Large Shifts in Commercial Landings of Estuarine and Bay Bivalve Mollusks in Northeastern United States after 1980 with Assessment of the Causes


Introduction declined by 85% (Table 1). The num- chusetts to New Jersey (see Appendix). bers of fishermen who harvested the Additionally, groups of marine and In U.S estuaries and bays from bivalves declined similarly (Table 2). land animals have also experienced Maine to North Carolina (Fig. 1), com- These downturns have deprived fisher- large abundance changes since the ear- mercial landings and associated abun- men of their historical livelihoods, and ly 1980’s. For example, the landings dances of the four major, commercially many waterfronts that had once been of the 14 most important commercial important bivalve mollusks have ex- dedicated to commercial fishing are marine groundfish caught on ocean perienced large synchronous declines now dominated by private and tour- bottoms off the U.S. northeastern coast between 1980 and 2005. The bivalves ist housing, restaurants, and sporting fell by about 78% between 1980 and are eastern oysters, Crassostrea vir- vessels. Once common seasonal foods 2013, or almost as much as the mol- ginica; northern quahogs, Mercenaria for coastal people, these bivalves have luscan landings (NOAA Annual Com- mercenaria; softshell clams, Mya are- become far less available in consumer mercial Fishery Landings Statistics1). naria; and bay scallops, Argopecten ir- markets (authors’ observations). Our assessment of the declines in radians spp. Their combined landings The bivalve declines are in contrast bivalve landings was undertaken to to the previous three decades (1950– pursue one of the primary missions 80), when the combined landings of of NOAA’s National Marine Fisher- Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr., is with the James J. the same bivalves were much higher ies Service: to understand how climate Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, Northeast and the trend in each of their annu- changes modify ecosystems and thus Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fish- al landings was nearly level, decade abundances and landings of commer- eries Service, NOAA, 74 Magruder Road, High- lands, NJ 07732. Mitchell Tarnowski is with the by decade. However, the landings of cial marine species. A major change Maryland Department of Natural Resources, northern quahogs in Connecticut have to the bivalve habitats occurred when Tawes Office Building, B-2, 580 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401. Views or opinions, ex- risen sharply. The landings of Ameri- the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) pressed or implied, are those of the authors and can lobsters, Homarus americanus, do not necessarily reflect the position of the Na- have also increased sharply in Maine, 1NMFS Annual Landings Statistics available tional Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA. online at but have fallen precipitously (from mercial-fisheries/commercial-landings/annual- doi: 40% to 98%) from southern Massa- landings/index.

ABSTRACT—Between 1980 and 2010, declines in their abundances which was increased, which precipitated the declines. documented commercial landings of the due to falling juvenile recruitments. The From Long Island Sound, N.Y., through four most commercially-important bivalve declines took place after the molluscan Chesapeake Bay, Md., warmer waters al- mollusks have declined sharply in U.S. environments changed adversely for the lowed diseases to kill many adult oysters. In estuaries and bays from Maine to North bivalves as the North Atlantic Oscilla- some waters, higher temperatures increased Carolina. The numbers of shellfishermen tion index switched its phase from nega- the negative effects of eutrophication, and have declined accordingly. Landings of tive to positive in about 1982 and usually in other waters the loss of eelgrass, Zostera the following species have declined: east- remained there until 2003. Winters then marina, probably contributed to degrada- ern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, by 93%; became substantially warmer while the tion of habitats. This paper also discusses northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria, other seasons were also warmer, but less the role that crustaceans, i.e., pelagic co- by 62%; softshell clams, Mya arenaria, by so. The temperature increases in winter pepods, shrimps, and crabs, play in the 66%; northern bay scallops, Argopecten and spring probably forced weight losses productivity of bivalve mollusk stocks. Pre- irradians irradians, by 93%; and southern in the adult mollusks, and, consequently, dation by penaeid shrimp on tiny bivalve bay scallops, A. i. concentricus, by 91%. they spawned fewer eggs. The increased recruits is suggested as an important fac- Their combined landings fell by an esti- temperature also allowed heavy feeding tor that controls bivalve abundances. The mated 85%. In the previous three decades, by pelagic copepods on phytoplankton, common perception that bivalve landings 1950–80, annual landings of the same spe- which left too little food available for the declined due to overfishing is reconsidered, cies did not decline. adult shellfish and their larvae to pro- because separate environmental factors The declines in landings of the bi- duce good seed recruitments. Also, pre- have had a much larger effect upon their valve mollusks were a consequence of dation on the juvenile recruits may have productivity.

80(1) 1 index switched from negative (dur- ing about 1950 to 1980 when winter temperatures were relatively cool) to positive resulting in warmer winter temperatures from about 1982 until about 2003. We suggest that this climate shift af- fected the bivalves and their associat- ed biota enough to cause the declines. We have used research results from extensive habitat studies in Narragan- sett Bay, R.I., and in Europe, espe- cially the Wadden Sea, where salinities and temperatures are similar to the northeastern U.S. coast. Collectively, these studies show that body weights of the bivalves, their nutrition, timing of spawning, and perhaps mortalities from predation were affected suffi- ciently to force the declines. Other factors relating to the overall declines were eutrophication, decline in attachment sites for bivalve larvae, and weak consumer demand. Our as- sessment applies to the bivalves in all locations along this coast. This review is by no means comprehensive but it is sufficient to provide an overview of the salient factors that contributed to the declines. Our findings are mainly correla- tive in kind because the information we collected and considered does not cover all the locations. The impor- tance of calanoid copepod feeding on phytoplankton is mostly from the waters of Narragansett Bay, R.I., and Figure 1.—The United States coastline, Maine to North Carolina, showing states and some major water bodies. penaeid shrimp and green crab, Car- cinus maenas, predation on juvenile bivalves is mostly from the Nether- lands. Our past studies on predation on oysters (MacKenzie, 1981), quahogs Table 1.—Some overall changes in animal and plant life in the U. S. and some other locations while the NAO was (MacKenzie et al., 2002), bay scallops in a positive mode between 1982 and 2003 and when temperatures were higher especially in winter. (MacKenzie and Lind, 2013), and surf Marine Life clams (MacKenzie et al., 1985) illus- 1. Huge decline (78%) of 14 most important species of groundfish landed off U. S. east coast between 1980 and 2005.¹ trated the same rapid destruction of bi- 2. Huge losses of Atlantic surfclams in New Jersey state waters, softshell clams in Maryland and New Jersey, and loss of lobsters south and west of , Mass., and Long Island (see text). valve recruits that European scientists 3. Huge decline in oyster landings in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays and also landings declines in quahogs, documented. This will be discussed in softshell clams and bay scallops (see text). 4. Large decline in groundfish and a concurrent increase in crustaceans in Narragansett Bay, Maine coastal a later section on European observa- waters1, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada (Jenkins et al., 1997). tions. We have assumed that this infor- 5. Large increases in lobsters in Maine, and northern quahogs in Connecticut.1 6. Some losses of eelgrass (Fonseca and Uhrin, 2009). mation roughly reflects conditions in Land Animals most of the estuaries and bays of the 1. Large increases in land animals (mammals) (Von Drehle, 2013) 2. Large increases in cormorants in North America and western Europe ( northeast. At least one of the authors cormorants.html, and Kohl, 2010). 3. Northward movements of birds in North America (Niven et al., 2013). has personally visited all the major 4. Decrease in song birds in the U.S. ( production beds from Maine to North 1NMFS annual commercial landings data found in U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. Carolina, while accompanied by state

2 Marine Fisheries Review personnel and local shellfishermen. Table 2.—Comparison of the numbers of molluscan and lobster fishermen along the U. S. east coast, Massachu- Nevertheless, our conclusions are to setts to Virginia, in early 1980’s and early 2000’s. be considered as suggestions because Species Location Early 1980’s early 2000’s % Change they are based on correlations; they Oyster Market Connecticut 36 6 -83% can serve to drive future research. The Seed Connecticut 45 3 -93% common perception that the bivalve Seed New Jersey 70 45 -36% Market Maryland 1,246 81 -93% landings have declined mainly due to Subtotal 1,397 135 -90% Quahog only overfishing will be reconsidered Great South Bay 1,500 6 -99% here because separate environmen- Connecticut 15 120 +700% Raritan Bay, NY, NJ 180 40 -78% tal factors are identified that have had Barnegat Bay 30 5 -83% much larger effects. We have not in- Chincoteague Bay, MD 30 0 -100% Subtotal 1,755 171 -90% cluded bivalves that were produced by Softshell clam aquaculture (larvae reared in hatcher- , MA 169 0 -100% Chatham, MA 200 0 -100% ies) in this study. Raritan Bay, NJ 18 0 -100% Chesapeake Bay, MD 225 0 -100% We have included observations relat- Subtotal 612 0 -100% ing to reproduction of bivalves report- Bay scallop Edgartown, MA 80 25 -69% ed in various international publications , MA 310 60 -81% by scientists in Europe, mainly the Chatham, MA 300 0 -100% Peconic Bay, NY 300 20 -93% Netherlands, because some aspects are Subtotal 990 105 -89% more extensive than those reported in Atlantic surfclam New Jersey State waters 80 0 -100% the United States. The effects of pred- Subtotal 80 0 -100% Lobster ators on European bivalves probably Connecticut Western to are similar to those on the bivalves in Middle Long Island Sound 279 48 -83% Raritan Bay & Atlantic Ocean 56 0 -100% the northeastern United States because Subtotal 335 48 -86% some species are the same or closely Total 5,169 6,459 -91% related, such as the softshell clam, the shrimp, Crangon spp., and the green crab. Salinities are also similar. Statistics of the United States, 1970). by consumers also plays a role. When Data Collections Conversion factors for each mollusk demand is weak and prices are low, Data on annual landings of bivalve will be listed in the landings tables. fishing efforts and landings commonly mollusks were obtained from compi- Factors affecting the collection of are less than when demand and prices lations by NMFS under Annual Land- landings data are under-reporting and are higher. ings Statistics¹ and various states since not reporting due to confidentiality. In some waters we sampled the spe- 1950. Recordings of shellfish land- NMFS has taken care to ensure that cies of pelagic copepods and cteno- ings began in 1880, both as a state and the data are accurate, but voluntary re- phores and recorded their numbers. To federal responsibility (Sutherlund and porting is subject to carelessness and do so, we towed a net behind a boat Koplin, 1997). Data were collected bias, and all possible contributors may for 10 min at each site. The net had an from mandatory and voluntary report- not be identified or reported. The data opening 19.8 cm in diameter; the mesh ing systems, including logbooks sub- are sufficiently reliable to show the openings in the net were 335 microns. mitted by commercial companies, and trends in annual landings (Sutherland The mesh size was too large to retain from our interviews of town and state and Koplin, 1997). bivalve larvae. shellfish constables, seafood dealers, Data for numbers of fishermen were and our personal observations in the collected from state records, inter- North Atlantic Oscillation bays. views with fishermen, state and town In the North Atlantic Ocean and Principal data consist of species shellfish constables, local biologists, surrounding continents, the index landed, pounds of meat, and landed and our personal observations. The shifts of the North Atlantic Oscillation values in each state. Landings data numbers of fishermen listed represent (NAO) (Fig. 2) have a dominant influ- for bivalves presented herein are in those harvesting on the beds rather ence over climate variability (Hurrell, bushels (1 bu equals 35 l) of whole than the numbers of fishing licenses 1995) and, consequently, over eco- bivalves, but whole weights of Ameri- that were issued by a town or state. systems and fisheries (Ottersen et al., can lobsters and finfish are listed. The Data from the fisheries in every loca- 2001). The state of the index affects meat-to-bushels ratio was calculated tion could not be included. Trends in the timing of the species’ reproduction, by using conversion factors listed un- fishery landings described herein cor- bivalve phytoplankton foods, predator- der Statistical Survey Procedures in respond mostly to the changing abun- prey relationships, and ultimately their the NMFS Statistical Digests (Fishery dances of stocks, but market demand abundances. Each estuary and bay has

