlea i.f liar- A trwaoopr. attest. Uaorfa kuowltoo, IU'(lit«r. caunot a | r->-n mort eompitrnt and Hold In Baco 1'. folia w In lliddrforil by A. MAimarRii or reference to school, meeting houses, markets, they employ tor Cougki, ♦«." diner'* Itlieuinatio and Neuralgia din pound.— by .8. one and more of their ap TROCHES lyrjT A Hen! Ac., and offers a rare chance fur any wish- lm*lie«rlty, ca|>ah|e putting dr. a. r. bioelow. NOR MAN V. .4 YHIIS, 7'< I'rnnklm »fj oil on. Sawyer. Cleaning. and In a form to *ecure lor tliem an early and At * Court «f l»r<>»>«•»> he lit M Waco,' within ing to and scttla u|Min a good farm. plication* nation. The llheumalic Neuralgia C'oiuk II ha* been Mr*. how it that In COFFINS!! purchase, favorable at the Pateut UflJoe. rhftirian,—Well, June*, fur Witt count* of Yolk, on the tint Tuetdav *H. Hmr Nki IIMilrUrri. in or in BROWN'S ''Beneficial In nronrkiHt." taken lain J red* of (• jfUloui llu- I)It. C. IIn< I'm* Said farm will to sold whole part.— EDMUND III'IlkK, by people 1I.MIOLKH, IimiImIw? Id the year of «»ur Unlililitwii hun- DR. J. P. W. LANE, mora with great linn lit. It iua I veil to chil- fibruwy, and riatu* ftirnNh<'0. 13t( LI. W l.lVjlO. aila>lni»trat»r of the I Kennebunkport, March 23, "Mr. R. H. Eddy ha* made Tor me TlllflTKKN Street, New York. 1*7 COURT HTHKET, and I wi»h you would *ead nt ntwre*o that I hare BROWN'S S.V\ltritate of t. V. LJTO.y. late of llol- application*, on all but o*n of which patent* WAHIIKN. Principal Depot— 87 Klllir N| llaaton, can have tlieiu handy, hl» and that oue I* aeie Much Ilotlon. Jlowton, 1'a.m Mhl county, d««»»»ed. hairtag pruaawUd I,. A. PLUMB'S FARM FOR MALE! been granted, ftnding. | Nun* genulue uule** ilgned by fan at and get them aay rtrng- Or.t hi i-ouiiI of the adiulni*tratloi« of Um «»UU> of unmlftakable proof or great talent ability TROCHES "neneflcial when compelled toipcak, Fhytirian.—Yuv " L'llARI.KS _ iQARDINRR. undivided attention for the Call for I Bad letrr Mid ilrw*»•■'!. for allow.MMv. DFNTiVIi A *mall Farm fur sltuatee»t possible Mrt. Jonn,—I »M! »end fi»r a boi directly, three week* the subscriber J01IN TAUUART." inUtlifcS »n com- cuudqf. i lyrii; printed at Diddelbnt, In Mid county, ESTABLISHMENT, For further particular* luqulre of charge*. and Irritation of the Throat, advantages tor treatment the world has >et dis> ami nhall tell all fur at a Probate my •uttering friend*, tkey *uce<-»*ivtly. that they may appear on the CHARLES TKl'Ll«. From to June 1HM. mon with SoetUert and Sinaert." the No. 10 Union Blook, Biddeford. premise*. 17th, IM7, 17th, covered. are a real Co«rt to he held NtK«uu«l>unkJuMldcounty,on litf Septembercour*e of made Prof. M.8TACY J0IIN80N, bltuing. baoo, April t*,lHJ9. the rub*cr!l>er, in hldarge practice BROWN'S| ♦ THE J our best medioal men next, at tea of the clock lnwrted and Filled I ill ran '. I have l>een advi>ed l>y IntTumlaf In tUuli TmiIi Cleansed, hitracted. on I«k>rejected applications, 81 XTKK.N APPEALS M anil atoew cauM If have lucau* uf of Southern to advertise remedies for the grne* Millio** or Dolus* farrit.