Pathophysiology/Complications ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Association Between Systemic Inflammation and Incident in HIV-Infected Patients After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy

1 3 TODD T. BROWN, MD, PHD CECILIA SHIKUMA, MD nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibi- 2 4 KATHERINE TASSIOPOULOS, DSC, MPH GRACE A. MCCOMSEY, MD tors, zidovudine and stavudine, also have 2 RONALD J. BOSCH, PHD direct and indirect effects on glucose me- tabolism (4,5). Chronic infection with HIV may also contribute to glucose ab- OBJECTIVE — To determine whether systemic inflammation after initiation of HIV- normalities among HIV-infected patients. antiretroviral therapy (ART) is associated with the development of diabetes. In the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, in- sulin resistance markers were higher in all RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — We conducted a nested case-control study, groups of HIV-infected men compared comparing 55 previously ART-naive individuals who developed diabetes 48 weeks after ART with HIV-uninfected control subjects, initiation (case subjects) with 55 individuals who did not develop diabetes during a comparable even among those who were not receiving follow-up (control subjects), matched on baseline BMI and race/ethnicity. Stored plasma sam- ples at treatment initiation (week 0) and 1 year later (week 48) were assayed for levels of ART (6), suggesting an effect of HIV in- high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and the soluble receptors of fection itself. tumor necrosis factor-␣ (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2). Systemic inflammation has been asso- ciated with incident diabetes in multiple RESULTS — Case subjects were older than control subjects (median age 41 vs. 37 years, P ϭ cohorts in the general population (7–9). 0.001), but the groups were otherwise comparable. Median levels for all markers, except hs-CRP, Proinflammatory , such as tu- decreased from week 0 to week 48. Subjects with higher levels of hs-CRP, sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 mor necrosis factor (TNF)-␣, may induce at 48 weeks had an increased odds of subsequent diabetes, after adjustment for baseline marker insulin resistance by binding to insulin- Ͻ Ͼ 3 level, age, BMI at week 48, CD4 count at week 48 ( vs. 200 cells/mm ), and indinavir use (all responsive elements in skeletal muscle P Յ 0.05). After further adjustment for week 48 glucose, effects were attenuated and only trend (10). Among HIV-infected patients, sTNFR1 remained significant (odds ratio, highest quartile vs. lowest 23.2 [95% CI 1.28–423], P ϭ 0.03). markers of systemic inflammation de- crease quickly with ART initiation (11) CONCLUSIONS — Inflammatory markers 48 weeks after ART initiation were associated but do not normalize (12). It is speculated with increased risk of diabetes. These findings suggest that systemic inflammation may contrib- that this residual inflammation with effec- ute to diabetes pathogenesis among HIV-infected patients. tive ART may contribute to the pathogen- esis of comorbidities in HIV-infected Diabetes Care 33:2244–2249, 2010 patients, including diabetes (13). We un- dertook a case-control study, nested ith the advent of effective antiret- occur commonly in HIV-infected pa- within an observational study of the AIDS roviral therapy (ART), morbidity tients, and some cohorts have shown a Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) to determine W and mortality have decreased higher than expected risk of insulin resis- whether markers of systemic inflamma- dramatically among HIV-infected pa- tance and diabetes compared with that for tion measured 48 weeks after ART ini- tients and the proportion of older HIV- HIV-negative control populations (1,2). tiation were associated with the develop- infected patients is rising. As a result, The etiology is multifactorial. Certain ment of diabetes. aging-related comorbidities, such as dia- protease inhibitors, such as indinavir betes, have become increasingly impor- (IDV), lopinavir, and ritonavir, have been RESEARCH DESIGN AND tant in the management of HIV-infected shown to reversibly induce insulin resis- METHODS — The ACTG Longitudi- patients. tance, probably by inhibition of glucose nal Linked Randomized Trials (ALLRT) Abnormalities in glucose metabolism translocation through GLUT4 (3). The cohort was designed to enroll HIV- infected individuals previously random- ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ized