Assessment and Classification of Mat‐Su Fish Habitat—Stream Temperatures and Juvenile Fish Distribution Jeffrey C. Davis and Gay A. Davis P.O. Box 923, Talkeetna, AK 9967 (907) 733‐5432,
[email protected] July 2009 Acknowledgements Support for this project was provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the National Fish Habitat Initiative. Increased fish sampling frequency and location, and water quality sampling was possible with funding provided through the NOAA and the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Alaska Clean Water Actions Program provided partial funding for collection of temperature data at additional sampling locations. We would like to acknowledge the hard work and insight provided by Megan Cookingham, Nick Ettema and Christopher Love, who assisted in field data collection. Assessment and Classification of Mat‐Su Fish Habitat July 2009 Summary The objective of this project is the continued classification and assessment of fresh‐water streams within the Matanuska‐Susitna Borough (MSB). Assessment and classification is based upon differences in water temperatures, and the variability in habitat quality and fish use among classification types. The Science and Data Strategy within the NFHAP calls for the classification and assessment of the Nation’s fish habitat. The Framework for Assessing the Nation’s Fish Habitat, prepared by the National Fish Habitat Science Data Committee, has outlined criteria to be considered in this classification. One of the assessment variables is water temperature. Stream temperatures are an important fish habitat component, often exceed salmonids tolerance values, are variable within and among streams, and can be influenced by human activities.