65 Syed Ali Imam and Creation of Modern

Dr. Bipin Kumar, B. R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur Syed Ali Imam (1869-1932) who was son of Bihar in colonial Bihar. He playcd very important role the politics of the was grcat nationalist and vcteran frecdom fighter. Nationalism was Ali Imam's first love as he declared "Mohammadans and Hindus ought to rocognisc that they should be Indian first and Mohammadans and Hindus afterwards. I I am truly say, first and foremost an Onc of Indian." the greatest achicvemcnt of Sycd Ali Imam was the creation of scparate province of Bihar and Orissa. But for the first The time, slogan of "Bihar for Biharees" was raisced an Urdu The Sulaman of Monghyr in one of its issues dated the 7th Fcbruary 1876by which inspiredJournal, the pcopleMurgh-l ot contemporary generation and ignited a new flamc and passion which culminated in the scparation of Bihar and Onissa from Bengal in 912. The Muslims of Bihar were the first to raise slogan of Bihar for Biharees a slogan which was later on enthusiastically pickcd up by other people of Bihar particularly by the Kayasthas. It was natural for both the Hindus and the Muslims to rcalize the inhcrent advantage of having an administration of thcir rather own, than to remain as an appendage of Bengal with its capital at distant The vernacular journals ventilated the grievances of the people of Bihar in respect of general backwardnessCalcuttaof rogion, inadoquate cducational facilitics and the less share ofsons of soil in the Govecrament services The most Vital gricvance of both the Hindus and the Muslims of Bihar were cconomic disparity between the two regions. n every report of the Government the dominance of the people of Bengal over the Bihares was duly acknowledged The salient feature of this movement was the common leadership and joint struggle of both the Hindu and Muslim communities. This sense of unity and cooperation led the Muslims to move ahead Though the Musims were in minority yet they played a leading part in creating modcrn Bihar. the cminent Muslim leaders and main architects of the Modern Bihar were Syed Md. Sharfuddin 1856-1921), Sir Syed Ali Imam (1869 to 1932), Syed Hasan Imam (1871-1933), Maulana Mazharul Haq (1866-1931), Sycd Md. Fakhruddin (1868 1933), Khwaja Mobd Noor (1878-1936), Khuda Bakhash Khan (1842-1908), Salauddin Khuda Bakhsh (1895- 1945), Sarfraz Hussain Khan (1860-1935), Sycd Sultan Ahmad (1880-1963), Syed Abdul Aziz (1885-1945), Shah Mohd Zubair (1884-1930), Imdad Ali, Wazir Ali, Nawab Shorab Jung. Sycd Fazal Imam, Syed Wilayat Ali Khan. In the words of Sachchidanand Sinha "They were leading Biharees Muslims who played a prominent and honourable part as their Hindu compatriots had done before." Along with the Muslim leaders, there were a large number of Biharees Hindu leaders who also had played an important part in making separate province of Bihar. Notable among thenm were Munshi Pyarelal, Harbans Sahay, Gancsh Dutta Singh, Rai Bahadur Krishna Sahaya, Mahesh Narayan and Sachchidanand Sinha." In an carly attempt an address was present to Sir Charles Elliot in 1894 by Biharees who requested him to make Bihar a separate province" It was again reiterated and repeated in an address presented to Sir Alexander Mackcnzic, the Licutenant Governor of Bihar when he visited Gaya. He turned down this demand and characterized it as "Silly scason agitation."0 This attitude of the Government was cqually resulted by thc leaders and the journals of Bihar. The Bihar Times, the Englishman, the Al Panch and the Muslim chronicle suggested the Government to separate Bihar In the history of the creation of Bihar a turning point was provided by the partition scheme of Bengal.It gave a fresh opportunity to the Biharccs leaders to put forward their own proposal for making Bihar a separate province. Even the Bengali leaders Prithvichand Roy wrote a letter to Lord Curzon requcsting him to pay heed to the genuine and legitimate demand of a separate province of Bihar. He said that it would be feasible and prudent step to detach willing Bihar instcad ofdividing unwilling Bengal. But Biharcc's claim for a separate province reccived a sct-back when the Bengalees sternly opposcd their