into approved parent ACTG clinical From the 1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; the trials (parent studies) for the purpose of 2Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts; the evaluating clinical, virological, immuno- 3 4 Division of Infectious , University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii; and the Division of Pediatric logical, metabolic, and pharmacological Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, Case School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio. Corresponding author: Todd T. Brown, [email protected]. outcomes associated with long-term Received 6 April 2010 and accepted 17 July 2010. Published ahead of print at http://care.diabetesjournals. treatment with potent ARTs. Individuals org on 27 July 2010. DOI: 10.2337/dc10-0633. could be treatment-naive or treatment- © 2010 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly experienced at entry into their parent cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons. study. Enrollment into ALLRT began in org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby January 2000. As of October 2008, 3,405 marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. previously treatment-naive individuals

2244 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2010 Brown and Associates and 1,225 treatment-experienced indi- range from 4.4 to 7.6% coefficient of vari- Conditional logistic regression was viduals were enrolled into ALLRT. All ation (average 5.6% coefficient of varia- used to model the association between subjects provided written informed con- tion). The sensitivity of this assay system week 48 levels of each inflammatory sent, and each ACTG study site received for these cytokines ranged from 0.5 to 16 marker and diabetes incidence, taking approval from the designated institu- pg/ml. C-reactive protein was measured into account matching and adjusting for tional review board before protocol initi- using a highly sensitive ELISA (ALPCO the other potential confounders. The low- ation. Details of the ALLRT protocol have Diagnostics, Windham, NH). The linear est marker quartile was the reference cat- been described previously (14). range of the assay standards is 0.0019– egory in each model. Each model The eligible population for this pro- 0.15 mg/l, and samples with values included categories of week 48 marker spective, nested case-control study in- greater than the highest standard were di- quartile, natural log-transformed baseline cluded all HIV-infected individuals from luted and reanalyzed. marker level and age. Model building pro- treatment-naive parent studies co- ceeded by adding, one at a time, univari- enrolled in ALLRT, with the exception of Measures ate predictors of diabetes (P Յ 0.10). P Յ parent studies for which ART data were Outcome. An incident case of diabetes 0.05 was considered statistically signifi- still blinded. Eligible individuals were re- was defined as having either two fasting cant. Variables that changed odds ratios quired to have had fasting or nonfasting blood glucose levels Ն126 mg/dl (or two by Ն15% were kept in the model as po- blood glucose measurements before and consecutive nonfasting blood glucose lev- tential confounders. To assess trend in di- after ART initiation and during the fol- els Ն200 mg/dl) or a diagnosis of diabetes abetes incidence over marker quartiles, low-up period, as well as plasma samples recorded in the medical record. The first quartiles for each marker were included taken at the time of treatment initiation high glucose level and the diagnosis date in the model as ordinal variables. Because and at week 48, for measurement of in- had to occur at least 1 year after ART of concern that hyperglycemia in the non- flammatory markers. We used data sub- initiation. diabetic range may lead to inflammation, mitted to our data management center as Inflammatory markers. Week 48 levels we reevaluated each model after adjust- of October 2008. of high-sensitivity (hs-CRP), interleukin ment for glucose values at 48 weeks. In All potential case or control subjects (IL)-6, and the soluble receptors of tumor these models, a variable indicating were required to have fasting or non- necrosis factor-␣ (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) whether the glucose determination was fasting blood glucose levels Ͻ100 mg/dl were each grouped into quartiles. Base- made in the fasting state (yes or no) was at the time of treatment initiation (base- line levels