The Macaroni Journal
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THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume XXXIII Number 1 May, 1951 An aerialvitw of the dOMIloltJII sulio,. of Tan/pD, i,ldul"ial hub 0/ Florida's tlllire Wi'S' COaJ' Qua, with lilt MUllici/Jai Hos/lilo' in the /oregroulld. VOLUME XXXIJI ,- NUM:Il~R \ ' . .. - - • May. 1951 THE ~I A CAn 0 N I J 0 U I( N A L .1 • • 50METHING Uw IN PACKAGING ~~!:(Jtf/ TRIPL· VU COLOR • UNIFORMITY • SERVICE. You carefully guard your reputation for fine color, flavor and uniformity in your macaroni products, and the prompt service you give your customers. I. That's why Amber's No.1 Semolina is your best investment. Skilled technicians carefully guard the color and uniformity of our product, and our repu tation for prompt service to our many customers. Specify Amber's No.1 Semolina every time you buy. • • • • AMBER MILLING DIVISION MAXIMUM PRODUCT VISIBILITY WITH PROTECTION Far",,,', Union Grain Terminal Alloclallon MillS .T IUIH CITY, MINNUOTA • OINIIAL OFPlal, IT. PAUL " MINNIIOTA ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION 8511 TONNELlI AVENUE NORTH IERGEN, NEW JlR5£Y ROSSOTTI CALIFORNIA LITHOGRAPH CORP. S700 THIRD STREET SAN fRANCISCO, (AUfORNIA • 4 THE MA C AR ON I JOURNAL May, 195 1 May, 1951 THE ~IACAI{ON I J OU IU"II. ; DolL Ingg. M.. G. Br&.ibo.~li.c, soc. A. R. L Cabl.: BralbcmtJ. -MIlano alndey'. Code UMd MILANO-Via Borgogna I. (Italy) Complete Equipment - Machinery and Dryers for Macaroni Products ~ . Automatic outfit for j lb. pro- ~ duelloD of ROIJ.ED NOODLE. , SKEINS with the MALDADI"S INSUPEDABLE ' MA~ARONI DIES Uleola ,h•• t IOmUng Bronze Alloys Stainless Steel Copper die. Exclusive Sales Representatives for the United States .. Malten 0/ Macaroni !);e. • I. KALFUS CO., INC. ElL 1'05 100 Grand Str ••t , N.w York 13, N. Y. Phoa. Wortb f,.c2l2/~ob l •• !ALBAIE Under the technical supervision of • Mr. JOSEPH SANTI rec:hn!c:a) Conaultcmt for Sal••• delegated D. MALDAR. SONS apeciaUy to the U.s.A. by the factory Ir8-180 Grand S'ree', New York 0'7 Eatimates furnished /reely. without any obligation for you, Com. plete Service for Repairs and Maintenance for Braibanti equip • mauL j • BRAlBANTI Spare P<Uta. permanently in .tock. 6 THE MAC A RONI JOURNAL May, 1951 Jhe 1'1\).\ C).\ R0 "'I J 0 U R"').\ t Volume xxxm May, 1951 Number 1 Down With "p as t"e "What's in a name?" reJlutedly asked the fam ous sllillers-felt that the i1t·rind na1lle l"IIlItaillill),:" Ihe wonl Shakespeare. "Plenty," ehorU S l~S the United Slates maca "p.'lstc" or "pastcs" dill an illjustice tu so line a procluet. roni industry in their long-continued fight against the usc Therc woulll he nothing tno lIlllch wrollg with the name of the lenn "p.1ste," or "pastes," with reference to a gen if the word "pasta," with it s Jtaliall 1I11':l1Iinl{, were ri/-:hl trnllJame for Iheir fine wlwat food. fully ami propcrly rcllech'd b)' the word "11.'lSte," which One of the longest battles in the history of the National il certainly is nnt. The Italian wonl " ll<Isla" mUTe I,ruper· lIlacaroni "'anufaeturers Associntion shows signs of l'om Iy applies to pa stry, yel the (nod is 110t a Im slry in that it ing to a 5.1tis factory conclusion, acrording to a bulletin is nnt l':lkl'd in its I,ron'ssiug. from ils headfluartl'rs oRice, dalt.'tl April 8, 1951, which One of the first acls of the orgauill'(l U. S. industry W,IS reads as follows: "Macaroni and noodle manufacturers to coin :11111 pOJl ularh:c a Hallie that would be most appro who cringe when go\'Cmlllent sources rcCer to mncarolli priate withuul Ihe H'pulsivt'liess of the word " pasle" products as "pastl's," Can take com (art in the fact that which is 1101 a true elerimti\'c of "pastil" in American the Standard Classification Manual l'rep,'lretl lIy thc lIIill4l s. Unahlc to find II wonl or nJlllhilialion of wmils Dureau of Budget for aecclltcd terminolol,.,. to bc used hy to rdlect Ihe meanin).:"flll Italian word "I'asta," the Amer all government agencies and bureaus now refl'nI to us as iclill illtlustry naturally applied the lIallle u( Ollt! IIf it s This story gocs bark about 40 year.; 10 Paris, ning doubles team. They swept all opposition be the Macaroni Jndustry, and to our products as "macaroni" IC;l(lilll; shapt·s of "dril'd'aml-shapcd" whclil Iioligh In all fore them on their march to tennis glory, But Fram'c. A new Il"mation blazed acroSlo the t('nnb in