

Utes got the boot: Monday, January 29,2001 Mii.stimij haschall takes Utah in 3'^amc series, 8 With this ring: Marriages are rneaninj^less, 4

Volume LXV, Number 73, 1916-2001 High: 58° / Low: 42° For extended weather forecast, see Daily Dose, 2 ^ __L. DAIIV Aid denied U C LA professor Ravin'for the Ravens speaks on need to students for women in with drug field of science By April Pack MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER convictions 1 ______By Sonia Slutzki MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Women traditionally have Been eliminated from c.ireers in science, hut l-Acry year >«tiKlcnts scckiny Icderal we are now seeing; more women enter yranis .inJ lo.iii'' yo ihrouL;!» the same this field Because of the various Bene­ routine. An oraiiLje envelope comes in fits they have proven to hrini’, said the m.iil with the Free .Aisplic.irion for Sandr.i H.irdiny, who .spoke at the Fet.lenil StiiJetit A kI (FAFSA), anJ Performint; .Arts ('enter on Tlmrsday. once ayain .ill the inform.ition on ta.x 1 l.irdint,’, a professor at University returns, sal.tries .inJ future pl.ins for of ('alifornia ar Los Angeles, spike y:r,iJuation h.ive to he sorted out and aKnit women in science and technol­ tilled into the tour-pai^e form, or mto ogy diirinj,' p.irt of a lecture series put the tiew F.-\FS.A Weh site. on hy the women’s studies protjram on But st.irtitn; 1.1st ye.ir,