Coke County - Cento* of West 7exa* Vlewesi Oil development

fo tert fo r ©bsrrurr Published at the County Seat Sixty-Second Year-Established June 13, 1889 Official Paper County and City

Vol. 62, No. 45 Robert Lee, Coke County, , Friday, April 20, 1951 Published Weekly

BANK DEPOSITS CAIN HIGH SCHOOL BASE BALI. Two Coke Youths Rolx-rt Lee State Bank showed a gain Wilton Scott Plans Biv>i$e Dmgliornx defc.stvd Hol^-rt Fire Dept. Stops oi in irly $50,000 in deposits on April Lee Steers here las-t Thursday in the first Called To Service: 9, compared to its last published re­ New Firestone Store high scIhmiI base hall game oi the season. Blaze At Wylie port Dec. 31st. This is a fine slewing, Score was 17—12.. 'Hie <)>ntest w|is since most bank deposits fell off the Crouiul was broken this week for a played during strong wind and dust. Physicals For Ten past three inoiitlu*. The Hlubert 1 .ee build lig which will house Holiert Iaa-’s Bobby Hood started on the mound Broiler Plant new Firestone Home and Auto Store. lor the Steers and was relieved by Bon­ 1 wo Coke county youth* wli> will Bank also showed a $30,000 in. rease Serious damage from fire occurred in loans. The hank statement appears Wilton Scott is the owner. nie Baker. S. W. laird was lx-hmd the report for induetion into the armed force* Monday aft«*moon at McNeil Wylie’s The building will lx- extended west plate. Ad 1 v i *. clouted a lx Mix-run Friday, April 20, are Truitt EHis Ar- in this issue of the (>!>ser\er. of the Scott Serv i. e Station at the im­ with the bases full, and Baker hit a broiler plant in the northwest end of buckle of Sanco and Elmer F. Stagner, portant intersection of North Austin triple to score three runs. the city. However, tlx- flames were Jr. of Silver. ANOTHER RELAY RECORD Avenue and Highway 208. Consruct- Coach Charles Dennis says Robert They are in hided in a group of 15 Hubert Lee hung up a new record in sjx-edily Imxight under control by the ed of tile ami coixrete, with stucco out­ la-c plays at Blackwell April 20 and at inductees from Local Board 118, com­ the grade school 440-yard relay race at fire department, and the plant will re­ side finish, the building has a frontage | Divide the 27th. Norton is boohed lx-re posed of Coke, Irion and Tom Green tie- district meet last Saturday, but the main in operation. of 36 feet and will lx- 24 fi et deep. J.ick j counties. Mrs. Ed Cole, clerk in ♦In­ ■e-suit is not in. hided in the writeup fo r M o 4. Mr. Wylie had lx-en gone not more and Hill Capps and Carl Hnxk are m j draft hoard office, says four transfers elsewhere in this paper. The crack team than 40 minutes, w-hen the neighbors charge of construction. to tlifs hoard, will make a total of 19 was composed ol Linn Davidson, Jerry saw smoke coining from the Ixiilding Scott has mu1 will tx- well Jessie T. Simpson, Bronte (1 p.>ty distri -t governor of San Angelo. ed hen- for April 29 and Forsan tin- ed for market this week. represented at the Regional luterscholas- Mis. Cole states th re will he no call A ih-w set of officers will lx* elected following week. The team will need a Mr. Wylie is making necessary repairs for pre-induct on physicals during May at th s meeting. Th«- luncheon had pre­ tic contests in Hrovvnwixxl Saturday of little financial support for the purchase but it will be some time before he can this week. and the draft call for that month has viously been scheduled for Thursday. of ix-w hats, Ixdls and other c-cjuipment. get back top production. He was near­ Students winning first and second been deferred until further notice. The Lions Club recently voted to Any person wanting to see Rolx-rt ing the point w-here he could turn out continue its a. tivitiis and a memlier- places in the d strict meet last week are Lee have a team again this year, is urg­ 250 broilers each week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vi Cutchen ship of fifteen or more been signed rligil'le to partk-ip.itc in the regional. ed to attend the meeting. Amount of the damage will reach Ihipils lx low tlx- high school grades are and daughter, Rhea Jean, motored to up. $ 1 .(KM) or more and the loss is not cov­ Catesville Monday where the former not (x nnitted to go to tlx- regional, h >w - Coke County ered by insurance. His entire plant was looked after business matters. ever. wiped out fry fire three \-ears ago, and The community is proud of the fine Hospital News he later re-built and has lx-en doing well. Tinkler Makes Good records which Robert Lee students made Mr. Wylie wishes to thank the fire- Births at San Angelo last week. Our yxmng April 11—Vfrs. Boland Powers admit­ nx-n for their excellent work in prevent­ folks excelh d in the various literary ted. Give birth to a daughter at 1:40 ing his plant becoming a total loss. POWERS With Angelo Colts events as well as in athletics. These a.m. April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Boland Powers of Ed­ Clarence Tinkler, Robert Lee semi- young folks brought much vn-dit to April 12—Patsy Kay, daughter of Mr. ith are patents of a d.mghtc r h.ini at 4:40 pro pitcher, has won a lx rtli with the themselves, tluir parents, the s.hoel .uid and Mr*. E. B. Clark, admitted. Mary Ap:il 12 at Coke County Memorial Notes San Angelo Colts of the Longhorn community. Ery.% Coffee dismissed. fI .sp.tal. The infaiit weighed 6 pounds ^ League. Wmiu rs of first and second places m April 13 Mr* Hell u Bay. Ml haul 14 ounces and has been named Vita From The He h.i-s lx-en with the team (1 iring its the Br. vvnwuod regional will lx- privi- B. Jones, dismissed. Elaine. She is the tenth child in the spring training periml which included a !i-red to compete in the state m.-t t to \pril It I {i v J I > MW It family. Mrs. Powers is the former Min­ couple of weeks at Vterccdcs, Texas, follow on Crogston, admitted. Mr*. Sam Wil- Oil Field nie Ethel Ashworth. C*o. W. Powers is near the Gulf. Tinkler has been a little j liams, Mrs. Boland Power, and infant the grandfa.her. | slow in rounding into form, due to a flu ! ■Mrs. VI. B. Sheppard, former Coke daughter, dismissed. Union No. 7 Jim M.CuUhcn, 3 miles DAVIS a'tack, but is expected to take his regu­ county resident, remains in a si-rious con­ April 15—Goldie Wojtck, II. C. G il­ east of Robert Lee, has been plugged Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Davis of Rolx rt lar turn on the mound after the sea-son dition in .in Abilene hospital where she bert, admitted. Leon Gregston, H. C. and abandoned at 4,()B0 feet. It topped Iae are paren. ; i>f a daughter born at o;x-ns Friday. has lx-en a patient the past ten days. Colbert. Patsy Kay Clark, thsiu **ed. the Ci*,o sand low at 4.012 fe«*t and 7 p.rn. April 15 at Clinic- Hospital in Mrs. Tinkler and the children have She is the mother of Dtimir and A. B. Aj>ril IB— Rev. J. I). MvWhorter dis- cored into water sand. There were no San A: iel.). The baby weighed 7 pounds returned to tlu-ir home here after a stay Sheppard of Rclx-rt Lee. mi.vsed. oil shows. and will answer to the name, Phyllis 1 of several weeks in the heme of her J Jack Looney and fam ly rt turned home April 17—Mrs. Emma Beach, II. L. Morgan Drilling G>. is standing by June. She- lias a sister, Cynthia Ann, 2'^ father at Marble Falls. the last of the week from Galveston Manley, Mrs. Oscar C >llctt, Paul Jones, for orders. Rumor is that Union will years old. Grandparents art- Vlr. and Claren.-e has a host

