GI Product List 2-22-21.Numbers

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GI Product List 2-22-21.Numbers Acalypha hispida Chenille Plant 3gal Acalypha hispida - Standard Chenille Standard 7gal Acalypha pendula Dwarf Chenille 1gal Acalypha wilkesiana - Assorted Cultivars: 'Java White', 'Macrophylla', 'Godseffiana', 'Inferno Copperleaf 3gal Acalypha wilkesiana - Assorted Cultivars Copperleaf 7gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Godseffiana' Copperleaf 7gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Godseffiana' - Patio Tree Copperleaf Patio Tree 15gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Inferno' Copperleaf 3gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Inferno' - Patio Tree Copperleaf Patio Tree 15gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Java White' Copperleaf 7gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Macrophylla' Copperleaf 7gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Tiki™ Island Sunrise' ' Copperleaf 3gal Acalypha wilkesiana 'Tricolor' Copperleaf 7gal Adenium obesum - Hybrids & Novelties, Assorted Desert Rose 2gal Adenium obesum - Hybrids & Novelties, Assorted Desert Rose 3gal Adonidia merrillii (Syn. Veitchia merrillii) Christmas Palm 25gal Afrocarpus gracilior Weeping Podocarpus 25gal Afrocarpus gracilior - Espalier Weeping Podocarpus Espalier 15gal Agave americana x scabra 'Gainesville Blue' Blue Agave 3gal Agave americana x scabra 'Gainesville Blue' Blue Agave 7gal Agave angustifolia variegated Variegated Caribbean Agave 3gal Agave angustifolia variegated Variegated Caribbean Agave 7gal Agave attenuata Spineless Agave 3gal Agave attenuata Spineless Agave 7gal Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light' Albo-Marginated Agave 3gal Agave bracteosa Spider Agave 3gal Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor' Four Color Agave 3gal Agave ovatifolia 'Vanzie Whale's Tongue Agave 3gal Agave potatorum 'Ouhi-Raijin Variegata' Variegated Agave Potatorum 1gal Aglaia odorata Chinese Perfume Plant 15gal Allamanda hendersonii Golden Trumpet Allamanda 3gal Allamanda hendersonii 'Dwarf' Dwarf Allamanda 3gal Allamanda schottii Bush Allamanda 3gal Alocasia macrorrhiza 'Black Stem' Black Stem Alocasia 25gal Alocasia 'Portora' Portora Alocasia 15gal Alocasia 'Sumo' Sumo Alocasia 3gal Alocasia 'Sumo' Sumo Alocasia 15gal Alocasia tigrina Tigrina Alocasia 1gal Aloe arborescens Tree Aloe 3gal Aloe arborescens Tree Aloe 7gal Aloe arborescens x ferox 'Tangerine' Tangerine Aloe 1gal Aloe arborescens x ferox 'Tangerine' Tangerine Aloe 3gal Aloe arborescens x ferox 'Tangerine' Tangerine Aloe 7gal Aloe bainesii (Syn. Aloidendron barberae) Tree Aloe 3gal Aloe barbadensis (Syn. Aloe vera) Medicinal Aloe 3gal Aloe conifera 'Twirl' Twirl Aloe 1gal Aloe conifera 'Twirl' Twirl Aloe 3gal Aloe 'Cynthia Giddy' Cynthia Giddy Aloe 3gal 1 Aloe 'Cynthia Giddy' Cynthia Giddy Aloe 7gal Aloe debrana (Syn. A. behrana) Debrana Aloe 3gal Aloe 'Delta Lights' Delta Lights Aloe 1gal Aloe deltoideana 'Sparkler' Sparkler Aloe 1gal Aloe dorotheae Sunset Aloe 1gal Aloe dorotheae 'Canary Yellow' Lemon Yellow Sunset Aloe 1gal Aloe harlana Harla Aloe 1gal Aloe 'Hercules' (Aloe barberae x A. dichotoma) Hercules Tree Aloe 3gal Aloe 'Hercules' (Aloe barberae x A. dichotoma) Hercules Tree Aloe 7gal Aloe humilis 'Hedgehog' Hedgehog Aloe 1gal Aloe rubroviolacea 'Violet' Arabian Aloe 3gal Aloe rubroviolacea 'Violet' Arabian Aloe 7gal Aloe 'Safari Orange' PP 28003 Safari Orange Aloe 1gal Aloe 'Safari Rose' PP 28,002 Safari Rose Aloe 1gal Aloe spinosissima Spider Aloe 3gal Aloe striata ssp. Karasburgensis Karasburg Coral Aloe 1gal Aloe striatula (Syn. Aloiampelos striatula) Coral Aloe 1gal Aloe striatula (Syn. Aloiampelos striatula) Coral Aloe 3gal Aloe vaotsanda x divaricata ‘Candy Corn’ Candy Corn Aloe 3gal Aloe 'Vinnie'TM Vinnie Aloe 1gal Aloysia virgata Sweet Almond Bush 3gal Alpinia henryi (Syn. A. hainanensis) Pink Perfection Ginger 7gal Alpinia purpurata Red Ginger 3gal Alpinia purpurata 'Purest White' (Syn. A. 