SECOND NATIONAL ACTION PLAN of the Republic of for the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 –

Women, Peace and Security 2020 – 2025

Strategic Framework SECOND NATIONAL ACTION PLAN of the Republic of North Macedonia for the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 –

Women, Peace and Security 2020 – 2025

Strategic Framework



Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the Republic of North Macedonia Radmila SHEKERINSKA- JANKOVSKA

ince our independence, we have committed to building an inclusive and tolerant so- ciety, one which respects European values and the rule of law. Protection of human Srights and equal opportunities for all are both а prerequisite and a bedrock to achieve this national vision.

As a country we have faced - and successfully resolved - conflict. Learning from this experi- ence, we fully recognize the disproportionate impact that conflict and post-conflict situa- tions have on women and girls and acknowledge that women’s participation in conflict and post-conflict prevention and resolution is critical for restoring a prosperous society.

In our recent history, we have successfully surpassed many challenges, engaged in deep re- forms and continued to strengthen our economy. This year we have become a full member of NATO, the strongest political and military Alliance in the world, and started accession negotiations with the European Union.

To fulfill our new international commitments and our national priorities, we must harness all our talent. Our women and men must be united in one common democratic, inclusive mission committed to positive change.

We will therefore strive to further promote women’s rights and to align gender perspectives, gender balance and gender equality in all our peace, governance and security initiatives.

We will seek nothing less than to reconcile our burgeoning international presence with gen- uine, effective, equal and affirmative national gender representation through holistic im- plementation of the Women, Peace and Security global agenda.

This second National Action Plan 2020-25 defines our way forward. It is a bold and wide-ranging document; deliberately so. It is designed to be a catalyst for action.

We recognize the scale of the challenge. We will rise once more to meet it; as a nation, we will make this journey together in order to ensure a brighter future for succeeding genera- tions to come.


he Women, Peace and Security agenda and pro- moting global gender equality internationally is a Tkey priority for the United Kingdom; empowering women and girls improves peace and stability, econom- ic growth and poverty reduction. Equally, it is a met- ric against which many judge the values and standards of a society. For this reason, I am very pleased that the n 2020, the year of the 20th anniversary of the UN United Kingdom has been able to assist our NATO ally, Security Council Resolution 1325, the Programme the Republic of North Macedonia, in this key policy area. Presence Office of UN Women in North Macedonia The National Action Plan that follows, represents the I compliments the adoption of the second National Action first steps of a very important journey; one that in the Plan for the implementation of the UNSCR 1325. The im- long term will not be judged by the words in this docu- portant role of women, their voices and their place at ne- ment, rather by the tangible changes and action that flow gotiation/decision-making tables are vital for preven- from it once implemented. Behavioural change is always tion of conflicts, peacebuilding and peace maintaining difficult, and is rarely realised overnight. It requires Rachel GALLOWAY processes. persistence, honesty, and at times, bravery in affecting British Ambassador, British such a change – at all levels. I believe that this plan rep- UN Women’s work in the area of women, peace and secu- Embassy ,Skopje‘ resents an excellent starting point. With clear direction, rity is guided by the ten UN Security Council Resolutions support, funding and oversight, it should be effective in on Women, Peace and Security, to promote gender equal- the long term, and lead to a dramatic change in the gen- ity and strengthen women’s participation. We stand der landscape in North Macedonia. It will serve as a bea- ready to further provide support to the Ministry of Vesna IVANOVIKJ-CASTAREDE con to other countries that aspire to the same values and Defence in their efforts to mainstream gender equality, Head of Office, standards, and the United Kingdom remains committed advancement of women and their equal representation UN Women Programme to supporting the Republic of North Macedonia in these at all levels in the Army, Ministry and security sector as Presence Office in the future endeavours. a whole, while translating into practice the vision of the Republic of North Macedonia second National Action Plan.

he Second National Action Plan for the Implemen- tation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 is a braham Lincoln said ’the best way to predict the Tkey milestone in meeting the national obligations future is to create it’. If my prediction for the fu- stemming from the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, Ature is a gender inclusive, transparent and dy- as well as the crowning achievement of the Ministry of namic Republic of North Macedonia, then this document Defence’s years-long strive to promote gender equality in will be a key part of making it so. I have been blessed to defence. witness this journey and work with a team of remarkable women and men. NAP 2020-25 is ambitious, deliberately For me personally, the development of the Second NAP so, but the future it offers will be equally expansive. 2020-2025 was a remarkable experience, a demon- stration of teamwork and a strong commitment to real change.

Guided by the words of a wise , “When you reach Katerina STAVRESKA to the top, you should remember to send the elevator back down for the others” I am deeply convinced that this doc- Abigail AUSTEN Chief of the Cabinet of ument will be a precursor to change for the next genera- UK Gender Advisor the Minister of Defence tion of leaders and a key driver towards a peaceful and and Head of the Working prosperous future for all. I am deeply convinced, because Group for Implementation as former First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton of Gender Perspectives in stated two decades ago “Human rights are women’s the Ministry of Defence rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all!”


he Republic of North Macedonia de- We celebrate 2020 with an ambition to clared independence on the 8th of achieve true gender equality and trans- TSeptember, 1991. Since that time - as parency in both national and interna- a country and as a people - we have com- tional public life. This is a year of real mitted ourselves to our vision of an inclu- achievement and progress. This year has sive, tolerant and liberal democracy. That presented an excellent opportunity for na- journey has not always been easy; we have tional reflection and a springboard for fur- had to overcome many obstacles and the ther action. scale of the challenge has been immense. Yet we have persevered. 2020 marks the twentieth anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) The Republic of North Macedonia has been 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, the a member of the United Nations since twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of 1993. We are part of the Council of Europe, the Beijing Declaration and the Platform World Bank, World Trade Organisation, for Action, and the fifth anniversary of the Organisation for Security and Co- the global commitment to UN Sustainable operation in Europe and a candidate Development Goals (SDGs). We especial- for membership of the European Union ly acknowledge the importance of SDG5 (EU) since 2005. The Republic of North Gender Equality and SDG16 Peace, Justice Macedonia is now an upper middle-in- and Strong Institutions. come country, making considerable strides in economic reform and current- This strategic framework is a clear state- ly ranking eighty-second on the Human ment of our national intent to contribute Development Index. We provide free pri- to delivery of the 2030 Women Peace and mary and secondary education, social se- Security (WPS) agenda; we will rise to the curity and universal health to our citizens. vision that these anniversaries commem- orate. We settled the complex issue of our coun- try’s name with Greece through the Prespa Agreement (2018) and acceded to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) as the thirtieth member in early 2020.

