1 Editor’s Letter

Earlier this year in our June publication we decided to try a themed issue by focusing on Marshall Scholars in the military. The response to this issue was overwhelmingly posi- tive so we’ve decided to try again—this time focusing on Marshall scientists. Marshall Scholars have applied their diverse interests and skills in the sciences to make significant impacts in the lab, the halls of government and the private sector. We hope you enjoy our snapshot into this segment of the Marshall community and look forward to producing additional themed collections in future issues. Finally, after this issue Suzette Brooks Masters will be taking a much deserved break Nicholas Hartman from her role as the Profiles Editor. Suzette was a key member of the team responsible Managing Editor for launching the Marshall Alumni Newsletter and we’re very grateful for her extensive (Pennsylvania State, B.S. 2003; Dar- contributions over the last 4 years. win College, Cambridge, Ph.D. 2008) The newsletter team always welcomes your feedback and contributions. Please get in Nicholas is a director at the New York touch with us at [email protected]. City office of CKM Advisors and lives Nicholas T. Hartman, Managing Editor in Westchester.

Andrew Klaber,Klaber Editor-at-Large Contributors (Yale, B.A. 2004; Magdalen College, Oxford, M.Sc. 2005 & M.Sc. 2006; Harvard Law School Ushma Savla Neill,Neill & Harvard Business School, J.D./MBA 2010) He Deputy Editor is an investment professional at Paulson & Com- (Northwestern, B.S. 1996, M.S. 1996, Ph.D. 1999; pany in New York City. Andrew is the Secretary of Sherfield Postdoctoral Fellow, Imperial College 1999) the Board for the Association of Marshall Schol- After 11 years as a professional editor of biomedical ars and a member of the Executive Committee. research journals, Ushma is now the Director of the Alyssa Wechsler Office of the President of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Co-editor for Class Notes Cancer Center. (University of Wyoming, B.S. 2007; Linacre Col- lege, Oxford, M.Phil. 2010) Alyssa is currently Bryan Leach,Leach an Assistant Research Scientist at the Wyoming AMS News and Events Editor Survey & Analysis Center in Laramie, WY where (Harvard, B.A. 2000; M. Phil. Magdalen College, her research focus is on environment and public Oxford 2002; Yale, J.D. 2005) Bryan is the founder health evaluation and policy. and CEO of Ibotta (www.ibotta.com). Bryan is a Vice President of the Association of Marshall Scholars, John Thomas Nelson member of the AMS Board, and Chairman of the Co-editor for Class Notes Communications Committee. (Princeton, AB 2010; current Marshall Scholar at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies Suzette Brooks Masters,Masters at UCL) In London, he studies Russian and East Profiles Editor European history. Prior to taking up the Marshall (Amherst College, B.A. 1981; M.A. Kings College, Cam- , he was a Fulbright Scholar in Ekat- bridge 1983; Harvard, J.D. 1986) Suzette is a grant- erinburg and St. Petersburg, Russia. maker focusing on immigration issues at a foundation in New York City. Previously, Suzette practiced law for Teresa Lowen many years and worked with immigrants’ rights advo- Co-editor for Class Notes cates in the . (, B.A. 1993; School for Oriental and African Studies, M.A. 1995) Teresa combines Aroop Mukharji,Mukharji her love of analysis with her foreign language Special Features Editor capabilities while working for Science Applica- (, B.A. 2009; LSE, M.Sc.; Kings Col- tions International Corporation (SAIC) on gov- lege London, M.A.) Aroop recently finished his Mar- ernment contracts. shall tenure in August 2012, before which he was a Junior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for Inter- Timothy Krysiek,Krysiek national Peace. He now lives and works in Washing- Online News Editor ton, DC. (Mercyhurst University, B.A. 2005; St. Andrews, M.Litt. 2006; St. Antony’s College, Oxford, M.Sc. 2007) Tim currently lives in Oslo, Norway, where Newsletter design: Lara McCarron he works as CEO Advisor at Statoil. He is also a Cover image: Tischenko Irina student in the Cross-Continent MBA program at the Fuqua School of Business at .

2 News from the AMS By Bryan Leach (Oxford ‘00)

In mid-September, the British Embassy hosted its annual tea in honor of the departing class of Marshall Scholars. Brit- ish Ambassador Sir Peter Westmacott and Lady Westmacott hosted the event in their Ambassadorial residence. Hundreds of guests attended, including the newly-minted Marshalls, other current Marshall Scholars, and Marshall Scholar alum- ni. Ambassador Westmacott delivered remarks about the history and significance of the Marshall Scholarship. William J. Burns, 1978 Marshall Scholar and US Deputy Secretary of State, was the guest of honor and delivered an inspiring speech about his time as a Marshall Scholar and how his ex- perience in the has influenced his career. That evening, several Marshall Scholar alums hosted members of the Marshall Scholars’ Class of 2012 for din- ner at restaurants in the Washington DC area. As the date coincided with Rosh Hashanah, one Marshall Scholar alum hosted Jewish Marshall Scholars for a Rosh Hashanah din- ner at his home. Later in the week, the British Embassy hosted a workshop for the 2012 Marshall Scholars. The workshop was led by a The send-off program for 2012 Marshall Scholars included a combination of Embassy officials and Marshall Scholar alums visit to Congress and discussion with former Chairman of the and was divided into thematic groups, such as the creative House Budget Committee (Oxford ‘64). arts and science and technology. Afterwards, representatives from among the 2012 Marshall Scholars in each thematic group presented to the whole class of Marshall Scholars the 2002 Marshall Scholar Zachary Kaufman spoke to the group group’s conclusions and recommendations. about Marshall Scholars’ Public Service Projects. On the same day, British Embassy Counselor for Political A volunteer digital communications committee com- & Public Affairs James Kariuki spoke to the 2012 Marshall prised primarily of younger Marshalls is being recruited to Scholars about the importance of the Marshall Scholarship. create a more contemporary and robust digital presence for our association. Serving on this committee will involve work- ing to refine and improve the AMS’s online presence and developing strategies for leveraging the AMS’s social media channels more effectively. If you would like to serve on this important new committee, please write an email to admin@ marshallscholars.org, indicating your willingness to serve on the committee. To attract interest among highly credentialed Marshalls, the AMS will consider this an exclusive committee to which only the best of the best need apply. Under the leadership of AMS President Bob Gray, the As- sociation has begun to explore the notion of raising a U.S.- based, alumni-driven scholarship endowment, as a small financial supplement to the Parliamentary grant-in-aid, as part of a transatlantic public/private UK/US partnership, and have convened two face-to-face meetings in 2012 with key potential donors to advance this proposal. As of this writing, firm funding commitments are not in hand, but it is The 2012 Marshall Scholars at the British Ambassador’s Residence hoped that a supplemental fund can be formally established in Washington DC later this year or during the first quarter of 2013. As these ef- Photos: Carrie Dorean for the British Embassy in Washington forts continue to take shape, more news will follow. 3 WhenWhen aa MarshallMarshall GoesGoes ViralViral

By Ushma S. Neill (Imperial ’99)

Intrigued by the potential to have an impact on global health, Dan Barouch (Oxford ‘93) has produced an impressive set of data on the and virology of HIV-1 infection and is working on developing novel vaccine strategies.

