Michele Mariotti


Born in , he completed his humanistic studies and graduated in composition at the Rossini Conservatory of his city, where he also studied conducting under the guidance of Manlio Benzi. At the same time he graduated in orchestral conducting with full marks and honors at the Accademia Musicale Pescarese with Donato Renzetti.

In 2005 he made his debut in the Salerno theater directing . In 2007 he inaugurated, with Verdi's , the season of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, a theater in which he was Principal Director since 2008 and subsequently Music director from 2015 to 2018. In recent years in Bologna he has also directed , , , , Risorgimento and Il prigioniero, Cinderella, La traviata, Le nozze di Figaro, , , Così fan tutte, Guillaume Tell, A masked ball, Die Zauberflöte, , , La voix humaine / , Lucia di Lammermoor, La bohème, Don Carlo, Don Giovanni, Mozart's and Verdi's , Rossini's and numerous symphonic concerts. He led the Orchestra and the Choir of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna on tour in Tokyo (I puritani and Carmen), in Moscow, in Paris (L'Italiana in Algeri) and in Italy in Pesaro (), Turin (Lingotto Musica ) and Bergamo (Donizetti Foundation). With the Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna he recorded for Decca with Juan Diego Flórez, for Sony with and in 2018 the album "Rossini Overtures" for the Pentatone label, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the composer's death. He has directed in the main Italian and international opera houses and festivals, including in Milan, the Regio in Turin, the San Carlo in Naples, the Massimo in Palermo, the Comunale in Florence, the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, the Verdi Festival in Parma, the Sferisterio Opera Festival in Macerata, the Metropolitan in New York, the Covent Garden in London, the Paris Opera, the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich, the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, the Opera Amsterdam, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the , the Salzburg Festival, the Wexford Festival and the Opéra Royal de Wallonie. In the symphonic sphere, he took the podium of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the Orchestra National de France, the Münchner Symphoniker, the Rai National Symphony Orchestra, the Arturo Toscanini Philharmonic of Parma, the I Pomeriggi Musicali in Milan, the Orchestra of the Accademia del Teatro alla Scala, of the Essener Philharmoniker, of the Orchestra Haydn and has directed at the Auditorium del Lingotto in Turin, the Peralada Festival, the Liceu in Barcelona, the in Madrid, the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, the Opera de Tenerife, the Festival de Radio France in Montpellier and the Festival de Saint-Denis.Dal 2016 Mariotti è stato protagonista, con successo, di opere come alla Scala di Milano, La traviata all’Opéra di Parigi, alla Deutsche Oper di Berlino, alla Bayerische Staatsoper di Monaco di Baviera, oltre che di concerti sinfonici a Monaco, Torino, Piacenza, Parma e Napoli. Ha debuttato al Festival di Salisburgo con I due Foscari in forma di concerto, nella Forza del destino all’Opera di Amsterdam per l’inaugurazione della stagione 2017/2018 e diretto Lucia di Lammermoor alla Royal Opera House di Londra. Nel 2018 è tornato alla Scala di Milano con Orphée et Euridice di Gluck, al di Torino con I Lombardi alla prima crociata, all’Opéra di Parigi con Les Huguenots, ha diretto all’Opéra Royal de Wallonie di Liegi e concerti a Copenaghen con l’Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale Danese, a Bamberga con i Bamberger Symphoniker, in tournée in Italia con l’Orchestra Haydn e nel Regno Unito con la Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2019 he conducted and La traviata in Paris, I masnadieri alla Scala, Semiramide in Pesaro, debuted on the podium of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, the Filarmonica della Scala, at the Opera di Roma with Idomeneo, King from Crete and at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam on the podium of the Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest; he was also once again at the helm of the Rai National Symphony Orchestra. Past and future commitments for 2020 include I masnadieri at the Bayerische Staatsoper, Semiramide in concert form at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam with Radio Filharmonisch Orkest and Groot Omroepkoor, concerts with the Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava and the Orquestra e Cor de la Comunitat Valenciana at the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía and the return to the podium of the Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. He also directs two Verdi operas for the first time: Aida with the artistic ensembles of San Carlo in Naples in Piazza del Plebiscito and Ernani at the Verdi Festival in Parma, both performed in concert form. In February 2021 he will return to the Paris Opera to direct Aida. The Italian National Association of Music Critics awarded him the 36th Abbiati Award for Best Conductor in 2016.