Our journey has been one of constant progress. This strategic framework marks another step forward. OUR JOURNEY OUR JOURNEY 12 WHERE WE 13 Building upon the experiences of our first As a NATO member nation, we commit to National Action Plan (NAP) for nation- aligning our NAP 2020-2025 with NATO CURRENTLY STAND al delivery of the family of WPS legisla- WPS policies and associated initiatives. tion, our second five-year NAP 2020-2025 We wholeheartedly recognize the dispro- will articulate our expanded national vi- portionate impact conflict and post-con- sion, engagement and ambition within the flict situations have on women and girls, framework of the four UNSCR 1325 key pil- while at the same time recognizing that lars: women’s participation in conflict pre- vention, resolution and post-conflict sit- 1. Prevention - prevention uations is critical for the restoration of of conflict and all forms of lasting peace. We will strive to further and promote women’s rights and to align gen- girls in conflict and post- der perspectives, gender balance and gen- uman rights and equal opportu- conflict situations. der equality in all our peace and security nities for women and men in the 2. Participation - women initiatives. participate equally with HRepublic of North Macedonia are regulated at the highest level by the con- men and gender equality As a country that has started the acces- stitution and supported by a large num- is promoted in peace and sion negotiation, we align with the EU’s ber of laws in which provisions prohibiting security decision-making commitment and determination for full gender discrimination and incorporating processes at national, local, implementation of a WPS agenda; by en- the concept of gender have been intro- regional and international gaging, empowering, protecting, and sup- duced. levels. porting women and girls as defined with- 3. Protection - women’s and in the EU strategic approach and action The protection of human rights and girls’ rights are protected and plan on WPS. promoted in conflict-affected equal opportunities in the Republic of situations. North Macedonia is carried out in accor- 4. Relief and Recovery - women dance with international humanitari- and girls’ specific relief an law, not limited to but including: the needs are met and women’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights capacities to act as agents (UDHR), the Geneva Convention (1949) in relief and recovery are with the Additional Protocols (1977), the reinforced in conflict and post- Convention on the Elimination of All conflict situations. Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Platform for Action Our second NAP 2020-25 journey be- (1995), the Istanbul Convention (ETS 2010), gins with a much broader ambition and UNSCR 1325 and the nine subsequent res- a broader mandate for change; we seek olutions - 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1889 nothing less than to reconcile our bur- (2009), 1960 (2010), 2106 (2013), 2122 (2013), geoning international commitments and 2242 (2015), 2467 (2019) and 2493 (2019). our national WPS aspirations with gen- uine, effective, and affirmative national We adopted and enacted our first NAP gender equality, inclusion, accountability during 2013-2015. Previously, implemen- and transparency through holistic and pri- tation of UNSCR1325 and the inclusion oritised implementation of the WPS agen- of gender perspectives in the peace and da across all areas of society. security policy was streamlined through a National Plan for Action for Gender Equality 2007 – 2012.

Our first NAP introduced the concepts of gender perspectives within peace, securi- ty and defence policy, the participation of women in international, civilian and mili- tary missions and inclusive of the preven- tion of violence and protection of women in peacetime and in conflict. OUR JOURNEY WHERE WE CURRENTLY STAND 14 OUR PRINCIPLES 15

INTEGRATION – We will create the conditions to build a gender transparent and equitable environment in society that fully recognizes, respects, supports, encourages, develops and engages female talent.

INCLUSIVENESS – We will create the conditions to enable women’s voices to be heard, recognised, empowered and listened to in all aspects of society.

INTEGRITY – We commit to open and transparent evaluation, monitoring and reporting of the implementation and management of NAP 2020-25 in an inclusive national conversation.

e recognise the critical role civ- il society and the broader pop- Wulace has to play in promoting women’s empowerment across society and commit to fully integrating that con- tribution in implementing and delivering NAP 2020-25.

We whole-heartedly endorse NATO core values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights. As an Alliance member, we firmly believe the WPS vision is a key met- ric of those values.

We hold ourselves accountable as a nation in our ambition to achieve meaningful gender integration, equality and transpar- ency in all aspects of society.

We will commit the necessary resources to fulfil our ambition.

We will stand as an international cham- pion and adherent of the ethos and values of UNSCR1325 and the WPS agenda in all that we do as a nation.






ince our independence as a sovereign lead development of NAP delivery that country, we have ceaselessly and sys- will set out a five-year strategic roadmap Stematically sought to address the is- (2020-2025) in order to deliver genuine sue of gender equality and transparency change in gender integration, equality and in our society. As a country of many eth- transparency in our society and also meet nicities, with sometimes differing cultural our international WPS commitments. values, that has not always been an easy discussion. Likewise, the sheer scale of Our national intent is that we will now progress in our country has meant that, at build on our NATO accession to produce times, other issues have had to take pre- a ground-breaking and innovative NAP cedence. implementation process that not just ad- heres to the principles of UNSCR 1325 but Wide-ranging and inclusive consultations expands upon it. have led to not just a comprehensive sum- mary of how gender impacts on opera- This document articulates the desires, tional effectiveness but an articulation of ambitions and aspirations of our country a national vision and dream for effective at this moment; NAP 2020-25 recognises gender integration, equality and transpar- both internal and external challenges and ency in our society. mandates a diverse but inclusive approach that will address all our obligations and We recognise we are a young country ambitions. that has overcome recent division. We ac- knowledge work remains to be done inter- This is a NAP designed for the future. nally to truly say our country is fully rec- onciled to our gender responsibilities. As a From the beginning of this process, civ- NATO member, we also recognise we have il society has been included in the discus- mandated external commitments to fulfil. sion. Likewise, every relevant stakehold- er ministry and government organisation Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of has been invited to contribute and will Defence, Radmila Sekerinska - Jankovska now be required to commit to operational has directed that the Ministry of Defence implementation.