FFA Judging Team Second at Sul Ross Rolx-rt Lee Future Farmers of Ameri­ ca placed second in the Area 2 Invita­ tional Livestock Judging Contest at Al­ pine last Saturday. San Angelo piled 1 p 1.573 points to take top honors, while Robert la-e scored 1,559 points. In the overall individual results, Ted C ix of Rolx-rt Lee was second with 553 points. Members of the Rolx-rt Ix-e team arc Ted Cox, Billy Carwile and Mil- hum Mink. Carl Maddoux is sponsor and coach. Carwile sored 472 |xiin‘s and Wink 529. The 125 contestants and teacher* were entertained by the Clip and Brand DISTRICT CHAMPS— Robert Lee High School's track and J A Brown and Kenneth Clark. Left to right, back row, are Club at a noon banquet in Sul Boss field squad scampered away with the trophy in the District Ccach Charles Dennis. Robert Porter, Allen Sparks, Jiggs Colic g<- cafeteria. Banners were award­ 18-B meet held on cemetery athletic field here Saturday Lofton. Elmer Greathouse, Norman Roberts and Jerome ed to the first and second teams. afternoon. Left to right, front row, are Wilton Robertson, Sheppord. Robert Lee scored 63 Vi points to 36 for runner- The Hubert Ia-e team take part in the Raymond Clark. Garland Davis, Bill Havins. Donny Duncan, up Bronte Lubbock area judging contest April 28. he may get 50 per cent. Other reports Drouth Results in are Mark Chumley with 81 per cent, B. BCD Will Sponsor A. Austin, 75 per cent, \ ih*I IVivifull, Short Lamb Crop at Bronte 75 {tpi cent, and W. E. Bums Clean Up Campaign about 80 per cent. Robert lax* is to have a Clean Up THE GREATEST OPEN CENTER TIRE T!i<‘ continued drouth lias ®iustxl a Fred McDonald, Jr. and Wesley Mat- Day m the near future. The Board of son both have marktd up a UK) per cent M-rious loss iu the luii)b crop in Coke Community Development at its lunch­ OF THEM ALL lamb crop. vounty ranches. While everyone has eon meeting Monday voted to sponsor McDonald recently sold 110 head of had to feed their livestock the past few the Clean Up Campaign as its next proj­ yearling>s in the vvikiI at 40 cents i months, many ewes were not in too ect. ix*r pound. They averaged (M) ixnimls . good condition and there has been no M1u>n President John Harvey called and brought $30 per head. Me sold his T h e f i r t s t green stuff for the young lambs to feed for project suggestions, the Clean Up lambs last year out of the wool at 25 upon. was suggested by W D. McAdams. cents. More trouble is encountered with Frank Dickey’s motion to have tlu* may­ CURVED BAR young ewes leaving their lambs, but or designate a Clean Up pcriixl was Miss Betty Claw son is helpuig with | sheepmen find that it is often unsatis­ passed un.mititousl). A committee to | OPEN- factory to feed older ewes at lambing offke work at the Coke County Meinor- , handle tin event includes W . 1). Mi Ad- 1 turn*. ial Hospital. A daughter of Mr. and ms, chairman, Cumhie Ivey anil Mil- That the lamb crop will be short will Mrs. Frank Clawson, she graduated with ton Scott. lx* six'll by the following reports: Cortez honors at Robert lax* high school two City Secretary McNeil Wylie report - with the new, Bussell. wfio marked 118 per cent last txl work had lxx*n completed on the years ago .mil rtxxntlv attended Draugh- year, has dropped to 65 ix*r cent. C'har- new city dump grounds and signs lnnl improved on’s Busiix'ss Colli ge iu Abilene. lie Thompson out beyond Edith says fxvn put up dirtxting wliere trash may lx* deposited in the future. Wylie said the county had cooperated in lending equipment, but other costs had lx*en Chestnut Sorrell Stallion paid hy the city, including $lOl lor la- l>or aid $!2fi for fencing material, a total of $227. President ll.irvey read a eomiminksi- "Dodger Kimble" tion from I*!. 1.. Boelow, district mana­ ger of tin* Lone Star (sis Company, Registered AQUA No. 25198 which statixi tlu* company would nm a line from Bionte and pipe natural gas Ht. 14 hands, 1 inch Wt. 1075 lbs. to consumers in Hidx*rt Lax* just as soon as the ntxx*ssary pipe becomes available. 1 SIRE: Sonny Kimble, by Zantanon, by Little Joe He sa:d it was doubtful if it vould In- DAM: Ginger Rogers J, by Dodger, by dune this year. FOR SUPER TRACTION Harmon Baker Sii|g. B. C. Goodwin reported that lie will prepare a iiiiimx»graphed bro­ chure on Rolx*rt Lee if material is sub­ IN SNOW AND MUD FEE, $25 mitted to him. Everyone is urgtxl to (Z fautfe O w i t* Payable at time of service with return privilege submit ilata of a historical nature. The BCD meets every two weeks with a Monday Iiuh-Iux>ii at Mrs. Day’s T i r e s t o n e dining room. A luemlx-rsliip campaign is to lx* put on during the next two STUDDED J. T. (Bud) Jones weeks. GROUND GRIP Robert Lee, Texas If you don’t get Tin* O BSERVER. SUPER-BALLOONS You Don’t Get The NEWS! Tough, rugged tread “ studs” bite through the surface—give extra traction in snow and mud! Holds more air at lower pressure . . . I gives a super ride. ITS 6&£A GET OUR IT S NSW/, Friqidaire LOW PRICE FOR Made for once-a-week shopping! CHANGEOVER

of spoce—orxd fKe r ig h tkind of coid—fo* Loop-



"We're as Close as Your Phone and Almost as Fast" I 'Now’s the time to prepare for summer Frigidaire's constant SAFE (OLD refrigeration needs!” lots yoo decide when to market! -

Y o u ’r e t h e b o s s with the new Frig- idaire! Instead of being forced to market several days a week — you have a refrigerator that letsyou de­ cide when and where to shop — lets scon you take advantage of the “specials’ BE SURE and “leader" sales. BUY THE BEST And — evenmore important — it Service Station gives you the differentkinds of cold needed to keepall foods safe. Protect 2 BUY ELECTRIC your family with safe cold — top to Washing Greasing bottom. Tire Repairs WestTexas Utilities RobertLee, Texas Companv

