Ankylosing Spondylitis New Insights Into an Old Disease
PEER REVIEWED FEATURE 2 CPD POINTS Ankylosing spondylitis New insights into an old disease LAURA J. ROSS MB BS RUSSELL R.C. BUCHANAN MB BS(Hons), MD, FRACP Early recognition and treatment of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) improves prognosis but is challenging. Suggestive symptoms include chronic back pain that worsens with rest and early morning axial pain and stiffness. NSAIDs and stretching exercises remain the mainstays of treatment. Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors improve quality of life for patients with refractory AS. nkylosing spondylitis (AS) is the positivity and familial aggregation.2 prototypic form of spondylo In the past decade, major progress has arthritis (SpA). Historically, the been made in the understanding, recog term SpA has referred to a group nition and treatment of SpA. As a result, Aof chronic systemic, inflammatory diseases the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis Inter that include AS, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis national Society (ASAS) has developed related to inflammatory bowel disease, new classification criteria for SpA.3 The reactive arthritis, undifferentiated SpA and ASAS system characterises SpA as either a subgroup of juvenile idiopathic arthritis.1 axial (affecting the spine and sacroiliac These diseases share overlapping features, joints) or peripheral (affecting mainly such as sacroiliitis, extraarticular mani peripheral joints), according to the pre festations (e.g. acute anterior uveitis, dominant articular features at presenta psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease), tion, although these groups overlap and includes AS and n onradiographic axial human leucocyte antigen (HLA)B27 one may progress to the other. Axial SpA SpA (Box 1).4 A characteristic feature of SpA is enthesitis, defined as inflammation at the site of attachment of tendons, ligaments, 2 MedicineToday 2016; 17(1-2): 16-24 joint capsule or fascia to bone.
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