AWAISS Henri Directeur de l’Ecole de Traducteurs et d’Interprètes de Beyrouth (ETIB) depuis 1996, M. le Professeur Henri AWAISS s’est investi à l’Université Saint-Joseph (USJ) dans quatre domaines à savoir : l’enseignement où il assure dans les 3 cycles LMD des cours et des séminaires sur l’opération traduisante à l’écrit et à l’oral notamment dans les domaines littéraire et médiatique. Quant à la recherche, il s’intéresse à deux secteurs l’enseignement de l’arabe aux non arabophones et la traductologie. Il essaye de rendre compte de ses recherches dans des manifestations spécialisées aux triples niveaux local, régional et européen. Sa troisième activité tourne autour de la formation à travers des stages d’initiation ou des séminaires. Enfin il co- dirige la Collection Sources-Cibles qui a comme vocation la publication d’ouvrages de réflexion en traduction. Par ailleurs, il est le rédacteur en chef des Annales de l’Institut de Langues et de Traduction (ILT) intitulées « Al-Kimiya ».

BENDETTI Marco Né à Pise en 1950, Marco Benedetti s’oriente tout d’abord vers des études de chimie industrielle. Après quelques années dans la recherche, il commence en 1979 une carrière d’interprète au Service d’Interprétation de la Commission européenne. Ayant successivement occupé différentes fonctions dans l'administration, il est aujourd’hui à la tête de ce Service, devenu Direction générale, et a été nommé en conséquence Directeur général le 1er janvier 2004.

BOERS Marion Marion Boers has been president of the International Federation of Translators since August 2008, having served on the FIT Council for one term prior to that. She is a freelance translator and editor and also executive director of the South African Translators’ Institute, of which she has been an executive member since 1989.

BUDIN Gerhard

BURSCH Johannes Head of Corporate Language Management at Daimler AG. Studied mechanical engineering in Stuttgart.Has worked at Daimler AG since 1992, including managerial positions in the fields of quality management and training/human resources development within various business units.Since 2004 Head of Corporate Language Management, which is responsible for the Daimler Group’s multilingual communication processes.

CHENG Shuaihua Dr. Shuaihua CHENG is Senior Programme Manager, Head of Asia Pacific and China at ICTSD where he is responsible for strategic advice to the Chief Executive and for the issues related to Asia Pacific and Greater China. He has been leading ICTSD China Initiative and Bridges China Dialogue since 2006. Before joining ICTSD, Dr. Cheng was an analyst for trade and development at the Shanghai Development Research Centre and Board Secretary of Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center. He was also an attorney at a Shanghai-based law firm on international trade and investment.

Dr. Cheng is a member of the OECD Advisory Committee of China Investment, Associate Research Fellow of IMD-based Evian Group, Salzburg Seminar Fellow, Senior Fellow of Pudong Academy of Development, Faculty of London-based Sustainability, Guest Lecturer of the China European International Business School, and 21st Century Young Leader of Asian Society.

Dr. Cheng has written widely on issues related to trade, sustainable development and China’s role in the global trading system for both policy and academic audiences. Mr. Cheng was educated at the Fudan University and the University of Oxford. He is a citizen of China.

COMTESSE Xavier Après ses études en mathématiques et un doctorat en sciences à l’Université de Genève, Xavier Comtesse a évolué pendant dix ans dans le milieu académique, puis dix ans dans celui des start- ups. Ensuite, il a travaillé pendant dix ans dans l’administration fédérale, dont les sept dernières années en tant que diplomate scientifique aux États-Unis. Il fut le premier consul scientifique suisse à Boston où il créa la Swiss House. Depuis début 2002, il est directeur romand d’Avenir Suisse.

EGOROVA Olga Egorova Olga, Full Professor, PhD, Member of FIT Training Committee, Head of the Astrakhan Regional Office of the Union of Translators of Russia. Director, Institute of Language and Professional Communication. Director, Centre for Translation Studies and Conference Interpreting. Astrakhan State University, Russia. Management of translation and interpreting activities in the region, consulting services to domestic and international partners, especially in training language professionals in multicultural regions.

ESPOSITO Frédéric Frédéric Esposito is a senior lecturer at the European Institute of the . He is also a co-director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies on Management of Urban Security Policy. His research interests include the fight against terrorism, direct democracy, federalism and European integration.

