Unconventional shallow AUTHORS George W. Shurr ϳ GeoShurr Resources, biogenic gas systems LLC, Rt. 1, Box 91A, Ellsworth, Minnesota, 56129;
[email protected] George W. Shurr and Jennie L. Ridgley George W. Shurr is an independent geologist and partner in GeoShurr Resources, LLC. He recently retired from a thirty-year career of university teaching and consulting. His B.A. ABSTRACT degree is from the University of South Dakota, Unconventional shallow biogenic gas falls into two distinct systems his M.S. degree is from Northwestern that have different attributes. Early-generation systems have blan- University, and his Ph.D. is from the University of Montana. His research interests include ketlike geometries, and gas generation begins soon after deposition shallow gas systems on basin margins, of reservoir and source rocks. Late-generation systems have ringlike lineament block tectonics, and Cretaceous geometries, and long time intervals separate deposition of reservoir stratigraphy in the northern Great Plains. and source rocks from gas generation. For both types of systems, the gas is dominantly methane and is associated with source rocks Jennie L. Ridgley ϳ U.S. Geological Survey, that are not thermally mature. Box 25046, MS 939, Denver, Colorado, Early-generation biogenic gas systems are typified by produc- 80225-0046;
[email protected] tion from low-permeability Cretaceous rocks in the northern Great Jennie Ridgley received her B.S. degree in Plains of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana. The main area of mathematics from Pennsylvania State production is on the southeastern margin of the Alberta basin and University and M.S. degree in geology from the northwestern margin of the Williston basin.