TITLE I NEWSLETTER DEcEmbER 2020 VoL. 1 issuE 1 Welcome to our first issue of the Title Children like to get into the holiday I Newsletter. I am so sorry that this is spirit of giving presents. late, but working from home, I Unfortunately, most of them do not discovered that my home computer is have any money to purchase a “store lacking some of the programs needed bought” item. A gift coupon book of to create the newsletter, and I simply promises makes a great gift and best can not afford them. So, this one will of all, it doesn’t cost anything. look a bit different. Materials: We are all trying hard to provide your 8 ½ by 11 heavy paper or youngsters with the best education cardboard for the cover possible under these Covid 19 restrictions. We have also discovered 10 pieces of 8 ½ by 11 paper some absolutely fabulous parents, glue and a stapler If you have any questions, please contact me, Cookie Stewart at who have been helping us tirelessly in Method: educating the children.
[email protected] Cut the cover and paper into a large The first round of NWEA testing is Or call me at 508-398-1638 and oval. Have the child draw his or her please leave a message, because if I underway, and much to my surprise, face on the cover. my youngsters are just where they am teaching I do not answer my should be at this time in the year! Print the words “I promise” on a phone.