'Anne Hironaka') White Ginger 3gal Alpinia purpurata 'Pink' Pink Ginger 3gal Alpinia zerumbet Shell Ginger 7gal Alpinia zerumbet Shell Ginger 15gal Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' Variegated Shell Ginger 3gal Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' Variegated Shell Ginger 7gal Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' Variegated Shell Ginger 15gal Alternanthera 'True Yellow' Joseph's Coat 1gal Ananas comosus 'Florida Special' Edible Pineapple 3gal Anthurium plowmanii Fruffles Anthurium 7gal Anthurium plowmanii 'Rancho Ruffles' Rancho Ruffles Anthurium 1gal Anthurium superbum Anthurium superbum 1gal Anthurium x hookeri - Specimens Birdnest Anthurium 25gal Aptenia cordifolia Baby Sun Rose 1gal Aptenia cordifolia (Yellow) Baby Sun Rose 1gal Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata' Variegated Baby Sun Rose 1gal Arachis repens Ground Peanut 1gal Aristolochia gigantea 5' x 2' Trellis Brazilian Dutchman's Pipe 7gal Aristolochia trilobata Dutchman's Pipe 3gal Aristolochia trilobata Dutchman's Pipe 7gal Asclepias curassavica, Asst. Tropical Milkweed 3gal Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyerii' Foxtail Fern 3gal Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyerii' Foxtail Fern 7gal Asparagus macowanii (Syn. A. retrofractus) Ming Fern 3gal Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron Plant 3gal Asplenium antiquum 'Victoria' Victoria Birdnest Fern 1gal 2 Asystasia gangetica Purple Ganges Primrose 3gal Asystasia gangetica 'Alba' White Ganges Primrose 3gal Asystasia gangetica - Lavender Lavender Ganges Primrose 3gal Asystasia gangetica 'You're So Vein' Variegated Ganges Primrose 1gal Asystasia gangetica 'You're So Vein' Variegated Ganges Primrose 3gal Augusta rivalis (Syn. Alibertia rivalis) Needle Flower 3gal Augusta rivalis (Syn. Alibertia rivalis) Needle Flower 7gal Barleria cristata Philippine Violet 3gal Barleria repens 'Pink Star' Pink Star Creeper 3gal Barleria repens 'Purple Prince' Purple Prince Creeper 3gal Bauhinia divaricata Butterfly Orchid Tree 25gal Bauhinia galpinii - 5' x 2' Trellis Red Orchid (Trellis Form) 15gal Bauhinia purpurea (Syn. Phanera purpurea ) Orchid Tree 15gal Bauhinia x blakeana Hong Kong Orchid (Sterile) 25gal Begonia 'Benigo' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Di-erna' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Frosty' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Lana' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Little Miss Mummey' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'My Special Angel' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia odorata Shrub Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Sinbad' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Torch' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Begonia 'Torch Pink' Angel Wing Begonia 3gal Bolusanthus speciosus African Tree Wisteria 15gal You can now purchase Bullis Bromeliads through us, at their list price. 