of each marker were natural also included. line) or within 16 weeks after initiation log-transformed. and could not have a history of hypo- In addition to the matching factors RESULTS — Of the 3,405 individuals glycemic medication use or diabetes. All BMI at baseline and race/ethnicity (white from the treatment-naive studies enrolled individuals who developed diabetes Ն1 non-Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, and as of October 2008, 1,217 were from par- years after ART initiation were eligible Hispanic), we considered several other ent studies with ART data still blinded to be included as case subjects. Control potential confounding variables: glucose and therefore were not eligible for this subjects (non–case subjects) were ran- levels at week 48 (continuous), age (con- analysis. Of the 2,188 remaining individ- domly selected from those individuals tinuous), sex, calendar year of treatment uals, 2,161 (99%) had fasting or nonfast- who did not develop diabetes and who initiation, smoking status (ever yes or no), ing glucose values within 16 weeks of maintained fasting blood glucose levels personal and family history of any cardio- ART initiation, and 231 (10.7%) had glu- Ͻ100 mg/dl through the study period. vascular , specific antiretroviral cose values between 100 and 125 mg/dl Control subjects were matched to case regimens taken through week 48 (in par- pretreatment and were excluded. Another subjects 1:1 by BMI at treatment initia- ticular use of protease inhibitors or thy- 63 individuals had either a prevalent di- tion and by race/ethnicity. Control sub- midine-analog nucleoside reverse agnosis of diabetes, hypoglycemic medi- ϩ jects were followed for at least as long as transcriptase inhibitors), CD4 cell count cation use, fasting blood glucose Ն126 their matched case subject. The glucose Ͻ200 cells/mm3 at weeks 0 and 48, mg/dl, or nonfasting blood glucose Ն200 and medication histories of each of HIV-1 RNA Ն100,000 copies/ml at base- mg/dl at baseline and were also excluded. these case subjects and control subjects line, HIV-1 RNA Ͻ400 copies/ml at week From this at-risk group of 1,867, 55 cases were reviewed by hand by an endocri- 48, BMI at week 48 (continuous), and his- of incident diabetes (defined as occurring nologist (T.T.B.) to confirm their case tory of hepatitis C infection. at least 1 year after ART initiation) were and control status. identified. An additional 22 individuals Statistical analysis developed diabetes within the 1st year of Laboratory methods Demographic, health, and treatment ART initiation and were not included in After identification of case subjects and characteristics were summarized and analyses. Twenty-seven case subjects control subjects, frozen plasma samples at compared between case subjects and con- (49%) were identified through Ն2 fasting weeks 0 and 48 were pulled from the re- trol subjects. P values from univariate glucose values Ն126 mg/dl, with no clin- pository at the same time and forwarded conditional logistic regression models ical diagnosis or medication use recorded. to the Johns Hopkins Bayview Advanced were used for statistical comparisons of all Twenty-four (44%) had elevated fasting Chemistry Laboratory (Baltimore, MD). covariates by case status with the excep- glucose and either a clinical diagnosis or Markers were measured in duplicate us- tion of race/ethnicity, which was a match- medication use, and the remainder (7%) ing commercially available enzyme- ing factor. Differences in marker levels at had a clinical diagnosis with or without labeled immunosorbent sandwich assays, baseline and at week 48 were also sum- medication use reported, but no elevated and values were averaged for analysis. marized and compared using the Wil- glucose. All case subjects with high glu- The intra-assay precision of these assays coxon signed-rank test. cose had high fasting glucose levels. Fifty- DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2010 2245 Diabetes after antiretroviral therapy

