Social Responsability and Sustainability Report 2020 SA Social Responsability and Sustainability Report 2020
Social Responsability and Sustainability Report 2020 SA Social Responsability and Sustainability Report 2020 Our current circumstances, the extraordinarily complex and uncertain turn of events, leave little room for retrospective analy- sis. Our priority now must be to address both the serious health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and, at the same time, the resulting profound social and economic crisis that has struck us all so suddenly. All without losing sight of the future. These are times for decisive, rigorous action, for acting with a sense of responsibility and with a long-term view. From the very outset, PRISA, aside from immediately implementing the required sanitary measures, saw its priority as maintain- ing its operations in the areas of quality education, news, culture and entertainment. We are convinced that this was a priority shared by all our target audiences. We have given equal priority to our financial liquidity and the adaptation of our structures, resources and processes to the rapidly changing new environment. Over the past year, the Board of Directors has devoted particular attention to reviewing strategy and to defining the optimum roadmap to ensure that our range of different operations can successfully develop future projects. These must necessarily be transformative – and, by extension, ambitious and exciting – and they must be in a position to generate value on a sustainable basis for all our publics and stakeholders. We also envisage profitability levels that will allow us to offer adequate returns to those who provide us with the necessary re- sources to develop our projects. This unprecedented crisis will have a negative effect on our already high level of indebtedness, which we must reduce and bring within parameters that are appropriate to our businesses.
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