Good Rains Fall Saturday

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Good Rains Fall Saturday Sofort fcr ® bsrm rr Voi. 84, No. 49 Robert Lee, Coke County, Texas (76945), Thursday, June 6, 1974 Single Copy 10c Some Damage Done - But Good Rains Fall Saturday Rchfit Lee had turbulent thun­ Mere turbulent weather Satur­ 11 Year Old Lad derstorms Friday night end again day night brought another inch Safari iay night, and was hit by of rain to parts of Robert Lee, Drowns in Spence high winds which dad consider­ with tighter amounts in other 64 Golf Teams able 11 ima gc over town and sur- parts of town. Some hail was re­ Anvil Glenn Boshed, 11, of An­ icuniting areas. ported. drews, drowned about 3 pirn. Tuev- The I* in Friday night was hea­ Saneo received 1.5 inches of riay in Lake Spence. The accident vier in the south part ctf town rain Saturday night. The Saturday occurred north of Duncan's Fish- where over an inch was report­ night a week before they got In Tournament while the family was on ed. T c‘.Tewing the 20 ma.-jute. hat.d quite iu bit of hail along with an ?. fishing outing. rain, water was rumnanig deep in inch of rain. Sixty-four golf teams will be in Entrants in the tourney will be It wias reported th at he and a '.he streets. Silver had from 2 to 3 inches Robert Lee this weekend Par line heated to a barbecue supper Sit- of rain Saturday mght, accompa­ Annual Partnership Tournament younger sister won* wading in the uifdiay night at the conclusion ol nied: by high winds and hail that ibt Mountain Creek Coif Co.irse. w ater and .stepped) off into deep the first half of play. mined gaifliens, stripped trees and The tournament is a 36 bole, low water. The Iboy's stepfather. Wil­ broke window panes*. The hard Lall contest. The teams are di­ Valuable prizes will be award­ liam Kuyker.iia 1!, was able to res­ rain filled stock tanks. vided into four flights with 16 ed winners in ail four fight:. cue the but could not get to City Water Supt. Sherman Wil­ teams each. The Robert Lee toumi imenf has the ooy in time to save h. m. The liams reported the City Lake becom e one of the (most popular caught about five feet of water led' could nut swim. in this area during the Tag* few over the weekend from rains. Wa­ Only 317 Vote years, as golfer® like to play the Sheriff Doug Robertson, Depu- it r is being pumped to the City local course. 1y J. Lee Ensor, G am e Waif Jen Lake from Lake Spemee and Wii- In 2nd Primary R. L. Flanagan and lake patrol- lfalmjs staid this will continue at mien were celled to the scene. Th? Only' 347 of he 2154 registered lea t through this inl.mth. Fur­ body was recovered in 10 feet of voters in Coke County cast their ther use of the temporary line water about 3:45 p.m. by A. D. bcfllofcs in Saturday's Second Pri­ fixi.ii Spence will depend on the Barton of Odessa aril Bob E. Wil­ mary Election. waiter situation at that time. The son of Big Spring who were fish­ In the race for U. S. Represent­ line was completed' late last Wed­ ing at Lake Spcr.ce. Young Bc-h- ative, D istrict 21, Nelson W. Wolff nesday. e 11 was pronounced dead at the carried Coke County with 200 It was Reported to the Observer fcenc by Justice of the Peace Roy votes to Robert “Bob” Krueger's that Lake Spence c iught enough P. Road*-, 146, but over the entire 21st Dis­ runoil from die rains to raise its His mother was treated fc trict, Krueger came out the win­ level about 4 inches. fhock at West Coke County Hos­ n er with 51.55 per cent of the The courthouse rain measure­ Robert E. Owen’ votes to Wolff’s 48.45, aiccording pital. m ent for the weekend was 1.81, The boy was born J n. 10, 1963. to Texas Election Bureau figures bringing the total for the year in Seminole. He was a strident In the May 4 Democratic Pri­ Owen Takes Over to 6.71 inches. ir Andrews schools. mary, Krueger polled 297 votes tn Survivors include his stepfather Wolff's 235 in Coke Counity. As County Atty. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE and mother. M r. and Mrs Wil­ Krueger now ibices Doug Harlan, Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Kendall will liam KuykendiM; two sisters «ml Robert E. Owen todfe over as a San Antonio Republican, in the leave Monday for San Antonio to iiis grandparents. Coke County Attorney June 4. He General Election Nov. 5. Harlan a.tend the annual Southwest Tex­ Newby Funeral Home was m end his wife aTreadiv have moved won his party’s nomination over as Conivienee of the Methodist charge <rf loc al arrangements. The to Robert Lee «md are in the pro­ th ree other camriiriia'fes without a Church. The Conference wM toe body wac taken to Singleton Fu- cess of buying the heme* of Mr. runoff in Mby. from Monday until noon on Tburs- Mary Jane Baumann lietnafl Hc|mb in Andrews Tuesday and Mrs. Limy Blair. The other race on the ballet L|.y, June 13. Owen w'as appointed, bv the was between Michael H. Ezzell right. Bishop O. Eugene Slater of San Commissioners Court to replace and C. Glenn Toamffis for State Miss Baumann Anturio will preside. Mrs. JessCe -Srrfifh of Denver1. R: y Ford who resigned! and mov­ R epresentative, DistrTOt 63, with Appointments for the following Colo., spent last week visiitirg in ed to Dallas. Ezzell receiving 224 votes in Coke To Train Here 12 months will be made toward the horn'* of her niece and fam i­ The new' law yer w as bom and County to Ttaomibs' 118. Ezzell the end of the conference. Mass Nancy Ja n e Baumann a r­ ly, Mr. arH Mas. S. B. Plvmike, raised in Abilene aid is a gratfu- won the nomination for the 63jM rived in Robert Lee May 21 to and with her sister, Mrs. Ella i ? of Abilene High School. He seat in the six county district ami train in the Coke County Exten­ Dumcati of West Coke Coun.y r»‘. tended Me Murry CcClege two will face Republican Jbhn (Rich» Southside Church sion Office. She will be working Nursing Home. Continued on Back Page Andierson of Gail in the November with Ms®. Fay C. Rioe, local Coun- To Have Meeting election. ty Extension Agent, and will be In the May 4 Primary, Toombs involved in all! the county pro­ Rude!) White of Odessa wdl be received 412 votes and Ezzell 3i38 grams ainiii activities being carried speaKung next w<*ek in a series of in Coke County. on du:ing the summer. Miss Bau- «vamgelisfic services at Southside Coke County votes by Precincts rrlann will become Schleicher Church of Christ in Robert Lee. Satuddlay were: County Extension Agent on Aug. Beginning Sunday. June 9. the Krueger Wolff 1. meeting will continue through Fri­ Hobt. Lee, Pree. 1 60 48 Miss Baumann is the daughter day, June 14. Bronte, Pree. 2 41 67 of Mr. and Mrs. Maxie Baumann Sunday services will be: Bible Robt. Lee, Pree. 3 14 36 off Konrville. She is a graduate classes. 10 a.m .; worship services. 46 Bronte, Pree. 4 25 <i Tivy High Sehooi and S a m 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday Absentee 6 3 Houston State University. She through Friday, the services will received a B.A. degree in Home be ait 7 p.m. 200 TOTAL 146 Economics. While attending col­ FoiKiwing the Sunday mooning Ezzell Toombs lege she was a member of Kappa services. Touch will be served at Robt. Lee, Prect. 1 57 49 Omioron Phi and Kappa Delta J*i. the church. Bronte, Pree. 2 83 25 ■White is a giri iduaite of Abilene Robt. Lee, Pree. 3 24 25 Mr. and Mrs.' Herman Carwile Christian Colilege with a BA in Bronte, Pree. 4 52 18 end Vermeil of Carlsbad, N. M., Bible and Greek and an MA in Absentee 8 1 and Wilson Carwile of Big Spring New Test am ient. spent the wxxkend with Effie and He served as minister of the TOTAL 234 118 Henry Canv/ile an<f attended the Southside Church of Christ here Santo Homecoming Sunday. Mr. from 1967 until 1970. Then he and WOJTEK ON DEAN’S LIST artl Mrs. T. C. Baldwin of But- his wife, Kay, moved to Llano where he winked with the Jerry Wojtek, son of Mr. and t<>nwill(ow. Calif., visited the C'i> Church cl Christ there until Mrs. Frank) Wojtek, is on the re- wiles Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. 1973. Since then, he has centlly released Doan's List for Paul Killam and Utoua Lee and worked with the young peoplle at the soring semester at Cisco Ju- "rail.sons, Steve and Ronnie of the Tanglew'ood Church Of Christ rion College. The Dean’s Lists Mission and Mr. and Mrs. Homer include scholars earning a 2.5 or Cat wile of Robert Ivee were Satur­ ir Odessa. A special welcome is extend«* belter grade point average on a day visitors of the Oarwiles Mr. (n ail to come and take part in 3.0 systdml Jpny is a 1973 giatd- arid Mr®. J. (L. Canwih* vuwted any or all off these services.
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