OUR APPROACH OUR APPROACH 18 19 These national discussions have direct- NAP 2020-25 It is recommended that the Association of All three tier elements will function in a ly impacted the drafting of our strategic the Units of Local Self-Government of the continual, co-ordinated and integrated goals. We have also engaged with inter- DELIVERY CORE Republic of North Macedonia engages and feedback loop. national experts to ensure continuity of develops an operational implementation language and best practise. That consul- plan in order to enhance municipal con- We intend this NAP to be a living doc- We have devised a tier system of imple- tative and inclusive approach will remain nectivity. ument. It is not a policy to sit on a shelf. mentation. Our approach follows the throughout the life of the NAP. We have Our NAP directs change – and holds those doctrine of mission command, enabling further ensured that civil society engage- Tier 2 stakeholders are required to design charged with implementing it to annual- and empowering operational stakehold- ment will remain a key part in the NAP accommodation within their operational ised reporting through a comprehensive ers within the overall strategic policy di- monitoring and evaluation process. plans for the practicalities of implementa- monitoring and evaluation process which rection contained within this document. tion – including resource (infrastructure, will engage independent experts and be This approach will therefore reconcile the We are confident that everybody who has finance and people) allocation. subject to parliamentary oversight (co-or- breadth of our ambitions with numerous a voice has had an opportunity to contrib- dinated through Tier 3). operational stakeholders within one clear- ute. From the beginning of the consulta- Tier 3 ly articulated course of travel and output. tive process, the project team absorbed The Tier elements will operate within a hi- and engaged with a very real desire for Tier 1 Co-ordination, monitoring and evaluation erarchical orthodoxy, led by Tier 1 strate- positive change across society. of progress will be sponsored by a new or- gic direction. ganisation element within the Ministry of The NAP will set strategic direction and We are thus equally confident that this Defence (see below –“CMEC”). intent, as expressed within this docu- NAP is an accurate expression of national ment. The custodian of the NAP will be the societal ambition. Ministry of Defence.

Political direction is equally precise: Tier 2

Participating ministries and organisa- “The way women are treated tions will extract and develop operational Tier 1 by a society is a direct implementation plans within the direction National Action Plan indicator of the maturity of a Stakeholder: MoD contained within this document. The plan- society. The Republic of North ning process will follow a common deliv- Macedonia intends to be in ery process to ensure continuity of output the first rank of world nations. and common evaluation criteria. Devolved Fulfilling our international authority for operational implementation obligations to UNSCR1325 will lie with individual ministries and in- and the WPS vision will be an stitutions. active catalyst for our intent. Tier 3 Co-ordination, Successful implementation of Operation implementation plans will be Evaluation and this NAP is therefore now a key Reporting Plans developed by the following stakeholders: national political priority.” Stakeholder: MoD CMEC — Ministry of Defence and the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia; — Ministry of Labour and Social Tier 2 Policy; Insititutional and — Ministry of Foreign Affairs; organisational operational — Ministry of Interior; implementation plans Stakeholder: Various — Ministry of Finance; — Ministry of Justice; — Ministry of Health; — Ministry of Education and Science; — Crisis Management Centre; — Directorate for Protection and Rescue.

OUR APPROACH OUR APPROACH 20 STRATEGIC GOALS 21 Our comprehensive approach will invigo- “The Republic of North rate change – from the top to the bottom Macedonia UNSCR 1325 of Macedonian society and governance – National Action Plan 2020- and fulfil our obligations to both the spir- 25 will act as a key driver it and the letter of UNSCR 1325. This road- to delivering our vision of map is fully articulated in the technical a society that views gender implementation chapter. equality, inclusion and n order to match ambition with deliv- 5. COMMUNICATION, transparency as a matter of ery, and after extensive consultation EDUCATION AND What is our vision for 2025, the end of our course and is an exemplar of with stakeholders, we have nominated TRAINING (CET) - Effective NAP? We have adopted the following mis- successful implementation of I five strategic goals (SGs) that will deliver and comprehensive sion statement: Women Peace and Security our mission statement: communication, education and vision and values.” training of the WPS agenda 1. LEADERSHIP - Gender (cross-cutting Strategic Goal). transparency in selection, maintenance and promotion of The five SGs are designed to be mutually leadership positions supporting. 2. PARTICIPATION - Gender inclusion, equality and SG5 is a cross-cutting SG that will be an transparency in society influencer and catalyzer for the other four 3. FACILITATION-Appropriate SGs. gender enablers provide an effective and supportive life Each SG clearly links to the intent of environment UNSCR1325 core values, as shown in the 4. PROTECTION - diagram below: Comprehensive and effective gender protections


Protection Prevention Particiaption Women’s physical Prevention of Relief and Recovery Inclusion of and mental health structural and Women’s needs women’s interests and economic physical violence, are met in conflict in decision-making security are assured including sexual and post-conflict process related to and human rights and gender-based situations conflict resolution upheld violence


OUR APPROACH STRATEGIC GOALS 22 23 To expand further on the reasoning behind SG3 Facilitation SG4 Protection each SG:

