Lay-Offs at Cabot Institute
June 17, 1988 Memorial University Volume 38, Number 23 Grants available after problems solved By BERNARD TOBI N dent Aid, they do every thing by who have already gotten loans, situation like this arises, Student said. "There are no provisions Despite a problem with registra the Calender," said Russell. expecting to be able to pay them Aid has no provisions for helping whereby we can give emergency tion dates for the summer "They were gearing towards June when the grant m_~:mey became students who find themselves in a aid to any one student. If we give semester, Student Aid grants will 27, because it was the first day of available. Some people are be desperate situation. it to any, we have to give it to all be available June 17. registration for summer hind in their rent; what are they students." Some students were led to semester." suppose to do? "We have no way of looking believe early in the week that On Wednesday, June 7, Clyde According to Snelgrove, when a after students in that situation," he grants would not be available Johnson, a student who is expect until June 29. However, after ing a grant this semester, was told spending an enormous amount of that the grants would not be avail overtime, the Student Aid office able until June 29. He was earlier resolved the problem, and the told by a Student Aid employee grants will be available on Friday. that the grants would be out on In an interview on Monday, Stu June 16. dent Aid Supervisor, Norman Snelgrove, when asked where a Snelgrove, said that the grants student might receive this infor may not be available on Friday mation, replied, "I don't know." because of problems with compil He said that the Student Aid office ing the Spring semester no-show did not officially release a definite list.
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