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Two New Genera With Descriptions Of Three New Species Of (: ) From China

Article in Zootaxa · July 2008 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.183185


2 authors:

Chunxiang Liu Le Kang Institute of Zoology, CAS, China Chinese Academy of Sciences



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Zootaxa 1830: 47–56 (2008) ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2008 · Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)

Two new genera with descriptions of three new species of Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from China

CHUN-XIANG LIU & LE KANG* Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]


Two new genera, Parapelerinus gen. nov., and Conversifastigia gen. nov. with three new species, P. ensatus sp. nov., P. emarginatus sp. nov., and C. gressitti sp. nov. are described from Southern China. Principal taxonomic and diagnostic characters including structure of head, tegmen, stridulatory file of male, male and female apex are illustrated. Parapeleri- nus is distinguished from other related genera by the sword-like ovipositor, which is very uncommon in the subfamily Phaneropterinae. The species of Conversifastigia gen. nov. possess a pyramidal fastigium frontis, which is not present in related genera.

Key words: new genus, new species, Phaneropterinae, China


Southern China is characterized as sub-tropical region with very rich flora and fauna, in which there is high biodiversity of tettigoniid species because of diversity of habitats and complex topography. The Phaneropteri- nae, the largest subfamily in the Tettigoniidae, which numbers 31 genera and 106 species in Jin & Xia’s list (1994), was systematically studied in Southern China in the last century. Our recent studies, bring the number up to 40 genera and 180 species in the Phaneropterinae. These studies include the description of 4 new genera and 33 new species (Gorochov & Kang, 2002, 2004; Liu et al, 2004; Liu & Kang, 2006a, b; 2007a, b, c). We believe that with more specialists working on the fauna of this region, more species remain to be discovered. Here, we describe two new genera and three new species from Southern China. One new genus Parapelerinus gen. nov. is described to include two new species, P. e n sa tu s sp. nov., occurring in the primal forests of Guangxi Province and Hainan Island, and P. emarginatus sp. nov. from Fujian Province. Parapelerinus gen. nov. is similar to Pelerinus Bolivar and Arnobia Stål, but differs by many morphological characters. Field col- lections on Hainan Island, reveal that adults of P. en s a tu s sp. nov. occur in May or November, and, however, we didn’t find any specimens of this species in August or September. The other new genus Conversifatigia gen. nov. with one new species C. gressitti sp. nov., is distributed in Guangdong Province. The fastigium fron- tis of Conversifastigia gen. nov. is inversely pyramidal, with truncated dorsal apex distinguishes it from other related genera, such as Letana Walker and Qinlingea Liu & Kang.

All specimens were examined with a Leica MZ12.5 microscope, drawings were made with Leica MZ12.5 with a drawing mirror, and photographs of stridulatory areas were made with a Canon Powershot 50 digital camera fixed on Leica MZ12.5 microscope. Material comes from the following two depositories: Collection of Institute of Zoology, the Chi- nese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (IZAS); and Institute of Entomology, the Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Shanghai, China (IEAS).

Accepted by D. Rentz: 11 Jul. 2008; published: 28 Jul. 2008 47 TERM OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website site is prohibited.

Genus Parapelerinus gen. nov. Type species: Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov., here designated.

