0ncepts of embodied cognition have rather difficult CONFERENCE FEES / REGISTRATION : Evangelische Akademie relationships with different faith traditions. For ex- € 186,40 including accommodation, meals and fees. Students and doc - torators € 90. Costs of the sightseeing tour at the 23th September are ample, there has been a fruitful dialogue with Bud- C not included. Conference fees are to be paid in cash at check-in or trans - dhism going back at least 20 years. There has been no explicit ferred in advance to: Loccum dialogue with Judaism to date, but notions of embodied mind Kirchliche Verwaltungsstelle, account 6050 at Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft, routing no. 52060410 seem very congenial to Jewish thinking about personhood. SWIFT/BIC GENODEF1EK1 VERANSTALTUNGSPROGRAMM Christianity seems to have most to gain from an explicit dia - IBAN DE36520604100000006050. logue with embodied cognition, given its close ties to western We request that you register with philosophy, where the problem of the relationship of the body - headword: “ISSR-Conference Loccum 2012” - name to the mind has been a problem for centuries. - address - institution/organization KIRCHE | RELIGION Furthermore it has been important in work on sci-ence and re - - e-mail address (so we can confirm the registration) by mail, fax or e-mail to: ligion to find ways to harmonise the physicalism about human Evangelische Akademie Loccum nature assumed by con-temporary science with the desire in Petra Fleischer many faith traditions to emphasise that, for all the importan - Münchehäger Str. 6 Human Nature and 31547 Rehburg-Loccum, Germany ce of Embodiment, humans are more than their bodies. Theo - Fax +49-5766-81-101;
[email protected] Embodied Cognition ries o f ‘ embodied cognition’ have many attractions in this area.