80(1) 3 the rising temperature affected many groups of marine plants and animals in the United States and Europe (Ot- tersen et al., 2001). The groups in- cluded phytoplankton (Irigolen et al., 2000); calanoid copepods and other zooplankton (Ottersen et al., 2001; Beaugrand et al., 2002; Oviatt, 2004); jellyfish (Lynam et al., 2004; Pur- cell and Dekker, 2005); bivalve dis- eases (Soniat et al., 2009; Soniat et al., 2012a; Bushek et al., 2012); blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus (Sanchez- Rubio et al., 2011); sea turtles (Baez et al., 2011); and the compositions of biotic assemblages along with recruit- ments, abundances, and growth of juvenile marine fish during their es- tuarine and bay residences (Dippner, Figure 2.—Trend of the North Atlantic Oscillation index, 1865–2010; black line 1997; Tunberg and Nelson, 1998; Ot- represents 5 year moving average. Source: NAO Index Data provided by the Cli- tersen et al., 2001; Parsons and Lear, mate Analysis Section, NCAR, Boulder, NSA, Hurrell (2003). Updated regularly. 2001; Attrill and Power, 2002; Brand- Accessed 08 Oct. 2017, Wikipedia. er and Mohn, 2004; Henderson and Seaby, 2005; Aburto-Oropeza et al., tightly coupled ecosystems that are each of the seasons (Hurrell and De- 2010). The increase in winter temper- strongly influenced by the NAO (Kirby ser, 2009). Thus, during the 1950’s to ature lessened cold stress and thus re- et al., 2009). early 1980’s, annual bivalve recruit- duced the mortality of many animals, The NAO relates to the shifting in ments by year commonly ranged from including juvenile Atlantic croakers, the atmospheric air pressure at sea high to low, despite what appeared to Micropogonias undulatus, in Barnegat level between the high pressure zone be a consistently negative NAO index Bay, N.J. (Hare and Able, 2006), and around the Azores, west of Portu- phase when weekly indices were aver- animals on land (Straile and Stenseth, gal, and the low pressure zone at Ice- aged for a full year. 2007). land and Greenland. The NAO affects Early studies of the NAO dealt with The NAO index might be a good temperature, wind, and precipitation, its physical aspects (Hurrell, 1995), predictor of interannual variability in especially in winter and early spring but investigative work since the mid- animals and plants because of its ef- when the atmosphere is more active 1980’s has been focusing on how its fects on them in the early spring (Hur- than in other seasons in the North At- contrasting negative and positive indi- rell, 1995; Hurrell and Deser, 2009). lantic Ocean between approximately ces affect marine and terrestrial popu- Use of this index could help observ- lat. 40°N and 60°N (in North Ameri- lations in the United States (Hurrel ers make predictions of interannual ca, from mid-New Jersey to northern et al., 2003) and Europe (Stenseth et variability in the recruitment magni- Newfoundland; in Europe, from mid- al., 2002). Studies have shown that tudes of juveniles and hence popula- Portugal to lower Norway and Sweden when marine waters warm, some fish tion sizes (Straile and Stenseth, 2007). (Hurrell, 1995)). migrate northward to cooler habitats; Stenseth et al. (2002) believe, though, When the air pressure difference is if fish were to remain in place, they that making firm predictions about the small, the NAO index phase is nega- could perish when temperatures rose effects of the positive NAO index and tive, and winters are relatively cold above the extremes they can tolerate its higher temperatures, along with its and dry. When in its positive phase, (Murawski, 1993; Beaugrand et al., stronger winds and heavier rainfall, on westerly winds are stronger than oth- 2002). In addition, the diseases MSX abundances of biota should be tenu- erwise, air and seawater are warmer, and Dermo have shifted much farther ously considered. Nevertheless, if the most noticeably in winter, and also north from Chesapeake and Delaware role of the NAO is not considered, precipitation is heavier. Winter is Bays to new areas, for example into incorrect conclusions can be drawn the season in which the NAO has its Connecticut waters where they killed regarding the relative contributions greatest influence on bivalves and many oysters (Ford, 1996; Cook et al., of anthropogenic vs. naturally occur- other biota (Marshall et al., 2001), 1998). ring disturbances in regulating marine and large variations in the NAO can In the early 1980’s, the NAO in- biological systems (Hurrell and Van occur among winters and also within dex switched to its positive phase and Loon, 1997; Ottersen et al., 2001).

4 Marine Fisheries Review Since the Industrial Age began in was the dominant bivalve landed, and tent that many fishermen found it dif- about the mid-1850’s, the earth’s tem- its fishery existed on a large com- ficult to earn a living from harvesting perature has risen by about 0.7°C mercial scale throughout the 1800’s, them, and they abandoned the indus- (Bindoff et al., 2007). After about 1900’s, and into the 2000’s. Following try. Some moved to jobs in other types 1980, the North Atlantic Oscillation in prominence has been the northern of fisheries, but most found differ- (NAO) in the United States has sub- quahog whose fishery provided em- ent types of employment; and parents stantially augmented this rise, espe- ployment for several thousand work- have discouraged their children from cially in winter, when it shifted to and ers along the U.S. coast from the late entering commercial shellfishing as an usually remained in its positive phase. 1800’s through the 1930’s (MacKenzie occupation. By the early 2000’s, the In Narragansett Bay, Mass., mostly et al., 2002). Commercial quantities overall declines in shellfishermen av- in the warm years of the late 1980’s of softshell clams have been landed in eraged 89% (range, 43–100%) for the and early 1990’s, winter mean tem- every state from Maine through Mary- various species. peratures were 1°–3°C above earlier land. Maine usually has been the ma- Many who traditionally would have means; they rose about 2°C from about jor producer, but Maryland produced gone into the fisheries (because mon- 1970 to 1994 (Oviatt, 2004). In Chesa- about as many as Maine from the late ey could be made and training for the peake Bay waters, winter temperatures 1950’s into the early 1990’s.¹ North- work was minimal) now seek other rose from 0.8° to 1.1°C from 1950 to ern bay scallops occur in a narrow employment because abundances of 2002; they correlated well with sea north-to-south geographic range from bivalves and fish have become rela- surface and surface air temperatures the east coast of Cape Cod, Mass., to tively low, working hours can be long, (Preston, 2004). In European estuar- southern Long Island, N.Y., a distance financial security is lacking, and in- ies, the strongest rises also occurred in of 160 km (90 mi). The east-west dis- comes are often uncertain and irregu- winter and spring; water temperatures tance is 340 km (210 mi). Scallops lar. They also lack the benefits of paid were about 3°C above the earlier win- have been harvested in Massachu- sick leave, vacations, and retirement ter means, +1°C to +2°C above spring setts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and income. Reduced bivalve fisheries now means; 0°C to 1.5°C during summer; New York. The southern bay scallop remain in many locations, based on and <1°C above means during autumn once occurred in commercial quanti- persistent stocks and market demand (Beukema, 1992; Kirby et al., 2008). ties in several states from New Jersey for the bivalves. through North Carolina, and an active Historical Harvesting of fishery remains in North Carolina. Historical Landings Bivalve Mollusks After World War II, many alternate and the NAO Many northeast U.S. coastal region employment opportunities became communities had relied on farming, available (McCay and Jenks, 1997). Oysters shellfishing, and finfishing for sus- As the human population increased, A sketch of the history of oys- tenance and economic benefit from this region has become an amalgam ter landings in the northeastern U.S. prehistoric times to at least the 1940’s of large urbanized centers, suburban from their recorded beginning in the (Ingersoll, 1881, 1887; Kochiss, 1974; sprawl, and recreational facilities that last quarter of the 1800’s to the cur- MacKenzie, 1992, 1996). In the early have overwhelmed the relevance of bi- rent time will include how they were 1900’s, the various coastal states as- valve harvesting and also caused some affected by the NAO, habitat degrada­ sumed management of their shellfish- degradation to estuarine habitats. Rel- tion, “overharvesting,” bacterial con- eries. The states established seasons atively few people in the former fish- tamination, and market demand. during which the bivalves could be ing towns now actively catch bivalves Oyster production was rising to its his- harvested on public beds, permitted for commerce or have the vocational torical peak during 1885 to 1905 (In- only certain gears for harvesting, and skills related to fishing and the associ- gersoll, 1881; Robertson, 1923; Lyles, restricted the sizes and quantities to be ated knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors 1969), with most of the landings from taken by day and season. The restric- that accompany them. The original wa- Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and tions were applied to allow the stocks terfronts remain, but more expensive Long Island Sound. to endure for an entire open season housing, tourist-related and upper- In examining the index cycles of and to be sustained so the fisheries scale retail shops and restaurants, and the NAO during the 140 years from could remain viable year after year. recreational boats have replaced most 1865 to 2005 (Hurrell, 1995; Hurrell Some grounds became available for fishing sheds and commercial boats. et al., 2003; Hurrell and Deser, 2009) private leasing to allow individuals to After 1980, the numbers of fisher- (Fig. 2), we note that swings in oys- culture oysters. men who harvest the coastal bivalves ter landings somewhat correspond The following four bivalve spe- and lobsters from Cape Cod, Mass., to to those cycles (Table 3). When the cies comprise the majority of shell- Virginia began to decline substantially oyster industry was developing and fish landings along the northeast U.S. (Table 2). The quantities of bivalves increasing in size from about 1865 coast. Over time, the eastern oyster in the beds were falling to such an ex- to 1902, the NAO index usually was