SG1 Leadership as their male counterparts and women’s “You can’t have everything “Violence against women skills and talents are equally weighted you want, but you can isn’t cultural, it’s criminal. alongside their male counterparts. have the things that Equality cannot come “Next time you are about to really matter to you.” eventually. It’s something We affirm that the team that embraces we must fight for now.” call a little girl ‘bossy’, say Marissa Mayer, CEO differing talents is the stronger for it. instead, she has executive Samantha Power, former leadership skills.” US Ambassador to the This will undoubtedly be a longer journey, United Nations Sheryl Sandberg, CEO but one in which we will assure our female We recognize that traditional societ- leaders of their worth, value and place – ies have been supported by a patriarchal and wider society can in turn have confi- structure. Not just in denying opportunity We recognize that women bring different dence in their ability to lead and inspire. to women, but through ignoring those vi- We recognize that, by a massive margin, - and vital - skills to leadership. We recog- tal enablers that recognize women’s phys- women are the predominant victims of nize that society will not maximise the ef- iological difference, differing emotion- gender-based violence. fectiveness of its talent pool if women are SG2 Participation al requirements and differing supporting excluded from leadership; and that wom- mechanisms which can encourage women SG4 will look not just at the mechanisms en are currently a demonstrably small mi- to have a full family and a full working life. to provide legal and enforcement protec- “If you want something nority of leadership in our society and gov- tions for women - but seek to address the said, ask a man. If you want ernment. This is a wide-ranging subject that stake- cultural and behavioural drivers behind something done, ask a woman.” holder ministries will be encouraged to gender and sexual violence. In large part this is because female lead- Margaret Thatcher, first fully explore in their operational imple- ers and their differing skills have been his- female UK Prime Minister mentation plans. Although we recognize that justice and torically less valued or accepted than their security ministries and the civil sector male counterparts. For example, work strands could include will be most directly engaged in address- infrastructure improvements, such as pro- ing these issues, we require each partici- We recognize that, as women make up half vision of sufficient female ablutions and pating ministry to address SG4 as com- SG1 will set the conditions to remove that of humanity, women should participate in changing areas. It could be in the provision prehensively as possible. Including those stigma and promote an inclusive work en- society on an equal basis with men at all of female size and fit personal protective ministries which engage in international vironment where leaders are judged on levels; from cradle to grave, from recruit- equipment and uniforms. missions in order to ensure that personnel talent, regardless of gender. ment to retirement. To suggest otherwise representing their country overseas are is to hobble society; economically, socially fully conversant with the obligations and We also recognize the power of effective and culturally. We would encourage stakeholders to role models for succeeding generations. look at provision for women’s health in tenets of international law and best prac- the workplace; such as supportive mech- tice. However, we are emphatic that role mod- We regard equal female participation – anisms for childcare and flexible working els in leadership must earn that accolade and the structures that enable that partic- and maternity rights. through talent, drive, ambition, intellect ipation – not just as the ‘right thing to do’, and personal integrity. but as an essential human right. Those ministries that engage in overseas missions and activities will ensure that SG1 will seek to level the gender playing To that end, SG2 will set out to enable a planning for mission requirements in- field so that talent alone will win out. We gender transparent, inclusive and equal clude gender supportive provisions. will enable our female leaders to succeed working environment for women so that through their industry and abilities. our country can best harness ALL its la- tent talent and enterprise in whatever are- Further, SG3 will specifically look at whis- We have therefore rejected the short-term na their enterprise is required. tleblower reporting mechanisms and gen- approach of affirmative selection, such der champions within the workplace to en- as all- female lists, in favour of creating sure that women are protected from any a gender transparent, equal and inclusive variant of abuse and treated as equals. We approach to leadership selection, main- will also ensure that women have access tenance and promotion. One where wom- to empowerment and confidence building en are judged on exactly the same criteria mechanisms.

SG1 LEADERSHIP / SG2 PARTICIPATION SG3 FACILITATION / SG4 PROTECTION 24 TO SUM UP 25 SG5 Communication, Furthermore, in order to best leverage the critical mass of behavioural change and Education and Training cultural acceptance we seek to fulfill our ambitions, we regard bringing the popula- (CET) tion with us on our journey to be of para- mount importance. SG5 will address this through a program of constant engage- “When girls are educated, their ment. countries become stronger and more prosperous.” Together, we are stronger! Michelle Obama, former t will be clear that each SG has over- The technical guidance in this policy con- US First Lady SG5 is therefore a cross-cutting goal. lapping areas of activity which, taken tains the specific data that each stake- Operational plans for SG5 will fully detail Ias a whole, provide a strong and clear holder ministry will be required to answer how ministries intent to socialize their framework for future activities, work in their Tier 2 operational plan, using the We regard an effective and open imple- implementation plans, both internally and strands and operational plans. principle of devolved mission command. mentation and delivery network as mis- externally. sion essential to our aspirations – partic- ularly given our ambition and the number of stakeholder entities. Likewise, we rec- ognize that much remains to do to pro- vide appropriate education and training on gender issues across all of society. This includes our men; our NAP is inclusive. Gender inclusivity is a two-way street. To address the imbalances in society, men as are as much an actor as our women in real- izing our journey. We will ensure our men are fully engaged in our CET activities.


ur NAP articulates a clearly defined Stakeholders will be required to inter- mission statement via our five SGs. rogate and develop holistic operation- O al Tier 2 operational plans devolved from We have mandated that delivery of NAP2020-25 direction. This will include our SGs will be implemented via five ma- detail on appropriate work strand resource jor activity areas and supporting work allocation (infrastructure, finance and peo- strands. The ‘how we get there’ vision is ple). The five activity areas are designed to explored in detail in the technical detail be mutually supporting and inclusive of chapter. the five SGs in providing a framework of five work strands and five outcomes and The technical detail chapter will form the outputs that will deliver real change and reference document for operational min- operational effectiveness. istry Tier 2 extraction and development. The five activity areas we have delineated are broad in concept and intended to ad- dress the spectrum of public life in all its aspects:

— Legislative — Policy — Process — Behavioural Change — Cultural awareness and acceptance

Each of these activity areas will contain defined work strands, outcomes (mid-term and final) and desired outputs, as articu- lated in the technical detail chapter.


e recognize that our ambitions 1. Conduct regular co-ordination will require effective, dynamic with stakeholder ministries Wand on-going management over and interlocutors in order to the life of our NAP. validate, synergise and support operational implementation To that end, we will implement a compre- within the step-change hensive oversight agency that will pro- framework of strategic NAP vide stakeholders with guidance, co-or- policy. dination, assistance and direction; whilst 2. Design, engage and oversee also providing accountable and transpar- regular objective and ent monitoring and evaluation of progress subjective independent with effective mediation and mitigation assessment of operational mechanisms to reinforce success and bol- progress and provide regular ster shortcomings. This mechanism will feedback to all parties. ensure NAP 2020-25 is a living, breathing 3. Enable additional technical policy that genuinely institutes affirma- advice, support and cross- tive change in order to achieve our strate- party working, as requested gic outcome. and/or required. 4. Co-ordinate regular reporting As the NAP stakeholder ministry, the to national strategic oversight Ministry of Defence will incorporate plan- (see below) in order to ning, design and delivery of a NAP Co- interrogate and validate ordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell ministerial operational (CMEC) within the ministry operational updates. delivery plan; and undertake to fulfill such 5. Provide a central co- duties for the lifetime of the NAP. ordination, communication and engagement point CMEC will be the primary national opera- of contact for interested tional mechanism to ensure effective and parties, ensuring as broad transparent NAP implementation as the and comprehensive a range Tier 3 operational structure. of consultation as practically possible within resource and Until CMEC is established, the Ministry operational constraints. of Defence will continue to co-ordinate 6. Consult on, co-ordinate and and delegate operational Tier 2 planning communicate annualized with stakeholder ministries (see 2020 desired outcomes, based on a Implementation). positive theory of change, in order to reinforce progress, CMEC will then have the following key re- support shortcomings and sponsibilities: provide a clear roadmap to achieving the strategic outcome. 7. Act as custodian of NAP documentation and reporting through a dedicated share point database.


