Australian Hualong Limited TENTH LEGION IRON ORE MINE Environmental Impact Statement DRAFT 1 FOR EPA REVIEW Existing Comstock site – view from north J O H N M I E D E C K E & P A R T N E R S P L • June 2 0 2 1 AHL Tenth Legion Iron Ore Mine Draft EIS For EPA Review 12 June 2021 Vs 1 John Miedecke and Partners Pty Ltd 41 Tasma St North Hobart Tasmania 7000 0418130672
[email protected] AHL TENTH LEGION IRON ORE MINE EIS – DRAFT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The Tenth Legion Iron Ore Mine (the mine or the Project) is located west of Zeehan in north-western Tasmania and is owned by Australian Hualong Limited (AHL) (Figure 1). AHL are completing a development application (DA) to the West Coast Council for a permit to operate the mine. FIGURE 1 LOCATION Project Description The proposed mining and processing operation is a simple one and similar in operation to a large quarry or other small/medium size iron ore mines in Tasmania. The Tenth Legion magnetite deposit is located approximately 2.5 km NW of the existing Comstock mine and processing plant site. It is a skarn iron ore deposit that is amenable to a small open pit mining, with other nearby deposits also possible for mining in the future. The project will involve two open pits to recover a direct shipping ore (DSO), oxide and fresh iron ore at a mining rate which will recover approximately 3.5 Mt of ore over a five year period producing about 3 Mt of product.