/ BIBLES FOB HOSPITAL Bobby E. Seitz Weds The Emmanuel Pentecostal Cl lurch of Business Meeting of Rolx-rt Lee recently presented the Coke Abilene Young Lady County Memorial Hospital with beau­ County HI) Council ROBERT LEE FACES tiful new Bihles for each <>l the patients The kickupiK) R.iptist parsonage in rooms, i'lic presentation was made by The Coke (anility Home Demonstra­ Bronte was the scene of a pretty wed­ Mrs. Wavmond Holiertson in lielialt of tion Council met in regular session WATER SHORTAGE ding Monday nigW , April 16, when the church. April 14 at the Agent’s office in Rolx-rt Miss Nonna lx-e Join's of Ahilene lx-- Lee. Officers from four clubs were pre­ caine the liride of Bohhy Earl Scllz of Mrs. Bob L. Davis and children of sent, and the Meeting was called to Robert Lee. \\’. A. Reeves, the pastor, MoCamey are spending the win k with order by Gladys Waldrop, HD Council The City Commission of Robert Lee requests all solemnized the double ring vows chairman. before relatives in San Angelo and Holiert Ix-c. water customers to conserve on the use of water a candle-lit altar lxuiked with white ' The youngest son, Randall, is under ob­ The finance committee called for the gladioli and ferns. The candle lighter calcmlars to lx- completed lw June during the present emergency. servation of A San Angelo physician for was Noah Pruitt, Jr., of Bronte. 9. Bake sales on April 28 were an­ an eye ailment. Our wells are weakening and the lake supply is The bride wore an aqua street length nounced for !x>tli Rolx-rt Lee and •dress with white accessories and car­ Bronte. Tin- 4-11 girls elulrs have plans low. We may have sufficient water for general use ried a bouquet of white carnations. She for their district camp to lx- held at if it is used sparingly. If we dont get rain this is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Join s Bruce Field in Ballinger June 5-6-7. of Abilene and is a student in Abilene The resignation ol Mrs. A. D. Fields spring, the city will be forced to spend considerable High Scholl. as I'll DA chairman was read and uc- money to dig new wells. But we don’t want to The bridegroom is tin- son of \lr. and Want Ads cepted. incur this expense when our present bad situation Mrs. Francis Seitz of Rofiert Lee and is After the business session was com­ a graduate of Robert Lee high school, 1 Building Materials Cement pleted, Judge Jeff Dean spoke on bow would be entirely remedied with good rains. lie is now a student at Draiighon's Bus­ {and Paint. The right materials at the county tax money was allocated. Therefore, we are requesting that during this iness College in Abilene and is employ­ the right price. McDonald Lumber Mrs. A. D. Fields and Mrs. C. E. Arrott ed part time by the M System Store. Co., Robert Lee, Texas gave a report on the H. D. district meet­ emergency no water be used for yards and gardens. Following the wedding a reception ing which was held in Brady on April 7. FOB SALE—16 x 48 barracks. Sec S. was held in the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. K. Young. Ip \V. H. Stephenson, uncle and aunt of the limb-groom. Miss Dean Beaser was Aermotor Windmills, woodrod, Carter Dibrell New in charge of the bride's I took. The lace cylinders and all fittings necessary THE CITY COMMISSION laid dining table was centered with a to complete your water job. Leeper Veteran Ag Teacher tlnee-tier« d wedding cake trimmed with Supply Co. Carter Dibrell is Hie new instructor Robert Lee, Texas white roses and topped with a miniature of tlx- Rolx-rt Lee Veterans Ag Class, liride and groom. For Sale—3 room modem house, nearly new, butane, furnished or unfur­ succeeding Rolx-rt A. Krown, who was lie cream and cake were served to culled to active duty with the Navy. sixty guests, with Miss Dorothy Fay nished, on 50 by 140 ft. lot, 2 blocks Dibrell is a resident of Coleman and Scott serving the wedding cake. Out of south of court house square. Kcmiit llardcastlc. Owner. 42-4c graduated from Texas A & M College town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack last January. Jones, par*tits of the bride, Mrs. C. A. New rifles, shotguns pistols; all He served 30 months during World Blevins ami Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. gauges of ammunition. Leeper War II and spent 22 months overseas Butane Service Co. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Jordan and Supply Co. in Italy and France with the 34th In­ Fn-da Kello, all of Abilene. fantry Division. Mr. Dibrell lias a wile Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rhode, Chester NOTICE anil son. Carter, Jr., three years old. STOVES - TANKS - SERVELS ami Johnnie, and Mrs. S. K. Hageman My place south of Roliert Lee has been posted and $.50 Reward will be They reside in one of the Dclmir Slu-p- | and Sannnie Joe, of San Angelo; Mr. pard apartments. and Mrs. Chester Kiker, Mr. and Mrs. paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons trespassing upon Mr. Dibrell says the Veterans As Prompt Service Carl Hurley and Jerry Max, Mr. and class now has fifteen nx-mlx-rs, Imt Mrs. Carlton Hurley, Mrs. Hena Hurley, my property without permission. — En d McDonald, Jr. three additions .ire expected in the n ear: PHONES Bronte 123 and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Seitz, par­ future. ents of the bridegroom, all of Rolx-rt FOR SALE—0 it. FHgidiire, exoeHent la c. :%mmvKmvNiw ' .ondition; also Utility evaporative home Cecil Smith arrived the first of the The couple left on a wedding trip to I cooler. Both reasonably priced. Harvey week from Ft. Hemiing.