So how does a small town boy end up as a world-class above all, the research that set him on his future course. scientist working on the frontier of HIV prevention and Barouch added, “the Marshall experience fundamentally treatment? Through a trifecta recognizable to many Mar- gave me two appreciations: first for living abroad and ex- shall alumni: tenacity, verve and diligence. ploring the world and second for my professional interest Barouch grew up in Potsdam, New York and then attend- in HIV research, on which my career has been based.” ed as a Barry Goldwater Scholar. It was After completing his Ph.D. at Oxford in just two years, there that his ever-growing fascination with the biomedical Barouch returned to the US to attend Harvard Medical sciences blossomed to include the pos- School and then finished his clinical sibility of utilizing science to improve training in Internal Medicine and In- global health. His undergraduate the- fectious Diseases at the Massachusetts sis, “The interaction between the major General Hospital (MGH), while finish- and minor coat proteins of polyomavi- ing a postdoctoral research fellowship rus” helped him to earn 2 of Harvard’s in the laboratory of HIV pioneer Nor- most prestigious prizes for undergrad- man Letvin. Harvard managed to retain uates in 1993, the Lawrence J. Hender- Barouch and he set up his own HIV re- son Prize and the Thomas T. Hoopes search lab there in 2002. Prize. It also garnered him the notice of the committee deciding on Marshall Part of the reason Harvard clamored Scholars for the Northeast region. “My for Barouch to stay was the innovative Marshall interview in was en- approach he took with Letvin in leading gaging, lively, and friendly. I had want- one of the most prominent AIDS vaccine ed to go to Oxford to work with Andrew trials in years. The trial involved im- McMichael, who was a luminary in bio- munizing eight monkeys (the standard medical research for contributions to for HIV research) with an experimental our understanding of influenza, HIV, vaccine. The monkeys that did not re- and cellular immunology.” ceive the vaccine quickly contracted SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus, a variation of the human His time in England was a contrast of old and new; he HIV virus) and died. Despite the fact that vaccinated mon- recalls the ancient traditions of St. Johns College at Oxford keys did become infected when exposed to SIV, the vac- alongside new friends in a new country coupled with the cine kept the virus in check for an extended period of time. cutting-edge research he did in McMichael’s lab. His fa- vorite recollections include Oxford teas, high table, rowing In one of the vaccinated monkeys, the SIV virus mu- crew, meeting fellow Marshalls in the pubs after work, and tated, allowing it to replicate unchecked by the monkey’s 4 Barouch wrote, “After a valiant, sev- eral year struggle with pancreatic can- cer, Norm passed away in May 2012. Norm was a great scientist, mentor, and friend to so many people.” Barouch has paid tribute to his other mentor recently as well, add- ing “I have gone back to Oxford ev- ery couple years as a visiting speak- er, and most recently in September 2012 to attend my Ph.D. advisor Andrew McMichael’s retirement celebration.” He was able to revisit those contrasting memories of his time as a Marshall during his trip by having tea and learning more about the cutting-edge research still being done on HIV at Oxford. The memories of his Marshall days are ever vivid in his mind, “I re- Barouch during his time at Oxford member my first tea at the British Ambassador’s residence in DC and I have remained close friends with immune system. The monkey’s entire viral population several fellow Marshalls.” changed to the mutated strain in less than six weeks; this However much he remembers those who taught him, was remarkable as it was one of the first clues about the Barouch has now turned his attention to being the leader amazing replicative capacity and mutability of the SIV/ and pioneer in HIV vaccines. His recent paper in Na- HIV virus. Armed with this knowledge, Barouch then set ture homed in on the critical ingredients of a protective out to improve vaccine strategies. HIV vaccine and identified new HIV vaccine candidates His current lab explores two novel vaccine delivery tech- to test in human clinical trials. His experimental vaccine nologies: vaccine vectors and adjuvants. Vectors are the regimens reduced monkeys’ likelihood of becoming in- delivery vehicles that transport the antigen (an offending fected by 80 to 83% compared to a placebo vaccine regi- protein that causes an antibody response) of interest into men. Further, in the monkeys that did become infected, human cells. Examples of vectors that the Barouch lab is the experimental vaccine regimens substantially re- investigating include vaccinia virus (the virus that is the duced the amount of virus in the blood. Barouch noted, vaccine for smallpox) and various forms of adenovirus (one “There’s more hope than ever before that an AIDS vac- of the common virus families that cause cold symptoms). cine might be possible.” Adjuvants are signaling molecules designed to increase and steer the response to the antigens—in essence a way to boost the immune system’s reaction to an offensive protein. Developing an effective vaccine against HIV could be called one of the biggest biomedical challenges of our time. Many feel that even a vaccine that is only partially effec- tive could reduce the number of infections worldwide and could improve clinical outcomes for those who become infected. To do this work well, collaboration is essential. Barouch adds, “My group is a key part of the Bill & Me- linda Gates Foundation Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery, the NIH Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immu- nology and Immunogen Design, and the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard.” Beyond cooperating with an international set of collabo- rators, Barouch was recently tapped to succeed his men- tor Norm Letvin as Director of the Center for Virology and Barouch and Andrew McMichael Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. 5 Finding a Deeper Sense of Mission

By Suzette Brooks Masters (Cambridge ‘81)

Inspired by extensive world travel and a sense of purpose rooted in personal tragedy, Craig Basson (Oxford, ‘82) has committed himself to improving global health outcomes.

Craig Basson (Oxford ‘82) grew up on Long Island, New At Washington University, he pursued a Masters in York, in a home bursting with intellectual and cultural Biology to “decipher the mysteries of myocardial ener- stimulation. Extensive and ambitious foreign travel was getics and ischemia.” a key part of Basson’s upbringing and a major summer The Marshall Scholarship was of great interest to Bas- pastime. In fact, Basson’s budding interest in science and son given his love of science and travel. He was drawn medicine was sharpened by memorable experiences in ex- to the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford, otic venues on some of these family holidays. where the first antibiotics and the methods to fuse cells “I vividly remember climbing hills in Kathmandu together to make monoclonal antibodies were devised. He stunned to see impoverished victims of leprosy crouching had been advised that studying with Dr. Eric Sidebottom on the side of the road and extending maimed hands, and there would provide superb training in cell biology. my parents reinforcing our recognition of what fortunate The Marshall interview process in Chicago was a blur but lives we lived to have access to modern medicine. I want- Basson recalls fondly “answering the ed to be part of that.” phone in my small broken down apart- Basson was admitted to Washing- ment in St. Louis one morning and ton University’s Scholars Program hearing a crisp British accent from the in Medicine, which guaranteed his Marshall Commission congratulating admission to medical school. This me on securing the scholarship.” took some academic pressure off Basson thrived at Oxford’s Lincoln and enabled Basson to pursue more College, enjoying his academic rou- diverse interests at college. He was tines and frequent travel throughout a double Biology and French ma- Europe and the Middle East with Ox- jor, writing his honors thesis on at- ford friends. “Daily, I would cycle to titudes toward physicians in 17th the Dunn School with a stop to play and 18th century French literature. squash with friends a few times a He also was the editor in chief of week on the way back. While many the University’s quarterly journal of of my friends were fellow expats, the arts and literature, and he included most durable friendships were with in this journal essays on euthanasia many of my British colleagues whom and medical access. But these more I still remain close to.” He recently literary pursuits didn’t detract from attended a Lincoln College reunion his love of medicine. event in Boston. “Daily, I trekked to the medical school campus to pur- After receiving an MSc in Physiological Sciences from sue biomedical research. One summer, I had the oppor- Oxford, Basson returned to the United States in 1984 to tunity to investigate how tumors spread when I trained pursue MD/PhD training at Yale, a medical residency at in a student research program at MD Anderson Hospital Johns Hopkins, and cardiology and genetics fellowships in Houston.” at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard. Basson

6 Basson and his children on London’s Westminster Bridge

He was proud to be having a high impact on a small circle of patients but realized that he wanted the im- pact to affect a broader population. At Cornell, his laboratory’s accomplish- ments involved discovering the cause of several inherited heart diseases and providing new molecular genetic diagnostic techniques for those suf- fering from these diseases. Now it was time to have a more immediate therapeutic impact on a larger group of individuals. During this period of self-reflec- tion, Novartis approached Basson in notes that at each of those institutions there was always an late 2009 to consider a move to industry. He recalls having Oxford connection — a fellow trainee, a faculty colleague, been asked many times to look at positions in industry but and even sometimes a patient. When he moved on to fac- had never been tempted – until then. ulty cardiology and academic leadership positions at Har- vard and then for many years at Cornell, his Marshall expe- Basson saw the Novartis position as unique. The Novartis rience at Oxford positively influenced his research efforts. Institutes for Biomedical Research (NIBR) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, were founded ten years ago. Novartis’ re- “My Oxford training taught me how to build an inde- search and development program, it was created with a mis- pendent laboratory program by starting from scratch with sion to innovate while developing new medicines to meet equipment, reagents, and strategies fabricated by my own unmet medical needs around the world. Basson was hooked. hands and mind.” “I was attracted to the opportunity for immediate and In the midst of all these professional adventures, Bas- wide impact on large numbers of individuals globally, and son married a wonderful loving woman who was also a to a culture that celebrates improving the lives of patients brilliant physician. They had three children together. and eradicating illness without being limited by the com- Unfortunately, she succumbed mercial interests that affect other to cancer several years ago. pharmaceutical organizations.” “My wife taught me about So in 2010, Basson left his ten- work-life balance as she re- ured professorship and endowed markably balanced her love chair at Cornell to become Global of being a mother with an un- Head for Cardiovascular Trans- stinting commitment to her lational Medicine at Novartis. At patients. Sadly, I learned how NIBR, Basson works with Novar- hard life is on the other end of tis teams to invent and test new a stethoscope when I lost her drugs for all forms of heart disease to pancreatic cancer. My three including atherosclerosis, heart children remain the jewels in failure, hypertension, heart ar- our crown and motivate me to rhythmias, and genetic disorders redouble my efforts to tackle of the heart and blood vessels. human illness.” “Every day I am privileged to Later, Basson began to think be able to come to work and find more deeply about his role in opportunities to advance our the medical field and to reflect basic science research efforts on the impact he was having on into the clinic as we develop patients and the health of the Basson during his tenure in the UK as a new medicines to help so many public more broadly. Marshall Scholar people worldwide.”