RECENT RECEPTIVE EXPLORATION (1SSN 2320-8740): vOL. 1:1SsUE: 1 66 more to dividc Bengal again." In an article "Bihar and Indian Nationality" Mazharul Haq, criticizcd Bengalce's stand. He said that in Bihar both the Hindus and the Muslims were united as a common national and declared "we belicve in United India and united nationality of India." Syed Ali Imam also remarked, "We were proud of the fact that therc was no such thing like Hindu & Muslim in Bihar. We were all one and united in our dctermination for making free and unitcd India."4 Emphasizing the samc belicf Sycd Hasan Imam said, "Hindu and Muslim werce onc and united nation in

Bihar we were only one community - we were all Biharees." The political consciousncss reached at its new highest peak when the people of Bihar realized that cven the failed to represent the interest of Biharees. They, thereforc, formcd their own provincial conference.16 The first session ofthe Bihar Provincial Conference was held under the president ship of Syed Ali Imam in April 1908 at to discuss the political situation and other problems of Bihar. The most significant aspect of the conference was that a resolution was moved by Syed Mohd. Fakhruddin on the separation of Bihar from Bengal and for its constitution as a separate province which was supported by almostall representatives from all the district of Bihar." It showed general consciousncss of the poople of Bihar that Bihar should have its own separate province with its separate administration. It was really a movemcnt which had shown the consolidation of all classcs and communitics including the Muslim for crcating a separate province. On the 14th August 1908, a deputation was organized by the three leading associations of Bihar - the Bihar landholders'Association, the Bihar Provincial Association and the Bihar Provincial Muslim League to meet the Licutenant Governor. They submittcd a memorial which revcaled that the Hindus and Muslims of Bihar cqually demanded a separate province of Bihar with its separate administration. 9 In organizing the deputation Syed Ali Imam, had played a very important part as he was the General secretary of the deputation 20 In the words of Syod Hasan Imam, his brother Syed Ali Imam wasthe main "Biharec organizer of the deputation who with other lcaders of Bihar was instrumental in preparing the of Ali mam in the creation of Manifesto" on the present situation of Bihar. While assessing thec scrvices Syed Ali Imam and hc modern Bihar, Mazharual Haq said that he would never forget the day when his friend Syed Bihar. He heard thcir himself went to Sir Edward Baker to plead the case of those unfortunate pcople of patiently his similar for the cause of Bihar. Syed Ali Imam again put up prayer as Sir Andrew Fraser had shown passion treatment mcted out to the of Bihar in almost all the case of Bihar beforc him, who admitted the shabby people Imam that real difference did not exist departments of the administration. It was announccd by Syed Ali So the Biharees must be for between Hindu and Muslim, but betwcen the Biharces and the Bangalees. preferred the jobs in Bihar.23 The separation movement was gaining momentum day by day and cvery attempt was made to impress Mazharul and Ali Imam the Govt. In the beginning of 1909, when Sir Edward Bakcr visited Bihar, Haq Sycd of the to acquaint himself with the people requested him to spend some time every year in the capital province students conference at in 1909 Syed Hasan Imam and their grievances.. While addressing the 4th Bihari Gaya future of Bihar. He said. "Let us follow the path of stressed the responsibility of young men to make the bright unity, sacrifice and loyalty. We have no we arc Biharces. We have a common ideal of united nation Hindu or Mohammadan feclings. We are Indians and and progress was to make it a of India. It was stressed that only solution of Bihar's regional devclopment Separate province." The year 1910, would always be reckoned as the most auspicious ycar for Bihar. It was in that ycar that yed Ali Imam was elevated to the position of a law member of the Viceroy's Exccutive Council. All hopes of 1910. the Biharces came to be true, when Syed Ali Imam assumed his post in November He was under constant pressure of the Bangales and the Biharces, who were demanding modification and separation both at the same of e was always in contact with the eminent leaders of Bihar who wanted him to promote the cause Bihar. As Sachchidanand Sinha wrote in his book, Some Eminent Bihar Contemporaries, that in Shimla in RECENT RECEPTIVE EXPLORATION (ISSN 2320-8740): VOL 1: 1SSUE: 1 67