FOR SA LE—3 bedroom house,, good At Baptist Dinner location, priced rea-soirable. See F. C. IMS WEEK’S SPECIA LS Robert Lee High School Seniors Claris or A. J. Billxi. t ill were guests of honor at a banquet Mon­ SE L L YOUR JU N K -W e Ixiy junk day night at the B.qgist Church. Ladies , iron, old batteries, car radiators, inner of the WMU prepared and ser\cd the tubes, etc. See us for licst prices. Eu­ excellent fried chicken dinner. It is banks Wrecking Yard, Robert Lee, planned to make the Senior dinner an Texas. SPUDS tof 10 lbs 39c annual event. FOOD and health are most of all of Entertainment features were provided our basic problems; raise a garden; then by guests from llardin-Siminons Univ­ van your own prcxlucts. We have Presto ersity in Abilene. Richard O’Brien, a tvmners ami oooloers.— Leeper Supply New Red Spuds 3 lbs 25c senior at fl-SU, was master of cere­ Co.______monies. Two young ladies from the Univ­ ersity provided piano and vocal selec­ FOR SALE—Pedigreed Cotton Seed- tions and an address was given lry Dr. Paymaster No. 54 and Western Prolific, Frank A. Royal, Professor of Bible. de-linted with oil mill saws. WtA arc LETTUCE N£d r lb 10c Members of the Senior Class were pri­ now taking orders for March and April vileged to bring their dates, and other deliveries. guests at the banquet table were the Cotton Seed is sure to be scarce this Rev. Ernest Stewart and his wife, Supt. season and we urge every lanm-r to get SALMON No. 1 tall can 51c and Mrs. B. C. Ixxxlwin and Miss La his requirements now. Our supply is Verne Darter, class sponsor. limited, too—Just a few hundred bush­ Mrs. Gerald Allen is president of the els. You will not be left with seed on LIPTONS TEA \ pound 29c WMU and was assisted by Mrs. W. D. j your hands if it doesn’t rain-somebody MeAdanrs, chairman of the educational else will want it and pay you a profit. committee. f r e d McDo n a l d , j r . TREND Washing Powder 2 boxes 39c JOHta a vvvvvwvvvw w vw vvw w w ftw w w \\avv\% w \\\v NIRACLE WHIP pint 39c Beautiful Decorating Ideas PEACHES Hearts Delight large 2\ ca in 29c TAMALIES Gebhardts 2 cans 45c Come To Life . . . PINEAPPLE JUICE, No. 1 tall can 2 for 25c When you consult the Sherwin-Williams CHEESE as.m lb 49c Paint and Color • Style Guide Sliced or Piece Lb This beautifully illustrated Guide is available for BOLOGNA SAUSAGE 39c use of our customers free of charge. We will be glad to lend it to you. Sausage ffrfpo* lb 49c M e D O N A L D LUMBER COMPANY BAKER'S Grot. & iM kt. Fred McDonald, Jr., Owner feet 11 inches mark set in 1948. Robert Lee Cops In tlie grade school department, Linn Davidson's 11 points paced Robert Lee Track. Field Meets to a win over Norton, Miles and Wall. Hubert Lee had 2 9 4 points, Norton had 12. Wall 8 and Miles 5 4 . Of the For District 18-B five events held, three re.urds were smashed, and another one tied. hicttl by Jerome Sheppard's 154 Statement of Condition points. Roliert Lee High Schl won its Davidson started by taking the 50- fourth straight District 1N-B Field and vard dash in 6.1, to eclipse the former ROBERT LEE STATE BANK record of 6.4. John McDaniel of Roliert Track Championship by rolling up a to­ Lev next stepped off 11K) yards in 11.5 ROBERT LEE, TEXAS tal of 6 3 4 points to 36 for Bronte. 21 to lower the old record of 11.9. Sher­ for Mertxon ami Miles 124 \»oints at man W illiams became the fourth co­ April 9, 1951 Cemetery Field in San Angelo last Sat­ holder of the high jump record with a urday aftertKK>n. leap of 4 feet 10 inches. Norman Rob- t erts of Ruln-it Lee tied the record in Earler Hubert Lee elementary school 1950. picked oft its thinl straight champion-^ Bronte exeelh ,1 in the junior high di- RESOURCES ship and Bronte had ousted Roliert Lee viskiti in which one new record was es- Junior High for the crown in that di- tabli.vhed. lire Bronte 440 relay team Loans and Discounts . . . . $ 307,198.48 \ ision. set a new mark with a time of 52.8. Overdrafts 2,159.99 THREE RECORDS FALL Altliough Bronte tcxik tlie junior di­ Hanking House, Furniture and Fixtures ...... 2,424.00 Three re ords tumhlnl in the high vision title, Norman Roberts, Robert Federal Reserve Hank Stock 1,800.00 school division. Bight behind Sheppard lav freslumn, stole the slk»w by wan­ Bonds ______- 334,437.13 in the sssrriug were Gerald Sandusky of ning 18 of his team's 21 points. Bronte with 15 and Marlon McGutchen Robert Lee point wiruM rs: State and County Bonds and Securities ...... 117,061.55 of Bronte with 144. GRADE SCHOOL Cash and Exchange 427,534.37 Hesorils 1 11p|ted were: Sandusks’s 15.9 50-yard dasli—Linn Davidson. 1st; in the 120 high lmnlles lowered Earl Total 1,192,615.52 Sherman Williams, 3rd. Time 6.1 s»v. Rusk's 17.0 set by the Bronte runner l\« w revord.) m 1950 Sandusky .ilso shattered Joe 100-yard dasli—John McDaniel, 1st; Thettord's 10.7 for the 100-yaid dash LIABILITIES Dacklson, 3rd. Turn* 11.5 sec. (New in tin* time of 10.3. The other new rec­ record.) ord was Allen Sparks' 6-feet high jump, Capital Stock ______$ 25,000.00 High jump—Williams. 1st, Davidson, which was an inch over Bill Blair's 5 Surplus ____ 35,000.00 1 4M miles. Total 1,192,615.52 V ELT M IU JC A N and AHA LOUISE JUNIOR HIGH MILLIGAN 50-yd. dash—-Norman Roberts, 1st. GREETING Tinn- 6.1 sec. Yim are commanded to appear and 100-vard dash—Roberts, 1st. Time 11 DIRECTORS answer tin* plaintiff's petition at or 1*-- sec. R. W. Smith R. C. Russell G. C. Allen fore 10 o'clock A M of tlie first Monday 440 relay—Bronte 1st; Roliert lav T. A. Richardson Victor Wojtek after tin* expiration of 42 days from the 2nd. Time 52.8. (New re.xird.) Broad Jump—Roberts tied with Brown date of issuance of this Citation, the same OFFICERS lie mg Monday the 14th day of May, A. of Bronte f»*r 1st. 15 ft. 8 4 inches. D. . 1951, at or before 10 o’clock A. M., High Jump—Roberts tied with Bel- R. C. Russell, President G. C. Allen, Vice President before the Honorable District Court of vin of Water Valley lor 1st; Garland T. A. Richardson, Cashier Coke County, at tin- Court House in Davis. 4th. 5 ft. 4 ink he*. (Ties old rec­ Roliert Lee. Texas. ord.) Said plaintiff's petition was files! on HIGH SCHOOL the 23rd day of March, 1951. 120 yd. High Hurdles—Sandusky. 1 The file number of said suit being \o. Bronte, 1st; JeroirK- Slieppard. 2nd; Bill 1H70. flavins. 3rd. Time 15.9 sec. (New rec­ The naines of the parties in said suit ord.) are: T. T. Mill k .ui. Lucy V. Millican Of held, joined by her husband, H. L. (Cont’d on next page) ()ffield; C . II Henry Lee Mtlh- can; Esther E. Anthony, joined by her husband. J D Anthony; Cyntlua Milli* can D iw .in. joined by her husband, C. Daw-son, LK j Sexton Hollenstine, joined by h er husband. Tony Hollenstine; Viola S-cton Burks, ghned by her husband, W. E. Burks, Sexton; Henry Milli- can and HaynMind Millican as Plaintiffs, ADVANCE.DESIGN TRUCKS and James l. Millican, Roosevelt Millican and Ara Louise Millican as defendants. The nature of said suit being suhstan- tiallv as follows, to wit: Tlie Plaintiffs Cause of Action is a suit J for (kirtition ,uk! for appointment of a Rect-ner to sell land located in Coke County, Texas, ami described as Ik-ing- All of tlie West 205 acres of tlie 8 4 of Se tmn No. 312. Certificate N’o. 37- 4145. 2. J1 & T. C. Ry. Co. Sur­ vey, constructed so that its East line is common with the West line of the East 120 acres heretofore conveyed by J. W Tammrn to John W. Day Tlie plaintiffs own all of said tract of land, except that the defendants James L. Millican, Rooseselt Millie an and Ara laiwise MiUican e.» h own an undivided