—Mr. lathe forenoon, any they In llf-lup »a»|>«,4l price* within the erery KVKIlV O.N K of which wa* decided In kitfmvr, by TROCHES Teacher Mu»lc. my people Twmtt »hould not he allowed. Female most ntnl muter, Why the (ante one. 24tf Houso for Solo, the Coiuiululoner of Pa tout*. College. Old Uarncss Manufactory, rally, from the f.iot thott u-ho Hpaldin;: hne «>M two milliuai uf buttle* »f tiia 1 AUaet. tieorga II. Kaowlton, Re^Uter "Great beneflt when taken before a to Iyr37 R. II. EDDY • rim dart not atk fritnd uhtrt Uirtcl celebrated Prepared fllne and it le eetimatr 1 II. knowlton it BROWN'S and after a* iy nmnr.foi v- A tnieCopy.alUH, Ueor^e ttogUtM* 8. llALi;, mllK subscriber wUhes to sell hi* hon*e, situated preaching. they prevent thrm. each bottle Mtes at leant ten dnllar* worth J lloar*ene«*. From their effect. I that on Pike Mreet, near Pool Ktreet. The house Is pa«t SIMPSON to hii ihop axd i>i:bii.itatki». I "'Ink will be or eontlnle* keep to tiik iMroTrjrr of broken htrnitare, thai making aa aggrrgata At a Court of Prol«ta held at Naco, within ECLECTIC MYSICIAN AND SURGEON; finished. The lot Is three rod* on like Bt., TROCHES they permanent ad- At Ac old utmxl on L hlreet. nc«r nearly CITY MARKET. to me." EDRNRZeI«prn, t.crty of millioa* of dollar* reclaiaied frwai t»»- and (hr the count* of York, on the first Tues- imU>KKOHl>. MA INK. and >»vck ten rods. There I* a well of Rood vantage the Clothing «r «tlm»»n : Hamilton, where Sprrrnutorrhcrn,or Nrmltinl Weukneaa, twenty running CORNER LlllERTY AND FRANKLIN 8TS. REV. B. A. llore thi* valaable iaveatioa. day of Kchruaiy. In the year of our Lord, eight- water on the lot. R0WL3Y, V, lie on hand • auortmetit of I divide into three stages : tal Iom by Ilatiag Orru Jd door abore Union BROWN'S Preildent of Athen* Tinn. coniUntiy « |;lVE CENTS A BOX. 61 llarnrur*, n\dr Life will cure in a very short time, with- Particular attention ciren to all i!l«*«»eJ JAMES F. D. WATERllorjHS. * Drops cnrlntr all the aching head* with hi* it:MS, Uu< ol South tterwk-k.la Mid county, ITT Iaaw ia Jaly. UM oat personal firlcct wtiibotiou warranted. UU cases of this than the world is aware of. Home OrW«r*4. That Uia nkt petitioner give naxoH hok&ui muiIrk a IIarnc«rci mmle It ihort noflce. Iti-palrlng done of the are high>cn1ort«t and acanty Bo I ko to all perv.n< interested, hy BIDDEFORD Porky Lardy ON TUB EUROPEAN symptom* GtMT Dwcorrar.—.Imwng the m«e< iatp*r- tkll order to ba tn the ( men J. N. ANTHOIW, Beefy Sausages, PLAN, with neatnen* evacuations from the bladder, with a smarting Copy of published anJdlapatuh. tant of all the great nef vaccina, ft>r three week»«ueee»«i»rlv. BLACKSMITH, Feeling gratcfUlTor |>a*t sediment, and at others a milk-like ay »t« to ba holtleu at Kvuoei>uoli. In MARBLE WORKS. Meat or nil he *ollcit* a contlAuaiu'e iiStlirir i'nr.mi.. and appearance. fion for frem Hmall the at a I'r-.l Court AMD MALm IV kinds, I have ted of this protection I'oi, Cepha- on th« Brct Tueadar in March SINGLE ItOOMS FIFTY CENTS PER DAY. •II who are In artlcK* In hli line uf bu*l- annly many s|>ecimen* nature, the u»a Mid county, Ai the Market afford* Aim). Iligliot Oa*h Price* wau$>r lic I'iII for the relief of llcaitache, ami the In tha tbrepeon AD.l.ns & ne««. > and in all caaea have found traces of Hemeti Mat, at ten of clock IROX »\D STEEL, W.tM.1 SMI16S, HIES, CO., n>r Hide* and Wool ttklut. f ofQuiaiaa fut the pretention effeter*, etlhrr