The delivery of these key responsibilities CMEC enabled monitoring, evaluation On a monthly basis, CMEC will co-ordinate The reporting cycle will be dynamic, agile will be clearly communicated to all parties and reporting step change evidence-based progressive and responsive. CMEC will enable a ‘feed- in order to deliver an all-inclusive, dynam- goals and desired outcomes to stakehold- back loop’ to allow a full and frank discus- ic and forward-thinking CMEC mission ers. sion of events and issues as they arise over We recognize that our NAP 2020-25 has statement: the lifetime of the NAP. Interlocutors and many moving parts - and many account- On a 3 monthly basis, CMEC will conduct stakeholders will be provided with ample able audiences and deliverables. To that roundtable co-ordination and workshops opportunity to voice opinions, concerns end, enabled by CMEC, we will implement with stakeholder ministries and interloc- and advice over implementation rollout. “CMEC will enable and co- an annual reporting cycle over the life of utors in order to provide an informal snap- ordinate national talent, the NAP that will incorporate regular, re- shot validation of progress and best syner- ambition and resource in order sults-based, data-driven updates of op- gise output and resource. to achieve our strategic Tier erational goals. This reporting cycle will 1 NAP mission statement.” interrogate outcomes against strategic goals and provide democratic oversight On a bi-annual (every 6 months), CMEC via established national mechanisms: will enable a compulsory briefing by stake- holder ministries to the cross-government inter-agency consultative advisory group for equal opportunities in order to share and validate progress.

On an annual basis (every 12 months), CMEC will enable a compulsory writ- CMEC ten report from stakeholders and con- Monthly co- duct independent verification of objective ordination and subjective data gathering in order to rigorously stress test annual progress. CMEC will then enable a presentation of the finalized report to the Parliamentary CMEC + Committee on Equal Opportunities for stakeholders Women and Men in order to maintain gen- Three monthly consultation uine and accountable democratic over- and co- sight. This report will be made available ordination for public consumption. CMEC will enable workshops and feedback sessions to allow comment on annual progress. Inter agency consultative advisory group In the final year of the NAP, CMEC will for equal move to complete a final report on over- opportunities all progress and enable the discussion for Six monthly verbal a follow-on NAP program. presentation In order to ensure effective civil society participation, CMEC will ensure represen- Parliamentary Committee tatives from interested parties have the on Equal opportunity to fully participate in CMEC Opportunities activities and have open access to rele- for Women and vant documents and mid-term reports. Men Annual written CMEC will encourage regular workshops report and other participatory communications, education and training events, as per SG5, in order to best socialize ambition, intent and results.


ur tier implementation approach the Tier 1 strategic NAP guidance, by no mandates a NAP strategic frame- later than end September 2020. Each plan Owork that devolves operational au- will be produced in an agreed process and thority to stakeholder institutions and format that encompasses an articulation ministries via the principle of mission of output, mid and final outcomes, activi- command. Our approach will maximise re- ties and work strands, as relevant to each source and talent at the point of delivery. stakeholder. Our approach will also provide flexibility and inter-operability as gender priorities Cross-party consultations will be further are explored and realized over the life of carried out in order to maximise resource the Tier 1 NAP strategic direction. allocation that will marry operational am- bition with the step-change desired SG From the beginning of the NAP drafting mid and final term outcomes over the life process, all stakeholders and interlocutors of the NAP. have had ample opportunity to work with the Ministry of Defence in articulating the Following this necessary co-ordination, by SGs and individual, tailored responses de- January 2021, all stakeholders and institu- pendent on function, need and ambition. tions will be engaged in cross-government, focused and transparent delivery of their Working with the Ministry of Defence, agreed Tier 2 operational implementation each stakeholder institution and ministry plans as expressed within the framework is now required to develop and publish a of the Tier 1 NAP strategic framework (see be-spoke operational plan, extracted from technical delivery).

01.01.2021 Operational Implementation

10.2020 Stakeholder Operational Plans adopted

07.2020 Strategic NAP published

SG5 planning at operational and strategic levels will cross-cut operational delivery to ensure that all interested parties, in- cluding the wider populace, internation- al organisations and civil society are ful- ly engaged in the roll-out of activity and work strands.


rom the outset of the drafting pro- We are clear that implementation will not cess, we have conducted full, frank be an intellectual exercise. This NAP 2020- Fand open discussion with all interest- 25 will be an actionable and accountable ed parties in order to best inform our NAP. exercise with real consequence and re- sults. We expect to be evaluated and will Civil society and international organisa- remain open to constructive and support- tions participated in a full round of consul- ive dialogue with all interested parties in tative workshops and were invited to com- order to deliver our ambition and vision. plete a wide-ranging questionnaire to best express ambition, preferred methodology and desired end state.

We have been clear from the beginning that NAP 2020-25 offers an opportunity for engaged parties to ‘dream’ – and ex- press their heartfelt ambitions. This NAP will direct real, definable and actionable change. We have addressed as full an en- gagement process as practically possible to ensure as much consensus as possible.

We are determined that civil society and the populace at large will continue with this joint approach during delivery. We will continue to conduct workshops, visits and public events to socialize, refine and implement our NAP.

We will continue cooperation with civil society, international organisations and other national bodies- and will formalise opportunities to add their knowledge, tal- ent and resource to our joint project. We have mandated a comprehensive approach to communications, education and train- ing engagement through SG5 and will en- able the CMEC (see appropriate chapter) to expedite. CONSULTATION AND ENGAGEMENT CONSULTATION AND ENGAGEMENT 36 TECHNICAL 37 DELIVERY

“A failure to plan is a plan to fail” Winston Churchill

ier 2 operational planning will derive from the technical data below, which articu- lates outputs, activities, work strands, mid and final term outcomes. The Ministry Tof Defence will conduct relevant workshops with all stakeholder ministries and institutions and ensure continuity of output via a common planning format. Tier 2 min- istries will delegate a planning team and point of contact that will cooperate with the Ministry of Defence and CMEC.

This implementation work will be dynamic, imaginative and forward-thinking. Tier 2 ministries will engage in a common evaluation process, coordinated by CMEC, to ad- dress three major discussion drivers:

— Challenge assumptions and group think — Break down barriers — Smash through stereotypes

Tier 2 evaluation discussions will consist of seven questions:

1. What is the situation and how does it affect me? 2. What have I been directed to achieve and why? 3. What effects do I need to achieve and what direction must I give to develop my plan? 4. Where can I best accomplish each action or effect? 5. What resources do I need to accomplish each action or effect? 6. When and where do the actions take place in relation to each other? 7. What control measures do I need to impose?


