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International Student Guide Education Centre Geoss Ltd. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Litija, 2020 Content: 1. Welcome to Education Centre Geoss 3 2. About Education Centre Geoss 4 3. Our higher education programmes and gained competences of students 6 4. Regulating your stay in Slovenia 13 5. Student organizations and services 21 6. Accommodation and food 22 7. Things to do and entertainment 24 8. Useful information 29 Impressum: International Student Guide Publisher: Education Centre Geoss Photos: Izobraževalni center Geoss, Pixabay,, Info-Slovenija, TripAdvisor, Občina Litija, Pustolovski park Geoss, Grad Bogenšperk,,, 2 Welcome to Education Centre Geoss Welcome to Education Centre Geoss! If you are an Erasmus student, here you will find useful information for planning your stay. Please contact us if you have additional questions. Info • 50 years of experience in adult education • 1000 participants in different programmes every year • 500 participants in formal education programmes every year • 50 participating lecturers Contact A: Cesta komandanta Staneta 2, 1270 Litija, Slovenia T: 00386 1 89 80 570 M: 00386 31 759 355 E: [email protected] W: 3 About Education Centre Geoss Education Centre Geoss Ltd., Litija, Slovenia is a successor of the People's University of Litija with more than 50 years of experience in the field of education. Our founder and owner is the Municipality Litija. We offer a comprehensive range of educational programmes: from elementary school for adults to secondary and tertiary education programmes, as well as numerous non-formal education programmes (general education, training and courses). In recent years, increasing attention has been given to various projects that develop and encourage lifelong learning among different target groups, especially the socially weak (elderly persons, rural residents, migrants, persons with intellectual disabilities, the unemployed), and to implementation of social and digital agenda and territorial cooperation. At our work we follow the local, regional and wider national and European needs. Our vision is to become the most recognizable and professional institution for the lifelong professional and personal growth of adults in the municipality of Litija and beyond. We believe that we will encounter obstacles on our way, but we are not afraid of them, as we face them resolutely every day. We are a brave and progress-oriented team that knows how to listen and act immediately. Our mission is to contribute to economic growth and overall progress in the municipality of Litija and beyond through our professional work, cooperation and networking with companies and organizations in adult education. We help the individual on the path of lifelong learning, both professionally and personally. 4 Our values: CREATIVITY AND SELF-INITIATIVE - We encourage continuous improvement of work processes. The will and creativity of employees are important, but also critical thinking. RESPECT FOR PEOPLE - Respect for human rights and dignity is understood as respect among co-workers and as respect for the participants in education, we accept and respect difference. BUSINESS EXCELLENCE - The greatest value in a company are motivated employees who do their work with joy, enthusiasm and belonging. We’re never so good that we couldn’t be even better. PROFESSIONALISM AT WORK - Monitoring and knowledge of legislation and regulations in the field of work, regular training and education of employees and ensuring information about innovations in the field of work among employees. FLEXIBILITY TO MARKET NEEDS - Our small size allows us to be quick to respond and adapt to new market needs. 5 Our higher education programmes and gained competences of students INFORMATICS Level of professional education: higher professional education VI / I Title: IT engineer Duration of studies: 2 years ECTS credits: 120 Mode of study: part-time Today, we can no longer imagine life without computers, as they have become part of our everyday lives both at home and at work. Informatics with its knowledge solves possible problems in companies where they have an established system of information and communication technology (public companies, banks, institutions). The profession of informatics is dynamic, as it is constantly confronted with innovations that are a constant in this type of profession. Informatics engineers hold the following positions: informatics, software maintainer, web programmer… 6 BUSINESS SECRETARY Level of professional education: higher professional education VI / I Title: Business Secretary Duration of studies: 2 years ECTS credits: 120 Mode of study: part-time The Business Secretary program enables students to develop a career path in the private or public sector, as it combines different skills and provides many opportunities in choosing a profession. Business Secretary is a modern educational program that combines communication skills, work organization, business skills, human resource management and basic knowledge of financial management and computing. The Business Secretary independently plans, organizes and manages work processes in the secretariat and in the offices. Analyzes and solves problems concerning the design and implementation of modern solutions in the field of work organization and information system in the secretariat and offices. Leads and organizes activities based on time plans for the manager or superior. Participates in the preparation of materials for meetings, manages business correspondence and documentary material. Participates in the procurement, planning and deployment of computer and other equipment and resources needed to carry out the work process. He/she identifies the working contributions of individuals in the secretariat and administration. Keeps and updates personnel records and regulates other activities of executives and associates. He/she prepares business analyzes, controls costs, keeps records of signed contracts and compiles reports. He/she is responsible for public relations and coordination of such activities. Independently communicates with clients and business partners, organizes business trips and takes care of protocol matters when receiving visitors. He compiles professional letters, minutes, applications and independently resolves administrative matters. 7 LOGISTICS ENGINEERING Level of professional education: higher professional education VI / I Title: logistics engineer Duration of studies: 2 years ECTS credits: 120 Mode of study: part-time The development of modern technologies and new forms of connecting companies in the domestic and global market requires logistics services with specialized knowledge that will enable companies to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. The field of logistics includes activities aimed at providing goods and services at the right time, in the right place, optimal quantities and quality with the lowest costs and environmental impacts. The tasks of the logistics engineer in the company are also demand, purchasing, needs planning, production planning, material operations, warehousing, material handling, finished goods stocks, physical distribution, distribution planning, orders, transport, sales and other services, so graduates of this program they can be employed in all areas of logistics, transport and forwarding, both in small and medium-sized enterprises as well as in large multinationals. In the program, participants will be trained in 8 professionally theoretical and practically useful knowledge for independent professional work, which includes the management of the flow of materials from sources to consumers. ECONOMIST Level of professional education: higher professional education VI / I Title: economist (direction commercialist) Duration of studies: 2 years ECTS credits: 120 Mode of study: part-time Working in the field of economics is dynamic, interesting and creative, and full of professional challenges. To do this, you need the latest knowledge, you need to know the applicable domestic and European legislation, you need to be familiar with the latest business trends. Employment offers wide opportunities in both the economy and the non-economy or in the field of self-employment. You will be trained for efficient economic operations, management, planning and organization of business processes, for independent operational management of small and medium-sized enterprises. You will also gain the knowledge needed to perform sales and service activities and to work effectively with customers in a variety of 9 business environments. In addition to raising your education, your studies will also enable you personal advancement and positive changes in the workplace. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Level of professional education: higher professional education VI / I Title: mechanical engineer Duration of studies: 2 years ECTS credits: 120 Mode of study: part-time The profession of mechanical engineer is a sought-after and increasingly valued profession in Slovenia and the European Union. The areas of work he/she performs are extremely diverse and wide. In all branches of industry as well as in other parts of the economy, machines, devices and vehicles form the material basis of production, processing and manufacture. Any machine downtime due to a malfunction means a stoppage of operation and thus not only primary damage, but much greater secondary damage. Where there are many machines, devices and vehicles, an engineer is needed to lead their maintenance. Good
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