Table 1—Baseline and on-treatment characteristics of case and control subjects control subjects. Case subjects were sig- nificantly older than control subjects (me- Ͻ Covariate Case subjects Control subjects P value* dian 41 vs. 37 years, P 0.01). There was no difference by case status in calendar n 55 55 year of treatment initiation. Approxi- Sex mately 50% of each group had HIV RNA Male 42 (76) 42 (76) 1.00 levels Ն100,000 copies/ml at baseline, Female 13 (24) 13 (24) and a greater proportion of case subjects Age in years at week 0 41 (37–46) 37 (31–42) 0.001 than control subjects had CD4 counts Race/ethnicity Ͻ200 cells/mm3 at baseline. A higher White 26 (47) 26 (47) proportion of case subjects versus control African American 13 (24) 13 (24) —† subjects had some use of IDV through Hispanic 16 (29) 16 (29) week 48 (16 vs. 6%, P ϭ 0.08). BMI at week 0 (kg/m2) 25.1 (22.7–30.0) 25.1 (22.7–29.8) 0.14 Case subjects had significantly higher BMI at week 48 (kg/m2) 28.1 (24.7–33.1) 27.6 (24.1–30.4) 0.01 glucose levels at week 48 than did control hs-CRP at week 0 (mg/l) 2.41 (1.36–4.37) 1.57 (0.85–4.33) 0.07 subjects. Seventy-five individuals (40 IL-6 at week 0 (pg/ml) 1.74 (1.16–2.95) 1.32 (0.80–2.52) 0.08 case subjects and 35 control subjects) had TNFR1 at week 0 (pg/ml) 1,386 (1,132–1,725) 1,213 (1,081–1,470) 0.03 fasting glucose levels at or before week 48, TNFR2 at week 0 (pg/ml) 4,741 (3,292–6,950) 4,298 (3,646–5,185) 0.14 and 35 individuals (15 case subjects and Glucose at/before week 48 (mg/dl) 20 control subjects) had only nonfasting Fasting (n ϭ 40 case subjects; glucose levels. Median fasting levels for n ϭ 35 control subjects) 102 (91–111) 83 (80–89) Ͻ0.001 case subjects and control subjects were Nonfasting (n ϭ 15 case subjects; 0.08 102 and 83 mg/dl, respectively (P value n ϭ 20 control subjects) 89 (81–97) 81 (76–87) Ͻ0.001‡ Ͻ0.001); median nonfasting values were Family history of CVD 89 and 81 mg/dl, respectively (P value ϭ Yes 11 (20) 6 (11) 0.18 0.08). Smoking status Case subjects tended to have higher Ever 28 (51) 29 (53) 0.84 baseline levels of inflammatory markers Calendar year of treatment initiation than control subjects (Table 1), adding 1998–1999 20 (36) 24 (44) further justification for including baseline 2001–2002 (none in 2000) 22 (40) 19 (34) marker levels in each multivariate model. 2003–2004 13 (24) 12 (22) 0.69 These baseline levels were not signifi- Hepatitis C cantly associated with diabetes after ad- Ever 5 (9) 4 (8) 0.74 justment for age (data not shown). In HIV RNA Ͼ100,000 copies/ml Table 2, we present the median values of at week 0 each marker at baseline and week 48. hs- Yes 32 (58) 30 (55) 0.67 CRP significantly increased from week 0 HIV RNA Ͻ400 copies/ml at to 48; all other markers decreased signif- week 48 icantly from week 0 to 48. Yes 5 (9) 1 (2) 0.14 Figure 1 summarizes the odds ratios CD4 Ͻ200 cells/mm3 at week 0 for the association of each inflammatory Yes 36 (66) 23 (42) 0.02 marker at week 48 with subsequent dia- CD4 Ͻ200 cells/mm3 at week 48 betes incidence, adjusted for age, log of Yes 8 (15) 4 (7) 0.14 baseline marker value, CD4 at week 48, ART in first 48 weeks BMI at week 48, and IDV use through Any stavudine 19 (35) 14 (26) 0.32 week 48. Higher hs-CRP, sTNFR1, and Any zidovudine 43 (78) 37 (67) 0.19 sTNFR2 levels, but not IL-6 levels, 1 year Any nelfinavir 12 (22) 17 (31) 0.26 after ART initiation were all significantly Any IDV 9 (16) 3 (6) 0.08 associated with diabetes incidence before Any lopinavir/ritonavir 7 (13) 8 (15) 0.76 adjustment for glucose level at week 48. Data are median (interquartile range) or n (%). N ϭ 110. *From univariate conditional logistic model, unless After additional adjustment for week 48 otherwise indicated. †Matching factor. ‡From a univariate conditional logistic model (continuous glucose glucose, only sTNFR1 remained signifi- term in model along with fasting status indicator). cantly associated with diabetes incidence (Table 3). Six individuals (five case subjects five control subjects matched on race/ fered by a greater amount (range 1.7–6.5 and one control subject) had not ethnicity and BMI were identified from kg/m2). reached viral suppression by week 48. those individuals who did not develop di- The median time to diabetes inci- In a sensitivity analysis that excluded abetes and who maintained blood glucose dence after week 48 was 1.9 years (inter- these six individuals and their matched levels Ͻ100 mg/dl throughout follow-up. quartile range 1.3–3.8 years). In Table 1, case/control subject, the results were For 90% of case-control pairs the differ- we summarize demographic, treatment, relatively unchanged. For sTNFR1 the ence in BMI was Ͻ1 kg/m2; five pairs dif- and health characteristics for case and association between the highest quartile

2246 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2010 Brown and Associates

Table 2—Marker levels at week 0 and week 48 after initiation of antiretroviral therapy