If tha mm* paid City Ilall cor. Frankfort St., Reference to Mfmm ff. P« H. Oowcn, N. O. Ken and which is as sure to death •■dilwwMiw, any they hart, why W ASI1KIW. Square, Albumen, a enre will CKOWHAKS. PICK-AXKS, announce to the cltltrni I O. W. produce of which ie »j>ecirtc\ whoea kaaeftt* hould But be allowed. pKSPKCTFl'LLY JOHN A. QoOLD. JOHN H. HILL. (1*11, Jere. l'lumiu«rA\ino« ft'hlttler, Darker, as unleae it ia checked medi- II lllcldrfbnl ami vlrlmty tliat they have (oppoilte City llall.). Consumption, by be lang af- 1 |alte»t.l»eorga II. Knowlton. Register. MAL- opened •nd A. L. Car pcuter.ViUMi'k coper*. cal treatment. e*|>erlenced l«y niffertng hamaaity CARRIAGE DOLTS. DOOR ROLLERS, • thou i>n l'ln -tiiut Mrt'i'l, a ft'«r iloor* wwt of the December ISCO. 53 ter their ditcoteren are A true copy .allot, U«vrj;e U. knowlton, Hc^inter | Dlddefbrd, 31. Meal* aa On- v may t>« ordered In the ipaeloui IHjif i kBknkzer bisiphox forgotten. LtAIILK IKON, to fM UfDee. for the manufacture of It, Refectory. There i* a llarber'* Hbo|> and llath looimo vara cask in time. or' rr»>'-aie new ai wunm ami Street. Feb. 21.INT ttf IMMattached to the ll«trl. At • CVnrt Alfred niJJefi.nl. or — CoiimiiMMi !r'» Notice. 3d. Los* MroO'iax Co wick. Such case* h>r tint county of York, on the Qr>t Tu«*Uy lu Orate Stoneh, Tablets, NEW N. II ILewarc of Runner* and llackraen who (ay hei re notice that m Com- be cured nv siiffilar means if the hlviurr, In Ilia rear of>.eneier I*. may dred and «i\l>-oue. the lion. b. K. UuuriM, MONUMENTS, TIIK Ilohha, be in otherwise toleJble health. by nil claim" »f crcdl- of mm I Court late of Wan Tori, they 'receive at low Judge T. 3?. S. DE ARINO, TAILORING ESTABLISHME.YT! Kuie- Best French Preventatives price*. named vxrcutor In a TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS, iC., IC. tori, of mlil eatate, at ifllce ofNamuel It. rv\\10 MUl'UTl'N M tlk( of Hee my advertisement in the Boston Herald, to be the la«t UMMMlin WHITE'S COAL DEPOT. ry. In Nanford, on the flri and la*t Tuenlav* Jf certain iBJtmawnt, purporting Stone Doller Funnel Htonea, I can more full o of A)*^ Hi.ap Tops, March nest,front 10 o'cl •k A. SI. to 3 P. Si. of and you learn if deecription will aad lMUiu. nl »l ulrIU MOVLTO.y, late St'iir Ai*. MR. J. W. EMERY COFFINS, Purchaser* of either In N.ico or each of thoie day*. such caaea. V York, in Mid county, ilrcwml, ha«Uitf precent- Work iloue with neat new and 'II*patch anerha*inade 1AMURL II. EMKRV. Add re*. C. II. M. 127 Court ad lb* «ame f»r t rantel to Mtlibctlou. Order* follclled. arrange- 8IDLE8, D., probate give 11 lllddefiird and thai meiitt bv which he will I* ahle to thixe HTKl'UK.N HATCH. * 0*1trt4. That I lie mM ."eireutor flra aotica lo DEARIMO'8 BUILDING, co, vicinity, *upply Street, Boston. order lllddelonl, *7, l->«0. Iyr36 taken the itur* who with with the l«-t varletie* of Coal In Samforp, Jan. all per*one Inleraeted.by eaiuln|>ear at a Pro ha la Court l«» Maortineiit of t'odln* in County, R S MflOLKN, they ttr«t and forulthcd to or- nnri LIQ 1ST;O held at Keaaebuaa lu cent eouulv.on the Tur*. be ttni.h.