80(1) 5 Table 3.—General modes of the North Atlantic Oscil- Table 4.—Landings of oysters (bushels x 1,000)¹ by State, 1950–2010.2 lation (mean winter), negative modes compared with positive modes (Hurrell et al., 2003) (See Fig. 4), and Year MA RI CT NY NJ DE MD VA NC Total oyster landings during 5 time periods, 1865 to 2010 1950 30.4 131.7 464.6 1,171.6 1,207.0 356.8 2,824.7 3,109.5 424.20 9,720.5 (Lyles, 1969; NOAA Fisheries Landings Statistics). 1955 22.3 5.7 53.0 180.5 867.4 548.4 3,386.6 4,391.1 132.9 9,568.0 Oyster 1960 14.7 3.5 46.9 108.0 27.8 29.4 2,307.8 3,068.1 221.1 5,827.4 Time period Years NAO mode landings trends 1965 7.8 1.6 35.1 26.6 87.2 5.7 1,690.2 2,513.7 157.0 5,524.9 1970 7.8 1.0 16.3 69.2 112.9 36.0 3,259.8 1,608.7 69.5 5,182.2 1865–1902 37 Negative Increasing 1975 8.1 0 70.0 280.9 162.0 32.5 3,216.1 1,247.4 77.2 5,094.3 1903–1930 27 Positive Poor 1980 39.4 0 90.3 171.2 126.0 83.7 2,930.3 1,569.3 131.5 5,146.7 1931–1978 47 Negative Level 1985 11.7 0 112.3 39.8 48.9 6.6 1,685.7 904.7 99.2 2,908.8 1979–2002 23 Positive Decreasing 1990 4.2 0 380.1 106.7 83.4 0 565.2 326.6 59.8 1,525.7 2003–2010 8 Neutral Slightly increasing 1995 --3. 1.1 431.2 47.0 26.0 3.1 234.9 79.6 40.1 863.1 2000 --. 13.6 81.0 9.9 33.7 13.0 464.4 32.6 37.0 687.2 2005 15.0 8.0 --. --. 26.9 14.0 144.0 3.0 68.7 --. 2010 31.0 9.0 --. 9.0 92.0 12.0 84.0 79.0 189.2 --. in its negative phase. But when the 1A bushel contains about 7.7 lb (3.5 kg) of oyster meats in Connecticut and New York, and 5.1 lb (2.3 kg) of meats in Chesapeake Bay (Maryland and Virginia). landings were declining from 1903 2NMFS annual commercial landings data found in U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. to 1930, the NAO index usually was 3Unknown data. in its positive phase. From 1931 to 1972, when the index usually was in a negative phase, annual oyster landings may have also occurred in the Chesa- seasons. The last year of large oyster were relatively constant over time. In peake and Delaware Bays. production in Virginia was 1907 (Lee, Chesapeake Bay oyster landings were The loss of shell as a habitat com- 1914). In 1907, fearing the oyster in- somewhat level by year with no trend ponent due to harvesting was another dustry might collapse, the private oys- from about 1931 to 1959 and land- negative factor. Moore (1911) stated ter growers formed the Oyster Growers ings averaged about 6.6 million bu/yr that in Delaware Bay (Delaware), so and Dealers Association to publicize (Lyles, 1969). many shells and oysters were removed the benefits of eating oysters (Anony- We point out, though, that these re- by commercial dredging boats that mous, 1908). Still, the oyster landings corded landings are not necessarily sections of former seed beds were continued to fall (Anonymous, 1911). an accurate reflection of the quanti- left with nearly bare sand and little In sum, the steep fall in oyster land- ties that were available to harvest on substrate for oyster larval settlement. ings after 1900, was not simply a con- the beds: the magnitudes of harvesting Ford (1997) later described how the sequence of fishermen overharvesting efforts by fishermen and the available seed beds in the New Jersey section of oysters on the beds, as many scientists, consumer markets have large roles in Delaware Bay were partially stripped including we authors, have routinely determining annual production. Oys- of shells by commercial dredge boats. stated. There appeared to be consis- ter landings in Long Island Sound and This was followed by lower seed pro- tently poor seed production during this Delaware Bay had begun to decline duction from the beds. period that was related to unfavorable during the early 1950’s due to a se- A third factor was the falling con- climate conditions associated with the vere storm in 1950, especially in Con- sumer demand for oysters during the positive NAO index. Bottom shell hab- necticut. From 1979 to 2002, the NAO early decades of the 1900’s. Beef, itat depletion from harvesting activity index was in its positive phase and pork, and later finfish became much and silt accumulations on beds were oyster landings declined. Then, from more available for consumers who also a factor in low recruitment. In ad- 2003 to 2010, the phase was negative gradually switched to them for food. dition, consumer demand for oysters or in a neutral phase and oyster land- The switch was accelerated as oys- fell sharply due to health concerns and ings in Chesapeake Bay were some- ter sanitation scares among consum- a change in preference to meats and what increasing. ers arose in the early 1900’s. Flush finfish. Several factors contributed to the toilets were coming into widespread 1950–1980: No Trends decline in oyster landings after 1900. use, and some untreated human wastes in Bivalve Landings During the last quarter of the 1800’s, were pouring directly into waters, heavy oyster sets were routine and the contaminating oysters (Turner, 1910; From 1950 to 1980, there was no oyster industry was flourishing and Churchill, 1911; Bundesen, 1925). The trend in total annual landings of each increasing in size while meeting the contaminates included bacteria (chol- of the bivalve species (all states com- food demands of the growing human era, Vibrio cholera; typhoid, Salmonel- bined), although there was consider- population. Subsequently, however, the la typhosa). Newspaper reports about able interannual variability in annual NAO index was in its positive phase human illnesses resulting from eating bay scallop landings. The only excep- and between about 1900 and 1925, oysters caused some people to avoid tion was the oyster landings between Connecticut rarely had a good set and eating them, especially raw (MacKen- 1950 and 1965: they fell from 9.6–9.7 its oyster landings declined (Robert- zie, 1996). Various states were forced million bu to about 5.0–5.5 million bu, son, 1923; Loosanoff, 1966). We sug- to leave large quantities of market- coincident with the initial epizootic gest that the poor oyster recruitments sized oysters on their beds for future mortalities in Delaware and Chesa-

6 Marine Fisheries Review Delaware, , and Rhode Island also produced substantial quan- tities of oysters. From 1950 to 1980, the oyster landings in Massachusetts ranged from 7,840 to 39,400 bu; land- ings from Rhode Island were smaller (Table 4). The average annual landings of qua- hogs from the states with the high- est landings were 1,250,000 bu/yr between 1950 and 1980 (Fig. 5). New York, with an average of 496,000 bu produced 43% of the total. Landings in New Jersey averaged about 210,000 bu/yr; Rhode Island, 216,000 bu/yr; Virginia, 114,000 bu/yr; and Massa- chusetts 113,000 bu/yr (Table 5). Softshell clam landings from Maine to Maryland averaged 680,000 bu/ yr from 1950 to 1980. Maine pro- duced about 295,400 bu/yr, or about 43% of the total from all states (Fig. 6; Table 6). In 1960, 1965, and 1970, Maryland’s annual average of 538,000 Figure 3.—Landings of oysters in Chesapeake Bay, 1950–2010. Source: U.S. Fish- bu was 2.5 times higher than Maine’s eries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. landings of 206,600 bu, but Mary- land’s landing fell considerably af- terward in part due to the effects of Tropical Storm Agnes in 1972. The remaining states with substantial land- ings were Massachusetts with an an- nual average of 92,000 bu, New Jersey with 13,360 bu, Rhode Island with 9,300 bu, and New York with 7,040 (Table 6). The average annual landings of northern bay scallops in Massachu- setts, New York, Rhode Island, and Connecticut were between 290,000 and 300,000 bu (Fig. 7) (Table7), from the 1950’s to almost the mid-1980’s. Mas- sachusetts produced about 54% of this total, averaging 160,000 annually with Figure 4.—Landings of oysters from Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, and a range between 74,220 to 225,480 bu. Maryland–Virginia, 1980 to 2005. Source: U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. In 1950, New York’s bay scallop land- ings were 4,500 bu, but in 1962 they had increased to 165,000 bu. This was peake Bays. They remained at about 80% of the total. From 1950 to 1980, the state’s best year in scallop land- this latter quantity from then until Maryland’s landings were 1.7–3.4 ings, and they have declined every year 1980 (Table 4). million bu. Virginia’s landings from since then. Rhode Island bay scallop Oyster landings were document- 1950 to 1965 were 2.5–4.4 million landings were relatively small; some ed in every state from Massachusetts bu, dropping to from 1.25 to 1.6 mil- scallops were landed in some years of to North Carolina, with the largest lion bu from 1970 to 1980 (Fig. 4). the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s, but in landings from Maryland and Virgin- The next leading states in oyster pro- various years there were no landings; ia (Chesapeake Bay) (Fig. 3), where duction were New York, New Jer- in 1978 there was an unusually large their joint landings comprised nearly sey, and North Carolina. Connecticut, stock and 75,000 bu were landed. Un-

80(1) 7 til the mid-1960’s, a bay scallop fishery was active in Connecticut. From 1953 to 1965 Connecticut’s annual land- ings of bay scallops went from a high of 70,000 bu down to 2,000 bu, after which the scallops became scarce and the fishery ceased to exist. 1980–2010: Downward Trends in Bivalve Landings After about 1980, the trend in land- ings of each bivalve mollusk was downward in most areas of the north- eastern states. Annual total oyster landings fell sharply, to about 2.9 Figure 5.—Landings of quahogs in the major production states, except for Con- million bu in 1985, 1.5 million bu in necticut, 1950–2005. Source: U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United 1990, 0.7 million bu in 2000, 0.28 mil- States. lion bu in 2005, and about 0.5 million bu in 2010. From 1980 to 2005, over- Table 5.—Landings (bushels x 1,000)¹ of quahogs by the states with largest landings.2 all oyster landings declined by about 3 94% (Fig. 3, 4; Table 4). Year MA RI NY NJ VA Total 1950 167.8 185.0 643.0 423.0 115.0 1,534.5 Annual northern quahog landings 1955 88.3 418.3 221.4 260.0 74.0 1,062.0 fell at a slower rate than did the oys- 1960 117.0 267.0 324.0 212.6 138.4 1,059.0 `1965 88.3 169.0 495.6 156.1 207.3 2,982.0 ter landings. By 2005, New York’s 1970 104.8 90.0 658.8 214.6 110.8 1,179.0 landings were 135,000 bu, a decline 1975 92.5 93.3 722.0 135.0 90.7 1,133.8 1980 133.2 289.8 412.3 70.4 62.8 968.4 of about 75% since about 1980. By 1985 114.3 345.4 156.4 86.3 59.8 762.1 then, New Jersey landings were about 1990 91.7 209.6 205.3 103.1 129.9 739.5 1995 83.3 108.6 219.0 118.8 78.7 608.4 55% of the total from 1950 to 1975, 2000 62.5 117.0 196.0 135.0 37.0 547.5 2005 37.2 53.5 134.7 154.3 16.0 395.7 but they rose after 1990 and remained 2010 75.0 50.0 117.0 127.6 12.7 382.3 at about that level. By 2005, landings ¹A bushel contains 11 lb (5 kg) of quahog meats in Massachusetts; 12 lb (5.4 kg) in Rhode Island and New York; 10 lb declines in some other states compared (4.5 kg) of meat in New Jersey; and 8 lb (3.6 kg) in Virginia. 2NMFS annual commercial landings data found in U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. with those from 1950 to 1975 were: 3New Jersey landings rose after 1980 because a large bed of quahogs was discovered then in Sandy Hook Bay. Rhode Island, 26%; Virginia, 13%; and Fishermen harvested large quantities from it (MacKenzie et al., 2006). Massachusetts, 43%. From 1975 to 2005, the overall decline in total qua- hog landings from all these states was high numbers of bacteria in waters necticut rose substantially. From 1955 about 62% (Fig. 5, 8; Table 5). where the clams were present. PSP and through 1970, annual landings were After 1980, total landings of soft- bacteria can cause serious illnesses to from about 16,000 to 58,000 bu, but shell clams from all states declined humans who consume the clams. The by 1995 landings were 430,000 bu. steadily (Fig. 6), and by 2000–05 they bed closures were frequent in summer The reasons for the increase are at- had fallen by 66% of the 1950–80 an- when consumer demand and clam har- tributed to the commercial industry nual totals. Maine’s landings had fall- vesting would be at their peaks. controlling two main oyster predators, en by about 20%, while Maryland’s In 1980, the total annual landings of starfish,Asterias forbesi, and the oyster landings were down by 97%, and they bay scallops in the region from Mas- drills, Urosalpinx cinerea and Eupleu- were almost nonexistent. In New Jer- sachusetts to Long Island, N.Y., were ra caudata, and spreading much larger sey, softshell clam landings also be- 297,300 bu, but they fell to 44,200 bu quantities of shells to be used as cultch came nonexistent. Yet the landings in by 1990, and 600 bu in 2000. In 2010, for setting oyster larvae (MacKenzie, Massachusetts and Rhode Island did the landings rose slightly to 21,400 bu; 1981). During the mid-1990’s, the dis- not decline (Table 6). Softshell clam most landings were from Nantucket ease MSX, Haplosporidium nelsoni, landings in Maine totaled 152,300 bu and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. (Table infected the oysters, and they died in in 2000 and 138,000 bu in 2010. The 7; Fig. 7, 9). large numbers. The landings dropped to Maine landings declined mainly be- about 80,000 bu by 2007. Connecticut’s cause state officials imposed closures Landings of Oysters and landings, thereafter, though substantial of clam beds due to outbreaks of PSP Quahogs Rise in Connecticut in volume, have not been documented. (red tide), caused by the toxic dino- In contrast with the other north- Quahog landings averaged about flagellate Alexandrium tamarense and eastern states, oyster landings in Con- 12,000 bu/yr from the 1920’s to the