FITCHETT Linda Linda Fitchett was a conference interpreter from 1972 until 2009. She worked initially as a freelance interpreter for the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and some UN agencies. She joined the staff of the English interpretation service in the European Parliament in 1992 where she worked until retirement. An active member of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) she is sole candidate for the Presidency of the association at the election in January 2012. FLEURY Isabel Isabelle Fleury is secretary of the board of tekom, Europe’s largest professional association for technical communication and Information-Development. She is also Managing Director of the independent consultancy for multilingual information management Fleury & Fleury Consultants. She consults strategically and methodically with exporting companies and language service providers to improve their organisation, processes and technologies.

FONG Gilbert

FORSTNER Martin Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Martin FORSTNER. University of Mainz (Germany), Faculty of Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics and Cultural Studies; Germersheim. 1992 Vice- president of CIUTI (Conférence Internationale des Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes); 1996 - 2006 President of CIUTI; since 2006 Secretary General of CIUTI.

FOX Brian Brian Fox is the Director of Provision of Interpretation in the European Commission's Directorate-general for Interpreting, serving the large majority of EU Institutions and bodies. He is chair of the IAMLADP working group on training. His other main areas of interest are languages, communication and culture and he has served as chair, member or independent expert in steering committees and evaluation boards for many international projects in these fields.

Garbovskiy Nikolay Nikolay Garbovskiy is the founder and director of the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation, Lomonosov , Honorable Professor, laureate of the Lomonosov Prize for pedagogical activity (2004). He graduated from the Military University of Foreign Languages and received his Higher Doctorate Degree in Philology. An interpreter, a translator and a translator trainer, he has also published over 130 articles and 5 books. His main research areas are translation theory, methodology and didactics. He is also editor-in-chief of the "Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 22. Science of Translation".

GLADKOV Gennady Professor Gennady GLADKOV, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages in 1973, worked as a university professor of translation and interpretation thereon. In 1980-82 was employed by UNTSO (Cairo) as a UN peacekeeper. Since 1982 teaches consecutive and simultaneous interpretation at Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations. Holds a PhD Degree in Theory of Education. Presently Head, Directorate of Language Training, of MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia.

GRATCHEV Vladimir Born 1952 in Moscow. State University for International Relations in 1975. Until 1993 he was posted as Soviet/ Russian diplomat in New York, Washington and New Delhi. He joined the United Nations Secretariat in the Department of Peace Keeping Operations and worked in the Executive Office of the Secretary General. From 2003 he is in Geneva and is currently holding the position of the director of the division of conference management.

HOLZER Peter Studied Romance Studies, Translation Studies and Law at the Universities of Innsbruck and Munich. Doctorate in Translation Studies, since 1998 Associate Professor at the Department of Translation Studies of the University of Innsbruck. Main research topics: Translation theory, cultural studies, legal translation, literary translation.

HUANG Changqui Huang Changqi obtained her MA degree in American Studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1996. Upon graduation, she worked as a translator/interpreter, project manager and deputy manager at Beijing Chinese-Foreign Translation and Information Service. She joined the Secretariat of the Translators Association of China (TAC) in 2004 and was appointed Assistant to President of TAC later that year. Her major responsibilities at TAC include international communication and membership service. She also serves as Deputy Director of TAC’s Translation Service Committee and TAC’s Localization Service Committee. She was elected a Council member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 2011 and has served on the FIT Standards Committee as an associate member.

HUVELLE Damien Damien Huvelle read Germanic Languages and Literatures at the Facultés universitaire Saint- Louis in Brussels and at the Université catholique de Louvain. He was Senior Lecturer at the Institut libre Marie Haps where he taught General Linguistics and Sociolinguistics and Head of Research in Sign language at ILMH. He is now Director of the Institut libre Marie Haps (Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci) in Brussels. He is a member of the CIUTI strategic group.

JIMINIZ MARIN Juan Carlos Born in Solingen (Germany) on 5 September 1964, Abitur in Solingen in 1983, Translation and Interpretation studies in Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, EUTI, from 1983 to 1987, Interpretation at ETI Geneva, from 1987 to 1988, Staff at the EP since 1988, from 1988 to 2004, conference interpreter, Since 2004, Head of Unit in DG INTE, first of the German interpretation unit, then responsible for recruitment of free-lance interpreters, Since 2011, Acting Director in DG INTE, Directorate for Organisation and Planning.

KAMER Christine Christine Kamer Diehl completed her studies in German, English, French and Greek at the former Dolmetscherschule Zürich (today ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences). In the same year she joined UBS as an editor and translation coordinator. From there she took up a position with CLS Communication AG in 1999 as head of the German translation group, later taking over the management and process responsibility for a multilingual customer segment in 2002. Since 2005 Christine Kamer Diehl has held the position of Language Quality Manager at CLS Communication and is the central contact for all partners in the field of training and further education.