Diagnosis: Fastigium verticis narrower than first segment of antenna. Pronotal disc with surface of prozona smooth, without lateral carina. Tegmen slightly widened in middle, with radical sector bifurcated. Anterior coxae armed; anterior tibiae with open tympanum on both sides. Anterior femur with genicular lobe round, median and posterior femora each with a small spine on lower genicular lobe. Male tenth abdominal tergite normal, not produced. Male concealed genitalia with a pair of sclerites. Male subgenital plate without styli. Female ovipositor slender, sword-shaped, with dorsal and ventral margins smooth; apex pointed. Description: Head ovoid, occiput convex and smooth. Fastigium verticis well-produced, dorsally sulcate, distinctly narrower than first segment of antenna, with apex approximately rounded. Fastigium frontis inversely ovoid; dorsal apex slightly narrower than fastigium verticis, separated by a rather wide gap. Com- pound eye wide elliptical, obliquely set, greatly bulging, ventral margin extending slightly beyond ventral margin of antennal scrobe (Figs. 1–8). Pronotum slightly widened posteriorly; disc of pronotum with anterior portion slightly convex, posterior third flattened; anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin obtuse with a middle notch; pronotum with lateral margin rounded and without lateral carinae (Figs. 3, 6). Lateral lobe of pronotum much higher than long; humeral sinus distinct (Figs. 2, 5, 8). Prosternum unarmed. Meso- and metasterna more or less transverse, their lobes rather small, rounded. Anterior coxae armed with a small sharp spine; anterior tibiae dorsally sulcate, with open tympanum on both sides; widened at and abruptly con- stricted below tympana (Fig. 12). Anterior and median femora with spines on ventro-anterior margin; poste- rior femur with spines on both ventral margins. Anterior femur with genicular lobe round (Fig. 12), median and posterior femora each with a small spine on the lower genicular lobe (Figs. 14, 16). Anterior tibiae with or without dorsal spines on anterior margin; median tibiae with dorso-posterior spines; posterior tibiae with dor- sal spines on both sides. Tegmen slightly translucent, with regular veinlets; costa indistinct; subcostal vein and radial vein joined at base, then separated but closely abutted together till before apical part of tegmen; radical sector bifurcated before middle of tegmen; apex of tegmen rounded. Male stridulatory area (Figs. 18–21) with posterior margin sinuate; male right stridulatory area with distinct triangular mirror (Figs. 19, 21). Male terminalia (Figs. 24–33). Tenth abdominal tergum normal, slightly concave in middle; apex broad truncated. Epiproct triangular, with apex obtuse. Cerci long, gradually tapering; apex pointed, various. Sub- genital plate elongate, with or without emargination at the apex; without styli (Figs. 34, 35). Concealed geni- talia with a pair of sclerites, species distinctive (Figs. 28–33). Female terminalia. Ovipositor sword-shaped, slender, with dorsal and ventral margins smooth; apex pointed (Fig. 31). Subgenital plate distinguished (Fig. 30). Discussion: The new genus resembles the genus Pelerinus Bolivar in the general features, including head, lateral lobe of pronotum, tympana, and wing, but differs in the structure of genicular lobes of each femur, the shape of the tegmen and hind wing, the shape of female ovipositor, and the male abdominal apex. The male stridulatory apparatus, and the male tenth abdominal apex except for the concealed genitalia, resemble the same structures in Arnobia Stål. This new genus differs from Arnobia in the structure of tympana on fore tib- iae and the concealed sclerotized genitalia. Etymology: The name Parapelerinus is named suggesting its relationship with Pelerinus; masculine gen- der. Distribution: China.

1. Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (Figs. 1—5, 12, 14, 16, 18—19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30–32, 34)

Holotype: female, at light, CHINA: Hainan Island: Ledong County, Jianfengling Nature Reserve, 800m, 4.v.2007, Coll. Zhang dong, Liu Chunxiang (IZAS).

48 · Zootaxa 1830 © 2008 Magnolia Press LIU & KANG. TERM OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website site is prohibited.

PLATE I, head. Figs. 1–3, female of Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 4–5, male of Parapelerinus ensa- tus sp. nov. (paratype from Bawangling Nature in Hainan Island); Figs. 6–8, male of Parapelerinus emarginatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 9–11, female of Conversifastigia gressitti sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 1, 4, 7, 9, head in caudical view; Figs. 2, 5, 8, 10, head in lateral view; Figs 3, 6, 11, head in dorsal view. (scale = 1 mm).

NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF PHANEROPTERINAE FROM CHINA Zootaxa 1830 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 49 TERM OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website site is prohibited.