8 Marine Fisheries Review 1970’s. In those years just a few boats, usually employed for oystering, sought quahogs during the spring when their main activities were slow. Beginning in the early 1990’s, the quahogs be- came much more abundant. Fishermen found large quantities of seed and lit- tleneck quahogs on hundreds of acres of bottoms, in waters 3–12 m deep that extended from Norwalk to New Haven. The quahogs had not been present in such quantities before. Connecticut’s annual landings of quahogs began to rise sharply as more boats, including those that had been used for lobster- ing in Long Island Sound, joined the harvesting fleet after the lobsters be- came scarce during the 2000’s (Pearce and Balcom, 2005). During the 1980’s, quahog landings increased to 46,000 bu/yr; during the 1990’s they averaged 125,000 bu/yr. Figure 6.—Landings of softshell clams in the major production states, 1950–2005. Beginning in the early 2000’s, the Source: U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. quahogs became even more abundant; they averaged 334,000 bu/yr; and there Table 6.—Landings (bushels x 1,000)¹ of softshell clams by state, 1950-2010.2 were 467,000 bu in 2005 (U.S. Fishery Statistics and Fisheries of the United Year ME MA RI NY NJ MD Total 1950 458.5 116.8 38.5 2.5 34.6 0 650.9 States) (Fig. 8, 10). We suggest that 1955 174.8 78.5 0.9 2.7 8.6 99.5 365.0 the quahogs increased in abundance 1960 138.2 56.3 0.4 11.8 3.5 428.4 639.6 1965 130.9 81.2 13.5 15.9 2.6 588.8 832.9 because juvenile rock crabs, Cancer 1970 350.6 91.4 6.7 5.7 5.4 478.6 938.4 irroratus, a primary predator of juve- 1975 436.5 86.4 1.4 4.8 13.0 95.9 638.0 1980 378.4 132.5 3.7 6.0 25.9 148.1 694.6 nile quahogs, declined sharply in num- 1985 316.9 61.8 0.7 11.1 24.1 101.1 515.7 1990 167.6 74.4 1.3 14.2 0 164.0 421.4 bers in 1999. Adult rock crabs had 1995 124.4 76.9 2.6 12.4 0 24.9 241.2 occupied deep bottoms along with the 2000 152.3 0.3 1.6 13.9 0 13.0 181.1 2005 123.8 58.9 8.4 20.8 0 8.5 220.4 lobsters during summers. They came 2010 138.0 85.0 3.2 10.0 0 2.4 238.6 into relatively shallow waters, 3–7 m ¹A bushel contains 15 lb (6.8 kg) of meat in Maine and New York, 13 lb (5.9 kg) in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and deep, during winter, mated, and in the 12 lb (5.4 kg) in New Jersey and Maryland. 2 spring released their larvae. The larvae NMFS annual commercial landings data found in U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. settled in the same shallow waters and fed on invertebrates, including the ju- venile quahogs. Most rock crabs died over extended times can suggest undocumented data). In 1978, the sea- when the lobsters also died in Long Is- whether the landings declines were ac- sonal harvest of bay scallops landed/ land Sound during the warm months in tually a drop in the abundances of the fishermen license in Nantucket was 1999, owing to stressful environmental bivalves. Data are available for only 268 bu. In the 1980 Nantucket sea- conditions (low oxygen concentrations oysters in Maryland and bay scallops son, the seasonal catch/fishermen li- and release of sulfides and ammoni- in Nantucket, but they are somewhat cense was 182 bu of scallops, and in um from the sediments) (Pearce and suspect because the data may have the 1990’s and early 2000’s it was 86 Balcom, 2005). The heavy predation been collected in a year without ref- bu. These data suggest that the abun- by the juvenile crabs on the quahogs erence to the size of the stock that dances had fallen, but the best test for probably then ended. More research is year. From 1975 to 1982, the oyster determining the relative scallop abun- needed to confirm this hypothesis. catch/fisherman in Maryland averaged dances among years is the total land- 14 bu of oysters/day, falling there- ings because nearly “all”’ marketable Declines in Daily and after to 7 bu/day (Tarnowski2 and bay scallops are harvested each year. Seasonal Harvests Moreover, local fishermen and shell- 2Tarnowski, M. 2014. Maryland oyster popula- A tally of the quantities of bivalves tion report—2013 Fall Survey. MDNR Publ. fish constables have stated that the bi- taken daily by individual fishermen­ 17.8192014.723, 46 p. valve stocks have declined.

80(1) 9 the first in the United States to relate changes in marine environments to the NAO, noting that after the NAO shifted to its positive index in the early 1980’s waters became warmer. Populations of demersal finfishes decreased, but pe- lagic finfish and benthic crustaceans in- creased in Narragansett Bay, R.I., and nearby waters (Jeffries and Terceiro, 1985; Keller and Klein-MacPhee, 2000; Oviatt, 2004; Collie et al., 2008). They also found that abundances of zooplankton (mostly copepods) and phytoplankton changed substantially. Zooplankton grazing on phytoplank- ton was continuous during the warmer Figure 7.—Landings of bay scallops in the major production areas, 1950–2005. winters and was responsible for a win- Source: U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. ter–spring decline in phytoplankton. The zooplankton actively fed, even reproduced, and grazed down the phy- Table 7.—Landings (bushels) x 1000)1 of northern bay scallops by State, 1950 to 2010.2 toplankton during the warmer winters.

Year MA RI CT NY Total In spring and early summer, cope- 1950 164.3 29.8 35.2 4.5 233.8 pods continued feeding on the phyto- 1955 145.5 22.1 10.7 37.7 216.0 plankton, keeping its abundance down 1960 154.3 0 22.9 139 316.2 1965 74.2 0.4 2.0 147.7 224.3 (Keller et al., 2001; Oviatt et al., 2002; 1970 183.5 0 0 60.8 244.3 Oviatt, 2004). During any cold win- 1975 175.7 0 0 74.0 249.7 1980 225.5 0 0 71.8 297.3 ters, the zooplankton were relatively 1985 156.0 0 0 29.0 185.0 inactive, and in the following spring 1990 42.4 0 0 1.8 44.2 1995 4 1.4 0 4.3 9.7 and early summer the phytoplankton 2000 0 0 0 0.6 0.6 2005 15.0 0 0 1.0 16.0 had relatively large blooms (Keller et 2010 21.2 0 0 0.2 21.4 al., 1999, 2001; Sullivan et al., 2001). ¹A bushel contains 6 pounds (2.2 kg) of bay scallop meats. Our survey results in Massachusetts 2NMFS annual commercial landings data found in U.S. Fisheries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. show the same zooplankton pattern re- lating to changing abundances of co- pepods and ctenophores (Table 9). Factors Associated with fected were the spawning successes The observations on zooplankton Declines in Bivalve Landings of bivalves, copepod feeding on phy- feeding on phytoplankton in winter toplankton, most likely predation on were supported by Smayda (1990), Bivalve abundances in the U.S. juvenile bivalves, diseases in oysters, Li and Smayda (1998), and Collie et northeastern states are controlled and declines in eelgrass. Direct hu- al. (2008) who found that the phy- largely by the conditions of their envi- man factors causing degradation to toplankton declined substantially in ronments whose collective substantive bivalve environments have been eutro- Narragansett Bay even though the elements for these species apparent- phication, siltation of oyster beds, de- concentrations of nitrogen remained ly remained generally stable during terioration of oyster shell availability about the same. The potential effect 1950–80. However, their conditions (partially from commercial harvesting on bivalves of the NAO index switch became altered in ways that resulted in actions), and hydrodynamic altera- in phase to positive by modifying the lower abundances of the bivalves be- tions (e.g., changes in salinity and cur- composition of the phytoplankton spe- tween 1980 and 2005. The altered nat- rent regimes due to inlet stabilizations) cies was explained by Smayda et al. ural factors were those affected by the (Table 8). The strength of consumer (2004) as follows: “Climate change North Atlantic Oscillation and higher demand has also affected commercial appears capable of modifying the temperatures. bivalve landings. baseline community of phytoplankton; We recognize that some of the tem- as it changes in species’ compositions perature rise may be associated with Natural Factors Affecting and abundances, it affects the graz- human activities, but most of this rise Bivalve Recruitments er species including the bivalves that was a consequence of the switch of the University of Rhode Island (URI) have to adjust to it and thereby their NAO index to its positive phase. Af- researchers may have been among abundances are altered.”

10 Marine Fisheries Review Bivalves Failed When NAO Positive Table 8.—Small-scale changes in various habitats have had negative effects on bivalve habitats and stocks. Phase Peaked in the Late 1990’s On Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., a severe storm broke a 1-mile-wide opening through a 3-mile bar forming the south side of Katama Bay. Small fisheries ongoing for bay scallops, northern quahogs, and softshell clams ended because their habitats were destroyed. When the positive phase of the NAO On Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., Sengecontacket Pond became eutrophic and the eelgrass all died, ending the pond’s index was at its peak and tempera- ability to harbor bay scallops. tures were very warm during 1989– In Chatham on Cape Cod, Mass., a storm broke an opening through the Monomoy Island sand bar and destroyed 95, recruitments and landings failures softshell clams and their habitats inside the bar, ending an active fishery. were documented in oysters, softs- hell clams, and bay scallops (Table 10). In the 12-yr period from 1994 to 2004, oyster spatfall in Virginia rivers failed while little or no sets of oyster larvae occurred. Delaware Bay (New Jersey) had little or no sets of oyster larvae from 1998 to 2003. Maryland experienced the lowest oyster harvest in 150 years during the 1993–94 sea- son. After rebounding from Tropical Storm Agnes in the 1970’s, Maryland’s softshell clam landings fell during the 1980’s. In the early 1990’s, they fell more sharply and in 1995 and thereaf- ter little of the commercial industry re- mained. Bay scallop landings declined during the 1980’s, but collapsed from 1994 through 2003 to the extent that they barely existed. Their landings in- creased afterward. Other Bivalve Decline Factors

Predation on Figure 8.—Coastlines from Maine to New Jersey showing changes in landings of Larvae and Juveniles oysters and northern quahogs in Connecticut and New York. The highest bivalve mortalities undoubtedly occur in their pelagic larval stages (Rumrill, 1990). Depend- Bivalves usually suffer heavy preda- rates are usually high (Hanks, 1952; ing upon location, their most likely tion after they have metamorphosed Carriker, 1957; Webster and Medford, predators include larval crustaceans and set on substrates. The predators 1961; Haskin and Tweed, 1976; Mack- (mostly larval shrimp and crabs), the include crustaceans, gastropods, and enzie, 1981; MacKenzie et al., 1985; benthic anemone, Diadumene leuco- small fish. The various predators of Newell et al., 2000; MacKenzie and lena (MacKenzie, 1977; Steinberg and oysters, quahogs, and softshell clams McLaughlin, 2000; Polyakov et al., Kennedy, 1979), ctenophores (Burrell include mud crabs (family Xanthi- 2007; MacKenzie and Lind, 2013). and Van Engle, 1976; Purcell et al., dae) that may be the most widespread MacKenzie (1981) described the re- 1991; McNamara et al., 2010), and and important predator; rock crabs; sults of a 5-yr survey of predation and certain fishes, including cyprinodonts flat worms, Stylochus spp.; starfish, other factors that affected abundanc- (MacKenzie and Lind, 2013). Asterias forbesi; at least three spe- es of oysters from settlement of spat Laboratory observations have shown cies of shrimps; oyster drills, Urosal- to market-sized oysters in Connecti- that some of these predators can con- pinx cinerea and Eupleura caudata; cut. White and Wilson (1996) wrote a sume bivalve larvae rapidly: D. leuco- moon snails, Euspira heros and Nev- comprehensive chapter titled, “Preda- lena can clear most late-stage oyster erita duplicata; striped killifish,Fun - tors, Pests and Competitors” in the larvae in a small fish aquarium with- dulus majalis; and mummichogs, F. book, The Eastern Oyster Crassostrea in 24 hours. D. leucolina may have a heteroclitus. virginica. Kraeuter (2001) described huge importance because its individu- Since the early 1950’s, many stud- “Predators and Predation” in the El- als often occupy much of the space ies have shown that individual preda- sevier volume, Biology of the Hard on benthic bottoms in Delaware and tors can consume post-set juvenile Clam. Newell et al. (2000) described Chesapeake Bays (MacKenzie, 1977). bivalves rapidly, and juvenile mortality predation by flatworms on oysters in

