With conviction that “to die is to live,” he prayed for 47 days on Mt. Jangan, and 3 years, 6 months, and 7 days on Mt. Jiri! When the sun set, he did nothing but pray; when the sun rose, he did nothing but read the Bible. Then, finally, a single ray of grace shone upon him!

Through the powerful illumination of the Holy Spirit and by the grace of God, the scenes in the Bible unfolded like a panorama before his eyes. These scenes were written down on large arrowroot leaves which were bound with a twig. They were later transcribed onto paper bought from a village under the mountain every few months. This is how The History of Redemption series began. “Conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay upon earth” (1 Pet 1:17)

Rev. Abraham Park’s Mt. Jiri prayer site Rev. Abraham Park’s original handwritten manuscripts

“This book is certainly not a theological or scholarly treatise. For the past 50 years, I have knelt repeatedly in prayer and read through the Bible hundreds of times. And the Holy Spirit provided His enlightenment, which enabled me to preach with grace at the pulpit. I merely organized those sermons into book form. ” -Excerpt from the author’s preface- The History of Redemption Series sold 450,000 cop- ies, an unprecedented feat for biblical research publi- cations. Furthermore, for the first time in the history of Korean Christianity, these books have been legally distributed in China with the official approval from the Chinese government. The books are also translated into Hebrew and published in Israel, the birthplace of Old Testament research. America’s prestigious Knox Theological Seminary commended the author for his theological and ministe- rial contributions and presented him with an honorary doctorate of divinity (October 21, 2012).

◀ The New Geneva Bible, which Dr. Luder G. Whitlock, Jr., former president of Knox Theological Seminary presented to Rev. Abraham Park

The Geneva Bible: The first English Bible to be translated from Hebrew and Greek texts and organized into chapters and verses by the reformers in the 1550s. Douglas Kelly, an American system- atic theologian, referenced The Histo- ry of Redemption series in the second volume of his Systematic Theology, on pages 102 and 104. Kelly praised the work as being “first-rate in schol- arship . . . . The Lord has granted [the author] great insight into His Word.”

More than 1,000 History of Redemption series semi- nars were held in over 200 cities across 45 different countries (among which were the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Ghana, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Canada, Nepal, and Thailand). Even today, seminars are being re- quested and held in great success. Through these seminars, even many non-Christians have experi- enced a change of heart and are continuing to study the Bible.

History of Redemption seminar held in the Crystal Cathedral, Los Angeles, with over 3,000 attendees (October 15, 2011). Book recommendations and reviews by prominent theologians

Renowned Old Testament scholar, Professor Emeritus of Regent College Dr. Bruce. K. Waltke

“I ask all churches and ministers to listen to Abraham Park!” “My hope for a time of crisis for the churches of the gospel is that they set Rev. Abraham Park’s ministerial philosophy and Pyungkang Cheil Church as their model.”(Aug. 8-12, 2013, Invitati onal Lecture at Pyungkang Cheil Presbyterian Church’s Summer Conference)

Professor Emeritus of Knox Theological Seminary Dr. Warren A. Gage

“Dr. Abraham Park’s life work in the History of Redemption series draws deeply from the wellsprings of his deep Reformed faith. There is no concept that so marks the reformed pastor more than his commitment to covenant theology. Dr. Park’s life and ministry demonstrate his thorough commitment to everything that is central and crucial to Reformed and confessional theology.”

The relentless enthusiasm during the History of Redemption Seminar in the US, Europe, Japan, and South East Asia. Book recommendations and reviews by prominent theologians

Former President of Knox Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary Dr. Luder Whitlock

“What really strikes me the most is his sensitivity to the will of God and God’s guidance. He doesn’t want to do anything unless he believes that is what God wants him to do. To me, that is great.”

Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary Dr. Douglas F. Kelly

“The Lord has granted Dr. Park great insight into His Word, after a lifetime of reading and consecration to Him. He sees beneath the surface; tie many truths together, and have—I believe—perceived the mind of the Lord, who inspired the Word. His writings will be instructive and edifying for generations to come. Praise His name for him!” The History of Redemption Series Book 1 The Genesis Genealogies God’s Administration in the History of Redemption

Adam, the very first figure of the Bi- ble, lived 930 years. He lived contem- poraneously with his 7th generation descendant, Enoch, for 308 years, and Enoch was transfigured without seeing death 57 years after Adam’s death (Gen 5:21-24). Adam lived contemporaneously with his 9th generation descendant, Lamech, for 56 years, passing on his faith. Lamech’s son, Noah, eventually became the central figure of the judg- ment by flood, revealing that Adam’s penitent faith had reached all the way to Noah (Gen 5:28-29).