7 Meet Current Marshall Scientists

Nicolas Altemose (Oxford ’11) it’s so critical for fertility, work that will hopefully culmi- Duke University; From Temecula, CA nate in a first-author publication. Which degree are you pursuing How has it been working in the UK? on the scholarship? In general, the British system of scientific training takes I’m reading for an MSc by Re- a much more hands-off approach to mentoring gradu- search in Statistics (Bioinformat- ate students, requiring a greater degree of independence ics) at Oxford. and allowing for more self-determination and control on the part of the student. The facilities I’ve worked in are What is your research about? state of the art and very efficient, promoting collaboration while centralizing critical shared resources. While in Oxford, I’ve been study- ing one of the most rapidly evolv- Has the direction of your work evolved as a result of ing genes in the human genome working here rather than in the US? (PRDM9) — a gene that plays This past year, I’ve been able to step back and ponder a lot a critical role in fertility and the of big questions in genetics and biology, often during long evolution of new species. My discussions with my supervisor. I’ve come to realize that I work aims to discover how the protein produced by this might have a bigger impact in the field by developing new gene performs its function at a molecular level, a process tools for studying molecular biology. I’m now contemplating that remains poorly understood. To reveal how this protein a switch from basic biology to bioengineering—moving out interacts with DNA in the human genome, I spent time in of purely descriptive work and into more generative work, the lab producing it in human cells grown under controlled which often involves and enables further basic research. conditions. Then, using high-throughput DNA sequencing technology, I isolated and sequenced the fragments of DNA Where do you plan to be next year? to which this protein binds in these cells. I am now poring I’m deciding now whether to extend my research degree through nearly 50 Gigabytes of DNA sequence data using to earn a DPhil here in Oxford or whether to return to the computational and statistical techniques to uncover the US for a Ph.D. The decision largely hinges on whether I’d rules governing where this protein binds and what effects like to switch fields into bioengineering. If I decide to stay it has on nearby genes and regulatory proteins. We hope to in genomics I will most likely stay at Oxford, which would shed light on why this protein evolves so rapidly and why accelerate my progress toward an academic career.

Alessondra Speidel (Imperial ‘11) My current project has Duke University; From Syracuse, NY expanded on this experi- ence to incorporate my Which degree are you pursuing on the scholarship? interest in medicine and I’m reading for a Ph.D. at the National Heart and Lung my fascination with the Institute and Department of Materials at Imperial Col- regenerative potential of lege London. stem cells. At Imperial I am developing a novel Is your current research related to your work as an under- injection of biomateri- graduate? als and cardiac progeni- Yes, I graduated with a degree in Biomedical Engineering tor cells to regenerate from Duke, where I looked at how the surface patterns of cer- dead heart muscle after tain materials can affect certain cellular processes. a heart attack.

8 Meet Current Marshall Scientists By John Nelson (UCL ‘11)

Joshua Lupton (Cambridge ‘11) neuron dendrites in the central nervous system and found ; From Joseph, Oregon that these neurons have dendrites that are organized in spe- cific, stereotyped regions in Drosophila. What was your degree course in the first year of the Studying the proteins that control the proper growth of scholarship? these dendrites during development is a critical step on the path to inducing the regrowth of neurons after injury or dis- Last year I read for the MPhil ease in humans. in Biological Sciences at Cambridge. How has it been working in the UK? What kind of research were I worked in Dr. Matthias Landgraf’s lab within the Neural you doing? Was it similar to Network Development Group in Cambridge’s Zoology De- your undergraduate work? partment. I found working with British scientists not too different from working with those in the US, although there At University of Oregon I seems to be a greater degree of collaboration between UK and worked in a Drosophila (fruit European research laboratories. My facilities at Cambridge fly) laboratory examining the were quite unique. There are few places in the world where development of neural stem cutting edge biomedical research is conducted in buildings cells in embryos. My work several hundred years old. Although this made modern-day at Cambridge was in a simi- research a bit of a challenge at times, the history of research lar field, that of Drosophila in the building made it a fantastic place to work. neural development. This continuity allowed me to hit the ground running. At Cambridge, I explored proteins effecting While I still plan to go into medicine, the experience of a year the development of neurons in the central nervous system of in a basic science laboratory in the UK has given me a great Drosophila larvae. In flies, as in humans, neurons transmit appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into information throughout the body through dendrites, which basic science research. My colleagues work day in and day out receive input, and axons, which transmit this input to anoth- to advance their fields, all the while aware that basic science er cell or tissue. For our nervous systems to function these discoveries only rarely receive the appreciation they deserve. neural circuits must connect properly during development. What are you doing now and next year? In the case of muscles, motoneurons receive inputs from the central nervous system via dendrites and transmit this signal I’ve just begun an MSc in Public Health at the London School to the muscles via axons, causing movement. I examined the of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and next year I’ll be start- anatomy and development of the segmental nerve-a moto- ing medical school at the Johns Hopkins University.

How have you enjoyed studying in the UK? What are your ideas for the future?

It has been really interesting doing science here. The most Originally my plan was two spend two years doing research surprising differences I have encountered are in the sig- here in the UK and then return to the States for an MD/ nificant number of cautionary measures and the amount of Ph.D. Medical school isn’t completely out of the picture, training necessary in order to perform animal research. This but my experience here has deepened my interest in try- degree of caution may be partially attributable to a more ing out a job in the biomedical engineering industry first. militant animal rights lobby than exists in the US. This dif- That’s why I applied to do the Ph.D. at Imperial. ficulty notwithstanding, my project has been a collaborative I take it you’ve enjoyed London then, if you’re staying on? effort between one of the leading tissue engineering labs (Professor Molly Stevens) and one of the leading stem cell Oh yes, definitely. I have fallen in love with the energy of the biology labs (Professor Michael Schneider). It is a unique city and its diversity. I’d love to live here after my tenure on opportunity afforded by the facilities available at Imperial. the Marshall is over!

9 MarshallMarshall ScientistsScientists By the Numbers 74

Advanced Computer Studies Anesthetics 23 Astrophysics Bioengineering

and Mathematics Biological Sciences Engineering Science, Cognitive and Decision Sciences Control of Infectious Diseases Engineering for Sustainable Development Epidemiology Examination of Protein Misfolding and Amyloid Formation Experimental Psychology Inclusive Design 51 Infectious Disease Epidemiology Metabolic Markers of Stem Cell Differentiation Nanotechnology

Arts and Social Sciences Neuroscience Organic Chemistry Pharmacology Skeletal and Dental Bioarchaeology

All Marshall Scholars in Data from 58th Annual Report of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission 2010/11 Academic Year

27 million Acres preserved by the National Landscape Conservation System created during ’s (Newcastle ’60; M.S. in Geophysics) tenure as Secretary of the Interior 2008 Year that Roger Tsien (Cambridge ’72; Ph.D. in Physiology) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery and development of green fluorescent protein 13–14 Length in meters of Carcharodontosaurus Iguidensis, the new dinosaur species discovered by Stephen Brusatte (Bristol ’06; M.Sc. in Palaeobiology) after examining fossils from Africa 2 Times that Douglas Melton (Cambridge ’75; Ph.D. in Molecular Biology) has appeared in Time’s list of the “100 Most Influential People in the World” for his leadership in stem cell research At least 1… Marshall scientist probably appearing in the credits of your favorite movie thanks to Ray Dolby (Cambridge ’57; Ph.D. in Physics) and the audio technologies from Dolby Laboratories 10 Baby Steps

By Aroop Mukharji (LSE and KCL ’10)

Since finishing up their stints in the UK earlier this year, the 2010 batch of Marshall Scholars have mostly kept themselves busy. By my count, 12 are gainfully employed, 19 are pursuing further education, 2 are MIA, and 2 are happily contributing to the unemployment rate. The following is a small sample of our first steps as Marshall returnees.