80(1) 11 Chesapeake Bay. Kulp et al. (2011) Table 9.—Zooplankton collected in Cape Poge Pond, Nantucket Harbor, and four locations in Buzzards Bay, Mas- described how mud crabs prey heavily sachusetts, 2011. The samples were collected with a towed zooplankton net (335µ mesh) for 10 min at each site. on oyster spat in Chesapeake Bay. Cape Poge Pond Nantucket Harbor Buzzards Bay In Massachusetts, bottom predators Date Zooplankton¹ Ctenophores Zooplankton¹ Ctenophores Total zooplankton² of juvenile bay scallops are shrimps, June 6–7 211 0 3,020 0 4,738 June 20–21 224 0 775 0 5,019 including the sand shrimp, Crangon July 5–6 13,976 0 37,520 0 2,821 septemspinosa; Xanthid mud crabs; July 18–19 15,672 0 11,548 0 362 August 1–2 227 30 130 present3 N/A green crabs; and at least five species of August 15–16 1 40 15 40 98 small fishes. The grass shrimps Paleo- ¹This total includes copepods, and larvae of shrimp, crabs and barnacles, but not ctenophores. ²This total includes copepods, and larvae of shrimp, crabs and barnacles, and also ctenophores. monetes pugio, and zostera shrimps, 3 Hippolyte zostericola, can feed on Not counted. scallops when they are attached to eel- grass blades (MacKenzie and Lind, Table 10.—Recruitment or landings failures of oysters, softshell clams, and bay scallops in specific locations dur- 2013). The scallop juveniles that have ing the mid-1990’s and early 2000’s. Correlations of poor recruitments or landings with the North Atlantic Oscilla- tion in a high positive index from 1989 to 1995, followed by 2 negative index years, 1996 and 1997, and then three settled directly on the sediment bottom more positive index years, 1998-2000. in areas devoid of eelgrass likely suf- Oysters fer huge losses from predation by sand Virginia Data on oyster spatfall available from Virginia Institute of Marine Science Special Reports.¹ The data are average total spat/shell/yr from shell strings in the shrimp, mud crabs, and small fishes Piankatank, Great Wicomico, and James Rivers. such as gobies, Gobiosoma bosc; ju- 4 yr period: 1990 through 1993, 26.9 spat/shell. 12 yr period: 1994 through 2005, 5.6 spat/shell. venile cunners, Tautogolabrus adsper- 10 yr period: 2006 through 2015, 96.7 spat/shell. Delaware Bay, NJ Data on spatfall (Powell et al., 2006). sus; and scup, Stenotomus versicolor, New Jersey’s oyster setting stopped for 6 yr from 1998 through 2003. that prey on juvenile scallops of about Softshell clams Maryland Landings were falling during the 1990’s. The landings were 310,000 bu in 1989, but 12 mm in height. they were 25,000 bu in 1995; 2,000 bu in 2000; 8,500 bu in 2005; and 1,155 bu Long-term surveys of bivalve preda- in 2014. Bay scallops tors have not been done to determine Massachusetts Landings had been falling during the 1980’s, but were 42,400 bu in 1990, 94,000 the magnitudes of any changes in their bu in 1992, and 23,000 bu in 1993. Then the landings fell sharply. In the subsequent 11 years from 1994 through 2003, the landings ranged from none abundances among years, but it has to about 200 bu, then 2,200 bu in 2004. The landings afterward became higher, been observed that increases have tak- and in the 10 years from 2005 through 2014. They averaged 25,270 bu/yr. en place in blue crabs in the waters of ¹Supplied by M. Southworth, VIMS staff. Chesapeake Bay, U.S. southeast, and northward into New England; green Table 11.—Predators that increased their feeding rates when temperatures were increased from lowest to highest crabs in Massachusetts; and crustaceans temperature tested, laboratory observations. The salinities were from 26.5 to 32 ppt. in Narragansett Bay (Oviatt, 2004; Col- Temperature Feeding rate lie et al., 2008). When the NAO index Species range (C°) Prey increase Source was mostly positive and temperatures Flatworm, S. ellipticus 5–21 oysters 4.3 X (Landers and Rhodes, 1970) Smooth drill, U. cinerea 15–25 oysters 3.1 X (Manzi, 1970) were warmer after 1980, daily and sea- Rough drill, E. caudata 15–25 oysters 4.6 X (Manzi, 1970) sonal feeding rates of the predators may Moonsnail, Euspira and Naverita 2–21 softshell clam 10.4 X (Hanks, 1952) have been higher (Table 11). We have observed that mortality rates owing to predation are relatively 1997), their “boxes” can be numerous sult of natural selection has occurred, low in these four bivalve species after in dredged samples from beds. and commercial oyster production they attain a height of perhaps 40 mm Before the late 1950’s, oysters grow- has since increased (Haskin et al., (and after their first winter) to when ing in the area from Chesapeake Bay 1966; Ford and Haskin, 1982; Ford they are sufficiently large for com- through New England were gener- and Tripp, 1996; Ford, 1997). Never- mercial harvests (authors’ observa- ally free of diseases, at least those theless, the percentage of Maryland tions). For instance, dredged samples that caused any substantial mortali- oysters that died from the two dis- of bivalves taken from commercial ties. Since then, two parasites, MSX eases was about 10% in 1985, but it beds when the bivalves are mid- to and Dermo, have caused huge losses then increased to 22% in 1986, 44% market-sized (1–3 yr) reveal that most in oyster populations in Delaware and in 1987, 46% in 1999, and was 58% are alive; the samples commonly have Chesapeake Bays. The increase in in the extreme drought year of 2002. relatively few “boxes” (empty, articu- mortalities is a primary reason why The mortality rate afterward fell when lated bivalve shells). But in Connecti- commercial oyster landings fell sharp- freshwater input to Chesapeake Bay cut, Delaware Bay, and Chesapeake ly (Andrews et al., 1962; Haskin et al., returned to normal or above flows, Bay, where the diseases MSX and 1966; Ford and Tripp, 1996). and by 2003, when temperatures Dermo have killed many oysters after In subsequent years, some resis- were cooler, mortalities were 5%–6% they attain mid-sizes, 2–3 cm (Ford, tance to MSX in the oysters as a re- (Tarnowski).

12 Marine Fisheries Review have been low (Anderson et al., 2003; Dove et al., 2004; Lyons et al., 2007; Smolowitz3; Sunila4). Physical stress on bivalves from parasites may be higher in warming waters (Harvell et al., 2002). In Mary- land, commercial populations of soft- shell clams are at the southern end of their range. Increasing tempera- tures and at least two diseases, dis- seminated neoplasia and infections of Perkinsus chesapeaki, may have been responsible for the steep drop in land- ings of this species during the 1990’s from which the population has yet to recover. Populations of another com- mercially-important bivalve, the stout razor clam, Tagelus plebeius, were also found to be infected with dis- seminated neoplasia and P. chesapeaki when they suffered high mortalities Figure 9.—Declines in bay scallop landings since mid-1980’s; arrows point to ma- in northern Chesapeake Bay in 2003 jor production locations. (Homer et al.5). Habitat Declines Eelgrass Eelgrass “meadows,” composed of many thin blades 4–10 mm wide and typically 20–50 cm long, form plant canopies over shallow estuarine and bay bottoms. The meadows often oc- cupy extensive areas of some bays from Maine to North Carolina, and in the Canadian Maritimes from Nova Scotia to Quebec and Newfoundland (Fonseca and Uhrin, 2009). Eelgrass meadows can provide suitable environ- ments for bay scallops and other mol- luscan species, crustaceans, fish, and other taxa. These animals are far more abundant in the meadows than in un- vegetated sand bottoms nearby (Heck and Orth, 1980; Orth et al., 1984; So- Figure 10.—Landings of quahogs in Connecticut, 1950 to 2005. Source: U.S. Fish- gard and Able, 1991; Hanson, 2004; eries Statistics and Fisheries of the United States. Note: the 2005 quahog landings Fonseca and Uhrin, 2009; MacKen- were 47,000 bu. zie and Lind, 2013). On sand bot-

3Smolowitz, R. M. 2000. Roger Williams Univ., In the mid-1990’s MSX killed most continued into the early 2000’s and its Bristol, R.I. Personal commun. of the oysters in Connecticut. These oyster landings were then limited. 4Sunila, I. N.D. Report from Connecticut De- oysters previously had been free of QPX (Quahog Parasite Organism X) partment of Agriculture. Bureau of Aquaculture and Laboratory. Date: 2000. deadly diseases and oyster landings is a parasite (a fungus-like protist) of 5Homer, M., C. F. Dungan, and M. Tarnowski. had been increasing for the previous northern quahogs, first found on the 2001. Assessment of Chesapeake Bay commer- 20 years owing to effective cultur- Atlantic Coast of Canada in the 1950’s cial softshell clams, Mya arenaria and Tagelius plebeius, with emphasis on abundance and dis- ing by private oyster growers. The ef- and since then in Massachusetts. The ease status. Completion Rep. to NOAA Ches. fects of MSX on Connecticut oysters mortalities in adult northern quahogs Bay Fish. Sci. Prog., NAO7NMFS4570326.

80(1) 13 toms without eelgrass and Gracilaria, In Massachusetts, eelgrass canopies perhaps softshell clams). Historically, bay scallop larvae may find only scat- are fully grown by early June and are a huge problem for oyster populations, tered stones on which to set (Marshall, present when bay scallops spawn and which create their own habitat for set- 1947). their late-stage larvae are present in tling larvae, has been the decline of The presence of eelgrass is impor- late-June–August. The larvae attach setting substrates. As oyster popula- tant for bay scallops. When water cur- to the blades and then as juveniles tions have declined from their for- rent flows strongly, eelgrass blades suspended above the bottom, they are merly large expanses, increasingly less lean over, come closer together, and safe from large losses to bottom preda- shell substrate for setting larvae has most water overflows them (Fonseca et tors. However, some losses do occur to been produced or remained. al., 1983; Fonseca and Cahalan, 1992). predation by grass shrimp, Paleomon- When oyster populations were large, Eelgrass meadows can also dampen etes pugio, and the shrimp, Hippolyte substrate areas could be maintained the effects of waves during storms on zostericola, that live in the canopies. by regular or occasionally large wide- shallow bottom habitats. In their ab- Scallop larvae also set directly on the spread sets of spat. Such sets cannot sence, storms may wash scallops into bottom and those likely suffer large occur anymore, because when a huge piles within shallow channels, where losses from predation by sand shrimp, spawning does take place, nearly all many die, and also fatally onto beach- small Xanthid crabs, and small fishes, the larvae perish due to a lack of sub- es (Fonseca et al., 1983; Eckman et al., such as gobies, Gobiosoma bosc; and strates. On Connecticut’s uncultivated 1989). juvenile cunners, Tautogolabrus ad- beds, where salinities are about 27 ppt, We suggest that the canopies may spersus. The scallops attached to eel- few shells remain on large areas where entrap scallop eggs and sperm during grass eventually drop to the bottom earlier productive beds were once spawning in the relatively still water after growing to a height of about 10– present. Some shells and oysters were within the meadows, thereby increas- 11 mm. By this size, they are too large buried by severe winds storms and ing the likelihood of fertilization. In for most bottom predators to consume any shells and stones that remain on an absence of eelgrass, these gametes (Belding, 1910). the sand bottom surface are covered likely become scattered and fewer lar- Eelgrass has declined in many by bryozoans, barnacles, sponges, or vae would result. places (Fonseca and Uhrin, 2009). silt, rendering them unable to receive Taylor6 suggests that eelgrass Eelgrass and bay scallops once lived oyster larvae. In Delaware Bay (Dela- serves to maintain scallop larvae in together on the shallow-water bot- ware) and Chesapeake Bay, where sa- bays. Based upon laboratory studies toms adjacent to the south shore of linities may be 10–18 ppt, some shells in which he observed that bay scal- Cape Cod in Nantucket Sound, and are covered with so much silt that oys- lop larvae swim upward in cool wa- in Buzzards Bay, Mass.; Narragansett ter larvae are prevented from setting ters and downward in warm waters, he Bay, R.I.; Peconic Bay, Long Island, (MacKenzie, 1983). concluded that during flood tides the N.Y.; Barnegat Bay, N.J.; and Chin- Visual surveys of active oyster beds larvae probably swim upward into the coteague and Chesapeake Bays (Orth (MacKenzie, 1981, 1983) in Delaware cooler waters that enter bays through and Moore, 1983; Fonseca and Uhrin, Bay (New Jersey) and Chesapeake inlets from sounds outside and are car- 2009), but both species now are much Bay (Maryland) revealed that large ried farther into the bays and away less abundant or absent in these loca- bottom areas had only a partial cover from the inlets. About 6 h later, when tions. Documented causes of the eel- of shells and live oysters. In Delaware the bays’ waters have warmed and the grass losses include high nitrogen Bay, about 30% of the bottom on some ebb tides begin, the larvae descend to- loads and eutrophication (Fox et al., beds had too few shells to support oys- ward the bottom to or into the eelgrass 2008; Kennish et al., 2010), shading ter harvesting, and much of the shell canopies and are retained in the bays. by dense phytoplankton blooms, dark material consisted of small oyster shell Without eelgrass, few larvae might be silted water, and loose algae (Oviatt et pieces, 10–30 mm across, that tended retained in the bays. Most areas that al., 2003; Kennish et al., 2013). An- to lay flat on the bottom and collect have lost their eelgrass have also lost other cause is high temperatures as its too much silt to allow settlement of in- their scallops. upper temperature tolerance is about vertebrate larvae. Another important feature of the 25°C (Zimmerman et al., 1989; Bintz These bottoms had been dredged ex- presence of eelgrass is that their blades et al., 2003; Fonseca and Uhrin, 2009). tensively by oystermen over the years present an attachment surface for scal- and much original shell cover had been lop larvae, which has many times the Setting Substrates removed or broken into small pieces. area of the flat-bottom surface below. Availability of substrate surfaces on In describing substrate loss in Dela- which ready-to-set larvae of bivalves ware Bay, N.J., Powell et al. (2006) 6Taylor, R. E. 1985. The ascending and desend- can successfully attach and grow is a showed that when recruitment of oys- ing of larvae of bay scallops, Argopecten irra- large factor that controls the recruit- ter juveniles had stopped for about 6 dians, in relation to water temperature. Unpubl. manuscr. on file, P.O. Box 1652, North Fal- ments of juveniles (primarily oysters yr (from 1998 to 2004), almost half mouth, MA 02556 and bay scallops but also quahogs and the shell on bed surfaces was lost ow-