19-9IK) of the entire title. The interest {Continuation of ttondard equipmont and trim illui- of the plaintiffs is subject to an Oil and trated it depondont on availability of material.) (krs Lease now- owned by St.inoiind Oil and Gas Company, but the interest of tlie defendants is unleased. Said land is reasonably worth $50.00 per acre and it is to the advantage of all Greater on-the-job performance J interested parties to partition tlie land. It is impossible to make an equitable j partition in kind, therefore, the plain­ with these great truck features tiffs ask that a Receiver lie appointed with authority to sell said land and exe­ cute a valid deed to the purchaser and GREAT ENGINE FEATURES • New Twin-Action Rear Brakes • Large Door Openings • Insulated Panel fytdies (huavy duty moduli) to distribute the proceeds of the saleto • Two Great Engines • Side Doors Held Open by Over- • Extra-Strong Stake Bodies • New Dual-Shoe Parking Brake Center Stop the several owners.including the defend­ • Valve-in-Head Efficiency (huovyduty moduli) • Full-Width Gravel Shield ants, in proportion to their several inter­ • New Torque-Action Brakes • Sturdy Steel Construction • Blue-Flame Combustion • One-Piece Fenders ests. with the right to deposit with the (light duty moduli) • Unit-Design Bodies • Power-Jet Carburetor • Foot-Operated Parking Brake • Counterbalanced Alligator-Jaw Clerk of this Court tlie proceeds Ik-long­ (moduli with 3 ipuud trammiiiion) • Pii k-Up Bodies with Flush Skid Strips Hood ing to tlie defendants, until they can be • Perfected Cooling • Steering Column Gearshift found for a final distribution of the • Specialized 4-Way Lubrication (moduli with 3 • puud tronimiiiton) money. Haiutiffs say that after diligent • 4-Speed Synchro-Mesh • Thermostatic Heat Control Transmission an t*o,*r search, they have been unable to find nr • Cast Alloy Iron Pistons locate the defendants. MORE GREAT CAB AND BODY If tlirs Citation is not served within CHEVR01ETS IN USE 90 clays after the date of its issuance, GREAT CHASSIS FEATURES FEATURES THAN ANY it shall be returned unserved. • Wide Range of Springs • New Ventipanes in Cabs l Issued this the 26th day of March A. • Rugged, Rigid Frames • Flexi-Mounted Cab OTHER TRUCK I D., 1951. Given under my hand and seal • Hypoid Rear Axles • Improved Full-Width Cab Seat of said Court, at office in P »l>ert Lee. • Single-Unit Rear Axle Housings ■ Seat Adjusts to Proper Eye Level Texas, this the 26th day of March A. D , 1951. Weldon Filers, Clerk District Court. Coke County, HARVEY CHEVROLET COMPANY Texas. (Seal) Robert Lee, Texas ■* / I.I DDY WILDCAT FAILS Barbecue Dinner for H h trl Bros, ill Tnls.i No. I \I, I. I.eddy, wildcat 10 miles southwest oi Volunteer Firemen Rolsert Fee, was plugged and abandon­ ed last week at 6,908 feet in Stravvn Mr. ami Mis. Karl Kuhrrls entert lin­ lime. ed inrmlx rs of the Robert D e Volun­ It lopja d the first stringer in the teer Fin* Department and their families Strawn at 6,061 feet and had streaks ol at a Ifcirbeeue dinner Monday n ght. lime and shale all the way to the bot- The allair tiH>k place at tire store after tom. The lime was tight and had no closing horn's, fluid or shows of oil or gas. Mr. Roberts said the firemen are do­ The failure 660 feet from the ing a great service to the community, south and west lines of southeast quar­ and he appreciates their efforts in put­ ter of section ll-Z-D & SERR survey. ting out a vouple of small fires at the Mi/a.4 Bros, matlc tl»e test on a farm- rear of his store. out hum Southern Minerals. Barbecued beef, with beans and all the trimmings were prepared under the PREACHING AT SAM O able direction of F. C. (Doo-Dad) Davis. The prear.hing service at Sanco Evan­ Forty guest.-. were served including Mr. gelical Methodist Church will lie Sun­ and Mrs. Sam Jay, Mr. .uid Mrs. Calvin day afternoon of the fourth Sunday, Ai>- Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Yar­ ril 22, instead oi the third and filth brough ami twin daughters, Mr. and Sundays.—1. L. Nevenswandcr, Pastor. Mis. Wayvnond Hi'lwrtson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wallace, Jr. and little daughter. More geysers arc found in Yellow­ Also Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Strickland, stone National Park in northwest Wyom­ Mr. and Mis. Jack Cowley, Mr. .uid ing, than in any other part of the w,,rld. Mrs. Hill Wallace and Hillie king and Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. IV11. Mr. ami Mrs. Elmo Bell, Pete Davis ami I Robert Lee Cops daughters, Civile Coffey, Sam L. Wil- I liams, Mr. and Mrs. Dm-Dad Davis and Fdwin Gene, Fagiui Parker, W. D. Track. Field Meets McAdams and Buek Ivey. (Cont’d from preceding page) loo yd dash S.mdiisk'. lat; Weldon Official Population Loftis, 2nd; Wilton Roliertson, 4th. Time 10.3 sec. (New record.) 220 yd. dash-Iadton, 3rd; Sheppard, Coke County 4,015 4th. 440 vd. dash—Sheppard, 1st; Rol»- Figures released last week by the Oan - ertaon, 2nd. Time 59.3 sec. sos Bureau gave Coke county a popu- SSO vd. run—Allen Sparks, 3rd; k< n- All sizes and models Florence Gas Ranges in stock lation of t 045, a decrease of 400 in the last ton years. nctli ('lark. 4th. Also Roper and Magic Chef Mile run—Elmer Greathouse, 2nd. The imputation of Texas for 1950 220 yd. Low Hurdles— Slieppard, 1st; was listed at7,711.194. Harris is the See us for Water Heaters, Servel Refrigerators largest county with 800,701, while Div­ Sandusky, 2nd; llavins, 3rd; Caudle, Also Electric Refrigerators and Home Appliances ing county is the smallest with a popu­ Bronte, 4th. Time 26.0 sec. lation of only 227. 440 \,1. relay—Brortte* 1st; Robert . Population for nearby counties follow: la c , 2nd. 52.8 m*c. (New record.) ( she ...... 4,045 Mile relay—Robert Lee, 1st (Sparks, llavins, Donnie Duncan. Clark.) ('i neho ...... Y iits Butane Service Co. Croclott ...... 1,961 Pole vault—Duncan, 1st; Rolx-rt Por­ I Hon ...... 1490 ter, 2nd. 10 ft, 1 inch. Menard ...... 4,175 High jump— Sparks, 1st; Sheppard Robert Lee 92 Phones Bronte 123 M .U h e ll ...... 1 l 187 til'd for 2nd. lit. 6 it. (Nias record.) N o la n ...... 1 9 .S O S Broad Jump—llavins, 1st; Duns an, Kunnels ...... 16,771 3rd. 18 ft. Schleicher ...... 2,852 Shot-put—Robertson, 2nd. S c u rry ...... 22.779 Sterling ...... 1,282 Sutton ...... 1,746 l as lor ...... 06470 Tom G re e n ...... 58.929 I got the story on