Noah, who lived for 350 years after the flood (Gen 9:28), lived contemporaneously with his 11th generation descen- dant, Abraham, for 58 years. The first book in the series disproves the widely accepted claim that Noah took 120 years to build the ark. It clearly proves that Noah spent between 70 to 80 years at most to build the ark (Gen 5:32, 6:3, 18, 7:6, 10:1, 11:10).

Praise for the Author

“In a day when so many modern theologians cast doubt on the historicity of Adam, for example, it is refreshing to see a firm affirmation of historicity.” Dr. Frank A. James III, President of Biblical Theological Seminary The History of Redemption Series Book 2 The Covenant of the Torch A Forgotten Encounter in the History of the Exodus and Wilderness Journey The covenant of the torch in Genesis 15 is the covenant concerning the re- covery of Israel through the conquest of the land of Canaan. In the covenant of the torch, God promised to Abra- ham that “In the fourth generation, your descendants will return.” The promise of returning to Canaan in the fourth generation was fulfilled through the four generations of faith: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. However, Joseph was not ac- tually able to enter the land of Canaan; he died in Egypt (Gen 50:26). God’s mysterious and profound providence of redemption fulfilled the covenant nonetheless.

The book clearly presents the complex life of Jacob from a redemptive-historical perspective by dividing his life into seven stages passing through seventeen places. It also chronologically and geographically organizes a chart of the entire course of the exodus and the 42 campsites dur- ing the 40 years of the wilderness journey.

Praise for the Author

“By clearly organizing the Bible from the salvation and cov- enant perspective, Rev. Park has attempted something that has not been attempted during the two thousand years of the church’s history.” Dr. Andrew J. Tesia, President of the Research Institute of Reformed Theology The History of Redemption Series Book 3 The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant The First Fourteen Generations in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ Jesus’ genealogy is divided into three periods. The first period is four- teen generations from Abraham to David, the second is fourteen gener- ations from David to the deportation to Babylon, and the third is fourteen generations from the Babylonian ex- ile to the coming of Jesus Christ (Matt 1:17).

Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1 does not include every generation but instead omits many generations. The third book in the series focuses on the first period and explains that many generations were omitted between Ram and Amminadab (430 years in Egypt), and between Salmon and Boaz (300 years of the judges’ period). The book further enlightens the readers on the spiritual significance of the lives and chronicles of the twelve judges and the course of David’s flight from King Saul.

Praise for the Author

“We become enthralled with God in this presenta- tion as we are shown the power and love of God in fulfilling His ancient covenant promises to make a people for Himself and to restore His creation through the Messiah. Rev. Park is to be commended for pointing us first and foremost to ‘the One who is, the One who was, and the One who is com- ing’ (Rev 1:8).” Dr. Stephen Hague, Academic Dean of Faith Theological Seminary Requesting a “History of Redemption” Seminar

For more information about the series: www.abrahampark.com

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To register for lectures on the series: Lifelong Education center: Phone 82-2-2678-6464 www.diadeke.kr

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The Bible Conservative Center for the Movement of Redemptive History: Phone 82-2-2618-1217

The History of Redemption series is available on Amazon.com as well as many other bookstores near you.

The Center for the Movement of Redemptive History, a Non-Profit Organization The History of Redemption Series Book 4 The Mysterious and Profound Providence of God As Revealed in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ from the time of David to the Exile in Babylon

Four years after Solomon became king, the construction of Solomon’s temple began in the month of Ziv (2nd month in the religious calendar) and was finished in the 11th year of his reign, in the month of Bul (8th month in the religious calen- dar; 1 Kgs 6:37-38). Many interpreted this duration to be seven years and six months. However, when calculated according to the Tishri (7th month in the religious calendar)-cycle calendar used in the Bible (to reckon the regnal years), the duration, in reality, is six years and six months. This was revealed for the first time in 3,000 years through The History of Redemption series. In its discussion of the second period of Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1, the fourth book in the series reveals God’s redemp- tive administration concerning the omission of four kings: Aha- ziah, Athaliah, Joash, and Amaziah. The book also offers many informative charts and maps, including “The Regnal Chronology during the Era of the Divided Monarchy,” and “The 42 Genera- tions in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ at a Glance.”