14 Marine Fisheries Review ing to bioerosion, breakage, and dis- The bottom afterward may have a sur- Human Factors solution. Soniat et al. (2012b) found face of fine sand devoid of shell, and Several direct human factors affect that whenever fishermen harvest oys- the altered surface forms a different bivalve environments. These include ters while returning blank shells to the setting substrate for the next genera- eutrophication, unintentional remov- beds, the quantity of shell removed tion of clam larvae. There is no doc- al of shells (cultch) from beds during slightly exceeds the original quantity umentation to assess whether such oyster harvests (as described above), that had been present on the beds. harvesting affects clam recruitment. hydrodynamic alterations, and siltation Such shell losses do not occur on As mentioned above, eelgrass mead- of oyster beds. every type of oyster bed as was shown ows are an important habitat for bay In the U.S northeast, some estuar- by a study in the James River, Virgin- scallops, and their extent has declined ies and bay waters have been receiving ia, by Woods et al. (2005). Most beds in many locations. However, the bay large quantities of land-based nutrients in this river consist of deep deposits of scallops on Martha’s Vineyard and (mainly nitrogen but also phosphates) densely-packed oyster shells, mixed Nantucket Harbor have made use of an and other pollutants via surface run- with mud, that extended as much as 4 alternative, the red alga, Gracilaria sp. offs and ground waters.7 The nutri- m below the bed surface. Oyster seed (phylum Rhodophyta), which has over- ents are delivered in streams and rivers was removed nearly annually from grown much of the eelgrass, leaving draining urban centers, farms, and by some of these beds by hand tongers it alive but lying close to the bottom atmospheric deposition (NRC, 2000; from the 1870’s to the 1940’s. During and unavailable to the scallops. Scal- Boesch et al., 2001; Cloem, 2001; that time, their harvesting of seed was lop larvae set readily on Gracilaria Howarth et al., 2002). Such waters lowering average heights of the beds and this alga is a poor habitat for the become eutrophic to varying degrees. by 0.47 m (Woods et al., 2005). Even scallop predators, such as the shrimps, Productivity of animals and plants as the beds were lowered, the entire mud crabs, and fishes, and thus few in waters depends on externally sup- surface of shells remained to provide are present. The scallops have been plied nutrients (Mahoney et al.8), but adequate substrates for oyster larvae. abundant in the areas that Gracilaria nutrient over-enrichment and eutrophi- Spat abundances did not decline from covers because many survive preda- cation have led to large increases in year to year on such beds except when tion after setting. phytoplankton biomasses (Edwards et silt covered them (MacKenzie, 1983). In the coastal estuaries and bays al., 2001). In some locations, quahogs can from south of Cape Cod to North Car- The consequence has been large be abundant in sandy substrates that olina, the distribution of some bivalves phytoplankton blooms, low oxygen have shell mixed into them to provide may potentially move northward or concentrations on the deepest bottoms, them cover from predation (Wells, to deeper waters when the habitat be- 5 especially in summer, and a general 1957; Homer et al. ). MacKenzie et comes warmer, similarly to the surf- degradation in the biota of some coast- al. (2006) found that quahogs require clams, Spisula solidissima, off the al and bay waters and bottoms (Boesch an environment of densely-spaced am- Delmarva coast (Weinberg, 2005). But et al. (2001). The nitrogen and other phipod tubes, Ampelisca abdita, oc- if they attempted to occupy new habi- nutrients probably affect entire food curring on a mud bottom to set and tats, their abundances might not be the webs as they flow through them (Nix- survive, at least in Sandy Hook Bay, same because they may encounter ad- on, 1995; Boesch et al., 2001; Rabal- N.J. The tubes presumably serve the verse habitat or environmental condi- ais, 2002). same function as obstacles to preda- tions, such as too few shells, hypoxic/ During the mid-1950’s to mid- tors, and they also stabilize the mud anoxic conditions, different sediment 1980’s, eutrophication in Chesapeake surface, likely a survival benefit for grain sizes, different biota, and their Bay increased by at least 40% because tiny post-set quahogs. MacKenzie and larvae could be subjected to different the bay’s ecosystem absorbed loads of Pikanowski (2004) showed that dig- water currents. Softshell clam popula- nitrogen and phosphates that increased ging quahogs with a hand rake in sand tions in Chesapeake Bay cannot move by about 7- and 18-fold, respectively. bottoms does not affect the bottom as from the warmer shallows to deeper During this time, the human popula- a habitat for the setting of invertebrate water because dissolved oxygen con- tion in its watershed nearly doubled, juveniles, since the grain size of the centrations are often too low. Several and the use of inorganic fertilizer bottom surface was not altered by the factors have been demonstrated to af- nearly tripled (Crossett, 2004). Little raking. fect distributions of various inver- Softshell clams also tend to occur tebrates: sediments (Sanders, 1956; 7The waters include Buzzards Bay, Narragan- in higher abundances in the mud/sand Snelgrove et al., 1999; Compton et al., sett Bay, Great South Bay, Raritan Bay, Barnegat Bay, Chesapeake Bay, and Chincoteague Bay. mixtures containing shell (Homer et 2009), sediments and benthic fauna 8 5 Mahoney, J. B., P. S. Olsen, and D. Jeffress. al. ). The hydraulic escalator dredge (Galtsoff and Loosanoff, 1939), mac- 2006. Bloom history of picoplankter Aureococ- used in harvesting these clams in sub- roalgal assemblages (Vaz-Pinto et al., cus anophagefferens in the New Jersey Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor system and Great Bay, tidal areas in Maryland may re-sort the 2013), and depths and currents (Loo- 1995–1999. NMFS Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. sediments and redistribute the shell. sanoff and Nomejko, 1956). Ref. Doc. 06-08, 54 p.

80(1) 15 scientific documentation exists on the In Narragansett Bay, a decrease in After 1975, commercial landings precise effects of eutrophication and diatoms coincided with an increase of quahogs from the bays declined: hypoxia on living resources (Boynton in dinoflagellates (Smayda, 1973) and in Great South Bay by 100% (N.Y. et al., 1996; Boesch et al., 2001; Kir- small phytoplankton species (Oviatt et State Official Commercial Fishery by et al., 2007). Major fluctuations are al., 1989). There also have been chang- Landings), and Barnegat Bay by 98% common in nutrients and phytoplank- es in the timing, qualities, and sizes of (NJDEP data10). In Chincoteague Bay, ton at time scales ranging from every the phytoplankton blooms (Officer et clam densities dropped by 92%.11 two weeks to once a month as well as al., 1984). The food web alterations In some bays, excess nitrogen has seasonally and interannually (Turner et likely modify the benthic communities also led to increases in biomasses al., 2006). in bay waters considerably (Rabalais, of the seaweeds Cladophora spp., A review of eutrophication effects 2002; Marcus, 2004; Smayda et al., Gracilaria spp. (Orth and Moore, on bivalve abundances cannot be con- 2004; Paerl, 2006). Bay scallops have 1983; Boesch et al., 2001), and sea sidered directly because the tempera- become scarce in Buzzards Bay, Mass. lettuce, Ulva lactuca (Tyler, 2007). ture has risen simultaneously with it This may be in part due to a shift in Drift algae can form dense mats that in the same locations since the early the bay’s phytoplankton composi- smother bivalves and shade eelgrass 1980’s. Kroncke et al. (1998) believe tion, which can include dense blooms habitats (Taylor et al., 1995: Raffaelli, that climate variability may have a of the dinoflagellate Cochlodinium 2000; Tyler, 2007; Tarnowski et al.12) larger effect on benthic ecosystems polykrikoides that they cannot use as Eelgrass remains in some areas that than eutrophication and some oth- food (Tang and Gobler, 2009). receive relatively low, but not high, er possible factors, but Paerl (2006) Eutrophication and higher tempera- nitrogen loads (Hauxwell et al., 2003; suggests it has been difficult to dis- tures (also higher salinity in Great Fox et al., 2008). tinguish between these two effects. South Bay) may have allowed the pi- Nitrogen enrichment does lead to in- coplankter Aureococcus anophagef- Siltation of Substrates creases in shell growth and soft tissues ferens to form dense blooms, leading Silt that accumulates on oyster beds in quahogs, softshell clams, and bay to the decline in northern quahogs in has been a large factor that caused de- scallops (Carmichael et al., 2004; Wall each of the largest east coast lagoons, clines in oyster abundances. Its effects et al., 2011, 2013). Anoxia can occur namely, Great South Bay, Barnegat likely began during the early 1800’s, when phytoplankton blooms die in eu- Bay, and Chincoteague Bay (Ken- when farmland was first being plowed trophic waters, killing larvae and post- nish et al., 2007). The waters of the to raise crops. Delaware and Chesa- set bivalves. three lagoons are mostly 1–2 m deep, peake Bays have large watersheds on We cannot explain how eutrophica- and flushing and circulation are lim- which farming has been practiced ex- tion actually affects bivalve productiv- ited by their small inlets. These wa- tensively. Each spring, rainwater car- ity without knowing how changes in ters once had been relatively clear, but ries silt downstream from the fields, phytoplankton species and abundances the blooms usually have made them and some falls on oyster beds where affect the bivalves. Substantial chang- turbid and brown. Nuzzi and Waters stream flows slow in velocity as they es have been documented in the phy- (1989) have categorized them as being spread into the estuaries (Ingersoll, toplankton dynamics in Chesapeake “bloom sensitive.” Factors associated 1881, 1887; Lee, 1914; Whitney, Bay and in the lagoons along the U.S. with the A. anophagefferns blooms are 1994; MacKenzie, 2007). Siltation is east coast due to their eutrophication warm temperatures, still winds, and greatest in coves where water currents and higher temperatures: 1) the phy- clear skies that result in high radiance. are relatively low. toplankton has shifted toward commu- Quahogs cannot use A. anophagef- nities with abundant picoplankton and ferns as food, and recruitments of Recent European Observations: nanoplankton, and 2) the species com- their juveniles consequently have The NAO and Warming position changed from an assemblage failed (Kennish, 2001; Bricelj and Mc- Temperatures consisting mainly of immobile centric Quarrie, 2007; Newell et al., 2009). In the early 1980’s, the NAO shift- diatoms to one composed of flagellat- During blooms, quahogs and bay scal- ed to its positive index, and thus, in ed species (Harding, 1994; Bricelj and lops have difficulty feeding, few can Lonsdale, 1997; Kennish, 2001; Trice spawn, and growth of their larvae is 10NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife. Nacote et al., 2004; Wasniak and Gilbert, severely reduced; little reproduction of Creek Research Station. Port Republic, N.J. 2004; Kemp et al., 2005; Mahoney et either species occurs and bay scallops 11The decline in Chincoteague Bay hard clam al.8; Bricelj9). usually die (Black and Kassner, 1988; landings was also due to legislation banning me- chanical harvesting (MD DNR Office, Annapo- Bricelj and McQuarrie, 2007; Newell lis, MD). et al., 2009) 12Tarnowski, M., M. Homer, and R. Bussel. 9Bricelj, V. M. 2000. Perceptives on possible 1999. The re-establishment of the bay scallop factors influencing the abundances of hard in Chincoteague Bay. Final rep. NMFS, NERO, clams. In C. J. Schlenk (Editor), Transcript of ties for the south shore of Long Island, N.Y. Sea Proj. No. 95-FIG-078, Grant No. NA66FK0086, the workshop on hard clam population priori- Grant. N.Y. p. 81-88. Annapolis, Md., 69 p.