Carrie Barnett (SOAS ’10)

Barnett finished up her M.Sc. in Middle East Politics at SOAS while starting her new position as a research fellow in the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a think tank in Washington, DC. Aside from being a good way to integrate back into the policy scene in Wash- ington, working at CSIS has given Barnett the opportunity to continue to focus on the ongoing political transitions in the Middle East. Collaboration with her boss, Dr. Jon Alterman, has expanded her expertise to US relations with the Gulf, and Carrie hopes to make her first excursion to Saudi Arabia sometime early next year. The highlight of her brief time at CSIS so far has most certainly been Friday, October 12, when the Secretary of State gave a widely commented-upon key- note address at a conference Barnett’s program organized on the political transitions in North Africa. While she is still making decisions about what she hopes to do in the long run — a Ph.D., government service, or something else entirely — Barnett feels lucky to have landed somewhere she can continue to learn and grow while exploring her options and getting used to being back in the United States after 3 years abroad.

11 Michael Wilkerson (Oxford ’10)

Never one for placid quiet, Wilkerson’s Marshall studies ended with a bang. The day before leaving the UK, he re- ceived the Vice-Chancellor’s civic award at Oxford (one of six University-wide) and had the opportunity to meet Burmese opposition leader Aung Sun Suu Kyi at the cer- emony. He was blown away by her poise and optimism. Wilkerson received the award for his work as a journalist, democracy activist, and social entrepreneur in Uganda. His business, Own Your Own Boda, (www.oyob.com) empowers motorcycle taxi (boda boda) drivers in Uganda by providing a path for drivers to own their own motor- cycle in 18 months instead of renting with no end in sight. Ownership more than doubles income, and OYOB’s cli- ents have gone on to invest their savings in new houses, new businesses and better schools for their children. After finishing at Oxford, Wilkerson attended the Un- reasonable Institute, an intense 6-week incubator in Boulder, Colorado for for-profit social entrepreneurs. He spent the rest of the summer raising new investment (he’s still looking!) and moved back to Uganda full-time in late October to expand the business. He invites all Mar- shall community members to come visit. He promises free boda boda rides, and great rafting on the Nile.

Jess Lanney (LSE ’10)

Lanney spent her last month as a Marshall Scholar in London cheer- ing wildly for Team USA and Team GB during the Olympics and — when not at Wembley, Horse Guards Parade or Stratford — writing her second dissertation. Lanney is an affordable housing specialist who spent her time on the Marshall studying social policy and urban and regional planning at LSE. Her most recent dissertation focused on the inclusion of affordable housing in transit-oriented develop- ment in the US, using a planned light-rail extension in the Boston area as a case study. Only a few days after flying back from London and completing her dissertation, Lanney started a job at the Boston-based Bridgespan Group, a non-profit organization that provides advising and re- sources to the social sector. As an associate consultant, she works with the leaders of mission-driven organizations to address the strategic, managerial and organizational questions they face. Her projects so far have focused on improving the services of large youth development organizations and enhancing philanthropic effective- ness. Lanney is excited to have the opportunity to serve some of America’s most important and impactful non-profit organizations and to transition from learning about societal change to actively changing society. One of Lanney’s chief goals is to promote Bridgespan’s efforts in affordable housing and community development. Although she longs for the London underground, Lanney commutes using the same train line upon which her dissertation focused. She also runs road races and is starting a Boston chapter of the Architects of Vic- tory, the 2011-2012 London Marshall Scholars’ three-peat championship dodgeball team.

12 Andrew Ehrich (LSE ’10)

This period of inevitable London withdrawal has seen Ehrich start a job with Palantir Technologies, a Califor- nia-based company that helps organizations public and private to make sense of all the data that they have at their disposal. In its eight years of existence, Palantir’s software has helped solve some big problems—from aiding the US military detect land mines in Afghanistan to helping fi- nancial institutions root out credit card fraud. Ehrich is on a team working on internal operations, helping the company grow so it can attack even big- ger challenges. Although Palantir is based in Palo Alto, Ehrich is working from the New York office—and very much hoping that he’ll get a chance to visit the recent- ly-opened London office in the near future. In his spare time, he’s been busy regaling all of his friends with stories of London 2012 and celebrating the wedding of one of his Marshall cohort in Florida (Steve Robinette Imperial ’10, see photo on the back cover). Ehrich misses London’s parks, pubs, tube, and greenery, and Tottenham Hotspur — fantastic memories from a bittersweet end to two years in the UK.

Bill Dougherty (Royal College of Music ’10)

Following two years at the Royal College of Music in London, where he earned his Master’s degree in music composition, Dougherty has been working as a freelance composer, writing works for a num- ber of ensembles and soloists around the world. Currently he is focusing on a violin concerto com- missioned by the Aldworth Philharmonic Orches- tra in Reading, England as part of their 2012 Young Composer’s Award. Dougherty has a number of upcoming concerts in London including the world premier of his work, Hard Bop by one of London’s most renowned new music ensembles Lontano — one founded by Cu- ban-American composer, conductor, and fellow Marshall Scholar, Odaline de la Martinez (Royal Academy of Music ’72). In addition to composing, Dougherty is pursuing further postgraduate studies at the Basel Musik Akademie in Switzerland where he is work- ing under the guidance of the leading Austrian composer, Georg Friedrich Haas. While in Switzerland Dougherty is also carrying out research on the underperformed yet revolutionary Romanian composer, Horatiu Radulescu, working to create the first definitive database of his radical performance techniques while arranging a concert and symposium on his works in Basel. After returning to the US in a year, Dougherty plans to pursue doctoral studies in music composition while con- tinuing to seek out performances both in Europe and at home. He aspires to teach music at the university level, continue his research into the works of Horatiu Radulescu, and like fellow Marshall Scholar, Odaline de la Marti- nez, found a new music ensemble which promotes the performance of living composers.

13 GivingGiving BackBack The Class of 2011 Service Project

By Jing Luo (LSE ‘11) and Ariel Eckblad (Oxford ‘11)

In this first installment of a two part series, 2011 scholars Jing Luo and Ariel Eckblad introduce the class of 2011’s service project in partnership with the Castlehaven Community Association. A future issue of the Marshall Alumni Newsletter will follow- up with a perspective on the project’s impact in the communities it seeks to serve.

Apparently, a lot can happen over pancakes. Repre- and varied skill set of each scholar. We wanted to es- sentatives from the class of 2011 first met over a home- tablish a long-term project that would allow scholars made brunch of scrambled eggs, bacon, and fork- to interact consistently with a group of individuals breaking pancakes to brainstorm. Initially, we had and build lasting ties. And perhaps most importantly, difficulty identifying a project, as we each had diverse we wanted to foster the “continuation and growth” strengths and varied experiences. Nonetheless, we left of cultural “understanding” as charged by General that morning with some rough criteria, potential con- George C. Marshall in his 1954 letter to the first class tacts, and eager spirits. All of which eventually evolved of Marshall Scholars. into our 2011 service project. While scholars have, no After a series of late night discussions and pub de- doubt, engaged in service since the inception of the bates we found a project for our class that incorporated Marshall scholarship, 2001 marked the birth of the all of these criteria – working with London’s under- annual class project. Class projects, as the name sug- served youth through the creation and presentation of gest, are collective efforts which typically focus on lo- after school educational modules. As academic schol- cal UK communities. However, there are projects with ars passionate about our respective fields, we knew that broader ambits that endeavor to engage in overseas we could best use our talents by enhancing the educa- development activity and UK-US cultural understand- tion of others. After contacting what felt like count- ing. Past projects have included – “Marshall Schol- less organizations and jumping through innumerable ars for the Kigali Public Library” (Class of 2002), “The bureaucratic hurdles, we identified a partner orga- Millat School Development Fund” (Class of 2004), and nization in the Castlehaven Community Association. “Americans for Informed Democracy” (Class of 2001). We are proud to announce that the project is now un- As a cohort of scholars, we wanted to give back to derway. The Castlehaven Community Association is a the community, in which we were becoming increas- community charity, associated with London’s Camden ingly invested. We wanted to best utilize the unique Borough that provides classes, activities, and facilities

14 for all ages. The 2011 Marshall cohort will be working We would like to thank the AMS for its support, with- specifically with their student population, ages 13-19. out which this project would not be possible. The Mar- For the project, groups of scholars create a series of shall Class of 2011 eagerly welcomes the participation modules (each 60-90 minutes) with which to supple- of all current scholars and alumni in the UK. We hope, ment standard public education. Each module has at that given the positive feedback from the scholars, Cas- least one interactive component, whether it is a hands- tlehaven staff, and students, the project will continue on science demonstration or a game/simulation to bet- into future years and with future classes of scholars. No ter illustrate the topics conveyed. doubt George C. Marshall would be proud.