the gent'ric sense. This will c:Iiminatc ullillfurmell cun the shapes lind sizes-Maram .. i or hliu'ilroni I'rodurts. world. He was William Laurtntz. Ii handsome those two playen. fomll~ d a strange winning COUl sumers rt'b<a.rding "alimentary pastt-s" as SlllIlL' kind uf bination, For the two playen hated earh other, The wunl o r words arc II lO l·.1 as a ).:"en erie tcrlll, w\'erillg y,0ung Frenchman, son of a rkh aristflr ratic fam auhesi\'c, at le<l st as far liS gu\,erllluent rcfen'lIces are Ily. Then quite suddenly, another fine (r nnis pl3y Laurrntz because his partner had blinded him; the ('ntirc line, Gobert bcrausc his team mate tn:atcd him like (ollcenl('(I." cr appeared on the trcne. He was a !llockv lJd, Ther.'!; has been. Ifllinuillg allt'mJlts to get Ihe ~ovcrn named Andre Gobcrt-son of a humble poor fam dirt, Fim.lly they broke up. It was the cnd ~f Since its formation in 1904, the National Association two tennis car«n, for neither pl.lyer ever agam lIu'nt to usc the generic name "Macaroni Products" in ily. The two n~ct in the final roum! of the t: ~am. has been waging cOllsisit'nt warfare against Ihe usc of the PlOnslrip to decide the gn=atcst lenms player In all ('auld win another tennil match. reference to this llroduct, but while the greilt majority flf I" !'m "paste" when referring to mar<troni,sl),1gheui-e).:"g the agencies, bureaus, dealt'rs, processors, writers and Franrc! But that matrh was nevcr rmishcd, for Yes teamwork is a vital part of any sport . .. one of Andre Gobert's powerful sm81hcs Itruck 1l00dle products. To Americans, "paslc" is UI1 5<I\'ory amI or any bUJincu. Commander·Larabee ilr.roud to consumers have done so, there arc still sume who cling W O! I should never be applied to so good a wheat food. The William Laun'ntz in the eye. He rushed to be wholehcartt'dly on the mat'aroni manu acturcr', to the usc of the improper, uns-wory alill despised term the hospital where his injured c,'c was Kmovcd. team, with its Itiant mills, Itorage and rcsca!1'h III:ople of Italy who arc credited with adalJling from the "p.1sle." The new order lIIay bring ahout what the in t::t rly Orientals the process of combining crushed wlll'at That traMie occident ruined both lUI n as . in~ll'S faeilitiel and skilled prnonncl devoted to \.Crvmg dustry has been fighting for through the years. tennis players. Laurcntz wal no longer the dashmg the ma~aroni foods industry of America. This aud water into a dough for shalling and drying into this 11a)'('r of the tennis rour1..!!, while Gobert wal no close attention to the manufacturer's needs hal popular food, the nationality thai presen't'd the secret Even some of the more backward manu(aclurers han paid off with fincr, more predse milling. , • better, 1onger the powerful hitt!'r. One was carcful through the Middle or Dark Agl'S and later passed un Ihe been nOllc too co·operatiYe and continue 10 rcCer to this and the otlll'r was afraid to hit hard. more unifonn :!'molina, granular and durum nour macaroni food to "Alimentary Paste" in their literature season aftcr !\Cason. There arc Commalldcr·Larn infomlation to this enlightened \\'(,d,.I , should know. T he and on their labels. , , and a few oltl-fashioned wrilcrs The'n one day, they teamed up ,as n doubles bee durum products to mect all your production Italians, who are the heaviest and the Iwarticst consUlllers I'ombillation, A strange new magic rame over nceds. You can de'pend on them for superior rc of this wheat food, call it "Pasta Alimentare." and agencies still Jlersist in the lise of the incorrect lie both of IIII'm, for they occame II remarkable wln~ IUltS every time. rivati"e of the Italiill1 word "I'asta." Howe"t:r, the popu During the last half o( the nincteenth century, when the lar name for the full line of these driell·alld-shapl'd wheat U. became the hca\'iest importer of ftalian-nmde maca 'IIPOIMANC. COUMtI", ~. doughs is now gl'nerally rt'cognizell illill uSl'd hy proces toui products, it wa!l but natural that 1111 Americanizcd sors in the United States anti other countries. Plan lIen'r i:ctltpretation of the Italian !lallle he USl'(t as a general to usc the word "paste" or "pastl's" in rderenee Iti l11al'il ommander-Larabee Milling Company n" ~ ne for this family of grain focxl t but it was nol long roni products ami to fight ulIl'easin).:"ly :Ig:tinsl th(·ir usc l}Cfore importers, dealers, go\'cnnllcnt agenl'ie5-C\'en con- by others.