Praise for the Author

“By focusing on the faith and failures of Israel’s kings, Dr. Park leads us to Jesus the Messiah so that we may know Him and be known by Him. . . . Indeed, our Lord has given this servant to the Church as a gifted pas- tor and teacher in order to bring us together in the faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ (Eph 4:11-13).” Dr. Robert C. Stallman, Professor of Bible and Hebrew, Northwest University The History of Redemption Series Book 5 The Promise of the Eternal Covenant God’s Profound Providence as Revealed in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ (The Postexilic Period)

The fifth book deals with the third pe- riod of the genealogy of Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew 1. Around the time of the deportation to Babylon, three kings (Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim and Zedekiah) were omitted from the genealogy. Fur- thermore, approximately five genera- tions between Zerubbabel and Abihud were omitted, as well as approximately seven generations between Abihud and Jesus Christ. The names of the individuals that were recorded in the genealogy before the coming of Jesus Christ serve as a lesson on how we should prepare for the coming of the Lord.

This book has systematically organized and presented a Bible- based timeline containing the course of the vast world history that unfolds through the histories of Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The book clearly reveals that the history of the world is tantamount to the history of redemption.

Praise for the Author

“Dr. Park has wisely discerned that the protoevan- gelium of Genesis 3:15 is the dynamic that drives the history of God’s redemption of His people. These genealo- gies are necessary to confirm the faith of the people of God in the authenticity of God’s Word, which Dr. Park has already so ably helped us to see throughout the many centuries of the biblical drama.” Dr. Warren Gage, Professor Emeritus of Knox Theological Seminary The History of Redemption Series Book 6 The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath The Genealogy of the High Priests in Light of God’s Administration in the History of Redemption

The sixth book covers the genealogy of the high priests. The history of the high priests begins in 1445 BC from the time of Aaron, continuing for over 77 genera- tions until the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. As individuals that came according to the order of Aaron—and without an oath, they were restricted in that they could not fully atone for the sins of mankind. However, because Jesus Christ is the eternal high priest of the covenantal oath who comes according to the order of Melchizedek, He is able to atone for mankind’s sins once and for all and save forever those who go through Him to draw near to God (Heb 7:11-28). For the first time ever, the genealogy of the 77 generations of high priests has been classified according to the temples they served in (29 generations), the time periods of service (19 generations), and their appointers (29 generations). Furthermore, the book clearly articulates the redemptive-histori- cal administration that is contained within the garments and du- ties of the high priest, and the 24 divisions—the system of temple service instituted by David (1 Chr 23-26).

Praise for the Author

“Rev. Abraham Park is a world class expert in the field of biblical genealogies. His theology is one that is wholly centered on a conservative, biblical theology. . . . He has a deep and broad knowledge of the Bible. . . . I feel ashamed at my personal ignorance of the Bible.” Dr. Son Seok-Tae, President Emeritus of Reformed Theological Seminary of Korea The History of Redemption Series Book 7 The Eternal Covenant for All Generations: The Ten Commandments In Light of God’s Administration in the History of Redemption

Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God . . . and your neighbor as your- self. On these two commandments de- pend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matt 22:36-40). “The whole Law and the Prophets” refers to the Old Testament, which revolves around the Ten Com- mandments, and the core of the Ten Commandments is “to love your God and your neighbors.”

This book offers an unparalleled systematic presentation of the Ten Commandments in light of redemptive history. Each com- mand is explained based on the original Hebrew text, revealing each redemptive-historical lesson therein. Readers find them- selves drawn to the story of Moses’ eight ascents of Mount Sinai to ratify a covenant with God and to receive and convey God’s Word to the people. Rev. Park’s seventh installment reveals the exact days and dates of Moses’ ascents and descents, as well as the redemptive-historical administration therein.