The current project modules and their Class of 2011 sponsors are:

Art and Science: Breathe Sasha Engelmann (Oxford ‘11) Participants will explore the art exhibit Breathe by Dryden Goodwin (in collaboration with scientist Frank Kelly) as experienced in the urban space. Students will discuss the work with the artist (Goodwin) and curator (Alice Sharpe). The goal is to investigate the intersection of art and science, art and the city, and the notion of the invisible. Students will be invited to record their impressions of the work digitally.

What’s your carbon footprint? Josie Chambers (Cambridge ‘11) This module will begin with a presentation on the causes and effects of climate change. Students will calculate how much carbon dioxide they add to the atmosphere every single year through their daily activities, and how many planets we would need if everyone in the world lived the same way. A discussion will follow about the inequality of resource use and distribution around the world, and how climate change may affect different areas of the world in varying ways. Students will develop possible solutions to problems caused by climate change through interactive discussions over a few case studies.

When does 10 = two? How to think like a computer Jessie Muir (Cambridge ‘11) We use computers every day: They let us send emails, look at pictures, buy things, perform calculations, and much more. At their most basic level, all of these tasks involve handling information stored in binary code. Through interactive demonstrations, this module will provide an introduction to binary numbers, exploring how computers are able to count, remember, and perform calculations using only ones and zeros.

Make a necklace with your own DNA! Nick Altemose (Oxford ‘11) Participants will learn about the structure and function of DNA, the blueprint of all living things, by isolating their own DNA from cheek swabs. Participants will then store their DNA in clear pendants that can be worn on a necklace, and they will also learn how to weave their necklaces into a double helix, the shape of DNA.

15 You, your health, and you! Shivani Jain (Cambridge ’11) and GJ Melendez-Torres (Oxford ‘11) This module will discuss what “health” is, and why public health is important. Starting with the building blocks of keeping healthy — regular exercise, the importance of balanced nutrition, and hand washing — this discus- sion will also engage larger questions of structural and social determinants of health. Participants will have the opportunity to ask health-related questions and to brainstorm their own strategies, including community- based approaches, to improving health.

When diseases attack: public health investigators on the loose! Shivani Jain (Cambridge ’11) and GJ Melendez-Torres (Oxford ‘11) If you have seen 28 Days Later and Outbreak, then you have seen sensationalized versions of what happens when infectious diseases spread through the population. The moderators will give a brief introduction and then an opportunity to be part of the team that fights a fictional disease outbreak. Using a simulation-based approach, this activity will invite participants to split into teams that work together to contain the outbreak.

Public Speaking: It is your space Kenzie Bok (Cambridge ’11) and Kristin Hall (LSE ‘11) This module will explore the art of public speaking and highlight the importance of intentional presence. This module will use interactive performance and creative writing to encourage young people to find their voice and use it without apologies. Using the recording studio at Castlehaven Community Centre, students will record their voice and broadcast it on local radio.

For more information on these projects or how you can help, please e-mail Ariel Eckblad ([email protected]) or Jing Luo ([email protected]).

Derek Kilmer (Oxford ‘96) Heading for Congress

1996 scholar Derek Kilmer will be sworn in this January to represent Washington’s 6th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Kilmer, a Democrat, secured 58% of the vote in this November’s general election. Kilmer first ran for public office in 2004, winning a seat in Washington State House of Representatives. He then quickly advanced onto the Washington State Senate in the 2006 election, where he will remain until his move to DC. As a Marshall Scholar Kilmer completed a DPhil in Comparative Social Research at Oxford.

16 Class Notes

1955 and the Martin A. Pomerantz Observa- tory are visible on the horizon. IceCube Robert Berdahl is supported by the U.S. National Sci- [email protected] ence Foundation, which operates the Tom Everhart and his wife Doris at- Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. tended the Kavli Prize ceremonies in IceCube is expected to operate for a Oslo, Norway in early September, and decade or more. After the construction then spent a week visiting friends in the work, it is extremely satisfying to partic- UK, London and Cambridge. He had a ipate in using the excellent data stream chance to tour the Newton Mathemati- from IceCube for science. There are cal Institute Library and the new Kavli already some significant results, and Institute building in Astronomy and As- much more is expected. trophysics at Cambridge, plus view an excellent display of artifacts from Chi- 1966 nese tombs at the Fitzwilliam Museum Diana Coogle in Cambridge. In addition Tom and [email protected] Doris witnessed the final day of the pa- ra-Olympics in London. Tom Gaisser Developing ethical guidelines on stem cell research has been the focus of Ber- Tom also attended the National Acad- nard Lo’s work over the past eight emy of Engineering meeting in Wash- ray events from the atmosphere above. years. He strongly believes that our so- ington, DC on September 30–October IceCube uses a large volume of clear ice ciety needs more thoughtful and civil 1. There was a very good panel discus- as the target. The detector consists of discussions of ethical issues raised by sion on innovations in engineering edu- 5160 optical modules viewing a cubic innovative scientific research. As an ex- cation on October 1. kilometer of ice more than a mile below ample, the Nobel Prize for Medicine in Beverly Griffin, currently at Imperial the surface. Each optical module con- 2012 was awarded for reprogramming College London, has been working on tains a photomultiplier to detect light mature specialized cells, such as skin Burkitt’s Lymphoma in Malawi and is produced when the neutrinos interact, cells, to form stem cells that have the ready to share a DVD about her experi- as well as a computer to digitize the ences there. It can be obtained by email- signals and a clock to time each event ing Beverly at [email protected] to an accuracy of 3 nanoseconds. Con- struction began with the first shipments 1962 of equipment in the Austral summer, November-February, 2003-04. After 7 Pamela Perrott construction seasons, the detector was [email protected] finished at the end of 2010. As a physics professor at the Univer- sity of Delaware, Tom Gaisser’s main research interest is particle astrophys- ics. For the past decade he has devoted most of his time to IceCube, an interna- tional collaboration to build and oper- ate a neutrino “telescope” at the South Pole. The main goal is to find neutrinos Bernard Lo from energetic sources in the universe such as accreting black holes or collaps- potential to develop into all other types ing massive stars. Tom took this photo in December 2008. of cells. These induced pluripotent stem Neutrinos are not easy to detect. As It shows the two towers used to make cells (iPSCs) can help scientists learn John Updike wrote, “The Earth is just the deep holes (by drilling with hot wa- how diseases such as Alzheimer’s dis- a silly ball to them, through which they ter under high pressure) and to deploy ease and Parkinson’s disease develop simply pass.” Fortunately, neutrinos do 2.5 km long cables, each with 60 opti- on a cellular and molecular level, de- occasionally interact so that their ener- cal modules attached. The more dis- velop new treatments, and test them in gies and directions can be measured. In tant tower is deploying modules in a these laboratory models. fact, IceCube uses the Earth as a filter previously drilled hole, while the tower Although iPSCs avoid the ethical con- to identify neutrinos as upward moving in the foreground is drilling the next troversies surrounding embryonic stem events in the huge background of cosmic hole. The South Pole Telescope (left) cells, they raise other ethical dilemmas. 17 Class Notes