The Ministry of Defence and CMEC will which the Ministry of Defence will pro- be available to provide additional support. duce, co-ordinate and record. The common approach will provide a uni- versal method of recording and validation Tier 2 plans will be required to clearly ex- of process. plain how, where and why each course of action relates to the Tier 1 NAP and WPS Tier 2 plans will be required to address vision and values, as per the detailed SG the following activity, work strand, mid statements of requirement articulated be- and final outcomes and output statement low. of requirements, which are articulated at length for each SG below. These will be presented in a common reporting format,

Mid-term SG1 Activity Outcome Output outcome

Mid-term SG2 Activity Outcome Output outcome

Mid-term SG3 Activity Outcome Output outcome

Mid-term SG4 Activity Outcome Output outcome

Mid-term SG5 Activity Outcome Output outcome

TECHNICAL DELIVERY TECHNICAL DELIVERY 40 41 SG1 Leadership: — Cultural awareness and acceptance; • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that the importance of gender transparency in selection, maintenance and promo- SG1 Output: tion of female leadership is universal, understood and accepted practice. Work strands: Effective, accountable and sustainable female participation in all aspects of leadership is objectively and subjectively assessed as being gender transparent, equal and inclu- Legislative; sive, with appropriate supporting legislation, policy, structures, process, training and education implemented and accepted. — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant legislation; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to inform mitigating Mid-term outcomes: solutions that best enable inclusive female participation in leadership — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify and — Legislation; compare equality opportunities and thence harmonise legislative initiatives • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent legislation — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with legislative enablers. is completed — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess • gender exclusive language, shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codi- progress in line with outcome fied, mitigation and solutions are identified — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative legislative initiatives — Policy; Policy; • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent policy is completed — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant policy; identifying and • gender exclusive policy language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted solutions that best enable inclusive female participation in leadership — Process; — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent process is equality opportunities and thence harmonise policy initiatives completed — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with policy enablers; identifying • gender exclusive process language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and and selecting suitable gender champions roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess — Behavioural Change; progress in line with outcome • stakeholder objective and subjective analysis of transparent gender par- — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative policy initiatives ticipation in leadership displays positive change towards numbers, accep- tance, advancement and sustainment Process; — Cultural awareness and acceptance; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant process; identifying and • appropriate and comprehensive gender education and awareness pro- codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating grams encouraged and implemented solutions that best enable inclusive female participation in leadership • consultative methodology for recording and reporting institutional gen- — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify der bias is devised, championed and implemented equality opportunities and thence harmonise process initiatives Outcomes: — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with process enablers; identifying and selecting suitable gender champions — Legislation; — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess • all relevant and pertinent existing legislation is revoked, amended or as- progress in line with outcome sented in order to provide a legal bedrock to support the Strategic Goal — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative process initiatives — Policy; Behavioural Change; • all relevant and pertinent existing policy is deleted, amended or created in order to operationally enact gender inclusive, effective, sustainable — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of the working environment; identifying and transparently equal conditions for women in leadership and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating — Process; solutions that best enable inclusive female participation in leadership • all relevant and pertinent existing process is deleted, amended or created — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify in order to operationally enact gender inclusive, effective, sustainable equality opportunities and thence harmonise behavioural initiatives and transparently equal opportunities for women in leadership — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with behavioural change enablers, — Behavioural Change; including the selection and promotion of gender role models and champions • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that — Enable stakeholders in order to inform and support affirmative behavioural leadership appointments and positions are free from gender bias and initiative on-going mitigating strategies are in place to support gender inclusive behavioural change

TECHNICAL DELIVERY TECHNICAL DELIVERY 42 43 — Stakeholders devise, introduce and methodically implement objective and SG2 Participation: subjective gender behavior analytics of legislation, policy and process change in order to better inform the efficacy of strategic goal outcomes Strategic Goal 2 Output: — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative behavioural change initiatives Effective, accountable and sustainable female participation in all aspects of society is Cultural awareness and acceptance; objectively and subjectively assessed as being gender transparent, inclusive and equal, — Workshops on UNSCR1325 principles and standards; supporting training on with appropriate supporting legislation, policy, structures, process, training and educa- implementing UNSCR1325 practise tion implemented and accepted. — Workshops on Tier 1 NAP principles and approach — Engagement with wider society on NAP principles and practice; promotion Mid-term outcomes: and communication of progress — Dovetailed strategic communications plan with Strategic Goal 5 in order to — Legislation; best socialise expected outcomes and work strands • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent legislation — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative cultural awareness and is completed acceptance initiatives • gender exclusive language, shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codi- fied, mitigation and solutions are identified — Policy; • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent policy is completed • gender exclusive policy language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted — Process; • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent process is completed • gender exclusive process language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted — Behavioural Change; • stakeholder objective and subjective analysis of transparent gender par- ticipation in society displays positive change towards numbers, accep- tance, advancement and sustainment — Cultural awareness and acceptance; • appropriate and comprehensive gender education and awareness pro- grams encouraged and implemented • consultative methodology for recording and reporting institutional gen- der bias is devised, championed and implemented

Outcomes: — Legislation; • all relevant and pertinent existing legislation is revoked, amended or as- sented in order to provide a legal bedrock to support the Strategic Goal — Policy; • all relevant and pertinent existing policy is deleted, amended or created in order to enact gender inclusive, effective, sustainable and transparent gender equality in society — Process; • all relevant and pertinent existing process is deleted, amended or created in order to operationally enact gender inclusive, effective, sustainable and transparently equal opportunities for women — Behavioural Change; • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that all aspects of society are free from gender bias and on-going mitigating strategies are in place to support gender inclusive behavioural change