Praise for the Author

“The author has revealed the exact year, day, and date of Moses’ ascents and descents to and from Mount Sinai. This is a world class publication that is worthy of being designated as the quintessence of quality scholarship produced by the Korean church.” Dr. Kang Shin-Theke, Former Professor of Yale University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Translator of the Hebrew-Korean Old Testament, World renowned expert in Sumerian language The History of Redemption Series Book 8 The Fulfillment of the Covenant of the Torch: The Ten Plagues, the Exodus, and the Entry into Canaan In Light of God’s Administration in the History of Redemption

The eighth book is a continuation of the second book in The History of Redemp- tion series, and it explains the process of the fulfillment of the covenant of the torch. The book offers a survey of the land of Canaan and its ten tribes, along with a powerful message on the future outlook of the covenant of the torch. An improved version of the world’s first map of the exodus and the 42 campsites in the wilderness journey provides the reader with a detailed illustration of the events. For the first time in world history, the author systematically proves the historicity of the ten plagues that took place prior to the exodus by dating the beginning, progress, and end of each plague. He also elucidates the fulfilling process of the covenant of the torch by revealing the year, month, date, and even the day of the week of the exodus event. This book focuses on the “land” aspect of the covenant as it delves into an exploration of the wilderness journey and entry into Canaan.

Praise for the Author

“The clarity of the redemptive historical under- standing of the exodus is explicit throughout… the level of comprehension and meticulous research is truly aston- ishing. I can sense the indescribable joy and effervescence that Rev. Park feels being immersed in God’s covenant.” Dr. Na Yong Hwa, President Emeritus of Reformed Theological Seminary of Korea The History of Redemption Series Book 9 The Mystery of the Wondrous Glory: The Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant In Light of God’s Administration in the History of Redemption

God Himself is the architect of the tab- ernacle, which is known as “the gospel of the eyes,” because the entire tabernacle foreshadows Jesus Christ. The ninth book offers detailed illustrations of the tabernacle and all its furniture to ensure easy comprehension. It also includes the “General View of the Tabernacle,” which is accurately based on the Bible. The book explains the redemptive-historical significance of the three holy objects: the jar of manna, the two stone tablets of the covenant, and Aaron’s budded rod. Moreover, for the first time in world history, a detailed history of the migration of the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant has been arranged into diagrams and maps.

A picture book that contains all illustrations relating to the tabernacle (Descriptions available in biblical Hebrew, English, and Japanese)

Praise for the Author

“What a great feat it is for Korea that our elderly pastor has published such an enormous, unparal- leled work of its kind! It is truly an unprecedented scholarly achievement that garners the world’s recognition for the church of Korea.” Dr. Min Young Jin, Former Chairman of United Bible Societies, Asia-Pacific Council, Professor of Korea Baptist Theological University Author | Huisun (暉宣 – hui: “to shine brilliantly”; sun: “to show favor”) Rev. Abraham Park

• Born in Sariwon, Hwanghe-Do, Korea • B.A. in Corporate Management from Kookmin University • M.Div. from the Presbyterian General Assembly Theological Seminary • Honorary D. Min. from Lael College and Graduate School • Honorary D.D. from Faith Theological Seminary • Honorary D.D. from Knox Theological Seminary • Former Moderator of the Hap-dong Conservative General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea Rev. Abraham Park is an acclaimed world-class theolo- gian with remarkable pastoral spirituality. He had dedi- cated his entire life to prayer and the Scriptures, having read the Bible over 1,800 times. Throughout his lifetime ministry, he was a true pastor who loved the church and the congregation like his own children. His daily sched- ule consisted of two-hour prayers and three-hour Bible readings, as well as continual preaching and evangelizing. Rev. Park began his ministry in Dongmasan church in 1958 after his discharge from the military as a wounded veteran from gunshot wounds inflicted during the Ko- rean War. He then spent 47 days on Mt. Jang-An and three and a half years on Mt. Jiri, where he spent his days reading the Bible and his nights in prayer. Based on his understanding of the Bible through the illumination of the Holy Spirit during this time, he published nine books in The History of Redemption series from 2007 through to 2013, with the remaining three books in the series await- ing publication. For over five decades, Pyungkang Cheil Church, which was founded by Rev. Park, has been holding worship ser- vices every Thursday for the nation of Korea. In 2011, Rev. Park compiled his research and personal experiences throughout his life and published a four-part series en- titled The Modern and Contemporary History of Korea, do- nating and dispersing over a million copies nationwide. Rev. Park was highly commended by the religious com- munity in Korea as a “true pastor who was committed to the inerrancy of the Bible and conservative theology.” On December 17, 2014, he passed on from this world and returned to the bosom of God. Expounding biblical mysteries for the first time in history The History of Redemption Series by Rev. Abraham Park

To this day, a total of nine books of The History of Redemption series have been published and translated into eighteen different languages.

The Center for the Movement of Redemptive History, a Non-Profit Organization