member at Brandeis University for the commute to Eugene from her home in past 41 years. the mountains of Southern Oregon. She He’s done the usual academic troika – is loving the courses she is teaching: teaching (mostly chemistry, but also introduction to fiction fall term, 19th “Monsters and Messiahs” on portray- century British novels winter term, and als of scientists in film and drama), argumentative and research writing research (particularly in patterns, like winter and spring terms. chemical reactions that oscillate), and 1967 is looking for a Class Secretary. administration (department chair twice, Email your interest in serving your two years dean of arts and sciences, sev- class to [email protected]. en years provost). In addition to doing research he is se- 1969 nior advisor for research to the new William Lee provost, running the technology trans- [email protected] fer office until the hire of a new director. Six years ago he started Science Posse, a See page 19 for a spotlight update from program to recruit and retain students Carla Jo Shatz. from disadvantaged backgrounds in sci- ences. Each year the program trains 10 1976 Irving Epstein high-school seniors from inner city New Carol Lee York in team-building, leadership, and [email protected] They can be used in many types of re- academic skills, gives them a two-week, Don Ringe, who studied comparative search, some of which are highly sensi- on-campus, summer “boot camp,” and, philology at Oxford as a Marshall, re- tive. Moreover, these sensitive issues at Brandeis, provides them with grad turned to Oxford as a visiting scholar at may not have been addressed when do- student mentors and a variety of sup- Wolfson College in Trinity Term 2011. nors consented to iPSC research. For ex- port services. Their success has been He writes that his kids enjoyed “the wa- ample, some people who donate cells for remarkable — 100% graduation rate, ter birds and tadpoles in the punt har- unspecified “stem cell research,” a com- with 70% staying in the sciences, better bor, occasional punting, the snails in mon practice, would object to reproduc- than double the persistence rate of stu- the meadow behind the college, and bi- tive research if had they been asked. He dents of similar backgrounds who don’t cycling all over Oxford and up to Sum- argues that consent for unspecified stem go through Science Posse. President mertown almost every day.” His daugh- cell research should not include predict- Obama lauded the program this year as ter Emma is now 15 and daughter Lucy ably controversial future research. one of the few that really work. is now 9. His wife Beth keeps busy with In his work, Bernard Lo has had the Thinking of retirement, Epstein foresees oil painting, computer programming, pleasure of collaborating with scien- seeing his kids more, spending time at and math tutoring. This year Don, a lin- tists carrying out cutting-edge research, their home on Cape Cod, doing science, guistics professor at the University of public advocates, and policy makers. maybe writing a popular book, and play- Pennsylvania, received the Ira Abrams Earlier this year he retired from the ing more tennis (aging joints permit- Award for Distinguished Undergradu- University of California, where he had ting) — though, he says, “nothing will ate Teaching, the highest teaching hon- been a professor for over 30 years, to ever compare with playing for Balliol on or of the School of Arts and Sciences. take on a new position as President of grass courts, taking a break between sets He and a co-author have completed a the Greenwall Foundation. The Foun- for a pint in the pavilion (and being 21).” new introductory book in historical lin- dation’s mission is to the next genera- He’d love to reconnect with any Marshall guistics, which attempts to reintegrate tion of leaders in the field of bioethics classmates who come through Boston. the study of language change into lin- and to support bioethics research that Linn Hobbes is on the Board of the guistics as a whole. It is expected to ap- will improve patient care, biomedical Association of Marshall Scholars now. pear late in 2012 or early in 2013. research, and public policy. He has chaired the Presidential Com- 1978 Irving Epstein left Oxford after one mittee on Distinguished Fellowships at Bert Wells year — his kids call him “the Oxford MIT for the last decade, recruiting fu- [email protected] dropout” — with a Diploma in Advanced ture Marshall Scholars. Mathematics, returned to Harvard for a After graduating with a Ph.D. in English Jeffrey T. Leeds writes, “Following Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, and in 1971 last June, Diana Coogle is teaching at my time at New College, my academic took a postdoctoral fellowship at Cam- the University of Oregon as a post-doc- and professional paths were, for a time, bridge (England). He has been a faculty toral instructor, still making a weekly relatively straightforward, though huge-

18 Carla Jo Shatz, 1969 before the immune and nervous systems earned tenure. If you want to combine diverged. They have also been associat- your career and having a family, don’t I remember my Marshall years with ed with diseases such as schizophrenia wait that long. great pleasure. I loved London theater and bipolar disorder, a great example of and attended it the way some might fol- While I am disappointed not to have how basic science can lay the ground- low their favorite sports teams. Trips a biological family, it is wonderful to work for eventually understanding brain with fellow Marshalls — skiing in Swit- have an extended scientific family of disorders and improving people’s lives. zerland and visiting the Alhambra, for ex-students spread all over the world. I have found that science works best instance — were often inspiring despite In my various home institutions I have when it combines taking risks, carefully our relatively meagre financial resourc- thoroughly enjoyed mentoring young designed experiments, and openness to es. At University College London I stud- scientists, many of whom now have ten- new concepts and connections. ied Physiology and learned about living ure and run their own labs. systems — a change from my under- Looking back over my career, I real- Currently I’m directing Bio-X, a Life graduate major in physical chemistry. ize how often I served as a first genera- Sciences and Biomedical research pro- I took laboratory courses from Sir Ber- tion pioneer for women in science. I was gram that includes over 400 faculty nard Katz and Paul Fatt and a reading the first woman awarded a Ph.D. by the members across tutorial with Semir Zeki; I did research department of neurobiology at Harvard and promotes interactions between bi- on intracellular recordings from cere- Medical School, the second woman ap- ologists and chemists, physicists, engi- bral cortical neurons with Peter Kirk- pointed a Junior Fellow by the Harvard neers, computer scientists, and clini- wood (in the laboratory of Tom Sears at Society of Fellows, the first female scien- cians. Every time I start to think about Queen Square); and I learned to fabri- tist granted tenure at Stanford School of the next stage in life, something exciting cate glass intracellular electrodes from Medicine in a basic science department, happens in my lab or at Bio-X. Little did Bert Sakmann and Bill Betz. Both Katz the second woman to chair a basic sci- I imagine when I was a Marshall Schol- and Sakmann later went on to win No- ence department at Harvard Medical ar fresh out of college and studying in bel Prizes. Just last year, I received a School, and the first woman to chair its London all those years ago how my life second major British honor: election to Department of Neurobiology. would turn out. the Royal Society. One of my most ironic and With my father an engineer and my amusing experiences was return- mother a painter, I’ve always loved both ing to as art and science, but ever since my col- chair of the department of neurobi- lege years, I’ve stayed with neurosci- ology. That very same department ence as my career. After the Marshall had debated whether to accept me I studied with David Hubel and Torsten as a student because the only other Wiesel and observed them performing woman they had ever admitted had the experiments that would win them left prematurely, and they worried the Nobel Prize in 1981, and ever since, I might do the same. In the end I I’ve found both the process of discovery returned mostly because of the and opportunities to work with first- great honor but partly because of rate scientists exciting. the sense of responsibility I felt as a role model for women. The irony It’s both fun and satisfying when a was that I had become the “boss” of hypothesis works out, but in some ways professors who had helped mentor it’s even more engaging when an experi- me and were still contributing to ment produces results that don’t at first the department. Moral of the story: make sense. For instance, my colleagues be extra nice to your students just and I discovered that the visual system in case. starts wiring itself even before seeing is possible, as neurons produce electrical Based on my experience, I do signals in the womb. Even more surpris- have some advice for Marshall ingly, we discovered that in mice, form- women pursuing careers. Back in ing the neural connections necessary the dark ages when I got my start, for vision relies on molecules previously we weren’t as sensitive to the bio- found only in the immune system. These logical clock as most professional chemical common denominators prob- women have since become, and I ably point to a shared stage of evolution postponed having children until I