2 day advanced notice required. Bromeliad: Aechmea blanchettiana 'Raspberry' Bromeliad 3gal Bromeliad: Guzmania, Assorted Bromeliad 1gal Bromeliad: Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' Bromeliad 1gal Bromeliad: Portea petropolitana Bromeliad 3gal Brunfelsia americana Lady of the Night 7gal Brunfelsia grandiflora Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 3gal Brunfelsia grandiflora Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 7gal Brunfelsia lactea Lady of the Night 7gal Brunfelsia nitida Lady of the Night 7gal Brugmansia 'Adieu' Angel's Trumpet (White) 3gal Brugmansia 'Adieu' Angel's Trumpet (White) 7gal Angel's Trumpet (Gold- Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi' Orange) 3gal Angel's Trumpet (Gold- Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi' Orange) 7gal Brugmansia x insignis Angel's Trumpet (Pink) 3gal Brugmansia x insignis Angel's Trumpet (Pink) 7gal Bulnesia arborea Vera Wood 25gal Buxus japonica Japanese Boxwood 3gal Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Aurea' (Shrub) Golden Dwarf Poinciana 3gal Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Lemon Lace' (Shrub) Lemon Lace Dwarf Poinciana 3gal Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Lemon Lace' (Tree) Lemon Lace Dwarf Poinciana 7gal Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Rosea' (Shrub) Pink Dwarf Poinciana 3gal 3 Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Rosea' (Shrub) Pink Dwarf Poinciana 15gal Calathea have recently been reclassified as Goeppertia. Since most people still refer to them as Calathea, we have listed them under the old name. Calathea lancifolia Lance Leaf Calathea 1gal Calathea lancifolia Lance Leaf Calathea 3gal Calathea orbifolia Orbifolia Calathea 3gal Calathea ornata Ornate Calathea 3gal Calathea roseopicta 'Illustris' Rose Painted Calathea 3gal Calathea roseopicta 'Medalllion' Medallion Calathea 3gal Calathea rufibarba Velvet Calathea 3gal Calathea zebrina Zebra Calathea 3gal Calliandra haematocephala (Syn. C. inequilatera) Red Powderpuff Bush 7gal Calliandra haematocephala - 5' x 5' Espalier (Syn. C. inequilatera) Red Powderpuff Espalier 15gal Calliandra haematocephala - Standard (Syn. C. inequilatera) Red Powderpuff Standard 15gal Calliandra schultzeii 'Rose Cascade (Syn. Calliandra riparia 'Rose Cascade') Rose Cascade Powderpuff 3gal Rose Cascade Powderpuff Calliandra schultzeii 'Rose Cascade - 5' x 5' Espalier Espalier 15gal Calliandra surinamensis - 5' x 5' Espalier Pink Powderpuff Espalier 15gal Scarlet TorchTM Bottlebrush Callistemon 'Scarlet TorchTM' P.P. 23848 - Patio Tree Patio Tree 25gal Bottle Pop™ Neon Pink Callistemon viminalis 'Neon Pink' Bottlebrush 15gal Calophyllum brasiliense Brazilian Beautyleaf 15gal Calophyllum brasiliense Brazilian Beautyleaf 65gal Calotropis gigantea Giant Milkweed 3gal Camellia sasanqua 'Setsugekka' Christmas Camelia 3gal Campsis radicans Trumpet Vine 3gal Camptostemma grandiflora - 5' x 2' Trellis Red Jade Vine 7gal Cananga odorata Ylang Ylang 25gal Canna indica Edible Canna 3gal Carissa macrocarpa 'Emerald Blanket' Emerald Blanket Carissa 3gal Carmona microphylla Fukian Tea 3gal Carmona microphylla Fukian Tea 7gal Carmona microphylla - Globe Topiary Fukian Tea 15gal Carpobrotus acinaciformis Ice Plant 1gal Carpobrotus acinaciformis Ice Plant 3gal Cassia splendida 'Golden' Golden Wonder Senna 15gal Cassia splendida 'Golden' Golden Wonder Senna 25gal Ceiba pentandra Kapok Tree 25gal Ceiba speciosa Silk Floss Tree 25gal Chamaedorea cataractarum
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