Dear Exchange Students,

In order to make sure to have a place to live when you come to Wiesbaden, it is very important that you already start planning your stay. Since the are booked out very early, you need to start applying as soon as possible.

Use the following “step-by-step-help” as guidance:

1. Finding a place to live

A. “Studentenwohnheim Friedrich-Naumann-Strasse”

Contact: Mr. Andreas Nagy Linhard Verwaltungen GmbH Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1 61118 Bad Vilbel

Tel.: 06101 - 87070 Fax: 06101 – 87674 [email protected]

Address of Dormitory: Friedrich Naumann Straße 1 65195 Wiesbaden

Tel: + 49 (0) 6101 870 721 Fax: + 49 (0)6101 87 674

Distance from the dormitory to… − The Wiesbaden Campus: 100 m (2 min walk) − the Wiesbaden Business School:˜ 1000 m (10 min walk) − Design Informatik Media Faculty Unter den Eichen: ˜ 2500 m (25 min walk) − downtown/center ˜ 2100m (25 min walk) − main train station ˜ 3000m (40 min walk)

Transportation to University: Bus stop around the corner. − Every 10 min. departing bus #14. Takes only 3 stops to the Wiesbaden Business School, 5 stops to the center (you will have a student ticket from the Hochschule), − #48 takes you directly to Unter den Eichen in 10 min (only one bus every few hours), with other more regular connections in 25 min (with bus change)

The Apartment: − You share it with one other person (in total 2 ) − with dinette − 1 − Each about 13m2, furnished (bed, table, chair, and rack) but you need to bring your own bedding and dishes! − Electricity: 15- 20 Euro/month (subject to change, no liability)

Stand: 04.04.2017

Rent: see in the appendix the form “Application for a at Friedriche-Naumann Str.”

General Information: − Internet is included in the rent − Caretaker only speaks German. His office hours are from Monday to Friday − Washing-machine: Useable for little money in

Please note: The deposit will be refunded about 1 to 2 months after departure! Even if you leave earlier than the contract stipulates, it is not always possible to give the deposit back earlier.

B. Dormitory “Studentenwohnheim Camp Pieri” and “Junges Wohnen”

Contact: Ms Annika Stenzel WfS – Wohnen für Studis Aarstraße 24 65195 Wiesbaden

Tel : + 49 (0) 611 – 72 45 805 Cell phone: + 49 (0) 163 – 390 88 01 [email protected]

For both Camp Pieri and Junges Wohnen:

General Information: − Internet: 12.50 Euro/month − Washing-machine: Useable for little money in basement

The Apartment: − You share it with around 2 or 3 other people − Kitchen with dinette − 2 − Each bedroom about 14m2, furnished or not (you have to choose, when you apply). You can choose to rent bedding and dishes from the renting party.

1. Camp Pieri Address of Dormitory: Sonnenblumenweg 6-12 65201 Wiesbaden

Rent: about 300 Euro/month + one-time caution money: 600 Euro (will be refunded if everything is in order as found at your arrival). Here more details:

Stand: 04.04.2017

Distance from the dormitory to − The Wiesbaden Campus: 1100 m (15 min walk) − the Wiesbaden Business School:˜ 1700 m (20 min walk) − Design Informatik Media Faculty Unter den Eichen: ˜ 1800 m (20 min walk) − downtown/center ˜ 2100 m (30min walk) − main train station ˜ 2800m (40 min walk)

Transportation to University: Bus stops around the corner; bus #23 or #24 takes you in about 20 min to the University

2. Junges Wohnen Adress of dormitory: Langeooger Straße 16/18 65199 Wiesbaden.

Rent: about 300 Euro/month + one-time caution money: 600 Euro (will be refunded if everything is in order as found at your arrival). Here more details:

Distance from the dormitory to − The Wiesbaden Campus: 4400 m (60 min walk) − the Wiesbaden Business School:˜ 1000 m (10 min walk) − Design Informatik Media Faculty Unter den Eichen: ˜ 2,5 km (25 min walk) − downtown/center ˜ 1500m (15min walk) − main train station ˜ 2400m

Transportation to University: Bus # 18 stops around the corner. − It takes you in about 20 min to the Wiesbaden Campus at Kurt-Schumacher-Ring (with a change of bus) − to the Wiesbaden Business School in about 10 min − to Unter den Eichen in about 40 min

WfS has more on offer. Please check here:

C. In a shared apartment (“Wohngemeinschaft” or “WG”)

You have the possibility to look for an apartment to rent together with other students on a private basis. But it is not easy to find such apartments to rent especially if you only stay one semester. The owners usually want to rent their apartments for longer than 6 months. The second disadvantage is that the people living with you probably want to meet you before you sign the contract and this might be hard to fulfil if you come from far away.

You can find some internet sites where you can look for a WG on our website:

We advise you to apply for more than one students’ dorm!!

Stand: 04.04.2017 2. Applying for a room

A. Friedrich-Nauman-Straße You have to fill out the application form (see in the Appendix) and send it via fax or email directly to the students’ dorm (fax number or mailing address is on the form). Please do not send any application form for a room to Hochschule RheinMain!

If you have questions concerning the dorm please get in contact with Mr Naguy (see address in the information above).

B. Camp Pieri or Junges Wohnen You have to fill out a form online (see translation in the appendix). For this go to this link, confirm that you understand the conditions by clicking in the box “Bestätigung*” then click on “Zum Bewerbungsformular”.

If you have questions concerning Camp Pieri or Junges Wohnen please contact Mrs Stenzel (see address in the information above).

C. Finding a private room In this you will be on your own.

3. Waiting for an answer

After you send the application form to the renting party, you will not get an answer immediately (for an application in the fall, answer in august, for an application in the summer, answer in February - no liability). If you apply late before the semester starts, the response may take yet more time. If you do not get any answer, try to phone the management, they are very helpful and can speak English.

