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4 THE NORTIIWESTvEN’I’ERPRISE, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1932 A [Romper-the People Read, Love and Respect rPoemg For Your Scrap 366 k ICIIEIEI-Davis’ .?nswer To Last Week's Problem Eltahlishod 1920 ~inghed Emy Thursday by The Enterprise Publishing Commny What Is Life? Son Fa?ers Gave SIOOO Bill ?ltered at the Postof?co. Seattle, Wash. as Second Class Matter "3‘ (-‘rll'?lh Alexander The man In last week's “rain Tva?‘r problem must have Shell Grace: "3713 MEEIKQ-mi?nnmung What’slife? A story or a mun: Ulr‘pounumtvr a .1000 hill, Nu smaller one will work. Telephones: I‘Roapom 0065, Eu" ‘5” any ? A race on track; West Point .?ore In the way llu‘ money went: VH. w:l.m»§fizds{}i}_nn.l A Ray adventure, short or long. WIN-lAM Publhlwr. 18.810 stamps _. puzzling one-mm ”w.—-—.....~___ ”r crack; mama -«__~a--..______.._ A nut tn m_.-___._ .. _ ”—77 CITY.—~(CNS)———B. -—___.—.. Axrdndlng task; a pleasant stroll; NEW YORK 14.112 two-cent umm...... 282.}! NATION/ll: NEGRO PRESS v A cllmb; a slide down hill; 0. Davis Jr., son of Colonel'Benja- stamps 590-20 ”(X‘M‘I‘IUN 10.584 "we-?ank» A constant strlvlng for a goal; min 0. Davis, ranking Negro officer Mouber A cake; 5 elgh-mnt ”(mil .40 a bitter pill; in the United States Army, was ad- A pit where stings; ('hmklng :m- numlu-r slnmpw fortune “cuts or Friday. on nf t-ln- val-Inns kinds 0! will svnsrmFi'TdFiwrm A vplayxround or tun—~ mitted to West Point By Mn” In Advance full show “In just ,lllrvu-l’cmr?ls us many (was 1w nm‘s. «ml With many any of these things; The young cadet was named as a 111111 l mw-lw-«l Ono Yur- «82.00 Six Montlns-$1.25 'l‘hroo Munlhnmmc lhroo-Vom?m as nmnyv?vm Expm-lnu-nllng with any nllu'r .._.._ ,_ " Wlth others all in mm. candidate to the military academy m 4 lwos. “""‘“‘A7l7l’r;;x;7nmamas“;'4]; slm or M" will show llml lln- poslmusu-r to ?ll : What's “In? To love the thlmzs WP we; by Representative Oscar De Priest, would he mmblv The hills that touch the skies; tho order. muss PUBLISHING COMPANY sunning son; Republican of Illinois. At that time I‘. 0. Box 848. Sean-Iv. “'nsh. The the laughing lea; The light ln woman's eyes; Davis was studying at Northwestern To york and love the work we do; University, where he had been at- ‘ ', o o v To play a game that's squarn; tending school for the last two years. ' ’Swnnstrom’s Knitting & ' ° ' ' To grin avblt when fol-ling hluc: Learn Beauty‘Culturc -a- - following his graduation from a i -Wlth friends joys to share; Repair Shop By 'Mnll a «o / o o our Cleveland high school. All brunt-hos taught To umllvylhuugh lamvsuhe lost or won; 'l‘l) EditO‘TTa'l'S - Davis is the second colored youth SWEATERS MAHE ORDER MMKI‘EIJJNH FINGER WAVING To earn nur dally bread—— Alteruvions and ‘rnplmira an all kinds And when at last the day is to enter West Point in 30 years. 0n l’rnsaod Huir Our Specialty done of Knit, 6(de srn'r'r's Convention Moratorium Dixie Prohibition *Excuse To tumble Into bed. The other, Alonzo Parham, who was "Id/“TYSt‘HOOl. Sta" )0. Pike l'lnw- Marla-t 480-5 Fun-sums AVE. (?lm-ago. 111. admitted in June, 1929. ‘failed in Lower Flour M‘Hn :H I? Dept. EN. Word that the grand lodur rum- i Now that préMHlion. a: in, is on mathematics at the end of the spring ‘mntee '4): .me I. B. P._ 0. Elks of the retreat after the blows .of both midterm in 1930. 'the wdrmAhad réqueuéd that thv ‘ihc Republican .nnd Democratic con- The last colored officer to hc 1932 convonllon scheduled for has ventions, it was surprisinz to find Professional Boxers More Democratic graduated from West Point was iAngeles, California. be pos'tponed. an editorial in the St. Louis Post— Colonel Charles Young. Colonel Da- 'was met with rejoicing and misgiv- Dispatch explaining that the South vis, now in France conducting {ho SHOE SALE! , ings In various sections of the coun- had prohibition heonuse of the ”Ne- Than Hoover's “Dam” Commission 1932 continmnt of Gold Star Moth- try. grn. The truth is that the Smith has ers, rose to his present position ’ It uc'runl-uuon “king that the need the Negro for seven] unortho. (Ry -\Vllll.l:\M I’N‘KENH) And those working people. all from the ranks. He did not attend There three mgeunx be is married doxvca‘uses. Sim-e the South has had were ex-heavywvlghl wcrv blazing with enthusiasm cancelled out. boxers It Bouldvr City, ‘white, West Point. y Clearance Sale of prohibition there has de- Nev.. mun ‘wer the coming of Jack Johnson Jul an wm be Ihe most sonslhlv thing been no lllm‘k Canyon, where Hom'er Dam is crease in its high i i‘hoir day's work could not end soon have ever done. homicide rate, with being constructed. They ()ecm lhatJ-hozElks were nmngh for them to gather in tho - As a rule secret orders conven- Memphis. Atlanta' and tßirmingham Allhrmon, formerly of New York: nulitorium and see the famous blnt‘lt WALK OVER SHOES ' yet leading by everywhere. [like Itlons never accomp?sh anything the cities a bi: mar- Jack Johnson. 