KATSCHINKA Liese Born in Vienna, Austria, Educated in Austria and the USA, Studied at the and graduated from the Institute for Translators’ and Interpreters’ Training. Free-lance translator (German/English) - specializing in legal and economic texts, conference interpreter (member of AIIC - German/English/French), certified court interpreter (German/English).Several positions in national and international professional associations (ÖVGD, FIT, AIIC), currently: President of EULITA (European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association)

KELLY Dorothy Dorothy Kelly is a full professor of Translation and currently Vice Rector for International Relations and Development Cooperation at the in Spain. In this latter capacity, she has been a member of the Executive Board of the Coimbr a Group since 2009, and became Chair in 2010.

KHALEEVA Irina Doctor of Applied Linguistics, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education; Rector of the “Moscow State Linguistic University”. The author of over 100 academic papers in the fields of the theory of teaching foreign languages and translation, language theory, and German studies; she has awards of the Russian Federation, of the Russian Orthodox Church and several foreign awards.

KLOPMANN André André Klopmann est entré à l'Etat en 2002 en qualité de directeur adjoint du Bureau de l'intégration des étrangers. Appelé en 2004 au service du protocole (Chancellerie d'Etat), il y est en charge principalement de l'accueil et du développement des ONG à Genève. Auparavant, de 1979 à 2002, il a été journaliste. Blibliographie :

KOSTIKOVA Olga Olga Kostikova is currently Associate professor and Vice-Dean for Research & International Relations of the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is graduated from Moscow State University. She has DEA from Paris III-Nouvelle Sorbonne and received her PhD in Translation Theory 2002. Since 1998 she has been working as a teacher of translation and interpretation at the Lomonosov Unversity. She also works as a freelance interpreter and translator. Her main research areas are history of translation, translation criticism and didactics. KRUGLOV Alex Alex Krouglov received his degrees in translation and interpreting and a PhD in Sociolinguistics from Kiev State University. He used to work as a translator, interpreter, lecturer, assessor, advisor, project manager and consultant in the UK, Ukraine, New Zealand, USA and many other countries. Before he joined London Metropolitan University in 2007 he worked in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office looking after the training of diplomatic staff and translators and interpreters working for the British government.

Lee Jahnke Hannelore Hannelore Lee-Jahnke is University Professor at the University of Geneva. She is Chair of the Training Committe of FIT and President of CIUTI since 2006. Her research is closely linked to translation didactics and stresses the interdisciplinary approach linked to affective sciences and neurosciences (FNS-funded). She is member of many scientific committees and editorial boards. Since 2003 she co-organizes the CIUTI Forum.

MOSS Lenga Coordinateur du « Projet Afrique » : Programme ONU / Nairobi des Universités africaines pour la création de Centres d’excellence pour la formation en interprétation et en traduction au niveau Master. Expérience professionnelle Fonctionnaire international de 1975 à 2010. Dernier poste occupé : Sous- Secrétaire Général / Chef du Département de l’Administration, des Finances, des Ressources Humaines et des Conférences, Groupe des pays d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique – Groupe ACP), Diplôme(s) : Maitrise en sciences politiques,Licence en interprétation de conférences

LI Zhengren Graduated from the UN Interpreter and Translator Training Course in Beijing in the summer of 1984 and started working for the UN in New York in September of the same year. His transfer to UNOG took place in 1987 and he assumed the function of the chief of interpretation service on 01/01/2008

LINDEMANN André André Lindemann (50), is diplome language professional for Polish and Russian (Uni Leipzig 1986), he is working as interpreter for the Police in Brandenburg (German/ Polish police and customs cooperation in Swiecko), member of BDÜ since 1993, Since 1996 board member of the state association in Berlin Brandenburg, Chairman from 2003-2009, since 2009 member of the federal association, Chairman of the federal association since 1pril 2011.

LIU Heping Dr. Heping LIU, Graduate ESIT, translator and interpreter, member of the Translators Association of China. His research focuses on the teaching of translation and interpretation, and on the intercultural study. She is engaged in practice and teaching of translation and interpretation. She has published many works, including primarily: Method of interpretation - cognitive science and pedagogy’s interpretation (2001), Interpretation, Theory and Training (2005). Its main translations in chinese are : La traduction aujourd’hui – modèle interprétatif (M.Lederer, 2000), La traduction, la comprendre, l’apprendre (D.Gile, 2008), Le square (M.Duras, 2000), Les derniers jours de Pékin (P.Loti, 2005), L’espace de la mort (M.Ragon, 2005), etc.