SILVER NEWS # Open house was held by Mr. and

Mrs. Fred L. Jones last Thursday when AS#-,-** • -M many friends called to inspect the new 2-bedroom trailer house which was pur­ f chased recently. Hostesses were Mrs. Bob Odom and Mrs. Victor Justus if and changed to New Conoco Super Motor Oil Odessa. LeHoy (PeeWee) Howard returned here Monday as a clerk in Sun Oil Com­ pany’s production office. He was for­ merly stationed in Silver, but has been working in the Snyder office since last fall. Adam Sole, who has lieen ill for some time in an Abilene hospital, has returned home. He is a pumper for \ Sun Oil C.o Mrs. R. B. Allen came home Sunday after spending several days in San An­ gelo with her mother, Mrs. S. W. Gas­ ton, who was a patient in Clinic Hos­ pital. Mrs. C. A. Joyce returned Tuesday to her home in San Antonio after a vis­ it here with her .win, Lee NVeigel, an I family. "50.000 MILES-NO WEAR! '- PROVED HERE: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carr visited rel­ atives in San Angelo Sunday. After a punishing 50,000-mile road test, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fishers \isit»il| with proper crankcase drams and regular care, engines lubricated with new Conoco relatives in Baird over the weekend. Super Motor Oil showed no wear of any consequence . . . in fact, an average of less than one one-thousandth inch on cylinders If you don’t get The OBSERVER, and crankshafts. You Don’t Get The NEWS! AN D gasoline mileage for the last 5,000 “ YOUR NEW ‘50,000 MILES-NO WEAR’ miles was actually 99.77% ns good as for the first 5.000! This test proved that new OIL is the best we have ever used,” says Conoco &IP£T, with OlL-Pl.ATtNG, can George M. James, Manager, Metro Motors, make your ear last longer, perform better, Ford Distributors, Murray, Utah. “We use use less gasoline and oil. . . x. Conoco Super in all our demonstrators and DEAD recommend it highly to new car buyers.” ANIMALS U n - S h i n n e d

CALL COLLECT San Angelo 3200 “ I’VE USED MANY DIFFERENT BRANDS of oil, but was never satisfied until I heard If ■« answer e a U 4023 1 the story of ‘50,000 Miles — No Wear' and SAN ANGELO ehanged to new Conoco Super.” writes Hen © 1 9 5 1 By-Products, Inc. F. Taylor, Traveling Salesman, Fort Worth, Texas. “Now I get greater savings in oil con­ CONTINENTAL sumption and more gasoline miles to the gallon.” OIL COMPANY Sun No. 15 Mathers * Texas Wool Suits First Fami Coring In lame APPLIANCES SYSTEMS Sun No. 15 Mathers was coring Wcd- luvdii) in lime at 6,162 feet It top­ ped (lie reef at 6,0.54 foot and will core San Angelo Phone 4743 to ccn at an estimated 6,392 feet. No. 15 Mathers is in the north­ west cornel of Section 459, southwest of Silver. Sun No. 15 Jewell Brannan was drill­ FRALEY & ing at .5,75.5 feet in shale. Sun No. A-2 J. B. Walker was drill­ ing in shale at 6,172 feet. Sun No. 2 Harris l\state, south of the WARD, Inc. river at Silver, was at 2,66.'} fe* t in shale. » Sun Foster Sims Price \-4. northwest of Edith, was plugged and abandoned this weik at 5.0N.5 feet. Operators had Butane difficult) with scaling in drilling a directional hole. Paul Bntlcdge mtarv rig wilf move to j a new liH.iiion, Sun No It) Davidson in Distributors the S\\ SK Section 15s It is east ol j No. 2 Davidson and north oi Couniimiigs No 10. In southwestern Nolan count) Sun i Robert Lee Phone 154 No. 2 Eunice Par.unore seas drilling in sli de at 5.860 feet. Gov. snd Mrs. Allan Shivers, photographed in th* Governor1! Baker & Taylor Drilling ('>. of Am­ Mansion at Austin, display all-Texas additions to their spring ward­ arillo has moved a second rig into the robes— the first suits made of cloth woven from worsted yarn spur SERVICE INSTALLATIONS J .erne son field at Silver and rs rigging from Taxas-produced wool in the New Braunfels plant of Pioneei up on Sun No. 16 Jewell Braiuian. l-o- Worsted Co. This plant, the only worsted factory south of th« at ion is c s\\ N\\ Section 460. The Mason and Dixon Line, has a capacity of 7,000,000 pounds of ra* notary was moved from the Snvdt r area wool per year. The suits, of midnight b*ue gabardine, were mudt where ;t lias been dnlluig for Sun. especially for the Governor and his lad/. ROBERT MASSIE CO. Tanning Industry Forum Miss Myrtle Hurley departed Tuesday Personals for Houston where she

Reduce a la Bike Walking is one simple way to reduce; but perhaps there are fast­ er and better ways. Whereas on* must walk seven miles, to lose a gasoline with OIL single pound, one can bicycle a much shorter distance in less tim* and accomplish the same result. In favor of bicycling too are the arguments that so many parts of IXTRA the body are benefited. Leg mus­ the extra qualities koto* o' 1 cles. for instance, will soon lose their flabbiness and tone down into good firm, useful, shapely muscle. This is th* best meter American women are prone to oil you can buy. think that exercise will make leg muscles bulgy. But American GI s Humble Euo Extra of Texas' Motor Oil stands by itself returning from Europe long since in quality — competes in dispelled this theory, citing that price with others. It feminine European cyclists (and 1 cleans as it lubricates, nearly everyone in Europe is) had Texans get extra value every time fights acid and sludge, the most shapely ankles and calves keeps a film of protective they fill up with Humble Esso Extra lubrication on moving they had ever seen, many of them parts, has the highest vis­ comparable to our American bath­ gasoline. Esso Extra gives you extra cosity index(best lest of ing beauties! motor oil quality) of any anti-knock performance; extra power motor oil sold for auto­ motive use in Texas. for quick starts, hard pulls; an Night Saftev Beacons Your car’s engine will exclusive patented solvent oil that run better, last longer, Traffic safety markers that would need fewer repairs if you save lives after sundown with keeps your engine extra clean. It's GAS LIN_ use Esso Extra Motor Oil "bottled" sunlight were forecast all the time. Change to today. These would be highly ef- 1 the best gasoline you can use— a gas­ Euo Extra.' ficient versions of present phos­ oline that gives you something extra phorescent materials that glow for several hours after being ‘‘charged’’ for your money. Fill up with Esso with light. Such "storage batteries Extra at any Humble sign . . . You’ll of light would be road markers or - paving blocks treated with special find that Humble service is something C or T e x a n s paints or dyes which would cause extra, too. them to leap to life at night. i f r e . B e s t o f fv e t y fn w q If you don't get The O BSERVER, I HUMBLE OIL l REFINING COMPANY You Don't Get Th, NEWS! V