01’ and man in action. children they Pythian Officers gin as the most murderous. Frank Moran. the “whltp hnlw' rnlkcd about. it all day. Several .' Worth while and are generally more ‘whom Jack so playfully in for 'Men Of course, the South never has whlmwd times they mistook one of the large and Women I'm! a uwluy.thsn.an asset. \Paris. France, when Moran was son! black men of my party for Jack. and ' heen dry as the remit of its self- '0 Charged Q n the Elks‘ hPads had permitted over there to try bring hack thr proceeded to give him cheers iuul With inflicted prohibition nor the ‘championshlp cyclonic ”Big 7 ‘their foolhardy ‘membership that thal of from the Hef‘tinxs. These same workmen. it' C”.“~,!.§‘.’..f1' :51:23:3,:“zz'izzzrgash? .Federnl government, but as. in its Smoke". their leaders and masters were 3:31:31 . wALK ()vmu mun-1s; mi; lawn] runs into the thousands. to trek Oh. any...“ 5;.1.‘ politics it successfully has made a no, no. no. them fellows are “straight" would welcome fellow- $125,000 Theft the country for a couple of working on the Dam, least Eacross bugbear and fetish ofthe “Negro" at not thr workers of tho Negro race. In fact. , days ofjkmmre, they would ‘two colored ones: for Mr. Hoover is ’i' tho I*. S. Government had put have when it to.lecomplish cer- hiring anybody there Lbeenh‘unworthy o! the very meager wished lnot as black colored citizens on the Job, no man BIRMINGHAM, Ala. R. A. tain ends. What the 'South should as Jack or aslilrown an Oscar. This among them would have openly Blount. former grand chancellor; ,mnect.that they new command. they U. haw done during all its wasteful‘ is how met there: Oncar Ail- questioned it. The government is 1 Seventy per G. Mason. former endowment treas- : cent of the member- prohibitionyyears is have provided; iwitton. who lives at present in Lax iii-powerful on this Dam Reserva- ‘fehip to 'Vegas. accompanied me, on my urer; L. B. Kixh, former chairman. $5.15 $6.15 $7.15 $8.15 is ,on the east side of the its large illiterate Negro and tion, and everybody there know: it. white‘ trounds of investigation in Boulder The Hoover dodg- of the board of endowment; W. 11. Rockies. Nearly all or the grand population administration is with school facilities and Citmed about the Damsitp. with 'ng behind the legal fiction of the Brazier, former grand keeper of fomcertannre on that side of the common justice the courts as two other Negro Frank Moran in the men: :ix contracting companies to escape records and seals; Morris Smith, for- ~ "-‘Rockien. In tact. most of them are real step genuine temper- is in charge. of recreation for the the of colored people. WOMEN’S HOSIERY SPECIALS towatd "Six Companies“; resentment mer endowment secretary; E. A. inelghbors in Washtngtn‘n. They ance. lt simply'hu been fooling and Jack Johnson They Shall ‘Not. Esoapc had hen invited by Moran to come Brown, ex-graml attorney, and R. L. ' Light 'Weight Kayser Chiffon have a Jittie smoker. spend itself They “I “:foul'd about the Negro. up for an "exhibition bout." with keep us so busy fighting for Mabry, former grand master of ex» _,about sow-n or eight on re. vur riizht to live thati have no time Service Hose Hose , dollars Moran himself. for the benefit oi‘ the chequer. generally known as the map out their plans of 5,000 inhabitants -of \tho Dam-city to describe to you thisanighly dam. freahmentn. which nearly treasurer of the grand lodge depart- rte-elect Finley -wnson Simmons’ Bunk and the ‘Daxnaite, or rather for the on six million barrels 65¢ ',;;¢xuotuuon. ‘ .. benefit of Moran and Johnmn (at of cement will be used. into which ment, were charred in a suit filed 75c _for another term and forget all will one dollar and fifty emits twr sentv go about five million cubic here last Saturday with the misap- ‘ meoo l'onkllng Simmons.