Imam to do his best to get for his province a separatc administration, with 1911, he suggested to Syed Ali Asscmbly and a High Court.27 separate executive council, legislative achicve all thesc sccrctly. He discusscd all questions with the Syed Ali Imam did his best to objccts " with Ali Imam had full faith in him. time. Lord who was vcry intimatc Governor General several Harding 's, with scparation of Bihar And Orissa."Syed Ali Imam really also favourcd the scheme of modification He stated and drafted the famous scrvice to the creation of new provincc as he personally rendered a remarkable recommending the separation of Bihar and Orissa and the to the Secretary of State for India, dispatch of Viceroy the eventful dispatch and sense of patriotism he signed constitution into separate province. With high its hesitated in the slightcst degrec in moment Ali Imam never annulled the partition of Bengal. At that Syed had affected the Muslim at Largc." somc of the provisions which shift removing to thc Home Government to Governmcnt of India on 25 August 1911, Suggested The Dispatch of divisions under Bengal to unite all Bengalesc spcaking from Calcutta to Delhi. It also suggestcd and its the capital with a legislative Council Governor in Council for Bihar and Orissa, presidency and to crcate a lieutenant historic capital at Patna.3 was hcld in Delhi. This December 1911, the Darbar when on the 12th about the The final stage came, his historic announcemcnt Bihar when the King made event for the people of moment proved a fatcful Bihar and Orissa as a separate province. Biharecs participated in the creation of Some prominent enthusiasm throughout Bihar. creatcd Sachchidanand Sinha, Syed The ncws grcat Gidhaur Tikari, of Darbhanga, Mazharul Delhi Darbar. They were Maharaja of Bihar, ceremony of On behalf of the people Mazharul and others. the Singh, Haq India and he thanked Mohd Fakhruddin, Deep Narayan the visit to V on the eve of royal welcome to King George Haq offered a loyal of Bihar. of the demands of the people Bihar & Orissa for its fulfillment of a new province Governmcnt role in the formation Imam played a very important Thus, Syed Ali both communities. with the cooperation of

P-243. Mittal Delhi, 1987, National Movement, Pub., Work cited: Muslims in the P-218. Muzaffar Imam, Role of KPJRI, Patna, 1976, 1 Md. of Bihar, Vol-II, Part-I, Comprchensive History PP-14-16. K.K. Datta & I.S. Jha, Special Bihar Number, 2 Manzar Ali Nadvi, Gaya, 1935, Monthly) ed. S. 1976, 3 Nadim (Urdu Publication Division, New Delhi, P-3 Mazharul Haq, Ahmad & J.S. Jha, 4 Q. P-510. Himaliya Pub Review 1912, Vol- XXIV, Bihar Contemporaries, The Hindustan Some Emincent 5 Sachchidanand Sinha, 9 June 1911, 6 The Biharce, Patna, 1944, PP- 1-I 7 I bid P- XXIV Patna, 1942, PP-19-29 Bihar, Himaliya Pub, PP- 131-33 The Maker of Memorial Board, Chapra 1962, 8 J. Sahay, Mazharul Haq Rao Ayde, Massageof Ashiana, 9 Shivaji Vol-XXIV-P-665. P-10. Hindustan Revicw 1911, Patna, 1906, 10 The or the separation of Bihar, The Partition of Bengal 11 Narayan & Sinha, Op cit, P-59 12 Md. Muzaffar Imam, 13 The Biharcc, 17 Feb.,1907. 14 Ibid, 29 March 1907 15 bid, 9June 1907. 16 Ibid, 15 March, 1907 P-XXIV. P- 102. 17 S.Sinha, Op.cit, Yatin Press, Patna, 1964, Creation Modern Bihar, 18 V.C.P. Chaudhary, The of P-Il 19 Q. Ahmad & J.S. Jha, Opcit, 2320-8740): VOL. 1:ISSUE: 1 RECENT RECEPTIVE EXPLORATION (ssN P-587. 20 The Hindustan, Revicw 1908, Vol- XVIL, 21 The Biharcc, 27 August 1908. 22 Ibid 8, Deccmber 1911. 23 Ibid 4 April, 1908. 24 Ibid 29 January, 1909. Vol-XXVI-P-533. 25 The Hindustan Review 1912, 26 Md. Muzaffar Imam, Op Cit, PP-63-64. 27 Ibid, P-64. 28 S.Sinha, Op cit, P-XXX. 29 Hardinge's Paper, No. 65, 1 Fcb., 1912. PP-627-30. 30 Review 1911, Vol-XXIV, The Hindustan 1935, P-266. Address, Natesan. 31 Majumdar, Congress Presidcntial GA. A.C. Datc 25. August 1911. 32 Letter, Govcrnment of India to the Secrctary of State, 33 The Biharcc, 15 Deccmbcr 1911