and Cl< ■nn Thomason families and Chris- | Robert Lee Wins tine Tellie of (,'olorado City, Mr. and i Mrs. T. K. Whiteside ami son and Mrs. First In District 'I eddy Preslar of Wingate. &rRfcJe•••You cun pay more Mrs. I anna Preslar ol San Angelo, Mrs. 18- B Literary Meet Mulcom Pate and son of Denver City, Aubrey Denman of Bronte, the Louie but you can't buy better! Robert Lee High School, with 7(i Krizzclle and BolxTt Walker families of Jounce, pilch, ond »woy ore things of the pat! wh«n points, took first place in the District Silver, Mr. and Mrs Pete Framhrough ol Big Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Granville you own a '51 Ford. Thal't becauir Ford'i new Auto­ 19- B Interscholastk* League Literary matic Rid* Control talf-adju>tf to all types of Kinkaid ol Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Doc r o a d i for m axim um smoothness. It’s a Meet Friday at San Angelo College. Kiser of Brady, Mr. and Mrs. John Self “Look Ahead'' Ford faature. Miles students placed second in the of Laincsa and Dorenc and Jeffie Har­ high school meet with (>2 points. Bronte, mon of Edith. third, scored 49-points; Mertzon, fourgli. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Scarborough 194 points; Water Valley fifth, 15 of Moriarty, N. Mex., ;uid son, Roby, points; Wall sixth, 124 points; and Nor­ are here lor a visit with relatives ai.d ton, seventh, 10 points. friends. Miles elementary students copped top Rev. Boh Fikes visited in Sanco Smi- honors in the Grade School Division «’ y afternoon. with 04 points. Hmuiersup in the grade Tire Joe Brock family visited in San school competition were Wall, second, Angt In Sunday. 39 points; Robert le e , third, 31 points; Bronte, fourth, 14 points; and Norton (iarl 11 an r liars moved (o San \ngelo. fifth, 12 points. Mertzon and Water H - has In-en making his home with his Valley failed to score. sister, Helen Ann Bird. High School Division Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Drvoll spent Sun­ Robert Lee |x>int winners m the High day in Colorado City with the daughter, School Division were as follows; Mrs. Leon Leonard, and family. lO TD riV e...You can pay Boys’ Junior Declamation — Garland T. A. Cartman, Jr. and a friend came Davis, 1st. over from Sterling City Sunday night but you can't buy better! Girls’ Junior Declamation — Annelle for a visit with lioine folks. Simpson, 1st. Mr. and Mrs H. I). Cartman and Mr. fo r '51 Ford "Looks Ah«ad" to bring you n*w Fordomatic* Drive . . . th* newest, smoothest, most flexible Automatic Boys’ Senior Declamation — Milbum and Mrs. C. C. Cartman and children Wink, 2nd. transmission evert Th« great new Fordomatic never lags, came out from (hand Prairie for a week- * gives you trigger-quick getaway and easy “rocking" in Boys’ Extemporaneous Speech—Tom­ end visit with relatives at Sanco and snow o r mud. •OpWoxol ex V t modul, ot Ultra cost. my Kirkpatrick, 1st. Robert Lee. Shorthand—Harriet Porter, 2nd; Lyn Doris Varnadore, 3rd. Statistics indicate that 1S00 thunder­ Spelling—Team of Martha Site Rich­ storms bellow over the earth’s surface ardson and Lvon Reid, 2nd. every instant. Typing—Tommy Kirkpatrick, 1st; Al­ len Sparks, 2nd. Dr. 0 . H. M ajors Dr. M. L. M ajors but you cant buy better! Grade School Division For years ahead, Ford's elegance of style will rule the roadi Boys’ Sub-Junior Declamation—Fred­ Drs. Majors & Majors New "Color-Keyed** Fordcraft Fabrics, "Safety-Glow" die McDonald, 2nd. Control Panel and new "Colorblend" Carpeting are a l custom-matched to Ford's exterior colors. Girls’ Sub-Junior Declamation—Caro­ OPTOMETRISTS lyn Childress, 1st. r.c.A. Boys’ Junior Declamation—Bryon Bus­ Colorado City, Texea sell, 3rd. Phone 158 In J. P. Majors Co. Girls’ Junior Declamation — C-aro'yn 43 "Look Aheod” Features For Appointment 129 E. 2nd St. Simpson, 3rd. plus FORDOMATIC* Drive Picture Memory—Team of Charles Cal- der, Charlene Robertson, Carolyn Chil­ Hayrick Lodge K x S R u e dress, Nettie Bob Bell and Sandra Bak­ No 6% A. F. dt A M er, 1st. Meets second Tuesday Spoiling—Team of Velcta Harwell night in each month. (1 0 0 ft) and Edna Lea Killam, 1st. Visitors welcome. IVEY MOTOR COMPANY Story Tolling—Vicki Arm Wojtek, 3rd. R. L. Read, Worshipful Master Ready Writing—Leslie Nell Wink, 3rd. H. S. Lewis, Jr., Secretary Robert Lee, Texas SANCO NEWS A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Relatives and friends numbering 107 FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS gathered Sunday, April 15, at the Sanco school house for the Cartman Family Reunion. The event took place on the birthday of the late Mrs. M. J. Cartman. Those present included Messrs, and B. & F. Grocery and Market M um s. II. J. Cartman, J. M. Cartman and Guy Denman, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cartman and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Cart­ Phone 35 W E DELIVER Robert Lee, Texas man and families, Mrs. J. L. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Pitcock, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cartman and Mr. arid Mrs. H. Hearts Delight Large 2\ Can L. Reid and families, all of Sanco. Low prices on Also Miss Inez Cartman, Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Preslar and children, and Sammie Fruit Cocktail Joe Fowler t»f Roltert lx-e; Mrs. D. R. 3 9 c Cartman, Mrs. Nora Adkins and Rich­ ard of Ft. Worth. Mr. and Mrs. Green Fruits and Vegetables Preslar of Sweetrwatcr, Mrs. Vertnu Empsons Cut No. 2 can Cartman of Snyder and her son Randall of Buy City. Mr. and Mrs. G. Crocker of Brown- Tomato Puree 3 cans 17(Green Beans 2 for 4 5 c wood, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ss arbor - ougli and Roby of New Mexico, C. C. and II. D. Cartman and their families of Grand Prairie, the Robert Ramadge Orangeaid Je'Son 27c MARKET aas^M^gMn Corned Beef Hash, Mary Kitchen, can 39c Swifts Dixie 'sum ac Rotel No. 1 can >l