16 Marine Fisheries Review winter, waters were warming in Euro- Numbers of cockle and blue mussel Juveniles Lost to Predation pean marine habitats (Beaugrand and spat usually peak after cold winters. Reid, 2003). The temperatures rose The bivalves may have evolved a strat- Most studies of predation of Euro- about 0.2°–0.6°C per decade at least egy designed to time their recruitments pean bivalves were conducted on tidal until about 2005–06 (MCCIP13). In to the most optimal environmental flats in the Wadden Sea, but the ob- European estuaries, the highest tem- conditions for them in the spring and servations were similar to those made perature rises also occurred in winter early summer. The bivalves profit ful- over wider areas in this sea (Beukema and spring; water temperatures were ly from the phytoplankton bloom in and Philippart, 2010; Dekker and Beu- about 3°C above the earlier winter late June, then they set on the bottom kema, 2014). Huge losses of larvae means, +1°C to +2°C above spring and grow too large for their preda- occur when they are pelagic with ad- means; 0°C to 1.5°C during summer; tors, identified as juvenile shrimps and ditional mortalities after they set on and <1°C above means during autumn also crabs, before these predators ar- the bottom to become constituents of (Beukema, 1992; Kirby et al., 2008). rive on beds. Whenever the bivalves benthic communities. During the first More phytoplankton appeared fol- spawn earlier due to warm winters and weeks of their benthic lives, mortal- lowing cold winters (Martens, 2001; thereby miss the phytoplankton bloom, ity rates in European juvenile bivalves Fransz and Gieskes, 1984; van their recruitments may be low (Beuke- and some other marine invertebrates Beusekom et al., 2009) as it did in ma and Dekker, 2005). due to predation likely extend well Narragansett Bay, R.I. The European above 90% (Grosslein and Qian, 1997; scientists have not considered the feed- Lower Recruitment Beukema and Dekker, 2014). Strong ing of pelagic copepods as a factor be- Europeans have studied bivalve re- year-classes of bivalves appear to arise ing responsible for low phytoplankton cruitments on natural beds extensively. only when abundances of predators quantities after warm winters. All the bivalves have been declining are low (Reise, 1993; Beukema et al., in recruitment, biomass, and annual 1998; Strasser, 2002; Beukema et al., Effects on Bivalves abundances as the climate has been 2009). Along the west coast of Europe, warming owing to the positive NAO In the Wadden Sea, brown shrimps the distribution of Baltic tellin clams, index and worldwide warming (Beu- and green crabs are the most impor- Macoma balthica, has moved an es- kema, 1993; Honkoop et al., 1998; tant predators of the bivalves. After timated few hundred km northward Beukema et al., 1998; Strasser and the warm winters, shrimp abundances from the previous warm edge of its Günther, 2001; Strasser et al., 2001; have been from 2 to 10 times higher range. They died in the southernmost Strasser, 2002; Beukema and Dekker, than after cold winters, and the num- areas where mean water temperatures 2005; Nels et al., 2006). During warm bers of green crabs are also higher are about 1°C higher than they had winters, the bivalves have a relative- (Beukema, 1991, 1992). Green crabs, been (Beukema et al., 2009; Jansen ly high metabolic rate that results in as recently-settled juveniles and as et al., 2007). The distribution of oys- large losses in their body weights. In older crabs, prey heavily on small ju- ters, Crassostrea gigas, also shifted the years when winter water tempera- venile bivalves but usually kill fewer northward, and for the first time their tures were from 0°C to 3°C, overall than the shrimps because they arrive larvae settled and grew on blue mus- winter weight loss in the Baltic tellin later and are less abundant (van der sel, Mytilus edulis, beds in the German was about 15%; whereas when tem- Veer and Bergman, 1987; Beukema section of the Wadden Sea (Brandt et peratures were from 5.5°C to 7°C, the and Dekker, 2014). Juvenile bivalves, al., 2008). losses ranged from 33% to 40%. especially the Baltic tellin, cockle, and In Europe, as is true in the U.S. The consequence of weight loss, blue mussel, are easy prey for shrimps northeast, Kroncke et al. (1998) have presumably mostly glycogen, that as soon as they settle onto bottoms and shown that interannual variability of would have been used to develop huge losses of them occur (Beukema, animal abundances is a consequence gametes in the spring, was a smaller 1992; Reise, 1993; Pihl and Rosen- of climate variability. Beukema et al. production of eggs and sperm in the berg, 1984; Pihl, 1985; Honkoop and (1998), Beukema et al. (2009), and following spring and summer. This Beukema, 1997; van der Veer et al., Beukema and Philipparte (2010) found species spawns 1.5 to 7 times more 1998; Caceras-Martinez and Figueras, that annual recruitments of juvenile eggs after a cold winter vs. a warm 1997; Edwards, 1997; Dijkema, 1997; bivalves can vary by two to three or- winter (Beukema, 1992; Honkoop and Goulletquer and Heral, 1997; Ham- ders of magnitude. and they are gov- Beukema, 1997; Honkoop and van der mer, 1997; Kristensen, 1997; Seaman erned by temperature rather than by Meer, 1997, 1998; Beukema et al., and Ruth, 1997; Ruano, 1997; Strasser the number of adults and the number 2009). Researchers believe, however, et al., 2001; Strasser, 2002; Philippart of eggs they produce. that this variation in egg production et al., 2003; Beukema and Dekker, may translate into a minor part of the 2005). 13MCCIP. 2010. variation in bivalve recruit densities In the Netherlands, Keus (1986) card/2007-2008. (Honkoop et al., 1998). found during one warm season that

80(1) 17 brown shrimps consumed 500 newly- tlement of larvae, because afterward 2000, has meant that raw oysters have set Baltic tellins/m². The bivalves can predation taking place has only minor been reasonably safe for people to eat survive after they become too large, a effect on ultimate bivalve abundances. because they are maintained chilled height of at least 3 mm, to be eaten by on ice, in many cases from the time even the largest brown shrimps. Recent U.S. Consumer Demand they are taken from waters on the In the Wadden Sea, the observa- for Oysters: Continuing Weak decks of harvesting boats, transported tions of factors that appear to have and Then a Shift to Stronger in refrigerated trucks, and displayed the most control over bivalve recruit- Dedah et al., (2011) has examined in market show cases. The rules have ment are summarized by Beukema why during the 1990’s and early 2000’s allowed science-based testing of oys- and Dekker (2014). They stated that landed prices of oysters were falling ter and quahog meats for bacteria, in- critical interactions regarding recruit- somewhat and why production of oys- cluding Vibrio parahaemolyticus and ments between the bivalves and their ters produced by aquaculture (hatch- other pathogens. Enforcement of the environments occur when the bivalve eries) was stagnating in the United rules by state public health officials larvae initially settle to the bottom and States. The fears about eating raw oys- has been strict. Associated with this begin growing, and that: ters was lingering in potential consum- large rise in consumption has been the ers, and these were enhanced by media increase in oyster aquaculture develop- 1) The stock recruitment relation- reports that described labels displayed ment (hatchery-reared seed and grow- ship usually is negative: recruit- on sales counters in California and out beds), and the increased marketing ment of juvenile bivalves bears other states warning people about the of branded oysters in raw bars and only a little relationship to the potential danger of eating raw oysters. restaurants. size of the adult spawning stocks, Further weakening of consumer de- except when such stocks become mand for bivalves came when media Overview and Assessment of extremely low or when most sub- reports that the waters, oysters, and Swings in Bivalve Landings strates for larval settlement are other seafoods taken from U.S. state The North Atlantic Oscillation, be- absent. waters on the Gulf of Mexico con- ing in a high positive index most of 2) Bivalve recruitments usually are tained dangerous amounts of bacteria, the time during 1980 to 2003, had successful in summers that follow organic wastes, and oil due to the ef- strong adverse effects on the environ- cold winters, probably because fects of two large habitat disasters: ments of commercial bivalves in the abundances of the predators are Hurricane Katrina in late August of estuaries and bays of the northeastern low. 2005, and the Deepwater Horizon Oil U.S. The main effect was the warming 3) Long-term abundances of shrimp Spill in April–May, 2010. Another of waters during winters. This resulted were becoming higher, and this health reason for people to avoid eat- in poor recruitments of juveniles and could help to explain the declin- ing oysters and softshell clams is that bivalve landings falling sharply. In the ing numbers of bivalve recruit- their meats are commonly fried and Wadden Sea, the Netherlands, a series ments. (The shrimp numbers did are said to contain “hard fats” that of warm winters in 1988–90 similarly not rise everywhere in European some people prefer to avoid. Dur- led to a series of low bivalve recruit- waters (Tulp et al., 2012).) ing the 1990’s, sales of oysters from ments (Beukema and Dekker, 2005). 4) There were similar relationships Connecticut were slow. Its companies Our assessment has found that body between recruitments and winter could not sell their entire stocks of weights of bivalves fell as their meta- temperatures in the Baltic tellins, market-sized oysters and were seeking bolic rates were relatively high but cockles, softshell clams, and blue markets in Europe with little success. little food was available to them if mussels. Between-year varia- In the mid-1990’s, Connecticut oys- they were able to feed. Then in spring tion in magnitude of recruitment ters were dying from diseases and the and early summer, still less food was was synchronized among these problem of limited markets became available, fewer larvae were produced, bivalves. Their numbers peaked less of an issue. substrates for setting larvae declined, together after cold winters and In more recent years, the market- predation of juveniles likely increased, were low after warm winters. ing situation regarding oysters has diseases of adult oysters increased, Dekker and Beukema (2014) report changed sharply. Consumers are now and consequently landings became ex- that just-settled predaceous shrimps eating far more oysters and most are tremely low. The combined landings of can be present simultaneously with raw on the half-shell. The implemen- the bivalves fell by an estimated 85%. just-settled bivalve larvae after both tation of rules developed by the ISSC An extremely poor period for bi- cold and mild winters; both arrive (Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Confer- valve recruitment occurred during the later after cold winters. They further ence) issued under strict guidelines, extra warm 1990’s and early 2000’s, state that recruitment success can be known as the HACCP rules (Hazzard and most softshell clams were killed predicted at about 1 or 1.5 mo after Analysis and Critical Control Points) in Maryland and New Jersey. After the annual occurrence of a mass set- between January 1997 and January 2003, when the NAO index switched