19 Class Notes ly satisfying. I went to Harvard Law Because my job is only half-time, I also Andrew Bernoff returned from Cam- School, after which I clerked for two have the luxury of being instrumental bridge to teach in the Mathematics de- federal judges, Judge James L. Oakes on in local environmental and political partments of Northwestern, Berkeley, the Second Circuit, and William J. Bren- groups. And since Syracuse is home Duke, the University of British Colum- nan, Jr., on the United States Supreme to the marvelous Downtown Writers’ bia, and finally Harvey Mudd, where he Court. I then joined the world of finance Center, I am even experimenting with is currently Chair of the Mathematics as an M&A banker at Lazard Frères — becoming a playwright. Department. Andrew writes, “In my re- search I construct mathematical models again, a somewhat conventional transi- Though it is on few people’s lists of va- of biological phenomena, such as the tion, but one that proved, happily, both cation destinations, Syracuse has a lot swarming of locusts. My husband and challenging and enjoyable. of charm and a fabulous location near I are on sabbatical for the fall semester In 1993, with the hubris of late youth, lakes, mountains, vineyards, and his- at the , where I founded Leeds Equity Partners. Since torical treasures. We’d always welcome we are remembering the crispness of 1995, the firm has focused on the busi- visitors!” autumn and the chill of winter after ness of making private equity invest- spending many years living in Southern ments in what we call, with some pom- 1982 California. I’m easily cyber-stalked at: posity but, we hope, accuracy, “Knowl- Cameron Findlay http://www.math.hmc.edu/~ajb.” edge Industries” — education, training [email protected] and information. We believe that our Elaine Hadley left Oxford to obtain a focus on this poorly understood and dy- Greeting, fellow members of the ma- Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins and has been namic industry provides extraordinary triculating class of 1982! Because it’s teaching English at the University of opportunities to drive superior returns been 30 years since we last knew of each Chicago since 1994. She’s currently for our investors and also to help trans- other as a group, I’ve supplemented the the Chair of the Department of English form the world though better and more submissions with publicly available in- there. Her last book, Living Liberalism, accessible education and learning. formation on our classmates. I encour- was awarded the Albion Prize from the age others to send submissions for the North American Conference on Brit- Most importantly, last March I married next issue. ish Studies. She is married and has two Elizabeth Sunderland Marshall (de- children of high school age, and thus scended from Chief Justice John, rather After getting his MSc in Math from Cam- reports that she uses her free time to es- than General George C. Marshall). At bridge, Dean Allemang went on to cort her kids on college tours! 56, my bachelorhood ended abruptly get his Ph.D. in Computer Science from and joyously.” the . He is now a Kimberly Marshall “followed my computer scientist specializing in “Se- academic/musical interests to teach at Rachel May (formerly Sue May) mantic Web” technology, which is “a Stanford (1986-1993), to work as the writes, “I am happily settled in Syra- common framework that allows data to Dean for Postgraduate Studies at the cuse, NY, with my husband, Tom Brock- be shared and reused across application, Royal Academy of Music in London elman, and our 14-year-old daughter, enterprise, and community boundaries.” (1993-6) and to teach and administer Sophie. Tom is a philosophy professor Dean writes, “In recent years, I have built at the School at LeMoyne College and Sophie dreams up some expertise in a technology called of Music (1998-present). I married of becoming an artist, creative writ- the Semantic Web; my book Semantic Adam Zweiback in 1993, and we have er, and filmmaker, but has no day job Web for the Working Ontologist is the three sons: Jacob, a freshman at Princ- plans as yet! best-selling book in the field. While I do eton; Noah, an avid athlete; and Aar- I completed my first academic career consulting in this area, my current em- on, who recently told his parents that as a Russian professor in 2001 after a phasis is as Chief Technology Officer of he didn’t need a college fund because short stint at SUNY Stony Brook and a Open Data Registry, a company whose he was going straight to Broadway. I longer and more satisfying one at Ma- mission is to track the ecological, social have just stepped down as Director of calester College in St. Paul, MN. My and health impacts of every product on the ASU School of Music in order to current title is Coordinator of Sustain- earth. We’re starting with cotton, work- devote more time to my creative work ability Education at Syracuse Universi- ing with several major apparel brands and teaching. I present organ concerts ty, a job that lets me work with faculty, to make cotton a more sustainable crop. around the world; in October 2012, I students, and staff in a wide variety of This work has already taken me to parts performed on the world’s oldest play- capacities while also having an impact of the world that I never thought I would able organ (in Sion, Switzerland), as locally and regionally. The work ranges visit as an information technologist. I well as one of the newest installations from serving on the Mayor’s transition am really enjoying the opportunity to worldwide, the Acusticumorgel in Piteå, team, to building rain gardens and con- apply my years of expertise in this tech- Sweden.” Her very impressive bio is at sulting on the development of a Haude- nology to a mission that can have real https://webapp4.asu.edu/directory/ nosaunee (Iroquois) cultural center. impact on the world.” person/194165.

20 Dobie McArthur “returned to the Ma- unc.edu/user/140. My wife, Renee Zim- forthcoming book on how political par- rine Corps from Oxford and alternated merman, and I live in Durham. I enjoy ties in democratizing states adapt their between posts as an artillery officer and Ultimate Frisbee, but now in a far more agendas in response to internal and ex- a Foreign Area Officer specializing in sedate form: www.cs.unc.edu/~nyland/ ternal incentives. the Middle East. In 1993, I transitioned fhp-disc.html. My primary community into the Marine reserves and went to service is serving on the board of Eyes, 1992 work full time as Military Legislative Ears, Nose and Paws, a nonprofit which Christy Lorgen Assistant to Senator Richard Lugar and, trains dogs for people with disabilities [email protected] from 1999-2001, as Legislative Director (mobility, diabetes, and other medical to Senator Arlen Specter. During this or behavioral needs). It is very chal- After Oxford, Alec Dinwoodie went time, I remained in the reserves as an lenging to help grow a young nonprofit to the Iowa Writers’ Workshop for an intelligence officer focused on the Mid- that started at the depths of the Great MFA in poetry. His subsequent work as dle East. I attended the Joint Military Recession! See: www.eenp.org/main/. a medical writer and editor in Chicago Intelligence College to obtain a second I occasionally get to see Ted Tsomides got him started in a totally unplanned Master’s degree with a thesis focused in Raleigh.” career arc that now finds him a director at Genentech in San Francisco, helping on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction As for your humble correspondent, to develop biotech medicines for cancer, programs. In June 2001, I retired from Cam Findlay, I returned to the US Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. federal service and began a career in the to attend Harvard Law School, where defense industry, but the events of 9/11 I met my wife Amy Scalera Findlay. I pulled me back into government ser- clerked at the DC Circuit and Supreme 1993 vice, first as an Arabic linguist for the Court in Washington, DC, and then Loren Siebert FBI from 2001 to 2003, and later as a went to work for the first President [email protected] political appointee serving in Iraq and George Bush, ultimately landing in the David Mengel was appointed Asso- at the Pentagon from 2004-2005. After West Wing in the Chief of Staff’s office. ciate Dean of the College of Arts and leaving the Pentagon, I returned to the I practiced law in Chicago during the Sciences at Xavier University in Cincin- defense industry and currently serve as 1990s and then returned to DC in 2001 nati, Ohio, where he is also Associate CEO of Nsite, LLC. My wife, Kathleen, to serve as the Deputy Secretary of La- Professor of History. and I have two sons, Daniel and James.” bor in the Administration of President Wendy Olsen “left England for India George W. Bush. After that, I’ve been Graham Burnett moved with his girls to do Ph.D. research and then did my general counsel of two very different to W. 135th St in New York City. His new Ph.D. at Oxford.” She’s currently Senior Fortune 500 companies — Aon Cor- book, The Sounding of the Whale came Lecturer In Socio-Economic Research at poration, the world’s largest insurance out earlier this year. Science called it, the University of Manchester in the UK, broker, and Medtronic, Inc., the world’s “History of breathtaking depth...” having “never made it back to the USA to largest medical device company. Amy live.” Wendy adds, “Living here I do com- and I have two college-age boys, the 1996 munity work, have a teenager, and enjoy older at my alma mater Northwestern, Caroline Lombardo orienteering. I am listed in LinkedIn, and the younger at Duke. [email protected] Facebook and at http://www.manchester. ac.uk/research/wendy.olsen. My Skype is Stephen DeBerry just finished a two- wendyolseninmanchester. 1991 week training expedition in the Chugach After completing his M.Phil. at the City Stanley Chang mountain range in Alaska. He plans to [email protected] University, London, John Stephens attempt a summit of Denali mountain returned to the U.S. to get his Ph.D. at Milada Anna Vachudova is Associ- (the highest peak in North America) George Mason University’s Institute for ate Professor of Political Science at the next summer. He also recently closed Conflict Analysis and Resolution. He University of at Chapel a new social mission-focused invest- writes that “I’ve been teaching at UNC- Hill. She lives in Chapel Hill with her ment fund that is managed by his firm, Chapel Hill since 1996, specializing in husband, Chad Bryant, and her two Bronze Investments in San Francisco, public dispute resolution and public sons, Dominik and Lukas. Summers and continues to enjoy living just north participation for state and local govern- the family often spends a month or so in of the Golden Gate Bridge with his wife ment. I am very much a ‘pracademic’ London near Richmond, with many vis- and two daughters. doing applied research for public offi- its to Kew Gardens and epic trips to the Bruce Booth and his wife Ania (who cials in North Carolina, which includes seaside. This year the family is based in he met at Oxford) live in Wellesley MA leadership training, complex policy fa- Prague while Milada travels frequently with their three wonderful kids (Evelyn cilitation and conflict resolution skills to the Western Balkans and to West 8, Ashley 7, and Henry 5). They moved development. My website is www.sog. European capitals for research on her to the Boston area in 2005, after a few