⌬ϭ Week 0 Week 48 Change (week 48–week 0) P value (H0: 0) hs-CRP (mg/l) 2.0 (1.0–4.3) 3.0 (1.5–6.1) 0.6 (Ϫ0.7 to 3.6) 0.01 IL-6 (pg/ml) 1.6 (0.9–2.7) 1.3 (0.7–2.1) Ϫ0.2 (Ϫ0.9 to 0.4) 0.01 TNFR1 (pg/ml) 1,279 (1,109–1,573) 1,173 (992–1,388) Ϫ109 (Ϫ387 to 40) Ͻ0.0001 TNFR2 (pg/ml) 4,414 (3,550–6,300) 2,983 (2,310–3,795) Ϫ1,390 (Ϫ2,932 to Ϫ479) Ͻ0.0001 Data are median (interquartile range). and the lowest) was somewhat attenu- levels at 48 weeks, the associations were of insulin binding to its receptor (10). As ated and for sTNFR2 the association be- attenuated, but higher levels of sTNFR1 a result, TNF-␣ has been proposed as a tween the highest quartile and the lowest) remained a significant predictor of inci- mediating factor between adiposity and was stronger (data not shown). dent diabetes in adjusted analyses. insulin resistance. Blockers of TNF-␣, TNF-␣ is an proinflammatory cyto- however, such as infliximab and etaner- CONCLUSIONS — In this case-con- kine produced by multiple cell types in- cept, have shown conflicting effects on in- trol study nested within a multicenter, cluding , lymphocytes, and sulin resistance in human populations observational cohort of HIV-infected in- endothelial cells that contributes to the (16,17). dividuals receiving ART, we found that, inflammatory cascade (15) and is highly In epidemiological studies, the asso- despite a decrease in most inflammatory expressed in both treated and untreated ciation between incident diabetes and markers with ART initiation, markers of HIV-infected patients (12,13). TNF-␣ is TNF activity, either measured by concen- TNF-␣ activation 48 weeks after treat- also produced by adipose tissue and has trations of the soluble receptors to TNF-␣ ment were associated with incident diabe- been shown to interact with the insulin or by TNF-␣ itself, has also been incon- tes. After further adjustment for glucose receptor substrate to attenuate the effect sistent. In several studies, sTNFR2 was as-

Figure 1—Odds ratios (95% CI) for incident diabetes in HIV-infected individuals by quartile (Q) of hs-CRP (A), IL-6 (B), sTNFR1 (C), and sTNFR2 (D) measured 48 weeks after initiation of antiretroviral therapy, adjusted for baseline marker level, age, CD4 Ͻ200 cells/mm3 at week 48, 48-week BMI, and use of IDV. DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2010 2247 Diabetes after antiretroviral therapy

Table 3—Relationship between inflammatory marker level 48 weeks after initiation of ART justment for 48-week glucose values, the and incident diabetes in HIV-infected persons, with and without additional adjustment for association between 48-week hs-CRP and week 48 glucose levels incident diabetes was no longer present, suggesting that hs-CRP may be an early Model excluding week 48 Model including week 48 marker of diabetes risk in HIV-infected Marker glucose glucose patients starting ART. Importantly, hs- CRP is associated with other adverse out- hs-CRP comes in HIV-infected patients, including Quartile 1 Referent Referent myocardial infarction (21) and all-cause Quartile 2 1.09 (0.19–6.36) 0.65 (0.09–4.69) mortality (22). Whether therapies aimed Quartile 3 2.62 (0.51–13.5) 1.88 (0.28–12.8) to decrease hs-CRP will improve out- Quartile 4 4.87 (0.87–27.2) 2.52 (0.36–17.6) comes in HIV-infected individuals is P value, test for trend 0.05 0.18 unknown. IL-6 Modern ART is very effective in sup- Quartile 1 Referent Referent pressing HIV replication. However, in all Quartile 2 1.38 (0.29–6.54) 1.52 (0.21–10.9) studies of patients initiating ART, there is Quartile 3 3.94 (0.83–18.6) 3.34 (0.53–21.1) a subset in whom HIV is not suppressed Quartile 4 1.62 (0.31–8.47) 1.39 (0.23–8.28) to undetectable levels. Six subjects in the P value, test for trend 0.24 0.94 study had viral RNA Ͼ400 copies/ml at TNFR1 48 weeks. In a sensitivity analysis, we ex- Quartile 1 Referent Referent cluded those who had uncontrolled HIV Quartile 2 5.36 (0.77–37.5) 2.88 (0.34–24.5) infection and found similar association Quartile 3 14.0 (1.37–143) 6.09 (0.61–60.8) between inflammatory markers and inci- Quartile 4 39.4 (2.17–716) 23.2 (1.28–423) dent diabetes. Although not nominally P value, test for trend 0.01 0.03 statistically significant, this analysis sug- TNFR2 gests that our findings were not influ- Quartile 1 Referent Referent enced by a small number of subjects with Quartile 2 2.64 (0.56–12.5) 1.49 (0.25–8.95) uncontrolled HIV. Quartile 3 2.38 (0.43–13.1) 1.01 (0.12–8.31) Our study had several limitations that Quartile 4 7.39 (1.18–46.4) 4.63 (0.60–35.8) should be noted. Our sample size was P value, test for trend 0.04 0.27 small, and, as a