-t iii » »u|M-ru>r style 1 Pffptrtll Spurt, Fiiriince, Egg Sfovc, roR tira Xr tub the OF tf on j in attention to Die- aad aliowed a* the laat will and t«*uu>«nt K»le>, I'late*, Ac.. tarnished to order. MOULT OX I rtantly hand a cood ajfortment the lllddeford tide—below the Covered ing Norton, give* |nrti/IiUr proved. MESSRS. OWEN M Drldge. A (elected iR. JVEIX-I/ETl, offering order, ISfO.—3tf a* Ilk* any diearrnngeinent In a manner wliloli for and January, aican he ol>lalne«, low any of A true copy, at teat. Uevrge U. knowltoa, Ka^UUr worknuiuhlp ityle. pure and}* Married or with aafety fhall not b« quality fold elfcwherAuderihe furhearance of the uncle ladicAnay apply mrpaned. • and in confidence, for m ( fruoi toe many COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FALL WINTER GOODS Ilarlat; had 'ctcmI years' njpecJenee In on« of law. } )\i mi»-1 At a Court of Probata held at Naeo. within and of other totm furtil»hed with reliable fortune* to tlft A5D SULIMI IX —AT— the flr*t rl«M llouw* In the country, Mr. R. fe*U AfMMlM * peculiar fur tba of on the Brat Tnwlv ou Jbriu*. county York, confident that he ran meet Uie wanU of all who liquor* reaaonahle LUN A LvTL'RE. Headache. In In tba of our Lord eighteen a Flour, February, yaar favor him with a call. Al*o, well tMiuichtAtuck of|irlm* family the om of these pills lb* MUeu • tiou. E. ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES! tuay M «. for ca»li. lJ^M By periwlio bun«lrati ami lity-vae.. bytka C Hourur, FLOUR. OATS, SHORTS; PlilM Qrocerle* ami We*t llUla lioolt—low I have prepared a mulicuie for the purpoae J if Ira uf •aiJ pamrni Interacted by causing copy 8T1LLMAJT B. ALIiBX, Satinets, Cathmtrtf and aatoniabing eatiafactory.M—Jour- arder to ha uublishad In tha latea + J»»ru*i. print- coating, in tht STOVES, 8A YE YOU TARE kIbOSTON nal qf Am. Mtd. Scitnet. HnJackt to which females arc so suLjtct. J •d la lihlMbrd, la mUU count v. tkraa week«»uc- Tailore«flCfl Wanted. VOOKIJYG & Counsellor at Law, I have hundreda aaaumncea of the eacclralr that they may appaar at a Probata Court | Atlorney GREATEST VARIETY. and rant, maken tub. of'prifete | act the Coat, Ve»t, wanted by the PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, re»- Tbeg gently upon bowels,—rem? viog ta beheld at Keaaebuak lu vaid couatv.oa tha ir*t NOTARY PUBLIC, aanie happy retulfa, brtt for obvioua ta March of cloak la above wilt mII lb* or will (crllx-r, to whom Rood wagee and couitant Klnt Claaa SALE aona ctniiot CarflNMM. Taeeday Bait, a» taa tha Yarh Mala*, The roodi they by yard employ and aver) thing found In a TICKE S FOR I place Aiem LeKjrc the public. aa4 chew aa.ua. KITTKRY. Cmiit, •nlrr Into cmrurnU of tbafcrawioa. If aay thay hare, why manufacture to every went will ba given. It la the very beefrthing kno«n tor tbe pur tba ana ahoutd aot ba allawed. Will attend tn lrc* 1 biuiorM In th« Court* of York de*crll>t!un, IB k KMihiwaitklc and 43 GOODS STORE I For Literary Mtn, Rtmitrnti, Drlirate T»~ C.Q.nunLEOII. HOUSE FURNISHING ] ALL poee, and in cane of oUtructitlb, after all other T Attaet. Uaorge U. kaowltoa, Ur;Utar. and Rucfclnghaia i'uuntlM aad «U1 pa/ *p«*lal WcrktaaBllkr Maaarr. POI!fT»^— ami all to of li and other liland.Haco ineana have desired ef- main, pertnnsof it>frntary Kabih, lL»y A tniacopy.at tact. Ueorge II. Kaawluwi. lU.UUr. •ttrntl. a ih« <-uH«ctl«>a Jrnian Factory at price* that canoct be found