Page 1 of 4 better-meet-todays-more-nuanced-approaches

Toronto’s Parkway Forest community undergoes revitalization to better meet today’s more nuanced approaches

Martha Uniacke Breen, Special to National Post | October 22, 2015 1:43 PM ET

Darren Calabrese / National PostOne of the four cones of Douglas Coupland's Four Seasons installation at the Elad development at and Sheppard.

The Swiss-French architect and philosopher Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, is credited with some of the most influential ideas in urban planning of the 20th century. Close to 100 years after his philosophy first came into vogue, though, many of his views about housing have come to be generally viewed with disdain. Page 2 of 4

Le Corbusier saw the crowded inner-city Paris slums as a blight, and held that the solution was to raze them wholesale and replace them with clean, sparely designed high-density buildings surrounded by green space. The rosily named “garden city” — groves of high-rise towers built atop acres of underground parking, lawn and driveways — constituted much of the new housing of the ’50s and ’60s, particularly for public housing and privately owned suburban rental apartment buildings. This was, in part, because the concept had the estimable advantage of being a relatively economical way to house large numbers of people.

But far from fulfilling Corbusier’s predictions of happy, healthful living environments, many of these communities, sadly, became just the opposite. (One example is St. James Town, just north of Cabbagetown; it was a classic Corbusier-style high-rise community that replaced a neighbourhood of single-family housing, but which has itself become somewhat run down, particularly the public housing buildings.) It’s unfair to say all garden cities are failures, but many communities built on the model are today ripe for a different notion of urban planning.

WZMH Architects principal Len Abelman took a group of architects and others around the recently “redensified” neighbourhood of Parkway Forest, a 32-acre typical mid-20th century Don Mills garden city dominated by rental buildings, parking lots and lawns, and bisected by a few unwalkably wide roads. The revitalization is the result of a 12-year collaboration between developer Elad Canada, for whom the Emerald City condominium complex onsite is the jewel in the crown, and WZMH Architects, which has been responsible for many major landmarks, including the CN Tower and Royal Bank Plaza. The City of Toronto, particularly local councillor Shelley Carroll, was so involved with the planning and negotiations that it might fairly be thought of as an unofficial, uncredited third partner.

Darren Calabrese / National PostLooking at the changing southeast corner of Don Mills and Sheppard from the intersection. Page 3 of 4

The Emerald City complex proper, at Don Mills Road and East, is a mix of five condominium towers mostly on the west side of the neighbourhood (three are built, a fourth is under construction and the fifth has just opened for sale). Elad also built several new rental buildings to replace some of the old ones that made way for the condos.

There are also a number of attractive low-rise townhouses nestled in the centre of the site and a new city-owned community centre at the entrance to the large park to the south. (Independent of Elad’s project, the new centre is being designed by Diamond-Schmitt Architects.)

The walk began at a new triangular plaza on the southeast corner of Sheppard and Don Mills, that, once little more than a sidewalk between the traffic and apartment buildings, now forms the welcoming front door of the neighbourhood. The plaza features attractive landscaping, steps leading up to the two outer buildings in the complex, and a diagonal walkway that invites strollers in and through the neighbourhood.

Here also stands the first of four tall, brightly coloured cones that make up Douglas Coupland’s Four Seasons public art. Coupland’s work is dotted throughout the development, giving not only cohesiveness to the plan but adding to its modern aesthetic.

The initial impetus for eyeing the property, Abelman told the group, was the installation of the Don Mills subway station in 2002, the terminus of what some derisively have called the Subway to Nowhere. In fact the line is nothing of the kind, but the general area was designed for cars, not subways (another Corbusier precept), and access to the newly opened station was so poor, he said, that people had been climbing through hedges and crossing muddy grass to get to it.

Matthew Sherwood for National PostFairview Mall, on the northeast corner of the intersection, offers a wide variety of retail options but also many places for the community to gather. Page 4 of 4

Given the pressing housing crisis in the city, especially for affordable rental units, Elad was required to replace any apartment buildings it razed with the equivalent number of rental units — in this case, over 5,000. But to really work on the scale that the partners envisioned, the overall plan would have to go much further: from addressing community services, office and retail space, to improved walking, driving and public spaces, to adding an inclusive sense of neighbourhood that the Corbusier model, for all its fresh air and green space, had failed to engender.

Rethinking ways of moving people (and cars) through the neighbourhood encompasses much more than the needs of thousands of new residents. The redesign features walkways, new roads and driveways, and underground connections between buildings for parking and — in the buildings closest to the subways — interior walkways to the . The new paths and sidewalks invite strolling on warm evenings, past the terraces and balconies of the buildings. Apart from making it easier to call hello to a neighbour, the lattice of access paths increases what Abelman refers to as “eyes on the street” — that is, when people are out and public areas are well lit, there’s less incentive for bad guys to lurk in the shadows.

For architecture buffs, one of the smaller pleasures of the new complex is that real care has been taken to make the new buildings attractive, in a pleasant, not too avant-garde sort of way. The new rental complexes were designed to mimic those that were retained, with similar buff brick and glass-and-metal balconies, while subtly updating them with more interesting patterns and a more streamlined look. The townhouses feature charcoal faces, wood-grained metal siding and a minimalist profile. The condos closest to the subway, thanks to one of many delicate negotiations with the city, are the tallest and highest-density buildings, at 36, 29 and 25 storeys respectively. Because subway access is so much improved, Abelman pointed out, parking occupancy in those buildings stands at about 60%, even though the ratio of units to spaces is below the average for a complex this size.

The success of the project has other large-scale developers and city planners eyeing Parkway Forest/Emerald City with interest. Elad itself has already purchased land for a downtown site, at Dupont and Dufferin, currently occupied by a large parking lot, a McDonalds and a few rather unhappy-looking retail establishments, including the Galleria Mall. In that case, it’s hoped that the redevelopment will not only benefit its own residents, but the larger community surrounding it.

Parkway Forest/Emerald City shows that Corbusier’s model of high-density housing that was ennobling, safe and convenient for its residents may have foundered not in the concept, but in the execution. But in bringing together forward-looking city planners, private developers and the people that will actually use the space, the project may point the way to a greener, and friendlier, future.