result, the effect estimates Data are odds ratio (95% CI) vs. quartile 1. All models also include age, natural log of baseline marker level, were imprecise. Larger, confirmatory BMI at week 48, CD4 Ͻ200 at week 48, and IDV use through week 48. studies should be performed to better es- timate the association between inflamma- tion and diabetes in HIV-infected sociated with incident diabetes, but this diabetes risk is present early on in the individuals initiating ART. A larger study association was lost after mutual adjust- pathogenesis of diabetes among HIV- would also have sufficient power to deter- ment for other inflammatory cytokines or infected individuals treated with ART and mine whether the association between in- measures of adiposity (8,9,18). We found adjustment for glucose concentrations at flammation and diabetes in HIV-infected that higher concentrations of sTNFR1 48 weeks obscured the early effect. individuals differs by sex. Second, we ex- and sTNFR2 measured 48 weeks after Whether this effect is mediated by in- amined only four different inflammatory ART initiation were associated with inci- creased insulin resistance or a decline in markers. Studies in the general popula- dent diabetes, independent of BMI, sug- ␤-cell function is unclear. A prospective tion have shown that other markers may gesting that TNF-␣ activity in HIV- study examining inflammatory and insu- be associated with diabetes, such as IL-18 infected individuals may contribute to the lin resistance markers at earlier time (23). Third, without an otherwise similar pathogenesis of diabetes. It is not known points after ART initiation would be HIV-uninfected control group, it is diffi- whether the origin of TNF-␣ is the adi- necessary to further investigate the cult to interpret the absolute levels of in- pose tissue, infected lymphocytes, or mechanisms. flammatory markers in our study. Finally, other cell types, but this is an important Without adjustment for week 48 glu- family history of diabetes was not avail- area for further inquiry. cose levels, we found that higher concen- able in our dataset, and therefore we were Although all subjects were normogly- trations of hs-CRP at 48 weeks after ART unable to adjust for this factor. However, cemic before ART initiation, subjects who initiation were associated with incident in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atheroscle- were to develop diabetes already had sig- diabetes. hs-CRP has been associated with rosis (MESA) study, the inclusion of fam- nificantly higher glucose concentrations incident diabetes in the general popula- ily history did not alter the relationship at 48 weeks after ART initiation, although tion (7), but this association is partially between inflammation and diabetes (19). within the nondiabetic range. After we ad- explained by excess adiposity (19). Evi- In summary, we found that inflam- justed for glucose levels at 48 weeks, the dence against a causal effect of hs-CRP on matory markers, particularly those asso- associations between markers of TNF-␣ diabetes risk is derived from a Mendelian ciated with TNF-␣ activity, 48 weeks after activity were attenuated, but higher levels randomization study, which found no as- ART initiation were associated incident of sTNFR1 remained associated with in- sociation between haplotypes associated diabetes. Chronic inflammation among cident diabetes. These findings may sug- with higher hs-CRP concentrations and HIV-infected individuals, even those re- gest that the effect of TNF-␣ activity on diabetes risk (20). In our study, after ad- ceiving effective antiretroviral therapy has

2248 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2010 Brown and Associates been hypothesized to be an important betes mellitus in the multicenter AIDS co- 12. Brown TT, Patil SP, Jacobson LP, Mar- contributor to the development of comor- hort study. Arch Intern Med 2005;165: golick JB, Laffan AM, Godfrey R, Johnson bid conditions. Our findings suggest that 1179–1184 J, Reynolds S, Schwartz AR, Smith PL. As- inflammation contributes to the patho- 2. Bastard JP, Bouteloup V, Leport C, Reynes sociation between systemic inflammation genesis of diabetes among treated HIV- J, Herson S, Flexor G, Raffi F, Chene G, and obstructive sleep apnea in men with Capeau J. High incidence and risk factors or at risk for HIV-infection from the Mul- infected individuals. The discovery of for diabetes over 9-year follow-up after ticenter AIDS Cohort Study. 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