— Cultural awareness and acceptance; — Stakeholders devise, introduce and methodically implement objective and • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that the subjective gender behavior analytics of legislation, policy and process change importance of gender transparency in selection, maintenance and pro- in order to better inform the efficacy of strategic goal outcomes motion is universal, understood and accepted practise — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative behavioural change initiatives Work strands: Cultural awareness and acceptance; Legislative; — Workshops on UNSCR1325 principles and standards; supporting training on — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant legislation; identifying implementing UNSCR1325 practise and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to inform mitigating — Workshops on Tier 1 NAP principles and approach solutions that best enable inclusive female participation — Engagement with wider society on NAP principles and practice; promotion — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify and and communication of progress compare equality opportunities and thence harmonise legislative initiatives — Dovetailed strategic communications plan with Strategic Goal 5 in order to — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with legislative enablers. best socialise expected outcomes and work strands — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative cultural awareness and progress in line with outcome acceptance initiatives — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative legislative initiatives Policy; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant policy; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable inclusive female participation — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify equality opportunities and thence harmonise policy initiatives — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with policy enablers; identifying and selecting suitable gender champions — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess progress in line with outcome — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative policy initiatives Process; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant process; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable inclusive female participation in leadership — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify equality opportunities and thence harmonise process initiatives — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with process enablers; identifying and selecting suitable gender champions — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess progress in line with outcome — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative process initiatives Behavioural Change; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of the working environment; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable inclusive female participation in society — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify equality opportunities and thence harmonise behavioural initiatives — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with behavioural change enablers, including the selection and promotion of gender role models and champions — Enable stakeholders in order to inform and support affirmative behavioural initiative

TECHNICAL DELIVERY TECHNICAL DELIVERY 46 47 SG3 Facilitation; — Behavioural Change; • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that gen- der enablers are fully supportive and on-going strategies are in place to Output: enable positive change — Cultural awareness and acceptance; Effective, accountable and sustainable gender enablers in all aspects of public life are • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that the objectively and subjectively assessed as being gender supportive, equal and inclusive, importance of gender enablers are understood and supported with appropriate supporting legislation, policy, structures, process, training and educa- Work strands: tion implemented and accepted Legislative; Mid-term outcomes: — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant legislation; identifying — Legislation; and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to inform mitigating • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent legislation solutions that best enable gender enablers is completed — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify and • gender exclusive language, shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codi- compare equality opportunities and thence harmonise legislative initiatives fied, mitigation and solutions are identified — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with legislative enablers — Policy; — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent policy is progress in line with outcome completed — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative legislative initiatives • gender exclusive policy language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted Policy; — Process; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant policy; identifying and • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent process is codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating completed solutions that best enable gender enablers • gender exclusive infrastructure, materiel, mechanisms, language, meth- — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify odology shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions opportunities and thence harmonise policy initiatives identified and instituted — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with policy enablers; identifying — Behavioural Change; and selecting suitable gender champions • stakeholder objective and subjective analysis of transparent gender en- — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess ablers in society displays positive change towards creating a gender sup- progress in line with outcome portive environment — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative policy initiatives — Cultural awareness and acceptance; Process; • appropriate and comprehensive gender education and awareness pro- grams encouraged and implemented — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant process; identifying and • consultative methodology for recording and reporting institutional gen- codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating der bias is devised, championed and implemented solutions that best enact gender enablers Outcomes: — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify equality opportunities and thence harmonise process initiatives — Legislation; — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with process; identifying and • all relevant and pertinent existing legislation is revoked, amended or as- selecting suitable gender champions sented in order to provide a legal bedrock to support the Strategic Goal — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess — Policy; progress in line with outcome • all relevant and pertinent existing policy is deleted, amended or created — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative process initiatives in order to operationally enact gender supportive, effective, sustainable enablers for society Behavioural Change; — Process; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of the working environment; identifying • all relevant and pertinent existing process, infrastructure, materiel and and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating mechanisms are removed, deleted, amended or created in order to oper- solutions that best enable gender enablers ationally enact gender supportive, effective, sustainable and transparent — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify enablers equality opportunities and thence harmonise gender enablers — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with behavioural change, including the selection and promotion of gender role models and champions

TECHNICAL DELIVERY TECHNICAL DELIVERY 48 49 — Enable stakeholders in order to inform and support affirmative behavioural SG4 Protection: initiatives — Stakeholders devise, introduce and methodically implement objective and Strategic Goal 4 Output: subjective gender behavior analytics of legislation, policy and process change in order to better inform the efficacy of strategic goal outcomes — -Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative behavioural change Effective, accountable and sustainable gender protections in all aspects of public life initiatives are objectively and subjectively assessed as being comprehensive, with appropriate sup- porting legislation, policy, structures, process, training and education implemented and Cultural awareness and acceptance; accepted. — Workshops on UNSCR1325 principles and standards; supporting training on implementing UNSCR1325 practise Emphasis will be placed on legislation and policy that include explicit references to the — Workshops on Tier 1 NAP principles and approach towards gender enablers protection of women from any form of violence, the impact of arms, armed conflict, — Engagement with wider society on NAP principles and practice; promotion sexual violence directed towards women and development and the key role of women’s and communication of progress participation in small arms control. — Dovetailed strategic communications plan with Strategic Goal 5 in order to best socialise expected outcomes and work strands Mid-term outcomes: — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative cultural awareness and acceptance initiatives — Legislation; — Opinionated • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent legislation is completed • gender exclusive language, shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codi- fied, mitigation and solutions are identified to comprehensively address gender based crime — Policy; • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent policy is completed • gender exclusive policy language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted — Process; • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent process is completed, including metric assessment of efficacy • gender exclusive process mechanisms, language, methodology short- comings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted — Behavioural Change; • stakeholder objective and subjective analysis of transparent gender pro- tections in society displays positive change towards creating a gender supportive environment and a reduction in gender based crime — Cultural awareness and acceptance; • appropriate and comprehensive gender education and awareness pro- grams encouraged and implemented • consultative methodology for recording and reporting institutional gen- der based crime is devised, championed and implemented Outcomes: — Legislation; • all relevant and pertinent existing legislation is revoked, amended or as- sented in order to provide a legal bedrock to support the Strategic Goal — Policy; • all relevant and pertinent existing policy is deleted, amended or created in order to operationally enact gender supportive, effective, sustainable protections for public life