18 Marine Fisheries Review to a negative or neutral phase, winters larly by swings in climate. The swings The oysters, quahogs, softshell became colder and bivalve recruitment in their abundances are synchronous in clams, and bay scallops in many bays and landings increased at least for oys- all four species as is true for the mag- have not been noticeably overfished, ters in Chesapeake Bay and bay scal- nitudes in bivalve abundances in the certainly since the 1970’s. When bi- lops in Massachusetts. Their landings Wadden Sea. We have also observed valve stocks are heavily harvested in would have been much higher had the that once each of the bivalves survived beds in state-controlled legal seasons, substrates (clean oyster shells and eel- beyond its juvenile stage, perhaps to sufficient numbers of adult bivalves grass) for setting larvae been as avail- 30–40 mm, its survival to adult stages usually will remain to potentially pro- able as they once had been. usually was relatively high. duce large numbers of juveniles on the We cannot discount the effects of Studies of finfish suggest that ex- beds in the following years. The re- spring–summer weather on bivalve re- ceptionally large recruitments of ma- sidual stocks remain because by state cruitments. Our undocumented casual rine fish also occur when the timing, regulations, fishermen return the un- observations regarding recruitment species mix, and abundance of early dersized bivalves (the seed) that will successes have suggested that cold summer blooms fully meet their needs eventually spawn to the beds. More- snaps that can occur in late spring– (Beaugrand et al., 2003; Platt et al., over, fishermen will suspend harvest- early summer following temperatures 2003; Castonguay et al., 2008). Per- ing if their daily catches become so low that were rising for a few weeks may haps the same is true for the bivalves they cannot earn adequate money by interrupt the ripening of the bivalve following good spawnings. continuing. The quantities of bivalves gonads to the extent that recruitment Additional types of environmen- that remain have the capacity to pro- suffers. In Connecticut, Prytherch tal factors, some related to the NAO, duce larvae in large numbers and they (1928) had noted that poor oyster caused declines in the bivalves. Our could set over wide stretches of bottom sets resulted when summer tempera- review of predator feeding rates (Table if setting substrates were available. tures were especially cool. Another 11) in the U.S. coastal estuaries and Published and verbal statements adverse factor affecting recruitments bays also suggests that they became commonly related that landings of bi- in summer is excessively cloudy faster, and they could have lasted lon- valves have declined since the early weather, or when 2–4-day northeast- ger each year due to the higher temper- 1900’s because they were overfished. ers occur. These probably result in a atures and the longer times they remain For example, most biologists, includ- temporary loss in phytoplankton and warm. Besides, the diseases MSX and ing Haven et al. (1978) and Hargis and a lack of food for larvae and then a Dermo became more virulent leading Haven (1988), believed that oysters weaker recruitment for a brood of lar- to oyster mortalities increasing sharply in Chesapeake Bay must have been vae. Unusually extended periods of in Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and overfished because their landings had sunny skies may also lead to poorer Long Island Sound (Burreson and Ra- been falling steadily. Unfortunately, recruitments. gone Calvo, 1996; Ford, 1996; Sunila no one then knew about the NAO or The magnitudes of bivalve seed et al., 1999). Blooms of “brown tides,” its effects on marine life so they could produced vary videly among years. produced by A. anophagefferns, that not suggest this as an alternate cause. Loosanoff (1965, 1966) had shown occurred mainly in the three largest We have dismissed overfishing of par- that fecundity and egg production in lagoons (Great South Bay, Barnegat ent stocks as the overriding reason the Connecticut oysters over a 20-yr per­ Bay, and Chincoteague Bay) have pre- oysters declined in abundances at vari- iod varied somewhat by year, whereas vented survival of bivalve larvae. The ous historical times. We suggest that much wider variations occurred in the partial loss of eelgrass and also some when oysters fell in abundance over magnitudes of subsequent spatfalls waters becoming eutrophic in Massa- time, the cause for them actually was produced by the oysters. He concluded chusetts and Long Island, N.Y., likely “habitat degradation.” that survival of the larvae while grow- played a large role in the decline of ing from their straight-hinge stage bay scallops. Regarding oysters, look- Conclusions and Recommendations to metamorphosis and attachments ing past factors such as those that are Loosanoff (1965, 1966) and the lit- to substrates is extremely small and related to the effects resulting from the erature findings we include in this pa- highly variable among years. Similar- positive NAO and large silt accumula- per show that environmental factors ly to the bivalves in the Wadden Sea, tions on substrates, that both can result have a dominant role in controlling the stock-recruitment relationship of in poor recruitments of oysters, we are the magnitudes of commercial bivalve the bivalves is negative in the north- left mainly with attributing the poor production. The rates of survival and eastern United States. Recruitments recruitments to their being harvested growth to eventual market size of the of juvenile bivalves bear only a small with dredges that have stripped shells great many millions of eggs spawned relationship to the sizes of spawn- off the bottom. Many bottoms have and fertilized vary as the climate and ing stocks, except when such stocks scattered shells, some of which are weather vary. become too small. Recruitments of decaying or fouled, or exist as small Scattered types of local summer groups of bivalves are affected simi- fragments lying on sand sediments. weather affect the successes of bivalve

80(1) 19 recruitments. During periods of calm fauna have been only weakly surveyed clines. Future actions to manage these weather when winds may be blowing and so comparisons may be difficult to bivalves for societal benefit will be gently from the south and southwest, make. more effective as these causes become sporadic sharp variations in tempera- Upon discovering that comparisons understood. ture, wind speed and direction, extent of the winter (December–April) status Acknowledgments of cloud cover, large storms and heavy of the NAO index and finfish recruit- rains appear to reduce recruitments. ments can be close (Dippner, 1997), We thank J. Urban-Rich and her As an example, Prytherch (1928) had Brander and Mohn (2004), and Alheit three University of Massachusetts stu- observed that poor oyster sets in Con- et al. (2005) in European waters, and dents for providing help during field necticut resulted when temperatures Kimmel et al. (2009) in Chesapeake observations, and P. Bagnall, P. Boyce, were extremely cool. Northeasters, Bay, and Aburto-Oropeza et al. (2010) M. H. Cormier, W. Gaines, I. Perry, T. that usually endure for 2-4 days, with in California suggest that predictions Riley, and G. Sherman for their gen- winds that blow commonly at 20-30 about fish recruitments could be made erous help with making field observa- knots, drive waters containing bivalve by determining the NAO index dur- tions. M. Southworth kindly provided larvae in the opposite direction than ing winters. Such tracking might also historical oyster setting data from Vir- the gentle winds had been drifting be applied to bivalves in northeastern ginia locations, and M. Hickey and R. them. The waters that had been calm U.S. bay waters. Since swings in the Rheault provided information about become rough, bottom materials are NAO indices have effects on several the history of the ISSC and HCCP. stirred into the water and, along with components of ecosystems, Kimmel et J. J. Beukema, L.-A. Davidson, V. G. the storm’s rains, decaying organic al. (2009) suggest that researchers and Guida, C. Oviatt, and J. B. Pearce fragments are washed from shore into resource managers could examine ap- made constructive comments on ear- the water that then becomes highly tur- propriate components, such as temper- lier drafts of the manuscript. As the bid. A temporary loss of phytoplank- ature and abundances of copepods and concept of this manuscript was being ton, the food for the larvae, occurs. ctenophores, in local waters to help developed, ideas from J. A. Francis, R. This may be followed by a weaker re- them make forecasts. Myers (1998), W. Langton, and R. E. Taylor contrib- cruitment to the bottom for a brood of though, cautions that such relation- uted to its contents. larvae. How many larvae survive? Are ships are often not useful because the Literature Cited survivors carried to different places NAO and the weather can be unstable. Aburto-Oropeza, O., G. Paredes, I. Mascareńas- where survival will be poor? Will a The effects of shrimp predation on Osorio, and E. Sala. 2010. Climatic influence subsequent brood of larvae be as large the recruits of bivalves and other bio- on reef fish recruitment and fisheries. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 410:283–287. (doi: https:// and be more successful? Availabil- ta need more attention, following the ity of adequate food undoubtedly is a research studies conducted by Beu- Alheit, J., C. Mollmann, J. Dutz, C. Kornilovs, factor with bivalve larvae and also the kema (1993) in Europe and MacKen- P. Loewe, V. Mohrholz, and M. Wasmund. 2005. Synchronous ecological regime shifts extent of predation that they suffer ex- zie and Lind (2013) in Massachusetts. in the central Baltic and the North Sea in plain some of the variability in abun- We also encourage studies be under- the late 1980s. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 62:1205– 1215. (doi: dances of bivalve spat. taken to examine the effects of cope- 2005.04.024). 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26 Marine Fisheries Review Appendix

We believe the increases in landings of lobsters in Maine and the Canadian Maritimes occurred because predation by the cod, Gadus morhua, and per- haps spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, on young lobsters fell sharply. Since 1994, the cod landings have fallen sharply while the lobster landings have increased sharply there (NOAA Land- ings Statistics). Any changes in the abundance of the spiny dogfish cannot be estimated reliably using landings data. Maine lobster landings have in- creased 5.5-times in magnitude from the early 1980’s to 2011 (Fig. A1). From the early 1950’s and into the 1980’s, the annual landings had re- mained nearly steady at 18–20 mil- lion lb (mlb) (8.2–9 million kg (mkg)). Figure A1.—Increase in lobster landings in Maine and decreases in their landings They then began to rise: in 1990, the between Buzzards Bay, Mass., and New Jersey. landings were 28 mlb (12.7 mkg); in 2000, 57 mlb (26 mkg); in 2005, 69 mlb (31 mkg); in 2010, 96 mlb (43.6 The Connecticut lobster land- the 1700’s, and then may have contin- mkg); and in 2011, 105 mlb (47.7 ings were increasing steadily from ued onward. During the 1950’s to early mkg). The rises were due to increases 1,060,000 lb (482,000 kg) in 1984 to 1990’s, about 28 boats with crews of 2 in both lobster abundance and fishing 2,584,000 lb (1,174,545 kg) in 1998. men each trapped lobsters daily from effort. The numbers of fishermen are They then declined sharply because June to October every year. The boats limited but the numbers of fishing li- a large lobster die-off occurred in the each lifted about 300 pots/day (MacK- censes still increased from 5,152 in sound in 1999. The landings totaled enzie, 1990, 1992). During the 1990’s, 1950 to 5,963 in 2013, while the num- just 154,000 lb (70,000 kg) in 2007, the fishermen found few lobsters and bers of traps increased from 430,000 down by 94%. According to Pearce eventually almost none in their pots, in 1950 to 2,976,000 in 2013. As far and Balcom (2005), the principle rea- and by the early 2000’s, this fishery as is known, the increase in landings son for the lobster die-off was water had ended.1 resulted mostly from the increase in temperatures rising too high in 1999: An epizootic lobster shell disease lobster abundances (authors’ observ.). temperatures increased from an 18°– appeared in the inshore waters of Records of lobster landings from the 19°C range to a range of 20°–22°C. Rhode Island and Connecticut dur- inshore regions, from Massachusetts They said that the warmer waters may ing the late 1990’s (Castro and Angell, to Virginia, are unavailable because a have accelerated an increase in abun- 2000). The prevalence rates of this dis- substantial portion of landed lobsters dance of the amoeba, Neoparamoeba ease have been 10%–40% in Rhode are potted in deep ocean waters out- pemaquidensis, that parasitizes and Island waters, but there is no evidence side the coastal zones; the official gov- likely weakens lobsters, and besides that lobster abundance had declined ernment landings data from inshore low dissolved oxygen at the water-sed- due to shell disease. By 1997, though, and offshore locations are lumped to- iment interface, coupled with the re- a sharp decline in landings and popu- gether. A record of lobster landings in lease of sulfides and ammonium rising lation indices was recorded and it con- Long Island Sound is from only Con- from the sediments, killed nearly all tinued thereafter. No one precisely necticut, whose waters extend half way the lobsters and with them likely the knows what factor was responsible across the sound to meet New York rock crabs, C. irroratus. for the lobster declines, but it is sug- waters, and from the New York–Con- Data on landings of lobsters in Rari- gested that water temperature became necticut border just east of New York tan Bay, N.J., and upper New York too high (Gomez-Chiarri and Cobb, City to Saybrook, Conn., an east–west Bight have never been recorded, but a 2012). distance of about 110 km. This en- decline in their abundances and land- compasses about 70% of the distance ings can be estimated by examining 1Fishermen interviews and personal observa­- across the Connecticut coast. fishing effort. This fishery began in tions.

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28 Marine Fisheries Review