THE DETOX BATH - Ancient Egyptians & Babylonians & Romans were amongst the first to wide- ly adopt the power of the hot tub, and use the healing qualities of clays and minerals to create a sacred ritual, rich and known for its therapeutic values. These hot tubs consisted of a water-filled caldera that was then heated by placing red- hot stones in the water. The use of Sacred Earth Minerals and Salts were all part of the Royal Routine and part of a wellness routine that encourages a sound BODY, MIND AND INNER BEING. This is an all in 1 RESET & RESTORE formula. Only the finest grade of minerals and salts and oils have been chosen and ethically sourced to create this quality bath therapy. The combination of superior grade of master minerals is used in International 5 star Resort Spa’s as part of balneotherapy, onsen baths, and mineral bath therapy.



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The Frankincense and Ginseng oil infused sea salts is a fine combination and is used as an all over body treatment. This will support anti aging and give you a youthfulness that these two botanicals are known for. This treatment will cause you to sweat, which is the central purpose of a good detox bath. Drugs, toxins and poisons in your body will escape through the pores in your skin. The master minerals will absorb as a trans dermal application. Drink good quality h20(water) this will support re hydrating you. And most important, enjoy this soak. Use once per week until you experience a shift in your well being / A 3 WEEK TREATMENT is highly recommended this allows your body a reset and purge of toxins. Please support this by adding chlorophyl to your diet or a form of “green juice” this will enhance your wellbeing Drink good quality water while detoxing - please stay well hydrated at all times, this will support the release of TOXINS from your system and allow you to experience a reset of your physiology A LUXURY SPA TREATMENT TO BE ENJOYED IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN SPACE

Going to a luxury spa isn’t always and option, so we bring the experience to you. Time poor, in need of pampering,use with our blessing. If you are both body conscious, and discreet, you maybe require your own sanctuary and privacy to nurture yourself in your own time, and with complete control over the experience. This is both a mineral spa treatment and a bath therapy experience that delivers with love and integrity and makes a difference. visit our website for ways to enhance this experience. • You will need one 1000gm treatment of DETOX FORMULA_6.0 - use half the contents for rich detox • Please shake the contents of the bag so that you have mixed all of the minerals and salts • A bottle of water to drink while you are soaking 600ml + • TIME KEEPER >> 30 MINS SOAK time MAXIMUM • Pour 1 sachet (800 gm) under the tap as you draw a very hot bath to begin with to dissolve the min- erals. You want the water to be somewhere between 95 and 100 degrees F(36-38C). • You may also dissolve the contents by placing all the contents in a separate vessel and stirring till all the contents have been absorbed into the water.The water should look muddy • As you handle the master minerals and the clay, set your intentions around the “experience”. This is an exercise in both wellness and self care, by setting the tone and priming your state, you communi- cate with meaningful intent and follow through with a supporting behaviour and action. • This is part of your personal formula or your signature algorithm for change. • Set aside an hour of “ME TIME”, please place your phone on either “FLIGHT MODE” or turn your handset off completely. • Create this space as relaxing, ambient and therapeutic as possible - clean the space, light a candle + organise some relaxing music. • Solfeggio healing frequencies playing in the back ground help a lot. • Consider this time a form of MEDITATION - and there are 3 things we suggest. CONNECT with your inner being (OPERATING SYSTEM HUMAN 3.0) , set a STATEMENT OF DELIBERATE INTENT >> this is done in the spoken word BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY...Imagine all that needs to be released going into the water. • While immersed in the water, connect with the surface of your skin, rub the MINERALS on the sur- face of your skin and visualise this process working. The Minerals and Salts drawing out any impurity and your skin supporting you through this process. • Have a conversation with this most intimate space, ask your body what it needs. In time, as your SMART body responds and activates it will provide you with all the intelligence that you need to intuit and manage your wellbeing. • [TIME & WATER MANAGEMENT] >>This is my personal recommendation. I tend to soak for 15-20 and use a loofah to scrub my body for the 5 minutes. Using a circular method, a bit like polishing or detailing I use this opportunity to remove the dead skin, exfoliate and wake up my body. I expe- rience a vitality and sensuality like none other. I then drain the bath water and have a warm to cool shower. This is both invigorating and moves through the body. • Pat your skin dry and apply a body oil or a skin nourishing cream. I apply FRANKINCENSE BODY OIL to my feet. The feet contain a map of the body, and is perfect to revive and a few minutes stimulating the ZU SAN LI will bring you to life. In Chinese medicine, the body is seen as an energy system, and therefore, the can affect the flow of energy and the functional activity of the organ. Activation of the Zu San Li point causes a permanent rejuvenating and healing effect, delay- ing of the aging. In China, this point is known as – “the point of longevity” in Japan – “the point of a hundred diseases”. • Continue to drink water after your bath, if you are sweating, this is normal. Your body is eliminating and restoring balance. zeolite minerals - A well kept secret that boosts the immune system and beautifies the skin at once. spa grade epsom salts - Used in flotation tanks and as a perfect muscle and pain reliever. We have chosen the best and finest which compliments the oils, minerals and botanicals chosen.