MACKIEWICZ Wolfgang Wolfgang Mackiewicz is honorary professor of English Philology at Freie Universität Berlin and European Affairs Advisor to the Executive Board. He is president of the Conseil européen pour les langues / European Language Council (CEL/ELC). He has co-ordinated more than 10 EU network and development projects in the area of languages, and has been advisor to various European Commission services and to the Council of Europe for the past 16 years. He is the chair of the Commission’s Business Platform for Multilingualism.

MAO Sihui After many years of teaching at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (from 1982 to 2000) and then Hong Kong Lingnan University (2001 to 2003), Dr. Mao Sihui is Professor of English and Comparative Cultural Studies and Director of MPI-Bell Centre of English, Macao Polytechnic Institute. He has been Vice President of Sino-American Comparative Culture Association of China since 2000, President of Federation of Translators and Interpreters of Macao since 2007, Chairman of Translation & Culture Committee of International Translators Federation (FIT) since 2009 and member of FIT Council since 2011. He taught BA, MA & PhD courses at such as “Contemporary Critical Theory”, “Comparative Cultural Studies”, “Film Culture”, “Translation for the Media”, “Translation of Texts in Popular Culture”, “Culture and Translation”, and “Translating Cultures”.

MARTIKONIS Rytis Graduated in law, political science and international relations. Director of European Integration Department (1999-2001), then Secretary of State (2001-2004) in Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was also Deputy Head of Lithuania‘s delegation for the EU accession negotiations (2001-2003). After the accession, Ambassador in the Political and Security Committee of the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the European Union, finally Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the EU (2005-2010). Since 2011, Director-General in the Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission.

MASSION Francois François Massion graduated in 1986 with a PhD at the University of Erlangen (Germany). He is owner and General Manager of D.O.G. GmbH, a company specializing in localization and documentation services.

MERIAUD BRISCHOUX Marie Meriaud-Brischoux, est Directrice Générale de l’ISIT (Institut Supérieur d’Interprétation et de Traduction depuis 2001. Elle est diplômée de l’université en philosophie et du CELSA en Gestion des ressources humaines. Elle est membre du conseil d’administration de la CIUTI (Conférence Internationale des Institut Universitaires de Traduction et d’Interprétation) et membre du bureau de la FESIC.

MIHALACHE Iulia Titulaire d'un doctorat en traductologie de l'Université d'Ottawa, Iulia Mihalache est professeure à l'Université du Québec en Outaouais depuis 2004 et chercheuse associée au Centre de recherche en technologies langagières de Gatineau (Canada). Elle est l'auteur du livre Le modèle occidental et ses traductions dans un pays postcommuniste: le cas de la Roumanie (2010) ainsi que de plusieurs articles dans le domaine de la traduction ou des technologies langagières (revues de publication : Translation Studies, Meta, Linguistica Antverpiensia). En 2007, Iulia Mihalache a été la récipiendaire d’une subvention de recherche du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), pour le programme de recherche intitulé "L'espace des technologies langagières comme réseaux d'expériences: les traducteurs au sein de systèmes institutionnels et internationaux". Elle travaille actuellement, dans le cadre du projet LinguisTech (, à la conception d’exercices ciblés en technologies langagières dans la perspective de la simulation d’un cabinet de traduction.

MOSER MERCER Barbara Barbara Moser-Mercer is Professor of conference interpreting and Director of the Interpreting department at the Faculté de traduction et d’interprétation, University of Geneva. Her research focuses on cognitive and cognitive neuro-science aspects of the interpreting process and on the human performance dimension of skill development. She has co-developed the Virtualinstitute©, the first fully integrated virtual learning environment for interpreters, which she currently also leverages in partnership with ICRC, ILO, UNHCR, MSF, UN-OCHA, and UN-WFP for training interpreters working in conflict zones (InZone). She was a member of the High Level Group on Multilingualism of EU Commissioner for Multilingualism, Leonard Orban, and coordinates the European Masters in Conference Interpreting ( She is also an active conference interpreter, member of AIIC ( and convener of AIIC’s research committee.


PAUWELS Paul Prof. dr. Paul Pauwels is Vice dean of educational affairs and professor of English at the department of Applied Language Studies of Lessius and K.U.Leuven. He is currently the CIUTI Treasurer and chair of the CIUTI strategy group. He has been active in curriculum development at institutional level and as chairman of several curriculum related and professionalization committees in the Association K.U.Leuven. 4

PEETERS Frank Prof. Frank Peeters (1954) is dean of the Department of Translators and Interpreters of Artesis University College and is professor of Theatre History at the University of Antwerp. He is vice- president of CIUTI and president of the CIUTI Prize committee. He has published widely on theatre historical subjects and drama translation.