— Process; Behavioural Change; • all relevant and pertinent existing process, infrastructure, materiel and mechanisms are removed, deleted, amended or created in order to oper- — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of the working environment; identifying ationally enact gender supportive, effective, sustainable and transparent and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating protections solutions that best enable gender protections — Behavioural Change; — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify similar opportunities and thence harmonise gender protections • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that gen- der protections are fully supportive and on-going strategies are in place • Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with behavioural change en- to enable positive change, including reduction in gender based crime ablers, including the selection and promotion of gender role models and — Cultural awareness and acceptance; champions • Enable stakeholders in order to inform and support affirmative be- • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that the importance of gender protections and the consequences of gender based havioural initiatives crime are understood and supported • Stakeholders devise, introduce and methodically implement objective and subjective gender behavior analytics of legislation, policy and pro- Work strands: cess change, including metrics on gender based crime, in order to better inform the efficacy of strategic goal outcomes Legislative; • Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative behavioural change initiatives — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant legislation; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to inform mitigating Cultural awareness and acceptance; solutions that best enable gender protections — Workshops on UNSCR1325 principles and standards; supporting training on — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify and implementing UNSCR1325 practise compare security and justice approaches to gender and thence harmonise — Workshops on Tier 1 NAP principles and approach towards gender protections legislative initiatives — Engagement with wider society on NAP principles and practice; promotion — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with legislative enablers and communication of progress — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess — Dovetailed strategic communications plan with Strategic Goal 5 in order to progress in line with outcome best socialise expected outcomes and work strands — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative legislative initiatives — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative cultural awareness and Policy; acceptance initiatives — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant policy; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable gender protections — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify opportunities and thence harmonise gender security and justice policy initiatives — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with policy enablers; identifying and selecting suitable gender champions — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess progress in line with outcome — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative policy initiatives Process; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant process; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable gender protections — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify equality opportunities and thence harmonise gender security and justice process initiatives — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with process enablers; identifying and selecting suitable gender champions — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess progress in line with outcome — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative process initiatives

TECHNICAL DELIVERY TECHNICAL DELIVERY 52 53 SG5 Communication Education and Training — Behavioural Change; • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that (CET) gender CET carefully supportive and on-going strategies are in place to enable positive change Strategic Goal 5 Output: — Cultural awareness and acceptance; • stakeholders confirm through objective and subjective evidence that the importance of gender CET are understood and supported Effective, accountable and sustainable communication, education and training (CET) for gender in all aspects of society are objectively and subjectively assessed as being com- Work strands: prehensive, fully integrated and harmonized with Strategic Goals 1-4 Legislative; Mid-term outcomes: — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant legislation; identifying — Legislation; and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to inform mitigating solutions that best enable gender CET • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of internal and external gender CET strategies are complete — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify CET approaches to gender and thence harmonise legislative initiatives • gender exclusive communications language, shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified, mitigation and solutions are identified to com- — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with legislative enablers prehensively address gender CET — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess — Policy; progress in line with outcome — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative legislative initiatives • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent communi- cations policy and messaging is completed Policy; • gender exclusive policy language, methodology shortcomings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and instituted — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant policy; identifying and — Process; codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable gender CET • comprehensive stakeholder analysis of relevant and pertinent process is completed, including metric assessment of efficacy — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify opportunities and thence harmonise gender CET policy initiatives • gender exclusive process mechanisms, language, methodology short- comings, gaps and roadblocks are codified and solutions identified and — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with policy enablers; identifying instituted and selecting suitable gender champions — Behavioural Change; — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess progress in line with outcome • stakeholder objective and subjective analysis of gender representation in CET displays positive messaging towards creating a gender transparent — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative policy initiatives environment Process; — Cultural awareness and acceptance; — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of relevant process; identifying and • appropriate and comprehensive gender CET and awareness programs en- couraged and implemented codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating solutions that best enable gender CET • consultative methodology for recording and reporting institutional gen- der CET bias is devised, championed and implemented — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify equality opportunities and thence harmonise gender CET process initiatives Outcomes: — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with process enablers; identifying — Legislation; and selecting suitable gender champions — Stakeholder development and reporting of objective markers to assess • all relevant and pertinent existing gender CET legislation is revoked, amended or assented in order to provide a legal bedrock to support the SG progress in line with outcome — Policy; — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative process initiatives • all relevant and pertinent existing policy is deleted, amended or created Behavioural Change; in order to operationally enact supportive, effective, sustainable CET in public life — Stakeholder analysis and comparison of the working environment; identifying and codifying shortcomings and deficiencies in order to identify mitigating • — Process; solutions that best enable gender CET — Stakeholder workshops on international best practice in order to identify • all relevant and pertinent existing process, infrastructure, materiel and mechanisms are removed, deleted, amended or created in order to oper- similar opportunities and thence harmonise gender CET ationally enact supportive, effective, sustainable and transparent gender — Workshops to align stakeholder priorities with behavioural change enablers, CET including the selection and promotion of gender role models and champions


— Enable stakeholders in order to inform and support affirmative behavioural initiatives — Stakeholders devise, introduce and methodically implement objective and subjective gender CET analytics of legislation, policy and process change in order to better inform the efficacy of SG outcomes — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative behavioural change initiatives Cultural awareness and acceptance; — Workshops on UNSCR1325 principles and standards; supporting training on implementing UNSCR1325 practise — Workshops on Tier 1 NAP principles and approach towards gender CET — Engagement with wider society on Tier 1 NAP principles and practice; promotion and communication of progress — Dovetailed Tier 2 operational plan with SG5 in order to best socialise expected outcomes and work strands — Enable stakeholders to inform and support affirmative cultural awareness and acceptance initiatives


MEC will produce a common frame- work planning skeleton for Tier 2 Cministries that will provide a com- mon platform in order to enable synergy of planning and cross-coordination of re- source, ambition and output.


e recognize our ambitions are “The Republic of North large. However, our 2020 canvas Macedonia UNSCR 1325 Wis large: National Action Plan 2020- 25 will act as a key driver The Republic of North Macedonia is now a to delivering our vision of full NATO member and a valued military a society that views gender contributor to overseas missions. We as- equality, inclusion and pire to join the European Union. Our coun- transparency as a matter of try has a young populace hungry for posi- course and is an exemplar of tive change. Our economy is growing fast. successful implementation of Women Peace and Security We must harness all our talent; our wom- vision and values.” en and men must be united in achieving one mighty enterprise.

There is much to do, with many audiences, many stakeholders and many ambitions. Too much, in fact, to articulate in a single document. That is why we have adopted the principles of mission command, set- ting broad strategic goals and devolving operational implementation responsibili- ty to the expert practitioners within each ministry and organization, but coordinat- ed in a central delivery authority to deliv- er a sustained campaign in order to realise our strategic Tier 1 NAP 2020-25 mission statement:

CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Acknowledgements to the Members of the Working Group for Implementation of Gender Perspectives in the Ministry of Defence Special thanks to: Colonel Goran Ilioski Lieutenant Colonel Biljana Nikolovska Afrdita Volina Biljana Stevkova Elena Ivanova July, 2020