leu eleewhera Ciiled^rill producAhe t>u»iii«a» In P»rlaa<>uUi ami la KltWry, York »nun«jr U. r. RICK, West nftd be refunded. At a proavcuta ! Soull^WeM, price will Purely vegetable, and tone and to v of oa tba But ami oth«r claim* tt»* appttitr, giving vigor thedigeetiva Ibr tha count York, Tueaday «| Land, axaln*t ^->*ernm*at. Marie Coder Lanea*t«r flail, Portland, Me. 3Atf 4 Mfc at all timea. Um uf out Lord eighteen lUfcn to lloa. D. Uoodcoow, Hon. Wa. C. All*n Clothing, perfectly natural and ftbraary, la yaar Ready VI* New Vork and Erie CAUTION.—Never medicine o organ*, and restoring lb« elasticity -one. tha lioa. t E. ami J». D. Ijo M*., and Wo. II. purchtiae any hun'lrcliin'l «Ut) by Uourna, AppWton, AIM, which be lound iIm and rery Y. lUekit aud A. K. IVrWiuouth Among may Urg# White Oak Railroad, thia nature of any one, if left about the conn of the whole ay item. Judge uiMid Courts llalch, £«|i, heavy Butts, strength OAKES, a creditor of Tha Air Lanuta other pereon TALKNTIKK riEE't FKOCK COATS, WALNtT, *do^ manarer* of dreenwixid Cemetery rive no. ^ yeais.duriog tha widow A nest to 0rj»r,4. That the pct't'ooer cite uw SACK a>ATS, 2.50 10.00 tloe Utal they hare erected a *ultable ftnee Addreea Dr. C. U. 8H0LE8, 127 Court which time they have prevented and nlievaJ » aotloa thereof or All to to well jea toned, of two yean eUaJ TIIR Ht.,] of kin to takc«*l»lal»tmtlaa tadglre 1.25 to 5.50 llaehlne around their burial ground* on the Alfred road, |y FARE TO Boatnn. all ueraoaj inter- LINED PANTALOONS, In*- ApplF »* of Taut amount of and frvxn IlrtvU tvtha haira of «Od daceaaad aad to bhop have Hid oat the *ame with walk* and avenue*, BOSTON. pain suffering of thi* order lo DYE .62 to 5.00 SAVljiG Boston, May 23, IWQ. Iyr« acted la laid eetata.braau«iac aoepy HOUSE, VESTS, SACO WATER POWER and are to tell lot* to who may ache, whether originating in the arri««« Llkcrl? *U, arar C*T*rMI C«« prepared peraoo* a| i)> HrM,r, on a naaort- dealro them, at fhvorahle rata*. At Kiprc«e mmVlegraph Offloe.8Mo.ft They keep eonfUotlr hand Urn L1DDEPORD,. MAINE. tem or from a state of the ifoaeri. Irr BIDDEFORD, ME. «• ment ol The U auu of thl* location aa a hnrlal *pot, add- YORK COUNTY deranged that at a Probate Coart to U Wm II. and tba) uiay appaar THOMPSON, Superintendent. ad to the effi.ru In progre** lo contract walk* are oa the dr»t Tbey entirely vegeUble in their bald at Kaaaabaai. la Mid oouuty, Jane IS. l*o 2»U avenue* threagh the iaae, and to adora them with CARTER, Agent., compo- at Ua of the , oJL~~ Institution, T»eaday af Marah, neit, HUBBARD A FURNISHING GOODS!! flower* and akrwbbery, caaaet tall to render thl* Fire Cents Savings sition, and may be taken al all timet with per cloak la tba eaiue. If an v they EDOERLY, tereauaa. ,aad *ahew Which they will Mil at price* thai ceiaetary attract!rr feet hare, wby the af *aM *hould But V1EIB B THE 1861. ORGANIZED MARCH 27, 1*0. safety without making any change of diet. prayer patltioa BEST PL1CB r. r. t. DttKinoA ba granted. Counsellors and T~ and Attorneys, will oarr coKPiTXTioir. —to on a..