RODRIGUEZ Nadia Dr. Nadia Rodríguez holds the position of Vicedean of International Relations of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. She is engaged in the teaching of documentation and terminology in translation studies. Her research focuses on translation, documentation and terminology and her most recent publications include Diccionario de las migraciones. Del concepto a la palabra (2007), Regard sur la terminologie adaptée à l’interprétariat (2009), Aproximación a la enseñanza de la terminología (2010), etc.

SCHMITT Peter. A. Full professor, Institute for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (IALT) at the University of Leipzig, Germany; Vice President of CIUTI, DIN NAT1 Chairman, member of BDÜ, DHV, DTT, GAL, Tekom, VDI; AQAS Auditor, Chief editor of Lebende Sprachen deGruyter, over 100 publications on sci-tech translation, terminology and translation studies, including several German/English technical dictionaries; 40 years practical experience as a technical translator and interpreter,

STEJSKAL Jriri Dr. Jiri Stejskal is the immediate past President of the American Translators Association and a current Vice President of the International Federation of Translators (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, or FIT). He is also the President & CEO of CETRA Language Solutions.

STEURS Frieda Frieda Steurs is the dean of the subfaculty of language and communication at Lessius University College/KULeuven. She is a full professor in terminology and language technology and a member of the research group “Quantitative Lexicology and Variation Linguistics’ (KULeuven). Her research includes projects with industrial partners and public institutions.

She is the founder and former president of NL-TERM, the Dutch terminology association. She is also the head of the ISO TC/37 standardisation committee for Flanders and the Netherlands and a member of Coterm, the government body for terminology (Nederlandse Taalunie). She is a guest professor at ‘L’Université Catholique de l’Ouest’(UCO), France and the president of TermNet, the International Network for Terminology.

T.ROLDAN Enrique National University of La Rioja’s Rector (elected 1992; re-elected 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010) and formerly its Registrar (1975-1976). He graduated as a lawyer at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) in 1971, run a successful law firm (1972-1992), became one of La Rioja Supreme Court members (1983-1985) and worked as a dedicated elementary school teacher before graduation (1965). As a university professor, he taught a variety of courses in History, Politics, Philosophy and Ethics since 1975. His outstanding work in Education History courses led to his comprehensive volume A Handbook of the History of Education and Paedagogy, published in 1999. He chairs two research institutes: “History and Philosophy” and “Citizenship Education for Citizens” and has been active participant and lecturer in a large number of local, national and international conferences. He has been guest participant in Warwik’s “Higher Education Management Programme” (1996), Oxford’s “Successful Educational Project Management” (1997) and one of the Vatican’s Papal Audiences (Pope Benedict XVI, 2006). He has received awards and recognition for his contributions to university internationalization by AIUP and other international organizations.

THELEN Marcel Marcel Thelen is head of the School of Translation and Interpreting of the Faculty of International Business and Communication of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Maastricht, the Netherlands. He is the co-organiser of the 5-yearly International Maastricht-Łódź Duo Colloquia on “Translation and Meaning”, and editor-in-chief of the corresponding book series.

VASSALLI Jean Dominique

VIEZZI Maurizio Maurizio Viezzi is associate professor of interpreting from English into Italian at the (Italy) and docent of Italian translation and interpreting at the University of Turku (Finland). He has published extensively on different aspects of translation and interpreting and lectured in several European universities. His main research interests are interpretation quality and translation of names and titles. He is Vice-President of CIUTI (Conférence internationale permanente d’instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes), member of the Board of the European Language Council and chair of SIGTIPS (Special Interest Group on Translation and Interpreting for Public Services).


ZHANG Wen Wen Zhang,professor,School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing International Studies University. She is a Board member of the Translators Association of China and the Beijing Women Professors Association. Her research interests are: translation studies, interpretation, cross-cultural communication, tourism impact studies. Her publications include over 40 articles, 10 translation works, 10 books and textbooks in the areas of translation studies, tourism culture and management, cultural anthropology.

ZHENG Wenbo Lecturer of English and Interpretation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, M.A. and B.A., Beijing Foreign Studies University. ZHENG Wenbo joined Tsingh ua University in 2009. She lectures on interpretation, English reading and BP debate and conducts research in translation and interpretation at the Center for Translation and Interdisciplinary Studies. A native of Chinese, she holds an M.A. in simultaneous interpretation and B.A. in English language and literature, both from Beijing Foreign Studies University. She once served as a simultaneous interpreter for José Manuel Barroso, President of European Commission at ASEM 7. She is going to join the Fulbright program for a year’s visit to the United States from 2012 to 2013.