Paratype: 1 male, 1 female, at light, same data as in holotype, but xi. 2007, Coll. Zhu Xiaoyu (IZAS); 2 males, at light, China: Hainan Island: Bawangling Nature Reserve, 1100m, 15.v.2007, Coll. Liu Chunxiang (IZAS); 2 males, same data as in holotype, but vi. 2003, Coll. Gao Yong (IZAS); 1 male, China: Guangxi: Damingshan Mt., Tianping, 9.x.1990, Coll. Li Tianshan (IEAS). Description: Female (holotype). Size slightly small for typical phaneropterine katydids. Pronotal disc with distinct middle transverse groove V-shaped, lying in middle, also with an elongate middle line through- out; posterior margin slightly emarginate; lateral lobe of pronotum much higher than long, with anterior mar- gin slightly concave, posterior margin widely rounded, and ventral margin right-angled rounded (Figs. 1–3). Legs (Figs. 12, 14, 16): Anterior femora armed with 4 spines on ventro-anterior margin; median femora with 7 spines on ventro-anterior margin; posterior femur with 11 anterior and 6 posterior ventral margins. Anterior tibiae without or with 1 dorso-anterior spine; median tibiae with 1–3 dorso-internal spines; posterior tibiae with 27 internal and 29 external dorsal spines. Tegmen: radial vein also with one oblique branches after radial sector vein. Wings developed well. Tegmen extending beyond apex of hind femur, apex of tegmen rounded. Hind wing longer than tegmen. Tenth abdominal tergum not modified, with apex truncate. Epiproct tongue- shaped. Cerci short, small, conical. Subgenital plate long, divided into two sharp lobes from apical half, with lateral margin not constricted towards apex; with a middle elongate groove in ventral view (Fig. 30). Male. Stridulatory file cambered, with about 70 regularly sparsely arranged teeth, which are gradually becoming smaller from center towards both ends (Fig. 22). Right stridulatory area with distinct triangular mir- ror (Fig. 19). Tenth abdominal tergum with apical margin truncated. Epiproct wide triangular, with lateral margin straight, apex obtuse. Cerci incurved, gradually tapering, apex with interior margin strongly contracted towards tip (Fig. 24). Male subgenital plate elongate, groove-shaped; gradually constricted to approximately truncated, slightly sinuate apex (Figs. 22, 34). Inner genitalia strongly sclerotized, deeply split from basal third into two face-to-face systematrical sclerites, which widened and bearing an obtuse dorsal tooth in mid- dle, and apical part deflexed with spine-like apex (Figs. 26, 28, 32). Color: Overall color light green in female, deep green in male. Eyes brown with a white stripe extending from lateral margin of both occiput and pronotum. Basal portion of male stridulatory apparatus with a large ochreous spot on each tegmen, a black spot present at base of media-anal vein on female tegmen. Sclerites of concealed genitalia, apex of male cerci, and apex of ovipositor brown. Measurements (mm): Length of body: male 21.5, female 25.8; length of pronotum: male 5.6, female 5.6; basal width of pronotum: male 3.2, female3.3; distal width of pronotum: male 3.6, female 4.0; length of teg- men: male 34.4, female 35.2; largest width of tegmen: male 8.8, female 9.2; length of anterior femur: male 5.1, female 5.7; length of anterior tibiae: male 7.8, female 8.3; length of mid femur: male 7.5, female 7.7; length of mid tibiae: male 9.1, female 9.7; length of posterior femur: male 18.4, female 19.4; length of poste- rior tibiae: male 19.6, female 23.0; length of ovipositor 8.5; greatest basal width of ovipositor 2.5; middle width of ovipositor 0.9. Etymology: The new species is named for the distinct shape of the ovipositor. Discussion: The new species resembles species of Pelerinus Bolivar in the shape of head, lateral lobe of pronotum and tegmen, but distinguished from the latter by the shape of the genicular lobe, structure of male apex including tenth abdominal tergum and concealed sclerotized genitalia, and details of female apex. Distribution: China: Hainan Island; Guangxi Province.

2. Parapelerinus emarginatus sp. nov. (Figs. 6–8, 20–21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35)

Holotype: male, at light, CHINA: Fujian Province: Wuyishan Mt., Wuyishan Nature Reserve, Sangang Reserve Station, 15.viii.2007, Coll. Ding Liang (IZAS).

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PLATE II, leg. Figs. 12, 14, 16, female of Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 13, 15, 17, female of Conver- sifastigia gressitti sp. nov. (holotype). Figs. 12, 13, anterior leg (including part of femur and tibia) in lateral view; Fig. 14, median femur in lateral view; Fig. 15, median leg (including part of femur and tibia) in lateral view; Fig. 16, posterior femur in lateral view; Fig. 17, posterior leg (including part of femur and tibia) in lateral view. (scale = 1 mm)

Description: Male (holotype). Size slightly smaller than for typical phaneropterines. Pronotal disc with distinctive median transverse groove, V-shaped, and with an elongate middle stripe throughout; posterior mar- gin of disc slightly emarginated; lateral lobe much higher than long, with anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin widely rounded, and ventral margin obtusely angularly rounded (Figs. 6–8). Legs: Anterior femora armed with 5 spines on ventro-anterior margin; median femora with 4 spines on ventro-anterior mar- gin; posterior femur with 9 anterior and 9 posterior ventral margins. Anterior tibiae without dorso-anterior spines; median tibiae with 2 dorso-internal spines; posterior tibiae with 24 internal and 24 external dorsal spines. Tegmen: radial vein also with one oblique branches after radial sector vein. Wings developed well. Tegmen extending beyond apex of hind femur, apex of tegmen rounded. Hind wing longer than tegmen. Strid- ulatory file cambered, with about 73 regularly sparsely arranged teeth, which are gradually becoming smaller from center towards both ends (Fig. 23). Right stridulatory area with distinct triangular mirror (Fig. 21). Tenth abdominal tergum with apical margin truncate. Epiproct broadly triangular, with lateral margin straight, apex

NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF PHANEROPTERINAE FROM CHINA Zootaxa 1830 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 51 TERM OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website site is prohibited. obtuse. Cerci equably incurved, gradually tapering, apex with interior margin gradually contracted into a long spine (Fig. 25). Male subgenital plate elongate, groove-shaped; gradually constricted to distinctly notched apex (Fig. 35). Inner genitalia strongly sclerotized, split from apical third into two slightly face-to-face sys- tematrical sclerites, which widened in middle, and apical part deflexed with spine-like apex (Figs. 27, 29). Female unknown. Color: Overall color deep green. Compound eyes brown. Basal portion of male stridulatory apparatus with a large ochreous spot, this spot present on the other tegmen as well. Sclerites of concealed genitalia and apex of male cerci brown.

PLATE III, stridulatory area of the genus Parapelerinus gen. nov.. Figs. 18, 19, 22, male of Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (paratype from Bawangling Nature in Hainan Island); Figs. 20, 21, 23, male of Parapelerinus emarginatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 18, 20, male stridulatory area on left tegmen; Figs. 19, 21, male stridulatory area on right tegmen; Figs, 22, 23, male stridulatory file on underside of left tegmen. (scale = 1 mm)

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PLATE IV, male abdominal apex of the genus Parapelerinus gen. nov.. Figs. 24, 26, 28, male of Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (paratype from Bawangling Nature in Hainan Island); Figs. 25, 27, 29, male of Parapelerinus emarginatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 24, 25, male abdominal apex in dorsal view (as well as including apex of male cerci in enlarged view); Figs. 26, 27, male abdominal apex in lateral view; Figs. 28, 29, male internal genitalia in enlarged lateral view. (scale = 1 mm)

Measurements of male (mm): Length of body: 24.0; length of pronotum: 4.5; basal width of pronotum: 2.8; distal width of pronotum: 3.3; length of tegmen: 33.5; largest width of tegmen: 8.6; length of anterior

NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF PHANEROPTERINAE FROM CHINA Zootaxa 1830 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 53 TERM OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website site is prohibited. femur: 5.5; length of anterior tibiae: 6.8; length of mid femur: 6.4; length of mid tibiae: 8.6; length of posterior femur: 18.9; length of posterior tibiae: 21.8. Etymology: The new species is named for the distinct shape of male subgenital plate. Discussion: P. emarginatus differs from the type species in the shape of the male cerci, the male concealed genitalia and the male subgenital plate. There are minor differencs in the shape of the lateral lobe of pronotum and the spots on the male stridulatory apparatus. Distribution: China: Fujian Province.

Genus Conversifastigia gen. nov. (Figs. 9–11, 13, 15, 17, 36) Type species: Conversifastigia gressitti sp. nov., here designated.

Diagnosis: Form robust. Head distinctly larger than normal for the Phaneropterinae (Figs. 9–11). Fastigium frontis inversely pyramidal. Fastigium verticis slightly narrower than first segment of antenna. Pronotum with surface of prozona smooth, without lateral carina. Tegmen translucent, slightly widened in middle, twice wider than length of pronotum; texture similar to that in Letana Walker, with an irregular network of veinlets between principal veins. Costa indistinct. Radical sector bifurcated. Anterior coxae armed; anterior tibiae with open tympanum on both sides (Fig. 13). Each femur with a lower spine and a middle tooth on genicular lobe (Figs. 13, 15, 17). Anterior and median femora with spines on ventro-anterior margin; posterior femur with spines on both ventral margins. Each tibia with dorsal spines on both sides (Figs. 13, 15, 17). Description: Head robust, ovoid, occiput convex and smooth. Fastigium verticis well-produced, strongly deflexed, dorsally sulcate, slightly narrower than first segment of antenna, with apex approximately rounded (Figs. 9, 11). Fastigium frontis inversely pyramidal, with dorsal apex truncated, separated from fastigium ver- ticis by a rather deep gap (Fig. 9). Compound eye rather small, compared with robust head; semi-global, obliquely set, distinctly prominent, ventral margin extending slightly above ventral margin of antennal scrobe (Figs. 9–11). Antenna thread-like, long and flexible. Pronotum cylindrical, hardly widened backwards, with lateral margin rounded and without lateral carinae; disc of pronotum with prozona smooth, flat, and metazona slightly elevated; anterior margin approximately straight, and posterior margin obtuse rounded (Figs. 10–11). Lateral lobe of pronotum as high as long, with distinct humeral sinus (Figs. 10–11). Prosternum unarmed. Meso- and metasterna more or less transverse, their lobes rather small, rounded. Anterior coxae armed with a distinct sharp spine; anterior tibiae dorsally sulcate, with open tympanum on both sides; widened at and grad- ually constricted below tympana (Fig. 13). Tegmen translucent, with irregular veinlets; costa indistinct; sub- costal vein and radial vein joined at base, then separated but closely abutted almost to apex; radical sector bifurcated slightly before middle of tegmen; apex of tegmen rounded. Female terminalia. Ovipositor rather wider than half of length of pronotum, sickle-shaped, slightly upcurved; lateral surface smooth, dorsal and ventral margins denticulate; apex rounded. Male unknown. Discussion: The new genus Conversifastigia is distinguished from other genera in the subfamily Phaner- opterinae by the large head, inversely pyramidal fastigium frontis with truncated dorsal apex and tegminal structure. It resembles Letana Walker in the texture of tegmen, and Qinlingea Liu & Kang in the structure of the pronotum, tympana, and shape of the ovipositor, but it is difficult to infer its relationship with other genera due to the very different shape of the head. Etymology: Conversifastigia is derived from the Latin word conversus, and fastigum, which refers to the distinctive fastigum of the new genus; feminine gender. Distribution: China.