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL - Removes topical impurities. Because research has shown that activated char- coal can absorb toxins in your body, some beauty experts believe that a charcoal face mask can help draw impurities and dirt from your skin. Reduces acne breakouts. An accumulation of sebum (skin oils) and bacteria can clog your pores, resulting in breakouts.

PINK HIMALAYAN SALTS - Sourced from the best mines in the Himalayas. We choose this for its purity and its beneficial trace minerals. These minerals balance the body’s alkaline/acidity and dissolve and eliminate sediment. Salt is known for ability to clear negative energies from the body, and is often used in salt lamps and candle holders to maintain harmony and balance

ZECHSTEIN MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE - is considered the MASTER MINERAL 100%. Our bodies require a regular and high quality Magnesium intake for the maintenance of a healthy body and brain systems. Increased sleep / Reduced muscle aches, pains, cramping and spasms / Healthy skin and reduced outbreaks of eczema and / Better relaxation and stress management /Increased energy levels and improved moods / Increased athletic performance. Naturally occurring magnesium chloride and other trace minerals, drawn from the ancient Zechstein Sea and applied topically for rapid absorption of magnesium into the cells.

ORGANIC BENTONITE CLAY - Supports your wellbeing, by absorbing (adsorbing) through the skin and drawing out any impurities or toxins. This clay is Organic and can be consumed orally for a com- plete cleanse. Toxins cling to the clay and as the body eliminates.

AUSTRALIAN SEA SALTS (PREMIUM) - using the finest Australian Sea Salts sourced from the best sup- plier, Mineral salts are hugely beneficial to the skin, thanks to the high magnesium content, and calci- um (as well as zinc and potassium). This may help both soften and regenerate skin because it attracts and binds water, and improves hydration by strengthening the barrier function of the skin. In a clinical trial, a significant decrease in skin roughness on the salt-exposed skin occurred after just 2 weeks, with continuing . For centuries, ‘taking the waters’ (which refers to ancient communal bathing in natural springs or temple baths which ere rich in mineral salts) has also been documented to be therapeutic for soothing mild forms of dermatitis, eczema and dry skin. We have added Siberian Ginseng and Green Royal Hojari Frankincense Oil and infused the salts for 6 months. This treatment is fit for Royalty

DEAD SEA SALTS (BOKEK PREMIUM) - Bokek salts are known for their superior quality. is nec- essary for the secretion of bile from the liver and for converting toxins into non-toxins. Sulfur is found in the amino acids cysteine and methionine; as well as in cells, hemoglobin (of the blood), collagen (of the muscles), keratin (required for skin), insulin, heparin, biotin, and co-enzyme A (required for healthy hair, skin, nails, among many other biological structures). Sulfur is necessary for synthesizing collagen. It is required for the adequate digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and a number of vitamins, such as thiamine, biotin, and pantothenic acid. It is also essential to enabling cells to breathe.