„. •IJfJ. MOMHKM, 4i»afr«mkl*U»l*rtndrrt T Attaal. flearfa H Knowltoa. RegUter. Morth llrrwlck) Malar. Freeldent Join* M. Uoonirur tkiabHnerof|*y All who ar* In wut re CHJULU IWrd of Avm«w«. A una eapy, atteet. Uearga II. Knowltoa,Hegk»Ur. of any ot the a ho good* am UJMUr, freeMent, it taty toadminiittr tkrm lo tkildrta. T. ■r*lARt>. A. INIUr. Invited to cxamlM THOMAS H. COLE, HmPiA' a A. their itork before pnrcba*. GOOD PICTURE* Manager* bKftUf/ ib4 Treasurer, IiootibT In*- not for««t to enll at their old • AT I. J. BOOTHMr. At a Caar* af h.>». bald at Maen, within and BIDDEFOKD KSPEXSARY William If. TMoMraoa, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I af T. II. HUBBARD, tAWL LOWELL, fcrfeaeaaaty Yaeh,aa tha Ira* Tar-tar m Pkppruell X. H. MoKBNUKY'S J..!«ATUA!» Trtl, Standn0pi*o8itk Square, Dlddefbrd, Jane ». I NO. rtf No. 3 BUAcM [Ilonae Block* Tuciii It. r«u, Tbe have live slgnaturet of Henry PuHif and Ctauniuioiifr fir Kiu. • genuine C: Notary Kul atom waat of York l lloiuii Koan, I „ TrmaUta. on each hot. l;rM GALLERY OF ART!! FOR J K. II. lUnaa, / Spalding fUoo, Deceiuher It, I-W.-J11T BLANKS OP ABSL II. No. *1 Cryatal Aroaila, HWlilelorU, LAW BTEET HID * JllUMI, Fold and aE other in Brown'* Brooch1!Urooeh'l Tn^tciwnrUR William by Druggists (Dealers waaaa mat m Rrewal Hrrup. Daaar, (Af ^ ostaixo rumt ti a hat MAiaia attu vaioa ornci of Pufe*h la Miuatu i Hyrup llypupho*|ilfltc* Lump. Pimr*, AVANTED. NEW CROP AJIBROTYPES. PICTURES ON V*C Pulmonary Damn •? Can*. 3&SBmrd Ibr ailowaaaa, CLOTH, AUo, Ctrevlara, Baak Cheek*, ReoelpU, Vex. Coagh Myrup m Hal Hbda ami lleela. (Jou M. Uoodwim, A Dos win be sent by mall on iwseipt of Um * tew of Um MIIU.ft wall. PllOTOORAP11S, La..* a an ot4tr*d. That tha »ald aaooaataat give aotiaa ITIll* minute, nil ^ jTC-w /V S fa JM i MRLAINOTYP1B, fUrenrth'ag nBer*. M Aleok«L lareatlag Coma, < Aaoaawa, \V" ifntntaL Tno** a IrM- fej. BILL I1KAD®, WEDDINU AND VWITLfO Veg. peiVeat. la all percoa* Interacted, by caaalag a copy Hf Un CvatMl h*Tlnj»*ch Aad, la n«t«m that cm he Wood**. Mre. other llfflr BertoraUrea. (William Baaar. price aa cjcs^rtt. hi oOoa. Amoant fcrt,«Twr»tyUaf WlUoa'Jad « prnu. da wall ia apply Ifcu IllUHt. AND TIKRCE8 from Qt* CARDS. Ac., Ac b*'1 reeelred order CVepahWe*lathat/«Ue« v'r*ct made, «n»alle«t, AIm. l>rwga. and all oWtl* iyn.po.IU every day darlac Baaklsg I ia caW ooanty, three week* cae- aoobjMt. Dye tflb, » id in Uiddaford. *r*£*1101* i^nt Mil telnet ^ Hears, at the dank Rooms Liberty St -latf at a Probata Cowrt NEW CROP MOLA88K8 City j All orders should beadlisseeJ to caolewlr, that Uwy *ay appear BUdaMd. Fah. 8U IMI LOWEST atllMl>H>, la tald county, oa PRIOE8. ta ha k«ld Of Prima Quality. Ibr tnU by POSTERS. PR0GRAMKE8 AND TICKETS SAWYER, tba Ant Taaeday la Marsh aeit, a* taa af the ^•CaU*«4jaafctyow»lm. ftemamber i)RCM»T JUWIT C. of rot IUU aid coacaar* atr Card Printing! 8MLMM, •teak la Ua ft»renoon, aad »hew aau»elf aay they job ak© oaid rmnrrnra KMEBY * POX* plS*,!»o.«Cry«tal Alvade, tlga the Haw nuiw, mm chautd aot ba allowed at Of All kinds. eiaeated at Uila ofles, U a aaWl hare, why tha or ALL KXXD8, PriaMl wkh Nralaree and Dkfatck QT 4t CWm 7 attaal, Uaar«a M. Knowltoa. lUgActer aorntr ConnniwM StiwC Port E. 11. HcKRNNKY. tyl.mii at this oflicc• jrif Stmt, New Twi Kxacrrn At no Btm'i Whnrt, Bidd«A>rd, I' XlilB OiTJTICK. printed A tn» wmyAttcat, Oaorja H. Kaawltoa. JUkUU/ cmoa axo ionnu una Uad.il*. ««• Sept. I, nit