If the response is positive you will get a renting contract sent at your e-mail address. Please read it carefully, sign it and send it back to the renting party.

As the room situation for students is very tight, you may not get a positive response. It would be best to apply to several students dormitories. In some cases you will be put on a waiting list. So the sooner you apply the better!

The Team from International Office hopes that you will be successful.

We are all looking forward to welcome you soon in Wiesbaden!

Stand: 04.04.2017


Appendix 1 You will find the Application form for the students’ dormitory in the Friedrich- Naumann-Straße.

Appendix 2 To help you apply to Camp Pieri and Junges Wohnen you can find the translation of the Application form.

Please note: you can only apply to Camp Pieri and Junges Wohnen ONLINE!

Stand: 04.04.2017 Linhard Verwaltungen E-Mail: [email protected] Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1 Tel.: +49-06101-870721 61118 Bad Vilbel Fax: +49-06101-87674

Antrag auf einen Platz im Studentenwohnheim „Friedrich-Naumann-Str.1“ Application for a room in the student hostel „Friedrich- Naumann- Str. 1”

Straße: Friedrich-Naumann.-Str. 1, Wiesbaden App.- Nr.:______Street: No. Of the apartment N ame: ______Family name

Vorname: ______ male  female First name S traße/ Hausnr.: ______Street / No. of the P LZ Ort: ______Postal code, City, Country G eburtsdatum: ______Birth date T elefon : ______E-Mail.:______Private telephone no. S taatsangehörigkeit: ______Nationality F amilienstand: ______Marital status F inanzierung: ______Mode of payment

Studiengang: ______Immatrikulationsnachweis anbei:  course matriculation paper attached: B ankverbindung: ______Banking details mandatory P ersonenzahl: 1 Erwachsener No. of persons: 1 adult D ie Sicherheitsleistung (Mietkaution) entspricht zwei Monatsmieten und beträgt € 746,00. Sie wird von mir/uns bei Abschluss des Mietvertrages durch bar/  Überweisung/ Verrechnungscheck erbracht. The deposit amounts to € 746,00. It will be paid by me/ us when concluding the contract  in cash/ by bank transfer/  by non-negotiable cheque M iethöhe: € 373,00 / Warmmiete Nebenkostenvorauszahlung: exklusive Strom Rent (heating incl.) € 373,00 Extra costs: electricity excluded M ietbeginn und Einzug: zum 1. des Monats zum 15. des Monats Beginning of the lease and Move In date:  

Vertragslaufzeit: mind. (1) Semester ( ½ Jahr) Period of stay: at least 1 semester (½ year) M it den vorgenannten Mietbedingungen erkläre(n) ich /wir mich/uns einverstanden. Ich/wir erkläre(n), daß ich/wir meinen bisherigen Mietverpflichtungen pünktlich nachgekommen bin und mich/ uns in geordneten Verhältnissen befinde(n). I/ we agree to the above stated conditions. I/ we assure that I/ we have paid our rental obligations in due course and that we are living in well ordered circumstances. I ch/wir versichere(n) die Richtigkeit der o.a. Angaben. I/ we assure the correctness of the above statements

Kopie Ausweises / Personalausweis anbei Copy of Passport / ID- Card attached Unterschrift______Signature Appendix 2

Application form for the students’ dormitories WfS Wohnen für STUDIs

You have to apply online!

 Click the box “Ich habe die Bedingungen gelesen und bin damit einverstanden“ (“I read the terms and conditions of the tenancy and agree with them”) to confirm your understanding with the renting conditions, then click on “Zum Bewerbungsformular” (“To online application”).

Studentenwohnheim Bewerbungsformular Application form

Bitte füllen Sie so weit wie möglich alle Felder aus, nur so können wir Ihnen ein Angebot erstellen… Please fill out as many fields as you can, because only then we can establish an offer…

(Mit *markierte Felder sind Pflichtfelder) (Fields marked with * are mandatory)

Personendaten Personal Data Anrede Title (i.e. Herr/Mr, Frau/Mrs/Ms) Telefon Telephon enumber Vorname* First name Mobiltelefon Cell phone number Nachname* Last name Fax Fax number c/o E-Mail* e-mail address Straße &Haus-Nr.* Street & house number Geburtsdatum Date of birth PLZ & Ort* Zip (postal)-Code & City Staatsangehörigkeit Nationality Land* Country

Voraussetzungen Requirements Hochschule* University  Hochschule Studienbeginn Begin of studies RheinMain Praktikum bei Internship at Bundesland* State  Hessen Ich bin nicht überwiegend berufstätig I do not have a full time job

Anmietungswunsch Wish for rental period: Vom From Bis Until

Zimmer/Ausstattung Room/Furnishings Zimmer Room single single double double Einzelappartment single appartment

Austattung Furnishings Möbliert Zusatzausstattung Rollstuhlgerecht Privathaftpflichtversicherung furnished extra-equipment suitable for wheelchairs private liability insurance Appendix 2

Praktikant/in Gaststudent/in trainee or exchange student Ich bin Praktikant/in oder Gaststudent/in und bitte um Berücksichtigung meiner Wunschvertragszeit: I am an intern or exchange student and I ask for consideration of my wish for a rental contract for the time Vom From Bis Until

Wo haben Sie von uns gehärt? How did you get to know “Wohnen für STUDIs” : Anzeige Hochschulanzeiger/ FH-Journal From an ad in „Hochschulanzeiger/ FH-Journal“ Verlinkung über eine Homepage From a link on a website Über Dritte From another person

Möchten Sie uns etwas mitteilen Here you can write a message CLICK “Bewerbung abschicken” send application