21 Class Notes years at McKinsey in NYC. Bruce is a band also finally quit renting after 8 partner at Atlas Venture, an early stage years in Boston, and have a home with venture capital firm, where he focuses backyard for their 2 adorable boys (5 on biotech startups. Bruce welcomes and 2 years old). fellow Marshalls to look him up if you’re in the area ([email protected]). 2001 Megan Ceronsky [email protected] Tim and Jada (née Twedt) Strab- bing welcomed their daughter, Vivian Renée, into the world this past Decem- ber. Vivian is a smiley and spirited ex- trovert, living up to her name in being full of life. She has brought much joy into Tim and Jada’s lives, as well as re- Tim and Jada Strabbing lief, since Tim and Jada were keen not to fall behind the reproductive efforts of fellow 2001 Marshalls-now-married to be held accountable! The jury is still Davesh Maulik and Katherine out on whether Vivian will prove helpful Dirks. Katherine and Davesh got a to Jada’s research. In the near term, the head start in the parenting department biggest contribution Vivian could make in October 2011 with Kiran’s birth. Ri- would be in the area of sleep, which she valries aside, Marshall progeny Kiran clearly still considers optional. and Vivian have made fast friends on summer playdates in Central Park (see Richard Johnston photo evidence). Tim and Jada have been living in the Up- per West Side of Manhattan for a couple 1999 of years now. Jada is an assistant pro- Tad Heuer fessor in the Philosophy Department at [email protected] Fordham University. She teaches moral philosophy to both undergraduates and Richard Johnston recently started a graduates, and her research focuses on three-year teaching position in the De- the nature of moral responsibility. Tim partment of English and Philosophy at feels that he contributes to Jada’s re- West Point. Richard is wrapping up his search by offering ample relevant, real- Central Park Playdate dissertation on Romantic literature at world examples of a person who needs Harvard and expects to receive his Ph.D. in March (see related photo, in which he is calling in an airstrike on his stubborn final chapter — and he confirms that Tim recently transitioned from his work yes, that’s a camouflage Piggly Wiggly as a civilian at the Pentagon working on t-shirt.) If you’re planning to escape the special operations and counterinsurgen- city this fall and enjoy the autumn foli- cy issues in order to help establish a new age in the Hudson River Valley, please foundation in New York City and then let Richard know. He would love to con- serve as its executive director. The foun- nect with old Marshall friends, show dation will be working in the spheres of them around West Point, and even host education, national security, and faith- them in beautiful Newburgh, NY. based initiatives—three areas in which Tim is enthusiastic to contribute. Tara Spires-Jones has been promot- ed to Assistant Professor of Neurology If you find yourself in New York City, at Massachusetts General Hospital and Tim and Jada would be thrilled to intro- Harvard Medical School where she duce you to Vivian, who will be excited is researching neurodegeneration in to meet you and show off her expanding Alzheimer’s disease. She and her hus- Tara Spires-Jones vocabulary of baby babble! 22 2002 Foster is the newest (and youngest!) columnist at the Baltimore Sun. Andy Esther Freeman Ozment works at the White House, in [email protected] cybersecurity policy. A note from Esther Freeman: In honor Post Oxford, Jack Tannous moved to of our ten-year anniversary of arriving in New Jersey, where he did a Ph.D. in his- the UK, we have a flurry of updates. More tory at Princeton, finishing in in the fall details to follow in coming editions, but of 2010. From Princeton, he moved to here are the 2002 ten-year anniversary Washington, DC, where he had a post- class notes in brief (and yes, that means doc at a (truly magical) place called I had to take out all the fun details). It’s Dumbarton Oaks, which is part of Har- been wonderful hearing from everyone! vard. Jack was a researcher at Dumbar- Keep the updates coming! ton Oaks, but as part of his post-doc, he Jeannette and Jack Tannous Courtney and Ben Hood have moved taught at GW as well. After two years back from Turkey to Virginia, and living in the District, Jack moved back Nick Klingaman lives in Reading, have two little ones: Maisy and Lillian. to Princeton, taking up a job as an as- UK, where he is a Research Fellow with Wheaton Little is living in Shanghai sistant professor in the History De- the National Centre for Atmospheric working with R&D at GlaxoSmithKline. partment, where he is responsible for Science at the University of Reading. Jacob Sider Jost is an Assistant pro- teaching late antique history. In 2011, His work focuses on predicting tropi- fessor in the English department at Jack married Jeannette Rizk at the cal weather and climate; he recently Dickinson College. Brian Babcock- church of St John the Baptist in Cairo. concluded a three-year project with the Lumish is teaching at West Point in In- Jeannette lives with him in Princeton, Queensland Government (Australia). ternational Relations. J.P. Ghobrial is but travels regularly to Egypt, where He married his longtime English girl- at Oxford, doing a lectureship in History she still works. friend Emma in the summer of 2011. at Balliol. Ben Heineike is a graduate They are currently braving the labori- student in Bioinformatics at UCSF. Car- 2005 ous English house-buying system. rie (Theisen) White lives in PA and Vince Evans recently welcomed son Lucius. Anne [email protected] 2006 McClain and Charles Trickey are Daniel Weeks both at the US Naval Test Pilot School Mikush Schwam-Baird and Vanessa [email protected] in Patuxent River, MD. Matthew Fra- Ulmer live in New York City. Mikush zier is in DC, soon to be working at is starting the third year of his doctor- Julia Rafal-Baer married Michael Dalberg Global Development Advisors. ate in political science at Columbia and Baer on August 18th at the Castle on Ken Wainwright is in Jerusalem, Vanessa is a Project Manager at the the Hudson in Tarrytown, NY. Marshall and expects a son in November. Dan- New York State Energy Research and ’06 classmates Lauren Schuker and iel Immerwahr is in Chicago, teach- Development Authority. She finished Sarah Stillman were bridesmaids and ing at . Lionel her MPA at Princeton in June. Ajit Divakaruni, Blake Brandes, and Jessica Hohman were all present for the beautiful occasion. Blake, the ‘06 rapper-in-residence extraordinaire, performed an original piece at the re- hearsal dinner. Since getting married is clearly not enough excitement for our Julia, she and Michael took on new jobs and moved to Albany after the honeymoon. Julia is now Executive Director of Teacher and Leader Effectiveness, Policy and Programs for the NY State Education Department — a direct outgrowth of

(from left) Ajit Divakaruni, Blake Brandes, Julia Rafal-Baer, Lauren Schuker, Sarah Stillman and Jessica Hohman 23 Class Notes her past two years as an NYSED Fellow, Marshall years at Magdalen College, where she helped develop the strategy, where John was also a student and a design, and implementation plans for singer in the chapel choir. The Murtons the State’s $700M winning Race to the hosted a second reception for American Top grant and $50M Teacher Incentive guests on 7 July in Megan’s hometown Fund grant. Now she’s turning those of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Now back in plans, and more, into reality! She adds, the UK, Megan is commuting to Cam- “We couldn’t be happier with our new bridge from the couple’s flat in Tooting, lives,” and invites any Marshalls who London, for the final year of her Ph.D. in may find themselves in the Albany area English Literature. John works in Lon- to look her up. don as a freelance singer and conductor. 2008 2009 Katie Huston Emma Wu Dowd [email protected] [email protected] On 2 June, at the start of Jubilee Week- Kelly Storrs and her husband AJ end, Megan Murton (née Galbreth) welcomed their baby girl Adriana Mei and John Murton tied the knot in their Storrs on July 1, 2012. Both mother and church, St. George’s Beckenham in baby are doing wonderfully. Kelly is Kent. It was the culmination of a ro- currently working for the Marine Corps mance born at Oxford during Megan’s John and Megan Murton in Quantico, VA.

Parting Shot Members of the classes of 2009-11 gath- ered at the wedding of Steven Robinette (Imperial ’10) and Lyra Mulhern.

Back row (L-R): Jeremy Smith (Impe- rial ‘11), Jeff Berens (friend), Jake Fuen- tes (friend), Conor Clarke (Birmingham and LSE ‘09), Andrew Ehrich (‘10), John Calhoun (York and Oxford ‘10), Ben Zintak (Cranfield and KCL ‘09)

Middle row (L-R): Annie Kalt (LSHTM ‘10), Jess Lanney (LSE ‘10)

Front row (L-R): Carrie Barnett (SOAS ‘10), Allison Deutsch (friend), Lyra Mulhern (bride), Steve Robinette (Imperial ‘10; groom), Austin McKin- ney (ISA and LSE ‘10), Sam Bjork (Cam- bridge and Oxford ‘10), Aroop Mukharji (LSE and KCL ‘10).

Contact Joan McCarthy with any questions about membership, updating your profile, or paying your dues Association of Marshall Scholars 1120 Chester Avenue, #470 Cleveland OH 44114 [email protected] www.marshallscholars.org 866-276-0741 24