CRUSTENE Shortening 3 lbs 99c Lean Center Cut Lb Only on th* tdg* of tht gran can man conclude anything. Westex Maple Syrup J gal bucket 59c APRIL II—8»rli* itot.i Yonki art PORK CHOPS ia outikirtt, 1945 KOOL'AID Summer Drink 6 pkgs 25c 59c IT—Suprtmt court ru ltl t t o tn cannot fix work Hours, 1905 Recipe Tall Can SWIFTS NO. 1 Lb I I — Foul Rtvtra moktt famous nda, 1775 a II— Japs reel under first To­ kyo bombing, 1942 Pink Salmon SALT PORK 33c I I — G e n oral Miles begins 61c war against Apaches, 111*. a II— Houston routs Mencans Sliced Lb ot San Jacinto, 183* C. L» Green t t — First message by a Frcs idtnt on subiect of la bor. IS M Corn Meal 5 lbs 39cPimiento Cheese 49c 8. E. ADAMS Oil Properties Pinto Beans 5 lbs 53c Veal Cutlets lb 89c Insurance Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jones ami tlieir J. D. Hannon is nursing an injured son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. foot received while doing some work Fritz Dearson, of Odessa, visited here with his tractor. one day last week at the Millard Meek home. They were returning liome from Dallas where Mr. Jones received medical attention. His condition is not good. 1\ n b cr 11 r r 0") b s rr b t r Mrs. IXive McCrohan of San Angelo is a guest this week in the home of her A J . KIRKPATRICK, Publisher daughter, Mrs. Frank Pereifull. Entered at the post office in Robert Lee, M iss Lynn Doris Vanuidore, high Texas as second class matter I school senior, was Ixmored with a sur­ prise party last Saturday night at the Published Every Friday Legion building. The affair was en­ joyed by a large crowd of high school Established 1889—Oldest Business students. * Institution In Coke County ALAMO THEATRE Pictured is the ‘Texas Rtvruit Pla­ “ Motion Pictures Are Your Finest Entertainment” Mr. ami Mrs. Josh Johnson and little toon” recruited from the State of Texas Personals daughter. Melody Jane, visited here FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 20-21 during World War II During tlie peri­ recently in the parental A. C. Johnson Tim Holt-Rlchard Martin in od of 1 through 25 April, 1951, the Ma­ Judge Jeff Dean ami Commissioners liome. Jodi was enjoying a week’s va­ RIDER FROM TUCSON rine Corps recruiting District of San An­ Claude Ditimue and Otiv Smith, in com­ cation from his duties in the post office Comedy, News and Why Korea? pany with nieinliers of the Tom Green tonio, which includes the Nan Angelo at Lubbock. county commissioners court, were enter­ SUNDAY'MONDAY-TUESDAY, APRIL 22'23'24 recruiting area, will enlist a "South Tex­ tained a few days last week at an out­ as Marine Corps Recruit Platoon.” This Recent Bride Sunday Matinees at 1:30 and 3:10 ing on IX-vil's I.uke, a few miles north platoon, composed of men from South James Stewart-Jeff Chandler in of Del Rio. ami Central Texas, will be sent as a BROKEN ARROW In Technicolor Also Cartoon group from Son Kntonio to the Marine Mr. and Mrs Gillx-rt Wallace oPKerr- Corps Recruit Depot. San Diego, Calif., v iHe were Sunday guests in the Calvin WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, APRIL 25'26 on April 27. Wallace home. I lane Wallace, who Men friHii Ri4x-rt lx*e may make ap­ speist a couple ol weeks in his-son’s home McDonald Carey-Gail Russell in plication to become a memlier of tliis at Kerrvilh-. returned to Holn-rt with THE LAWLESS Also Cartoon platoon b\ applying at the Marine re­ them. cruiting offkv in San Angelo Post Of- Mrs. Sam \\ illi.uns was released Sat- ofi.e bldg., or may wait for a Marine urdav fn in C-k<- Cmmty Memorial Hos­ recruiter to visit tlieir area. pital where she underwent major sur­ (Official Marine Corps Photo) gery the previous week. She is making HARRELL G. HUFF a good recovery. General Agent For Mr. and Mrs. Clam! Dean came out Mrs. Frank Pereifull and Mrs. May- from Weatherford last Wednesday i r mie Littlefield recently enjoyed a nnv Franklin Life Insurance Company an overnight visit in the homes of their tor trip to South Texas. They visited children. Judge Jeff Dtiin and Mr>. San Antonio, Houston, Galveston and Office in Phone 4400 Bobby Baker, ami their families. Doug­ Corpus Christi ami other places of in­ National Bank Building San Angelo, Texas las Dean came in for a weekend visit, terest. At Corpus Mrs. Pereifull visited in.iking the trip from Ft. Sill with Billy her brother, LXive McCrohan, Jr. Joe Luckett of Bronte. Doug has com­ Mrs. Mattie Bell Campbell remains pleted his basic army training and is as a patient in Shannon Hospital in now drilling recruits. San Angelo where she is being treated Mrs. Carlos Max Smith was the for- | Made Right Styled Right Priced Right Kddie Cars in and wife recently re­ for a coronary disorder. Her condition mer Doris Martin before her marriage 1 turned from Sweetwater ami are now is reported as good. here last Jan. 27. A graduate of R»4>- locuted on the Dan Bitter Ranch, nine Mr. and Mrs. Millard Meek made a ert Lee high school, she is a daughter miles east of Sterling City. The place business ami pleasure trip to Arkansas of Mr. ami Mrs. L. B. Martin. was purchased last fall by Mrs. Garvin’s the last of the week. They spent a Mr. Smith is a son of Mr. and Mrs. father, Arthur S. Hendry of Blackwell. night with the d e ll Vamadores at Slater Smith of Dumas and is a brother i OPTOMETRISTand OPTICIAN F.ddie is also helping his fatlieT, Joe Mena, and stopped over in Dallas with of Mrs. Kmest Stewart of Rolx-rt Lee. j Garv in, who leases the 3-section spread and Mrs. Sonny Weuthers. Max was inductod into the service in of Mrs. Annie L. Cummings, west of J. S. Ross left the last of the week , March and is now training with Engi- 28'A West Beauregard San Angelo, Texas Edith. for a v .sit with relatives in East Texas. I neers at Camp Carson, Colo.

f t I m ^ HUNTS No* 300 Can Roberts Grocery Tomato juice2 for 2 5 c Kimbells Tamalies 25c Carrots t I'X"’1 3 bunches 10c MACKEREL1^™ 19c Yellow Squash______2 lbs 25c No. 1 Quality In Mesh Bag JACK SPRAT P O T A T O E S 10 lbs 3 7 c PORK & BEANS 2 cans 19c N A P K IN S S lt n " 17c Hominy v”d"s 2 cans 19c OUR VALUE No. 2 can Cut Beans can 15c Pitted Red No. 2 Can PIE CHERRIES can 25c STEAK ? b ‘“ ______Lb 79c Imperial Pure Cane Chuck Roast Lb 69c Swifts Sugar 10 lbs 85c Pork Chops No. 1 Lb 57c