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PLATE V, male and female abdominal apex. Figs. 30, 31, female of Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs. 32, 34, male of Parapelerinus ensatus sp. nov. (paratype from Bawangling Nature in Hainan Island); Figs. 33, 35, male of Parapelerinus emarginatus sp. nov. (holotype); Figs.36, female of Conversifastigia gressitti sp. nov. (holotype); Fig. 30, female subgenital plate in ventral view; Figs. 31, 36, female abdominal apex in lateral view; Figs 32, 33, male internal genitalia in enlarged dorsal view; Figs 34, 35, male subgenital plate in ventral view. (scale = 1 mm)

3. Conversifastigia gressitti sp. nov. (Figs. 9–11)

Holotype: female, CHINA: Kwangtung Province: Lung-tau shan Mt., Summit, 1200m, Kukong District,, Coll. Gressitt and Tslam (IEAS). Description: Female (holotype). Size moderate for typical phaneropterine . Pronotum: pronotal disc with distinct middle transverse groove V-shaped, lying in middle, also with an elongate middle line throughout; anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin obtuse rounded (Fig. 11); lateral lobe of prono- tum much as high as long, with anterior margin straight, posterior margin widely rounded, and ventral margin rounded (Fig. 10). Legs: Anterior femora armed with 6–7 spines on ventro-anterior margin; median femora with 8 spines on ventro-anterior margin; posterior femur with 14 anterior and 7–10 posterior ventral margins. Anterior tibiae with 4 anterior and 2 posterior anterior spine; median tibiae with 5 anterior and 11 posterior

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spines; posterior tibiae with 30 anterior and 20 posterior dorsal spines. Tegmen: radial vein also without another oblique branches after radial sector vein. Wings developed well. Tegmen extending beyond apex of hind femur, apex of tegmen rounded. Hind wing longer than tegmen. Tenth abdominal tergum with dorsal central surface slightly concave, apex wide truncated. Epiproct obtuse triangular. Ovipositor rather wide, of moderate length. Subgenital plate wide triangular, apex obtuse (Fig. 36). Male unknown. Color: Overall color brown. Compound eyes brown. Dorsal portion of each tegmen marked with a large ochreous transverse stripe. Measurements of female (mm). Length of body: 24.0; length of pronotum: 5.5; width of pronotum: 3.6; length of tegmen: 33.5; largest width of tegmen: 11.0; length of hind wing: 37.0; length of anterior femur: 8.5; length of anterior tibiae: 10.0; length of mid femur: 10.8; length of mid tibiae: 12.5; length of posterior femur: 24.5; length of posterior tibiae: 28.5; length of ovipositor: 10.0; width of ovipositor: 3.5. Etymology: The new species is named for one of the collectors, Dr J. Linsley Gressitt, former head of the Dept of Entomology, Bishop Museum, Honolulu who was born in China and made many studies of Chinese insects. Discussion: The new species resembles species of Qinlingea Liu & Kang, 2007 in the shape and texture of tegmen, but differs from it and other species in the Phaneropterinae by the large head, the relative small compound eyes, the shape of fastigium frontis, the tegminal structure and details of female abdominal apex. Distribution: China: Guangdong Province.


We appreciate Mr. Xianwei Liu (IEAS) for his kindness in loaning material. The project is supported by a grant for a project on arboretum and taxonomy, CAS (No. KSCX2-YW-Z-009) and partly by funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30499341) for major items.


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56 · Zootaxa 1830 © 2008 Magnolia Press LIU & KANG.

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